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- Rush release 2 DEMO Version 37.5370
- February 7, 1994
- Written by Douglas Keller
- Copyright (C) 1994 by Douglas Keller
- 0. What is Rush?
- ----------------
- Rush is a directory utility for AmigaDOS 2.0 or greater. It allows
- files and directories to be manipulated quickly and easily. Rush uses
- features of AmigaDOS 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0, and follows the Amiga User
- Interface Style Guide.
- This demo version differs from the registered version in the following
- ways:
- - The demo version will not save the definitions for the center
- gadgets, the settings file is ascii text so it can be changed with
- a text editor.
- - Annoying requesters will appear periodically in the demo version.
- - The registered version includes more utilities, see the
- registration section below for a full list.
- 1. Installing and Using Rush
- ----------------------------
- When this demo archive is extracted it will create a directory called
- RUSH with all Rush's files in it. To install Rush just copy this
- whole directory tree to the desired location. There are no assigns
- or anything need, Rush will find all of its files automatically.
- To run Rush just double click on the Rush icon or execute Rush from
- a shell.
- From any window in Rush the Help key can be pressed for AmigaGuide®
- online help. Of course this does require AmigaGuide® which is
- included with AmigaDOS 3.0 and is available on bulletin boards for
- AmigaDOS 2.x users. The registered version of Rush includes
- AmigaGuide® for AmigaDOS 2.x users.
- Rush requires AmigaDOS 2.0 or greater to run.
- 2. Features of Rush
- -------------------
- The following is a list of some features of Rush. It is broken up into
- sections based on the operating system.
- AmigaDOS 2.0 (v37) Support
- - Conforms very closely to the Amiga User Interface Style Guide.
- - Configuration files are easy to edit ASCII text, and can be edited
- from within Rush.
- - AmigaGuide® context sensitive online help.
- - Automatic archive format recognition for archive extracting and
- listing.
- - Automatic format recognition when double clicking on files.
- - Rush can open in any 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, or beyond screen mode, in
- any available depth.
- - Public screen support. When it opens a screen it is a public
- screen, when it opens a window the window can be open on another
- public screen.
- - Enforcer and Mungwall tested!!!
- - Rush iconifies down to an AppIcon on Workbench.
- - Rush is an AppWindow, icon can be dropped on either of the
- listviews and Rush will load the directory.
- - User selectable fonts, does not force Topaz.
- - Uses the ASL file and font requester.
- - Rush is built as a shared library so only one copy of the code is
- in memory, even if multiple copies of Rush are running.
- - Multiple Assign support.
- - Center gadgets can be configured to execute internal or external
- commands, or load a specific directory.
- - Uses memory pools to reduce fragmentation and increase speed.
- AmigaDOS 2.1 (v38) Support
- - Rush is fully localized, the following languages catalogs are
- included: dansk, deutsch, français, and norsk.
- AmigaDOS 3.0 (v39) and 3.1 (v40) Support
- - Use AmigaDOS 3.0 color model, so the full 24-bit color range for
- AGA can be selected and saved.
- - Uses system busy pointer, so it can be changed with the system
- pointer preference editor.
- - Opens an interleaved bitmap screen so color smearing is minimized.
- - Opens the screen with shared pens so visitor window programs can use
- the pens that Rush does not use. This will only effect 3.0 programs
- that use ObtainPen().
- - Under 3.0 there are three additional screen pens which control the
- colors for the newlook titlebar and menus. Rush allows these to be
- changed.
- - While Rush is iconified and memory gets low, Rush will free
- the memory for the entries in each listview and the select
- list. This uses a new feature of 3.0 called memory handlers.
- - Uses AmigaDOS 3.0 memory pools to reduce fragmentation and increase
- speed.
- Major additions to Rush Release 2:
- - Added an Arexx port! Now Rush is a real Amiga application :-)
- See the "Arexx" section in the Rush.guide file for a list of
- Arexx functions that are available. Various example Arexx
- programs are included in the "Rexx" directory.
- - Fixed Enforcer hit if a device is bad, happened with CrossDos
- and bad DOS disk.
- - Fixed some typos in the Rush.guide file, updated it to include all
- the release 2 change. Things that have changed in release 2 have
- a vertical bar (|) in the right margin.
- - Fixed Control-C from quitting Rush if is pressed more then once in
- a shell execute an external command.
- - Added APPLY to makedir internal command, this creates a directory
- without closing the makedir window. This is useful when multiple
- directories need to be created. Shift-Return is the same as
- - Fixed %d and %p so they work for all external commands.
- - Changed Right mouse button to do menus while over the center
- gadgets. This will allow popup menu type programs to work over
- the center gadgets.
- - Recompiled with Sas/C 6.50, code size dropped by a couple
- kilobytes. I also am compiling with the new instruction scheduler
- which reorders instructions for the 040. This makes things faster
- for the 040 but does not hurt <040's.
- - Added hortizontal listview scrolling. The DISPLAY gadget and
- options are not longer need so they have removed. The options
- in the .prefs file that are related to display have been removed
- but an error will not occur if old .prefs are used, the options
- are ignored.
- - Changed copy and move to use a fixed 64k buffer rather than the
- size of the file. This slowed down copying a small amount but is
- much nicer to the system.
- - Titlebar memory now only updates if the memory changes, this makes
- it flicker less.
- - Archive extract, list, add, double-click, and external commands
- now all have seperate console strings. Rush can be automaticlly
- pulled to the front after external commands execute. These are
- all changed in the External Commands Settings window.
- - Center gadgets can now be scrolled if more then one screen full
- of gadgets are defined.
- - Center gadgets can now have keyboard shortcuts. To enter a
- keyboard short cut put an underscore in front of the letter is to
- be used for the short cut.
- - Added FileFind internal command.
- - When the listview file and dir pens are the same, dir lines are
- displayed in bold, rather than a reversed video <Dir> like
- before.
- - Left and Right arrow now scroll the active listview left and right
- rather then change the active side, DEL is now used to toggle the
- active side.
- - Added Command Shell to execute Rush's Arexx commands.
- - Added Execute Arexx script menu item.
- - Changed archive extract to extract to the active side if the other
- side is the device list, this is helpful if the current directory
- is actived up and you want to dearchive it.
- - Now using fixed memory pools library, the old library would not
- free empty puddles until the whole pool was released. This fix
- will only effect AmigaDOS 2.x users, AmigaDOS 3.0 users will have
- to wait for a SetPatch from Commodore that fixes the problem.
- - The problem some people were seeing where Rush would not come
- uniconified is caused by a bug in AmigaGuide not Rush. This
- will only effect AmigaDOS 2.x users using a version of
- amigaguide.library less then or equal to v34.11.
- Amigaguide.library v34.12 should fixed the problem.
- - All new items in the Rush.guide help file have a vertical bar (|)
- in the right margin.
- 3. Comparison between Rush, DirectoryOpus, and DiskMaster
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- The following is a comparison between Rush 1.0, DirectoryOpus 4.0,
- and DiskMaster 2.1. All the benchmarks were run with the default
- configuration of the program on an Amiga 3000 with 8 megs of memory
- running AmigaDOS 3.0 with Enforcer and Mungwall running. The results
- are based on the author's experience only.
- Rush DOpus DM2
- enforcer and mungwall tested(1) yes no no
- read directory(2) 13s 46s 36s
- copy 6meg file(3) 25s 160s 25s
- copy 300 files(4) 64s 142s 86s
- delete 300 files(5) 7s 60s 41s
- total executable file size(6) 171k 430k 80k
- AmigaGuide online help(5) yes yes no
- localized to other languages(6) yes no no
- Conforms to Style Guide(7) yes yes no
- Requires AmigaDOS 2.x or 3.x(8) yes no no
- AppIcon and AppWindow Support(9) yes no/yes no
- Supports AmigaDOS 3.x/AGA(0) yes ? ?
- (1) During testing if any Enforcer or Mungwall hit occurred a "no" was
- entered here. Opus did not have too many Enforcer hits, but it did
- have a few. DM2 would crash the whole machine if Enforcer and
- Mungwall where run.
- (2) Time to read and sort a directory of 1883 files, in seconds.
- (3) Time to copy one 6 meg file, in seconds.
- (4) Time to copy 300 1 byte files, in seconds.
- (5) Time to delete 300 1 byte files, in seconds.
- (6) This is the total executable size, for Rush it is the Rush
- executable and rush.library, for DirectoryOpus it is the
- DiectoryOpus executable, ConfigOpus, and the dopus.library,
- and for DiskMaster it is the size of the executable DM2.
- (7) Conforms to the Amiga User Interface Style Guide.
- (8) Requires at least AmigaDOS 2.0, this allows the application
- to take full advantage of 2.0 and 3.0.
- (9) Supports iconifying down to AppIcon and directory loading by
- an AppWindow.
- (0) All 3.x screen modes and color ranges are selectable. I was
- unable to test this for Opus and DM on an AGA machine.
- 4. Future plans for Rush
- ------------------------
- There are a lot of things that did not make it into release 1.0 of
- Rush. Here is a list of some of the things that a planned for future
- versions of Rush:
- - Font sensitive layout engine, this will allow any size fonts to be
- used.
- - More internal commands like, file search (search for a string in
- files).
- - Allow archives to be treated like directories.
- - Configurable menu much like the center gadgets to allow more
- commands to put there.
- - Directory caching, this is not as important once AmigaDOS 3.1 is
- available for all machines since it includes the directory caching
- filesystem.
- I can not guarantee when these features will be added. Some of
- the features will probably be in the minor update/bug fix patches
- which will be distributed on bulletin boards at no charge.
- 5. Registering Rush
- -------------------
- Registered Users will receive a disk containing a serialized copy of
- Rush with no limitations for annoying requesters. Bug fixes and minor
- updates will be distributed periodically as patch files on bulletin
- boards at no charge. Major updates will cost a small amount.
- The registered version of Rush includes the following:
- Rush - Registered version of Rush with no limitations or
- annoying requesters.
- Rush.guide - 153k bytes of online AmigaGuide documentation for
- Rush.
- AmigaGuide - AmigaGuide for AmigaDOS 2.x users, this includes
- AmigaGuide, amigaguide.library, and wdisplay.
- AmigaGuide is included with AmigaDOS 3.0.
- Installer - Installation script using Commodore's Installer
- script program.
- Localized - Language catalogs for français and deutsch. An
- language empty catalog is included so catalogs for other
- catalogs languages can created. People who create a new
- language catalog will receive free registration.
- Contact me before creating a catalog to insure one
- has not been created already.
- Utilities - Three useful utilities are included:
- Read - Simple text reader
- RequestChoice - Allows Intuition requesters to be used
- from AmigaDOS scripts. AmigaDOS 3.0
- includes a similar program.
- RequestFile - Allows ASL file requesters to be used
- from AmigaDOS scripts. AmigaDOS 3.0
- includes a similar program.
- Scripts - Example AmigaDOS and ARexx scripts showing some of
- the functions Rush can perform.
- Preferences - Example preference files showing different
- configuration of Rush.
- Fonts - Two useful fonts are included.
- To register Rush, send $25US per copy to the address below.
- Directory Opus users can upgrade to Rush for $15US by including the
- front page of the DOpus manual.
- Orders made by personal check will not be shipped until the check
- clears. Orders made by money orders or certified checks will be
- shipped immediately. Money order or certified checks are preferred
- over personal checks.
- Only U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. banks will be accepted. Make checks
- playable to Douglas Keller.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Rush release 2 Order Form
- Mail to: Douglas Keller
- 3A Hudson Harbour Drive
- Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
- Quantity
- ______ Rush release 2 @ US $25.00 each $ ________
- ______ Directory Opus upgrade to
- Rush release 2 @ US $15.00 each $ ________
- (Include front page of Opus manual)
- TOTAL (U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank) $ ________
- Name: _________________________________________________
- Address: _________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________
- Computer model: ___________________ Memory: _____________
- Kickstart Version: ______________ Workbench: _____________
- Email Address: ___________________________________________
- Prices are subject to change without notice
- 6. Other Rush Related Files Available
- -------------------------------------
- Here is a list of Rush related files available on AmiNet sites and
- Bix.
- RushPch2.lha - Patch for registerd Release 1 users to upgrade to
- Release 2.
- RushDem2.lha - Demo of Rush Release 2 (this archive).
- RushDemo.lha - Demo of Rush Release 1, replaced by RushDem2.lha.
- 7. Questions and Comments
- -------------------------
- For questions and comments I can be reached at:
- Internet: dkeller@bix.com
- Bix: dkeller
- I also read most of the Amiga news groups on Internet so
- comments can be posted in the approbate groups.