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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* isave.c */
- /* Save/restore machinery for Ghostscript */
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "astate.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "packed.h"
- #include "save.h"
- #include "store.h" /* for ref_assign */
- /* Imported restore routines */
- extern void file_save(P0());
- extern void file_restore(P1(alloc_save *));
- extern void font_restore(P1(alloc_save *));
- /*
- * The logic for saving and restore the state is rather subtle.
- * Both the changes to individual objects, and the overall state
- * of the memory manager, must be saved and restored.
- */
- /*
- * To save the state of the memory manager:
- * Save the state of the current chunk in which we are allocating.
- * Save the identity of the current chunk.
- * Save and reset the malloc chain and the orphan block chains.
- * By doing this, we guarantee that no object older than the save
- * can be freed.
- *
- * To restore the state of the memory manager:
- * Free all chunks newer than the save.
- * Free all malloc'ed blocks newer than the save.
- * Make current the chunk that was current at the time of the save.
- * Free all objects allocated in the current chunk since the save.
- */
- /*
- * For saving changes to individual objects, we add an "attribute" bit
- * (l_new) that logically belongs to the slot where the descriptor is stored,
- * not to the descriptor itself. The bit means "the contents
- * of this slot have been changed since the last save."
- * To keep track of changes since the save, we associate a chain of
- * <slot, old_contents> pairs that remembers the old contents of slots.
- *
- * When creating an object, if the save level is non-zero:
- * Set the bit in all slots.
- *
- * When storing into a slot, if the save level is non-zero:
- * If the bit isn't set, save the address and contents of the slot
- * on the current contents chain.
- * Set the bit after storing the new value.
- *
- * To do a save:
- * If the save level is non-zero:
- * Reset the bit in all slots on the contents chain, and in all
- * objects created since the previous save.
- * Push the head of contents chain, and reset the chain to empty.
- *
- * To do a restore:
- * Check all the stacks to make sure they don't contain references
- * to objects created since the save.
- * Restore all the slots on the contents chain.
- * Pop the contents chain head.
- * If the save level is now non-zero:
- * Scan the newly restored contents chain, and set the bit in all
- * the slots it references.
- * Scan all objects created since the previous save, and set the
- * bit in all the slots of each object.
- */
- /* Declare the mask for checking stores. */
- /* This is -1 if we are not in a save, 0 if we are in a save. */
- int alloc_save_test_mask;
- /* Declare the mask for tagging new objects. */
- /* This is 0 if we are not in a save, l_new if we are in a save. */
- int alloc_save_new_mask;
- #define set_in_save()\
- (alloc_save_test_mask = 0, alloc_save_new_mask = l_new)
- #define set_not_in_save()\
- (alloc_save_test_mask = -1, alloc_save_new_mask = 0)
- /* Structure for saved change chain for save/restore. */
- /* If where = 0, contents is a t_array that refers to */
- /* a newly allocated object; if where = 0 and contents.value.refs is 0, */
- /* this is a free record (possible since we allocate them two at a time.) */
- /* We merge adjacent objects to reduce */
- /* the need to allocate alloc_change records. */
- struct alloc_change_s {
- alloc_change *next;
- ref *where;
- ref contents;
- };
- #define alloc_change_is_free(cp)\
- ((cp)->where == 0 && r_size(&(cp)->contents) == 0)
- /*
- * Macro to allocate a pair of change records.
- * Must be used in the following form:
- * if_not_alloc_change_pair(cp, ap, cname)
- * { ... failure code ...
- * }
- */
- #define if_not_alloc_change_pair(cp, ap, cname)\
- cp = (alloc_change *)alloc(2, sizeof(alloc_change), cname);\
- if ( cp != 0 )\
- { cp->next = ap->changes;\
- cp[1].next = cp;\
- cp[1].where = 0;\
- cp[1].contents.value.refs = 0;\
- r_set_size(&cp[1].contents, 0);\
- ap->changes = cp + 1;\
- }\
- else
- /* Saved state of allocator and other things as needed. */
- struct alloc_save_s {
- alloc_state state;
- alloc_state_ptr cap;
- uint name_cnt;
- };
- /* Debugging printout */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- private void
- alloc_save_print(alloc_change *cp)
- { dprintf1(" %lx:", (ulong)cp);
- if ( cp->where )
- dprintf4(" %lx: %x %x %lx\n", (ulong)cp->where,
- r_type_attrs(&cp->contents), r_size(&cp->contents),
- (ulong)cp->contents.value.intval);
- else
- dprintf2(" %lx(%u)\n", (ulong)cp->contents.value.refs,
- r_size(&cp->contents));
- }
- #endif
- /* Forward references */
- private void restore_resources(P1(alloc_save *));
- private void restore_free(P1(alloc_state_ptr));
- private void save_set_new(P2(alloc_state_ptr, int));
- /* Initialize the save/restore machinery. */
- void
- alloc_save_init(void)
- { set_not_in_save();
- }
- /* Save the state. */
- alloc_save *
- alloc_save_state(void)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- alloc_save *save;
- save = (alloc_save *)alloc(1, sizeof(alloc_save),
- "alloc_save_state");
- if ( save == 0 ) return 0;
- save->state = *ap;
- save->cap = ap;
- save->name_cnt = name_count();
- /* Reset the l_new attribute in all slots. The only slots that */
- /* can have the attribute set are the ones on the changes chain. */
- save_set_new(ap, 0);
- /* Clear the free chains, to prevent old objects from being freed. */
- memset(&ap->free[0], 0, num_free_chains * sizeof(char *));
- ap->malloc_chain = 0;
- ap->saved = save;
- ap->save_level++;
- ap->changes = 0;
- ap->saved_cbot = ap->cbot;
- ap->saved_ctop = ap->ctop;
- /* Clear the last_freed cache, because the cache pointer */
- /* must point to a chunk at the current save level. */
- ap->last_freed = 0;
- if_debug3('u', "[u]save at %lx: cbot=%lx ctop=%lx\n", (ulong)save,
- (ulong)ap->cbot, (ulong)ap->ctop);
- set_in_save();
- /* Notify the file machinery we just did a save. */
- file_save();
- return save;
- }
- /* Allocate an array of refs and record it as new. */
- int
- alloc_array(ref *parr, uint attrs, uint num_refs, const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- register ref *obj = (ref *)alloc(num_refs, sizeof(ref), client_name);
- if ( obj == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- if ( ap->save_level != 0 && num_refs != 0 )
- { /* We are saving, record the allocation. */
- register alloc_change *cp = ap->changes;
- if ( cp != 0 && cp->where == 0 &&
- obj == cp->contents.value.refs + r_size(&cp->contents) &&
- /* Don't create a single block that is large enough */
- /* to mislead the allocator into thinking it was */
- /* allocated with a single malloc. */
- r_size(&cp->contents) + num_refs < ap->big_size / sizeof(ref)
- )
- { /* Merge adjacent allocations. */
- r_inc_size(&cp->contents, num_refs);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['U'] )
- { dprintf1("[u]alloc_array(%s) merge", client_name);
- alloc_save_print(cp);
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- { if ( cp == 0 || !alloc_change_is_free(cp) )
- { /* Allocate a pair of entries. */
- if_not_alloc_change_pair(cp, ap, "alloc_array(change pair)")
- {
- alloc_free((char *)obj, num_refs, sizeof(ref),
- client_name);
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- }
- cp->where = 0;
- r_set_size(&cp->contents, num_refs);
- cp->contents.value.refs = obj;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['U'] )
- { dprintf1("[u]alloc_array(%s)", client_name);
- alloc_save_print(cp);
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- make_array(parr, attrs | ap->local_attr, num_refs, obj);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Deallocate an array of refs. Only do this if the object */
- /* was allocated at the current save level, and we can remove */
- /* the save record for the allocation cleanly. */
- void
- alloc_free_array(ref *parr, const char *client_name)
- { ref *ptr = parr->value.refs;
- uint num_refs = r_size(parr);
- register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- alloc_change *cp = ap->changes;
- ref *top = ptr + num_refs;
- if_debug3('U', "[u]alloc_free_array(%s) (%lx,%d)\n",
- client_name, (ulong)ptr, num_refs);
- if ( num_refs == 0 ) /* may point anywhere! */
- return;
- if ( ap->save_level == 0 )
- { /* Always OK to free if not saving. */
- if_debug0('U', "[u]... not saving\n");
- alloc_free((char *)ptr, num_refs, sizeof(ref),
- client_name);
- return;
- }
- /* Search the save chain for the allocation event. */
- while ( cp != 0 )
- { ref *rbot;
- if ( cp->where == 0 &&
- ((rbot = cp->contents.value.refs) == ptr ||
- rbot + r_size(&cp->contents) == top)
- )
- { /* We can undo the allocation record cleanly. */
- if_debug0('U', "[u]... succeeded\n");
- r_inc_size(&cp->contents, -num_refs);
- if ( rbot == ptr )
- cp->contents.value.refs = top;
- alloc_free((char *)ptr, num_refs, sizeof(ref),
- client_name);
- break;
- }
- cp = cp->next;
- }
- }
- /* Record a state change that must be undone for restore, */
- /* and mark it as having been saved. */
- /* This can only be called if we are in a save. */
- int
- alloc_save_change(ref *where, const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- register alloc_change *cp;
- if ( ap->save_level == 0 ) return 0; /* no saving */
- cp = ap->changes;
- if ( cp == 0 || !alloc_change_is_free(cp) )
- { /* Allocate a pair of entries. */
- if_not_alloc_change_pair(cp, ap, "alloc_save_change(change pair)")
- { return -1;
- }
- }
- cp->where = where;
- ref_assign(&cp->contents, where);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['U'] )
- { dprintf1("[u]save(%s)", client_name);
- alloc_save_print(cp);
- }
- #endif
- if ( !r_is_packed(where) ) r_set_attrs(where, l_new);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the current save level */
- int
- alloc_save_level(void)
- { return alloc_state_current->save_level;
- }
- /* Test whether a reference would be invalidated by a restore. */
- int
- alloc_is_since_save(const char *ptr, const alloc_save *save)
- {
- /* A reference can postdate a save in one of three ways: */
- /* - It is in the chunk that was current at the time */
- /* of the save, and allocated more recently. */
- /* - It is in a chunk allocated since the save; */
- /* - It was malloc'ed since the save; */
- register alloc_state_ptr ap = save->cap;
- if_debug2('U', "[U]is_since_save %lx, %lx:\n",
- (ulong)ptr, (ulong)save);
- /* Check against current chunk at the time of the save */
- if ( ptr_is_in_chunk(ptr, &save->state.current) )
- { /* In the chunk, check against allocation pointers */
- /* at the time of the save */
- if_debug2('U', "[U?] current chunk %lx, %lx\n",
- (ulong)save->state.cbot, (ulong)save->state.ctop);
- return ( (ptr_ord_t)ptr >= (ptr_ord_t)save->state.cbot &&
- (ptr_ord_t)ptr < (ptr_ord_t)save->state.ctop );
- }
- /* Check against chunks allocated since the save */
- { const alloc_chunk *chunk = &ap->current;
- while ( chunk->save_level > save->state.save_level )
- { if ( ptr_is_in_chunk(ptr, chunk) )
- { if_debug3('U', "[U+] new chunk %lx: %lx, %lx\n", chunk,
- (ulong)chunk->base, (ulong)chunk->limit);
- return 1;
- }
- chunk = chunk->next;
- }
- }
- /* Check the malloc chains since the save */
- { const alloc_state *asp = ap;
- for ( ; asp != &save->state; asp = &asp->saved->state )
- { const alloc_block *mblk = asp->malloc_chain;
- for ( ; mblk != 0; mblk = mblk->next )
- if ( alloc_block_size + (char *)mblk == ptr )
- { if_debug0('U', "[U+] malloc'ed\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Not in any of those places, must be OK. */
- return 0;
- }
- /* Test whether a name would be invalidated by a restore. */
- int
- alloc_name_is_since_save(const ref *pnref, const alloc_save *save)
- { return name_is_since_count(pnref, save->name_cnt);
- }
- /* Validate a saved state pointer. */
- int
- alloc_restore_state_check(const alloc_save *save)
- { const alloc_save *sprev = save->cap->saved;
- while ( sprev != save )
- { if ( sprev == 0 ) return -1; /* not on chain */
- sprev = sprev->state.saved;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Restore the state. The client is responsible for calling */
- /* alloc_restore_state_check first, and for ensuring that */
- /* there are no surviving pointers for which alloc_is_since_save is true. */
- void
- alloc_restore_state(alloc_save *save)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = save->cap;
- alloc_save *sprev;
- if_debug1('u', "[u]restore from %lx\n", (ulong)save);
- /* Iteratively restore the state */
- do
- { sprev = ap->saved;
- /* Release resources other than memory */
- restore_resources(sprev);
- /* Undo changes since the save. */
- { alloc_change *cp = ap->changes;
- while ( cp )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['U'] )
- { dprintf("[U]restore");
- alloc_save_print(cp);
- }
- #endif
- if ( cp->where )
- ref_assign(cp->where, &cp->contents);
- else if ( r_size(&cp->contents) != 0 ) /* might be an unfilled save record */
- { alloc_free((char *)cp->contents.value.refs,
- r_size(&cp->contents), sizeof(ref),
- "alloc_restore_state");
- }
- cp = cp->next;
- }
- }
- /* Free memory allocated since the save. */
- restore_free(ap);
- /* Restore the allocator state. */
- *ap = sprev->state;
- alloc_free((char *)sprev, 1, sizeof(alloc_save),
- "alloc_restore_state(alloc_save)");
- }
- while ( sprev != save );
- /* Clean up */
- sprev = ap->saved;
- if ( sprev == 0 )
- ap->saved_cbot = ap->saved_ctop = 0;
- else
- ap->saved_cbot = sprev->state.cbot,
- ap->saved_ctop = sprev->state.ctop;
- /* Clear the last_freed cache, because the cache pointer */
- /* must point to a chunk at the current save level. */
- ap->last_freed = 0;
- if ( ap->save_level == 0 )
- set_not_in_save();
- /* Set the l_new attribute in all slots that have been saved. */
- save_set_new(ap, l_new);
- }
- /* Restore to the initial state, releasing all resources. */
- /* The allocator is no longer usable after calling this routine! */
- void
- alloc_restore_all(void)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- /* Restore to a state outside any saves. */
- while ( ap->saved != 0 )
- alloc_restore_state(ap->saved);
- /* Release resources other than memory, using */
- /* a fake save object that has no associated memory. */
- { alloc_save empty_save;
- #if arch_ptrs_are_signed
- # define min_ptr (-1L << (sizeof(char *) * 8 - 1))
- #else
- # define min_ptr 0L
- #endif
- #define max_ptr (~min_ptr)
- empty_save.state.current.base =
- empty_save.state.cbot = (byte *)min_ptr;
- empty_save.state.current.limit =
- empty_save.state.ctop = (byte *)max_ptr;
- empty_save.name_cnt = name_count(); /* don't bother to release */
- restore_resources(&empty_save);
- }
- /* Finally, release memory. */
- restore_free(ap);
- }
- /* Release resources for a restore */
- private void
- restore_resources(alloc_save *sprev)
- {
- /* Close inaccessible files. */
- file_restore(sprev);
- /* Remove entries from font and character caches. */
- font_restore(sprev);
- /* Adjust the name table. */
- name_restore(sprev->name_cnt);
- }
- /* Release memory for a restore. */
- private void
- restore_free(alloc_state_ptr ap)
- {
- /* Free chunks allocated since the save. */
- { alloc_chunk *cp = ap->current_ptr;
- *cp = ap->current; /* update in memory */
- }
- while ( ap->current.save_level == ap->save_level )
- { byte *cp = (byte *)ap->current_ptr;
- uint csize = ap->climit - cp;
- ap->current_ptr = ap->current.next;
- if ( ap->current_ptr != 0 )
- ap->current = *ap->current_ptr;
- else /* only possible from restore_all */
- ap->current.save_level--;
- (*ap->mprocs->free)((char *)cp, 1, csize, "alloc_restore_state(chunk)");
- }
- /* Free blocks allocated with malloc since the save. */
- /* Since we reset the chain when we did the save, */
- /* we just free all the objects on the current chain. */
- { while ( ap->malloc_chain != 0 )
- { alloc_block *mblock = ap->malloc_chain;
- ap->malloc_chain = mblock->next;
- (*ap->mprocs->free)((char *)mblock,
- 1, alloc_block_size + mblock->size,
- "alloc_restore_state(malloc'ed)");
- }
- }
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Set or reset the l_new attribute in every slot on the current */
- /* change chain. */
- private void
- save_set_new(alloc_state_ptr ap, int new) /* l_new or 0 */
- { register alloc_change *cp = ap->changes;
- for ( ; cp; cp = cp->next )
- { ref *rp = cp->where;
- if ( rp != 0 )
- { if ( !r_is_packed(rp) )
- rp->tas.type_attrs =
- (rp->tas.type_attrs & ~l_new) + new;
- }
- else
- { register ushort size = r_size(&cp->contents);
- if ( size )
- { register ref *ep = cp->contents.value.refs;
- if ( new )
- do
- { if ( !r_is_packed(ep) )
- ep->tas.type_attrs |= l_new;
- ep++;
- }
- while ( --size );
- else
- do
- { if ( !r_is_packed(ep) )
- ep->tas.type_attrs &= ~l_new;
- ep++;
- }
- while ( --size );
- }
- }
- }
- }