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- #include "demo.h"
- SAVEDS ASM LONG StrObjFunc(REG(a2) Object *pop,REG(a1) Object *str)
- {
- char *x,*s;
- int i;
- get(str,MUIA_String_Contents,&s);
- for (i=0;;i++)
- {
- DoMethod(pop,MUIM_List_GetEntry,i,&x);
- if (!x)
- {
- set(pop,MUIA_List_Active,MUIV_List_Active_Off);
- break;
- }
- else if (!stricmp(x,s))
- {
- set(pop,MUIA_List_Active,i);
- break;
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- SAVEDS ASM VOID ObjStrFunc(REG(a2) Object *pop,REG(a1) Object *str)
- {
- char *x;
- DoMethod(pop,MUIM_List_GetEntry,MUIV_List_GetEntry_Active,&x);
- set(str,MUIA_String_Contents,x);
- }
- static const char *PopNames[] =
- {
- "Stefan Becker",
- "Martin Berndt",
- "Georg Heßmann",
- "Martin Horneffer",
- "Martin Huttenloher",
- "Kai Iske",
- "Oliver Kilian",
- "Franke Mariak",
- "Klaus Melchior",
- "Armin Sander",
- "Matthias Scheler",
- "Andreas Schildbach",
- "Wolfgang Schildbach",
- "Christian Scholz",
- "Markus Stipp",
- "Ibrahim Solmaz",
- "Henri Veistera",
- "Alber Weinert",
- };
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- static const struct Hook StrObjHook = { { NULL,NULL },(VOID *)StrObjFunc,NULL,NULL };
- static const struct Hook ObjStrHook = { { NULL,NULL },(VOID *)ObjStrFunc,NULL,NULL };
- APTR app,window,pop1,pop2,pop3,pop4,pop5,plist;
- ULONG signals;
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- init();
- app = ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title , "Popup-Demo",
- MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: Popup-Demo 8.37 (03.07.94)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright , "©1993, Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Author , "Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Description, "Demostrate popup objects.",
- MUIA_Application_Base , "POPUP",
- SubWindow, window = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "Popup Objects",
- MUIA_Window_ID , MAKE_ID('P','O','P','P'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, ColGroup(2),
- Child, KeyLabel2("File:",'f'),
- Child, pop1 = PopaslObject,
- MUIA_Popstring_String, KeyString(0,256,'f'),
- MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopFile),
- ASLFR_TitleText, "Please select a file...",
- End,
- Child, KeyLabel2("Drawer:",'d'),
- Child, pop2 = PopaslObject,
- MUIA_Popstring_String, KeyString(0,256,'d'),
- MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopDrawer),
- ASLFR_TitleText , "Please select a drawer...",
- ASLFR_DrawersOnly, TRUE,
- End,
- Child, KeyLabel2("Font:",'o'),
- Child, pop3 = PopaslObject,
- MUIA_Popstring_String, KeyString(0,80,'o'),
- MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopUp),
- MUIA_Popasl_Type , ASL_FontRequest,
- ASLFO_TitleText , "Please select a font...",
- End,
- Child, KeyLabel2("Fixed Font:",'i'),
- Child, pop4 = PopaslObject,
- MUIA_Popstring_String, KeyString(0,80,'i'),
- MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopUp),
- MUIA_Popasl_Type , ASL_FontRequest,
- ASLFO_TitleText , "Please select a fixed font...",
- ASLFO_FixedWidthOnly, TRUE,
- End,
- Child, KeyLabel2("Thanks To:",'n'),
- Child, pop5 = PopobjectObject,
- MUIA_Popstring_String, KeyString(0,60,'n'),
- MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopUp),
- MUIA_Popobject_StrObjHook, &StrObjHook,
- MUIA_Popobject_ObjStrHook, &ObjStrHook,
- MUIA_Popobject_Object, plist = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- InputListFrame,
- MUIA_List_SourceArray, PopNames,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- if (!app)
- fail(app,"Failed to create Application.");
- DoMethod(window,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,
- app,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- DoMethod(window,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,pop1,pop2,pop3,pop4,pop5,NULL);
- /* A double click terminates the popping list with a successful return value. */
- DoMethod(plist,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick,TRUE,
- pop5,2,MUIM_Popstring_Close,TRUE);
- /*
- ** Input loop...
- */
- set(window,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- while (running)
- {
- switch (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_Input,&signals))
- {
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- {
- LONG active;
- get(pop1,MUIA_Popasl_Active,&active);
- if (!active) get(pop2,MUIA_Popasl_Active,&active);
- if (!active) get(pop3,MUIA_Popasl_Active,&active);
- if (!active) get(pop4,MUIA_Popasl_Active,&active);
- if (active)
- MUI_Request(app,window,0,NULL,"OK","Cannot quit now, still\nsome asl popups opened.");
- else
- running = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (running && signals) Wait(signals);
- }
- set(window,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- /*
- ** Shut down...
- */
- fail(app,NULL);
- }