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- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 3
- * basic methods needed for execution, including
- * object creation
- * block creation, execution and return
- *
- Class Object
- Class Block Object context argCount argLoc bytePointer
- Class Boolean Object
- Class True Boolean
- Class False Boolean
- Class Class Object name instanceSize methods superClass variables
- Class Context Object linkLocation method arguments temporaries
- Class Integer Object
- Class Method Object text message bytecodes literals stackSize temporarySize class watch
- Class Smalltalk Object
- Class Switch Object const notdone
- Class Symbol Object
- Class UndefinedObject Object
- *
- Methods Block 'initialization'
- checkArgumentCount: count
- ^ (argCount = count)
- ifTrue: [ true ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'wrong number of arguments passed to block'.
- false ]
- |
- blockContext: ctx
- context <- ctx
- |
- value
- ^ (self checkArgumentCount: 0)
- ifTrue: [ context returnToBlock: bytePointer ]
- |
- value: x
- ^ (self checkArgumentCount: 1)
- ifTrue: [ context at: argLoc put: x.
- context returnToBlock: bytePointer ]
- |
- value: x value: y
- ^ (self checkArgumentCount: 2)
- ifTrue: [ context at: argLoc put: x.
- context at: argLoc + 1 put: y.
- context returnToBlock: bytePointer ]
- |
- value: x value: y value: z
- ^ (self checkArgumentCount: 3)
- ifTrue: [ context at: argLoc put: x.
- context at: argLoc + 1 put: y.
- context at: argLoc + 2 put: z.
- context returnToBlock: bytePointer ]
- |
- whileTrue: aBlock
- ( self value ) ifTrue:
- [ aBlock value.
- self whileTrue: aBlock ]
- |
- whileTrue
- self whileTrue: []
- |
- whileFalse: aBlock
- [ self value not ] whileTrue: aBlock
- ]
- Methods Boolean 'all'
- ifTrue: trueBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: []
- |
- ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: [] ifFalse: falseBlock
- |
- ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: trueBlock
- ifFalse: falseBlock
- |
- and: aBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: aBlock ifFalse: [ false ]
- |
- or: aBlock
- ^ self ifTrue: [ true ] ifFalse: aBlock
- ]
- Methods Class 'creation'
- new | newObject |
- newObject <- self new: instanceSize.
- ^ (self == Class)
- ifTrue: [ newObject initialize ]
- ifFalse: [ newObject new ]
- |
- new: size " hack out block the right size and class "
- "create a new block, set its class"
- ^ < 22 < 58 size > self >
- |
- addSubClass: aSymbol instanceVariableNames: aString | newClass |
- newClass <- Class new; name: aSymbol; superClass: self;
- variables:
- (aString words: [:x | x isAlphabetic ]).
- aSymbol assign: newClass.
- classes at: aSymbol put: newClass
- |
- initialize
- superClass <- Object.
- instanceSize <- 0.
- methods <- Dictionary new
- |
- methods
- ^ methods
- |
- methodNamed: name
- (methods includesKey: name)
- ifTrue: [ ^ methods at: name ].
- (superClass notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ superClass methodNamed: name ].
- ^ nil
- |
- name
- ^ name
- |
- name: aString
- name <- aString
- |
- instanceSize
- ^ instanceSize
- |
- printString
- ^ name asString
- |
- respondsTo | theSet |
- theSet <- Dictionary new.
- self upSuperclassChain:
- [:x | theSet addAll: x methods ].
- ^ theSet
- |
- subClasses
- ^ classes inject: List new
- into: [:x :y | (y superClass == self)
- ifTrue: [ x add: y]. x ]
- |
- superClass
- ^ superClass
- |
- superClass: aClass
- superClass <- aClass
- |
- upSuperclassChain: aBlock
- aBlock value: self.
- (superClass notNil)
- ifTrue: [ superClass upSuperclassChain: aBlock ]
- |
- variables
- ^ variables
- |
- variables: nameArray
- variables <- nameArray.
- instanceSize <- superClass instanceSize + nameArray size
- |
- watch: name | m |
- m <- self methodNamed: name.
- (m notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ m watch:
- [:a | ('executing ', name) print. a print] ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ 'no such method' ]
- ]
- Methods Context 'all'
- at: key put: value
- temporaries at: key put: value
- |
- method: m
- method <- m
- |
- arguments: a
- arguments <- a
- |
- temporaries: t
- temporaries <- t
- |
- returnToBlock: bytePtr
- " change the location we will return to, to execute a block"
- <28 self bytePtr>
- |
- copy
- ^ super copy temporaries: temporaries copy
- |
- blockReturn
- <18 self>
- ifFalse: [ ^ smalltalk error:
- 'incorrect context for block return']
- ]
- Methods False 'all'
- ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ falseBlock value
- |
- not
- ^ true
- |
- xor: aBoolean
- ^ aBoolean
- |
- printString
- ^ 'false'
- ]
- Methods Method 'all'
- compileWithClass: aClass
- ^ <39 aClass text self>
- |
- name
- ^ message
- |
- message: aSymbol
- message <- aSymbol
- |
- printString
- ^ message asString
- |
- signature
- ^ class asString,' ', message asString
- |
- text
- ^ (text notNil)
- ifTrue: [ text ]
- ifFalse: [ 'text not saved']
- |
- text: aString
- text <- aString
- |
- display
- ('Method ', message) print.
- 'text' print.
- text print.
- 'literals' print.
- literals print.
- 'bytecodes' print.
- bytecodes class print.
- bytecodes do: [:x |
- (x printString, ' ', (x quo: 16), ' ', (x rem: 16))
- print ]
- |
- executeWith: arguments
- ^ ( Context new ; method: self ;
- temporaries: ( Array new: temporarySize) ;
- arguments: arguments )
- returnToBlock: 1
- |
- watch: aBlock
- watch <- aBlock
- |
- watchWith: arguments
- " note that we are being watched "
- text print.
- watch value: arguments.
- ^ self executeWith: arguments
- ]
- Methods Object 'all'
- assign: name value: val
- ^ name assign: val
- |
- == aValue
- ^ <21 self aValue>
- |
- ~~ aValue
- ^ (self == aValue) not
- |
- = aValue
- ^ self == aValue
- |
- asString
- ^ self printString
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ <25 self index>
- |
- basicAt: index put: value
- ^ <31 self index value>
- |
- basicSize
- ^ <12 self>
- |
- class
- ^ <11 self>
- |
- copy
- ^ self shallowCopy
- |
- deepCopy | newObj |
- newObj <- self class new.
- (1 to: self basicSize) do:
- [:i | newObj basicAt: i put: (self basicAt: i) copy].
- ^ newObj
- |
- display
- ('(Class ', self class, ') ' , self printString ) print
- |
- hash
- ^ <13 self>
- |
- isMemberOf: aClass
- ^ self class == aClass
- |
- isNil
- ^ false
- |
- isKindOf: aClass
- self class upSuperclassChain:
- [:x | (x == aClass) ifTrue: [ ^ true ] ].
- ^ false
- |
- new
- " default initialization protocol"
- ^ self
- |
- notNil
- ^ true
- |
- print
- self printString print
- |
- printString
- ^ self class printString
- |
- respondsTo: message
- self class upSuperclassChain:
- [:c | (c methodNamed: message) notNil
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ]].
- ^ false
- |
- shallowCopy | newObj |
- newObj <- self class new.
- (1 to: self basicSize) do:
- [:i | newObj basicAt: i put: (self basicAt: i) ].
- ^ newObj
- ]
- Methods Smalltalk 'all'
- perform: message withArguments: args ifError: aBlock
- | receiver method |
- receiver <- args at: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^ aBlock value ].
- method <- receiver class methodNamed: message.
- ^ method notNil
- ifTrue: [ method executeWith: args ]
- ifFalse: aBlock
- |
- perform: message withArguments: args
- ^ self perform: message withArguments: args
- ifError: [ self error: 'cant perform' ]
- |
- watch
- ^ <5>
- ]
- Methods True 'all'
- ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock
- ^ trueBlock value
- |
- not
- ^ false
- |
- xor: aBoolean
- ^ aBoolean not
- |
- printString
- ^ 'true'
- ]
- Methods Switch 'all'
- key: value
- const <- value.
- notdone <- true.
- |
- ifMatch: key do: block
- (notdone and: [ const = key ])
- ifTrue: [ notdone <- false. block value ]
- |
- else: block
- notdone ifTrue: [ notdone <- false. block value ]
- ]
- Methods Symbol 'all'
- apply: args
- ^ self apply: args ifError: [ 'does not apply' ]
- |
- apply: args ifError: aBlock
- ^ smalltalk perform: self withArguments: args ifError: aBlock
- |
- assign: value
- <27 self value>. ^ value
- |
- asString
- " catenation makes string and copy automatically "
- ^ <24 self ''>
- |
- copy
- ^ self
- |
- printString
- ^ '#' , self asString
- |
- respondsTo
- ^ classes inject: Set new
- into: [:x :y | ((y methodNamed: self) notNil)
- ifTrue: [ x add: y]. x]
- |
- value
- ^ <87 self>
- ]
- Methods UndefinedObject 'all'
- isNil
- ^ true
- |
- notNil
- ^ false
- |
- printString
- ^ 'nil'
- ]
- Methods Object 'errors'
- message: m notRecognizedWithArguments: a
- ^ smalltalk error: 'not recognized ', (self class printString),
- ' ', (m printString)
- ]