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- /* Copyright (C) 1990, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* zbseq.c */
- /* Level 2 binary object sequence operators */
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "save.h"
- #include "store.h"
- #include "stream.h"
- #include "files.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "bnum.h"
- #include "btoken.h"
- #include "bseq.h"
- /* Current binary format (in iscan.c) */
- extern ref ref_binary_object_format;
- /* System and user name arrays. */
- ref system_names, user_names;
- /* Import the Level 2 scanner extensions. */
- extern int scan_binary_token(P3(stream *, ref *, int));
- extern int (*scan_btoken_proc)(P3(stream *, ref *, int));
- extern void scan_ascii85_setup(P4(stream *, stream *, byte *, uint));
- extern void (*scan_ascii85_setup_proc)(P4(stream *, stream *, byte *, uint));
- /* Initialize the Level 2 scanning machinery. */
- private void
- zbseq_init(void)
- { /* Initialize fake system and user name tables. */
- /* PostScript code will install the real ones. */
- make_tasv(&system_names, t_shortarray, a_readonly, 0, packed, NULL);
- make_tasv(&user_names, t_array, a_all, 0, refs, NULL);
- scan_btoken_proc = scan_binary_token;
- scan_ascii85_setup_proc = scan_ascii85_setup;
- }
- /* <system_names> <user_names> .installnames - */
- int
- zinstallnames(register os_ptr op)
- { check_read_type(op[-1], t_shortarray);
- check_type(*op, t_array);
- ref_assign_old(&system_names, op - 1, ".installnames");
- ref_assign_old(&user_names, op, ".installnames");
- pop(2);
- return 0;
- }
- /* - currentobjectformat <int> */
- int
- zcurrentobjectformat(register os_ptr op)
- { push(1);
- *op = ref_binary_object_format;
- return 0;
- }
- /* <int> setobjectformat - */
- int
- zsetobjectformat(register os_ptr op)
- { check_type(*op, t_integer);
- if ( op->value.intval < 0 || op->value.intval > 4 )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- ref_assign_old(&ref_binary_object_format, op, "setobjectformat");
- pop(1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <file> <tag> <array> .writeobjects - */
- /* Internal definitions */
- typedef struct { ulong refs, chars; } bin_space;
- private int bin_seq_push(P2(os_ptr, bin_space *));
- private void bin_seq_write_objects(P6(stream *, const_os_ptr, const_os_ptr,
- byte, ulong, ulong));
- private void bin_seq_write_strings(P3(stream *, const_os_ptr, const_os_ptr));
- int
- zwriteobjects(register os_ptr op)
- { stream *s;
- int code;
- int bin_format = (int)ref_binary_object_format.value.intval - 1;
- bin_space space;
- ulong total;
- byte tag;
- os_ptr op1 = op - 1;
- os_ptr top;
- ulong apos;
- static const int nfs[4] =
- { num_float_IEEE + num_msb,
- num_float_IEEE + num_lsb,
- num_float_native + num_msb,
- num_float_native + num_lsb
- };
- if ( bin_format < 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- check_write_file(s, op - 2);
- check_type(*op1, t_integer);
- if ( op1->value.intval < 0 || op1->value.intval > 255 )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- tag = (byte)op1->value.intval;
- check_read_type(*op, t_array);
- space.refs = space.chars = 0;
- code = bin_seq_push(op, &space);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- top = op + code;
- /* Object has been validated, only possible error now is */
- /* ioerror (which we don't check for). */
- total = space.refs * sizeof(bin_seq_obj) + space.chars;
- apos = r_size(op) * (ulong)sizeof(bin_seq_obj);
- s->num_format = nfs[bin_format];
- sputc(s, (byte)bt_seq + bin_format);
- if ( total > 0xffff - 4 ) /* use long format */
- { sputc(s, 0);
- sputshort(s, r_size(op));
- sputlong(s, total + 8);
- }
- else /* use short format */
- { sputc(s, (byte)r_size(op));
- sputshort(s, (ushort)total + 4);
- }
- bin_seq_write_objects(s, op, top, tag, apos, total - space.chars);
- bin_seq_write_strings(s, op, top);
- pop(3);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- op_def zbseq_op_defs[] = {
- {"2.installnames", zinstallnames},
- {"0currentobjectformat", zcurrentobjectformat},
- {"1setobjectformat", zsetobjectformat},
- {"3.writeobjects", zwriteobjects},
- op_def_end(zbseq_init)
- };
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Recursively scan arrays breadth-first and push onto the stack. */
- /* Compute the space requirements at the same time. */
- /* Return the number of arrays on the stack, but don't change osp. */
- private int
- bin_seq_push(os_ptr op0, bin_space *bsp)
- { register os_ptr op = op0;
- os_ptr top = op;
- while ( op <= top )
- { uint i = r_size(op);
- const ref *ep = op->value.const_refs;
- bsp->refs += i;
- for ( ; i; i--, ep++ )
- switch ( r_type(ep) )
- {
- case t_null: case t_integer: case t_real:
- case t_boolean: case t_mark:
- break;
- case t_string:
- check_read(*ep);
- bsp->chars += r_size(ep);
- break;
- case t_name:
- { ref nstr;
- name_string_ref(ep, &nstr);
- bsp->chars += r_size(&nstr);
- } break;
- case t_array:
- { check_read(*ep);
- if ( top == ostop )
- return_error(e_limitcheck);
- top++;
- ref_assign(top, ep);
- } break;
- default:
- return_error(e_typecheck);
- }
- op++;
- }
- return top - op0;
- }
- /* Write the objects part of a binary object sequence. */
- private void
- bin_seq_write_objects(stream *s, const_os_ptr op, const_os_ptr top,
- byte tag, ulong apos, ulong spos)
- { bin_seq_obj ob;
- ref nstr;
- ob.unused = tag;
- #define swap_t(a, b) t = a, a = b, b = t
- #if arch_is_big_endian
- # define must_swap(s) s_is_lsb(s)
- #else
- # define must_swap(s) s_is_msb(s)
- #endif
- for ( ; op <= top; op++ )
- { uint i = r_size(op);
- const ref *ep = op->value.const_refs;
- for ( ; i; i--, ep++ )
- { switch ( r_type(ep) )
- {
- case t_null:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_null;
- break;
- case t_mark:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_mark;
- break;
- case t_integer:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_integer;
- ob.value.w = ep->value.intval;
- num: ob.size.w = 0; /* (matters for reals) */
- swb: /* swap bytes of value if needed */
- if ( must_swap(s) )
- { byte t;
- swap_t(ob.value.b[0], ob.value.b[3]);
- swap_t(ob.value.b[1], ob.value.b[2]);
- }
- break;
- case t_real:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_real;
- ob.value.f = ep->value.realval;
- /***** handle non-IEEE native *****/
- goto num;
- case t_boolean:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_boolean;
- ob.value.w = ep->value.index;
- goto num;
- case t_array:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_array;
- if ( r_has_attr(ep, a_executable) )
- ob.tx += (byte)bs_executable;
- ob.size.w = r_size(ep);
- ob.value.w = apos;
- apos += ob.size.w * (ulong)sizeof(bin_seq_obj);
- goto nsa;
- case t_string:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_string;
- if ( r_has_attr(ep, a_executable) )
- ob.tx += (byte)bs_executable;
- ob.size.w = r_size(ep);
- nos: ob.value.w = spos;
- spos += ob.size.w;
- nsa: if ( must_swap(s) )
- { byte t;
- swap_t(ob.size.b[0], ob.size.b[1]);
- }
- goto swb;
- case t_name:
- ob.tx = (byte)bs_name;
- name_string_ref(ep, &nstr);
- ob.size.w = r_size(&nstr);
- goto nos;
- }
- sputs(s, (byte *)&ob, sizeof(bin_seq_obj));
- ob.unused = 0; /* tag first object only */
- }
- }
- }
- /* Write the string part of a binary object sequence */
- private void
- bin_seq_write_strings(stream *s, const_os_ptr op, const_os_ptr top)
- { for ( ; op <= top; op++ )
- { uint i = r_size(op);
- const ref *ep = op->value.const_refs;
- for ( ; i; i--, ep++ )
- switch ( r_type(ep) )
- {
- case t_name:
- { ref nstr;
- name_string_ref(ep, &nstr);
- sputs(s, nstr.value.bytes, r_size(&nstr));
- } break;
- case t_string:
- sputs(s, ep->value.bytes, r_size(ep));
- break;
- }
- }
- }