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Welcome to ForcerIcon v1.2. This is a short description on how to
use the program and how to configure it. ForceIcon is a utility mainly
written for users of CDRom drives.
Have you ever tried to Snapshot the disk icon (Disk.info) or tried
to replace the disk icon of a CDRom ? Well, if not, do not even try,
CDRom drives are read only media (how come). This is where ForceIcon
comes to use. You may tell ForceIcon which volumes/devices to
snoop/trace for forcing abolute positions or images.
ForceIcon is (C) 1993 Kai Iske, GiftWare
The UserInterface was built using GadToolsBox 2.0c (37.300) by Jan
van den Baard
You are allowed to copy and spread this program but only if you do
not make any commercial profit out of the program itself and all
supported files. The source of ForceIcon is considered teachware and
the author claims the right to be the only one to produce and
distribute new versions of ForceIcon. Public Domain vendors are not
allowed to sell ForceIcon for more than the price of a regular disk,
which should not be higher than 5 Dollars.
ForceIcon is GiftWare, so if you like it and you you want to express
your feelings, feel free to send me anything you think of being suited.
Postcards, cookies, money, simply anything ;)
The author does not give any guarantee that the program ForceIcon
works perfectly. The program was tested and it is used every day,
anyway nobody is perfect and that is why I can not take the
responsibilty for any damages occured during the usage of ForceIcon.
When I bought my CDRom drive I found out that the Workbench chooses
quite *stupid* positions for icons with no abolute position (from my
point of view). Furthermore some CDRom publishers do not seem to care
for good looking disk icons (again, from my point of view; if they even
supply one). Since I could not snapshot the supplied icon, nor replace
it with one of my icons, I thought it would be a good idea to have an
utility which does the "snapshotting" or "replacment". This was when
ForceIcon came to live.
ForceIcon allows the user to select positions for his/her Disk.info
files, either device dependant or volume dependant, ie. ForceIcon will
either monitor *all* volumes inserted into a device, or just those
specified by the user. It is also possible to override the settings for
a device if you specify the name of a volume, too.
Whom I must say 'thank you'
I would like to thank the following people
`Martin Taillefer'
For answering several questions
`Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel'
For suggestions and beta-testing
`Ralph Babel'
For suggestions on how to implement device dependancy and for
pointing me to a "bug".
`My girlfriend'
Who accepts what I`m doing
...and all the others I forgot
How to obtain updates
ForceIcon will be available on ADS, FRAS, FTP, and Fred Fish disks
(CDs) as soon as there is a new release available.
How to contact the author
If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports or anything else
you want to tell me, you may contact me under one of these addresses.
Either use normal snail mail:
Kai Iske
Brucknerstrasse 18
63452 Hanau
Tel.: +49-(0)6181-850181
or reach me using electronical mail
USENET: kai@iske.adsp.sub.org
INTERNET: iske@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
FIDO: Kai Iske, 2:244/6302.11
Installing ForceIcon
Installing ForceIcon is not that hard. Simply copy it to your
`SYS:WBStartUp' drawer (including the supplied icon), or place it
somewhere else and start ForceIcon from within your `S:User-StartUp'
file. I suggest you better start ForceIcon from within
`S:User-StartUp', so that ForceIcon may apply all patches *before*
Workbench is loaded.
When starting from within `S:User-StartUp' issue the following line :
Run <NIL: >NIL: ForceIcon
You may configure ForceIcon using the following
ToolTypes/CommandLine options.
Sets the priority for the program`s section which controls the
HotKey. If you issue a priority > 0 it may be that HotKeys
initialized by other programs may not be reached anymore if
ForceIcon uses the same. Default: It`s neutral 0.
Per default the control window will be opened on startup. You may
suppress this behaviour by issuing *CX_POPUP=NO*
Using this option you may override the default settings for the
openup HotKey. This HotKey is used to open the control window.
Default HotKey definition is *lalt lshift i*. See HotKey, for more
about describing a HotKey.
These options may be used within the icon`s ToolType field or on the
HotKey definition
To ease the definition of a HotKey here is a list of
key-descriptions the system "knows".
Here is a list of qualifiers.
Any Alt key.
Only the right Alt key.
Only the left Alt key.
Either Shift key.
The right Shift key.
Only the left Shift Key.
Capslock must be pressed.
Left Amiga key.
Right Amiga key.
Control Key.
Keys of the Numeric Keypad are accepted.
Right mousebutton.
Middle mousebutton.
Left mousebutton.
Preferences have been changed. Maybe a new font was selected.
A disk was removed from a drive.
A disk was inserted into a drive.
These are the qualifiers you can use in almost every combination.
Now we come to the descriptions of "normal" keys.
`A - Z, 0 - 9, etc.pp.'
Normal keys, as you see them on the keyboard.
`F1 - F10'
The ten function keys.
The cursor keys up, down, left, and right.
The Help key.
Delete key (beside HELP).
Backspace key
Return key.
Enter on Numeric Keyboard (only, if NUMERICPAD was specified).
Escape key.
A comma.
The apostroph (to the left of the 1).
You can use as many qualifiers as you wish, but only one key per
description. This is the syntax for a HotKey definition:
As you can see the qualifiers can be totally left out, but in how
far this is usefull depends on you. Entering "None" (without quotes)
will disable a HotKey.
Using ForceIcon
From within the main window you may configure ForceIcon to suit your
needs and disks.
On the right side of the window you will notice a ListView gadget
showing all available volumes/devices currently known to the system.
From this ListView you may select the volumes/devices to apply changes
to. Simply select an entry and click on the *Add to list* gadget and
the selected volume/device will be copied to the left ListView gadget
named 'Used Volumes/Devices'. You may copy an entry to the select-list
by double-clicking on it, too. If the selected entry has already been
added to the list, a requester will pop up giving a warning. If a
volume/device is not mounted yet you may add it`s name to the 'Used
Volumes/Devices' list by clicking on *Add manually...*. A window will
pop up, containing a String gadget. Simply enter the new entry`s name
*without* a trailing colon. Selecting *Ok* will copy the entered
volume to the 'Used Volumes/Devices' list, as long as it is not there
yet. 'Cancel' will simply abort. You may determine the type of entry
using the *Type* gadget. The third gadget underneith the 'Available
Volumes/Devices' ListView called *Rescan list* may be used if a
volume/device has been mounted *after* the main window has been opened.
Underneith the 'Used Volumes/Devices' ListView there are two Button
gadgets. Selecting *Edit...*, or double clicking on an entry will open