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- MODULE Class1;
- m := Mui,
- mb := MuiBasics,
- u := Utility,
- I := Intuition,
- y := SYSTEM,
- e := Exec,
- g := Graphics,
- clf := Classface, (* IF you use V40 Interface *)
- (* clf := Boopsi, *)
- demo;
- (***************************************************************************)
- (* Here is the beginning of our simple new class... *)
- (***************************************************************************)
- (*
- ** This is an example for the simplest possible MUI class. It's just some
- ** kind of custom image and supports only two methods:
- ** MUIM_AskMinMax and MUIM_Draw.
- *)
- (*
- ** This is the instance data for our custom class.
- ** Since it's a very simple class, it contains just a dummy entry.
- *)
- MyData = STRUCT;
- dummy : LONGINT;
- END;
- (*
- ** AskMinMax method will be called before the window is opened
- ** and before layout takes place. We need to tell MUI the
- ** minimum, maximum and default size of our object.
- *)
- PROCEDURE AskMinMax(cl: I.IClassPtr; obj: m.Object; msg: I.MsgPtr ):e.APTR;
- (*
- ** let our superclass first fill in what it thinks about sizes.
- ** this will e.g. add the size of frame and inner spacing.
- *)
- IF clf.DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, msg^ ) = NIL THEN END;
- (*
- ** now add the values specific to our object. note that we
- ** indeed need to *add* these values, not just set them!
- *)
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.minWidth, 100 );
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.defWidth, 120 );
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.maxWidth, 500 );
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.minHeight, 40 );
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.defHeight, 90 );
- INC( msg(m.pAskMinMax).minMax.maxHeight,300 );
- END AskMinMax;
- (*
- ** Draw method is called whenever MUI feels we should render
- ** our object. This usually happens after layout is finished
- ** or when we need to refresh in a simplerefresh window.
- ** Note: You may only render within the rectangle
- ** _mleft(obj), _mtop(obj), _mwidth(obj), _mheight(obj).
- *)
- PROCEDURE Draw(cl: I.IClassPtr; obj: m.Object; msg: I.MsgPtr ):e.APTR;
- (*
- ** let our superclass draw itself first, area class would
- ** e.g. draw the frame and clear the whole region. What
- ** it does exactly depends on msg->flags.
- *)
- IF clf.DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, msg^ ) = NIL THEN END;
- (*
- ** if MADF_DRAWOBJECT isn't set, we shouldn't draw anything.
- ** MUI just wanted to update the frame or something like that.
- *)
- IF ~ (m.adfDrawobject IN msg(m.pDraw).flags) THEN
- END;
- (*
- ** ok, everything ready to render...
- *)
- g.SetAPen( m.rp(obj), m.dri(obj).pens[I.textPen] );
- FOR i := m.mleft(obj) TO m.mright(obj) BY 5 DO
- g.Move(m.rp(obj), m.mleft(obj),m.mbottom(obj));
- g.Draw(m.rp(obj),i, m.mtop(obj));
- g.Move(m.rp(obj),m.mright(obj),m.mbottom(obj));
- g.Draw(m.rp(obj),i, m.mtop(obj));
- END;
- END Draw;
- (*
- ** Here comes the dispatcher for our custom class. We only need to
- ** care about MUIM_AskMinMax and MUIM_Draw in this simple case.
- ** Unknown/unused methods are passed to the superclass immediately.
- *)
- PROCEDURE MyDispatcher (cl: I.IClassPtr; obj: m.Object; msg: I.MsgPtr):e.APTR;
- CASE msg.methodID OF
- | m.mAskMinMax : RETURN( AskMinMax(cl, obj, msg ) );
- | m.mDraw : RETURN( Draw (cl, obj, msg ) );
- RETURN clf.DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, msg^ );
- END;
- END MyDispatcher;
- (***************************************************************************)
- (* Thats all there is about it. Now lets see how things are used... *)
- (***************************************************************************)
- VAR app, window, MyObj : m.Object;
- MyClass, SuperClass : I.IClassPtr;
- signals : LONGSET;
- running : BOOLEAN;
- CONST class1Id = y.VAL( LONGINT, "CLS1" );
- running := TRUE;
- (* Get a pointer to the superclass. MUI will lock this *)
- (* and prevent it from being flushed during you hold *)
- (* the pointer. When you're done, you have to call *)
- (* MUI_FreeClass() to release this lock. *)
- SuperClass := m.GetClass( m.cArea );
- IF SuperClass = NIL THEN
- demo.fail( NIL, "Superclass for the new class not found." );
- END;
- (* create the new class *)
- MyClass := I.MakeClass( NIL, NIL, SuperClass, SIZE( MyData ), LONGSET{0} );
- IF MyClass = NIL THEN
- m.FreeClass( SuperClass );
- demo.fail ( NIL, "Failed to create class" );
- END;
- (* set the dispatcher for the new class *)
- u.InitHook( MyClass, y.VAL( u.HookFunc, MyDispatcher ) );
- mb.ApplicationObject( m.aApplicationTitle , y.ADR( "Class1" ),
- m.aApplicationVersion , y.ADR( "$VER: Class1 1.0 (01.12.93)" ),
- m.aApplicationCopyright , y.ADR( "©1993, Stefan Stuntz" ),
- m.aApplicationAuthor , y.ADR( "Stefan Stuntz, Oberon: Albert Weinert" ),
- m.aApplicationDescription, y.ADR( "Demonstrate the use of custom classes. Oberon Version" ),
- m.aApplicationBase , y.ADR( "CLASS1" ), u.end );
- mb.SubWindow; mb.WindowObject( m.aWindowTitle, y.ADR( "A Simple Custom Class") ,
- m.aWindowID , class1Id, u.end );
- mb.WindowContents; mb.VGroup;
- mb.Child; mb.INewObject( MyClass, NIL );
- mb.TextFrame;
- mb.TagItem( m.aBackground, m.iBACKGROUND );
- MyObj := mb.IEnd();
- mb.end;
- window := mb.End();
- app := mb.EndApplication();
- IF app = NIL THEN
- demo.fail(app,"Failed to create Application.");
- END;
- m.DoMethod( window,m.mNotify,m.aWindowCloseRequest,e.true,
- app,2,m.mApplicationReturnID,m.vApplicationReturnIDQuit);
- (*
- ** Input loop...
- *)
- mb.Set(window,m.aWindowOpen,e.LTRUE);
- running := TRUE;
- WHILE running DO
- CASE m.DOMethod( app, m.mApplicationInput, y.ADR(signals), u.end ) OF
- | m.vApplicationReturnIDQuit :
- running := FALSE;
- IF (running) & (signals # LONGSET{}) THEN y.SETREG( 0, e.Wait(signals) ) END;
- END;
- mb.Set(window,m.aWindowOpen,I.LFALSE);
- (*
- ** Shut down...
- *)
- m.DisposeObject(app); (* dispose all objects. *)
- IF I.FreeClass(MyClass) THEN END; (* free our custom class. *)
- m.FreeClass(SuperClass); (* release super class pointer. *)
- demo.fail( NIL, ""); (* exit, app is already disposed. *)
- END Class1.