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- /* vi:ts=4:sw=4
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved
- *
- * Code Contributions By: Bram Moolenaar mool@oce.nl
- * Tim Thompson twitch!tjt
- * Tony Andrews onecom!wldrdg!tony
- * G. R. (Fred) Walter watmath!watcgl!grwalter
- */
- /*
- * ops.c: implementation of various operators: doshift, dodelete, dotilde,
- * dochange, doyank, doput, dojoin
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "proto.h"
- #include "param.h"
- #include "ops.h"
- /*
- * We have one yank buffer for normal yanks and puts, nine yank buffers for
- * deletes and 26 yank buffers for use by name.
- * Each yank buffer is an array of pointers to lines.
- */
- static struct yankbuf
- {
- char **y_array; /* pointer to array of line pointers */
- linenr_t y_size; /* number of lines in y_array */
- char y_type; /* MLINE, MCHAR or MBLOCK */
- } y_buf[36]; /* 0..9 = number buffers, 10..35 = char buffers */
- static struct yankbuf *y_current; /* ptr to current yank buffer */
- static int yankappend; /* TRUE when appending */
- static struct yankbuf *y_previous = NULL; /* ptr to last written yank buffer */
- static void get_yank_buffer __ARGS((int));
- static int stuff_yank __ARGS((int, char *));
- static void free_yank __ARGS((long));
- static void free_yank_all __ARGS((void));
- static void block_prep __ARGS((linenr_t, int));
- /* variables use by block_prep, dodelete and doyank */
- static int startspaces;
- static int endspaces;
- static int textlen;
- static char *textstart;
- static colnr_t textcol;
- /*
- * doshift - handle a shift operation
- */
- void
- doshift(op)
- int op;
- {
- register long i;
- if (!u_save((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum - 1), (linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + nlines)))
- return;
- Curpos.lnum += nlines; /* start with last line, leave cursor on first */
- for (i = nlines; --i >= 0; )
- if (lineempty(--Curpos.lnum))
- Curpos.col = 0;
- else
- {
- /* if (Visual_block)
- shift the block, not the whole line
- else */
- shift_line(op == LSHIFT, p_sr);
- }
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- if (nlines > p_report)
- smsg("%ld line%s %ced", nlines, plural(nlines),
- (op == RSHIFT) ? '>' : '<');
- }
- /*
- * shift the current line one shiftwidth left (if left != 0) or right
- * leaves cursor on first blank in the line
- */
- void
- shift_line(left, round)
- int left;
- int round;
- {
- register int count;
- register int i, j;
- count = get_indent(); /* get current indent */
- if (round) /* round off indent */
- {
- i = count / (int)p_sw; /* compute new indent */
- j = count % (int)p_sw;
- if (j)
- {
- if (!left)
- ++i;
- }
- else if (left)
- {
- if (i)
- --i;
- }
- else
- ++i;
- count = i * (int)p_sw;
- }
- else /* original vi indent */
- {
- if (left)
- {
- count -= (int)p_sw;
- if (count < 0)
- count = 0;
- }
- else
- count += (int)p_sw;
- }
- set_indent(count, TRUE); /* set new indent */
- }
- /*
- * Set y_current and yankappend, according to the value of yankbuffer.
- */
- static void
- get_yank_buffer(writing)
- int writing;
- {
- register int i;
- yankappend = FALSE;
- if (((yankbuffer == 0 && !writing) || yankbuffer == '"') && y_previous != NULL)
- {
- y_current = y_previous;
- return;
- }
- i = yankbuffer;
- if (isdigit(i))
- i -= '0';
- else if (islower(i))
- i -= 'a' - 10;
- else if (isupper(i))
- {
- i -= 'A' - 10;
- yankappend = TRUE;
- }
- else /* not 0-9, a-z or A-Z: use buffer 0 */
- i = 0;
- y_current = &(y_buf[i]);
- if (writing) /* remember the buffer we write into for doput() */
- y_previous = y_current;
- }
- /*
- * (stop) recording into a yank buffer
- */
- int
- dorecord(c)
- int c;
- {
- char *p;
- static int bufname;
- if (Recording == FALSE) /* start recording */
- {
- if (!isalnum(c) && c != '"') /* registers 0-9, a-z and " are allowed */
- return FALSE;
- Recording = TRUE;
- showmode();
- bufname = c;
- return TRUE;
- }
- else /* stop recording */
- {
- Recording = FALSE;
- msg("");
- /* the trailing 'q' command will not have been put in the buffer */
- p = (char *)get_recorded();
- if (p == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- return (stuff_yank(bufname, p));
- }
- }
- /*
- * stuff string 'p' into yank buffer 'bufname' (append if uppercase)
- * 'p' is assumed to be alloced.
- */
- static int
- stuff_yank(bufname, p)
- int bufname;
- char *p;
- {
- char *lp;
- char **pp;
- yankbuffer = bufname;
- if (yankbuffer == '.' || yankbuffer == '%') /* read-only buffer */
- return FALSE;
- get_yank_buffer(TRUE);
- if (yankappend && y_current->y_array != NULL)
- {
- pp = &(y_current->y_array[y_current->y_size - 1]);
- lp = lalloc((u_long)(strlen(*pp) + strlen(p) + 1), TRUE);
- if (lp == NULL)
- {
- free(p);
- return FALSE;
- }
- strcpy(lp, *pp);
- strcat(lp, p);
- free(p);
- free(*pp);
- *pp = lp;
- }
- else
- {
- free_yank_all();
- if ((y_current->y_array = (char **)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char *))) == NULL)
- {
- free(p);
- return FALSE;
- }
- y_current->y_array[0] = p;
- y_current->y_size = 1;
- y_current->y_type = MCHAR; /* used to be MLINE, why? */
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * execute a yank buffer (register): copy it into the stuff buffer
- */
- int
- doexecbuf(c)
- int c;
- {
- static int lastc = NUL;
- long i;
- if (c == '@') /* repeat previous one */
- c = lastc;
- lastc = c;
- if (!isalnum(c) && c != '"') /* registers 0-9, a-z and " are allowed */
- return FALSE;
- yankbuffer = c;
- get_yank_buffer(FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = y_current->y_size; --i >= 0; )
- {
- /* insert newline between lines and after last line if type is MLINE */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- {
- if (ins_typestr("\n", FALSE) < 0)
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (ins_typestr(y_current->y_array[i], FALSE) < 0)
- return FALSE;
- }
- Exec_reg = TRUE; /* disable the 'q' command */
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * insert a yank buffer: copy it into the Read buffer
- */
- int
- insertbuf(c)
- int c;
- {
- long i;
- if (c == '%') /* insert file name */
- {
- if (check_fname())
- return FALSE;
- stuffReadbuff(xFilename);
- return TRUE;
- }
- if (!isalnum(c) && c != '"') /* registers 0-9, a-z and " are allowed */
- return FALSE;
- yankbuffer = c;
- get_yank_buffer(FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < y_current->y_size; ++i)
- {
- stuffReadbuff(y_current->y_array[i]);
- /* insert newline between lines and after last line if type is MLINE */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- stuffReadbuff("\n");
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * dodelete - handle a delete operation
- */
- void
- dodelete()
- {
- register int n;
- linenr_t lnum;
- char *ptr;
- linenr_t old_lcount = line_count;
- /*
- * Imitate the strange Vi behaviour: If the delete spans more than one line
- * and mtype == MCHAR and the result is a blank line, make the delete
- * linewise. Don't do this for the change command.
- */
- if (mtype == MCHAR && nlines > 1 && operator == DELETE)
- {
- ptr = nr2ptr(endop.lnum) + endop.col + mincl;
- skipspace(&ptr);
- if (*ptr == NUL && startinmargin())
- mtype = MLINE;
- }
- /*
- * Shift number buffers if there is no yankbuffer defined and we do a
- * delete that contains a line break.
- */
- if (yankbuffer == 0 && (mtype == MLINE || nlines > 1))
- {
- y_current = &y_buf[9];
- free_yank_all(); /* free buffer nine */
- for (n = 9; n > 1; --n)
- y_buf[n] = y_buf[n - 1];
- y_previous = y_current = &y_buf[1];
- y_buf[1].y_array = NULL; /* set buffer one to empty */
- }
- else if (yankbuffer == '.' || yankbuffer == '%') /* read-only buffer */
- {
- beep();
- return;
- }
- else /* yank into specified buffer */
- get_yank_buffer(TRUE);
- /*
- * Do a yank of whatever we're about to delete. If there's too much stuff
- * to fit in the yank buffer, then get a confirmation before doing the
- * delete. This is crude, but simple. And it avoids doing a delete of
- * something we can't put back if we want.
- */
- if (!doyank(TRUE))
- {
- if (ask_yesno("cannot yank; delete anyway") != 'y')
- {
- emsg(e_abort);
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- * block mode
- */
- if (Visual_block)
- {
- if (!u_save((linenr_t)(startop.lnum - 1), (linenr_t)(endop.lnum + 1)))
- return;
- for (lnum = Curpos.lnum; Curpos.lnum <= endop.lnum; ++Curpos.lnum)
- {
- block_prep(Curpos.lnum, TRUE);
- if (textlen == 0) /* nothing to delete */
- continue;
- /*
- * If we delete a TAB, it may be replaced by several characters.
- * Thus the number of characters may increase!
- */
- n = textlen - startspaces - endspaces;
- /* number of characters increases - make room */
- if (n < 0 && !canincrease(-n))
- continue;
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum) + textcol;
- /* copy the part after the deleted part */
- memmove(ptr + startspaces + endspaces, ptr + textlen, strlen(ptr + textlen) + 1);
- /* insert spaces */
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)(startspaces + endspaces));
- if (n > 0)
- canincrease(0);
- }
- Curpos.lnum = lnum;
- updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR);
- nlines = 0; /* no lines deleted */
- }
- else if (mtype == MLINE)
- {
- if (operator == CHANGE)
- {
- dellines((long)(nlines - 1), TRUE, TRUE);
- if (!u_saveCurpos())
- return;
- while (delchar(TRUE)); /* slow but simple */
- }
- else
- {
- dellines(nlines, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- u_clearline(); /* "U" command should not be possible after "dd" */
- }
- else if (nlines == 1) /* delete characters within one line */
- {
- if (!u_saveCurpos())
- return;
- n = endop.col - startop.col + 1 - !mincl;
- while (n-- > 0)
- if (!delchar(TRUE))
- break;
- }
- else /* delete characters between lines */
- {
- if (!u_saveCurpos()) /* save first line for undo */
- return;
- n = Curpos.col;
- while (Curpos.col >= n) /* delete from cursor to end of line */
- if (!delchar(TRUE))
- break;
- startop = Curpos; /* remember Curpos */
- ++Curpos.lnum;
- dellines((long)(nlines - 2), TRUE, TRUE); /* includes save for undo */
- if (!u_saveCurpos()) /* save last line for undo */
- return;
- n = endop.col - !mincl;
- Curpos.col = 0;
- while (n-- >= 0) /* delete from start of line until endop */
- if (!delchar(TRUE))
- break;
- Curpos = startop; /* restore Curpos */
- dojoin(FALSE, TRUE);
- }
- if ((mtype == MCHAR && nlines == 1) || operator == CHANGE)
- {
- cursupdate();
- updateline();
- }
- else
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- msgmore(line_count - old_lcount);
- /* correct endop for deleted text (for "']" command) */
- if (Visual_block)
- endop.col = startop.col;
- else
- endop = startop;
- }
- /*
- * dotilde - handle the (non-standard vi) tilde operator
- */
- void
- dotilde()
- {
- FPOS pos;
- if (!u_save((linenr_t)(startop.lnum - 1), (linenr_t)(endop.lnum + 1)))
- return;
- pos = startop;
- if (Visual_block) /* block mode */
- {
- for (; pos.lnum <= endop.lnum; ++pos.lnum)
- {
- block_prep(pos.lnum, FALSE);
- pos.col = textcol;
- while (--textlen >= 0)
- {
- swapchar(&pos);
- if (inc(&pos) == -1) /* at end of file */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else /* not block mode */
- {
- if (mtype == MLINE)
- {
- pos.col = 0;
- endop.col = strlen(nr2ptr(endop.lnum));
- if (endop.col)
- --endop.col;
- }
- else if (!mincl)
- dec(&endop);
- while (ltoreq(pos, endop))
- {
- swapchar(&pos);
- if (inc(&pos) == -1) /* at end of file */
- break;
- }
- }
- if (mtype == MCHAR && nlines == 1 && !Visual_block)
- {
- cursupdate();
- updateline();
- }
- else
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- if (nlines > p_report)
- smsg("%ld line%s ~ed", nlines, plural(nlines));
- }
- /*
- * If operator == UPPER: make uppercase,
- * if operator == LOWER: make lowercase,
- * else swap case of character at 'pos'
- */
- void
- swapchar(pos)
- FPOS *pos;
- {
- int c;
- c = gchar(pos);
- if (islower(c) && operator != LOWER)
- {
- pchar(*pos, toupper(c));
- }
- else if (isupper(c) && operator != UPPER)
- {
- pchar(*pos, tolower(c));
- }
- }
- /*
- * dochange - handle a change operation
- */
- void
- dochange()
- {
- register colnr_t l;
- l = startop.col;
- if (!no_op)
- dodelete();
- if ((l > Curpos.col) && !lineempty(Curpos.lnum))
- incCurpos();
- startinsert(NUL, FALSE, (linenr_t)1);
- }
- /*
- * set all the yank buffers to empty (called from main())
- */
- void
- init_yank()
- {
- register int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 36; ++i)
- y_buf[i].y_array = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Free "n" lines from the current yank buffer.
- * Called for normal freeing and in case of error.
- */
- static void
- free_yank(n)
- long n;
- {
- if (y_current->y_array != NULL)
- {
- register long i;
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; )
- {
- if (i % 1000 == 999) /* this may take a while */
- smsg("freeing %ld lines", i + 1);
- free(y_current->y_array[i]);
- }
- free((char *)y_current->y_array);
- y_current->y_array = NULL;
- if (n >= 1000)
- msg("");
- }
- }
- static void
- free_yank_all()
- {
- free_yank(y_current->y_size);
- }
- /*
- * Yank the text between Curpos and startpos into a yank buffer.
- * If we are to append ("uppercase), we first yank into a new yank buffer and
- * then concatenate the old and the new one (so we keep the old one in case
- * of out-of-memory).
- */
- int
- doyank(deleting)
- int deleting;
- {
- long i; /* index in y_array[] */
- struct yankbuf *curr; /* copy of y_current */
- struct yankbuf new; /* new yank buffer when appending */
- char **new_ptr;
- register linenr_t lnum; /* current line number */
- long j;
- int yanktype = mtype;
- long yanklines = nlines;
- linenr_t yankendlnum = endop.lnum;
- char *pnew;
- if (yankbuffer == '.' || yankbuffer == '%') /* read-only buffer */
- {
- beep();
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!deleting) /* dodelete() already set y_current */
- get_yank_buffer(TRUE);
- curr = y_current;
- if (yankappend && y_current->y_array != NULL) /* append to existing contents */
- y_current = &new;
- else
- free_yank_all(); /* free previously yanked lines */
- /*
- * If the cursor was in column 1 before and after the movement, the
- * yank is always linewise.
- */
- if (mtype == MCHAR && startop.col == 0 && endop.col == 0 && nlines > 1)
- {
- yanktype = MLINE;
- if (mincl == FALSE && yankendlnum > startop.lnum)
- {
- --yankendlnum;
- --yanklines;
- }
- }
- y_current->y_size = yanklines;
- y_current->y_type = yanktype; /* set the yank buffer type */
- y_current->y_array = (char **)lalloc((u_long)(sizeof(char *) * yanklines), TRUE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- {
- y_current = curr;
- return FALSE;
- }
- i = 0;
- lnum = startop.lnum;
- if (Visual_block)
- {
- /*
- * block mode
- */
- y_current->y_type = MBLOCK; /* set the yank buffer type */
- for ( ; lnum <= yankendlnum; ++lnum)
- {
- block_prep(lnum, FALSE);
- if ((pnew = alloc(startspaces + endspaces + textlen + 1)) == NULL)
- goto fail;
- y_current->y_array[i++] = pnew;
- copy_spaces(pnew, (size_t)startspaces);
- pnew += startspaces;
- strncpy(pnew, textstart, (size_t)textlen);
- pnew += textlen;
- copy_spaces(pnew, (size_t)endspaces);
- pnew += endspaces;
- *pnew = NUL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * there are three parts for non-block mode:
- * 1. if yanktype != MLINE yank last part of the top line
- * 2. yank the lines between startop and endop, inclusive when yanktype == MLINE
- * 3. if yanktype != MLINE yank first part of the bot line
- */
- if (yanktype != MLINE)
- {
- if (yanklines == 1) /* startop and endop on same line */
- {
- j = endop.col - startop.col + 1 - !mincl;
- if ((y_current->y_array[0] = strnsave(nr2ptr(lnum) + startop.col, (int)j)) == NULL)
- {
- fail:
- free_yank(i); /* free the lines that we allocated */
- y_current = curr;
- return FALSE;
- }
- goto success;
- }
- if ((y_current->y_array[0] = strsave(nr2ptr(lnum++) + startop.col)) == NULL)
- goto fail;
- ++i;
- }
- while (yanktype == MLINE ? (lnum <= yankendlnum) : (lnum < yankendlnum))
- {
- if ((y_current->y_array[i] = strsave(nr2ptr(lnum++))) == NULL)
- goto fail;
- ++i;
- }
- if (yanktype != MLINE)
- {
- if ((y_current->y_array[i] = strnsave(nr2ptr(yankendlnum), endop.col + 1 - !mincl)) == NULL)
- goto fail;
- }
- }
- success:
- if (curr != y_current) /* append the new block to the old block */
- {
- new_ptr = (char **)lalloc((u_long)(sizeof(char *) * (curr->y_size + y_current->y_size)), TRUE);
- if (new_ptr == NULL)
- goto fail;
- for (j = 0; j < curr->y_size; ++j)
- new_ptr[j] = curr->y_array[j];
- free(curr->y_array);
- curr->y_array = new_ptr;
- if (yanktype == MLINE) /* MLINE overrides MCHAR and MBLOCK */
- curr->y_type = MLINE;
- if (curr->y_type == MCHAR) /* concatenate the last line of the old
- block with the first line of the new block */
- {
- new_ptr = (char **)lalloc((u_long)(strlen(curr->y_array[curr->y_size - 1]) + strlen(y_current->y_array[0]) + 1), TRUE);
- if (new_ptr == NULL)
- {
- i = y_current->y_size - 1;
- goto fail;
- }
- strcpy((char *)new_ptr, curr->y_array[--j]);
- strcat((char *)new_ptr, y_current->y_array[0]);
- free(curr->y_array[j]);
- free(y_current->y_array[0]);
- curr->y_array[j++] = (char *)new_ptr;
- i = 1;
- }
- else
- i = 0;
- while (i < y_current->y_size)
- curr->y_array[j++] = y_current->y_array[i++];
- curr->y_size = j;
- free(y_current->y_array);
- y_current = curr;
- }
- if (operator == YANK) /* don't do this when deleting */
- {
- if (yanktype == MCHAR && !Visual_block)
- --yanklines;
- if (yanklines > p_report)
- {
- cursupdate(); /* redisplay now, so message is not deleted */
- smsg("%ld line%s yanked", yanklines, plural(yanklines));
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- doput(dir, count)
- int dir;
- long count;
- {
- char *ptr, *ep;
- int newlen;
- int totlen = 0; /* init for gcc */
- linenr_t lnum;
- int col;
- long i; /* index in y_array[] */
- int y_type;
- long y_size;
- char **y_array;
- long nlines = 0;
- int vcol;
- int delchar;
- int incr = 0;
- long j;
- FPOS newCurpos;
- int commandchar;
- char temp[2];
- startop = Curpos; /* default for "'[" command */
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- startop.col++;
- endop = Curpos; /* default for "']" command */
- commandchar = (dir == FORWARD ? (count == -1 ? 'o' : 'a') : (count == -1 ? 'O' : 'i'));
- if (yankbuffer == '.') /* use inserted text */
- {
- stuff_inserted(commandchar, count, FALSE);
- return;
- }
- else if (yankbuffer == '%') /* use file name */
- {
- if (!check_fname())
- {
- stuffcharReadbuff(commandchar);
- stuffReadbuff(xFilename);
- stuffcharReadbuff(ESC);
- }
- return;
- }
- get_yank_buffer(FALSE);
- y_type = y_current->y_type;
- y_size = y_current->y_size;
- y_array = y_current->y_array;
- if (count == -1) /* :put command */
- {
- y_type = MLINE;
- count = 1;
- }
- if (y_size == 0 || y_array == NULL)
- {
- temp[0] = yankbuffer;
- temp[1] = NUL;
- emsg2("Nothing in register %s", temp);
- return;
- }
- if (y_type == MBLOCK)
- {
- lnum = Curpos.lnum + y_size + 1;
- if (lnum > line_count)
- lnum = line_count + 1;
- if (!u_save(Curpos.lnum - 1, lnum))
- return;
- }
- else if (!u_saveCurpos())
- return;
- newlen = strlen(y_array[0]);
- lnum = Curpos.lnum;
- col = Curpos.col;
- /*
- * block mode
- */
- if (y_type == MBLOCK)
- {
- if (dir == FORWARD && gcharCurpos() != NUL)
- {
- col = getvcol(&Curpos, 3) + 1;
- ++Curpos.col;
- }
- else
- col = getvcol(&Curpos, 2);
- for (i = 0; i < y_size; ++i)
- {
- startspaces = 0;
- endspaces = 0;
- textcol = 0;
- vcol = 0;
- delchar = 0;
- /* add a new line */
- if (Curpos.lnum > line_count)
- {
- ep = alloc_line(0);
- if (ep == NULL)
- goto error;
- appendline(line_count, ep);
- ++nlines;
- }
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum);
- while (vcol < col && *ptr)
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- incr = chartabsize(*ptr, vcol);
- vcol += incr;
- ++ptr;
- ++textcol;
- }
- if (vcol < col) /* line too short, padd with spaces */
- {
- startspaces = col - vcol;
- }
- else if (vcol > col)
- {
- endspaces = vcol - col;
- startspaces = incr - endspaces;
- --textcol;
- delchar = 1;
- }
- newlen = strlen(y_array[i]);
- totlen = count * newlen + startspaces + endspaces;
- if (!canincrease(totlen))
- break;
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum) + textcol;
- /* move the text after the cursor to the end of the line. */
- memmove(ptr + totlen - delchar, ptr, strlen(ptr) + 1);
- /* may insert some spaces before the new text */
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)startspaces);
- ptr += startspaces;
- /* insert the new text */
- for (j = 0; j < count; ++j)
- {
- strncpy(ptr, y_array[i], (size_t)newlen);
- ptr += newlen;
- }
- /* may insert some spaces after the new text */
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)endspaces);
- ++Curpos.lnum;
- if (i == 0)
- Curpos.col += startspaces;
- }
- endop.lnum = Curpos.lnum - 1; /* for "']" command */
- endop.col = textcol + totlen - 1;
- Curpos.lnum = lnum;
- cursupdate();
- updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR);
- }
- else /* not block mode */
- {
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- /* if type is MCHAR, FORWARD is the same as BACKWARD on the next character */
- if (dir == FORWARD && gcharCurpos() != NUL)
- {
- ++col;
- if (newlen)
- {
- ++Curpos.col;
- ++endop.col;
- }
- }
- newCurpos = Curpos;
- }
- else if (dir == BACKWARD)
- /* if type is MLINE, BACKWARD is the same as FORWARD on the previous line */
- --lnum;
- else /* type == MLINE, dir == FORWARD */
- {
- startop.col = 0;
- startop.lnum++;
- }
- /*
- * simple case: insert into current line
- */
- if (y_type == MCHAR && y_size == 1)
- {
- i = count * newlen;
- if (i)
- {
- if (!canincrease((int)i))
- return; /* alloc() will give error message */
- ep = nr2ptr(lnum) + col;
- memmove(ep + i, ep, strlen(ep) + 1);
- Curpos.col += (colnr_t)(i - 1); /* put cursor on last putted char */
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- strncpy(ep, y_array[0], (size_t)newlen);
- ep += newlen;
- }
- }
- endop = Curpos;
- updateline();
- }
- else
- {
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- --y_size;
- while (--count >= 0)
- {
- i = 0;
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- /*
- * Split the current line in two at the insert position.
- * Append y_array[0] to first line.
- * Insert y_array[size - 1] in front of second line.
- */
- ptr = nr2ptr(lnum) + col;
- col = strlen(y_array[y_size]);
- ep = alloc_line((unsigned)(strlen(ptr) + col));
- if (ep == NULL)
- goto error;
- strcpy(ep, y_array[y_size]);
- strcat(ep, ptr);
- appendline(lnum, ep); /* insert in second line */
- ++nlines;
- *ptr = NUL;
- Curpos.lnum = lnum;
- if (!canincrease(newlen)) /* lnum == Curpos.lnum! */
- goto error;
- strcat(nr2ptr(lnum), y_array[0]);/* append to first line */
- i = 1;
- }
- while (i < y_size)
- {
- ep = save_line(y_array[i++]);
- if (ep == NULL)
- goto error;
- appendline(lnum++, ep);
- ++nlines;
- }
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- ++lnum; /* lnum is now number of line below inserted lines */
- }
- endop.lnum = lnum; /* for "']" command */
- if (y_type == MLINE)
- {
- Curpos.col = 0;
- endop.col = 0;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID); /* recompute Botline */
- ++Curpos.lnum;
- }
- /* put cursor on first non-blank in last inserted line */
- beginline(TRUE);
- }
- else /* put cursor on first inserted character */
- {
- if (col > 1)
- endop.col = col - 1;
- else
- endop.col = 0;
- Curpos = newCurpos;
- }
- error:
- updateScreen(CURSUPD);
- }
- }
- msgmore(nlines);
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * display the contents of the yank buffers
- */
- void
- dodis()
- {
- register int i, n;
- register long j;
- register char *p;
- register struct yankbuf *yb;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- settmode(0); /* set cooked mode so output can be halted */
- #endif
- for (i = -1; i < 36; ++i)
- {
- if (i == -1)
- {
- if (y_previous != NULL)
- yb = y_previous;
- else
- yb = &(y_buf[0]);
- }
- else
- yb = &(y_buf[i]);
- if (yb->y_array != NULL)
- {
- if (i == -1)
- outstrn("\"\"");
- else
- {
- outchar('"');
- if (i < 10)
- outchar(i + '0');
- else
- outchar(i + 'a' - 10);
- }
- outchar(' ');
- n = (int)Columns - 4;
- for (j = 0; j < yb->y_size && n > 0; ++j)
- {
- if (j)
- {
- outstrn("^J");
- n -= 2;
- }
- for (p = yb->y_array[j]; *p && n > 0; ++p)
- {
- outstrn(transchar(*p));
- n -= charsize(*p);
- }
- }
- outchar('\n');
- flushbuf();
- }
- }
- #ifdef AMIGA
- settmode(1);
- #endif
- wait_return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * join 'count' lines (minimal 2), including u_save()
- */
- void
- dodojoin(count, insert_space, redraw)
- long count;
- int insert_space;
- int redraw;
- {
- if (!u_save((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum - 1), (linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + count)))
- return;
- while (--count > 0)
- if (!dojoin(insert_space, redraw))
- {
- beep();
- break;
- }
- if (redraw)
- updateScreen(VALID_TO_CURSCHAR);
- }
- int
- dojoin(insert_space, redraw)
- int insert_space;
- int redraw;
- {
- char *curr;
- char *next;
- char *endcurr;
- int currsize; /* size of the current line */
- int nextsize; /* size of the next line */
- int spaces; /* number of spaces to insert */
- int rows_to_del; /* number of rows on screen to delete */
- linenr_t t;
- if (Curpos.lnum == line_count) /* on last line */
- return FALSE;
- rows_to_del = plines_m(Curpos.lnum, Curpos.lnum + 1);
- curr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum);
- currsize = strlen(curr);
- next = nr2ptr((linenr_t)(Curpos.lnum + 1));
- spaces = 0;
- if (insert_space)
- {
- skipspace(&next);
- spaces = 1;
- if (*next == ')' || currsize == 0)
- spaces = 0;
- else
- {
- endcurr = curr + currsize - 1;
- if (*endcurr == ' ' || *endcurr == TAB)
- {
- spaces = 0;
- if (currsize > 1)
- --endcurr;
- }
- if (p_js && strchr(".!?", *endcurr) != NULL)
- spaces = 2;
- }
- }
- nextsize = strlen(next);
- if (!canincrease(nextsize + spaces))
- return FALSE;
- /*
- * Append the spaces and the next line. Curr has to be obtained again,
- * because canincrease() will have changed the pointer.
- */
- curr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum) + currsize;
- while (spaces--)
- *curr++ = ' ';
- strcpy(curr, next);
- /*
- * Delete the following line. To do this we move the cursor there
- * briefly, and then move it back. After dellines() the cursor may
- * have moved up (last line deleted), so the current lnum is kept in t.
- */
- t = Curpos.lnum;
- ++Curpos.lnum;
- dellines(1L, FALSE, FALSE);
- Curpos.lnum = t;
- /*
- * the number of rows on the screen is reduced by the difference
- * in number of rows of the two old lines and the one new line
- */
- if (redraw)
- {
- rows_to_del -= plines(Curpos.lnum);
- if (rows_to_del > 0)
- s_del(Cursrow, rows_to_del, TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * go to first character of the joined line
- */
- if (currsize == 0)
- Curpos.col = 0;
- else
- {
- Curpos.col = currsize - 1;
- oneright();
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * implementation of the format operator 'Q'
- */
- void
- doformat()
- {
- /* prepare undo and join the lines */
- dodojoin((long)nlines, TRUE, FALSE);
- /* put cursor on last non-space */
- coladvance(MAXCOL);
- while (Curpos.col && isspace(gcharCurpos()))
- decCurpos();
- curs_columns(FALSE); /* update Cursvcol */
- /* do the formatting */
- State = INSERT; /* for Opencmd() */
- insertchar(NUL);
- State = NORMAL;
- updateScreen(NOT_VALID);
- }
- void
- startinsert(initstr, startln, count)
- int initstr;
- int startln; /* if set, insert at start of line */
- long count;
- {
- Insstart = Curpos;
- if (startln)
- Insstart.col = 0;
- if (initstr != NUL)
- {
- ResetRedobuff();
- AppendNumberToRedobuff(count);
- AppendCharToRedobuff(initstr);
- }
- if (initstr == 'R')
- State = REPLACE;
- else
- State = INSERT;
- if (p_smd)
- showmode();
- change_warning(); /* give a warning if readonly */
- edit(count);
- }
- /*
- * prepare a few things for block mode yank/delete/tilde
- *
- * for delete:
- * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
- * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
- * first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be deleted.
- * for yank and tilde:
- * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
- * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
- * that are to be yanked.
- */
- static void
- block_prep(lnum, delete)
- linenr_t lnum;
- int delete;
- {
- int vcol;
- int incr = 0;
- char *pend;
- startspaces = 0;
- endspaces = 0;
- textlen = 0;
- textcol = 0;
- vcol = 0;
- textstart = nr2ptr(lnum);
- while (vcol < startvcol && *textstart)
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- incr = chartabsize(*textstart, vcol);
- vcol += incr;
- ++textstart;
- ++textcol;
- }
- if (vcol < startvcol) /* line too short */
- {
- if (!delete)
- endspaces = endvcol - startvcol + 1;
- }
- else /* vcol >= startvcol */
- {
- startspaces = vcol - startvcol;
- if (delete && vcol > startvcol)
- startspaces = incr - startspaces;
- pend = textstart;
- while (vcol <= endvcol && *pend)
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- incr = chartabsize(*pend, vcol);
- vcol += incr;
- ++pend;
- }
- if (vcol < endvcol && !delete) /* line too short */
- {
- endspaces = endvcol - vcol;
- }
- else if (vcol > endvcol)
- {
- if (delete)
- endspaces = vcol - endvcol - 1;
- else if (pend != textstart)
- {
- endspaces = incr - (vcol - endvcol);
- if (endspaces)
- --pend;
- }
- }
- if (delete && startspaces)
- {
- --textstart;
- --textcol;
- }
- textlen = (int)(pend - textstart);
- }
- }
- int
- doaddsub(c, Prenum1)
- int c;
- linenr_t Prenum1;
- {
- register int col;
- char buf[30];
- int hex; /* 'x' or 'X': hexadecimal; '0': octal */
- static int hexupper = FALSE; /* 0xABC */
- long n;
- char *ptr;
- ptr = nr2ptr(Curpos.lnum);
- col = Curpos.col;
- /* first check if we are on a hexadecimal number */
- while (col > 0 && isxdigit(ptr[col]))
- --col;
- if (col > 0 && (ptr[col] == 'X' || ptr[col] == 'x') &&
- ptr[col - 1] == '0' && isxdigit(ptr[col + 1]))
- --col; /* found hexadecimal number */
- else
- {
- /* first search forward and then backward for start of number */
- col = Curpos.col;
- while (ptr[col] != NUL && !isdigit(ptr[col]))
- ++col;
- while (col > 0 && isdigit(ptr[col - 1]))
- --col;
- }
- if (isdigit(ptr[col]) && u_saveCurpos())
- {
- set_want_col = TRUE;
- if (ptr[col] != '0')
- hex = 0; /* decimal */
- else
- {
- hex = TO_UPPER(ptr[col + 1]); /* assume hexadecimal */
- if (hex != 'X' || !isxdigit(ptr[col + 2]))
- {
- if (isdigit(hex))
- hex = '0'; /* octal */
- else
- hex = 0; /* 0 by itself is decimal */
- }
- }
- if (!hex && col > 0 && ptr[col - 1] == '-')
- --col;
- ptr += col;
- if (hex == '0')
- sscanf(ptr, "%lo", &n);
- else if (hex)
- sscanf(ptr, "%lx", &n); /* "%X" doesn't work! */
- else
- n = atol(ptr);
- if (c == Ctrl('A'))
- n += Prenum1;
- else
- n -= Prenum1;
- if (hex == 'X') /* skip the '0x' */
- col += 2;
- Curpos.col = col;
- do /* delete the old number */
- {
- if (isalpha(c))
- {
- if (isupper(c))
- hexupper = TRUE;
- else
- hexupper = FALSE;
- }
- delchar(FALSE);
- c = gcharCurpos();
- }
- while (hex ? (hex == '0' ? c >= '0' && c <= '7' : isxdigit(c)) : isdigit(c));
- if (hex == '0')
- sprintf(buf, "0%lo", n);
- else if (hexupper)
- sprintf(buf, "%lX", n);
- else if (hex)
- sprintf(buf, "%lx", n);
- else
- sprintf(buf, "%ld", n);
- insstr(buf); /* insert the new number */
- --Curpos.col;
- updateline();
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- beep();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if startop is on or before the first non-blank character in the line
- */
- int
- startinmargin()
- {
- int n;
- char *ptr;
- n = 0;
- for (ptr = nr2ptr(startop.lnum); *ptr && isspace(*ptr); ++ptr)
- ++n;
- return (n >= startop.col);
- }