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- Welcome to ACE!
- ---------------
- This is version 2.0 of the FreeWare Amiga BASIC compiler, ACE.
- See the "Notes" section below for important information about specific
- files in the archive and changes to the distribution material with each
- revision of the compiler.
- To get an overall impression of ACE's capabilities, have a look at ref.doc
- which is a command and function reference for the language.
- Once you've set up your environment as specified in the INSTALLATION file,
- try compiling a program from the prgs directory (or wherever you've put
- the example programs), eg:
- Workbench:ACE> copy prgs/fractals/sierp.b ""
- Workbench:ACE> bas -O sierp
- Workbench:ACE> sierp
- Pressing the left mouse button will get you out of this program.
- You might also like to compile each of these programs: hi.b, tclock.b
- welcome.b and ifs.b (the source code for each is viewable from Workbench).
- At this point, it's up to you. I'd suggest having a closer look at the
- docs, especially ace.doc to get a better idea of what ACE's capabilities
- are.
- The history file may also be of interest since it details the development
- of ACE since the last version.
- Whatever you do, enjoy!
- Regards
- David Benn, Tasmania, January 1994
- Notes
- -----
- *** v1.0 ***
- 31/1/93 - If you didn't unarc ace.lha with lha's -a option
- then the bas script won't have its "s" flag set.
- To set it, type: PROTECT bas +s ADD.
- 3/2/93 - Please note that due to copyright restrictions,
- no bmap files have been included in the distribution.
- See "Shared library function calls" in ace.doc for
- more.
- *** v1.01 ***
- 19/2/93 - Version 1.01 corrects a number of problems with the
- first version and adds a few new minor features.
- See the entries in the file docs/history for an
- update on the changes to ACE from v1.0 to v1.01.
- - There is a new, somewhat nicer ACE executables icon
- in the icons drawer. See also the readme file in that
- drawer. Thanks goes to Byron Montgomerie for his work
- on the icon.
- 20/2/93 - I have received the Commodore copyright documents
- and licensing agreements etc and so hope to be able
- to resolve the issue of copyright of bmap files soon.
- - For v1.01 I have included the source code and docs
- for a Tiny BASIC interpreter written in ACE.
- *** v1.02 ***
- 18/4/93 - Commodore Australia have told me that they can't
- see any legal problems with distributing .bmap
- files with ACE, but I'll wait until I receive word
- of this in writing before I include them in the
- archive.
- - There is a new include file called julian.h which
- contains functions for converting dates into days
- elapsed since epoch 1900 and the latter back to
- the former. See days.b for an example.
- - Another new include file called fexists.h contains
- a single subprogram: fexists(X$) which returns a
- value of -1 or 0 depending upon whether the file
- X$ exists.
- - See docs/history for new features and bug fixes
- in v1.02.
- *** v1.1a ***
- 20/6/93 - include/sys_req.h has been modified because of
- changes in the way ACE deals with string value
- parameters.
- - prgs/gadget.b has been modified to accomodate
- the fact that an ACE screen's borderless window
- now handles Intuiticks.
- 29/6/93 - Note that the file "exists" is no longer required
- in the ACE bin directory for use by the "bas" script.
- - See docs/history for changes, additions and bug
- fixes in v1.1a.
- 10/7/93 - Note that because I am still awaiting a formal
- reply from Commodore Australia re: the copyright
- of .bmap files, this archive does not yet
- contain the bmaps. Hopefully by the next release
- I will have permission to distribute them.
- - I anticipate that the next version will only be a
- month or two away, but the current archive contains
- a sufficiently modified and enhanced ACE to warrant
- the release you now have.
- - There's a couple of new programs in the prgs drawer:
- BST.b and Messier.b. The first lets you create and
- manipulate binary search trees, viewing the results
- graphically. The second lets you interrogate the
- Messier catalog of astronomical objects in various
- ways.
- 1/9/93 - In order to fit the ACE files onto a single floppy
- disk, the TinyBASIC drawer has been included as a
- .lha archive.
- *** ACE v2.0 ***
- 12/12/93 - See utils/fd2bmap for an ACE .bmap creator. Thanks
- goes to Harald Schneider for his program fd2bmap.b.
- Send all bug reports/comments related to this program
- to me.
- 25/12/93 - Note (as per ace.doc and ref.doc) that in order
- to use ACE's new FileBox$ function under Wb 1.3
- you must have arp.library in your LIBS: directory.
- 3/1/94 - See the AIDE drawer for an Integrated Development
- Environment written in ACE. This program currently
- only runs correctly under Wb 2.04 and higher. The
- source code is provided for anyone wishing to get
- it working under Wb 1.3. See AIDE/AIDE.doc for more.
- 9/1/94 - There's a stack of new features in version 2.0 of
- ACE, so take the time to browse through the docs.
- 10/1/94 - As of this version, most of the example programs are
- in a separate archive to let you choose where to put
- them (eg: onto a separate floppy or in with the other
- programs in the prgs directory) depending upon your
- Amiga's storage capabilities.
- 16/1/94 - See the utils directory for a program (ab2ascii)
- which converts files saved in AmigaBASIC's compressed
- format into ACE-readable ASCII files. Thanks goes to
- Stefan Reisner for this utility.
- 17/1/94 - See the utils directory for a simple program called
- pager.b which is designed to let you easily print the
- ace.doc file. See the comments at the top of the
- program source, compile and run the program, then
- just follow the prompts.