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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* iscan.c */
- /* Token scanner for Ghostscript interpreter */
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "ctype_.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "dict.h" /* for //name lookup */
- #include "dstack.h" /* ditto */
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "ilevel.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "iscan.h" /* defines interface */
- #include "iutil.h"
- #include "ivmspace.h"
- #include "ostack.h" /* for accumulating proc bodies */
- #include "packed.h"
- #include "store.h"
- #include "scanchar.h"
- /* Array packing flag */
- ref ref_array_packing; /* t_boolean */
- /* Binary object format flag. This will never be set non-zero */
- /* unless the binary token feature is enabled. */
- ref ref_binary_object_format; /* t_integer */
- #define recognize_btokens()\
- (ref_binary_object_format.value.intval != 0 && level2_enabled)
- /* Procedure for binary tokens. Set at initialization if Level 2 */
- /* features are included; only called if recognize_btokens() is true. */
- /* Returns 0 or scan_BOS on success, <0 on failure. */
- int (*scan_btoken_proc)(P3(stream *, ref *, int)) = NULL;
- /* Setup procedure for ASCII85 literals. Set at initialization if Level 2 */
- /* features are included. */
- void (*scan_ascii85_setup_proc)(P4(stream *, stream *, byte *, uint)) = NULL;
- /*
- * Level 2 includes some changes in the scanner:
- * - \ is always recognized in strings, regardless of the data source;
- * - << and >> are legal tokens;
- * - <~ introduces an ASCII85 encoded string (terminated by ~>);
- * - Character codes above 127 introduce binary objects.
- * We explicitly enable or disable these changes here.
- */
- #define scan_enable_level2 level2_enabled /* from ilevel.h */
- /* Forward references */
- private int scan_ascii85_string(P2(stream *, ref *)),
- scan_hex_string(P2(stream *, ref *)),
- scan_int(P6(const byte **, const byte *, int, int,
- long *, double *)),
- scan_number(P3(const byte *, const byte *, ref *)),
- scan_string(P3(stream *, int, ref *));
- /* Define the character scanning table (see scanchar.h). */
- byte scan_char_array[258];
- /* A structure for dynamically growable objects */
- typedef struct dynamic_area_s {
- byte *base;
- byte *next;
- uint num_elts;
- uint elt_size;
- int is_dynamic; /* false if using fixed buffer */
- byte *limit;
- } dynamic_area;
- typedef dynamic_area _ss *da_ptr;
- /* Begin a dynamic object. */
- /* dynamic_begin returns the value of alloc, which may be 0: */
- /* the invoker of dynamic_begin must test the value against 0. */
- #define dynamic_begin(pda, dnum, desize)\
- ((pda)->base = (byte *)alloc((pda)->num_elts = (dnum),\
- (pda)->elt_size = (desize), "scanner"),\
- (pda)->limit = (pda)->base + (dnum) * (desize),\
- (pda)->is_dynamic = 1,\
- (pda)->next = (pda)->base)
- /* Begin a dynamically allocated string in a static buffer. */
- #define static_begin_string(pda, count, buf)\
- ((pda)->num_elts = (count),\
- (pda)->elt_size = 1,\
- (pda)->is_dynamic = 0,\
- (pda)->limit = (buf) + (count),\
- (pda)->next = (pda)->base = (buf))
- /* Free a dynamic object. */
- private void
- dynamic_free(da_ptr pda)
- { if ( pda->is_dynamic )
- alloc_free((char *)(pda->base), pda->num_elts, pda->elt_size,
- "scanner");
- }
- /* Grow a dynamic object. */
- /* If the allocation fails, free the old contents, and return NULL; */
- /* otherwise, return the new `next' pointer. */
- private byte *
- dynamic_grow(register da_ptr pda, byte *next)
- { if ( next != pda->limit ) return next;
- pda->next = next;
- { uint num = pda->num_elts;
- uint old_size = num * pda->elt_size;
- uint pos = pda->next - pda->base;
- uint new_size = (old_size < 10 ? 20 :
- old_size >= (max_uint >> 1) ? max_uint :
- old_size << 1);
- uint new_num = new_size / pda->elt_size;
- if ( pda->is_dynamic )
- { byte *base = alloc_grow(pda->base, num, new_num, pda->elt_size, "scanner");
- if ( base == 0 )
- { dynamic_free(pda);
- return NULL;
- }
- pda->base = base;
- pda->num_elts = new_num;
- pda->limit = pda->base + new_size;
- }
- else
- { byte *base = pda->base;
- if ( !dynamic_begin(pda, new_num, pda->elt_size) ) return NULL;
- memcpy(pda->base, base, old_size);
- pda->is_dynamic = 1;
- }
- pda->next = pda->base + pos;
- }
- return pda->next;
- }
- /* Initialize the scanner. */
- void
- scan_init(void)
- { /* Initialize decoder array */
- register byte _ds *decoder = scan_char_decoder;
- static const char _ds *stop_chars = "()<>[]{}/%";
- static const char _ds *space_chars = " \f\t\n\r";
- decoder[ERRC] = ctype_eof; /* ****** FIX THIS? ****** */
- decoder[EOFC] = ctype_eof;
- memset(decoder, ctype_name, 256);
- memset(decoder + 128, ctype_btoken, 32);
- { register const char _ds *p;
- for ( p = space_chars; *p; p++ )
- decoder[*p] = ctype_space;
- decoder[char_NULL] = decoder[char_VT] =
- decoder[char_DOS_EOF] = ctype_space;
- for ( p = stop_chars; *p; p++ )
- decoder[*p] = ctype_other;
- }
- { register int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
- decoder['0' + i] = i;
- for ( i = 0; i < max_radix - 10; i++ )
- decoder['A' + i] = decoder['a' + i] = i + 10;
- }
- /* Other initialization */
- make_false(&ref_array_packing);
- make_int(&ref_binary_object_format, 0);
- }
- /*
- * Read a token from a stream.
- * Return 1 for end-of-stream, 0 if a token was read,
- * or a (negative) error code.
- * If the token required a terminating character (i.e., was a name or
- * number) and the next character was whitespace, read and discard
- * that character: see the description of the 'token' operator on
- * p. 232 of the Red Book (First Edition).
- * from_string indicates reading from a string vs. a file,
- * because Level 1 interpreters ignore \ escapes in the former case.
- * (See the footnote on p. 23 of the Red Book.)
- */
- int
- scan_token(register stream *s, int from_string, ref *pref)
- { ref *myref = pref;
- dynamic_area proc_da; /* (not actually dynamic) */
- int pstack = 0; /* offset from proc_da.base */
- int retcode = 0;
- register int c;
- s_declare_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- #define sreturn(code)\
- { s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr); return_error(code); }
- #define sreturn_no_error(code)\
- { s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr); return(code); }
- int name_type; /* number of /'s preceding */
- int max_name_ctype =
- (recognize_btokens() ? ctype_name : ctype_btoken);
- int try_number;
- byte s1[2];
- register byte _ds *decoder = scan_char_decoder;
- s_begin_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- top: c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['s'] )
- fprintf(gs_debug_out, (c >= 32 && c <= 126 ? "`%c'" : "`%03o'"), c);
- #endif
- switch ( c )
- {
- case ' ': case '\f': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r':
- case char_NULL: case char_VT: case char_DOS_EOF:
- goto top;
- case '[':
- case ']':
- s1[0] = (byte)c;
- name_ref(s1, 1, myref, 1);
- r_set_attrs(myref, a_executable);
- break;
- case '<':
- if ( scan_enable_level2 )
- { c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- switch ( c )
- {
- case '<':
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- name_type = try_number = 0;
- goto try_funny_name;
- case '~':
- s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- retcode = scan_ascii85_string(s, myref);
- goto sx;
- }
- if ( char_is_data(c) )
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- }
- s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- retcode = scan_hex_string(s, myref);
- sx: s_begin_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- break;
- case '(':
- s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- retcode = scan_string(s, from_string, myref);
- s_begin_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- break;
- case '{':
- if ( pstack == 0 )
- { /* Use the operand stack to accumulate procedures. */
- myref = osp + 1;
- proc_da.base = (byte *)myref;
- proc_da.limit = (byte *)(ostop + 1);
- proc_da.is_dynamic = 0;
- proc_da.elt_size = sizeof(ref);
- proc_da.num_elts = ostop - osp;
- }
- if ( proc_da.limit - (byte *)myref < 2 * sizeof(ref) )
- sreturn(e_limitcheck); /* ****** SHOULD GROW OSTACK ****** */
- r_set_size(myref, pstack);
- myref++;
- pstack = (byte *)myref - proc_da.base;
- goto top;
- case '>':
- if ( scan_enable_level2 )
- { name_type = try_number = 0;
- goto try_funny_name;
- }
- /* falls through */
- case ')':
- retcode = e_syntaxerror;
- break;
- case '}':
- if ( pstack == 0 )
- { retcode = e_syntaxerror;
- break;
- }
- { ref *ref0 = (ref *)(proc_da.base + pstack);
- uint size = myref - ref0;
- myref = ref0 - 1;
- pstack = r_size(myref);
- if ( pstack == 0 ) myref = pref;
- if ( ref_array_packing.value.index )
- { retcode = make_packed_array(ref0, size, myref,
- "scanner(packed)");
- if ( retcode < 0 )
- sreturn(retcode);
- r_set_attrs(myref, a_executable);
- }
- else
- { retcode = alloc_array(myref, a_executable + a_all, size, "scanner(proc)");
- if ( retcode < 0 )
- sreturn(retcode);
- refcpy_to_new(myref->value.refs, ref0, size);
- }
- }
- break;
- case '/':
- c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- if ( c == '/' )
- { name_type = 2;
- c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- }
- else
- name_type = 1;
- try_number = 0;
- switch ( decoder[c] )
- {
- case ctype_name:
- default:
- goto do_name;
- case ctype_btoken:
- if ( !recognize_btokens() ) goto do_name;
- /* otherwise, an empty name */
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- case ctype_eof:
- /* Empty name: bizarre but legitimate. */
- name_ref((byte *)0, 0, myref, 1);
- goto have_name;
- case ctype_other:
- switch ( c )
- {
- case '[': /* only special as first character */
- case ']': /* ditto */
- s1[0] = (byte)c;
- name_ref(s1, 1, myref, 1);
- goto have_name;
- case '<': /* legal in Level 2 */
- case '>':
- if ( scan_enable_level2 ) goto try_funny_name;
- default:
- /* Empty name: bizarre but legitimate. */
- name_ref((byte *)0, 0, myref, 1);
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- goto have_name;
- }
- case ctype_space:
- /* Empty name: bizarre but legitimate. */
- name_ref((byte *)0, 0, myref, 1);
- /* Check for \r\n */
- if ( c == '\r' && (c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr)) != '\n' && char_is_data(c) )
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- goto have_name;
- }
- case '%':
- { for ( ; ; )
- switch ( sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr) )
- {
- case '\r':
- if ( (c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr)) != '\n' && char_is_data(c) )
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- /* falls through */
- case '\n': case '\f':
- goto top;
- case EOFC:
- goto ceof;
- case ERRC:
- goto cerr;
- }
- ceof: ;
- } /* falls through */
- case EOFC:
- retcode = (pstack != 0 ? e_syntaxerror : scan_EOF);
- break;
- case ERRC:
- cerr: retcode = e_ioerror;
- break;
- /* Check for a Level 2 funny name (<< or >>). */
- /* c is '<' or '>'. */
- try_funny_name:
- { int c1 = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- if ( c1 == c )
- { s1[0] = s1[1] = c;
- retcode = name_ref(s1, 2, myref, 1);
- goto have_name;
- }
- if ( char_is_data(c1) ) sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- } retcode = e_syntaxerror;
- break;
- /* Handle separately the names that might be a number. */
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- /* We have special fast code for unsigned integers up to 4 digits, */
- /* because these account for a very large proportion of */
- /* all numbers found in PostScript files. */
- if ( sbufavailable_inline(s, sptr, endptr) >= 6 )
- { /* Worst case: 4 digits, \r, \n */
- int i = decoder[c];
- int d;
- #define char_is_digit(ch)\
- ((d = decoder[ch]) < 10)
- if ( !char_is_digit(sptr[1]) )
- { if ( d != ctype_space )
- goto nn;
- sptr++;
- goto endi;
- }
- i = i * 10 + d;
- if ( !char_is_digit(sptr[2]) )
- { if ( d != ctype_space )
- goto nn;
- sptr += 2;
- goto endi;
- }
- i = i * 10 + d;
- if ( !char_is_digit(sptr[3]) )
- { if ( d != ctype_space )
- goto nn;
- sptr += 3;
- goto endi;
- }
- if ( decoder[sptr[4]] != ctype_space )
- goto nn;
- i = i * 10 + d;
- sptr += 4;
- endi: /* Check for \r\n */
- if ( *sptr == '\r' && sptr[1] == '\n' )
- sptr++;
- make_int_new(myref, i);
- break;
- #undef char_is_digit
- }
- /* Handle general possible-numbers. */
- case '.': case '+': case '-':
- nn: name_type = 0;
- try_number = 1;
- goto do_name;
- /* Check for a binary object */
- #define case4(c) case c: case c+1: case c+2: case c+3
- case4(128): case4(132): case4(136): case4(140):
- case4(144): case4(148): case4(152): case4(156):
- #undef case4
- if ( recognize_btokens() )
- { s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- retcode = (*scan_btoken_proc)(s, myref, c);
- s_begin_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- break;
- }
- /* Not a binary object, fall through. */
- /* The default is a name. */
- default:
- /* Populate the switch with enough cases to force */
- /* simple compilers to use a dispatch rather than tests. */
- case '!': case '"': case '#': case '$': case '&': case '\'':
- case '*': case ',': case '=': case ':': case ';': case '?': case '@':
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M':
- case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S':
- case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
- case '\\': case '^': case '_': case '`':
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
- case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm':
- case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's':
- case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
- case '|': case '~':
- /* Common code for scanning a name. */
- /* try_number and name_type are already set. */
- /* We know c has ctype_name (or maybe ctype_btoken) */
- /* or is a digit. */
- name_type = 0;
- try_number = 0;
- do_name:
- { dynamic_area da;
- /* Try to scan entirely within the stream buffer. */
- /* We stop 1 character early, so we don't switch buffers */
- /* looking ahead if the name is terminated by \r\n. */
- byte *ptr;
- byte *endp1 = endptr - 1;
- da.base = sptr;
- da.is_dynamic = 0;
- do
- { if ( sptr >= endp1 ) /* stop 1 early! */
- goto dyn_name;
- }
- while ( decoder[*++sptr] <= max_name_ctype ); /* digit or name */
- /* Name ended within the buffer. */
- ptr = sptr;
- c = *sptr;
- goto nx;
- dyn_name: /* Name extended past end of buffer. */
- s_end_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- /* Initialize the dynamic area. */
- /* We have to do this before the next */
- /* sgetc, which will overwrite the buffer. */
- da.limit = ++sptr;
- da.num_elts = sptr - da.base;
- da.elt_size = 1;
- ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, da.limit);
- if ( !ptr )
- sreturn(e_VMerror);
- s_begin_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- while ( decoder[c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr)] <= max_name_ctype )
- { if ( ptr == da.limit )
- { ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, ptr);
- if ( !ptr )
- sreturn(e_VMerror);
- }
- *ptr++ = c;
- }
- nx: switch ( decoder[c] )
- {
- case ctype_btoken:
- case ctype_other:
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- break;
- case ctype_space:
- /* Check for \r\n */
- if ( c == '\r' && (c = sgetc_inline(s, sptr, endptr)) != '\n' && char_is_data(c) )
- sputback_inline(s, sptr, endptr);
- case ctype_eof: ;
- }
- /* Check for a number */
- if ( try_number )
- { retcode = scan_number(da.base, ptr, myref);
- if ( retcode != e_syntaxerror )
- { dynamic_free(&da);
- if ( name_type == 2 )
- sreturn(e_syntaxerror);
- break; /* might be e_limitcheck */
- }
- }
- retcode = name_ref(da.base, (uint)(ptr - da.base), myref, 1);
- dynamic_free(&da);
- }
- /* Done scanning. Check for preceding /'s. */
- have_name: if ( retcode < 0 )
- sreturn(retcode);
- switch ( name_type )
- {
- case 0: /* ordinary executable name */
- if ( r_has_type(myref, t_name) ) /* i.e., not a number */
- r_set_attrs(myref, a_executable);
- case 1: /* quoted name */
- break;
- case 2: /* immediate lookup */
- { ref *pvalue;
- if ( !r_has_type(myref, t_name) )
- sreturn(e_undefined);
- if ( (pvalue = dict_find_name(myref)) == 0 )
- sreturn(e_undefined);
- if ( !r_is_global(pvalue) && pstack != 0 &&
- !alloc_current_local()
- )
- sreturn(e_invalidaccess);
- ref_assign_new(myref, pvalue);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( retcode < 0 )
- sreturn(retcode);
- /* If we are at the top level, return the object, */
- /* otherwise keep going. */
- if ( pstack == 0 )
- sreturn_no_error(retcode);
- if ( proc_da.limit - (byte *)myref < 2 * sizeof(ref) )
- sreturn(e_limitcheck); /* ****** SHOULD GROW OSTACK ****** */
- myref++;
- goto top;
- }
- /* The internal scanning procedures return 0 on success, */
- /* or a (negative) error code on failure. */
- /* Scan a number for cvi or cvr. */
- /* The first argument is a t_string. This is just like scan_number, */
- /* but allows leading or trailing whitespace. */
- int
- scan_number_only(const ref *psref, ref *pnref)
- { const byte *str = psref->value.const_bytes;
- const byte *end = str + r_size(psref);
- if ( !r_has_attr(psref, a_read) )
- return_error(e_invalidaccess);
- while ( str < end && scan_char_decoder[*str] == ctype_space )
- str++;
- while ( str < end && scan_char_decoder[end[-1]] == ctype_space )
- end--;
- return scan_number(str, end, pnref);
- }
- /* Note that the number scanning procedures use a byte ** and a byte * */
- /* rather than a stream. (It makes quite a difference in performance.) */
- #define neof(sp) (sp >= end)
- #define ngetc(cvar, sp, exit) if ( neof(sp) ) { exit; } else cvar = *sp++
- #define nputback(sp) (--sp)
- #define nreturn(v) return (*pstr = sp, v)
- /* Procedure to scan a number. */
- private int
- scan_number(const byte *str, const byte *end, ref *pref)
- { /* Powers of 10 up to 6 can be represented accurately as */
- /* a single-precision float. */
- #define num_powers_10 6
- static const float powers_10[num_powers_10+1] =
- { 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6 };
- static const double neg_powers_10[num_powers_10+1] =
- { 1e0, 1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6 };
- const byte *sp = str; /* can't be register because of & */
- int sign;
- long ival;
- double dval;
- int exp10;
- int code;
- register int c;
- if ( neof(sp) )
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- switch ( *sp )
- {
- case '+': sign = 1; sp++; break;
- case '-': sign = -1; sp++; break;
- default: sign = 0;
- }
- if ( (code = scan_int(&sp, end, 10, 0, &ival, &dval)) != 0 )
- { if ( code < 0 )
- { /* We can't actually get a limitcheck yet, */
- /* because we don't check for floating overflow. */
- if ( code != e_syntaxerror ) /* e_limitcheck */
- return code;
- /* Might be a number starting with '.'. */
- /* We don't pre-check for this, because it's rare. */
- ngetc(c, sp, return_error(e_syntaxerror));
- if ( c != '.' )
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- ngetc(c, sp, return_error(e_syntaxerror));
- if ( !isdigit(c) )
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- ival = 0;
- goto fi;
- }
- /* Code == 1, i.e., the integer overflowed. */
- #define retreal() /* return a float */\
- make_real_new(pref, (float)(sign < 0 ? -dval : dval));\
- return 0
- ngetc(c, sp, retreal());
- switch ( c )
- {
- default:
- return_error(e_syntaxerror); /* not terminated properly */
- case '.':
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- exp10 = 0;
- goto fd;
- case 'e': case 'E':
- exp10 = 0;
- goto fsd;
- case ERRC:
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- }
- }
- ngetc(c, sp, goto ri);
- switch ( c )
- {
- case ERRC:
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- case '.':
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- goto fi;
- default:
- return_error(e_syntaxerror); /* not terminated properly */
- case 'e': case 'E':
- dval = (sign < 0 ? -ival : ival);
- exp10 = 0;
- goto fe;
- case '#':
- if ( sign || ival < min_radix || ival > max_radix )
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- code = scan_int(&sp, end, (int)ival, 1, &ival, NULL);
- if ( code )
- return code;
- ngetc(c, sp, goto ri);
- switch ( c )
- {
- case ERRC:
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- default:
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- }
- }
- ri: /* Return an integer */
- make_int_new(pref, (sign < 0 ? -ival : ival));
- return 0;
- /* Handle a real. We just saw the decimal point. */
- /* Enter here if we are still accumulating an integer in ival. */
- fi: exp10 = 0;
- while ( isdigit(c) )
- { /* Check for overflowing ival */
- if ( ival >= (max_ulong >> 1) / 10 - 1 )
- { dval = ival;
- goto fd;
- }
- ival = ival * 10 + (c - '0');
- exp10--;
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- }
- if ( sign < 0 ) ival = -ival;
- /* Take a shortcut for the common case */
- if ( !(c == 'e' || c == 'E' || exp10 < -num_powers_10) )
- { /* Check for trailing garbage */
- if ( c != EOFC ) return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- make_real_new(pref, (float)(ival * neg_powers_10[-exp10]));
- return 0;
- }
- dval = ival;
- goto fe;
- /* Now we are accumulating a double in dval. */
- fd: while ( isdigit(c) )
- { dval = dval * 10 + (c - '0');
- exp10--;
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- }
- fsd: if ( sign < 0 ) dval = -dval;
- fe: /* dval contains the value, negated if necessary */
- if ( c == 'e' || c == 'E' )
- { /* Check for a following exponent. */
- int esign = 0;
- long eexp;
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- switch ( c )
- {
- case '+':
- /* The following unnecessary assignment */
- /* works around a bug in the bundled Sun compiler. */
- esign = 0;
- break;
- case '-':
- esign = 1;
- break;
- default:
- nputback(sp);
- }
- code = scan_int(&sp, end, 10, 0, &eexp, NULL);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( code > 0 || eexp > 999 )
- return_error(e_limitcheck); /* semi-arbitrary */
- if ( esign )
- exp10 -= (int)eexp;
- else
- exp10 += (int)eexp;
- ngetc(c, sp, c = EOFC);
- }
- if ( c != EOFC )
- return_error((c == ERRC ? e_ioerror : e_syntaxerror));
- /* Compute dval * 10^exp10. */
- if ( exp10 > 0 )
- { while ( exp10 > num_powers_10 )
- dval *= powers_10[num_powers_10],
- exp10 -= num_powers_10;
- if ( exp10 > 0 )
- dval *= powers_10[exp10];
- }
- else if ( exp10 < 0 )
- { while ( exp10 < -num_powers_10 )
- dval /= powers_10[num_powers_10],
- exp10 += num_powers_10;
- if ( exp10 < 0 )
- dval /= powers_10[-exp10];
- }
- make_real_new(pref, (float)dval);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Internal subroutine to scan an integer. */
- /* Return 0, e_limitcheck, or e_syntaxerror. */
- /* (The only syntax error is no digits encountered.) */
- /* Put back the terminating character. */
- /* If nosign is true, the integer is scanned as unsigned; */
- /* overflowing a ulong returns e_limitcheck. If nosign is false, */
- /* the integer is scanned as signed; if the integer won't fit in a long, */
- /* then: */
- /* if pdval == NULL, return e_limitcheck; */
- /* if pdval != NULL, return 1 and store a double value in *pdval. */
- private int
- scan_int(const byte **pstr, const byte *end, int radix, int nosign,
- long *pval, double *pdval)
- { register const byte *sp = *pstr;
- uint ival;
- ulong lval, lmax;
- uint lrem;
- double dval;
- register int c, d;
- register byte _ds *decoder = scan_char_decoder;
- #define convert_digit_fails(c, d)\
- (d = decoder[c]) >= radix
- ngetc(c, sp, return_error(e_syntaxerror));
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- ival = d;
- /* Pick up numbers up to 4 digits quickly. */
- if ( radix <= 16 )
- { ngetc(c, sp, goto out);
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- goto pb;
- ival = ival * radix + d;
- ngetc(c, sp, goto out);
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- goto pb;
- ival = ival * radix + d;
- ngetc(c, sp, goto out);
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- goto pb;
- ival = ival * radix + d;
- if ( neof(sp) )
- {
- #if arch_ints_are_short
- /* 4 digits might overflow into the sign bit */
- /* if radix == 16. Check for this now. */
- if ( (int)ival < 0 && !nosign )
- { /* Value overflowed into the sign bit, */
- /* but is still OK. The VMS compiler */
- /* doesn't widen unsigneds to longs */
- /* correctly, so we do an extra assignment. */
- /* We know that the value fits into a long. */
- lval = ival;
- *pval = (long)lval;
- nreturn(0);
- }
- #endif
- goto out;
- }
- }
- /* More than 4 digits, or very large radix. */
- /* Accumulate the value in a long. */
- /* Avoid the long divisions when radix = 10. */
- lval = ival;
- if ( radix == 10 ) /* Avoid the divides */
- lmax = max_ulong / 10, lrem = max_ulong % 10;
- else
- lmax = max_ulong / radix, lrem = max_ulong % radix;
- while ( 1 )
- { ngetc(c, sp, goto l_end);
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- goto l_pb;
- if ( lval >= lmax && (lval > lmax || d > lrem) )
- goto l_over; /* overflow */
- lval = lval * radix + d;
- }
- /* End of short integer. */
- pb: if ( char_is_data(c) ) nputback(sp);
- out: *pval = ival;
- nreturn(0);
- /* End of long integer */
- l_pb: if ( char_is_data(c) ) nputback(sp);
- l_end: if ( (long)lval < 0 && !nosign )
- { d = lval % radix;
- lval /= radix;
- goto l_over;
- }
- *pval = lval;
- nreturn(0);
- l_over: /* Integer overflowed. Accumulate the result as a double. */
- if ( pdval == NULL )
- nreturn(e_limitcheck);
- dval = (double)lval * radix + d;
- while ( 1 )
- { ngetc(c, sp, break);
- if ( convert_digit_fails(c, d) )
- { if ( char_is_data(c) ) nputback(sp);
- break;
- }
- dval = dval * radix + d;
- }
- /* End of very large integer. */
- *pdval = dval;
- nreturn(1);
- }
- /* Make a string. If the allocation fails, release any dynamic storage. */
- private int
- mk_string(ref *pref, da_ptr pda, byte *next)
- { uint size = (pda->next = next) - pda->base;
- byte *body;
- if ( pda->is_dynamic )
- { body = alloc_shrink(pda->base, pda->num_elts, size, 1,
- "scanner(string)");
- if ( body == 0 )
- { dynamic_free(pda);
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- }
- else
- { body = (byte *)alloc(size, 1, "scanner(string)");
- if ( body == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- memcpy(body, pda->base, size);
- }
- make_tasv_new(pref, t_string, a_all, size, bytes, body);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Internal procedure to scan a string. */
- private int
- scan_string(register stream *s, int from_string, ref *pref)
- { dynamic_area da;
- register int c;
- #define str_count 50
- byte str[str_count]; /* faster buffer for short strings */
- register byte *ptr = static_begin_string(&da, str_count, str);
- #undef str_count
- int plevel = 0;
- top: while ( 1 )
- { switch ( (c = sgetc(s)) )
- {
- case EOFC:
- dynamic_free(&da);
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- case ERRC:
- dynamic_free(&da);
- return_error(e_ioerror);
- case '\\':
- /* Only old P*stScr*pt interpreters use from_string.... */
- if ( from_string && !scan_enable_level2 ) break;
- switch ( (c = sgetc(s)) )
- {
- case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
- case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
- case 't': c = '\t'; break;
- case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
- case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
- case '\r': /* ignore, check for following \n */
- c = sgetc(s);
- if ( c != '\n' && char_is_data(c) )
- sputback(s);
- goto top;
- case '\n': goto top; /* ignore */
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- { int d = sgetc(s);
- c -= '0';
- if ( d >= '0' && d <= '7' )
- { c = (c << 3) + d - '0';
- d = sgetc(s);
- if ( d >= '0' && d <= '7' )
- { c = (c << 3) + d - '0';
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( char_is_signal(d) )
- { dynamic_free(&da);
- return (d == ERRC ? e_ioerror : e_syntaxerror);
- }
- sputback(s);
- }
- break;
- default: ; /* ignore the \ */
- }
- break;
- case '(':
- plevel++; break;
- case ')':
- if ( --plevel < 0 ) goto out; break;
- case '\r': /* convert to \n */
- c = sgetc(s);
- if ( c != '\n' && char_is_data(c) )
- sputback(s);
- c = '\n';
- }
- if ( ptr == da.limit )
- { ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, ptr);
- if ( !ptr )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- *ptr++ = c;
- }
- out: return mk_string(pref, &da, ptr);
- }
- /* Internal procedure to scan an ASCII85 string. */
- private int
- scan_ascii85_string(stream *s, ref *pref)
- { dynamic_area da;
- stream ss;
- #define buf85_size 128
- byte buf85[buf85_size];
- int c;
- #define str_count 50
- byte str[str_count]; /* faster buffer for short strings */
- byte *ptr = static_begin_string(&da, str_count, str);
- #undef str_count
- if ( ptr == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- (*scan_ascii85_setup_proc)(&ss, s, &buf85[0], buf85_size);
- while ( (c = sgetc(&ss)) >= 0 )
- { if ( ptr == da.limit )
- { ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, ptr);
- if ( !ptr )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- *ptr++ = c;
- }
- if ( c != EOFC )
- { dynamic_free(&da);
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- }
- return mk_string(pref, &da, ptr);
- #undef buf85_size
- }
- /* Internal procedure to scan a hex string. */
- private int
- scan_hex_string(stream *s, ref *pref)
- { dynamic_area da;
- int c1, c2, val1, val2;
- #define str_count 50
- byte str[str_count]; /* faster buffer for short strings */
- byte *ptr = static_begin_string(&da, str_count, str);
- #undef str_count
- register const byte _ds *decoder = scan_char_decoder;
- if ( ptr == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- l1: do
- { c1 = sgetc(s);
- if ( (val1 = decoder[c1]) < 0x10 )
- { do
- { c2 = sgetc(s);
- if ( (val2 = decoder[c2]) < 0x10 )
- { if ( ptr == da.limit )
- { ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, ptr);
- if ( !ptr )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- *ptr++ = (val1 << 4) + val2;
- goto l1;
- }
- }
- while ( val2 == ctype_space );
- if ( c2 != '>' )
- { dynamic_free(&da);
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- }
- if ( ptr == da.limit )
- { ptr = dynamic_grow(&da, ptr);
- if ( !ptr )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- }
- *ptr++ = val1 << 4; /* no 2nd char */
- goto lx;
- }
- }
- while ( val1 == ctype_space );
- if ( c1 != '>' )
- { dynamic_free(&da);
- return_error(e_syntaxerror);
- }
- lx: return mk_string(pref, &da, ptr);
- }