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- Class StandardWindows Object
- Class Window Object number title menus size
- Class TextWindow Window text
- Class GraphicsWindow Window
- Class DictionaryWindow GraphicsWindow dict select action
- Class BrowserWindow DictionaryWindow class method mw tw
- Class EventManager Process responses
- Class Menu Object number title itemtitles items enablestatus
- Methods Window 'all'
- new
- title <- ''.
- menus <- List new.
- (1 to: 15) do: [:i | (windows at: i) isNil
- ifTrue: [ windows at: i put: self.
- number <- i. ^ self ] ]
- |
- attachMenu: menu
- menus addLast: menu.
- <162 number 2 (menu number)>
- |
- activate
- ^ nil
- |
- deactivate
- ^ nil
- |
- drawEvent
- " overridden in subclasses "
- ^ nil
- |
- mouseMoveTo: mouseLocation
- " mouse moved with button down "
- ^ nil
- |
- mouseDownAt: mouseLocation
- " mouse down, do nothing "
- ^ nil
- |
- mouseUpAt: mouseLocation
- " mouse up "
- ^ nil
- |
- command: n
- (n = 1) ifTrue: [ self close ]
- |
- reSized
- size <- <161 number 6>
- |
- open
- " open our window, unless already opened "
- <160 number title 0>.
- menus do: [:m | <162 number 2 (m number)> ].
- self reSized.
- |
- charTyped: c
- smalltalk beep
- |
- title: text
- title <- text.
- <164 number title>
- |
- close
- " close up shop "
- <161 number 1>.
- windows at: number put: nil
- ]
- Methods TextWindow 'all'
- open
- "open the window with implicit text buffer"
- <160 number title 1>.
- " now do other initialization "
- super open
- |
- activate
- super activate.
- printer <- self.
- |
- deactivate
- super deactivate.
- printer <- stdout.
- |
- text
- " read updated text and store it"
- ^ text <- <165 number>
- |
- print: text
- <166 number text>
- |
- draw
- "redraw window"
- <161 number 2>.
- <161 number 5>.
- <161 number 3>
- ]
- Methods GraphicsWindow 'all'
- startDrawing
- <161 number 2>
- |
- endDrawing
- <161 number 3>
- |
- drawEvent
- self startDrawing.
- self draw.
- self endDrawing.
- |
- draw
- " done by subclasses "
- ^ nil
- |
- at: x and: y print: text
- <190 x y text>
- ]
- Methods DictionaryWindow 'all'
- open
- itms at: number put: 0.
- super open
- |
- action: aBlock
- action <- aBlock
- |
- dictionary: d
- dict <- d.
- <163 number 2 4 (1* d size)>
- |
- draw | loc itm |
- loc <- 0.
- itm <- itms at: number.
- dict binaryDo: [:a :b |
- self at: 0 and: loc print: a asString.
- loc <- loc + 1 ].
- select <- 0@(itm) to: 20@(itm + 1).
- self invertSelection.
- <163 number 3 0 itm>
- |
- mouseDownAt: mouseLocation | loc itm |
- loc <- 0.
- itm <- itms at: number.
- dict binaryDo: [:a :b |
- (loc = itm) ifTrue: [ action value: b. ^ nil ].
- loc <- loc + 1 ]
- |
- invertSelection
- self startDrawing.
- (select notNil)
- ifTrue: [ select invert ].
- self endDrawing.
- |
- command: n | itm |
- (n = 1) ifTrue: [ self close ].
- (n = 4) ifTrue: [
- itm <- itms at: number.
- select <- 0@(itm) to: 20@(itm + 1).
- self invertSelection.
- (itm > 0) ifTrue: [
- itm <- itm - 1.
- itms at: number put: itm.
- select <- 0@(itm) to: 20@(itm + 1) ].
- self invertSelection.
- <163 number 3 0 itm> ].
- (n = 5) ifTrue: [
- itm <- itms at: number.
- select <- 0@(itm) to: 20@(itm + 1).
- self invertSelection.
- (itm < (dict size - 1) ) ifTrue: [
- itm <- itm + 1.
- itms at: number put: itm.
- select <- 0@(itm) to: 20@(itm + 1) ].
- self invertSelection.
- <163 number 3 0 itm> ].
- (n = 9) ifTrue: [
- self mouseDownAt: 0@(itms at: number) ]
- ]
- Methods BrowserWindow 'all'
- new
- super new.
- dict <- classes.
- action <- [:c | self selectClass: c ].
- self makeBrowserMenu.
- |
- close
- " close all our windows "
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- mw notNil ifTrue: [ mw close ].
- super close.
- |
- selectClass: c
- class <- c.
- browserMenu enableItem: 2.
- browserMenu disableItem: 3.
- browserMenu disableItem: 4.
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- mw notNil ifTrue: [ mw close ].
- self openMethodWindow
- |
- openMethodWindow
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- browserMenu disableItem: 3.
- mw notNil ifTrue: [ mw close ].
- browserMenu enableItem: 2.
- mw <- DictionaryWindow new;
- title: class printString, ' Methods';
- dictionary: class methods;
- action: [:c | self selectMethod: c ];
- attachMenu: browserMenu;
- open.
- |
- selectMethod: m
- method <- m.
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- tw <- TextWindow new;
- title: class printString , ' ', m asString;
- attachMenu: browserMenu;
- open.
- browserMenu enableItem: 3.
- tw print: m text
- |
- makeBrowserMenu
- browserMenu isNil ifTrue:
- [ browserMenu <- Menu new; title: 'Browser'; create.
- browserMenu addItem: 'add class'
- action: [:w | self addClass ].
- browserMenu addItem: 'add method'
- action: [:w | self addMethod ].
- browserMenu addItem: 'compile'
- action: [:w | self compile ].
- browserMenu addItem: 'command'
- action: [:w | self doCommand ] ].
- browserMenu disableItem: 2.
- browserMenu disableItem: 3.
- browserMenu disableItem: 4.
- self attachMenu: browserMenu
- |
- addClass
- " add a new class "
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- browserMenu enableItem: 4.
- tw <- TextWindow new; title: 'New Class Information';
- open; attachMenu: browserMenu;
- print: 'superClass addSubClass: #nameOfClass ',
- 'instanceVariableNames: ''var1 var2'' '
- |
- addMethod
- method <- Method new.
- tw notNil ifTrue: [ tw close ].
- tw <- TextWindow new;
- title: class printString , ' new method'.
- tw open; attachMenu: browserMenu.
- browserMenu enableItem: 3.
- |
- compile
- method text: tw text.
- (method compileWithClass: class)
- ifTrue: [ class methods at: method name put: method.
- mw drawEvent ].
- |
- doCommand
- " accept tw command "
- [ tw text execute. tw close. self drawEvent ] fork.
- ]
- Methods Menu 'all'
- new
- items <- Array new: 0.
- itemtitles <- Array new: 0.
- enablestatus <- Array new: 0.
- (1 to: 15) do: [:i | (menus at: i) isNil
- ifTrue: [ menus at: i put: self.
- number <- i. ^ self ] ]
- |
- number
- ^ number
- |
- addItem: name action: aBlock
- items <- items with: aBlock.
- itemtitles <- itemtitles with: name.
- enablestatus <- enablestatus with: true.
- <181 number name nil>
- |
- enableItem: n
- enablestatus at: n put: true.
- <182 number n 1 1>
- |
- disableItem: n
- enablestatus at: n put: false.
- <182 number n 1 0>
- |
- selectItem: n inWindow: w
- " execute the selected menu item "
- (items at: n) value: w
- |
- title: aString
- " give the title to a menu item"
- title <- aString
- |
- create
- "create menu"
- <180 number title>.
- " reinstate any old items "
- (1 to: items size) do:
- [:i | <181 number (itemtitles at: i) nil>.
- (enablestatus at: i)
- ifFalse: [ self disableItem: i]]
- ]
- Methods EventManager 'all'
- new
- responses <- Array new: 12.
- responses at: 1 put: [:w | w activate ].
- responses at: 2 put: [:w | w charTyped: (Char new; value: <171 4>) ].
- responses at: 3 put: [:w | w command: <171 9> ].
- responses at: 4 put: [:w | w mouseDownAt: self mouseLocation ].
- responses at: 5 put: [:w | w mouseMoveTo: self mouseLocation ].
- responses at: 6 put: [:w | w mouseUpAt: self mouseLocation ].
- responses at: 7 put: [:w | self eventMenu
- selectItem: self menuItem inWindow: w ].
- responses at: 8 put: [:w | w reSized ].
- responses at: 9 put: [:w | w moved ].
- responses at: 10 put: [:w | w drawEvent ].
- responses at: 11 put: [:w | w timer ].
- responses at: 12 put: [:w | w deactivate ].
- |
- eventWindow
- ^ windows at: <171 1>
- |
- eventMenu
- ^ menus at: <171 2>
- |
- menuItem
- ^ <171 3>
- |
- mouseLocation
- " return the current location of the mouse "
- ^ <172 1>
- |
- execute | i |
- " process one event "
- i <- <170>. (i = 0)
- ifFalse: [ (responses at: i) value: self eventWindow ]
- ]
- Methods StandardWindows 'all'
- makeSystemMenu
- systemMenu isNil ifTrue:
- [ systemMenu <- Menu new; title: 'System'; create.
- systemMenu addItem: 'browser'
- action: [:w | BrowserWindow new; title: 'Browser'; open ].
- systemMenu addItem: 'file in'
- action: [:w | [ File new;
- fileIn: (smalltalk askFile: 'file name:')] fork ].
- systemMenu addItem: 'save image'
- action: [:w | [ smalltalk saveImage:
- (smalltalk askNewFile: 'image file:') ] fork ].
- systemMenu addItem: 'quit'
- action: [:w | scheduler quit ]
- ]
- |
- makeWorkspaceMenu
- workspaceMenu isNil ifTrue: [
- workspaceMenu <- Menu new; title: 'Workspace'; create.
- workspaceMenu addItem: 'print it'
- action: [:w | [ w print: w text value asString ] fork ].
- workspaceMenu addItem: 'do it'
- action: [:w | [ w text execute ] fork ]]
- |
- makeWorkspace
- TextWindow new; title: 'Workspace';
- open; attachMenu: systemMenu; attachMenu: workspaceMenu.
- ]
- *
- * initialization code
- * this is executed once, by the initial image maker
- *
- *
- Methods Smalltalk 'doit'
- error: aString | ew |
- " print a message, and remove current process "
- scheduler currentProcess trace.
- <204 aString>.
- scheduler currentProcess terminate
- ]
- Methods Scheduler 'get commands'
- initialize
- stdwin makeSystemMenu.
- stdwin makeWorkspaceMenu.
- stdwin makeWorkspace.
- eventManager <- EventManager new.
- scheduler addProcess: eventManager
- |
- quit
- " all done - really quit "
- " should probably verify first "
- notdone <- false
- ]
- Methods UndefinedObject 'initial image'
- createGlobals
- " create global variables in initial image "
- true <- True new.
- false <- False new.
- smalltalk <- Smalltalk new.
- files <- Array new: 15.
- stdin <- File new; name: 'stdin'; mode: 'r'; open.
- stdout <- File new; name: 'stdout'; mode: 'w'; open.
- stderr <- File new; name: 'stderr'; mode: 'w'; open.
- printer <- stdout.
- " create a dictionary of classes "
- classes <- Dictionary new.
- symbols binaryDo: [:x :y |
- (y class == Class)
- ifTrue: [ classes at: x put: y ] ].
- scheduler <- Scheduler new.
- stdwin <- StandardWindows new.
- windows <- Array new: 15.
- menus <- Array new: 15.
- itms <- Array new: 15
- |
- initialize | aBlock |
- " initialize the initial object image "
- self createGlobals.
- " create the initial system process "
- " note the delayed recursive call "
- aBlock <- [ files do: [:f | f notNil ifTrue: [ f open ]].
- menus do: [:m | m notNil ifTrue: [ m create ]].
- windows do: [:w | w notNil ifTrue: [ w open ]].
- systemProcess <- aBlock newProcess.
- scheduler run ].
- systemProcess <- aBlock newProcess.
- File new;
- name: 'systemImage';
- open: 'w';
- saveImage;
- close.
- ]
- Methods String 'test'
- print
- ^ printer print: self
- ]
- Methods Smalltalk 'interface'
- getPrompt: aString
- ^ <201 aString ''>
- |
- askNewFile: prompt
- " ask for a new file name "
- ^ <203 prompt '' 1>
- |
- askFile: prompt
- ^ <203 prompt '' 0>
- |
- inquire: aString
- ^ <202 aString 1>
- ]
- Methods Rectangle 'drawing'
- frame
- <194 1 left top right bottom>
- |
- paint
- <194 2 left top right bottom>
- |
- erase
- <194 3 left top right bottom>
- |
- invert
- <194 4 left top right bottom>
- |
- shade: aPercent
- <195 1 left top right bottom aPercent>
- ]
- Methods Smalltalk 'beep'
- beep
- <205>
- ]
- Methods Circle 'drawing'
- frame
- <193 1 (center x) (center y) radius>
- ]