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- *
- * Copyright (c) 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- *
- * This example is provided in electronic form by Commodore-Amiga, Inc. for
- * use with the "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices", 3rd Edition,
- * published by Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-56775-X).
- *
- * The "Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual: Devices" contains additional
- * information on the correct usage of the techniques and operating system
- * functions presented in these examples. The source and executable code
- * of these examples may only be distributed in free electronic form, via
- * bulletin board or as part of a fully non-commercial and freely
- * redistributable diskette. Both the source and executable code (including
- * comments) must be included, without modification, in any copy. This
- * example may not be published in printed form or distributed with any
- * commercial product. However, the programming techniques and support
- * routines set forth in these examples may be used in the development
- * of original executable software products for Commodore Amiga computers.
- *
- * All other rights reserved.
- *
- * This example is provided "as-is" and is subject to change; no
- * warranties are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or
- * responsibility is assumed.
- *
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * Transfer routine for EpsonX
- *
- **********************************************************************
- INCLUDE "exec/types.i"
- INCLUDE "intuition/intuition.i"
- INCLUDE "devices/printer.i"
- INCLUDE "devices/prtbase.i"
- INCLUDE "devices/prtgfx.i"
- XREF _LVODebug
- XREF _AbsExecBase
- XDEF _Transfer
- SECTION printer,CODE
- _Transfer:
- ; Transfer(PInfo, y, ptr, colors, BufOffset)
- ; struct PrtInfo *PInfo 4-7
- ; UWORD y; 8-11
- ; UBYTE *ptr; 12-15
- ; UWORD *colors; 16-19
- ; ULONG BufOffset 20-23
- movem.l d2-d6/a2-a4,-(sp) ;save regs used
- movea.l 36(sp),a0 ;a0 = PInfo
- move.l 40(sp),d0 ;d0 = y
- movea.l 44(sp),a1 ;a1 = ptr
- movea.l 48(sp),a2 ;a2 = colors
- move.l 52(sp),d1 ;d1 = BufOffset
- move.l d0,d3 ;save y
- moveq.l #3,d2
- and.w d0,d2 ;d2 = y & 3
- lsl.w #2,d2 ;d2 = (y & 3) << 2
- movea.l pi_dmatrix(a0),a3 ;a3 = dmatrix
- adda.l d2,a3 ;a3 = dmatrix + ((y & 3) << 2)
- movea.l _PED,a4 ;a4 = ptr to PED
- cmpi.w #216,ped_YDotsInch(a4) ;triple interleaving?
- bne.s 10$ ;no
- divu.w #3,d0 ;y /= 3
- swap.w d0 ;d0 = y % 3
- mulu.w d0,d1 ;BufOffset *= y % 3
- swap.w d0 ;d0 = y / 3
- bra.s 30$
- 10$: cmpi.w #144,ped_YDotsInch(a4) ;double interleaving?
- bne.s 20$ ;no, clear BufOffset
- asr.w #1,d0 ;y /= 2
- btst #0,d3 ;odd pass?
- bne.s 30$ ;no, dont clear BufOffset
- 20$: moveq.l #0,d1 ;BufOffset = 0
- 30$: move.w d0,d6
- not.b d6 ;d6 = bit to set
- adda.l d1,a1 ;ptr += BufOffset
- movea.l _PD,a4 ;a4 = ptr to PD
- cmpi.w #SHADE_COLOR,pd_Preferences+pf_PrintShade(a4) ;color dump?
- bne not_color ;no
- color:
- ; a0 - PInfo
- ; a1 - ptr (ptr + BufOffset)
- ; a2 - colors
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; d0 - y
- ; d1 - BufOffset
- ; d6 - bit to set
- movem.l d7/a5-a6,-(sp) ;save regs used
- movea.l a1,a4
- movea.l a1,a5
- movea.l a1,a6
- adda.w (a2)+,a1 ;a1 = ptr + colors[0] (bptr)
- adda.w (a2)+,a4 ;a4 = ptr + colors[1] (yptr)
- adda.w (a2)+,a5 ;a5 = ptr + colors[2] (mptr)
- adda.w (a2)+,a6 ;a6 = ptr + colors[3] (cptr)
- ; move.l a6,-(sp)
- ; move.l _AbsExecBase,a6
- ; jsr _LVODebug(a6)
- ; move.l (sp)+,a6
- movea.l pi_ColorInt(a0),a2 ;a2 = ColorInt ptr
- move.w pi_width(a0),width ;# of pixels to do
- move.w pi_xpos(a0),d2 ;d2 = x
- movea.l pi_ScaleX(a0),a0 ;a0 = ScaleX (sxptr)
- move.b d6,d7 ;d7 = bit to set
- ; a0 - sxptr
- ; a1 - bptr
- ; a2 - ColorInt ptr
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; a4 - yptr
- ; a5 - mptr
- ; a6 - cptr
- ; d1 - Black
- ; d2 - x
- ; d3 - dvalue (dmatrix[x & 3])
- ; d4 - Yellow
- ; d5 - Magenta
- ; d6 - Cyan
- ; d7 - bit to set
- cwidth_loop:
- move.b PCMBLACK(a2),d1 ;d1 = Black
- move.b PCMYELLOW(a2),d4 ;d4 = Yellow
- move.b PCMMAGENTA(a2),d5 ;d5 = Magenta
- move.b PCMCYAN(a2),d6 ;d6 = Cyan
- addq.l #ce_SIZEOF,a2 ;advance to next entry
- move.w (a0)+,sx ;# of times to use this pixel
- csx_loop:
- moveq.l #3,d3
- and.w d2,d3 ;d3 = x & 3
- move.b 0(a3,d3.w),d3 ;d3 = dmatrix[x & 3]
- black:
- cmp.b d3,d1 ;render black?
- ble.s yellow ;no, try ymc
- bset.b d7,0(a1,d2.w) ;set black pixel
- bra.s csx_end
- yellow:
- cmp.b d3,d4 ;render yellow pixel?
- ble.s magenta ;no.
- bset.b d7,0(a4,d2.w) ;set yellow pixel
- magenta:
- cmp.b d3,d5 ;render magenta pixel?
- ble.s cyan ;no.
- bset.b d7,0(a5,d2.w) ;set magenta pixel
- cyan:
- cmp.b d3,d6 ;render cyan pixel?
- ble.s csx_end ;no, skip to next pixel.
- bset.b d7,0(a6,d2.w) ;clear cyan pixel
- csx_end
- addq.w #1,d2 ;x++
- subq.w #1,sx ;sx--
- bne.s csx_loop
- subq.w #1,width ;width--
- bne.s cwidth_loop
- movem.l (sp)+,d7/a5-a6 ;restore regs used
- bra exit
- not_color:
- ; a0 - PInfo
- ; a1 - ptr
- ; a2 - colors
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; d0 - y
- ; d6 - bit to set
- adda.w (a2),a1 ;a1 = ptr + colors[0]
- move.w pi_width(a0),d1 ;d1 = width
- subq.w #1,d1 ;adjust for dbra
- move.w pi_threshold(a0),d3 ;d3 = threshold, thresholding?
- beq.s grey_scale ;no, grey-scaling
- threshold:
- ; a0 - PInfo
- ; a1 - ptr
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; d1 - width-1
- ; d3 - threshold
- ; d6 - bit to set
- eori.b #15,d3 ;d3 = dvalue
- movea.l pi_ColorInt(a0),a2 ;a2 = ColorInt ptr
- move.w pi_xpos(a0),d2 ;d2 = x
- movea.l pi_ScaleX(a0),a0 ;a0 = ScaleX (sxptr)
- adda.w d2,a1 ;ptr += x
- ; a0 - sxptr
- ; a1 - ptr
- ; a2 - ColorInt ptr
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr (NOT USED)
- ; d1 - width
- ; d3 - dvalue
- ; d4 - Black
- ; d5 - sx
- ; d6 - bit to set
- twidth_loop:
- move.b PCMBLACK(a2),d4 ;d4 = Black
- addq.l #ce_SIZEOF,a2 ;advance to next entry
- move.w (a0)+,d5 ;d5 = # of times to use this pixel
- cmp.b d3,d4 ;render this pixel?
- ble.s tsx_end ;no, skip to next pixel.
- subq.w #1,d5 ;adjust for dbra
- tsx_render: ;yes, render this pixel sx times
- bset.b d6,(a1) ;*(ptr) |= bit;
- adda.w #1,a1 ;ptr++
- dbra d5,tsx_render ;sx--
- dbra d1,twidth_loop ;width--
- bra.s exit ;all done
- tsx_end:
- adda.w d5,a1 ;ptr += sx
- dbra d1,twidth_loop ;width--
- bra.s exit
- grey_scale:
- ; a0 - PInfo
- ; a1 - ptr
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; d0 - y
- ; d1 - width-1
- ; d6 - bit to set
- movea.l pi_ColorInt(a0),a2 ;a2 = ColorInt ptr
- move.w pi_xpos(a0),d2 ;d2 = x
- movea.l pi_ScaleX(a0),a0 ;a0 = ScaleX (sxptr)
- ; a0 - sxptr
- ; a1 - ptr
- ; a2 - ColorInt ptr
- ; a3 - dmatrix ptr
- ; d1 - width
- ; d2 - x
- ; d3 - dvalue (dmatrix[x & 3])
- ; d4 - Black
- ; d5 - sx
- ; d6 - bit to set
- gwidth_loop:
- move.b PCMBLACK(a2),d4 ;d4 = Black
- addq.l #ce_SIZEOF,a2 ;advance to next entry
- move.w (a0)+,d5 ;d5 = # of times to use this pixel
- subq.w #1,d5 ;adjust for dbra
- gsx_loop:
- moveq.l #3,d3
- and.w d2,d3 ;d3 = x & 3
- move.b 0(a3,d3.w),d3 ;d3 = dmatrix[x & 3]
- cmp.b d3,d4 ;render this pixel?
- ble.s gsx_end ;no, skip to next pixel.
- bset.b d6,0(a1,d2.w) ;*(ptr + x) |= bit
- gsx_end
- addq.w #1,d2 ;x++
- dbra d5,gsx_loop ;sx--
- dbra d1,gwidth_loop ;width--
- exit:
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d6/a2-a4 ;restore regs used
- moveq.l #0,d0 ;flag all ok
- rts ;goodbye
- sx dc.w 0
- width dc.w 0