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- /*
- ** C Source Code For The MUI Demo Program
- ** --------------------------------------
- **
- ** written 1992-94 by Stefan Stuntz
- **
- ** Even if it doesn't look so, all of the code below is pure C,
- ** just a little bit enhanced with some MUI specific macros.
- */
- #include "demo.h"
- /*
- ** A little array definition:
- */
- static const char *LVT_Brian[] =
- {
- "Cheer up, Brian. You know what they say.",
- "Some things in life are bad,",
- "They can really make you mad.",
- "Other things just make you swear and curse.",
- "When you're chewing on life's grissle,",
- "Don't grumble, give a whistle.",
- "And this'll help things turn out for the best,",
- "And...",
- "",
- "Always look on the bright side of life",
- "Always look on the light side of life",
- "",
- "If life seems jolly rotten,",
- "There's something you've forgotten,",
- "And that's to laugh, and smile, and dance, and sing.",
- "When you're feeling in the dumps,",
- "Don't be silly chumps,",
- "Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing.",
- "And...",
- "",
- "Always look on the bright side of life, come on!",
- "Always look on the right side of life",
- "",
- "For life is quite absurd,",
- "And death's the final word.",
- "You must always face the curtain with a bow.",
- "Forget about your sin,",
- "Give the audience a grin.",
- "Enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow,",
- "So...",
- "",
- "Always look on the bright side of death",
- "Just before you draw your terminal breath.",
- "",
- "Life's a piece of shit,",
- "When you look at it.",
- "Life's a laugh, and death's a joke, it's true.",
- "You'll see it's all a show,",
- "Keep 'em laughing as you go,",
- "Just remember that the last laugh is on you.",
- "And...",
- "",
- "Always look on the bright side of life !",
- "",
- "...",
- "",
- "[Thanx to sprooney@unix1.tcd.ie and to M. Python]",
- };
- /*
- ** Convetional GadTools NewMenu structure, a memory
- ** saving way of definig menus.
- */
- #define ID_ABOUT 1
- #define ID_NEWVOL 2
- #define ID_NEWBRI 3
- struct NewMenu Menu[] =
- {
- { NM_TITLE, "Project" , 0 ,0,0,(APTR)0 },
- { NM_ITEM , "About..." ,"?",0,0,(APTR)ID_ABOUT },
- { NM_ITEM , NM_BARLABEL, 0 ,0,0,(APTR)0 },
- { NM_ITEM , "Quit" ,"Q",0,0,(APTR)MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit },
- { NM_END , NULL , 0 ,0,0,(APTR)0 },
- };
- /*
- ** Here are all the little info texts
- ** that appear at the top of each demo window.
- */
- static const char IN_Master[] = "\tWelcome to the MUI demonstration program. \
- This little toy will show you how easy it is to create graphical user interfaces \
- with MUI and how powerful the results are.\n\tMUI is based on BOOPSI, Amiga's \
- basic object oriented programming system. For details about programming, see the \
- 'ReadMe' file and the documented source code of this demo. Only one thing so far: \
- it's really easy!\n\tNow go on, click around and watch this demo. Or use your \
- keyboard (TAB, Return, Cursor-Keys) if you like that better. Hint: play \
- around with the MUI preferences program and customize every pixel to fit \
- your personal taste.";
- static const char IN_Notify[] = "\tMUI objects communicate with each other \
- with the aid of a notifcation system. This system is frequently used in every \
- MUI application. Binding an up and a down arrow to a prop gadget e.g. makes up \
- a scrollbar, binding a scrollbar to a list makes up a listview. You can also \
- bind windows to buttons, thus the window will be opened when the button is \
- pressed.\n\tRemember: The main loop of this demo program simply consists of \
- a Wait(). Once set up, MUI handles all user actions concerning the GUI \
- automatically.";
- static const char IN_Frames[] = "\tEvery MUI object can have a surrounding \
- frame. Several types are available, all adjustable with the preferences program.";
- static const char IN_Images[] = "\tMUI offers a vector image class, that allows \
- images to be zoomed to any dimension. Every MUI image is transformed to match the \
- current screens colors before displaying.\n\tThere are several standard images for \
- often used GUI components (e.g. Arrows). These standard images can be defined via \
- the preferences program.";
- static const char IN_Groups[] = "\tGroups are very important for MUI. Their \
- combinations determine how the GUI will look. A group may contain any number of \
- child objects, which are positioned either horizontal or vertical.\n\tWhen a \
- group is layouted, the available space is distributed between all of its \
- children, depending on their minimum and maximum dimensions and on their \
- weight.\n\tOf course, the children of a group may be other groups. There \
- are no restrictions.";
- static const char IN_Backfill[] = "\tEvery object can have its own background, \
- if it wants to. MUI offers several standard backgrounds (e.g. one of the DrawInfo \
- pens or one of the rasters below).\nThe prefs program allows defining a large number \
- of backgrounds... try it!";
- static const char IN_Listviews[] = "\tMUI's list class is very flexible. A list can \
- be made up of any number of columns containing formatted text or even images. Several \
- subclasses of list class (e.g. a directory class and a volume class) are available. \
- All MUI lists have the capability of multi selection, just by setting a single \
- flag.\n\tThe small info texts at the top of each demo window are made with floattext \
- class. This one just needs a character string as input and formats the text according \
- to its width.";
- static const char IN_Cycle[] = "\tCycle gadgets, radios buttons and simple lists \
- can be used to let the user pick exactly one selection from a list of choices. In this \
- example, all three possibilities are shown. Of course they are connected via notification, \
- so every object will immediately be notified and updated when necessary.";
- static const char IN_String[] = "\tOf course, MUI offers a standard string gadget class \
- for text input. The gadget in this example is attached to the list, you can control the \
- list cursor from within the gadget.";
- /*
- ** This are the entries for the cycle gadgets and radio buttons.
- */
- static const char *CYA_Computer[] = { "Amiga 500","Amiga 600","Amiga 1000 :)","Amiga 1200","Amiga 2000","Amiga 3000","Amiga 4000", "Amiga 4000T", "Atari ST :(", NULL };
- static const char *CYA_Printer[] = { "HP Deskjet","NEC P6","Okimate 20",NULL };
- static const char *CYA_Display[] = { "A1081","NEC 3D","A2024","Eizo T660i",NULL };
- /*
- ** Some Macros to make my life easier and the actual source
- ** code more readable.
- */
- #define List(ftxt) ListviewObject, MUIA_Weight, 50, MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE, MUIA_Listview_List,\
- FloattextObject, MUIA_Frame, MUIV_Frame_ReadList, MUIA_Floattext_Text, ftxt, MUIA_Floattext_TabSize, 4, MUIA_Floattext_Justify, TRUE, End, End
- #define DemoWindow(name,id,info) WindowObject, MUIA_Window_Title, name, MUIA_Window_ID, id, WindowContents, VGroup, Child, List(info)
- #define Image(nr) ImageObject, MUIA_Image_Spec, nr, End
- #define ScaledImage(nr,s,x,y) ImageObject, MUIA_Image_Spec, nr, MUIA_FixWidth, x, MUIA_FixHeight, y, MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz, TRUE, MUIA_Image_FreeVert, TRUE, MUIA_Image_State, s, End
- #define HProp PropObject, PropFrame, MUIA_Prop_Horiz, TRUE, MUIA_FixHeight, 8, MUIA_Prop_Entries, 111, MUIA_Prop_Visible, 10, End
- #define VProp PropObject, PropFrame, MUIA_Prop_Horiz, FALSE, MUIA_FixWidth , 8, MUIA_Prop_Entries, 111, MUIA_Prop_Visible, 10, End
- /*
- ** For every object we want to refer later (e.g. for notification purposes)
- ** we need a pointer. These pointers do not need to be static, but this
- ** saves stack space.
- */
- static APTR AP_Demo;
- static APTR WI_Master,WI_Frames,WI_Images,WI_Notify,WI_Listviews,WI_Groups,WI_Backfill,WI_Cycle,WI_String;
- static APTR BT_Notify,BT_Frames,BT_Images,BT_Groups,BT_Backfill,BT_Listviews,BT_Cycle,BT_String,BT_Quit;
- static APTR PR_PropA,PR_PropH,PR_PropV,PR_PropL,PR_PropR,PR_PropT,PR_PropB;
- static APTR LV_Volumes,LV_Directory,LV_Computer,LV_Brian;
- static APTR CY_Computer,CY_Printer,CY_Display;
- static APTR MT_Computer,MT_Printer,MT_Display;
- static APTR ST_Brian;
- static APTR GA_Gauge1,GA_Gauge2,GA_Gauge3;
- static APTR BP_Wheel;
- /*
- ** This is where it all begins...
- */
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- /*
- ** The init() functions is define in demos.h and does nothing
- ** but open "muimaster.library".
- */
- init();
- /*
- ** Every MUI application needs an application object
- ** which will hold general information and serve as
- ** a kind of anchor for user input, ARexx functions,
- ** commodities interface, etc.
- **
- ** An application may have any number of SubWindows
- ** which can all be created in the same call or added
- ** later, according to your needs.
- **
- ** Note that creating a window does not mean to
- ** open it, this will be done later by setting
- ** the windows open attribute.
- */
- AP_Demo = ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title , "MUI-Demo",
- MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: MUI-Demo 8.54 (03.07.94)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright , "Copyright ©1992-94, Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Author , "Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Description , "Demonstrate the features of MUI.",
- MUIA_Application_Base , "MUIDEMO",
- MUIA_Application_Menustrip , MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_MenustripNM,Menu,0),
- SubWindow,
- WI_String = DemoWindow("String",MAKE_ID('S','T','R','G'),IN_String),
- Child, LV_Brian = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject, InputListFrame, End,
- End,
- Child, ST_Brian = StringObject, StringFrame, End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Cycle = DemoWindow("Cycle Gadgets & RadioButtons",MAKE_ID('C','Y','C','L'),IN_Cycle),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, MT_Computer = Radio("Computer:",CYA_Computer),
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, MT_Printer = Radio("Printer:",CYA_Printer),
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, MT_Display = Radio("Display:",CYA_Display),
- End,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, ColGroup(2), GroupFrameT("Cycle Gadgets"),
- Child, KeyLabel1("Computer:",'c'), Child, CY_Computer = KeyCycle(CYA_Computer,'c'),
- Child, KeyLabel1("Printer:" ,'p'), Child, CY_Printer = KeyCycle(CYA_Printer ,'p'),
- Child, KeyLabel1("Display:" ,'d'), Child, CY_Display = KeyCycle(CYA_Display ,'d'),
- End,
- Child, LV_Computer = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject, InputListFrame, End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Listviews = DemoWindow("Listviews",MAKE_ID('L','I','S','T'),IN_Listviews),
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Dir & Volume List"),
- Child, LV_Directory = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, DirlistObject, InputListFrame, MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, "ram:", MUIA_List_Title, TRUE, End,
- End,
- Child, LV_Volumes = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Weight, 20,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, VolumelistObject, InputListFrame, MUIA_Dirlist_Directory, "ram:", End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Notify = DemoWindow("Notifying",MAKE_ID('B','R','C','A'),IN_Notify),
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Connections"),
- Child, GA_Gauge1 = GaugeObject, GaugeFrame, MUIA_Gauge_Horiz, FALSE, MUIA_FixWidth, 16, End,
- Child, PR_PropL = VProp,
- Child, PR_PropR = VProp,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, PR_PropA = HProp,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, PR_PropH = HProp,
- Child, PR_PropV = HProp,
- End,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, VGroup, GroupSpacing(1),
- Child, GA_Gauge2 = GaugeObject, GaugeFrame, MUIA_Gauge_Horiz, TRUE, End,
- Child, ScaleObject, MUIA_Scale_Horiz, TRUE, End,
- End,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- End,
- Child, PR_PropT = VProp,
- Child, PR_PropB = VProp,
- Child, GA_Gauge3 = GaugeObject, GaugeFrame, MUIA_Gauge_Horiz, FALSE, MUIA_FixWidth, 16, End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Backfill = DemoWindow("Backfill",MAKE_ID('B','A','C','K'),IN_Backfill),
- Child, VGroup, GroupFrameT("Standard Backgrounds"),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_BACKGROUND , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_FILL , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHADOW , End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHADOWBACK , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHADOWFILL , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHADOWSHINE , End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_FILLBACK , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHINEBACK , End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_FILLSHINE , End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Groups = DemoWindow("Groups",MAKE_ID('G','R','P','S'),IN_Groups),
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Group Types"),
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Horizontal"),
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- End,
- Child, VGroup, GroupFrameT("Vertical"),
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- End,
- Child, ColGroup(3), GroupFrameT("Array"),
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- Child, RectangleObject, TextFrame, End,
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Different Weights"),
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33c25 kg" , MUIA_Weight, 25, End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33c50 kg" , MUIA_Weight, 50, End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33c75 kg" , MUIA_Weight, 75, End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33c100 kg", MUIA_Weight, 100, End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup, GroupFrameT("Fixed & Variable Sizes"),
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "fixed" , MUIA_Text_SetMax, TRUE , End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cfree" , MUIA_Text_SetMax, FALSE, End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "fixed" , MUIA_Text_SetMax, TRUE , End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cfree" , MUIA_Text_SetMax, FALSE, End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "fixed" , MUIA_Text_SetMax, TRUE , End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Frames = DemoWindow("Frames",MAKE_ID('F','R','M','S'),IN_Frames),
- Child, ColGroup(2),
- Child, TextObject, ButtonFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cButton" , End,
- Child, TextObject, ImageButtonFrame, InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cImageButton", End,
- Child, TextObject, TextFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cText" , End,
- Child, TextObject, StringFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cString" , End,
- Child, TextObject, ReadListFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cReadList" , End,
- Child, TextObject, InputListFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cInputList" , End,
- Child, TextObject, PropFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cProp Gadget", End,
- Child, TextObject, GroupFrame , InnerSpacing(2,1), MUIA_Background, MUII_TextBack, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33cGroup" , End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Images = DemoWindow("Images",MAKE_ID('I','M','G','S'),IN_Images),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, ColGroup(2), GroupFrameT("Some Images"),
- Child, Label("ArrowUp:" ), Child, Image(MUII_ArrowUp ),
- Child, Label("ArrowDown:" ), Child, Image(MUII_ArrowDown ),
- Child, Label("ArrowLeft:" ), Child, Image(MUII_ArrowLeft ),
- Child, Label("ArrowRight:" ), Child, Image(MUII_ArrowRight ),
- Child, Label("RadioButton:"), Child, Image(MUII_RadioButton),
- Child, Label("File:" ), Child, Image(MUII_PopFile ),
- Child, Label("HardDisk:" ), Child, Image(MUII_HardDisk ),
- Child, Label("Disk:" ), Child, Image(MUII_Disk ),
- Child, Label("Chip:" ), Child, Image(MUII_Chip ),
- Child, Label("Drawer:" ), Child, Image(MUII_Drawer ),
- End,
- Child, VGroup, GroupFrameT("Scale Engine"),
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_RadioButton,1,17, 9),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_RadioButton,1,20,12),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_RadioButton,1,23,15),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_RadioButton,1,26,18),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_RadioButton,1,29,21),
- End,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,13, 7),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,16,10),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,19,13),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,22,16),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,25,19),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_CheckMark,1,28,22),
- End,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,12,10),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,15,13),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,18,16),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,21,19),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,24,22),
- Child, ScaledImage(MUII_PopFile,0,27,25),
- End,
- Child, VSpace(0),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- SubWindow,
- WI_Master = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "MUI-Demo",
- MUIA_Window_ID , MAKE_ID('M','A','I','N'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, TextObject, GroupFrame, MUIA_Background, MUII_SHADOWFILL, MUIA_Text_Contents, "\33c\0338MUI - \33bM\33nagic\33bU\33nser\33bI\33nnterface\nwritten 1992-94 by Stefan Stuntz", End,
- Child, List(IN_Master),
- Child, VGroup, GroupFrameT("Available Demos"),
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, BT_Groups = SimpleButton("_Groups"),
- Child, BT_Frames = SimpleButton("_Frames"),
- Child, BT_Backfill = SimpleButton("_Backfill"),
- End,
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, BT_Notify = SimpleButton("_Notify"),
- Child, BT_Listviews = SimpleButton("_Listviews"),
- Child, BT_Cycle = SimpleButton("_Cycle"),
- End,
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameWidth, TRUE,
- Child, BT_Images = SimpleButton("_Images" ),
- Child, BT_String = SimpleButton("_Strings"),
- Child, BT_Quit = SimpleButton("_Quit" ),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- /*
- ** See if the application was created. The fail function
- ** is defined in demos.h, it deletes every created object
- ** and closes "muimaster.library".
- **
- ** Note that we do not need any
- ** error control for the sub objects since every error
- ** will automatically be forwarded to the parent object
- ** and cause this one to fail too.
- */
- if (!AP_Demo) fail(AP_Demo,"Failed to create application.");
- /*
- ** Here comes the notifcation magic. Notifying means:
- ** When an attribute of an object changes, then please change
- ** another attribute of another object (accordingly) or send
- ** a method to another object.
- */
- /*
- ** Lets bind the sub windows to the corresponding button
- ** of the master window.
- */
- DoMethod(BT_Frames ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Frames ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Images ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Images ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Notify ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Notify,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Listviews,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Listviews,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Groups ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Groups ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Backfill ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Backfill ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Cycle ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_Cycle ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_String ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,WI_String ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- DoMethod(BT_Quit ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,AP_Demo,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- /*
- ** Automagically remove a window when the user hits the close gadget.
- */
- DoMethod(WI_Images ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Images ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Frames ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Frames ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Notify,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Notify,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Listviews,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Listviews,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Groups ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Groups ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Backfill ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Backfill ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_Cycle ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_Cycle ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- DoMethod(WI_String ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,WI_String ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- /*
- ** Closing the master window forces a complete shutdown of the application.
- */
- DoMethod(WI_Master,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,AP_Demo,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- /*
- ** This connects the prop gadgets in the notification demo window.
- */
- DoMethod(PR_PropA,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropH,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropA,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropV,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropH,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropL,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropH,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropR,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropV,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropT,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropV,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_EveryTime,PR_PropB,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Prop_First,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(PR_PropA ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Prop_First ,MUIV_EveryTime,GA_Gauge2,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(GA_Gauge2,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_EveryTime,GA_Gauge1,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(GA_Gauge2,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_EveryTime,GA_Gauge3,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- /*
- ** And here we connect cycle gadgets, radio buttons and the list in the
- ** cycle & radio window.
- */
- DoMethod(CY_Computer,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,MT_Computer,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(CY_Printer ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,MT_Printer ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(CY_Display ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,MT_Display ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(MT_Computer,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,CY_Computer,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(MT_Printer ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,CY_Printer ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(MT_Display ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,CY_Display ,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Cycle_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(MT_Computer,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,LV_Computer,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_List_Active ,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(LV_Computer,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_List_Active ,MUIV_EveryTime,MT_Computer,3,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Radio_Active,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- /*
- ** This one makes us receive input ids from several list views.
- */
- DoMethod(LV_Volumes ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick,TRUE,AP_Demo,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ID_NEWVOL);
- DoMethod(LV_Brian ,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_List_Active,MUIV_EveryTime,AP_Demo,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ID_NEWBRI);
- /*
- ** Now lets set the TAB cycle chain for some of our windows.
- */
- DoMethod(WI_Master ,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,BT_Groups,BT_Frames,BT_Backfill,BT_Notify,BT_Listviews,BT_Cycle,BT_Images,BT_String,NULL);
- DoMethod(WI_Listviews,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,LV_Directory,LV_Volumes,NULL);
- DoMethod(WI_Cycle ,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,MT_Computer,MT_Printer,MT_Display,CY_Computer,CY_Printer,CY_Display,LV_Computer,NULL);
- DoMethod(WI_String ,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,ST_Brian,NULL);
- /*
- ** Set some start values for certain objects.
- */
- DoMethod(LV_Computer,MUIM_List_Insert,CYA_Computer,-1,MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom);
- DoMethod(LV_Brian ,MUIM_List_Insert,LVT_Brian,-1,MUIV_List_Insert_Bottom);
- set(LV_Computer,MUIA_List_Active,0);
- set(LV_Brian ,MUIA_List_Active,0);
- set(ST_Brian ,MUIA_String_AttachedList,LV_Brian);
- /*
- ** Everything's ready, lets launch the application. We will
- ** open the master window now.
- */
- set(WI_Master,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- /*
- ** This is the main loop. As you can see, it does just nothing.
- ** Everything is handled by MUI, no work for the programmer.
- **
- ** The only thing we do here is to react on a double click
- ** in the volume list (which causes an ID_NEWVOL) by setting
- ** a new directory name for the directory list. If you want
- ** to see a real file requester with MUI, wait for the
- ** next release of MFR :-)
- */
- {
- ULONG signal;
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- char *buf;
- while (running)
- {
- switch (DoMethod(AP_Demo,MUIM_Application_Input,&signal))
- {
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- running = FALSE;
- break;
- case ID_NEWVOL:
- DoMethod(LV_Volumes,MUIM_List_GetEntry,MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active,&buf);
- set(LV_Directory,MUIA_Dirlist_Directory,buf);
- break;
- case ID_NEWBRI:
- get(LV_Brian,MUIA_List_Active,&buf);
- set(ST_Brian,MUIA_String_Contents,LVT_Brian[(int)buf]);
- break;
- case ID_ABOUT:
- MUI_Request(AP_Demo, WI_Master, 0, NULL, "OK", "MUI-Demo\n© 1992-94 by Stefan Stuntz");
- break;
- }
- if (signal) Wait(signal);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Call the fail function in demos.h, this will dispose the
- ** application object and close "muimaster.library".
- */
- fail(AP_Demo,NULL);
- }
- /*
- ** This is the end...
- */