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- MODULE MuiTest;
- (*$ LargeVars:=FALSE *)
- (*
- ** This is just a little demo Prg. to show how to use MUI in Modula
- ** It has no functions, it just looks good (who cares.... ;-)
- ** Please note : There was a little bugfix in this version.
- ** Look where the WindowID gets defined - you have
- ** to write MakeID("....") instead of ADR("....")
- ** then MUI will store your window position!!
- **
- ** Version : 13.10.1993
- *)
- IMPORT MM:MuiMacros;
- FROM MuiMacros IMPORT set,get,MakeID;
- FROM MuiSupport IMPORT DOMethod, DoMethod, APTR, fail;
- FROM UtilityD IMPORT tagEnd;
- ShortString = ARRAY[0..3] OF CHAR;
- True = 1; (* These are for the set-Macro *)
- False = 0; (* because set excepts just LONGINT as argument *)
- IDbut1= 1; (* The IDs for the Buttons *)
- IDbut2= 2;
- IDbut3= 3;
- IDbut4= 4;
- IDbut5= 5;
- IDbut6= 6;
- VAR app,window,bt1,bt2,bt3,bt4,bt5,bt6,Dirs : APTR;
- signals : LONGSET;
- running : BOOLEAN;
- msg : LONGINT;
- buffer : ARRAY[0..30] OF LONGINT;
- buffer1 : ARRAY[0..30] OF LONGINT;
- buffer2 : ARRAY[0..30] OF LONGINT;
- buffer3 : ARRAY[0..30] OF LONGINT;
- running := TRUE;
- (* Set up the buttons *)
- bt1 := MM.Simplebutton("Button 1");
- bt2 := MM.Keybutton("Button 2",'u');
- bt3 := MM.Keybutton("Button 3",'t');
- bt4 := MM.Keybutton("Button 4",'o');
- bt5 := MM.Keybutton("Button 5",'n');
- bt6 := MM.Keybutton("Cancel",'c');
- (* Set up the Volumelist *)
- Dirs:= MM.ListviewObject(TAG(buffer1,
- MD.maListviewList, MM.VolumelistObject(TAG(buffer2,
- MD.maFrame, MD.mvFrameInputList,
- MD.maFrameTitle, ADR("Magic Volumes"),
- MD.maListFormat, ADR("COL=0"),
- tagEnd)),
- tagEnd));
- (* Set up the window *)
- window := MM.WindowObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maWindowTitle , ADR("MUI-Test :-)"),
- MD.maWindowID , MakeID("MAIN"),
- MM.WindowContents,
- (* Create an array of Buttons *)
- MM.VGroup(TAG(buffer3,
- MM.Child, MM.HGroup(TAG(buffer1,
- MD.maFrame, MD.mvFrameGroup,
- MD.maFrameTitle, ADR("Magic Buttons"),
- MM.Child, MM.VGroup(TAG(buffer2,MD.maWeight, 20,
- MM.Child, bt1,
- MM.Child, bt2,
- MM.Child, bt3,
- tagEnd)),
- MM.Child, MM.VGroup(TAG(buffer2,MD.maWeight, 20,
- MM.Child, bt4,
- MM.Child, bt5,
- MM.Child, bt6, (* cancel *)
- tagEnd)),
- tagEnd)),
- (* Put the Volumelist below them *)
- MM.Child, Dirs,
- tagEnd)),
- tagEnd));
- (* set up the application object *)
- app:=MM.ApplicationObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maApplicationTitle , ADR("MUITest"),
- MD.maApplicationVersion , ADR("V1.0ß"),
- MD.maApplicationCopyright , ADR("©1993 by Christian Scholz"),
- MD.maApplicationAuthor , ADR("Tochkopf"),
- MD.maApplicationDescription, ADR("Test the MUI-Magic :-)"),
- MD.maApplicationBase , ADR("MUITest"),
- MM.SubWindow, window,
- tagEnd));
- IF app=NIL THEN fail(app, "failed to create Application !!"); END;
- (* Set up the notification *)
- DoMethod(window,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maWindowCloseRequest,TRUE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut6
- ));
- DoMethod(bt1,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut1
- ));
- DoMethod(bt2,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut2
- ));
- DoMethod(bt3,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut3
- ));
- DoMethod(bt4,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut4
- ));
- DoMethod(bt5,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut5
- ));
- DoMethod(bt6,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmNotify,MD.maPressed,FALSE,
- app,2,MD.mmApplicationReturnID,IDbut6
- ));
- (* Cycle Chain for Keyboard *)
- DoMethod(window,TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmWindowSetCycleChain,
- bt1, bt2, bt3, bt4, bt5, bt6, Dirs, 0
- ));
- (* Main Loop *)
- (* Open the window and set first active object
- Here is also shown, how to use True and False in set *)
- set(window,MD.maWindowOpen, True);
- set(window,MD.maWindowActiveObject, Dirs);
- (* Event Loop *)
- WHILE running DO
- CASE DOMethod(app, TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmApplicationInput, ADR(signals))) OF
- | MD.mvApplicationReturnIDQuit, IDbut6:
- running:=FALSE;
- | IDbut1,IDbut2,IDbut3,IDbut4, IDbut5:
- fail(app, "Application failed of no reason");
- END;
- IF running AND (signals <> LONGSET{} ) THEN signals:=Wait(signals);
- END;
- END; (* While *)
- (* Close window *)
- set(window,MD.maWindowOpen, False);
- (* Shut up *)
- fail(app,"");
- END MuiTest.