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- /* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxcmap.c */
- /* Color mapping and conversion for Ghostscript */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gscspace.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxfrac.h"
- #include "gxlum.h"
- #include "gxcolor.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gzcolor.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- /* Brought back from a later release.... */
- #define color_set_pure(pdc, color)\
- ((pdc)->color1 = (pdc)->color2 = (color), (pdc)->halftone_level = 0)
- /* Convert a frac to a gx_color_value. */
- /* This is needed because map_rgb_color still uses gx_color_value. */
- #define _cv_bits (sizeof(gx_color_value) * 8)
- #define frac2cv(fr)\
- ( ((fr) << (_cv_bits - frac_bits)) +\
- ((fr) >> (frac_bits * 2 - _cv_bits)) )
- #define cv2frac(cv) ((frac)((cv) >> (_cv_bits - frac_bits)))
- /* Note: the color model conversion algorithms are taken from */
- /* Rogers, Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, pp. 401-403. */
- /* ------ Conversion between HSB and RGB ------ */
- /* Convert RGB to HSB. */
- void
- color_rgb_to_hsb(floatp r, floatp g, floatp b, float hsb[3])
- { frac red = float2frac(r), green = float2frac(g), blue = float2frac(b);
- #define rhue hsb[0]
- #define rsat hsb[1]
- #define rbri hsb[2]
- if ( red == green && green == blue )
- { rhue = 0; /* arbitrary */
- rsat = 0;
- rbri = r; /* pick any one */
- }
- else
- { /* Convert rgb to hsb */
- frac V, Temp;
- long diff, H;
- V = (red > green ? red : green);
- if ( blue > V ) V = blue;
- Temp = (red > green ? green : red);
- if ( blue < Temp ) Temp = blue;
- diff = V - Temp;
- if ( V == red )
- H = (green - blue) * frac_1_long / diff;
- else if ( V == green )
- H = (blue - red) * frac_1_long / diff + 2 * frac_1_long;
- else /* V == blue */
- H = (red - green) * frac_1_long / diff + 4 * frac_1_long;
- if ( H < 0 ) H += 6 * frac_1_long;
- rhue = H / (frac_1 * 6.0);
- rsat = diff / (float)V;
- rbri = frac2float(V);
- }
- #undef rhue
- #undef rsat
- #undef rbri
- }
- /* Convert HSB to RGB. */
- void
- color_hsb_to_rgb(floatp hue, floatp saturation, floatp brightness, float rgb[3])
- { if ( saturation == 0 )
- { rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = brightness;
- }
- else
- { /* Convert hsb to rgb. */
- /* We rely on the fact that the product of two */
- /* fracs fits into an unsigned long. */
- floatp h6 = hue * 6;
- ulong V = float2frac(brightness); /* force arithmetic to long */
- frac S = float2frac(saturation);
- int I = (int)h6;
- ulong F = float2frac(h6 - I); /* ditto */
- /* M = V*(1-S), N = V*(1-S*F), K = V*(1-S*(1-F)) = M-N+V */
- frac M = V * (frac_1_long - S) / frac_1_long;
- frac N = V * (frac_1_long - S * F / frac_1_long) / frac_1_long;
- frac K = M - N + V;
- frac R, G, B;
- switch ( I )
- {
- default: R = V; G = K; B = M; break;
- case 1: R = N; G = V; B = M; break;
- case 2: R = M; G = V; B = K; break;
- case 3: R = M; G = N; B = V; break;
- case 4: R = K; G = M; B = V; break;
- case 5: R = V; G = M; B = N; break;
- }
- rgb[0] = frac2float(R);
- rgb[1] = frac2float(G);
- rgb[2] = frac2float(B);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( debug_c('c') )
- { dprintf7("[c]hsb(%g,%g,%g)->VSFI(%ld,%d,%ld,%d)->\n",
- hue, saturation, brightness, V, S, F, I);
- dprintf6(" RGB(%d,%d,%d)->rgb(%g,%g,%g)\n",
- R, G, B, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* ------ Color space conversion ------ */
- /* Only 4 of the 6 conversions are implemented here; */
- /* the other 2 (Gray to RGB/CMYK) are trivial. */
- /* The CMYK to RGB algorithms specified by Adobe are, e.g., */
- /* R = 1.0 - min(1.0, C + K) */
- /* but we get much better results with */
- /* R = (1.0 - C) * (1.0 - K) */
- /* Convert RGB to Gray. */
- frac
- color_rgb_to_gray(frac r, frac g, frac b, const gs_state *pgs)
- { return (r * (unsigned long)lum_red_weight +
- g * (unsigned long)lum_green_weight +
- b * (unsigned long)lum_blue_weight +
- (lum_all_weights / 2))
- / lum_all_weights;
- }
- /* Convert RGB to CMYK. */
- /* Note that this involves black generation and undercolor removal. */
- void
- color_rgb_to_cmyk(frac r, frac g, frac b, const gs_state *pgs,
- frac cmyk[4])
- { frac c = frac_1 - r, m = frac_1 - g, y = frac_1 - b;
- frac k = (c < m ? min(c, y) : min(m, y));
- /* The default UCR and BG functions are pretty arbitrary.... */
- frac bg =
- (pgs->black_generation == NULL ? frac_0 :
- float2frac((*pgs->black_generation)(pgs, frac2float(k))));
- signed_frac ucr =
- (pgs->undercolor_removal == NULL ? frac_0 :
- float2frac((*pgs->undercolor_removal)(pgs, frac2float(k))));
- /* Adobe specifies, e.g., */
- /* C = max(0.0, min(1.0, 1 - R - UCR)) */
- /* but in order to match our improved CMYK->RGB mapping, we use */
- /* C = max(0.0, min(1.0, 1 - R / (1 - UCR)) */
- if ( ucr == frac_1 )
- cmyk[0] = cmyk[1] = cmyk[2] = 0;
- else
- { float denom = frac2float(frac_1 - ucr); /* unscaled */
- float v;
- v = (float)frac_1 - r / denom; /* unscaled */
- cmyk[0] =
- (is_fneg(v) ? frac_0 : v >= (float)frac_1 ? frac_1 : (frac)v);
- v = (float)frac_1 - g / denom; /* unscaled */
- cmyk[1] =
- (is_fneg(v) ? frac_0 : v >= (float)frac_1 ? frac_1 : (frac)v);
- v = (float)frac_1 - b / denom; /* unscaled */
- cmyk[2] =
- (is_fneg(v) ? frac_0 : v >= (float)frac_1 ? frac_1 : (frac)v);
- }
- cmyk[3] = bg;
- if_debug7('c', "[c]RGB 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x -> CMYK 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n",
- r, g, b, cmyk[0], cmyk[1], cmyk[2], cmyk[3]);
- }
- /* Convert CMYK to Gray. */
- frac
- color_cmyk_to_gray(frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, const gs_state *pgs)
- { frac not_gray = color_rgb_to_gray(c, m, y, pgs);
- return (not_gray > frac_1 - k ? /* gray + k > 1.0 */
- frac_0 : frac_1 - (not_gray + k));
- }
- /* Convert CMYK to RGB. */
- void
- color_cmyk_to_rgb(frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, const gs_state *pgs,
- frac rgb[3])
- { switch ( k )
- {
- case frac_0:
- rgb[0] = frac_1 - c;
- rgb[1] = frac_1 - m;
- rgb[2] = frac_1 - y;
- break;
- case frac_1:
- rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = frac_0;
- break;
- default:
- { ulong not_k = frac_1 - k;
- /* Compute not_k * (frac_1 - v) / frac_1 efficiently. */
- ulong prod;
- #define deduct_black(v)\
- (prod = (frac_1 - (v)) * not_k,\
- (prod + (prod >> frac_bits) + 1) >> frac_bits)
- rgb[0] = deduct_black(c);
- rgb[1] = deduct_black(m);
- rgb[2] = deduct_black(y);
- }
- }
- if_debug7('c', "[c]CMYK 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x,0x%x -> RGB 0x%x,0x%x,0x%x\n",
- c, m, y, k, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
- }
- /* ------ Device color rendering ------ */
- private cmap_proc_gray(cmap_gray_halftoned);
- private cmap_proc_gray(cmap_gray_direct);
- private cmap_proc_gray(cmap_gray_to_rgb);
- private cmap_proc_gray(cmap_gray_to_cmyk);
- #define cmap_rgb_halftoned cmap_rgb_direct
- private cmap_proc_rgb(cmap_rgb_direct);
- private cmap_proc_rgb(cmap_rgb_to_gray);
- private cmap_proc_rgb(cmap_rgb_to_cmyk);
- #define cmap_cmyk_halftoned cmap_cmyk_direct
- private cmap_proc_cmyk(cmap_cmyk_direct);
- private cmap_proc_cmyk(cmap_cmyk_to_gray);
- private cmap_proc_cmyk(cmap_cmyk_to_rgb);
- private const gx_color_map_procs
- cmap_gray_few =
- { cmap_gray_halftoned, cmap_rgb_to_gray, cmap_cmyk_to_gray },
- cmap_gray_many =
- { cmap_gray_direct, cmap_rgb_to_gray, cmap_cmyk_to_gray },
- cmap_rgb_few =
- { cmap_gray_to_rgb, cmap_rgb_halftoned, cmap_cmyk_to_rgb },
- cmap_rgb_many =
- { cmap_gray_to_rgb, cmap_rgb_direct, cmap_cmyk_to_rgb },
- cmap_cmyk_few =
- { cmap_gray_to_cmyk, cmap_rgb_to_cmyk, cmap_cmyk_halftoned },
- cmap_cmyk_many =
- { cmap_gray_to_cmyk, cmap_rgb_to_cmyk, cmap_cmyk_direct };
- const gx_color_map_procs *cmap_procs_default = &cmap_gray_many;
- private const gx_color_map_procs _ds *cmap_few[] = {
- 0, &cmap_gray_few, 0, &cmap_rgb_few, &cmap_cmyk_few
- };
- private const gx_color_map_procs _ds *cmap_many[] = {
- 0, &cmap_gray_many, 0, &cmap_rgb_many, &cmap_cmyk_many
- };
- /* Set the color mapping procedures in the graphics state. */
- void
- gx_set_cmap_procs(gs_state *pgs)
- { gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- pgs->cmap_procs =
- ((gx_device_has_color(dev) ? dev->color_info.max_rgb :
- dev->color_info.max_gray) >= 31 ? cmap_many : cmap_few)
- [dev->color_info.num_components];
- }
- /* Remap the color in the graphics state. */
- int
- gx_remap_color(gs_state *pgs)
- { const gs_color_space *pcs = pgs->color_space;
- return (*pcs->type->remap_color)(pgs->ccolor, pcs,
- pgs->dev_color, pgs);
- }
- /* Color remappers for the standard color spaces. */
- #define unit_frac(v)\
- (ftemp = (v),\
- (is_fneg(ftemp) ? frac_0 : ftemp >= 1.0 ? frac_1 : float2frac(ftemp)))
- int
- gx_remap_DeviceGray(const gs_client_color *pc, const gs_color_space *pcs,
- gx_device_color *pdc, gs_state *pgs)
- { float ftemp;
- (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_gray)
- (unit_frac(pc->paint.values[0]),
- pdc, pgs);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gx_remap_DeviceRGB(const gs_client_color *pc, const gs_color_space *pcs,
- gx_device_color *pdc, gs_state *pgs)
- { float ftemp;
- (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_rgb)
- (unit_frac(pc->paint.values[0]),
- unit_frac(pc->paint.values[1]),
- unit_frac(pc->paint.values[2]),
- pdc, pgs);
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gx_remap_DeviceCMYK(const gs_client_color *pc, const gs_color_space *pcs,
- gx_device_color *pdc, gs_state *pgs)
- { float ftemp;
- (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_cmyk)
- (unit_frac(pc->paint.values[0]),
- unit_frac(pc->paint.values[1]),
- unit_frac(pc->paint.values[2]),
- unit_frac(pc->paint.values[3]),
- pdc, pgs);
- return 0;
- }
- #undef unit_frac
- /* Render Gray color. */
- private void
- cmap_gray_direct(frac gray, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- frac mgray = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, gray, gray);
- gx_color_value cv_gray = frac2cv(mgray);
- gx_color_index color =
- (*dev->procs->map_rgb_color)(dev, cv_gray, cv_gray, cv_gray);
- if ( color == gx_no_color_index )
- { gx_render_gray(mgray, pdc, pgs);
- return;
- }
- color_set_pure(pdc, color);
- }
- private void
- cmap_gray_halftoned(frac gray, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { gx_render_gray(gx_map_color_frac(pgs, gray, gray), pdc, pgs);
- }
- private void
- cmap_gray_to_rgb(frac gray, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_rgb)(gray, gray, gray, pdc, pgs);
- }
- private void
- cmap_gray_to_cmyk(frac gray, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_cmyk)(frac_0, frac_0, frac_0, gray, pdc, pgs);
- }
- /* Render RGB color. */
- /*
- * This code should test r == g and g == b and then use the gray
- * rendering procedures. The Adobe documentation allows this:
- * conversion between color spaces occurs before the transfer function
- * and halftoning. However, output from FrameMaker (mis)uses the
- * transfer function to provide the equivalent of indexed color;
- * it requires the color components to be passed through unchanged.
- * For this reason, we have to make the check after the transfer
- * function rather than before.
- */
- private void
- cmap_rgb_direct(frac r, frac g, frac b, gx_device_color *pdc,
- const gs_state *pgs)
- { gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- frac mred = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, r, red);
- frac mgreen = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, g, green);
- frac mblue = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, b, blue);
- /* We make a test for direct vs. halftoned, rather than */
- /* duplicating most of the code of this procedure. */
- if ( dev->color_info.max_rgb >= 31 )
- { gx_color_index color =
- (*dev->procs->map_rgb_color)(dev,
- frac2cv(mred), frac2cv(mgreen),
- frac2cv(mblue));
- if ( color != gx_no_color_index )
- { color_set_pure(pdc, color);
- return;
- }
- }
- if ( mred == mgreen && mred == mblue ) /* gray shade */
- gx_render_gray(mred, pdc, pgs);
- else
- gx_render_rgb(mred, mgreen, mblue, pdc, pgs);
- }
- private void
- cmap_rgb_to_gray(frac r, frac g, frac b, gx_device_color *pdc,
- const gs_state *pgs)
- { (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_gray)(color_rgb_to_gray(r, g, b, pgs), pdc, pgs);
- }
- private void
- cmap_rgb_to_cmyk(frac r, frac g, frac b, gx_device_color *pdc,
- const gs_state *pgs)
- { frac cmyk[4];
- color_rgb_to_cmyk(r, g, b, pgs, cmyk);
- (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_cmyk)(cmyk[0], cmyk[1], cmyk[2], cmyk[3], pdc, pgs);
- }
- /* Render CMYK color. */
- /* See above under RGB for why we can't use a shortcut for gray. */
- private void
- cmap_cmyk_direct(frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, gx_device_color *pdc,
- const gs_state *pgs)
- { gx_device *dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- frac mcyan = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, c, red);
- frac mmagenta = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, m, green);
- frac myellow = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, y, blue);
- frac mblack = gx_map_color_frac(pgs, k, gray);
- /* We make a test for direct vs. halftoned, rather than */
- /* duplicating most of the code of this procedure. */
- if ( dev->color_info.max_rgb >= 31 )
- { gx_color_index color =
- (*dev->procs->map_cmyk_color)(dev,
- frac2cv(mcyan), frac2cv(mmagenta),
- frac2cv(myellow), frac2cv(mblack));
- if ( color != gx_no_color_index )
- { color_set_pure(pdc, color);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* CMYK halftones are not implemented yet. */
- { frac rgb[3];
- color_cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k, pgs, rgb);
- cmap_rgb_halftoned(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], pdc, pgs);
- }
- }
- private void
- cmap_cmyk_to_gray(frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_gray)(color_cmyk_to_gray(c, m, y, k, pgs), pdc, pgs);
- }
- private void
- cmap_cmyk_to_rgb(frac c, frac m, frac y, frac k, gx_device_color *pdc, const gs_state *pgs)
- { frac rgb[3];
- color_cmyk_to_rgb(c, m, y, k, pgs, rgb);
- (*pgs->cmap_procs->map_rgb)(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], pdc, pgs);
- }
- /* ------ Transfer function mapping ------ */
- /* Map a color fraction through a transfer map. */
- frac
- gx_color_frac_map(frac cv, const frac *values)
- {
- #define cp_frac_bits (frac_bits - log2_transfer_map_size)
- int cmi = cv >> cp_frac_bits;
- frac mv = values[cmi];
- int rem, mdv;
- /* Interpolate between two adjacent values if needed. */
- rem = (cv & ((1 << cp_frac_bits) - 1)) - (cv >> (frac_bits - cp_frac_bits));
- if ( rem == 0 ) return mv;
- else if ( rem > 0 ) mdv = values[cmi + 1] - mv;
- else mdv = mv - values[cmi - 1];
- #if arch_ints_are_short
- /* Only use long multiplication if necessary. */
- if ( mdv > 1 << (16 - cp_frac_bits) )
- return mv + (uint)(((ulong)rem * mdv) >> cp_frac_bits);
- #endif
- return mv + ((rem * mdv) >> cp_frac_bits);
- #undef cp_frac_bits
- }
- /* ------ Default device color mapping ------ */
- gx_color_index
- gx_default_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev,
- gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g, gx_color_value b)
- { /* Map values >= 1/2 to 1, < 1/2 to 0. */
- return ((r | g | b) > gx_max_color_value / 2 ?
- (gx_color_index)1 : (gx_color_index)0);
- }
- int
- gx_default_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- { /* Map 1 to max_value, 0 to 0. */
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = -(gx_color_value)color;
- return 0;
- }
- gx_color_index
- gx_default_map_cmyk_color(gx_device *dev,
- gx_color_value c, gx_color_value m, gx_color_value y, gx_color_value k)
- { /* Convert to RGB */
- frac rgb[3];
- color_cmyk_to_rgb(cv2frac(c), cv2frac(m), cv2frac(y), cv2frac(k),
- NULL, rgb);
- return (*dev->procs->map_rgb_color)(dev,
- frac2cv(rgb[0]), frac2cv(rgb[1]), frac2cv(rgb[2]));
- }