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- MODULE ListDemo;
- (* This little demo will show, how to write a MUI-Application using
- ** a list object and how to manage to set up the columns with a hook.
- **
- ** We will implement just a list and put some things into it.
- **
- ** Written 20.12.1993 by Christian 'Kochtopf' Scholz
- ** Email : ruebe@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
- ** or, if pool does not work, try
- ** ruebe@tschil.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
- *)
- (*
- ** First some imports
- *)
- (*$ StackChk:=FALSE *)
- IMPORT MM:MuiMacros;
- FROM MuiSupport IMPORT APTR, DoMethod, DOMethod, fail;
- FROM UtilityD IMPORT HookPtr, Hook, tagEnd;
- FROM MuiMacros IMPORT set, MakeHook, NoteClose, MakeID,
- (* These are for the list !! *)
- (*
- ** Types
- *)
- TYPE tagbuffer = ARRAY[0..30] OF LONGINT; (* for the taglists *)
- (* Now the type for the list we want to have displayed *)
- ListPtr = POINTER TO ListContents;
- (* we want 3 columns *)
- ListContents = RECORD
- Column1 : STRING;
- Column2 : STRING;
- Column3 : STRING;
- END;
- EntryArr = ARRAY[0..5] OF ListPtr;
- (*
- ** Lets define some CONST for some Objects
- *)
- CONST True =1;
- False=0;
- (* Lets define some entries for our little list.
- ** normally you would do this by creating a new node of type ListContents
- ** e.g. with ALLOCATE(newptr, SIZE(ListContents)) where newptr is defined
- ** as ListPtr. Then you have to fill this new record and pass it to
- ** MUIListInsert. But beware that you have to pass a pointer to a pointer.
- ** So you have to write
- ** DoMethod(list, TAG(buffer, MD.mmListInsert, ADR(newptr),
- ** 1, MD.mvListInsertBottom));
- **
- ** So remember to pass the type POINTER to ListPtr. ( or ADR(ListPtr) )
- *)
- e1 =ListContents{Column1 : "this",
- Column2 : "is the",
- Column3 : "first"};
- e2 =ListContents{Column1 : "this",
- Column2 : "is the",
- Column3 : "second"};
- e3 =ListContents{Column1 : "yeah!",
- Column2 : "the",
- Column3 : "third"};
- e4 =ListContents{Column1 : "and this",
- Column2 : "is the",
- Column3 : "fourth"};
- e5 =ListContents{Column1 : "last",
- Column2 : "but not",
- Column3 : "least"};
- (* This is an entry with 5 elements of ListPtr.
- ** we have to give a pointer to this array to the ListInsert-Method.
- *)
- entries = EntryArr{ADR(e1),ADR(e2),ADR(e3),ADR(e4),ADR(e5),NIL};
- (*
- ** Now some Variables for some objects
- *)
- VAR app, window, list,
- listview : APTR;
- msg : LONGINT;
- signals : LONGSET;
- running :=BOOLEAN{TRUE};
- buffer, buffer1 : tagbuffer;
- DspHook : HookPtr; (* this is for my display-hook *)
- (* Lets define some lovely hook-functions *)
- PROCEDURE DspFunc(hook : HookPtr; array : APTR; listPtr : APTR) : APTR;
- (* if listPtr is NIL then we have to provide the titles *)
- IF listPtr#NIL THEN (* normal entry *)
- (* Yeah! Wild casts ;-)
- ** What we do here is to convert some strings to the format used
- ** by C.
- ** In C string-arrays are defined the following way :
- ** array -> elem1 -> "string1"
- ** elem2 -> "string2"
- ** .
- ** .
- ** .
- ** So we have a pointer called 'array' which points to an array.
- ** This array consists of pointers to strings.
- ** Now we have to build that in M2.
- ** The type of elem1 is STRPTR (a pointer to a string)
- ** The type of array is STRARRPTR ( a pointer to a string array)
- ** So look in MuiMacros.def where STRPTR, STRARR and STRARRPTR are defined.
- ** So the array we get passed to our hook is an C-Array. So we have
- ** to cast it to STRARRPTR, since it is one of these.
- ** This is done by CAST(STRARRPTR, array).
- ** Since this is a pointer we have to derefernce it with ^.
- ** Then we have an array of type STRARR.
- ** There we have to fill in the right pointers to our columns.
- ** This is done by [0], [1] and [2].
- ** The second CAST in a line casts the APTR which holds the pointer to
- ** the element, we have to display to our real List-Type (here ListPtr).
- ** Then we can dereference our ColumnX and fill in the address of it
- ** in the array, which we get from MUI to fill in our strings.
- ** Ofcourse we just fill in the pointer to the string (ADR).
- ** (another way to do this is defining the ListContents-Type as follows :
- ** TYPE ListContent = RECORD
- ** col1 : STRPTR;
- ** col2 : STRPTR;
- ** ...
- ** The we do not need the ADR but must fill in directly the address of
- ** the string.) Clear ?
- ** (or just copy this code and modify it ;-)
- *)
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[0]:= ADR(CAST(ListPtr, listPtr)^.Column1);
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[1]:= ADR(CAST(ListPtr, listPtr)^.Column2);
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[2]:= ADR(CAST(ListPtr, listPtr)^.Column3);
- ELSE (* return titles ( centered, underlined ) *)
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[0]:= ADR("\033n\0333\033c\033uErste Spalte");
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[1]:= ADR("\033c\0333\033uZweite Spalte");
- CAST(STRARRPTR, array)^[2]:= ADR("\033c\0333\033uDritte Spalte");
- END;
- RETURN 0; (* dummy return value *)
- END DspFunc;
- MakeHook(DspFunc, DspHook); (* generate the hook *)
- (* lets create some objects *)
- list:=MM.ListObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maFrame, MD.mvFrameInputList,
- MD.maListDisplayHook, DspHook, (* here put the hook *)
- (* our format string *)
- MD.maListFormat, ADR("P=\033c\033b D=8,P=\033c,P=\033c"),
- 80423E66H, TRUE, (* missing in 1.4 *)
- (*MD.maListTitle, TRUE, (* give it titles *)*)
- tagEnd));
- listview:=MM.ListviewObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maListviewList, list, (* put here our list *)
- tagEnd));
- (* now the window *)
- window:=MM.WindowObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maWindowTitle, ADR("List-Demonstration"),
- MD.maWindowID, MakeID("LDEM"),
- MM.WindowContents,
- MM.VGroup(TAG(buffer1,
- MD.maFrame, MD.mvFrameGroup,
- MD.maFrameTitle, ADR("Do the list, err, twist"),
- MM.Child, listview, (* just our list *)
- tagEnd)),
- tagEnd));
- app:=MM.ApplicationObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maApplicationTitle, ADR("List-Demonstration"),
- MD.maApplicationAuthor, ADR("Christian Scholz"),
- MD.maApplicationVersion, ADR("$VER: ListDemo V0.1 (20.12.1993)"),
- MD.maApplicationCopyright, ADR("© 1993 by Christian 'Kochtopf' Scholz"),
- MD.maApplicationDescription,ADR("Shows how to implement a list with MUI"),
- MD.maApplicationBase, ADR("LD"),
- MM.SubWindow, window,
- tagEnd));
- IF app=NIL THEN fail(app,"failed to create app"); END;
- (* some notification *)
- NoteClose(app,window,MD.mvApplicationReturnIDQuit);
- (* set up the cycle chain *)
- DoMethod(window, TAG(buffer, MD.mmWindowSetCycleChain,
- listview, NIL, tagEnd));
- (* set the active object *)
- set(window, MD.maWindowActiveObject, listview);
- (* open the window *)
- set(window, MD.maWindowOpen, True);
- set(list, MD.maListQuiet, True); (* that you don't see updating *)
- (* Insert something in the list
- ** Here we call mmListInsert with an array of ListPtr, which shall be
- ** inserted in our list. This array must be terminated with a NIL
- ** and the count-value must be -1. (refer to autodocs)
- *)
- DoMethod(list, TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmListInsert, ADR(entries), -1, MD.mvListInsertBottom));
- (* and again! *)
- DoMethod(list, TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmListInsert, ADR(entries), -1, MD.mvListInsertBottom));
- set(list, MD.maListQuiet, False); (* show the list *)
- (* Main loop *)
- WHILE running DO
- IF signals <> LONGSET{} THEN signals:=Wait(signals); END;
- (* get the message *)
- msg:=DOMethod(app,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmApplicationInput,ADR(signals)));
- CASE msg OF
- | MD.mvApplicationReturnIDQuit : (* not so much here ;-) *)
- running:=FALSE;
- END;
- END; (* WHILE *)
- set(window,MD.maWindowOpen,False); (* close window *)
- fail(app,""); (* say bye to the application *)
- END ListDemo.