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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxclread.c */
- /* Command list reading for Ghostscript. */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h" /* must precede gxclist.h */
- #include "gxcldev.h"
- /* Imported from gxclist.c */
- int clist_flush_buffer(P1(gx_device_clist *));
- /* Print a bitmap for tracing */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- private void
- cmd_print_bits(const byte *data, int height, int raster)
- { int i, j;
- for ( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
- { const byte *row = data + i * raster;
- dprintf("[L]");
- for ( j = 0; j < raster; j++ )
- dprintf1(" %02x", row[j]);
- dputc('\n');
- }
- }
- #else
- # define cmd_print_bits(data, height, raster)
- #endif
- /* ------ Reading/rendering ------ */
- private int clist_render_init(P1(gx_device_clist *));
- private int clist_render(P3(gx_device_clist *, gx_device *, int));
- /* Copy a scan line to the client. This is where rendering gets done. */
- int
- clist_get_bits(gx_device *dev, int y, byte *str, byte **actual_data)
- { gx_device_memory *mdev = &cdev->mdev;
- /* Initialize for rendering if we haven't done so yet. */
- if ( cdev->ymin < 0 )
- { int code = clist_render_init(cdev);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- /* Render a band if necessary, and copy it incrementally. */
- if ( !(y >= cdev->ymin && y < cdev->ymax) )
- { int band = y / mdev->height;
- int code;
- rewind(cdev->bfile);
- (*mdev->procs->open_device)((gx_device *)mdev); /* reinitialize */
- code = clist_render(cdev, (gx_device *)mdev, band);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- cdev->ymin = band * mdev->height;
- cdev->ymax = cdev->ymin + mdev->height;
- }
- return (*mdev->procs->get_bits)((gx_device *)mdev,
- y - cdev->ymin, str, actual_data);
- }
- #undef cdev
- /* Initialize for reading. */
- private int
- clist_render_init(gx_device_clist *cdev)
- { gx_device *target = cdev->target;
- byte *base = cdev->mdev.base; /* save */
- int depth = target->color_info.depth;
- uint raster = gx_device_raster(target, 1);
- const gx_device_memory *mdev = gdev_mem_device_for_bits(depth);
- int code;
- if ( mdev == 0 )
- return_error(gs_error_rangecheck);
- code = clist_flush_buffer(cdev); /* flush buffer */
- if ( code < 0 ) return 0;
- /* Write the terminating entry in the block file. */
- /* Note that because of copypage, there may be many such entries. */
- { cmd_block cb;
- cb.band = -1;
- cb.pos = ftell(cdev->cfile);
- clist_write(cdev->bfile, (byte *)&cb, sizeof(cb));
- cdev->bfile_end_pos = ftell(cdev->bfile);
- }
- cdev->mdev = *mdev;
- cdev->mdev.base = base; /* restore */
- (*target->procs->get_initial_matrix)(target, &cdev->mdev.initial_matrix);
- cdev->mdev.width = target->width;
- cdev->mdev.height = cdev->band_height;
- cdev->mdev.raster = raster;
- cdev->mdev.target = target;
- cdev->ymin = cdev->ymax = 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['l'] | gs_debug['L'] )
- { extern void cmd_print_stats(P0());
- cmd_print_stats();
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Render one band to a specified target device. */
- typedef byte _ss *cb_ptr;
- #define cmd_getw(var, p)\
- { int _shift = 0; for ( var = 0; var += (int)(*p & 0x7f) << _shift,\
- *p++ > 0x7f; _shift += 7 ) ;\
- }
- private cb_ptr cmd_read_rect(P2(gx_cmd_rect *, cb_ptr));
- private void clist_read(P3(FILE *, byte *, uint));
- private cb_ptr clist_read_short_bits(P6(FILE *, byte *, int, int, cb_ptr, cb_ptr));
- private int
- clist_render(gx_device_clist *cdev, gx_device *tdev, int band)
- { byte cbuf[cbuf_size];
- long bits[255]; /* for short copy_mono bits, must be aligned */
- register cb_ptr cbp;
- cb_ptr cb_limit;
- cb_ptr cb_end;
- FILE *file = cdev->cfile;
- FILE *bfile = cdev->bfile;
- int y0 = band * cdev->band_height;
- gx_clist_state state;
- gx_bitmap state_tile;
- uint tile_bits_size; /* size of bits of each tile */
- gs_int_point tile_phase;
- cmd_block b_this;
- long pos;
- uint left;
- #define cmd_read(ptr, vsize, cbp)\
- if ( cb_end - cbp >= vsize )\
- memcpy(ptr, cbp, vsize), cbp += vsize;\
- else\
- { uint cleft = cb_end - cbp;\
- memcpy(ptr, cbp, cleft); vsize -= cleft;\
- clist_read(file, ptr + cleft, vsize);\
- cbp = cb_end;\
- }
- #define cmd_read_short_bits(ptr, bw, ht, cbp)\
- cbp = clist_read_short_bits(file, ptr, bw, ht, cbp, cb_end)
- state = cls_initial;
- state_tile.id = 0;
- tile_phase.x = tile_phase.y = 0;
- trd: clist_read(bfile, (byte *)&b_this, sizeof(b_this));
- top: /* Find the next run of commands for this band. */
- if ( b_this.band < 0 && ftell(bfile) == cdev->bfile_end_pos )
- return 0; /* end of bfile */
- if ( b_this.band != band ) goto trd;
- pos = b_this.pos;
- clist_read(bfile, (byte *)&b_this, sizeof(b_this));
- fseek(file, pos, SEEK_SET);
- left = (uint)(b_this.pos - pos);
- cb_limit = cbuf + (cbuf_size - cmd_largest_size);
- cb_end = cbuf + cbuf_size;
- cbp = cb_end;
- for ( ; ; )
- { int op;
- uint bytes;
- int data_x, raster;
- int code;
- cb_ptr source;
- gx_color_index _ss *pcolor;
- /* Make sure the buffer contains a full command. */
- if ( cbp > cb_limit )
- { uint nread;
- memcpy(cbuf, cbp, cb_end - cbp);
- cbp = cbuf + (cb_end - cbp);
- nread = cb_end - cbp;
- if ( nread > left ) nread = left;
- clist_read(file, cbp, nread);
- cb_end = cbp + nread;
- cbp = cbuf;
- left -= nread;
- if ( cb_limit > cb_end ) cb_limit = cb_end;
- }
- op = *cbp++;
- if_debug2('L', "[L]%s %d:\n",
- cmd_op_names[op >> 4], op & 0xf);
- switch ( op >> 4 )
- {
- case cmd_op_misc >> 4:
- switch ( op )
- {
- case cmd_opv_end_run:
- goto top;
- case cmd_opv_set_tile_size:
- cmd_getw(state_tile.size.x, cbp);
- cmd_getw(state_tile.size.y, cbp);
- state_tile.raster = ((state_tile.size.x + 31) >> 5) << 2;
- /* We can't actually know the rep_size, */
- /* so we play it safe. */
- state_tile.rep_width = state_tile.size.x;
- state_tile.rep_height = state_tile.size.y;
- cdev->tile_slot_size = tile_bits_size =
- state_tile.raster * state_tile.size.y;
- break;
- case cmd_opv_set_tile_phase:
- cmd_getw(state.tile_phase.x, cbp);
- cmd_getw(state.tile_phase.y, cbp);
- break;
- default:
- goto bad_op;
- }
- tile_phase.x = state.tile_phase.x % state_tile.size.x;
- tile_phase.y = (state.tile_phase.y + y0) % state_tile.size.y;
- continue;
- case cmd_op_set_color0 >> 4:
- pcolor = &state.color0;
- goto set_color;
- case cmd_op_set_color1 >> 4:
- pcolor = &state.color1;
- set_color: if ( op & 0xf )
- *pcolor = (gx_color_index)(long)((op & 0xf) - 2);
- else
- { memcpy(pcolor, cbp, sizeof(gx_color_index));
- cbp += sizeof(gx_color_index);
- }
- continue;
- case cmd_op_set_tile_index >> 4:
- state_tile.data = (byte *)tile_slot_ptr(cdev, *cbp);
- cbp++;
- continue;
- case cmd_op_copy_mono >> 4:
- if ( op & 0xf )
- { cmd_getw(state.rect.x, cbp);
- cmd_getw(state.rect.y, cbp);
- state.rect.width = *cbp++;
- state.rect.height = *cbp++;
- break;
- }
- /* falls through */
- case cmd_op_fill_rect >> 4:
- case cmd_op_tile_rect >> 4:
- case cmd_op_copy_color >> 4:
- cbp = cmd_read_rect(&state.rect, cbp);
- break;
- case cmd_op_fill_rect_short >> 4:
- case cmd_op_tile_rect_short >> 4:
- state.rect.x += *cbp + cmd_min_short;
- state.rect.width += cbp[1] + cmd_min_short;
- if ( op & 0xf )
- { state.rect.height += (op & 0xf) + cmd_min_tiny;
- cbp += 2;
- }
- else
- { state.rect.y += cbp[2] + cmd_min_short;
- state.rect.height += cbp[3] + cmd_min_short;
- cbp += 4;
- }
- break;
- case cmd_op_fill_rect_tiny >> 4:
- case cmd_op_tile_rect_tiny >> 4:
- { int txy = *cbp++;
- state.rect.x += (txy >> 4) + cmd_min_tiny;
- state.rect.y += (txy & 0xf) + cmd_min_tiny;
- state.rect.width += (op & 0xf) + cmd_min_tiny;
- } break;
- case cmd_op_set_tile_bits >> 4:
- state_tile.data = (byte *)tile_slot_ptr(cdev, *cbp);
- cbp++;
- if ( state_tile.size.x <= 16 )
- { cmd_read_short_bits(state_tile.data, 2, state_tile.size.y, cbp);
- }
- else
- { bytes = tile_bits_size;
- cmd_read(state_tile.data, bytes, cbp);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['L'] )
- cmd_print_bits(state_tile.data, state_tile.size.y,
- state_tile.raster);
- #endif
- continue;
- case cmd_op_delta_tile_bits >> 4:
- { byte *new_data = (byte *)tile_slot_ptr(cdev, *cbp);
- cbp++;
- memcpy(new_data, state_tile.data, tile_bits_size);
- state_tile.data = new_data;
- do
- { uint offset = *cbp;
- if ( offset < 0x80 )
- new_data[offset] ^= cbp[1],
- cbp += 2;
- else
- offset -= 0x80,
- new_data[offset] ^= cbp[1],
- new_data[offset + 1] ^= cbp[2],
- cbp += 3;
- }
- while ( op-- & 0xf );
- } continue;
- default:
- bad_op: lprintf5("Bad op %02x band %d file pos %ld buf pos %d/%d\n",
- op, band, ftell(file), (int)(cbp - cbuf), (int)(cb_end - cbuf));
- { cb_ptr pp;
- for ( pp = cbuf; pp < cb_end; pp += 10 )
- lprintf10(" %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
- pp[0], pp[1], pp[2], pp[3], pp[4],
- pp[5], pp[6], pp[7], pp[8], pp[9]);
- }
- return_error(gs_error_Fatal);
- }
- if_debug4('L', "[L] x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d\n",
- state.rect.x, state.rect.y, state.rect.width,
- state.rect.height);
- switch ( op >> 4 )
- {
- case cmd_op_fill_rect >> 4:
- case cmd_op_fill_rect_short >> 4:
- case cmd_op_fill_rect_tiny >> 4:
- code = (*tdev->procs->fill_rectangle)
- (tdev, state.rect.x, state.rect.y - y0,
- state.rect.width, state.rect.height, state.color1);
- break;
- case cmd_op_tile_rect >> 4:
- case cmd_op_tile_rect_short >> 4:
- case cmd_op_tile_rect_tiny >> 4:
- code = (*tdev->procs->tile_rectangle)
- (tdev, &state_tile,
- state.rect.x, state.rect.y - y0,
- state.rect.width, state.rect.height,
- state.color0, state.color1,
- tile_phase.x, tile_phase.y);
- break;
- case cmd_op_copy_mono >> 4:
- if ( op & 0xf )
- { data_x = (op & 0xf) - 1;
- raster = 4;
- cmd_read_short_bits((byte *)bits, (data_x + state.rect.width + 7) >> 3, state.rect.height, cbp);
- source = (byte *)bits;
- goto copy;
- }
- /* falls through */
- case cmd_op_copy_color >> 4:
- cmd_getw(data_x, cbp);
- cmd_getw(raster, cbp);
- bytes = state.rect.height * raster;
- /* copy_mono and copy_color have ensured that */
- /* the bits will fit in a single buffer. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( bytes > cbuf_size )
- { lprintf2("bitmap size exceeds buffer! raster=%d height=%d\n",
- raster, state.rect.height);
- return gs_error_ioerror;
- }
- #endif
- cmd_read(cbuf, bytes, cbp);
- source = cbuf;
- copy:
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['L'] )
- { dprintf2("[L] data_x=%d raster=%d\n",
- data_x, raster);
- cmd_print_bits(source, state.rect.height, raster);
- }
- #endif
- code = (op >> 4 == (byte)cmd_op_copy_mono >> 4 ?
- (*tdev->procs->copy_mono)
- (tdev, source, data_x, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- state.rect.x, state.rect.y - y0,
- state.rect.width, state.rect.height,
- state.color0, state.color1) :
- (*tdev->procs->copy_color)
- (tdev, source, data_x, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id,
- state.rect.x, state.rect.y - y0,
- state.rect.width, state.rect.height));
- break;
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return_error(code);
- }
- }
- /* The typical implementations of fread and fseek */
- /* are extremely inefficient for small counts, */
- /* so we use loops instead. */
- private void
- clist_read(FILE *f, byte *str, uint len)
- { switch ( len )
- {
- default: fread(str, 1, len, f); break;
- case 8: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 7: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 6: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 5: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 4: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 3: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 2: *str++ = (byte)getc(f);
- case 1: *str = (byte)getc(f);
- }
- }
- /* Read a short bitmap */
- private cb_ptr
- clist_read_short_bits(FILE *file, byte *data, register int bwidth, int height,
- cb_ptr cbp, cb_ptr cb_end)
- { uint bytes = bwidth * height;
- byte *pdata = data + bytes;
- byte *udata = data + (height << log2_align_bitmap_mod);
- cmd_read(data, bytes, cbp);
- while ( --height > 0 ) /* first row is in place already */
- { udata -= align_bitmap_mod, pdata -= bwidth;
- switch ( bwidth )
- {
- case 3: udata[2] = pdata[2];
- case 2: udata[1] = pdata[1];
- case 1: udata[0] = pdata[0];
- }
- }
- return cbp;
- }
- /* Read a rectangle. */
- private cb_ptr
- cmd_read_rect(register gx_cmd_rect *prect, register cb_ptr cbp)
- { cmd_getw(prect->x, cbp);
- cmd_getw(prect->y, cbp);
- cmd_getw(prect->width, cbp);
- cmd_getw(prect->height, cbp);
- return cbp;
- }