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- /*
- little smalltalk, version 3.1
- written by tim budd, July 1988
- new object creation routines
- built on top of memory allocation, these routines
- handle the creation of various kinds of objects
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- static object arrayClass = nilobj; /* the class Array */
- static object intClass = nilobj; /* the class Integer */
- static object stringClass = nilobj; /* the class String */
- static object symbolClass = nilobj; /* the class Symbol */
- ncopy(p, q, n) /* ncopy - copy exactly n bytes from place to place */
- register char *p, *q;
- register int n;
- { for (; n>0; n--)
- *p++ = *q++;
- }
- object getClass(obj) /* getClass - get the class of an object */
- register object obj;
- {
- if (isInteger(obj)) {
- if (intClass == nilobj)
- intClass = globalSymbol("Integer");
- return(intClass);
- }
- return (classField(obj));
- }
- object newArray(size)
- int size;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(size);
- if (arrayClass == nilobj)
- arrayClass = globalSymbol("Array");
- setClass(newObj, arrayClass);
- return newObj;
- }
- object newBlock()
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(blockSize);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Block"));
- return newObj;
- }
- object newByteArray(size)
- int size;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocByte(size);
- setClass(newobj, globalSymbol("ByteArray"));
- return newobj;
- }
- object newChar(value)
- int value;
- { object newobj;
- newobj = allocObject(1);
- basicAtPut(newobj, 1, newInteger(value));
- setClass(newobj, globalSymbol("Char"));
- return(newobj);
- }
- object newClass(name)
- char *name;
- { object newObj, nameObj;
- newObj = allocObject(classSize);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Class"));
- /* now make name */
- nameObj = newSymbol(name);
- basicAtPut(newObj, nameInClass, nameObj);
- /* now put in global symbols table */
- nameTableInsert(symbols, strHash(name), nameObj, newObj);
- return newObj;
- }
- object copyFrom(obj, start, size)
- object obj;
- int start, size;
- { object newObj;
- int i;
- newObj = newArray(size);
- for (i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
- basicAtPut(newObj, i, basicAt(obj, start));
- start++;
- }
- return newObj;
- }
- object newContext(link, method, args, temp)
- int link;
- object method, args, temp;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(contextSize);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Context"));
- basicAtPut(newObj, linkPtrInContext, newInteger(link));
- basicAtPut(newObj, methodInContext, method);
- basicAtPut(newObj, argumentsInContext, args);
- basicAtPut(newObj, temporariesInContext, temp);
- return newObj;
- }
- object newDictionary(size)
- int size;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(1);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Dictionary"));
- basicAtPut(newObj, 1, newArray(size));
- return newObj;
- }
- object newFloat(d)
- double d;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocByte((int) sizeof (double));
- ncopy(charPtr(newObj), (char *) &d, (int) sizeof (double));
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Float"));
- return newObj;
- }
- double floatValue(o)
- object o;
- { double d;
- ncopy((char *) &d, charPtr(o), (int) sizeof(double));
- return d;
- }
- object newLink(key, value)
- object key, value;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(3);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Link"));
- basicAtPut(newObj, 1, key);
- basicAtPut(newObj, 2, value);
- return newObj;
- }
- object newMethod()
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocObject(methodSize);
- setClass(newObj, globalSymbol("Method"));
- return newObj;
- }
- object newStString(value)
- char *value;
- { object newObj;
- newObj = allocStr(value);
- if (stringClass == nilobj)
- stringClass = globalSymbol("String");
- setClass(newObj, stringClass);
- return(newObj);
- }
- object newSymbol(str)
- char *str;
- { object newObj;
- /* first see if it is already there */
- newObj = globalKey(str);
- if (newObj)
- return newObj;
- /* not found, must make */
- newObj = allocStr(str);
- if (symbolClass == nilobj)
- symbolClass = globalSymbol("Symbol");
- setClass(newObj, symbolClass);
- nameTableInsert(symbols, strHash(str), newObj, nilobj);
- return newObj;
- }