home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**********************************************\
- * *
- * MUI-Exchange *
- * *
- * Version: 0.9 (14.6.94) *
- * *
- * Copyright 1993,94 by kMel, Klaus Melchior *
- * kmel@eifel.adsp.sub.org, kmel@eifel.fido.de *
- * *
- * *
- * This isn't a proper replacement *
- * for the "Exchange" from Commodore, *
- * because it can't use the CX-Command *
- * *
- * All these broker functions are private *
- * and rarely documented. *
- * *
- \**********************************************/
- /* DMAKE */
- /* TAB=4 */
- /*
- MUI-Exchange - ReadMe
- *********************
- Copyright
- *********
- MUI-Exchange (C) 1993-94 kMel, Klaus Melchior
- This program is freely distributable, but copyrighted by me. This
- means you may freely copy it as long as you do not charge more than a
- nominal fee for copying. This program may be put on PD disks,
- especially on Fred Fish's AmigaLibDisks and Fred's CDROMs. If you want
- to distribute this program you MUST keep this document with it. The
- program and the documents must be distributed in their original
- unmodified form.
- This program cannot be used for commercial purposes without written
- permission by the author. The author can not be made responsible for
- any damage which is caused by using this program.
- Send comments, suggestions or bug reports to:
- Klaus Melchior, Schulstrasse 17
- D-52156 Monschau, Germany
- Phone: +49 (0)2472 4710
- ADSP: kmel@eifel.adsp.sub.org
- DE: kmel@eifel.fido.de
- FIDO: 2:242/7.2@fidonet
- FIDO: 2:2452/107.2@fidonet
- ReadMe
- ******
- 'MUI-Exchange' should be a replacement for the commodity 'Exchange' by
- Commodore, it manages the commodities in your system.
- But first you are ougth to change some adjustments.
- Start the MUI preference program, switch to the application
- 'MUI-Exchange', look at the "System" page:
- - set Hotkey to "lalt ctrl help"
- - switch off the "Iconify Icon" checkmark gadget
- - switch on the "Start Iconified" checkmark
- Now you can start MUI-Exchange in your 'wbstartup'.
- History
- *******
- 0.8 13.8.93 * first release in MUI 1.0
- + window's close gadget is now a iconified gadget
- + new menu item "Hide"
- + use new menu objects
- 0.9 14.6.94 * release for MUI 2.1
- */
- /*** includes ***/
- #include "demo.h"
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/commodities.h>
- /*** private structures & defines ***/
- struct BrokerCopy {
- struct Node bc_Node;
- char bc_Name[CBD_NAMELEN];
- char bc_Title[CBD_TITLELEN];
- char bc_Descr[CBD_DESCRLEN];
- LONG bc_Task;
- LONG bc_Dummy1;
- LONG bc_Dummy2;
- UWORD bc_Flags;
- };
- #define COF_ACTIVE 2
- /*** private functions of "commodities.library" ***/
- #pragma libcall CxBase FindBroker 6c 801
- #pragma libcall CxBase CopyBrokerList ba 801
- #pragma libcall CxBase FreeBrokerList c0 801
- #pragma libcall CxBase BrokerCommand c6 802
- CxObj *FindBroker(char *);
- LONG CopyBrokerList(struct List *);
- LONG FreeBrokerList(struct List *);
- LONG BrokerCommand(char *, LONG id);
- /*** ids ***/
- enum ids { DUMMY,
- };
- /*** variables ***/
- static APTR app;
- static APTR mn_main, mn_activate, mn_deactivate, mn_interface;
- static APTR wi_main;
- static APTR bt_info;
- static APTR lv_broker;
- static APTR bt_activate, bt_deactivate, bt_remove;
- static APTR bt_show, bt_hide;
- struct Library *CxBase;
- /*** funcs ***/
- /*** find name in broker list ***/
- LONG find_broker_name(char *n)
- {
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- LONG i;
- for (i=0; ; i++)
- {
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, i, &bc);
- /*** last line ? ***/
- if (!bc)
- break;
- /*** found name ? ***/
- if (stricmp(&bc->bc_Name[0], n) == 0)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- /*** find task in broker list ***/
- LONG find_broker_task(ULONG t)
- {
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- LONG i;
- for (i=0; ; i++)
- {
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, i, &bc);
- /*** last line ? ***/
- if (!bc)
- break;
- /*** found task ? ***/
- if (bc->bc_Task == t)
- return(i);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- /*** disable gadgets ***/
- void check_broker(void)
- {
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- set(bt_show, MUIA_Disabled, !(bc->bc_Flags & COF_SHOW_HIDE));
- set(bt_hide, MUIA_Disabled, !(bc->bc_Flags & COF_SHOW_HIDE));
- set(bt_activate, MUIA_Disabled, bc->bc_Flags & COF_ACTIVE);
- set(bt_deactivate, MUIA_Disabled, !(bc->bc_Flags & COF_ACTIVE));
- }
- /*** insert broker into listview ***/
- BOOL insert_broker(void)
- {
- static UBYTE count;
- struct List *l;
- ULONG nr, i;
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- if (l = AllocMem(sizeof(struct List), MEMF_PUBLIC))
- {
- struct Node *n, *nn;
- LONG pos, curs;
- count++;
- /*** generate an empty list ***/
- NewList(l);
- /*** private function to generate the system broker list ***/
- nr = CopyBrokerList(l);
- get(lv_broker, MUIA_List_Active, &curs);
- /*** start at head of list ***/
- n = l->lh_Head;
- while (n && (nn = n->ln_Succ))
- {
- if ((pos = find_broker_name((char *)&((struct BrokerCopy *)n)->bc_Name[0])) >= 0)
- {
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, pos, &bc);
- bc->bc_Flags = ((struct BrokerCopy *)n)->bc_Flags;
- bc->bc_Node.ln_Type = count;
- if (curs == pos)
- check_broker();
- }
- else
- {
- /*** insert broker ***/
- ((struct BrokerCopy *)n)->bc_Node.ln_Type = count;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_Insert, &n, 1, MUIV_List_Insert_Sorted);
- }
- /*** next node ***/
- n = nn;
- }
- /*** free list and allocated mem ***/
- FreeBrokerList(l);
- FreeMem(l, sizeof(struct List));
- for (i=0; ; i++)
- {
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, i, &bc);
- /*** last line ? ***/
- if (!bc)
- break;
- /*** found old broker ? ***/
- if (bc->bc_Node.ln_Type != count)
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_Remove, i--);
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*** image-stuff ***/
- /*
- DiskObject 'MUI-Exchange_sleep.info': $076bf6b4
- Size of DiskObjectStruct: 78 ImageStruct: 20
- GadgetRender: $07692038 Size: 560 Width: 54 Height: 35 Depth: 2
- */
- static UWORD mui_exchange_sleep_img1_data[] = {
- 0x0003,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0004,0x4000,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0008,0x4000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0018,0x4de0,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0020,0x3210,0x0000,0x0000,0x0020,0x0008,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0020,0x0008,0x0000,0x0000,0x0020,0xf008,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0020,0x2788,0x0000,0x0000,0x0010,0x4108,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0010,0xf208,0x0000,0x0000,0x0008,0x0790,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0008,0x0020,0x0000,0x0000,0x003c,0x00c0,0x0000,0x0400,
- 0x0046,0x3f00,0x0000,0x0c00,0x0083,0xe008,0x0000,0x0c00,
- 0x0100,0x8038,0x0000,0x0c00,0x0101,0x00fc,0x0000,0x0c00,
- 0x0386,0x03fc,0x0000,0x0c00,0x04c8,0x0ff0,0x0000,0x0c00,
- 0x08b0,0x3ffc,0xc180,0x2c00,0x0500,0xffc0,0x6300,0x4c00,
- 0x0203,0xfd80,0x363c,0x8c00,0x000f,0xf180,0x1c41,0x0c00,
- 0x003f,0xc180,0x1c42,0x0c00,0x00ff,0x0180,0x3640,0x0c00,
- 0x03fc,0x00c0,0x6340,0x0c00,0x03f0,0x003c,0xc180,0x0c00,
- 0x01c0,0x0000,0x0080,0x0c00,0x0102,0x0000,0x0100,0x0c00,
- 0x0001,0x0000,0x0600,0x0c00,0x0000,0x9fff,0xf800,0x0c00,
- 0x0000,0x6000,0x0000,0x0c00,0x0000,0x2000,0x0000,0x0c00,
- 0x7fff,0xffff,0xffff,0xfc00,0x0003,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x0007,0xc000,0x0000,0x0000,0x000f,0xc000,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x001f,0xcde0,0x0000,0x0000,0x003f,0xfff0,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x003f,0xfff8,0x0000,0x0000,0x003f,0xfff8,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x003f,0x0ff8,0x0000,0x0000,0x003f,0xd878,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x001f,0xbef8,0x0000,0x0000,0x001f,0x0df8,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0x000f,0xf870,0x0000,0x0000,0x000f,0xffe0,0x0000,0x0000,
- 0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xf800,0xd57f,0xff51,0x5552,0x5000,
- 0xd5ff,0xf55f,0x8003,0x5000,0xd5ff,0xd527,0xbfff,0x9000,
- 0xd5ff,0x5482,0x7fff,0xd000,0xd7ff,0x5205,0xffff,0xe000,
- 0xd7fd,0x4813,0xffff,0xf000,0xdff5,0x2043,0x3e7f,0xd000,
- 0xd754,0x813f,0x9cff,0x9000,0xd752,0x047f,0xc9c3,0x5000,
- 0xd548,0x107e,0x2392,0x5000,0xd520,0x607e,0x2391,0x5000,
- 0xd481,0x3e7f,0xc995,0x5000,0xd204,0xff3f,0x9c95,0x5000,
- 0xc413,0xffc3,0x3e55,0x5000,0xde47,0xffff,0xff55,0x5000,
- 0xbf11,0xffff,0xfe55,0x5000,0xd854,0xffff,0xf955,0x5000,
- 0xc555,0x6000,0x0555,0x5000,0xd555,0x1555,0x5555,0x5000,
- 0xd555,0x5555,0x5555,0x5000,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0000,
- };
- static struct Image mui_exchange_sleep_img1 = {
- 0x0000,0x0000,0x0036,0x0023,0x0002,
- &mui_exchange_sleep_img1_data[0],
- 0x03,0x00,0x00000000,
- };
- static struct DiskObject mui_exchange_sleep_dobj = {
- 0xe310,0x0001,
- 0x00000000,
- 0x00db,0x0050,0x0036,0x0024,0x0004,0x0003,0x0001,
- (APTR)&mui_exchange_sleep_img1,NULL,
- 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,
- 0x0000,
- 0x00000000,
- 0x0003,
- 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x80000000,0x80000000,
- 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,
- };
- /*** mui-stuff ***/
- /*** list hooks ***/
- SAVEDS ASM struct BrokerCopy *broker_list_confunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) APTR mem_pool,
- REG(a1) struct BrokerCopy *b)
- {
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- if (bc = AllocMem(sizeof(struct BrokerCopy), MEMF_ANY))
- {
- int i;
- UBYTE *s, *d;
- s = (BYTE *)b;
- d = (BYTE *)bc;
- for (i=0; i < sizeof(struct BrokerCopy); i++)
- *d++ = *s++;
- return(bc);
- }
- /*** insert nothing ***/
- return(0);
- }
- static struct Hook broker_list_conhook = {
- (void *)broker_list_confunc,
- };
- SAVEDS ASM LONG broker_list_desfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) APTR mem_pool,
- REG(a1) struct BrokerCopy *bc)
- {
- FreeMem(bc, sizeof(struct BrokerCopy));
- return(0);
- }
- static struct Hook broker_list_deshook = {
- (void *)broker_list_desfunc,
- };
- SAVEDS ASM LONG broker_list_dspfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) char **array,
- REG(a1) struct BrokerCopy *bc)
- {
- *array = bc->bc_Name;
- return(0);
- }
- static struct Hook broker_list_dsphook = {
- (void *)broker_list_dspfunc,
- };
- SAVEDS ASM LONG broker_list_cmpfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) struct BrokerCopy *bc1,
- REG(a1) struct BrokerCopy *bc2)
- {
- return(stricmp(bc2->bc_Name, bc1->bc_Name));
- }
- static struct Hook broker_list_cmphook = {
- (void *)broker_list_cmpfunc,
- };
- /*** broker hook ***/
- SAVEDS ASM LONG broker_list_brkfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) Object obj,
- REG(a1) CxMsg *cm)
- {
- if ((CxMsgType(cm) == CXM_COMMAND) && (CxMsgID(cm) == CXCMD_LIST_CHG))
- insert_broker();
- return(0);
- }
- static struct Hook broker_list_brkhook = {
- (void *)broker_list_brkfunc,
- };
- /*** arexx hooks ***/
- SAVEDS ASM LONG select_name_rxfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) Object *appl,
- REG(a1) ULONG *arg)
- {
- char *name;
- /*** name valid ? ***/
- if (name = (char *)*arg)
- {
- ULONG pos;
- if (pos = find_broker_name(name))
- {
- /*** set cursor & listview ***/
- set(lv_broker, MUIA_List_Active, pos);
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_Jump, pos);
- return(RETURN_OK);
- }
- }
- return(RETURN_ERROR);
- }
- static const struct Hook select_name_rxhook = {
- (void *)select_name_rxfunc,
- };
- SAVEDS ASM LONG select_task_rxfunc(
- REG(a0) struct Hook *hook,
- REG(a2) Object *appl,
- REG(a1) ULONG *arg)
- {
- ULONG task;
- /*** task valid ? ***/
- if (task = *((ULONG *)*arg))
- {
- ULONG pos;
- if (pos = find_broker_task(task))
- {
- /*** set cursor & listview ***/
- set(lv_broker, MUIA_List_Active, pos);
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_Jump, pos);
- return(RETURN_OK);
- }
- }
- return(RETURN_ERROR);
- }
- static const struct Hook select_task_rxhook = {
- (void *)select_task_rxfunc,
- };
- /*** arexx list ***/
- static struct MUI_Command arexx_list[] =
- {
- {"select_name", "NAME/A", 1, &select_name_rxhook},
- {"select_task", "TASKADR/N/A", 1, &select_task_rxhook},
- {"interface_show", MC_TEMPLATE_ID, ID_INTERFACE_SHOW, NULL},
- {"interface_hide", MC_TEMPLATE_ID, ID_INTERFACE_HIDE, NULL},
- };
- /*** menu ***/
- static struct NewMenu mn_main_data[] =
- {
- { NM_TITLE, "Project", 0, 0, 0, (APTR) MN_PROJECT },
- { NM_ITEM, "About...", "?",0, 0, (APTR) ID_ABOUT },
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, (APTR) 0 },
- { NM_ITEM, "Hide", "H",0, 0, (APTR) ID_HIDE },
- { NM_ITEM, "Quit", "Q",0, 0, (APTR) ID_QUIT },
- { NM_TITLE, "Broker", 0, 0, 0, (APTR) MN_BROKER },
- { NM_ITEM, "Info", "I",0, 0, (APTR) ID_INFO },
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, (APTR) 0 },
- { NM_ITEM, "Activate", "A",0, 0, (APTR) ID_ACTIVATE },
- { NM_ITEM, "Deactivate", "D",0, 0, (APTR) ID_DEACTIVATE },
- { NM_ITEM, "Remove", "R",0, 0, (APTR) ID_REMOVE },
- { NM_ITEM, NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, (APTR) 0 },
- { NM_ITEM, "Interface", 0, 0, 0, (APTR) MN_INTERFACE },
- { NM_SUB, "Show", "S",0, 0, (APTR) ID_INTERFACE_SHOW },
- { NM_SUB, "Hide", "E",0, 0, (APTR) ID_INTERFACE_HIDE },
- { NM_END, NULL, 0, 0, 0, (APTR) 0 },
- };
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- /*** variables ***/
- ULONG timer_sig = 0;
- /*** init ***/
- BOOL not_end = TRUE;
- init();
- if (CxBase = OpenLibrary("commodities.library", 0))
- {
- /*** create mui-application ***/
- app = ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title, "MUI-Exchange",
- MUIA_Application_Version, "$VER: MUI-Exchange 0.9 (14.6.94)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright, "© 1993/94 by kMel, Klaus Melchior",
- MUIA_Application_Author, "Klaus Melchior",
- MUIA_Application_Description, "Manages the system commodities list",
- MUIA_Application_Base, "MUIEXCH",
- MUIA_Application_Commands, arexx_list,
- MUIA_Application_BrokerHook, &broker_list_brkhook,
- MUIA_Application_SingleTask, TRUE,
- MUIA_Application_DiskObject, &mui_exchange_sleep_dobj,
- MUIA_Application_Window, wi_main = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MAKE_ID('M','A','I','N'),
- MUIA_Window_Title, "MUI-Exchange",
- MUIA_Window_Menustrip, mn_main = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_MenustripNM, mn_main_data, 0),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, bt_info = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Info"),
- End,
- Child, VGroup,
- Child, lv_broker = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick, TRUE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- InputListFrame,
- MUIA_List_ConstructHook, &broker_list_conhook,
- MUIA_List_DestructHook, &broker_list_deshook,
- MUIA_List_CompareHook, &broker_list_cmphook,
- MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &broker_list_dsphook,
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, bt_activate = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Activate"),
- Child, bt_deactivate = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Deactivate"),
- Child, bt_remove = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Remove"),
- End,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, bt_show = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Show Interface"),
- Child, bt_hide = MUI_MakeObject(MUIO_Button,"_Hide Interface"),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- /*** application failed ? ***/
- if (!app)
- fail(app, "Creating application failed !");
- /*** menu objects ***/
- mn_activate = (APTR)DoMethod(mn_main, MUIM_FindUData, ID_ACTIVATE);
- mn_deactivate = (APTR)DoMethod(mn_main, MUIM_FindUData, ID_DEACTIVATE);
- mn_interface = (APTR)DoMethod(mn_main, MUIM_FindUData, MN_INTERFACE);
- /*** connections & cycle ***/
- DoMethod(app, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Application_DoubleStart, TRUE,
- app, 2,
- MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_QUIT);
- DoMethod(wi_main, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Window_CloseRequest, TRUE,
- app, 2,
- MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_HIDE);
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick, TRUE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_INFO );
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Listview_SelectChange, TRUE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_LV_ACTIVE );
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_List_Active, MUIV_EveryTime,
- app, 2,
- MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_LV_ACTIVE);
- DoMethod(bt_info, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_INFO );
- DoMethod(bt_activate, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_ACTIVATE );
- DoMethod(bt_deactivate, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_DEACTIVATE );
- DoMethod(bt_remove, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_REMOVE );
- DoMethod(bt_hide, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_INTERFACE_HIDE );
- DoMethod(bt_show, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, app, 2, MUIM_Application_ReturnID, ID_INTERFACE_SHOW );
- DoMethod(wi_main, MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,
- lv_broker,
- bt_activate, bt_deactivate, bt_remove,
- bt_hide, bt_show,
- bt_info,
- NULL);
- /*** menu notification ***/
- DoMethod(bt_activate, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Disabled, MUIV_EveryTime,
- mn_activate, 3,
- MUIM_Set, MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, MUIV_NotTriggerValue);
- DoMethod(bt_deactivate, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Disabled, MUIV_EveryTime,
- mn_deactivate, 3,
- MUIM_Set, MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, MUIV_NotTriggerValue);
- DoMethod(bt_hide, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Disabled, MUIV_EveryTime,
- mn_interface, 3,
- MUIM_Set, MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled, MUIV_NotTriggerValue);
- /*** open window ***/
- set(wi_main, MUIA_Window_Open, TRUE);
- set(wi_main, MUIA_Window_ActiveObject, lv_broker);
- /*** get brokerlist ***/
- insert_broker();
- /*** first scan & activate first entry ***/
- set(lv_broker, MUIA_List_Active, 0);
- /*** create timer_port to refresh broker_list ***/
- {
- struct timerequest *timer_io;
- struct MsgPort *timer_port;
- struct Message *timer_msg;
- ULONG error;
- if (timer_port = CreatePort(0, 0))
- {
- timer_sig = (1<<(timer_port->mp_SigBit));
- if (timer_io = (struct timerequest *) CreateExtIO(timer_port, sizeof(struct timerequest)))
- {
- if (!(error = OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (struct IORequest *) timer_io, 0)))
- {
- /*** refresh-cycle is 1 second ***/
- timer_io->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timer_io->tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- timer_io->tr_time.tv_micro = 0;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *) timer_io);
- /*** main-loop ***/
- while (not_end)
- {
- ULONG signal, ret_sig, id, ret;
- char *n;
- struct BrokerCopy *bc;
- switch (id = DoMethod(app, MUIM_Application_Input, &signal))
- {
- case ID_ABOUT:
- MUI_Request(app, wi_main, 0, NULL, "OK",
- MUIX_C MUIX_PH "MUI-Exchange\n\n"
- MUIX_PT "Version 0.9 (14.6.94)\n"
- "Copyright 1993-94 by kMel, Klaus Melchior.\n"
- "\nThis is a MUI-Application.\n"
- "MUI is copyrighted by Stefan Stuntz.",
- break;
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- case ID_QUIT:
- not_end = FALSE;
- break;
- case ID_HIDE:
- set(app, MUIA_Application_Iconified, TRUE);
- break;
- case ID_INFO:
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- MUI_Request(app, wi_main, 0, NULL, "OK",
- MUIX_C MUIX_PH "%s\n\n"
- MUIX_PT MUIX_N "%s\n"
- "%s",
- bc->bc_Name, bc->bc_Title, bc->bc_Descr,
- break;
- case ID_LV_ACTIVE:
- check_broker();
- break;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- BrokerCommand(n = bc->bc_Name, CXCMD_ENABLE);
- break;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- BrokerCommand(n = bc->bc_Name, CXCMD_DISABLE);
- break;
- case ID_REMOVE:
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- BrokerCommand(bc->bc_Name, CXCMD_KILL);
- break;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- ret = BrokerCommand(bc->bc_Name, CXCMD_APPEAR);
- break;
- DoMethod(lv_broker, MUIM_List_GetEntry, MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active, &bc);
- ret = BrokerCommand(bc->bc_Name, CXCMD_DISAPPEAR);
- break;
- /* default:
- if (id)
- printf("ID: %d = %08lx\n", id, id);
- break;
- */ }
- if (not_end && signal)
- ret_sig = Wait(signal | timer_sig);
- /*** timer signal ? ***/
- if (ret_sig & timer_sig)
- {
- while (timer_msg = GetMsg(timer_port))
- ;
- insert_broker();
- /*** refresh cycle is 1 second ***/
- timer_io->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timer_io->tr_time.tv_secs = 1;
- timer_io->tr_time.tv_micro = 0;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *) timer_io);
- }
- }
- /*** clean up & close timer.device ***/
- if (!(CheckIO((struct IORequest *)timer_io)))
- AbortIO((struct IORequest *)timer_io);
- WaitIO((struct IORequest *)timer_io);
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest *) timer_io);
- }
- DeleteExtIO((struct IORequest *) timer_io);
- }
- while (timer_msg = GetMsg(timer_port))
- ;
- DeletePort(timer_port);
- }
- }
- CloseLibrary(CxBase);
- }
- fail(app, NULL);
- }