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% This file is part of the NFSS2 (New Font Selection Scheme) package.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (C) 1993 Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf,
% All rights reserved
% You are not allowed to change this file.
Copyright (C) 1989-1993 by Frank Mittelbach, Rainer Schoepf.
All rights reserved.
This file is part of the NFSS (New Font Selection Scheme) package.
You are not allowed to change this file.
NFSS2 is a new font selection mechanism for LaTeX and other TeX macro
These instructions assume that you already have installed a
near-standard LaTeX system.
The whole process will take about one hour on a 16MHz 386 machine.
1 Read this readme file carefully.
2 Process nfssinst.ltx with LaTeX and read this document carefully.
It will tell you how to produce a LaTeX format containing NFSS2.
3 Run the installation scripts through TeX or LaTeX as explained in
nfssinst.ltx. This will generate many new files for you in the
current directory.
4 Run IniTeX with nfss2ltx as the input file or with some other file
that inputs nfss2ltx.tex (in case you want a different name for the
format file).
5 Test the new format by processing main.drv with it. This should
give you a long document with information about the NFSS2 files.
Notice that if you don't have all the fonts used in this document
you may get warnings from LaTeX+NFSS2 telling you that it could not
find all of the fonts and substituted some others, but the result
should be a valid document if you processed the installation
scripts in step 3) correctly and you have the standard TeX fonts.
6 Move the newly created format file to your format directory. Note
that on some systems, you might need to do some additional steps to
make the new NFSS2 format easily available. You should be able to
find the necessary information in your TeX installation guide.
7 Move all style files to your style file directory.
8 Move all font definition files (.fd) to a directory searched by
TeX. This can be the style file directory on most systems.
9 This finishes the installation.
The file interfac.ltx contains a short interface description of all
commands in in form of a LaTeX document. It isn't polished, sorry for
this (any volunteers?). Note that this needs a NFSS2 based formats to
You can get a pretty-printed documentation of several files in the
distribution by running the *.drv files (except for main.drv) through
LaTeX. The file main.drv will produce the complete documentation. If
you process this file you don't need to process any other *.drv file.
The full description of the user interface will appear in the
forthcoming book:
author = {Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and
Alexander Samarin},
title = {The {\LaTeX} Companion (tentative title)},
publisher = Addison-Wesley,
address = Reading, Massachusetts,
year = 1993,
bibliography = {yes},
index = {yes},
note = {to appear},
Related packages:
Packages related to NFSS, such as AMS-LaTeX, are currently
being updated and will be available within short time.
Until AMS-LaTeX has been updated, the authors have obtained permission
from the AMS to distribute versions of the AMS files that have been
changed to work with NFSS2.
The PSNFSS package by Sebastian Rahtz for using PostScript fonts has
been merged into this NFSS2 distribution; support for the common 35
Abode PostScript fonts is installed automatically. Support for other
PostScript fonts is distributed as contributed software; for more
information see the file readme.ps.
General warning:
A lot of work still needs to be done, some files are only partly
converted etc. and therefore not in the distribution. Also there are
probably some bugs still in the code.
Nevertheless I hope that you enjoy the new release and find it useful.
List of distributed files:
Master installation files:
main.ins This installation script does the full installation.
main.drv Main driver file to produce a single documentation
file from all .dtx and .fdd files. Some parts of this
document will look better if used under NFSS2 but the
file is processable without having NFSS2 running.
nfssinst.ltx Description how to build a LaTeX+NFSS2 format.
Read this before doing anything else.
Additional Documentation:
interfac.ltx This file contains a short but hopefully complete
description of the interfaces for NFSS2. This needs
NFSS2 for processing it.
Font declaration files:
amsfonts.fdd AMS fonts definition source
amsfonts.ins AMS fonts installation script
cmrfonts.fdd Computer Modern definition source
cmrfonts.ins Computer Modern installation script
psfonts.dtx PostScript fonts definition source
psfonts.ins PostScript installation script
IniTeX files:
fdprefix.dtx Source for the fdprefix feature.
fdprefix.ins Installation script for it
fontdef.dtx Source for the default encoding setup
fontdef.ins Installation script for it
nfssboot.dtx Source for the bootstrap file for he LaTeX format
nfssboot.ins Installation script for it
nfsscode.tex Main code of NFSS2
preload.dtx Source for the default preloading files
preload.ins Installation script for it
Metafont files:
dccr.mf MF source for Concrete Roman in Cork encoding
dccrstd.tex Help file for generating Concrete Roman
Look into this for documentation.
NFSS style files:
nfdcfnt.sty Cork encoded Computer Modern and LaTeX symbol
nfnewfnt.sty Old encoded Computer Modern and LaTeX symbol
nfoldfnt.sty Compatibility style to run old sources written for
LaTeX without NFSS
nfsyntax.sty produces syntax checking runs
nftrace.sty traces the font loading and font switching
nft1.def Contains definitions for special characters and accents
in the T1 encoding.
nfot1.def Contains definitions for special characters and accents
in the OT1 encoding.
nft1ot1.sty Contains definitions for special characters and accents
in both the T1 and OT1 encoding.
nfot1var.sty Contains definitions for special characters and accents
in the rather special encoding provided by the default
dvips setup.
NFSS styles in source format:
nfbeton.dtx Source of Concrete fonts style (Frank Jensen)
nfbeton.ins Installation script for it
nfconcr.dtx Source of Concrete fonts style
nfconcr.ins Installation script for it
nfeufrak.dtx Source of Euler Fraktur style
nfeufrak.ins Installation script for it
nfeuler.dtx Source of Euler fonts style (Frank Jensen)
nfeuler.ins Installation script for it
nfeuscr.dtx Source of Euler Script style
nfeuscr.ins Installation script for it
nfexscal.dtx Source of scaled math extension font style
nfexscal.ins Installation script for it
nffntcmd.dtx Source of font commands with arguments
nffntcmd.ins Installation script for it
nfoldger.dtx Source of old German font style and font definitions
nfoldger.ins Installation script for it
nfpandor.dtx Source of Pandora style and font definitions
nfpandor.ins Installation script for it
NFSS SliTeX production:
nfslides.dtx Source of style for overhead slides
nfslides.fdd Font declaration source file for slide fonts
nfslides.ins Installation script for both
Utility programs:
nfssfont.dtx Program source for producing font character tables
nfssfont.ins Installation script for it
docstrip.tex docstrip version 2.1e, in case you have an older
doc.sty doc.sty version 1.7o, in case you have an older version.
Compatibility styles: