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- /*
- Little Smalltalk, version 2
- Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1987
- Method parser - parses the textual description of a method,
- generating bytecodes and literals.
- This parser is based around a simple minded recursive descent
- parser.
- It is used both by the module that builds the initial virtual image,
- and by a primitive when invoked from a running Smalltalk system.
- The latter case could, if the bytecode interpreter were fast enough,
- be replaced by a parser written in Smalltalk. This would be preferable,
- but not if it slowed down the system too terribly.
- To use the parser the routine setInstanceVariables must first be
- called with a class object. This places the appropriate instance
- variables into the memory buffers, so that references to them
- can be correctly encoded.
- As this is recursive descent, you should read it SDRAWKCAB !
- (from bottom to top)
- */
- # include <stdio.h>
- # include <ctype.h>
- # include "env.h"
- # include "memory.h"
- # include "names.h"
- # include "interp.h"
- # include "lex.h"
- # ifdef STRING
- # include <string.h>
- # endif
- # ifdef STRINGS
- # include <strings.h>
- # endif
- /* all of the following limits could be increased (up to
- 256) without any trouble. They are kept low
- to keep memory utilization down */
- # define codeLimit 256 /* maximum number of bytecodes permitted */
- # define literalLimit 128 /* maximum number of literals permitted */
- # define temporaryLimit 32 /* maximum number of temporaries permitted */
- # define argumentLimit 32 /* maximum number of arguments permitted */
- # define instanceLimit 32 /* maximum number of instance vars permitted */
- # define methodLimit 64 /* maximum number of methods permitted */
- boolean parseok; /* parse still ok? */
- extern char peek();
- static int codeTop; /* top position filled in code array */
- static byte codeArray[codeLimit]; /* bytecode array */
- static int literalTop; /* ... etc. */
- static object literalArray[literalLimit];
- static int temporaryTop;
- static char *temporaryName[temporaryLimit];
- static int argumentTop;
- static char *argumentName[argumentLimit];
- static int instanceTop;
- static char *instanceName[instanceLimit];
- static int maxTemporary; /* highest temporary see so far */
- static char selector[80]; /* message selector */
- enum blockstatus {NotInBlock, InBlock, OptimizedBlock} blockstat;
- setInstanceVariables(aClass)
- object aClass;
- { int i, limit;
- object vars;
- if (aClass == nilobj)
- instanceTop = 0;
- else {
- setInstanceVariables(basicAt(aClass, superClassInClass));
- vars = basicAt(aClass, variablesInClass);
- if (vars != nilobj) {
- limit = sizeField(vars);
- for (i = 1; i <= limit; i++)
- instanceName[++instanceTop] = charPtr(basicAt(vars, i));
- }
- }
- }
- static genCode(value)
- int value;
- {
- if (codeTop >= codeLimit)
- compilError(selector,"too many bytecode instructions in method","");
- else
- codeArray[codeTop++] = value;
- }
- static genInstruction(high, low)
- int high, low;
- {
- if (low >= 16) {
- genInstruction(Extended, high);
- genCode(low);
- }
- else
- genCode(high * 16 + low);
- }
- static int genLiteral(aLiteral)
- object aLiteral;
- {
- if (literalTop >= literalLimit)
- compilError(selector,"too many literals in method","");
- else {
- literalArray[++literalTop] = aLiteral;
- incr(aLiteral);
- }
- return(literalTop - 1);
- }
- static genInteger(val) /* generate an integer push */
- int val;
- {
- if (val == -1)
- genInstruction(PushConstant, minusOne);
- else if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 2))
- genInstruction(PushConstant, val);
- else
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newInteger(val)));
- }
- static char *glbsyms[] = {"currentInterpreter", "nil", "true", "false",
- 0 };
- static boolean nameTerm(name)
- char *name;
- { int i;
- boolean done = false;
- boolean isSuper = false;
- /* it might be self or super */
- if (streq(name, "self") || streq(name, "super")) {
- genInstruction(PushArgument, 0);
- done = true;
- if (streq(name,"super")) isSuper = true;
- }
- /* or it might be a temporary (reverse this to get most recent first)*/
- if (! done)
- for (i = temporaryTop; (! done) && ( i >= 1 ) ; i--)
- if (streq(name, temporaryName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushTemporary, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an argument */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= argumentTop ) ; i++)
- if (streq(name, argumentName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushArgument, i);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an instance variable */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= instanceTop); i++) {
- if (streq(name, instanceName[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushInstance, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- /* or it might be a global constant */
- if (! done)
- for (i = 0; (! done) && glbsyms[i]; i++)
- if (streq(name, glbsyms[i])) {
- genInstruction(PushConstant, i+4);
- done = true;
- }
- /* not anything else, it must be a global */
- /* must look it up at run time */
- if (! done) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, genLiteral(newSymbol(name)));
- genMessage(false, 0, newSymbol("value"));
- }
- return(isSuper);
- }
- static int parseArray()
- { int i, size, base;
- object newLit, obj;
- base = literalTop;
- ignore nextToken();
- while (parseok && (token != closing)) {
- switch(token) {
- case arraybegin:
- ignore parseArray();
- break;
- case intconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newInteger(tokenInteger));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case floatconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newFloat(tokenFloat));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case nameconst: case namecolon: case symconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case binary:
- if (streq(tokenString, "(")) {
- ignore parseArray();
- break;
- }
- if (streq(tokenString, "-") && isdigit(peek())) {
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token == intconst)
- ignore genLiteral(newInteger(- tokenInteger));
- else if (token == floatconst) {
- ignore genLiteral(newFloat(-tokenFloat));
- }
- else
- compilError(selector,"negation not followed",
- "by number");
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- }
- ignore genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case charconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newChar( tokenInteger));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- case strconst:
- ignore genLiteral(newStString(tokenString));
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- default:
- compilError(selector,"illegal text in literal array",
- tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (parseok)
- if (! streq(tokenString, ")"))
- compilError(selector,"array not terminated by right parenthesis",
- tokenString);
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- size = literalTop - base;
- newLit = newArray(size);
- for (i = size; i >= 1; i--) {
- obj = literalArray[literalTop];
- basicAtPut(newLit, i, obj);
- decr(obj);
- literalArray[literalTop] = nilobj;
- literalTop = literalTop - 1;
- }
- return(genLiteral(newLit));
- }
- static boolean term()
- { boolean superTerm = false; /* true if term is pseudo var super */
- if (token == nameconst) {
- superTerm = nameTerm(tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == intconst) {
- genInteger(tokenInteger);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == floatconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, genLiteral(newFloat(tokenFloat)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "-")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token == intconst)
- genInteger(- tokenInteger);
- else if (token == floatconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newFloat(-tokenFloat)));
- }
- else
- compilError(selector,"negation not followed",
- "by number");
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == charconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newChar(tokenInteger)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == symconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newSymbol(tokenString)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == strconst) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral,
- genLiteral(newStString(tokenString)));
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == arraybegin) {
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, parseArray());
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "(")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- expression();
- if (parseok)
- if ((token != closing) || ! streq(tokenString, ")"))
- compilError(selector,"Missing Right Parenthesis","");
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "<"))
- parsePrimitive();
- else if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "["))
- block();
- else
- compilError(selector,"invalid expression start", tokenString);
- return(superTerm);
- }
- static parsePrimitive()
- { int primitiveNumber, argumentCount;
- if (nextToken() != intconst)
- compilError(selector,"primitive number missing","");
- primitiveNumber = tokenInteger;
- ignore nextToken();
- argumentCount = 0;
- while (parseok && ! ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, ">"))) {
- ignore term();
- argumentCount++;
- }
- genInstruction(DoPrimitive, argumentCount);
- genCode(primitiveNumber);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- static genMessage(toSuper, argumentCount, messagesym)
- boolean toSuper;
- int argumentCount;
- object messagesym;
- { boolean sent = false;
- int i;
- if ((! toSuper) && (argumentCount == 0))
- for (i = 0; (! sent) && unSyms[i] ; i++)
- if (messagesym == unSyms[i]) {
- genInstruction(SendUnary, i);
- sent = true;
- }
- if ((! toSuper) && (argumentCount == 1))
- for (i = 0; (! sent) && binSyms[i]; i++)
- if (messagesym == binSyms[i]) {
- genInstruction(SendBinary, i);
- sent = true;
- }
- if (! sent) {
- genInstruction(MarkArguments, 1 + argumentCount);
- if (toSuper) {
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, SendToSuper);
- genCode(genLiteral(messagesym));
- }
- else
- genInstruction(SendMessage, genLiteral(messagesym));
- }
- }
- static boolean unaryContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { int i;
- boolean sent;
- while (parseok && (token == nameconst)) {
- /* first check to see if it could be a temp by mistake */
- for (i=1; i < temporaryTop; i++)
- if (streq(tokenString, temporaryName[i]))
- compilWarn(selector,"message same as temporary:",
- tokenString);
- for (i=1; i < argumentTop; i++)
- if (streq(tokenString, argumentName[i]))
- compilWarn(selector,"message same as argument:",
- tokenString);
- /* the next generates too many spurious messages */
- /* for (i=1; i < instanceTop; i++)
- if (streq(tokenString, instanceName[i]))
- compilWarn(selector,"message same as instance",
- tokenString); */
- sent = false;
- if (! sent) {
- genMessage(superReceiver, 0, newSymbol(tokenString));
- }
- /* once a message is sent to super, reciever is not super */
- superReceiver = false;
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static boolean binaryContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { boolean superTerm;
- object messagesym;
- superReceiver = unaryContinuation(superReceiver);
- while (parseok && (token == binary)) {
- messagesym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- superTerm = term();
- ignore unaryContinuation(superTerm);
- genMessage(superReceiver, 1, messagesym);
- superReceiver = false;
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static int optimizeBlock(instruction, dopop)
- int instruction;
- boolean dopop;
- { int location;
- enum blockstatus savebstat;
- savebstat = blockstat;
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, instruction);
- location = codeTop;
- genCode(0);
- if (dopop)
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- ignore nextToken();
- if (streq(tokenString, "[")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- if (blockstat == NotInBlock)
- blockstat = OptimizedBlock;
- body();
- if (! streq(tokenString, "]"))
- compilError(selector,"missing close","after block");
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else {
- ignore binaryContinuation(term());
- genMessage(false, 0, newSymbol("value"));
- }
- codeArray[location] = codeTop+1;
- blockstat = savebstat;
- return(location);
- }
- static boolean keyContinuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- { int i, j, argumentCount;
- boolean sent, superTerm;
- object messagesym;
- char pattern[80];
- superReceiver = binaryContinuation(superReceiver);
- if (token == namecolon) {
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifTrue:")) {
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfFalse, false);
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifFalse:")) {
- codeArray[i] = codeTop + 3;
- ignore optimizeBlock(Branch, true);
- }
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "ifFalse:")) {
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfTrue, false);
- if (streq(tokenString, "ifTrue:")) {
- codeArray[i] = codeTop + 3;
- ignore optimizeBlock(Branch, true);
- }
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "whileTrue:")) {
- j = codeTop;
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Duplicate);
- genMessage(false, 0, newSymbol("value"));
- i = optimizeBlock(BranchIfFalse, false);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Branch);
- genCode(j+1);
- codeArray[i] = codeTop+1;
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- else if (streq(tokenString, "and:"))
- ignore optimizeBlock(AndBranch, false);
- else if (streq(tokenString, "or:"))
- ignore optimizeBlock(OrBranch, false);
- else {
- pattern[0] = '\0';
- argumentCount = 0;
- while (parseok && (token == namecolon)) {
- ignore strcat(pattern, tokenString);
- argumentCount++;
- ignore nextToken();
- superTerm = term();
- ignore binaryContinuation(superTerm);
- }
- sent = false;
- /* check for predefined messages */
- messagesym = newSymbol(pattern);
- if (! sent) {
- genMessage(superReceiver, argumentCount, messagesym);
- }
- }
- superReceiver = false;
- }
- return(superReceiver);
- }
- static continuation(superReceiver)
- boolean superReceiver;
- {
- superReceiver = keyContinuation(superReceiver);
- while (parseok && (token == closing) && streq(tokenString, ";")) {
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Duplicate);
- ignore nextToken();
- ignore keyContinuation(superReceiver);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- }
- static expression()
- { boolean superTerm;
- char assignname[60];
- if (token == nameconst) { /* possible assignment */
- ignore strcpy(assignname, tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "<-")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- assignment(assignname);
- }
- else { /* not an assignment after all */
- superTerm = nameTerm(assignname);
- continuation(superTerm);
- }
- }
- else {
- superTerm = term();
- if (parseok)
- continuation(superTerm);
- }
- }
- static assignment(name)
- char *name;
- { int i;
- boolean done;
- done = false;
- /* it might be a temporary */
- for (i = temporaryTop; (! done) && (i > 0); i--)
- if (streq(name, temporaryName[i])) {
- expression();
- genInstruction(AssignTemporary, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- /* or it might be an instance variable */
- for (i = 1; (! done) && (i <= instanceTop); i++)
- if (streq(name, instanceName[i])) {
- expression();
- genInstruction(AssignInstance, i-1);
- done = true;
- }
- if (! done) { /* not known, handle at run time */
- genInstruction(PushArgument, 0);
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, genLiteral(newSymbol(name)));
- expression();
- genMessage(false, 2, newSymbol("assign:value:"));
- }
- }
- static statement()
- {
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "^")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- expression();
- if (blockstat == InBlock) {
- /* change return point before returning */
- genInstruction(PushConstant, contextConst);
- genMessage(false, 0, newSymbol("blockReturn"));
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- }
- else {
- expression();
- }
- }
- static body()
- {
- /* empty blocks are same as nil */
- if ((blockstat == InBlock) || (blockstat == OptimizedBlock))
- if ((token == closing) && streq(tokenString, "]")) {
- genInstruction(PushConstant, nilConst);
- return;
- }
- while(parseok) {
- statement();
- if (token == closing)
- if (streq(tokenString,".")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token == inputend)
- break;
- else /* pop result, go to next statement */
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- }
- else
- break; /* leaving result on stack */
- else
- if (token == inputend)
- break; /* leaving result on stack */
- else {
- compilError(selector,"invalid statement ending; token is ",
- tokenString);
- }
- }
- }
- static block()
- { int saveTemporary, argumentCount, fixLocation;
- object tempsym, newBlk;
- enum blockstatus savebstat;
- saveTemporary = temporaryTop;
- savebstat = blockstat;
- argumentCount = 0;
- ignore nextToken();
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, ":")) {
- while (parseok && (token == binary) && streq(tokenString,":")) {
- if (nextToken() != nameconst)
- compilError(selector,"name must follow colon",
- "in block argument list");
- if (++temporaryTop > maxTemporary)
- maxTemporary = temporaryTop;
- argumentCount++;
- if (temporaryTop > temporaryLimit)
- compilError(selector,"too many temporaries in method","");
- else {
- tempsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- temporaryName[temporaryTop] = charPtr(tempsym);
- }
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- if ((token != binary) || ! streq(tokenString, "|"))
- compilError(selector,"block argument list must be terminated",
- "by |");
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- newBlk = newBlock();
- basicAtPut(newBlk, argumentCountInBlock, newInteger(argumentCount));
- basicAtPut(newBlk, argumentLocationInBlock,
- newInteger(saveTemporary + 1));
- genInstruction(PushLiteral, genLiteral(newBlk));
- genInstruction(PushConstant, contextConst);
- genInstruction(DoPrimitive, 2);
- genCode(29);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, Branch);
- fixLocation = codeTop;
- genCode(0);
- /*genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);*/
- basicAtPut(newBlk, bytecountPositionInBlock, newInteger(codeTop+1));
- blockstat = InBlock;
- body();
- if ((token == closing) && streq(tokenString, "]"))
- ignore nextToken();
- else
- compilError(selector,"block not terminated by ]","");
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, StackReturn);
- codeArray[fixLocation] = codeTop+1;
- temporaryTop = saveTemporary;
- blockstat = savebstat;
- }
- static temporaries()
- { object tempsym;
- temporaryTop = 0;
- if ((token == binary) && streq(tokenString, "|")) {
- ignore nextToken();
- while (token == nameconst) {
- if (++temporaryTop > maxTemporary)
- maxTemporary = temporaryTop;
- if (temporaryTop > temporaryLimit)
- compilError(selector,"too many temporaries in method","");
- else {
- tempsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- temporaryName[temporaryTop] = charPtr(tempsym);
- }
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- if ((token != binary) || ! streq(tokenString, "|"))
- compilError(selector,"temporary list not terminated by bar","");
- else
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- }
- static messagePattern()
- { object argsym;
- argumentTop = 0;
- ignore strcpy(selector, tokenString);
- if (token == nameconst) /* unary message pattern */
- ignore nextToken();
- else if (token == binary) { /* binary message pattern */
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token != nameconst)
- compilError(selector,"binary message pattern not followed by name",selector);
- argsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- argumentName[++argumentTop] = charPtr(argsym);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- else if (token == namecolon) { /* keyword message pattern */
- selector[0] = '\0';
- while (parseok && (token == namecolon)) {
- ignore strcat(selector, tokenString);
- ignore nextToken();
- if (token != nameconst)
- compilError(selector,"keyword message pattern",
- "not followed by a name");
- if (++argumentTop > argumentLimit)
- compilError(selector,"too many arguments in method","");
- argsym = newSymbol(tokenString);
- argumentName[argumentTop] = charPtr(argsym);
- ignore nextToken();
- }
- }
- else
- compilError(selector,"illegal message selector", tokenString);
- }
- boolean parse(method, text, savetext)
- object method;
- char *text;
- boolean savetext;
- { int i;
- object bytecodes, theLiterals;
- byte *bp;
- lexinit(text);
- parseok = true;
- blockstat = NotInBlock;
- codeTop = 0;
- literalTop = temporaryTop = argumentTop =0;
- maxTemporary = 0;
- messagePattern();
- if (parseok)
- temporaries();
- if (parseok)
- body();
- if (parseok) {
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, PopTop);
- genInstruction(DoSpecial, SelfReturn);
- }
- if (! parseok) {
- basicAtPut(method, bytecodesInMethod, nilobj);
- }
- else {
- bytecodes = newByteArray(codeTop);
- bp = bytePtr(bytecodes);
- for (i = 0; i < codeTop; i++) {
- bp[i] = codeArray[i];
- }
- basicAtPut(method, messageInMethod, newSymbol(selector));
- basicAtPut(method, bytecodesInMethod, bytecodes);
- if (literalTop > 0) {
- theLiterals = newArray(literalTop);
- for (i = 1; i <= literalTop; i++) {
- basicAtPut(theLiterals, i, literalArray[i]);
- decr(literalArray[i]);
- }
- basicAtPut(method, literalsInMethod, theLiterals);
- }
- else {
- basicAtPut(method, literalsInMethod, nilobj);
- }
- basicAtPut(method, stackSizeInMethod, newInteger(6));
- basicAtPut(method, temporarySizeInMethod,
- newInteger(1 + maxTemporary));
- if (savetext) {
- basicAtPut(method, textInMethod, newStString(text));
- }
- return(true);
- }
- return(false);
- }