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- (*
- ** This program needs at least V39 interface files !
- ** It is possible that OpenLibrary call in Gadgets.mod
- ** do not an OpenLibrary ( "gadgets/colorwheel.gadget", 39 ).
- ** But only with this the Programm works, you MUST change this.
- *)
- MODULE BoopsiDoor;
- IMPORT I := Intuition,
- G := Gadgets,
- Mui,
- Dos,
- mb := MuiBasics,
- Exec,
- y := SYSTEM,
- u := Utility;
- (*
- ** Gauge object macro to display colorwheels
- ** hue and saturation values.
- *)
- PROCEDURE InfoGauge():Mui.Object;
- mb.GaugeObject;
- mb.GaugeFrame;
- mb.Tags( Mui.aBackground , Mui.iBACKGROUND,
- Mui.aGaugeMax , 16384,
- Mui.aGaugeDivide, 262144,
- Mui.aGaugeHoriz , Exec.true,
- u.end );
- RETURN mb.End();
- END InfoGauge;
- PROCEDURE fail( obj : Mui.Object; s : ARRAY OF CHAR );
- IF obj # NIL THEN
- Mui.DisposeObject( obj );
- END;
- IF Dos.PutStr( s ) = 0 THEN END;
- HALT( 20 );
- END fail;
- VAR App, Window, Wheel, Hue, Sat : Mui.Object;
- signal : LONGSET;
- IF G.cwBase = NIL THEN
- fail( NIL, "colorwheel boopsi gadget not available\n" );
- END;
- mb.ApplicationObject( Mui.aApplicationTitle , y.ADR( "Oberon BoopsiDoor" ),
- Mui.aApplicationVersion , y.ADR( "$VER: Oberon BoopsiDoor 1.0 (25.08.93)" ),
- Mui.aApplicationCopyright , y.ADR( "©1992/93, Stefan Stuntz/Albert Weinert" ),
- Mui.aApplicationAuthor , y.ADR( "Stefan Stuntz/Albert Weinert" ),
- Mui.aApplicationDescription, y.ADR( "Show a boopsi colorwheel with MUI." ),
- Mui.aApplicationBase , y.ADR( "BOOPSIDOOR" ),
- u.end );
- mb.SubWindow; mb.WindowObject( Mui.aWindowTitle, y.ADR( "BoopsiDoor" ),
- Mui.aWindowID , y.VAL( LONGINT, 'BOOP' ),
- u.end );
- mb.WindowContents; mb.VGroup;
- mb.Child; mb.ColGroup( 2 );
- mb.Child; mb.label("Hue:" ); mb.Child; Hue := InfoGauge();
- mb.Child; mb.label("Saturation:"); mb.Child; Sat := InfoGauge();
- mb.Child; mb.RectangleObject( Mui.aWeight, 0, u.end); mb.end; mb.Child; mb.ScaleObject; mb.end;
- mb.end;
- mb.Child; mb.BoopsiObject; (* MUI and Boopsi tags mixed *)
- mb.GroupFrame;
- mb.Tags( Mui.aBoopsiClassID , y.ADR( G.colorWheelName ),
- Mui.aBoopsiMinWidth , 30, (* boopsi objects don't know *)
- Mui.aBoopsiMinHeight, 30, (* their sizes, so we help *)
- Mui.aBoopsiRemember , G.wheelSaturation, (* keep important values *)
- Mui.aBoopsiRemember , G.wheelHue, (* during window resize *)
- Mui.aBoopsiTagScreen, G.wheelScreen, (* this magic fills in *)
- G.wheelScreen , NIL, (* the screen pointer *)
- I.gaLeft , 0,
- I.gaTop , 0, (* MUI will automatically *)
- I.gaWidth , 0, (* fill in the correct values *)
- I.gaHeight , 0,
- I.icaTarget , I.icTargetIDCMP, (* needed for notification *)
- G.wheelSaturation, 0, (* start in the center *)
- u.end );
- Wheel := mb.End();
- mb.end;
- Window := mb.End();
- App := mb.End();
- fail( App, "Failed to create Application.\n" );
- END;
- (*
- ** you can react on every boopsi notification
- ** event as on any other MUI attribute.
- *)
- Mui.DoMethod(Wheel,Mui.mNotify,G.wheelHue ,Mui.vEveryTime,Hue,4,Mui.mSet,Mui.aGaugeCurrent,Mui.vTriggerValue);
- Mui.DoMethod(Wheel,Mui.mNotify,G.wheelSaturation,Mui.vEveryTime,Sat,4,Mui.mSet,Mui.aGaugeCurrent,Mui.vTriggerValue);
- (*
- ** Simplest possible MUI main loop.
- *)
- Mui.DoMethod(Window,Mui.mNotify,Mui.aWindowCloseRequest,Exec.true,App,2,Mui.mApplicationReturnID,Mui.vApplicationReturnIDQuit);
- mb.Set(Window,Mui.aWindowOpen, Exec.true);
- WHILE (Mui.DOMethod(App,Mui.mApplicationInput, y.ADR( signal) ) # Mui.vApplicationReturnIDQuit) DO
- IF signal # LONGSET{} THEN
- y.SETREG( 0, Exec.Wait(signal) );
- END;
- END;
- mb.Set(Window,Mui.aWindowOpen, Exec.false);
- (*
- ** shut down.
- *)
- fail(App, "");
- END BoopsiDoor.