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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- *
- * This example is provided in electronic form by Commodore-Amiga, Inc. for
- * use with the "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices", 3rd Edition,
- * published by Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-56775-X).
- *
- * The "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices" contains additional
- * information on the correct usage of the techniques and operating system
- * functions presented in these examples. The source and executable code
- * of these examples may only be distributed in free electronic form, via
- * bulletin board or as part of a fully non-commercial and freely
- * redistributable diskette. Both the source and executable code (including
- * comments) must be included, without modification, in any copy. This
- * example may not be published in printed form or distributed with any
- * commercial product. However, the programming techniques and support
- * routines set forth in these examples may be used in the development
- * of original executable software products for Commodore Amiga computers.
- *
- * All other rights reserved.
- *
- * This example is provided "as-is" and is subject to change; no
- * warranties are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or
- * responsibility is assumed.
- *
- *****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- * EpsonX (EX/FX/JX/LX/MX/RX) driver.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include "devices/printer.h"
- #include "devices/prtbase.h"
- #define NUMSTARTCMD 7 /* # of cmd bytes before binary data */
- #define NUMENDCMD 1 /* # of cmd bytes after binary data */
- #define NUMTOTALCMD (NUMSTARTCMD + NUMENDCMD) /* total of above */
- #define NUMLFCMD 4 /* # of cmd bytes for linefeed */
- #define MAXCOLORBUFS 4 /* max # of color buffers */
- #define STARTLEN 19
- #define PITCH 1
- #define CONDENSED 2
- #define LMARG 8
- #define RMARG 11
- #define DIREC 15
- static ULONG TwoBufSize;
- static UWORD RowSize, ColorSize, NumColorBufs, dpi_code, spacing;
- static UWORD colorcodes[MAXCOLORBUFS];
- Render(ct, x, y, status)
- long ct, x, y, status;
- {
- extern void *AllocMem(), FreeMem();
- extern struct PrinterData *PD;
- extern struct PrinterExtendedData *PED;
- UBYTE *CompactBuf();
- static ULONG BufSize, TotalBufSize, dataoffset;
- static UWORD spacing, colors[MAXCOLORBUFS];
- /*
- 00-01 \003P set pitch (10 or 12 cpi)
- 02-02 \022 set condensed fine (on or off)
- 03-05 \033W\000 enlarge off
- 06-08 \033ln set left margin to n
- 09-11 \033Qn set right margin to n
- 12-12 \015 carriage return
- 13-15 \033U1 set uni-directional mode
- 16-18 \033t\000 see kludge note below
- Kludge to get this to work on a CBM_MPS-1250 which interprets
- 'ESCr' as go into reverse print mode. The 'ESCt' tells it to
- get out of reverse print mode. The 'NULL' is ignored by the
- CBM_MPS-1250 and required by all Epson printers as the
- terminator for the 'ESCtNULL' command which means select
- normal char set (which has no effect).
- */
- static UBYTE StartBuf[STARTLEN+1] =
- "\033P\022\033W\000\033ln\033Qn\015\033U1\033t\000";
- UBYTE *ptr, *ptrstart;
- int err;
- switch(status) {
- case 0 : /* Master Initialization */
- /*
- ct - pointer to IODRPReq structure.
- x - width of printed picture in pixels.
- y - height of printed picture in pixels.
- */
- RowSize = x;
- ColorSize = RowSize + NUMTOTALCMD;
- if (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintShade == SHADE_COLOR) {
- NumColorBufs = MAXCOLORBUFS;
- colors[0] = ColorSize * 3; /* Black */
- colors[1] = ColorSize * 0; /* Yellow */
- colors[2] = ColorSize * 1; /* Magenta */
- colors[3] = ColorSize * 2; /* Cyan */
- colorcodes[0] = 4; /* Yellow */
- colorcodes[1] = 1; /* Magenta */
- colorcodes[2] = 2; /* Cyan */
- colorcodes[3] = 0; /* Black */
- }
- else { /* grey-scale or black&white */
- NumColorBufs = 1;
- colors[0] = ColorSize * 0; /* Black */
- colorcodes[0] = 0; /* Black */
- }
- BufSize = ColorSize * NumColorBufs + NUMLFCMD;
- if (PED->ped_YDotsInch == 216) {
- TwoBufSize = BufSize * 3;
- TotalBufSize = BufSize * 6;
- }
- else if (PED->ped_YDotsInch == 144) {
- TwoBufSize = BufSize * 2;
- TotalBufSize = BufSize * 4;
- }
- else {
- TwoBufSize = BufSize * 1;
- TotalBufSize = BufSize * 2;
- }
- PD->pd_PrintBuf = AllocMem(TotalBufSize, MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (PD->pd_PrintBuf == NULL) {
- }
- else {
- dataoffset = NUMSTARTCMD;
- /*
- This printer prints graphics within its
- text margins. This code makes sure the
- printer is in 10 cpi and then sets the
- left and right margins to their minimum
- and maximum values (respectively). A
- carriage return is sent so that the
- print head is at the leftmost position
- as this printer starts printing from
- the print head's position. The printer
- is put into unidirectional mode to
- reduce wavy vertical lines.
- */
- StartBuf[PITCH] = 'P'; /* 10 cpi */
- StartBuf[CONDENSED] = '\022'; /* off */
- /* left margin of 1 */
- StartBuf[LMARG] = 0;
- /* right margin of 80 or 136 */
- StartBuf[RMARG] = PD->pd_Preferences.
- PaperSize == W_TRACTOR ? 136 : 80;
- /* uni-directional mode */
- StartBuf[DIREC] = '1';
- err = (*(PD->pd_PWrite))(StartBuf, STARTLEN);
- }
- break;
- case 1 : /* Scale, Dither and Render */
- /*
- ct - pointer to PrtInfo structure.
- x - 0.
- y - row # (0 to Height - 1).
- */
- Transfer(ct, y, &PD->pd_PrintBuf[dataoffset], colors,
- BufSize);
- err = PDERR_NOERR; /* all ok */
- break;
- case 2 : /* Dump Buffer to Printer */
- /*
- ct - 0.
- x - 0.
- y - # of rows sent (1 to NumRows).
- */
- /* white-space strip */
- ptrstart = &PD->pd_PrintBuf[dataoffset - NUMSTARTCMD];
- if (PED->ped_YDotsInch == 72) {
- /* y range : 1 to 8 */
- y = y * 3 - spacing;
- ptr = CompactBuf(ptrstart + NUMSTARTCMD,
- ptrstart, y, 1);
- }
- else if (PED->ped_YDotsInch == 144) {
- /* y range : 1 to 16 */
- ptr = CompactBuf(ptrstart + NUMSTARTCMD,
- ptrstart, 2, 1);
- if (y > 1) {
- ptr = CompactBuf(&PD->pd_PrintBuf[
- dataoffset + BufSize],
- ptr, y * 3 / 2 - 2, 0);
- }
- }
- else if (PED->ped_YDotsInch == 216) {
- /* y range : 1 to 24 */
- ptr = CompactBuf(ptrstart + NUMSTARTCMD,
- ptrstart, 1, 1);
- if (y > 1) {
- ptr = CompactBuf(&PD->pd_PrintBuf[
- dataoffset + BufSize],
- ptr, 1, 0);
- }
- if (y > 2) {
- ptr = CompactBuf(&PD->pd_PrintBuf[
- dataoffset + BufSize * 2],
- ptr, y - 2, 0);
- }
- }
- err = (*(PD->pd_PWrite))(ptrstart, ptr - ptrstart);
- if (err == PDERR_NOERR) {
- dataoffset = (dataoffset == NUMSTARTCMD ?
- TwoBufSize : 0) + NUMSTARTCMD;
- }
- break;
- case 3 : /* Clear and Init Buffer */
- /*
- ct - 0.
- x - 0.
- y - 0.
- */
- ClearAndInit(&PD->pd_PrintBuf[dataoffset]);
- err = PDERR_NOERR;
- break;
- case 4 : /* Close Down */
- /*
- ct - error code.
- x - io_Special flag from IODRPReq.
- y - 0.
- */
- err = PDERR_NOERR; /* assume all ok */
- /* if user did not cancel print */
- if (ct != PDERR_CANCEL) {
- /* restore preferences pitch and margins */
- if (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintPitch == ELITE) {
- StartBuf[PITCH] = 'M'; /* 12 cpi */
- }
- else if (PD->pd_Preferences.PrintPitch == FINE) {
- StartBuf[CONDENSED] = '\017'; /* on */
- }
- StartBuf[LMARG] =
- PD->pd_Preferences.PrintLeftMargin - 1;
- StartBuf[RMARG] =
- PD->pd_Preferences.PrintRightMargin;
- StartBuf[DIREC] = '0'; /* bi-directional */
- err = (*(PD->pd_PWrite))(StartBuf, STARTLEN);
- }
- (*(PD->pd_PBothReady))();
- if (PD->pd_PrintBuf != NULL) {
- FreeMem(PD->pd_PrintBuf, TotalBufSize);
- }
- break;
- case 5 : /* Pre-Master Initialization */
- /*
- ct - 0 or pointer to IODRPReq structure.
- x - io_Special flag from IODRPReq.
- y - 0.
- */
- /* kludge for sloppy tractor mechanism */
- spacing = PD->pd_Preferences.PaperType == SINGLE ?
- 1 : 0;
- dpi_code = SetDensity(x & SPECIAL_DENSITYMASK);
- err = PDERR_NOERR;
- break;
- }
- return(err);
- }
- UBYTE *CompactBuf(ptrstart, ptr2start, y, flag)
- UBYTE *ptrstart, *ptr2start;
- long y;
- int flag; /* 0 - not first pass, !0 - first pass */
- {
- static int x;
- UBYTE *ptr, *ptr2;
- long ct;
- int i;
- ptr2 = ptr2start; /* where to put the compacted data */
- if (flag) {
- x = 0; /* flag no transfer required yet */
- }
- for (ct=0; ct<NumColorBufs; ct++, ptrstart += ColorSize) {
- i = RowSize;
- ptr = ptrstart + i - 1;
- while (i > 0 && *ptr == 0) {
- i--;
- ptr--;
- }
- if (i != 0) { /* if data */
- *(++ptr) = 13; /* <cr> */
- ptr = ptrstart - NUMSTARTCMD;
- *ptr++ = 27;
- *ptr++ = 'r';
- *ptr++ = colorcodes[ct]; /* color */
- *ptr++ = 27;
- *ptr++ = dpi_code; /* density */
- *ptr++ = i & 0xff;
- *ptr++ = i >> 8; /* size */
- if (x != 0) { /* if must transfer data */
- /* get src start */
- ptr = ptrstart - NUMSTARTCMD;
- do { /* transfer and update dest ptr */
- *ptr2++ = *ptr++;
- } while (--i);
- }
- else { /* no transfer required */
- ptr2 += i; /* update dest ptr */
- }
- }
- if (i != RowSize + NUMTOTALCMD) { /* if compacted or 0 */
- x = 1; /* flag that we need to transfer next time */
- }
- }
- *ptr2++ = 13; /* cr */
- *ptr2++ = 27;
- *ptr2++ = 'J';
- *ptr2++ = y; /* y/216 lf */
- return(ptr2);
- }
- ClearAndInit(ptr)
- UBYTE *ptr;
- {
- ULONG *lptr, i, j;
- /*
- Note : Since 'NUMTOTALCMD + NUMLFCMD' is > 3 bytes if is safe
- to do the following to speed things up.
- */
- j = (ULONG)ptr;
- if (!(j & 1)) { /* if on a word boundary, clear by longs */
- i = (i + 3) / 4;
- lptr = (ULONG *)ptr;
- do {
- *lptr++ = 0;
- } while (--i);
- }
- else { /* clear by bytes */
- do {
- *ptr++ = 0;
- } while (--i);
- }
- return(0);
- }