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- *
- * Little Smalltalk, version 3
- * Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1988
- *
- * multiprocess scheduler
- *
- * if event driven interface (stdwin) is used the event manager sits
- * below the multiprocess scheduler
- *
- Class Process Object stack stackTop linkPointer
- Class Scheduler Object notdone processList currentProcess
- Class Semaphore Object count processList
- Methods Block 'forks'
- newProcess
- " create a new process to execute block "
- ^ Process new; context: context ; startAt: bytePointer.
- |
- newProcessWith: args
- (self checkArgumentCount: args size)
- ifTrue: [ (1 to: args size) do: [:i |
- context at: (argLoc + i - 1)
- put: (args at: i)]].
- ^ self newProcess
- |
- fork
- self newProcess resume
- |
- forkWith: args
- (self newProcessWith: args) resume
- ]
- Methods Process 'all'
- execute
- " execute for time slice, terminating if all over "
- (stack size > 1500)
- ifTrue: [ smalltalk error:
- 'process stack overflow, probable loop'].
- <19 self> ifTrue: [] ifFalse: [ self terminate ].
- |
- context
- ^ stack at: 3
- |
- resume
- " resume current process "
- scheduler addProcess: self
- |
- terminate
- " kill current process "
- scheduler removeProcess: self. scheduler yield.
- |
- trace | link m r s |
- " first yield scheduler, forceing store of linkPointer"
- scheduler yield.
- link <- linkPointer.
- link <- stack at: link+1.
- " then trace back chain "
- [ link notNil ] whileTrue:
- [ m <- stack at: link+3.
- m notNil
- ifTrue: [ s <- m signature, ' ('.
- r <- stack at: link+2.
- (r to: link-1) do:
- [:x | s <- s, ' ',
- (stack at: x) class asString].
- (s, ')') print ].
- link <- stack at: link ]
- ]
- Methods Scheduler 'all'
- new
- "create a new scheduler with empty process list "
- notdone <- true.
- processList <- Set new.
- |
- addProcess: aProcess
- " add a process to the process list "
- processList add: aProcess
- |
- critical: aBlock
- "set time slice counter high to insure bytecodes are
- executed before continuing "
- <53 10000>.
- aBlock value.
- "then yield processor "
- <53 0>.
- |
- currentProcess
- " return the currently executing process "
- ^ currentProcess
- |
- removeProcess: aProcess
- " remove a given process from the process list "
- processList remove: aProcess.
- |
- run
- " run as long as process list is non empty "
- [ notdone ] whileTrue:
- [ processList size = 0 ifTrue:
- [ self initialize ].
- processList do:
- [ :x | currentProcess <- x.
- x execute ] ]
- |
- yield
- " set time slice counter to zero, thereby
- yielding to next process "
- <53 0>
- ]
- Methods Process 'creation'
- new
- stack <- Array new: 50.
- stackTop <- 10.
- linkPointer <- 2.
- stack at: 4 put: 1. "return point"
- stack at: 6 put: 1. "bytecode counter"
- |
- method: x
- stack at: 5 put: x.
- |
- context: ctx
- stack at: 3 put: ctx.
- |
- startAt: x
- stack at: 6 put: x. "starting bytecode value"
- ]
- Methods Semaphore 'all'
- new
- count <- 0.
- processList <- List new
- |
- critical: aBlock
- self wait.
- aBlock value.
- self signal
- |
- set: aNumber
- count <- aNumber
- |
- signal
- (processList size = 0)
- ifTrue: [ count <- count + 1]
- ifFalse: [ scheduler critical:
- [ processList first resume.
- processList removeFirst ]]
- |
- wait | process |
- (count = 0)
- ifTrue: [ scheduler critical:
- [ process <- scheduler currentProcess.
- processList add: process.
- scheduler removeProcess: process].
- scheduler yield ]
- ifFalse: [ count <- count - 1]
- ]