home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef __STDWIN_H__ /* Guard against multiple inclusion */
- #define __STDWIN_H__
- #include "_ARGS.h" /* Definition of _ARGS() macro */
- /***********************************/
- /* Section 1. Types and constants */
- /***********************************/
- /* These structs are implementation-dependent, the user only sees
- pointers to them */
- #define WINDOW struct _window
- #define MENU struct _menu
- #define CURSOR struct _cursor
- /* Fake window type used by the wgettag() and wsettag() macros */
- struct _fakewindow {
- short tag;
- };
- #define _FAKEWINDOW struct _fakewindow
- /* EVENT struct */
- struct _event {
- int type;
- WINDOW *window;
- union {
- /* case WE_CHAR: */
- int character;
- /* case WE_COMMAND: */
- int command;
- /* case WE_MENU: */
- struct { int id; int item; } m;
- /* case WE_DRAW: */
- struct { int left, top, right, bottom; } area;
- struct {
- int h;
- int v;
- int clicks;
- int button;
- int mask;
- } where;
- /* case WE_LOST_SEL: */
- int sel;
- } u;
- };
- #define EVENT struct _event
- /* Event types */
- /* XXX Should be reordered */
- #define WE_NULL 0 /* (Used internally) */
- #define WE_ACTIVATE 1 /* Window became active */
- #define WE_CHAR 2 /* Character typed at keyboard */
- #define WE_COMMAND 3 /* Special command, function key etc. */
- #define WE_MOUSE_DOWN 4 /* Mouse button pressed */
- #define WE_MOUSE_MOVE 5 /* Mouse moved with button down */
- #define WE_MOUSE_UP 6 /* Mouse button released */
- #define WE_MENU 7 /* Menu item selected */
- #define WE_SIZE 8 /* Window size changed */
- #define WE_MOVE 9 /* Window moved (reserved) */
- #define WE_DRAW 10 /* Request to redraw part of window */
- #define WE_TIMER 11 /* Window's timer went off */
- #define WE_DEACTIVATE 12 /* Window became inactive */
- #define WE_EXTERN 13 /* Externally generated event (Amoeba) */
- #define WE_KEY 14 /* Low-level key event (reserved) */
- #define WE_LOST_SEL 15 /* Lost selection */
- #define WE_CLOSE 16 /* User wants to close window */
- /* Special keys reported by WE_COMMAND */
- /* XXX Should become key events */
- #define WC_CLOSE 1 /* Now a separate event! */
- /* The following four are arrow keys */
- #define WC_LEFT 2
- #define WC_RIGHT 3
- #define WC_UP 4
- #define WC_DOWN 5
- /* ASCII keys */
- #define WC_CANCEL 6
- #define WC_BACKSPACE 7
- #define WC_TAB 8
- #define WC_RETURN 9
- /* IBM-PC keys -- not in all implementations */
- /* XXX Should be done differently */
- #define WC_HOME 10
- #define WC_END 11
- #define WC_CLEAR 12
- #define WC_INS 13
- #define WC_DEL 14
- #define WC_PAGE_UP 15
- #define WC_PAGE_DOWN 16
- #define WC_META_LEFT 17
- #define WC_META_RIGHT 18
- #define WC_META_HOME 19
- #define WC_META_END 20
- #define WC_META_PAGE_UP 21
- #define WC_META_PAGE_DOWN 22
- /* XXX Should have entries for Alt-letter and F1-F10 etc. ? */
- /* Codes for selections (e.u.sel for WE_LOST_SEL) */
- #define WS_CLIPBOARD 0
- #define WS_PRIMARY 1
- #define WS_SECONDARY 2
- /* TEXTATTR struct */
- /* The contents of a text attributes struct are disclosed here because
- the interface allows the programmer to declare objects of this type.
- (I'm not so sure anymore that this is the right thing to do!) */
- struct _textattr {
- short font;
- unsigned char size;
- unsigned char style;
- };
- #define TEXTATTR struct _textattr
- /*************************************/
- /* Section 2. Function declarations */
- /*************************************/
- void wargs _ARGS((int *pargc, char ***pargv));
- void winit _ARGS((void));
- void winitargs _ARGS((int *pargc, char ***pargv));
- void wdone _ARGS((void));
- void wgetscrsize _ARGS((int *pwidth, int *pheight));
- void wgetscrmm _ARGS((int *pmmwidth, int *pmmheight));
- void wsetmaxwinsize _ARGS((int width, int height));
- void wsetdefwinsize _ARGS((int width, int height));
- void wsetdefwinpos _ARGS((int h, int v));
- void wgetdefwinsize _ARGS((int *pwidth, int *pheight));
- void wgetdefwinpos _ARGS((int *ph, int *pv));
- WINDOW *wopen _ARGS((char *title,
- void (*drawproc)(/*WINDOW *win,
- int left, int top, int right, int bottom*/)));
- void wclose _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- #define wgettag(win) (((_FAKEWINDOW *)(win)) -> tag)
- #define wsettag(win, newtag) (((_FAKEWINDOW *)(win)) -> tag = (newtag))
- void wsetactive _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- WINDOW *wgetactive _ARGS((void));
- void wgetwinsize _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int *width, int *height));
- void wsetdocsize _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int width, int height));
- void wgetdocsize _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int *width, int *height));
- void wsettitle _ARGS((WINDOW *win, char *title));
- char *wgettitle _ARGS((WINDOW *win)); /* Returns pointer to static data */
- void wsetorigin _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int h, int v));
- void wgetorigin _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int *h, int *v));
- void wshow _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void wchange _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void wscroll _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int left, int top, int right, int bottom,
- int dh, int dv));
- void wfleep _ARGS((void));
- void wmessage _ARGS((char *str));
- void wperror _ARGS((char *name));
- /*bool*/int waskstr _ARGS((char *prompt, char *buf, int buflen));
- int waskync _ARGS((char *question, int dflt));
- /*bool*/int waskfile _ARGS((char *prompt, char *buf, int buflen,
- /*bool*/int newfile));
- void wsetcaret _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int h, int v));
- void wnocaret _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- void wsettimer _ARGS((WINDOW *win, int deciseconds));
- MENU *wmenucreate _ARGS((int id, char *title));
- void wmenudelete _ARGS((MENU *mp));
- int wmenuadditem _ARGS((MENU *mp, char *text, int shortcut));
- void wmenusetitem _ARGS((MENU *mp, int i, char *text));
- void wmenusetdeflocal _ARGS((/*bool*/int local));
- void wmenuattach _ARGS((WINDOW *win, MENU *mp));
- void wmenudetach _ARGS((WINDOW *win, MENU *mp));
- void wmenuenable _ARGS((MENU *mp, int item, int flag));
- void wmenucheck _ARGS((MENU *mp, int item, int flag));
- /* The following is only available in termcap stdwin: */
- void wsetshortcut _ARGS((int id, int item, char *keys));
- void wgetevent _ARGS((EVENT *ep));
- /*bool*/int wpollevent _ARGS((EVENT *ep));
- void wungetevent _ARGS((EVENT *ep));
- void wupdate _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- void wbegindrawing _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- void wenddrawing _ARGS((WINDOW *win));
- void wflush _ARGS((void));
- void wdrawline _ARGS((int h1, int v1, int h2, int v2));
- void wxorline _ARGS((int h1, int v1, int h2, int v2));
- void wdrawcircle _ARGS((int h, int v, int radius));
- void wdrawelarc _ARGS((int h, int v, int hrad, int vrad, int ang1, int ang2));
- void wdrawbox _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void werase _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void wpaint _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void winvert _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void wshade _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int percent));
- void wcliprect _ARGS((int left, int top, int right, int bottom));
- void wnoclip _ARGS((void));
- void wdrawtext _ARGS((int h, int v, char *str, int len));
- void wdrawchar _ARGS((int h, int v, int c));
- int wlineheight _ARGS((void));
- int wbaseline _ARGS((void));
- int wtextwidth _ARGS((char *str, int len));
- int wcharwidth _ARGS((int c));
- int wtextbreak _ARGS((char *str, int len, int width));
- void wgettextattr _ARGS((TEXTATTR *attr));
- void wsettextattr _ARGS((TEXTATTR *attr));
- void wgetwintextattr _ARGS((WINDOW *win, TEXTATTR *attr));
- void wsetwintextattr _ARGS((WINDOW *win, TEXTATTR *attr));
- void wsetplain _ARGS((void));
- void wsethilite _ARGS((void));
- void wsetinverse _ARGS((void));
- void wsetitalic _ARGS((void));
- void wsetbold _ARGS((void));
- void wsetbolditalic _ARGS((void));
- void wsetunderline _ARGS((void));
- void wsetfont _ARGS((char *fontname));
- void wsetsize _ARGS((int pointsize));
- /* Setting the mouse cursor for a window */
- CURSOR *wfetchcursor _ARGS((char *name));
- void wsetwincursor _ARGS((WINDOW *win, CURSOR *cursor));
- /* X11 Selection interface */
- /*bool*/int wsetselection _ARGS((WINDOW *, int, char *, int));
- void wresetselection _ARGS((int));
- char *wgetselection _ARGS((int, int *));
- /* Cut buffer interface */
- void wsetcutbuffer _ARGS((int, char *, int));
- char *wgetcutbuffer _ARGS((int, int *));
- void wrotatecutbuffers _ARGS((int));
- void wsetclip _ARGS((char *, int));
- char *wgetclip _ARGS((void));
- /* Pull in definitions for TEXTEDIT package */
- #include "stdwtext.h"
- #endif /* __STDWIN_H__ */