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- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 3
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1988
- *
- * methods for Collection classes
- *
- Class Link Object key value nextLink
- Class Collection Magnitude
- Class IndexedCollection Collection
- Class Array IndexedCollection
- Class ByteArray Array
- Class String ByteArray
- Class Dictionary IndexedCollection hashTable
- Class Interval Collection lower upper step
- Class List Collection links
- Class Set List
- *
- Methods Array 'all'
- < coll
- (coll isKindOf: Array)
- ifTrue: [ self with: coll
- do: [:x :y | (x = y) ifFalse:
- [ ^ x < y ]].
- ^ self size < coll size ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ super < coll ]
- |
- = coll
- (coll isKindOf: Array)
- ifTrue: [ (self size = coll size)
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
- self with: coll
- do: [:x :y | (x = y)
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
- ^ true ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ super = coll ]
- |
- at: index put: value
- (self includesKey: index)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index put: value ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'illegal index to at:put: for array' ]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- (1 to: self size) do:
- [:i | aBlock value: i value: (self at: i) ]
- |
- collect: aBlock | s newArray |
- s <- self size.
- newArray <- Array new: s.
- (1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put:
- (aBlock value: (self at: i))].
- ^ newArray
- |
- copyFrom: low to: high | newArray newlow newhigh |
- newlow <- low max: 1.
- newhigh <- high min: self size.
- newArray <- self class new: (0 max: newhigh - newlow + 1).
- (newlow to: newhigh)
- do: [:i | newArray at: ((i - newlow) + 1)
- put: (self at: i) ].
- ^ newArray
- |
- deepCopy
- ^ self deepCopyFrom: 1 to: self size
- |
- deepCopyFrom: low to: high | newArray newlow newhigh |
- newlow <- low max: 1.
- newhigh <- high min: self size.
- newArray <- self class new: (0 max: newhigh - newlow + 1).
- (newlow to: newhigh)
- do: [:i | newArray at: ((i - newlow) + 1)
- put: (self at: i) copy ].
- ^ newArray
- |
- do: aBlock
- (1 to: self size) do:
- [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]
- |
- exchange: a and: b | temp |
- temp <- self at: a.
- self at: a put: (self at: b).
- self at: b put: temp
- |
- grow: aValue | s newArray |
- s <- self size.
- newArray <- Array new: s + 1.
- (1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put: (self at: i)].
- newArray at: s+1 put: aValue.
- ^ newArray
- |
- includesKey: index
- ^ index between: 1 and: self size
- |
- new
- ^ smalltalk error: 'arrays and strings cannot be created using new'
- |
- reverseDo: aBlock
- (self size to: 1 by: -1) do:
- [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]
- |
- select: aCond | newList |
- newList <- List new.
- self do: [:i | (aCond value: i) ifTrue: [newList addLast: i]].
- ^ newList asArray
- |
- shallowCopy
- ^ self copyFrom: 1 to: self size
- |
- size
- ^ self basicSize
- |
- with: newElement | s newArray |
- s <- self size.
- newArray <- Array new: (s + 1).
- (1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put: (self at: i) ].
- newArray at: s+1 put: newElement.
- ^ newArray
- |
- with: coll do: aBlock
- (1 to: (self size min: coll size))
- do: [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i)
- value: (coll at: i) ]
- |
- with: coll ifAbsent: z do: aBlock | xsize ysize |
- xsize <- self size.
- ysize <- coll size.
- (1 to: (xsize max: ysize))
- do: [:i | aBlock value:
- (i <= xsize ifTrue: [ self at: i ] ifFalse: [ z ])
- value:
- (i <= ysize ifTrue: [ coll at: i ] ifFalse: [ z ])]
- ]
- Methods ByteArray 'all'
- asString
- <22 self String>
- |
- basicAt: index put: value
- ^ ((value isMemberOf: Integer) and: [value between: 0 and: 255])
- ifTrue: [ <32 self index value > ]
- ifFalse: [ value print. smalltalk error:
- 'assign illegal value to ByteArray']
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ <26 self index>
- |
- size: value
- ^ <22 <59 value> ByteArray>
- ]
- Methods Collection 'all'
- < coll
- (coll respondsTo: #includes:)
- ifFalse: [ ^ smalltalk error:
- 'collection compared to non collection'].
- self do: [:x | ((self occurrencesOf: x) <
- (coll occurrencesOf: x))ifFalse: [ ^ false ]].
- coll do: [:x | (self includes: x) ifFalse: [ ^ true ]].
- ^ false
- |
- = coll
- self do: [:x | (self occurrencesOf: x) =
- (coll occurrencesOf: x) ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
- ^ true
- |
- asArray | newArray i |
- newArray <- Array new: self size.
- i <- 0.
- self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
- ^ newArray
- |
- asByteArray | newArray i |
- newArray <- ByteArray new size: self size.
- i <- 0.
- self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
- ^ newArray
- |
- asSet
- ^ Set new addAll: self
- |
- asString
- ^ self asByteArray asString
- |
- display
- self do: [:x | x print ]
- |
- includes: value
- self do: [:x | (x = value) ifTrue: [ ^ true ] ].
- ^ false
- |
- inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock | last |
- last <- thisValue.
- self do: [:x | last <- binaryBlock value: last value: x].
- ^ last
- |
- isEmpty
- ^ self size == 0
- |
- occurrencesOf: anObject
- ^ self inject: 0
- into: [:x :y | (y = anObject)
- ifTrue: [x + 1]
- ifFalse: [x] ]
- |
- printString
- ^ ( self inject: self class printString , ' ('
- into: [:x :y | x , ' ' , y printString]), ' )'
- |
- size
- ^ self inject: 0 into: [:x :y | x + 1]
- |
- sort: aBlock
- ^ self inject: List new
- into: [:x :y | x add: y ordered: aBlock. x]
- |
- sort
- ^ self sort: [:x :y | x < y ]
- ]
- Methods Dictionary 'all'
- new
- hashTable <- Array new: 39
- |
- hash: aKey
- ^ 3 * ((aKey hash) rem: ((hashTable size) quo: 3))
- |
- at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
- ifTrue: [ ^ hashTable at: hashPosition + 2].
- link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
- ^ (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ link at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
- ifFalse: exceptionBlock
- |
- at: aKey put: aValue | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) isNil)
- ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 1 put: aKey ].
- ((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
- ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 2 put: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ link at: aKey put: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 3
- put: (Link new; key: aKey; value: aValue)]]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- (1 to: hashTable size by: 3) do:
- [:i | (hashTable at: i) notNil
- ifTrue: [ aBlock value: (hashTable at: i)
- value: (hashTable at: i+1) ].
- (hashTable at: i+2) notNil
- ifTrue: [ (hashTable at: i+2)
- binaryDo: aBlock ] ]
- |
- display
- self binaryDo: [:x :y | (x printString , ' -> ',
- y printString ) print ]
- |
- includesKey: aKey
- " look up, but throw away result "
- self at: aKey ifAbsent: [ ^ false ].
- ^ true
- |
- removeKey: aKey
- ^ self removeKey: aKey
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'remove key not found']
- |
- removeKey: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- ^ (self includesKey: aKey)
- ifTrue: [ self basicRemoveKey: aKey ]
- ifFalse: exceptionBlock
- |
- basicRemoveKey: aKey | hashPosition link |
- hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
- ((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
- ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 1 put: nil.
- hashTable at: hashPosition + 2 put: nil]
- ifFalse: [ link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
- (link notNil)
- ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 3
- put: (link removeKey: aKey) ]]
- ]
- Methods IndexedCollection 'all'
- addAll: aCollection
- aCollection binaryDo: [:i :x | self at: i put: x ]
- |
- asArray
- ^ Array new: self size ; addAll: self
- |
- asDictionary
- ^ Dictionary new ; addAll: self
- |
- at: aKey
- ^ self at: aKey
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index to at: illegal' ]
- |
- at: index ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- ^ (self includesKey: index)
- ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index ]
- ifFalse: exceptionBlock
- |
- binaryInject: thisValue into: aBlock | last |
- last <- thisValue.
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | last <- aBlock value: last
- value: i value: x].
- ^ last
- |
- collect: aBlock
- ^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
- into: [:s :i :x | s at: i put: (aBlock value: x). s]
- |
- do: aBlock
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | aBlock value: x ]
- |
- keys
- ^ self binaryInject: Set new
- into: [:s :i :x | s add: i ]
- |
- indexOf: aBlock
- ^ self indexOf: aBlock
- ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index not found']
- |
- indexOf: aBlock ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- self binaryDo: [:i :x | (aBlock value: x)
- ifTrue: [ ^ i ] ].
- ^ exceptionBlock value
- |
- select: aBlock
- ^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
- into: [:s :i :x | (aBlock value: x)
- ifTrue: [ s at: i put: x ]. s ]
- |
- values
- ^ self binaryInject: List new
- into: [:s :i :x | s add: x ]
- ]
- Methods Interval 'all'
- do: aBlock | current |
- current <- lower.
- (step > 0)
- ifTrue: [ [ current <= upper ] whileTrue:
- [ aBlock value: current.
- current <- current + step ] ]
- ifFalse: [ [ current >= upper ] whileTrue:
- [ aBlock value: current.
- current <- current + step ] ]
- |
- lower: aValue
- lower <- aValue
- |
- upper: aValue
- upper <- aValue
- |
- step: aValue
- step <- aValue
- ]
- Methods Link 'all'
- add: newValue whenFalse: aBlock
- (aBlock value: value value: newValue)
- ifTrue: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink add: newValue
- whenFalse: aBlock ]
- ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new; value: newValue] ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ Link new; value: newValue; link: self ]
- |
- at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
- (aKey = key)
- ifTrue: [ ^value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink at: aKey
- ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
- ifFalse: exceptionBlock ]
- |
- at: aKey put: aValue
- (aKey = key)
- ifTrue: [ value <- aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink at: aKey put: aValue]
- ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new;
- key: aKey; value: aValue] ]
- |
- binaryDo: aBlock
- aBlock value: key value: value.
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink binaryDo: aBlock ]
- |
- key: aKey
- key <- aKey
- |
- includesKey: aKey
- (key = aKey)
- ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink includesKey: aKey ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- link: aLink
- nextLink <- aLink
- |
- next
- ^ nextLink
- |
- removeKey: aKey
- (aKey = key)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeKey: aKey]]
- |
- removeValue: aValue
- (aValue = value)
- ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
- ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeValue: aValue]]
- |
- reverseDo: aBlock
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ nextLink reverseDo: aBlock ].
- aBlock value: value
- |
- size
- (nextLink notNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ 1 + nextLink size]
- ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ]
- |
- value: aValue
- value <- aValue
- |
- value
- ^ value
- ]
- Methods List 'all'
- add: aValue
- ^ self addLast: aValue
- |
- add: aValue ordered: aBlock
- (links isNil)
- ifTrue: [ self addFirst: aValue]
- ifFalse: [ links <- links add: aValue
- whenFalse: aBlock ]
- |
- addAll: aValue
- aValue do: [:x | self add: x ]
- |
- addFirst: aValue
- links <- Link new; value: aValue; link: links
- |
- addLast: aValue
- (links isNil)
- ifTrue: [ self addFirst: aValue ]
- ifFalse: [ links add: aValue whenFalse: [ :x :y | true ] ]
- |
- collect: aBlock
- ^ self inject: self class new
- into: [:x :y | x add: (aBlock value: y). x ]
- |
- links
- ^ links "used to walk two lists in parallel "
- |
- reject: aBlock
- ^ self select: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
- |
- reverseDo: aBlock
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ links reverseDo: aBlock ]
- |
- select: aBlock
- ^ self inject: self class new
- into: [:x :y | (aBlock value: y)
- ifTrue: [x add: y]. x]
- |
- do: aBlock
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ links binaryDo: [:x :y | aBlock value: y]]
- |
- first
- ^ (links notNil)
- ifTrue: links
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error: 'first on empty list']
- |
- removeFirst
- self remove: self first
- |
- remove: value
- (links notNil)
- ifTrue: [ links <- links removeValue: value ]
- |
- size
- (links isNil)
- ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ links size ]
- ]
- Methods Set 'all'
- add: value
- (self includes: value)
- ifFalse: [ self addFirst: value ]
- ]
- Methods String 'all'
- , value
- (value isMemberOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ (self size + value size) > 2000
- ifTrue: [ 'string too large' print. ^ self ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ <24 self value> ] ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ self , value asString ]
- |
- = value
- (value isKindOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ ^ super = value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- < value
- (value isKindOf: String)
- ifTrue: [ ^ super < value ]
- ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
- |
- asByteArray | newArray i |
- newArray <- ByteArray new size: self size.
- i <- 0.
- self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x asInteger].
- ^ newArray
- |
- asInteger
- ^ self inject: 0 into: [:x :y | x * 10 + y digitValue ]
- |
- basicAt: index
- ^ (super basicAt: index) asCharacter
- |
- basicAt: index put: aValue
- (aValue isMemberOf: Char)
- ifTrue: [ super basicAt: index put: aValue asInteger ]
- ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
- 'cannot put non Char into string' ]
- |
- asSymbol
- ^ <83 self>
- |
- copy
- " catenation makes copy automatically "
- ^ '',self
- |
- copyFrom: position1 to: position2
- ^ <33 self position1 position2>
- |
- hash
- ^ <82 self>
- |
- printString
- ^ '''' , self, ''''
- |
- size
- ^ <81 self>
- |
- words: aBlock | text index list |
- list <- List new.
- text <- self.
- [ text <- text copyFrom:
- (text indexOf: aBlock ifAbsent: [ text size + 1])
- to: text size.
- text size > 0 ] whileTrue:
- [ index <- text
- indexOf: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
- ifAbsent: [ text size + 1].
- list addLast: (text copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1).
- text <- text copyFrom: index to: text size ].
- ^ list asArray
- |
- value
- " evaluate self as an expression "
- ^ ( '^ [ ', self, ' ] value' ) execute
- |
- execute | meth |
- " execute self as body of a method "
- meth <- Method new; text: 'compile ', self.
- (meth compileWithClass: Object)
- ifTrue: [ ^ meth executeWith: #(0) ].
- ^ nil
- |
- unixCommand
- ^ <88 self>
- ]