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- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Name Table module
- A name table is the term used for a Dictionary indexed by symbols.
- There are two name tables used internally by the bytecode interpreter.
- The first is the table, contained in the variable globalNames,
- that contains the names and values of all globally accessible
- identifiers. The second is the table of methods associated with
- every class. Notice that in neither of these cases does the
- system ever put anything INTO the tables, thus there are only
- routines here for reading FROM tables.
- One complication of instances of class Symbol is that all
- symbols must be unique, not only so that == will work as expected,
- but so that memory does not get overly clogged up with symbols.
- Thus all symbols are kept in a hash table, and when new symbols
- are created (via newSymbol(), below) they are inserted into this
- table, if not already there.
- This module also manages the definition of various symbols that are
- given fixed values for efficiency sake. These include the objects
- nil, true, false, and various classes.
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- noreturn nameTableInsert(dict, hash, key, value)
- object dict, key, value;
- int hash;
- { object table, link, nwLink, nextLink, tablentry;
- /* first get the hash table */
- table = basicAt(dict, 1);
- if (sizeField(table) < 3)
- sysError("attempt to insert into","too small name table");
- else {
- hash = 3 * ( hash % (sizeField(table) / 3));
- tablentry = basicAt(table, hash+1);
- if ((tablentry == nilobj) || (tablentry == key)) {
- basicAtPut(table, hash+1, key);
- basicAtPut(table, hash+2, value);
- }
- else {
- nwLink = newLink(key, value);
- incr(nwLink);
- link = basicAt(table, hash+3);
- if (link == nilobj) {
- basicAtPut(table, hash+3, nwLink);
- }
- else
- while(1)
- if (basicAt(link,1) == key) {
- basicAtPut(link, 2, value);
- break;
- }
- else if ((nextLink = basicAt(link, 3)) == nilobj) {
- basicAtPut(link, 3, nwLink);
- break;
- }
- else
- link = nextLink;
- decr(nwLink);
- }
- }
- }
- object hashEachElement(dict, hash, fun)
- object dict;
- register int hash;
- int (*fun)();
- { object table, key, value, link;
- register object *hp;
- int tablesize;
- table = basicAt(dict, 1);
- /* now see if table is valid */
- if ((tablesize = sizeField(table)) < 3)
- sysError("system error","lookup on null table");
- else {
- hash = 1+ (3 * (hash % (tablesize / 3)));
- hp = sysMemPtr(table) + (hash-1);
- key = *hp++; /* table at: hash */
- value = *hp++; /* table at: hash + 1 */
- if ((key != nilobj) && (*fun)(key))
- return value;
- for (link = *hp; link != nilobj; link = *hp) {
- hp = sysMemPtr(link);
- key = *hp++; /* link at: 1 */
- value = *hp++; /* link at: 2 */
- if ((key != nilobj) && (*fun)(key))
- return value;
- }
- }
- return nilobj;
- }
- int strHash(str) /* compute hash value of string ---- strHash */
- char *str;
- { register int hash;
- register char *p;
- hash = 0;
- for (p = str; *p; p++)
- hash += *p;
- if (hash < 0) hash = - hash;
- /* make sure it can be a smalltalk integer */
- if (hash > 16384)
- hash >>= 2;
- return hash;
- }
- static object objBuffer;
- static char *charBuffer;
- static int strTest(key) /* test for string equality ---- strTest */
- object key;
- {
- if (charPtr(key) && streq(charPtr(key), charBuffer)) {
- objBuffer = key;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- object globalKey(str) /* return key associated with global symbol */
- char *str;
- {
- objBuffer = nilobj;
- charBuffer = str;
- ignore hashEachElement(symbols, strHash(str), strTest);
- return objBuffer;
- }
- object nameTableLookup(dict, str)
- object dict;
- char *str;
- {
- charBuffer = str;
- return hashEachElement(dict, strHash(str), strTest);
- }
- object unSyms[12];
- object binSyms[30];
- char *unStrs[] = {"isNil", "notNil", "value", "new", "class", "size",
- "basicSize", "print", "printString", 0};
- char *binStrs[] = {"+", "-", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "=", "~=", "*",
- "quo:", "rem:", "bitAnd:", "bitXor:", "==",
- ",", "at:", "basicAt:", "do:", "coerce:", "error:", "includesKey:",
- "isMemberOf:", "new:", "to:", "value:", "whileTrue:", "addFirst:", "addLast:",
- 0};
- /* initialize common symbols used by the parser and interpreter */
- noreturn initCommonSymbols()
- { int i;
- trueobj = globalSymbol("true");
- falseobj = globalSymbol("false");
- for (i = 0; unStrs[i]; i++)
- unSyms[i] = newSymbol(unStrs[i]);
- for (i = 0; binStrs[i]; i++)
- binSyms[i] = newSymbol(binStrs[i]);
- }