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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsstate.h */
- /* Graphics state routines for Ghostscript library */
- /* Opaque type for a graphics state */
- /*typedef struct gs_state_s gs_state;*/ /* defined in gs.h */
- /* Line cap values */
- typedef enum {
- gs_cap_butt = 0,
- gs_cap_round = 1,
- gs_cap_square = 2
- } gs_line_cap;
- /* Line join values */
- typedef enum {
- gs_join_miter = 0,
- gs_join_round = 1,
- gs_join_bevel = 2
- } gs_line_join;
- /* Allocation, freeing, initialization, and copying */
- gs_state *gs_state_alloc(P1(const gs_memory_procs *)); /* 0 if fails */
- int gs_state_free(P1(gs_state *));
- int gs_gsave(P1(gs_state *)),
- gs_grestore(P1(gs_state *)),
- gs_grestoreall(P1(gs_state *));
- gs_state *gs_gstate(P1(gs_state *));
- int gs_copygstate(P2(gs_state * /*to*/, const gs_state * /*from*/)),
- gs_currentgstate(P2(gs_state * /*to*/, const gs_state * /*from*/)),
- gs_setgstate(P2(gs_state * /*to*/, const gs_state * /*from*/));
- gs_state *gs_state_swap_saved(P2(gs_state *, gs_state *)); /* special for save/restore */
- int gs_initgraphics(P1(gs_state *));
- /* Device control */
- #ifndef gx_device_DEFINED
- # define gx_device_DEFINED
- typedef struct gx_device_s gx_device;
- #endif
- #ifndef gs_prop_item_DEFINED
- # define gs_prop_item_DEFINED
- typedef struct gs_prop_item_s gs_prop_item;
- extern const uint gs_prop_item_sizeof;
- #endif
- int gs_flushpage(P1(gs_state *));
- int gs_copypage(P1(gs_state *));
- int gs_output_page(P3(gs_state *, int, int));
- int gs_copyscanlines(P6(gx_device *, int, byte *, uint, int *, uint *));
- gx_device * gs_getdevice(P1(int));
- int gs_copydevice(P3(gx_device **, const gx_device *, const gs_memory_procs *));
- int gs_makeimagedevice(P7(gx_device **, const gs_matrix *, uint, uint, const byte *, int, const gs_memory_procs *));
- void gs_nulldevice(P1(gs_state *));
- int gs_setdevice(P2(gs_state *, gx_device *));
- gx_device * gs_currentdevice(P1(const gs_state *));
- const char * gs_devicename(P1(const gx_device *));
- void gs_deviceinitialmatrix(P2(gx_device *, gs_matrix *));
- int gs_getdeviceprops_size(P1(gx_device *));
- int gs_getdeviceprops(P2(gx_device *, gs_prop_item *));
- int gs_putdeviceprops(P3(gx_device *, gs_prop_item *, int));
- int gs_closedevice(P1(gx_device *));
- /* Line parameters and quality */
- int gs_setlinewidth(P2(gs_state *, floatp));
- float gs_currentlinewidth(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setlinecap(P2(gs_state *, gs_line_cap));
- gs_line_cap gs_currentlinecap(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setlinejoin(P2(gs_state *, gs_line_join));
- gs_line_join gs_currentlinejoin(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setmiterlimit(P2(gs_state *, floatp));
- float gs_currentmiterlimit(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setdash(P4(gs_state *, const float *, uint, floatp));
- uint gs_currentdash_length(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_currentdash_pattern(P2(const gs_state *, float *));
- float gs_currentdash_offset(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setflat(P2(gs_state *, floatp));
- float gs_currentflat(P1(const gs_state *));
- int gs_setstrokeadjust(P2(gs_state *, int));
- int gs_currentstrokeadjust(P1(const gs_state *));
- /* Color and gray */
- #include "gscolor.h"
- /* Halftone screen */
- int gs_setscreen(P4(gs_state *, floatp, floatp, float (*)(P2(floatp, floatp))));
- int gs_currentscreen(P4(gs_state *, float *, float *, float (**)(P2(floatp, floatp))));
- int gs_sethalftonephase(P3(gs_state *, int, int));
- int gs_currenthalftonephase(P2(gs_state *, gs_int_point *));
- /* Enumeration-style screen definition */
- typedef struct gs_screen_enum_s gs_screen_enum;
- extern const uint gs_screen_enum_sizeof;
- int gs_screen_init(P4(gs_screen_enum *, gs_state *, floatp, floatp));
- int gs_screen_currentpoint(P2(gs_screen_enum *, gs_point *));
- int gs_screen_next(P2(gs_screen_enum *, floatp));
- /* "Client data" interface for graphics states. */
- typedef char/*void*/ *(*gs_state_alloc_proc_t)(P1(const gs_memory_procs *mp));
- typedef int (*gs_state_copy_proc_t)(P2(char/*void*/ *to, const char/*void*/ *from));
- typedef void (*gs_state_free_proc_t)(P2(char/*void*/ *old, const gs_memory_procs *mp));
- typedef struct gs_state_client_procs_s {
- gs_state_alloc_proc_t alloc;
- gs_state_copy_proc_t copy;
- gs_state_free_proc_t free;
- } gs_state_client_procs;
- void gs_state_set_client(P3(gs_state *, char/*void*/ *, const gs_state_client_procs *));
- char/*void*/ *gs_state_client_data(P1(gs_state *));