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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * Contains the main routine for processing characters in command mode.
- * Communicates closely with the code in ops.c to handle the operators.
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #undef EXTERN
- #undef INIT
- #define EXTERN
- #define INIT(x) x
- #include "ops.h"
- /*
- * Generally speaking, every command in normal() should either clear any
- * pending operator (with CLEAROP), or set the motion type variable.
- */
- #define CLEAROP (operator = NOP) /* clear any pending operator */
- #define CLEAROPBEEP clearopbeep() /* CLEAROP plus a beep() */
- #define CHECKCLEAROP if (checkclearop()) break;
- #define CHECKCLEAROPQ if (checkclearopq()) break;
- /*
- * If a count is given before the operator, it is saved in opnum.
- */
- static linenr_t opnum = 0;
- static linenr_t Prenum; /* The (optional) number before a command. */
- int redo_Visual_busy = FALSE; /* TRUE when redo-ing a visual */
- static void prep_redo __ARGS((long, int, int, int));
- static int checkclearop __ARGS((void));
- static int checkclearopq __ARGS((void));
- static void clearopbeep __ARGS((void));
- static void premsg __ARGS((int, int));
- extern int restart_edit; /* this is in edit.c */
- /*
- * normal
- *
- * Execute a command in normal mode.
- *
- * This is basically a big switch with the cases arranged in rough categories
- * in the following order:
- *
- * 0. Macros (q, @)
- * 1. Screen positioning commands (^U, ^D, ^F, ^B, ^E, ^Y, z)
- * 2. Control commands (:, <help>, ^L, ^G, ^^, ZZ, *, ^], ^T)
- * 3. Cursor motions (G, H, M, L, l, K_RARROW, , h, K_LARROW, ^H, k, K_UARROW, ^P, +, CR, LF, j, K_DARROW, ^N, _, |, B, b, W, w, E, e, $, ^, 0)
- * 4. Searches (?, /, n, N, T, t, F, f, ,, ;, ], [, %, (, ), {, })
- * 5. Edits (., u, K_UNDO, ^R, U, r, J, p, P, ^A, ^S)
- * 6. Inserts (A, a, I, i, o, O, R)
- * 7. Operators (~, d, c, y, >, <, !, =, Q)
- * 8. Abbreviations (x, X, D, C, s, S, Y, &)
- * 9. Marks (m, ', `, ^O, ^I)
- * 10. Buffer setting (")
- * 11. Visual (v, V, ^V)
- * 12. Suspend (^Z)
- */
- void
- normal()
- {
- register u_char c;
- long n;
- int flag = FALSE;
- int type = 0; /* used in some operations to modify type */
- int dir = FORWARD; /* search direction */
- u_char nchar = NUL;
- int finish_op;
- linenr_t Prenum1;
- char searchbuff[CMDBUFFSIZE]; /* buffer for search string */
- FPOS *pos;
- register char *ptr;
- int command_busy = FALSE;
- static int didwarn = FALSE; /* warned for broken inversion */
- /* the visual area is remembered for reselection */
- static linenr_t resel_Visual_nlines; /* number of lines */
- static int resel_Visual_type = 0; /* type 'v', 'V' or CTRL-V */
- static colnr_t resel_Visual_col; /* number of columns or end column */
- /* the visual area is remembered for redo */
- static linenr_t redo_Visual_nlines; /* number of lines */
- static int redo_Visual_type = 0; /* type 'v', 'V' or CTRL-V */
- static colnr_t redo_Visual_col; /* number of columns or end column */
- Prenum = 0;
- /*
- * If there is an operator pending, then the command we take this time
- * will terminate it. Finish_op tells us to finish the operation before
- * returning this time (unless the operation was cancelled).
- */
- finish_op = (operator != NOP);
- if (!finish_op && !yankbuffer)
- opnum = 0;
- if (p_sc && (vpeekc() == NUL || KeyTyped == TRUE))
- premsg(NUL, NUL);
- State = NORMAL_BUSY;
- c = vgetc();
- /* Pick up any leading digits and compute 'Prenum' */
- while ((c >= '1' && c <= '9') || (Prenum != 0 && (c == DEL || c == '0')))
- {
- if (c == DEL)
- Prenum /= 10;
- else
- Prenum = Prenum * 10 + (c - '0');
- if (Prenum < 0) /* got too large! */
- Prenum = 999999999;
- premsg(' ', NUL);
- c = vgetc();
- }
- /*
- * If we're in the middle of an operator (including after entering a yank
- * buffer with ") AND we had a count before the
- * operator, then that count overrides the current value of Prenum. What
- * this means effectively, is that commands like "3dw" get turned into
- * "d3w" which makes things fall into place pretty neatly.
- * If you give a count before AND after the operator, they are multiplied.
- */
- if (opnum != 0)
- {
- if (Prenum)
- Prenum *= opnum;
- else
- Prenum = opnum;
- opnum = 0;
- }
- Prenum1 = (Prenum == 0 ? 1 : Prenum); /* Prenum often defaults to 1 */
- premsg(c, NUL);
- /*
- * get an additional character if we need one
- */
- if (strchr("@zZtTfF[]m'`\"", c) || (c == 'q' && !Recording && !Exec_reg) ||
- (c == 'r' && !Visual.lnum))
- {
- State = NOMAPPING;
- nchar = vgetc(); /* no macro mapping for this char */
- premsg(c, nchar);
- }
- if (p_sc)
- flushbuf(); /* flush the premsg() characters onto the screen so we can
- see them while the command is being executed */
- if (c != 'z') /* the 'z' command gets another character */
- {
- State = NORMAL;
- script_winsize_pp();
- }
- if (nchar == ESC)
- {
- goto normal_end;
- }
- switch (c)
- {
- /*
- * 0: Macros
- */
- case 'q': /* (stop) recording into a named register */
- /* command is ignored while executing a register */
- if (!Exec_reg && !dorecord(nchar))
- break;
- case '@': /* execute a named buffer */
- while (Prenum1--)
- if (!doexecbuf(nchar))
- {
- break;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * 1: Screen positioning commands
- */
- case Ctrl('D'):
- flag = TRUE;
- case Ctrl('U'):
- if (Prenum)
- p_scroll = (Prenum > Rows - 1) ? Rows - 1 : Prenum;
- n = (p_scroll < Rows) ? p_scroll : Rows - 1;
- if (flag)
- {
- Topline += n;
- if (Topline > line_count)
- Topline = line_count;
- comp_Botline(); /* compute Botline */
- onedown(n);
- }
- else
- {
- if (n >= Curpos.lnum)
- n = Curpos.lnum - 1;
- Prenum1 = Curpos.lnum - n;
- scrolldown(n);
- if (Prenum1 < Curpos.lnum)
- Curpos.lnum = Prenum1;
- }
- beginline(TRUE);
- updateScreen(VALID);
- break;
- case Ctrl('B'):
- case K_SUARROW:
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case Ctrl('F'):
- case K_SDARROW:
- onepage(dir, Prenum1);
- break;
- case Ctrl('E'):
- scrollup(Prenum1);
- updateScreen(VALID);
- break;
- case Ctrl('Y'):
- scrolldown(Prenum1);
- updateScreen(VALID);
- break;
- case 'z':
- if (isdigit(nchar))
- {
- /*
- * we misuse some variables to be able to call premsg()
- */
- operator = c;
- opnum = Prenum;
- Prenum = nchar - '0';
- for (;;)
- {
- premsg(' ', NUL);
- nchar = vgetc();
- State = NORMAL;
- script_winsize_pp();
- if (nchar == DEL)
- Prenum /= 10;
- else if (isdigit(nchar))
- Prenum = Prenum * 10 + (nchar - '0');
- else if (nchar == CR)
- {
- set_winheight((int)Prenum);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- operator = NOP;
- break;
- }
- if (Prenum) /* line number given */
- {
- setpcmark();
- if (Prenum > line_count)
- Curpos.lnum = line_count;
- else
- Curpos.lnum = Prenum;
- }
- State = NORMAL;
- script_winsize_pp();
- switch (nchar)
- {
- case NL: /* put Curpos at top of screen */
- case CR:
- Topline = Curpos.lnum;
- updateScreen(VALID);
- break;
- case '.': /* put Curpos in middle of screen */
- n = (Rows + plines(Curpos.lnum)) / 2;
- goto dozcmd;
- case '-': /* put Curpos at bottom of screen */
- n = Rows - 1;
- dozcmd:
- {
- register linenr_t lp = Curpos.lnum;
- register long l = plines(lp);
- do
- {
- Topline = lp;
- if (--lp == 0)
- break;
- l += plines(lp);
- } while (l <= n);
- }
- updateScreen(VALID);
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- default:
- }
- break;
- /*
- * 2: Control commands
- */
- case ':':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- goto dooperator;
- docmdline(NULL);
- break;
- case K_HELP:
- help();
- break;
- case Ctrl('L'):
- updateScreen(CLEAR);
- break;
- case Ctrl('G'):
- fileinfo(did_cd || Prenum); /* print full name if count given or :cd used */
- break;
- case K_CCIRCM: /* shorthand command */
- getaltfile((int)Prenum, (linenr_t)0, TRUE);
- break;
- case 'Z': /* write, if changed, and exit */
- if (nchar != 'Z')
- {
- break;
- }
- stuffReadbuff(":x\n");
- break;
- case Ctrl(']'): /* :ta to current identifier */
- case '*': /* / to current identifier */
- case '#': /* ? to current identifier */
- case 'K': /* run program for current identifier */
- {
- register int col;
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum);
- col = Curpos.col;
- /*
- * skip to start of identifier.
- */
- while (ptr[col] != NUL && !isidchar(ptr[col]))
- ++col;
- /*
- * Back up to start of identifier. This doesn't match the
- * real vi but I like it a little better and it shouldn't bother
- * anyone.
- */
- while (col > 0 && isidchar(ptr[col - 1]))
- --col;
- if (!isidchar(ptr[col]))
- {
- break;
- }
- if (Prenum)
- stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum);
- switch (c)
- {
- case '*':
- stuffReadbuff("/");
- break;
- case '#':
- stuffReadbuff("?");
- break;
- case 'K':
- stuffReadbuff(":! ");
- stuffReadbuff(p_kp);
- stuffReadbuff(" ");
- break;
- default:
- stuffReadbuff(":ta ");
- }
- /*
- * Now grab the chars in the identifier
- */
- while (isidchar(ptr[col]))
- {
- stuffcharReadbuff(ptr[col]);
- ++col;
- }
- stuffReadbuff("\n");
- }
- break;
- case Ctrl('T'): /* backwards in tag stack */
- dotag("", 2, (int)Prenum1);
- break;
- /*
- * Cursor motions
- */
- case 'G':
- mtype = MLINE;
- setpcmark();
- if (Prenum == 0 || Prenum > line_count)
- Curpos.lnum = line_count;
- else
- Curpos.lnum = Prenum;
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- case 'H':
- case 'M':
- if (c == 'M')
- n = (Rows - emptyrows - 1) / 2;
- else
- n = Prenum;
- mtype = MLINE;
- setpcmark();
- Curpos.lnum = Topline;
- while (n && onedown((long)1))
- --n;
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- case 'L':
- mtype = MLINE;
- setpcmark();
- Curpos.lnum = Botline - 1;
- for (n = Prenum; n && oneup((long)1); n--)
- ;
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- case 'l':
- case K_RARROW:
- case ' ':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- n = Prenum1;
- while (n--)
- {
- if (!oneright())
- {
- if (operator == NOP)
- beep();
- else
- {
- if (lineempty(Curpos.lnum))
- else
- {
- mincl = TRUE;
- if (n)
- beep();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'h':
- case K_LARROW:
- case Ctrl('H'):
- case DEL:
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- n = Prenum1;
- while (n--)
- {
- if (!oneleft())
- {
- if (operator != DELETE && operator != CHANGE)
- beep();
- else if (Prenum1 == 1)
- break;
- }
- }
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case '-':
- flag = TRUE;
- case 'k':
- case K_UARROW:
- case Ctrl('P'):
- mtype = MLINE;
- if (!oneup(Prenum1))
- else if (flag)
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- case '+':
- case CR:
- flag = TRUE;
- case 'j':
- case K_DARROW:
- case Ctrl('N'):
- case NL:
- mtype = MLINE;
- if (!onedown(Prenum1))
- else if (flag)
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- /*
- * This is a strange motion command that helps make operators more
- * logical. It is actually implemented, but not documented in the
- * real 'vi'. This motion command actually refers to "the current
- * line". Commands like "dd" and "yy" are really an alternate form of
- * "d_" and "y_". It does accept a count, so "d3_" works to delete 3
- * lines.
- */
- case '_':
- lineop:
- if (operator == CHANGE && p_ai) /* do not delete the indent */
- {
- beginline(TRUE);
- startop = Curpos;
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = TRUE;
- }
- else
- mtype = MLINE;
- if (!onedown((long)(Prenum1 - 1)))
- else if (mtype == MCHAR) /* 'c' with autoindent */
- {
- Curpos.col = MAXCOL; /* put cursor on last char in line */
- adjustCurpos();
- }
- else if (operator != YANK) /* 'Y' does not move cursor */
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- case '|':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = TRUE;
- beginline(FALSE);
- if (Prenum > 0)
- coladvance((colnr_t)(Prenum - 1));
- Curswant = (colnr_t)(Prenum - 1);
- break;
- /*
- * Word Motions
- */
- case 'B':
- type = 1;
- case 'b':
- case K_SLARROW:
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (bck_word(Prenum1, type))
- break;
- case 'E':
- type = 1;
- case 'e':
- mincl = TRUE;
- goto dowrdcmd;
- case 'W':
- type = 1;
- case 'w':
- case K_SRARROW:
- mincl = FALSE;
- flag = TRUE;
- /*
- * This is a little strange. To match what the real vi does, we
- * effectively map 'cw' to 'ce', and 'cW' to 'cE', provided that we are
- * not on a space or a TAB. This seems
- * impolite at first, but it's really more what we mean when we say
- * 'cw'.
- */
- if (operator == CHANGE && (n = gcharCurpos()) != ' ' && n != TAB &&
- n != NUL)
- {
- mincl = TRUE;
- flag = FALSE;
- }
- dowrdcmd:
- mtype = MCHAR;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (flag)
- n = fwd_word(Prenum1, type, operator != NOP);
- else
- n = end_word(Prenum1, type, operator == CHANGE);
- if (n)
- {
- break;
- }
- #if 0
- /*
- * If we do a 'dw' for the last word in a line, we only delete the rest
- * of the line, not joining the two lines, unless the current line is empty.
- */
- if (operator == DELETE && Prenum1 == 1 && startop.lnum != Curpos.lnum &&
- !lineempty(startop.lnum))
- {
- Curpos = startop;
- while (oneright())
- ;
- mincl = TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- break;
- case '$':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = TRUE;
- Curswant = MAXCOL; /* so we stay at the end */
- if (!onedown((long)(Prenum1 - 1)))
- {
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '^':
- flag = TRUE;
- case '0':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- beginline(flag);
- break;
- /*
- * 4: Searches
- */
- case '?':
- case '/':
- if (!getcmdline(c, (u_char *)searchbuff))
- {
- break;
- }
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- n = dosearch(c, searchbuff, FALSE, Prenum1, TRUE);
- if (n == 0)
- else if (n == 2)
- mtype = MLINE;
- break;
- case 'N':
- flag = 1;
- case 'n':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (!dosearch(0, NULL, flag, Prenum1, TRUE))
- break;
- /*
- * Character searches
- */
- case 'T':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case 't':
- type = 1;
- goto docsearch;
- case 'F':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case 'f':
- docsearch:
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = TRUE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (!searchc(nchar, dir, type, Prenum1))
- break;
- case ',':
- flag = 1;
- case ';':
- dir = flag;
- goto docsearch; /* nchar == NUL, thus repeat previous search */
- /*
- * section or C function searches
- */
- case '[':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case ']':
- mtype = MLINE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- flag = '{';
- if (nchar != c)
- {
- if (nchar == '[' || nchar == ']')
- flag = '}';
- else
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (dir == FORWARD && operator != NOP) /* e.g. y]] searches for '}' */
- flag = '}';
- if (!findpar(dir, Prenum1, flag))
- {
- }
- break;
- case '%':
- mincl = TRUE;
- if (Prenum) /* {cnt}% : goto {cnt} percentage in file */
- {
- if (Prenum > 100)
- else
- {
- mtype = MLINE;
- setpcmark();
- /* round up, so CTRL-G will give same value */
- Curpos.lnum = (line_count * Prenum + 99) / 100;
- Curpos.col = 0;
- }
- }
- else /* % : go to matching paren */
- {
- mtype = MCHAR;
- if ((pos = showmatch()) == NULL)
- else
- {
- setpcmark();
- Curpos = *pos;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '(':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case ')':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- if (c == ')')
- mincl = FALSE;
- else
- mincl = TRUE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (!findsent(dir, Prenum1))
- break;
- case '{':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case '}':
- mtype = MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (!findpar(dir, Prenum1, NUL))
- break;
- /*
- * 5: Edits
- */
- case '.':
- if (!start_redo(Prenum))
- break;
- case 'u':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- goto dooperator;
- case K_UNDO:
- u_undo((int)Prenum1);
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case Ctrl('R'):
- u_redo((int)Prenum1);
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'U':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- goto dooperator;
- u_undoline();
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'r':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- {
- c = 'c';
- goto dooperator;
- }
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum) + Curpos.col;
- if (strlen(ptr) < (unsigned)Prenum1) /* not enough characters to replace */
- {
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Replacing with a line break or tab is done by edit(), because it
- * is complicated.
- * Other characters are done below to avoid problems with things like
- * CTRL-V 048 (for edit() this would be R CTRL-V 0 ESC).
- */
- if (nchar == '\r' || nchar == '\n' || nchar == '\t')
- {
- prep_redo(Prenum1, 'r', nchar, NUL);
- stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum1);
- stuffcharReadbuff('R');
- stuffcharReadbuff(nchar);
- stuffcharReadbuff(ESC);
- break;
- }
- if (nchar == Ctrl('V')) /* get another character */
- {
- c = Ctrl('V');
- nchar = get_literal(&type);
- if (type) /* typeahead */
- stuffcharReadbuff(type);
- }
- else
- c = NUL;
- prep_redo(Prenum1, 'r', c, nchar);
- if (!u_saveCurpos()) /* save line for undo */
- break;
- Curpos.col += Prenum1 - 1;
- while (Prenum1--) /* replace the characters */
- *ptr++ = nchar;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- updateline();
- break;
- case 'J':
- if (Visual.lnum) /* join the visual lines */
- {
- if (Curpos.lnum > Visual.lnum)
- {
- Prenum = Curpos.lnum - Visual.lnum + 1;
- Curpos.lnum = Visual.lnum;
- }
- else
- Prenum = Visual.lnum - Curpos.lnum + 1;
- Visual.lnum = 0;
- }
- if (Prenum <= 1)
- Prenum = 2; /* default for join is two lines! */
- if (Curpos.lnum + Prenum - 1 > line_count) /* beyond last line */
- {
- break;
- }
- prep_redo(Prenum, 'J', NUL, NUL);
- dodojoin(Prenum, TRUE, TRUE);
- break;
- case 'P':
- dir = BACKWARD;
- case 'p':
- prep_redo(Prenum, c, NUL, NUL);
- doput(dir, Prenum1);
- break;
- case Ctrl('A'): /* add to number */
- case Ctrl('S'): /* subtract from number */
- if (doaddsub((int)c, Prenum1))
- prep_redo(Prenum1, c, NUL, NUL);
- break;
- /*
- * 6: Inserts
- */
- case 'A':
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- while (oneright())
- ;
- case 'a':
- /* Works just like an 'i'nsert on the next character. */
- if (u_saveCurpos())
- {
- if (!lineempty(Curpos.lnum))
- incCurpos();
- startinsert(c, FALSE, Prenum1);
- command_busy = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'I':
- beginline(TRUE);
- case 'i':
- if (u_saveCurpos())
- {
- startinsert(c, FALSE, Prenum1);
- command_busy = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'o':
- if (Visual.lnum) /* switch start and end of visual */
- {
- Prenum = Visual.lnum;
- Visual.lnum = Curpos.lnum;
- Curpos.lnum = Prenum;
- if (Visual.col != VISUALLINE)
- {
- n = Visual.col;
- Visual.col = Curpos.col;
- Curpos.col = (int)n;
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- if (u_save(Curpos.lnum, (linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + 1)) && Opencmd(FORWARD, TRUE, TRUE))
- {
- startinsert('o', TRUE, Prenum1);
- command_busy = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'O':
- if (u_save((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum - 1), Curpos.lnum) && Opencmd(BACKWARD, TRUE, TRUE))
- {
- startinsert('O', TRUE, Prenum1);
- command_busy = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- case 'R':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- {
- c = 'c';
- Visual.col = VISUALLINE;
- goto dooperator;
- }
- if (u_saveCurpos())
- {
- startinsert('R', FALSE, Prenum1);
- command_busy = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- /*
- * 7: Operators
- */
- case '~': /* swap case */
- /*
- * if tilde is not an operator and Visual is off: swap case
- * of a single character
- */
- if (!p_to && !Visual.lnum)
- {
- if (lineempty(Curpos.lnum))
- {
- break;
- }
- prep_redo(Prenum, '~', NUL, NUL);
- if (!u_saveCurpos())
- break;
- for (; Prenum1 > 0; --Prenum1)
- {
- if (gcharCurpos() == NUL)
- break;
- swapchar(&Curpos);
- incCurpos();
- }
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- updateline();
- break;
- }
- case 'd':
- case 'c':
- case 'y':
- case '>':
- case '<':
- case '!':
- case '=':
- case 'Q':
- dooperator:
- n = strchr(opchars, c) - opchars + 1;
- if (n == operator) /* double operator works on lines */
- goto lineop;
- if (Prenum != 0)
- opnum = Prenum;
- startop = Curpos;
- operator = (int)n;
- break;
- /*
- * 8: Abbreviations
- */
- /* when Visual the next commands are operators */
- case 'S':
- case 'Y':
- case 'D':
- case 'C':
- case 'x':
- case 'X':
- case 's':
- if (Visual.lnum)
- {
- static char trans[] = "ScYyDdCcxdXdsc";
- if (isupper(c) && !Visual_block) /* uppercase means linewise */
- Visual.col = VISUALLINE;
- c = *(strchr(trans, c) + 1);
- goto dooperator;
- }
- case '&':
- if (Prenum)
- stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum);
- if (c == 'Y' && p_ye)
- c = 'Z';
- {
- static char *(ar[9]) = {"dl", "dh", "d$", "c$", "cl", "cc", "yy", "y$", ":s\r"};
- static char *str = "xXDCsSYZ&";
- stuffReadbuff(ar[(int)(strchr(str, c) - str)]);
- }
- break;
- /*
- * 9: Marks
- */
- case 'm':
- if (!setmark(nchar))
- break;
- case '\'':
- flag = TRUE;
- case '`':
- pos = getmark(nchar, (operator == NOP));
- if (pos == (FPOS *)-1) /* jumped to other file */
- {
- if (flag)
- beginline(TRUE);
- break;
- }
- if (pos != NULL)
- setpcmark();
- cursormark:
- if (pos == NULL)
- else
- {
- Curpos = *pos;
- if (flag)
- beginline(TRUE);
- }
- mtype = flag ? MLINE : MCHAR;
- mincl = FALSE; /* ignored if not MCHAR */
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- case Ctrl('O'): /* goto older pcmark */
- Prenum1 = -Prenum1;
- case Ctrl('I'): /* goto newer pcmark */
- pos = movemark((int)Prenum1);
- if (pos == (FPOS *)-1) /* jump to other file */
- {
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- goto cursormark;
- /*
- * 10. Buffer setting
- */
- case '"':
- if (isalnum(nchar) || nchar == '.' || nchar == '%' || nchar == '"')
- {
- yankbuffer = nchar;
- opnum = Prenum; /* remember count before '"' */
- }
- else
- break;
- /*
- * 11. Visual
- */
- case 'v':
- case 'V':
- case Ctrl('V'):
- Visual_block = FALSE;
- /* stop Visual */
- if (Visual.lnum)
- {
- Visual.lnum = 0;
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID); /* delete the inversion */
- }
- /* start Visual */
- else
- {
- if (!didwarn && (T_TI == NULL || *T_TI == NUL)) /* cannot invert */
- {
- emsg("Warning: terminal cannot invert");
- didwarn = TRUE;
- }
- if (Prenum) /* use previously selected part */
- {
- if (!resel_Visual_type) /* there is none */
- {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- Visual = Curpos;
- if (resel_Visual_nlines > 1)
- Curpos.lnum += resel_Visual_nlines * Prenum - 1;
- switch (resel_Visual_type)
- {
- case 'V': Visual.col = VISUALLINE;
- break;
- case Ctrl('V'):
- Visual_block = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (resel_Visual_nlines <= 1)
- Curpos.col += resel_Visual_col * Prenum - 1;
- else
- Curpos.col = resel_Visual_col;
- break;
- }
- if (resel_Visual_col == MAXCOL)
- {
- Curswant = MAXCOL;
- coladvance(MAXCOL);
- }
- else if (Visual_block)
- coladvance((colnr_t)(Cursvcol + resel_Visual_col * Prenum - 1));
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID); /* show the inversion */
- }
- else
- {
- Visual = Curpos;
- if (c == 'V') /* linewise */
- Visual.col = VISUALLINE;
- else if (c == Ctrl('V')) /* blockwise */
- Visual_block = TRUE;
- updateline(); /* start the inversion */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- * 12. Suspend
- */
- case Ctrl('Z'):
- Visual.lnum = 0; /* stop Visual */
- stuffReadbuff(":st\r"); /* with autowrite */
- break;
- /*
- * The end
- */
- case ESC:
- if (Visual.lnum)
- {
- Visual.lnum = 0; /* stop Visual */
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID);
- }
- default: /* not a known command */
- break;
- } /* end of switch on command character */
- /*
- * if we didn't start or finish an operator, reset yankbuffer, unless we
- * need it later.
- */
- if (!finish_op && !operator && strchr("\"DCYSsXx", c) == NULL)
- yankbuffer = 0;
- /*
- * If an operation is pending, handle it...
- */
- if ((Visual.lnum || finish_op) && operator != NOP)
- {
- if (operator != YANK && !Visual.lnum) /* can't redo yank */
- {
- prep_redo(Prenum, opchars[operator - 1], c, nchar);
- if (c == '/' || c == '?') /* was a search */
- {
- AppendToRedobuff(searchbuff);
- AppendToRedobuff(NL_STR);
- }
- }
- if (redo_Visual_busy)
- {
- startop = Curpos;
- Curpos.lnum += redo_Visual_nlines - 1;
- switch (redo_Visual_type)
- {
- case 'V': Visual.col = VISUALLINE;
- break;
- case Ctrl('V'):
- Visual_block = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'v':
- if (redo_Visual_nlines <= 1)
- Curpos.col += redo_Visual_col - 1;
- else
- Curpos.col = redo_Visual_col;
- break;
- }
- if (redo_Visual_col == MAXCOL)
- {
- Curswant = MAXCOL;
- coladvance(MAXCOL);
- }
- }
- else if (Visual.lnum)
- startop = Visual;
- if (lt(startop, Curpos))
- {
- endop = Curpos;
- Curpos = startop;
- }
- else
- {
- endop = startop;
- startop = Curpos;
- }
- nlines = endop.lnum - startop.lnum + 1;
- if (Visual.lnum || redo_Visual_busy)
- {
- if (Visual_block) /* block mode */
- {
- startvcol = getvcol(&startop, 2);
- n = getvcol(&endop, 2);
- if (n < startvcol)
- startvcol = (colnr_t)n;
- /* if '$' was used, get endvcol from longest line */
- if (Curswant == MAXCOL)
- {
- Curpos.col = MAXCOL;
- endvcol = 0;
- for (Curpos.lnum = startop.lnum; Curpos.lnum <= endop.lnum; ++Curpos.lnum)
- if ((n = getvcol(&Curpos, 3)) > endvcol)
- endvcol = (colnr_t)n;
- Curpos = startop;
- }
- else if (redo_Visual_busy)
- endvcol = startvcol + redo_Visual_col - 1;
- else
- {
- endvcol = getvcol(&startop, 3);
- n = getvcol(&endop, 3);
- if (n > endvcol)
- endvcol = (colnr_t)n;
- }
- coladvance(startvcol);
- }
- /*
- * prepare to reselect and redo Visual: this is based on the size
- * of the Visual text
- */
- if (Visual_block)
- resel_Visual_type = Ctrl('V');
- else if (Visual.col == VISUALLINE)
- resel_Visual_type = 'V';
- else
- resel_Visual_type = 'v';
- if (Curswant == MAXCOL)
- resel_Visual_col = MAXCOL;
- else if (Visual_block)
- resel_Visual_col = endvcol - startvcol + 1;
- else if (nlines > 1)
- resel_Visual_col = endop.col;
- else
- resel_Visual_col = endop.col - startop.col + 1;
- resel_Visual_nlines = nlines;
- if (operator != YANK && operator != COLON) /* can't redo yank and : */
- {
- prep_redo(0L, 'v', opchars[operator - 1], NUL);
- redo_Visual_type = resel_Visual_type;
- redo_Visual_col = resel_Visual_col;
- redo_Visual_nlines = resel_Visual_nlines;
- }
- mincl = TRUE;
- if (Visual.col == VISUALLINE)
- mtype = MLINE;
- else
- mtype = MCHAR;
- redo_Visual_busy = FALSE;
- /*
- * Switch Visual off now, so screen updating does
- * not show inverted text when the screen is redrawn.
- * With YANK and sometimes with COLON and FILTER there is no screen
- * redraw, so it is done here to remove the inverted part.
- */
- Visual.lnum = 0;
- if (operator == YANK || operator == COLON || operator == FILTER)
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID);
- }
- set_want_col = 1;
- /* no_op is set when start and end are the same */
- no_op = (mtype == MCHAR && !mincl && equal(startop, endop));
- /*
- * If the end of an operator is in column one while mtype is MCHAR and mincl
- * is FALSE, we put endop after the last character in the previous line.
- * If startop is on or before the first non-blank in the line, the operator
- * becomes linewise (strange, but that's the way vi does it).
- */
- if (mtype == MCHAR && mincl == FALSE && endop.col == 0 && nlines > 1)
- {
- --nlines;
- --endop.lnum;
- if (startinmargin())
- mtype = MLINE;
- else
- {
- endop.col = strlen(nr2ptr(endop.lnum));
- if (endop.col)
- {
- --endop.col;
- mincl = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- switch (operator)
- {
- case LSHIFT:
- case RSHIFT:
- doshift(operator);
- break;
- case DELETE:
- if (!no_op)
- dodelete();
- break;
- case YANK:
- if (!no_op)
- doyank(FALSE);
- break;
- case CHANGE:
- dochange();
- command_busy = TRUE;
- break;
- case FILTER:
- bangredo = TRUE; /* dobang() will put cmd in redo buffer */
- case INDENT:
- case COLON:
- dofilter:
- sprintf(IObuff, ":%ld,%ld", (long)startop.lnum, (long)endop.lnum);
- stuffReadbuff(IObuff);
- if (operator != COLON)
- stuffReadbuff("!");
- if (operator == INDENT)
- {
- stuffReadbuff(p_ep);
- stuffReadbuff("\n");
- }
- else if (operator == FORMAT)
- {
- stuffReadbuff(p_fp);
- stuffReadbuff("\n");
- }
- /* docmdline() does the rest */
- break;
- case TILDE:
- case UPPER:
- case LOWER:
- if (!no_op)
- dotilde();
- break;
- case FORMAT:
- if (*p_fp != NUL)
- goto dofilter; /* use external command */
- doformat(); /* use internal function */
- break;
- default:
- }
- operator = NOP;
- Visual_block = FALSE;
- yankbuffer = 0;
- }
- normal_end:
- premsg(-1, NUL);
- if (restart_edit && operator == NOP && Visual.lnum == 0 && !command_busy && stuff_empty() && yankbuffer == 0)
- startinsert(restart_edit, FALSE, 1L);
- }
- static void
- prep_redo(num, cmd, c, nchar)
- long num;
- int cmd;
- int c;
- int nchar;
- {
- ResetRedobuff();
- if (yankbuffer != 0) /* yank from specified buffer */
- {
- AppendCharToRedobuff('\"');
- AppendCharToRedobuff(yankbuffer);
- }
- if (num)
- AppendNumberToRedobuff(num);
- AppendCharToRedobuff(cmd);
- if (c != NUL)
- AppendCharToRedobuff(c);
- if (nchar != NUL)
- AppendCharToRedobuff(nchar);
- }
- /*
- * check for operator active
- */
- static int
- checkclearop()
- {
- if (operator == NOP)
- return (FALSE);
- clearopbeep();
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * check for operator or Visual active
- */
- static int
- checkclearopq()
- {
- if (operator == NOP && Visual.lnum == 0)
- return (FALSE);
- clearopbeep();
- return (TRUE);
- }
- static void
- clearopbeep()
- {
- beep();
- }
- /*
- * display, on the last line of the window, the characters typed before
- * the last command character, plus 'c1' and 'c2'
- */
- static void
- premsg(c1, c2)
- int c1, c2;
- {
- char buf[40];
- char *p;
- if (!p_sc || !(KeyTyped || c1 == -1 || c1 == ' '))
- return;
- cursor_off();
- windgoto((int)Rows - 1, sc_col);
- if (c1 == -1)
- outstrn(" "); /* look in comp_col() for the number of spaces */
- else
- {
- p = buf;
- if (opnum)
- {
- sprintf(p, "%ld", (long)opnum);
- p = p + strlen(buf);
- }
- if (yankbuffer)
- {
- *p++ = '"';
- *p++ = yankbuffer;
- }
- if (operator == 'z')
- *p++ = 'z';
- else if (operator)
- *p++ = opchars[operator - 1];
- if (Prenum)
- {
- sprintf(p, "%ld", (long)Prenum);
- p = p + strlen(p);
- }
- *p = NUL;
- if (c1)
- strcpy(p, transchar(c1));
- if (c2)
- strcat(p, transchar(c2));
- buf[10] = NUL; /* truncate at maximal length */
- outstrn(buf);
- }
- setcursor();
- cursor_on();
- }