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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* zchar.c */
- /* Character operators for Ghostscript */
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "oper.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h" /* for gstype1.h */
- #include "gxmatrix.h" /* for font.h */
- #include "gschar.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h" /* for gxfont.h */
- #include "gxfont.h"
- #include "gxtype1.h" /* should be gstype1.h, but */
- /* we need sizeof(gs_type1_state) */
- /* so we can use stack allocation */
- #include "gzpath.h" /* for type1addpath: see below */
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "dict.h"
- #include "font.h"
- #include "estack.h"
- #include "ilevel.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "state.h"
- #include "store.h"
- /* Procedures exported for zchar2.c; */
- /* these are also internal forward references. */
- int op_show_setup(P2(os_ptr, int /*bool*/));
- int op_show_continue(P1(os_ptr));
- int op_show_continue_dispatch(P2(os_ptr, int));
- gs_show_enum *op_show_find(P0());
- /* gs_show_enum *op_show_senum(P0()); */
- /* ref *op_show_psslot(P0()); */
- int op_show_cleanup(P1(os_ptr));
- void op_show_free(P0());
- /* All the character rendering operators use the execution stack */
- /* for loop control -- see estack.h for details. */
- /* The information pushed by these operators is as follows: */
- /* the enumerator (t_string, but points to a gs_show_enum); */
- /* a slot for the procedure for kshow or the stream for [x][y]show */
- /* (t_string, but points to a stream), unused otherwise; */
- /* the procedure to be called at the end of the enumeration */
- /* (t_operator, but called directly, not by the interpreter); */
- /* the usual e-stack mark (t_null). */
- #define snumpush 4
- #define senum (gs_show_enum *)(esp->value.bytes)
- #define sslot esp[-1]
- #define seproc esp[-2]
- /* Forward references */
- private int show_enum_setup(P2(os_ptr, op_proc_p));
- private int finish_show(P1(os_ptr));
- private int finish_stringwidth(P1(os_ptr));
- /* <string> show - */
- int
- zshow(register os_ptr op)
- { int code = op_show_setup(op, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_show_n_init(senum, igs, (char *)op->value.bytes, r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(1); op--;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* <ax> <ay> <string> ashow - */
- int
- zashow(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- float axy[2];
- if ( (code = num_params(op - 1, 2, axy)) < 0 ||
- (code = op_show_setup(op, 1)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- if ( (code = gs_ashow_n_init(senum, igs, axy[0], axy[1], (char *)op->value.bytes, r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(3); op -= 3;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* <cx> <cy> <char> <string> widthshow - */
- int
- zwidthshow(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- float cxy[2];
- check_type(op[-1], t_integer);
- if ( (gs_char)(op[-1].value.intval) != op[-1].value.intval )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- if ( (code = num_params(op - 2, 2, cxy)) < 0 ||
- (code = op_show_setup(op, 1)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- if ( (code = gs_widthshow_n_init(senum, igs, cxy[0], cxy[1],
- (gs_char)op[-1].value.intval,
- (char *)op->value.bytes,
- r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(4); op -= 4;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* <cx> <cy> <char> <ax> <ay> <string> awidthshow - */
- int
- zawidthshow(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- float cxy[2], axy[2];
- check_type(op[-3], t_integer);
- if ( (gs_char)(op[-3].value.intval) != op[-3].value.intval )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- if ( (code = num_params(op - 4, 2, cxy)) < 0 ||
- (code = num_params(op - 1, 2, axy)) < 0 ||
- (code = op_show_setup(op, 1)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- if ( (code = gs_awidthshow_n_init(senum, igs, cxy[0], cxy[1],
- (gs_char)op[-3].value.intval,
- axy[0], axy[1],
- (char *)op->value.bytes,
- r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(6); op -= 6;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* <proc> <string> kshow - */
- int
- zkshow(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- check_proc(op[-1]);
- if ( (code = op_show_setup(op, 1)) < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_kshow_n_init(senum, igs, (char *)op->value.bytes, r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- sslot = op[-1]; /* save kerning proc */
- pop(2); op -= 2;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* Common finish procedure for all show operations. */
- /* Doesn't have to do anything. */
- private int
- finish_show(os_ptr op)
- { return 0;
- }
- /* <string> stringwidth <wx> <wy> */
- int
- zstringwidth(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- check_read_type(*op, t_string);
- code = show_enum_setup(op, finish_stringwidth);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_stringwidth_n_init(senum, igs, (char *)op->value.bytes, r_size(op))) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(1); op--;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* Finishing procedure for stringwidth. */
- /* Pushes the accumulated width. */
- private int
- finish_stringwidth(register os_ptr op)
- { gs_point width;
- gs_show_width(senum, &width);
- push(2);
- make_real(op - 1, width.x);
- make_real(op, width.y);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <string> <outline_bool> charpath - */
- int
- zcharpath(register os_ptr op)
- { int code;
- check_type(*op, t_boolean);
- code = op_show_setup(op - 1, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_charpath_n_init(senum, igs, (char *)op[-1].value.bytes, r_size(op - 1), op->value.index)) < 0 )
- { op_show_free();
- return code;
- }
- pop(2); op -= 2;
- return op_show_continue(op);
- }
- /* <wx> <wy> <llx> <lly> <urx> <ury> setcachedevice - */
- int
- zsetcachedevice(register os_ptr op)
- { float wbox[6];
- gs_show_enum *penum = op_show_find();
- int code = num_params(op, 6, wbox);
- if ( penum == 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( (code = gs_setcachedevice(penum, igs, wbox[0], wbox[1], wbox[2], wbox[3], wbox[4], wbox[5])) < 0 )
- return code;
- pop(6);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <wx> <wy> setcharwidth - */
- int
- zsetcharwidth(register os_ptr op)
- { float width[2];
- gs_show_enum *penum = op_show_find();
- int code = num_params(op, 2, width);
- if ( penum == 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( code < 0 ||
- (code = gs_setcharwidth(penum, igs, width[0], width[1])) < 0
- )
- return code;
- pop(2);
- return 0;
- }
- /* <string> .type1addpath - */
- /* <string> <lsbx> <lsby> .type1addpath - */
- typedef struct {
- gs_font *pfont;
- fixed *osptr; /* fake interpreter operand stack */
- fixed ostack[2];
- } z1_data;
- int
- ztype1addpath(register os_ptr op)
- { int code = 0;
- int value;
- gs_show_enum *penum = op_show_find();
- gs_font *pfont = gs_currentfont(igs);
- font_data *pfdata = (font_data *)pfont->client_data;
- gs_type1_state is; /* stack allocate to avoid sandbars */
- gs_type1_state *pis = &is;
- float sbxy[2];
- gs_point sbpt;
- gs_point *psbpt = 0;
- os_ptr opc = op;
- gs_type1_data tdata;
- z1_data zdata;
- const byte *charstring;
- if ( penum == 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( num_params(op, 2, sbxy) >= 0 )
- { sbpt.x = sbxy[0];
- sbpt.y = sbxy[1];
- psbpt = &sbpt;
- opc -= 2;
- }
- check_type(*opc, t_string);
- tdata = pfont->data.base.type1_data;
- zdata.pfont = pfont;
- zdata.osptr = zdata.ostack;
- tdata.proc_data = (char *)&zdata;
- if ( r_size(opc) <= tdata.lenIV )
- { /* String is empty, or too short. Just ignore it. */
- goto ret;
- }
- code = gs_type1_init(pis, penum,
- gs_show_in_charpath(penum), tdata.PaintType,
- &tdata);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- charstring = opc->value.const_bytes;
- more: code = gs_type1_interpret(pis, charstring, psbpt, &value);
- charstring = 0;
- switch ( code )
- {
- case type1_result_seac:
- { ref *pcstr;
- ref enc_entry;
- code = array_get(&StandardEncoding, (long)value, &enc_entry);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( dict_find(&pfdata->CharStrings,
- &enc_entry, &pcstr) <= 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- if ( !r_has_type(pcstr, t_string) )
- return_error(e_invalidfont);
- charstring = pcstr->value.const_bytes;
- } goto more;
- case type1_result_callothersubr:
- /* The Type 1 interpreter handles all known othersubrs, */
- /* so this must be an unknown one. */
- code = e_rangecheck;
- break;
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- ret: pop((psbpt == 0 ? 1 : 3));
- return code;
- }
- /* ------ Auxiliary procedures for type 1 fonts ------ */
- int
- z1_subr_proc(gs_type1_data *pdata, int index, const byte **pstr)
- { gs_font *pfont = ((z1_data *)(pdata->proc_data))->pfont;
- font_data *pfdata = (font_data *)(pfont->client_data);
- ref *psubr;
- if ( index < 0 || index >= r_size(&pfdata->Subrs) )
- return_error(e_rangecheck);
- psubr = pfdata->Subrs.value.refs + index;
- check_type(*psubr, t_string);
- *pstr = psubr->value.bytes;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- z1_pop_proc(gs_type1_data *pdata, fixed *pf)
- { *pf = *--(((z1_data *)(pdata->proc_data))->osptr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
- op_def zchar_op_defs[] = {
- {"3ashow", zashow},
- {"6awidthshow", zawidthshow},
- {"2charpath", zcharpath},
- {"2kshow", zkshow},
- {"6setcachedevice", zsetcachedevice},
- {"2setcharwidth", zsetcharwidth},
- {"1show", zshow},
- {"1stringwidth", zstringwidth},
- {"1.type1addpath", ztype1addpath},
- {"4widthshow", zwidthshow},
- /* Internal operators */
- {"0%finish_show", finish_show},
- {"0%finish_stringwidth", finish_stringwidth},
- {"0%op_show_continue", op_show_continue},
- op_def_end(0)
- };
- /* ------ Subroutines ------ */
- /* Most of these are exported for zchar2.c. */
- /* Set up for a show operator. If check_string is true, */
- /* the top stack element must be the string to be scanned. */
- /* The caller has already done all other argument checking. */
- int
- op_show_setup(os_ptr op, int check_string)
- { if ( check_string )
- { check_read_type(*op, t_string);
- }
- return show_enum_setup(op, finish_show);
- }
- private int
- show_enum_setup(os_ptr op, op_proc_p endproc /* end procedure */)
- { gs_show_enum *penum;
- check_estack(snumpush + 2);
- if ( (penum = (gs_show_enum *)alloc(1, gs_show_enum_sizeof, "setup_show")) == 0 )
- return_error(e_VMerror);
- mark_estack(es_show, op_show_cleanup);
- push_op_estack(endproc);
- ++esp;
- make_null(esp); /* reserve sslot */
- ++esp;
- make_tasv(esp, t_string, 0, gs_show_enum_sizeof, bytes, (byte *)penum);
- return o_push_estack;
- }
- /* Continuation operator for character rendering. */
- int
- op_show_continue(os_ptr op)
- { return op_show_continue_dispatch(op, gs_show_next(senum));
- }
- int
- op_show_continue_dispatch(register os_ptr op, int code)
- { gs_show_enum *penum = senum;
- switch ( code )
- {
- case 0: /* all done */
- code = (*real_opproc(&seproc))(op);
- op_show_free();
- return (code >= 0 ? o_pop_estack : code);
- case gs_show_kern:
- { ref *pslot = &sslot;
- push(2);
- make_int(op - 1, gs_kshow_previous_char(penum));
- make_int(op, gs_kshow_next_char(penum));
- push_op_estack(op_show_continue); /* continue after kerning */
- *++esp = *pslot; /* kerning procedure */
- }
- return o_push_estack;
- case gs_show_render:
- { font_data *pfdata = (font_data *)gs_currentfont(igs)->client_data;
- push(2);
- op[-1] = pfdata->dict; /* push the font */
- if ( level2_enabled && !r_has_type(&pfdata->BuildGlyph, t_null) )
- { /* Use BuildGlyph. */
- gs_glyph glyph = gs_show_current_glyph(penum);
- if ( glyph == gs_no_glyph )
- goto err; /* not possible (!) */
- name_index_ref(glyph, op);
- esp[2] = pfdata->BuildGlyph;
- }
- else
- { /* Use BuildChar. */
- gs_char chr = gs_show_current_char(penum);
- if ( chr == gs_no_char )
- goto err; /* only possible for glyphshow */
- make_int(op, chr);
- esp[2] = pfdata->BuildChar;
- }
- push_op_estack(op_show_continue);
- ++esp; /* skip BuildChar or BuildGlyph proc */
- }
- return o_push_estack;
- default: /* error */
- err: op_show_free();
- return (code < 0 ? code : e_invalidfont);
- }
- }
- /* Find the current show enumerator on the e-stack. */
- gs_show_enum *
- op_show_find(void)
- { es_ptr ep = esp;
- while ( !(r_is_estack_mark(ep) && estack_mark_index(ep) == es_show) )
- { if ( --ep < esbot ) return 0; /* no mark */
- }
- return (gs_show_enum *)ep[snumpush - 1].value.bytes;
- }
- /* Return the current enumerator for the continuation procedure. */
- gs_show_enum *
- op_show_senum(void)
- { return senum;
- }
- /* Return the address of the current procedure slot ditto. */
- ref *
- op_show_psslot(void)
- { return &sslot;
- }
- /* Discard the show record (after an error, or at the end). */
- int
- op_show_cleanup(os_ptr op)
- { register es_ptr ep = esp + snumpush;
- #define esp ep /* for senum, sslot */
- if ( r_has_type(&sslot, t_string) )
- alloc_free((char *)sslot.value.bytes, 1, r_size(&sslot),
- "free_show(stream)");
- alloc_free((char *)senum, 1, gs_show_enum_sizeof, "free_show(enum)");
- #undef esp
- return 0;
- }
- void
- op_show_free(void)
- { esp -= snumpush;
- op_show_cleanup(osp);
- }