home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef LINT
- /* derived from: zoo.c 2.24 88/01/29 00:55:09 */
- static char sccsid[]="$Id: zoo.c,v 1.21 91/07/09 02:36:40 dhesi Exp $";
- #endif /* LINT */
- #if 0
- #define TRACEI(item) printf("line %d: %s= %d\n", __LINE__, #item, item)
- #define TRACES(item) printf("line %d: %s= [%s]\n", __LINE__, #item, item)
- #endif
- extern char version[];
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "errors.i"
- #include "zoomem.h"
- /*#define MS_HELP*/
- #ifdef MS_HELP
- static void ms_help PARMS((char *));
- #endif
- static void wait_return PARMS((void));
- #ifdef TRACE_IO
- int verbose = 0;
- #endif
- int instr PARMS ((char *, char *));
- char *out_buf_adr; /* points to memory allocated for output buffer(s) */
- char *in_buf_adr; /* points to memory allocated for input buffer */
- /* static declarations */
- int quiet = 0; /* whether to be quiet */
- int next_arg = FIRST_ARG; /* filenames start at this position */
- int arg_count; /* count of arguments supplied to program */
- char **arg_vector; /* vector of arguments supplied to program */
- main(argc,argv)
- register int argc;
- register char **argv;
- {
- char *zooname; /* synonym for argv[2] -- to make life easier */
- #ifndef OOZ
- static char incorrect_args[] = "Incorrect number of arguments.\n";
- int filecount; /* how many filespecs supplied */
- #endif /* OOZ */
- #ifdef OOZ
- #else
- /* else not OOZ */
- static char usage[] = "Usage: zoo {acDeglLPTuUvx}[aAcCdEfInmMNoOpPqu1:/.@n] archive file\n(\"zoo h\" for help, \"zoo H\" for extended help)\n";
- static char nov_usage[] =
- "\nNovice usage: zoo -cmd archive[.zoo] file... where -cmd is one of these:\n";
- char *option;
- static char nov_cmds[] =
- /* ADD=0EXT=5 MOV=14TES=20PRI=26 DEL=33 LIS=41UPD=47 FRE=55 COMMENT=64 */
- "-add -extract -move -test -print -delete -list -update -freshen -comment\n";
- #ifdef NOENUM
- #define NONE -1
- #define ADD 0
- #define EXTRACT 5
- #define MOVE 14
- #define TEST 20
- #define PRINT 26
- #define DELETE 33
- #define LIST 41
- #define UPDATE 47
- #define FRESHEN 55
- #define COMMENT 64
- int cmd = NONE;
- #else
- enum choice {
- NONE = -1, ADD = 0, EXTRACT = 5, MOVE = 14, TEST = 20, PRINT = 26,
- DELETE = 33, LIST = 41, UPDATE = 47, FRESHEN = 55, COMMENT = 64
- };
- enum choice cmd = NONE; /* assume no Novice command */
- #endif
- #endif /* end of not OOZ */
- #ifdef SPECINIT
- void spec_init PARMS ((void));
- spec_init(); /* system-specific startup code */
- #endif
- /* make sure T_UINT16 is an unsigned 16-bit type, exactly. This
- code is included only if T_UINT16 was defined by default at the
- end of options.h. */
- #ifdef CHECK_TUINT
- {
- T_UINT16 i;
- int status = 0;
- i = ((unsigned) 1) << 15;
- if (i < 0)
- status = 1;
- if (i != ((unsigned) 1) << 15)
- status = 1;
- i *= 2;
- if (i != 0)
- status = 1;
- if (status != 0)
- prterror('w', "Configuration problem: T_UINT16 is not 16 bits\n");
- }
- #endif
- arg_count = argc;
- arg_vector = argv;
- zooname = argv[FIRST_ARG-1]; /* points to name or archive */
- #ifdef OOZ
- if (argc < 2) {
- putstr (usage1);
- putstr (usage2);
- zooexit (1);
- }
- #else
- /* else not OOZ */
- if (argc < 2)
- goto show_usage;
- filecount = argc - 3;
- option = str_dup(argv[1]);
- #ifdef TRACE_IO
- if (*option == ':') { /* for debugging output */
- verbose++;
- option++; /* hide the : from other functions */
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef WAIT_PROMPT
- if (*option == 'w') {
- option++; /* hide w from other functions */
- wait_return();
- }
- #endif /* WAIT_PROMPT */
- #ifdef MS_HELP
- if (*option == 'H') ms_help(option);
- #endif
- if (*option == 'h' || *option == 'H')
- goto bigusage;
- if (strchr("-acDegflLPTuUvVx", *option) == NULL)
- goto give_list;
- if (*option == '-') {
- #ifdef NOENUM
- cmd = instr (nov_cmds, str_lwr(option));
- #else
- cmd = (enum choice) instr (nov_cmds, str_lwr(option));
- #endif
- if (strlen(option) < 2 || cmd == NONE)
- goto show_usage;
- if ( ((cmd == ADD || cmd == MOVE || cmd == FRESHEN ||
- cmd == UPDATE || cmd == DELETE) && argc < 4) ||
- ((cmd == EXTRACT || cmd == TEST || cmd == LIST ||
- cmd == PRINT || cmd == COMMENT) && argc < 3)) {
- fprintf (stderr, incorrect_args);
- goto show_usage;
- }
- } else {
- char *wheresI; /* will be null if I option not supplied */
- if (
- (
- strchr("au",*option) &&
- (
- (((wheresI = strchr(option,'I')) != 0) &&
- argc != 3) ||
- wheresI==NULL && argc < 4
- )
- ) ||
- strchr("DU",*option) && argc < 4 ||
- strchr("cexlvVL",*option) && argc < 3 ||
- strchr("TP",*option) && argc != 3 ||
- (*option == 'f' && argc != 2) ||
- (*option == 'g' &&
- (strchr(option,'A') == NULL && argc < 4 ||
- strchr(option,'A') != NULL && argc != 3
- )
- )
- ) {
- fprintf (stderr, incorrect_args);
- goto show_usage;
- }
- }
- #endif /* end of not OOZ */
- #ifndef OOZ
- /* if not doing a list and no extension in archive name, add default
- extension */
- if (*option != 'f' && cmd != LIST && strchr("lvVL", *option) == NULL &&
- strchr(nameptr (zooname), EXT_CH) == NULL)
- zooname = newcat (zooname, EXT_DFLT);
- #endif
- /*
- Here we allocate a large block of memory for the duration of the program.
- lzc() and lzd() will use half of it each. Routine getfile() will use all
- of it. Routine decode() will use the first 8192 bytes of it. Routine
- encode() will use all of it. */
- /* fudge/2 fudge/2
- ** [______________||________________|]
- ** output buffer input buffer
- */
- out_buf_adr = ealloc (MEM_BLOCK_SIZE);
- in_buf_adr = out_buf_adr + OUT_BUF_SIZE + (FUDGE/2);
- #ifdef OOZ
- zooext(zooname, "\0"); /* just extract -- no fancy stuff */
- zooexit (0); /* and exit normally */
- #else
- /* else not OOZ -- parse command line and invoke a routine */
- if (cmd != NONE) {
- switch (cmd) {
- case ADD: zooadd (zooname, filecount, &argv[3], "aP:"); break;
- case FRESHEN: zooadd (zooname, filecount, &argv[3], "auP:"); break;
- case UPDATE: zooadd (zooname, filecount, &argv[3], "aunP:"); break;
- case MOVE: zooadd (zooname, filecount, &argv[3], "aMP:"); break;
- case EXTRACT: zooext (zooname, "x"); break;
- case TEST: zooext (zooname, "xNd"); break;
- case PRINT: zooext (zooname, "xp"); break;
- case DELETE: zoodel (zooname, "DP",1); break;
- case LIST: zoolist (&argv[2], "VC", argc-2); break;
- case COMMENT: comment (zooname, "c"); break;
- default: goto show_usage;
- }
- } else
- switch (*option) {
- case 'a':
- case 'u':
- case 'T':
- zooadd (zooname, filecount, &argv[3], option); break;
- #ifdef FILTER
- case 'f':
- zoofilt (option); break;
- #endif /* FILTER */
- case 'D':
- zoodel (zooname, option, 1); break;
- case 'U':
- zoodel (zooname, option, 0); break;
- case 'g':
- zoodel (zooname, option, 2); break;
- case 'v':
- case 'V':
- case 'l':
- zoolist(&argv[2], option, 1); break;
- case 'L':
- zoolist(&argv[2], option, argc-2); break;
- case 'e':
- case 'x':
- zooext(zooname, option); break;
- case 'P':
- zoopack (zooname, option); break;
- case 'c':
- comment (zooname, option); break;
- default:
- goto give_list;
- }
- zooexit (0); /* don't fall through */
- /* usage list including Novice commands */
- show_usage:
- fprintf (stderr, "%s\n\n%s%s%s", version, usage, nov_usage, nov_cmds);
- zooexit (1);
- /* brief usage list */
- give_list:
- fprintf (stderr, usage); zooexit (1);
- /* help screen */
- bigusage:
- printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
- printf ("Zoo archiver, %s\n", version);
- printf("(C) Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi -- Noncommercial use permitted\n");
- printf (usage);
- printf ("\nChoose a command from within {} and zero or more modifiers from within [].\n");
- printf ("E.g.: `zoo a save /bin/*' will archive all files in /bin into save.zoo.\n");
- printf ("(Please see the user manual for a complete description of commands.)\n\n");
- printf (nov_usage);
- printf (nov_cmds);
- printf ("\n\n\n\n");
- wait_return(); /* print msg & wait for RETURN */
- printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
- printf (usage);
- printf (" Commands in {} mean: |Modifiers in [] mean:\n");
- printf (" a add files | a show archive name(s) in listing\n");
- printf (" c update comments | A apply g or c to archive\n");
- printf (" D delete stored files | c add/list comments\n");
- printf (" e,x extract files | d extract/list deleted files too\n");
- printf (" g adj. gen. limit/count | dd extract/list only deleted files\n");
- printf (" l,L,v,V list filenames | E erase backup after packing\n");
- printf (" P pack archive | f fast add (no compression) or list\n");
- printf (" T fix archive datestamp | M move when adding (erase original)\n");
- printf (" u add only newer files | n add only files not already in archive\n");
- printf (" U undelete stored files | N send extracted data to Nowhere\n");
- #ifdef FILTER
- printf (" f act as filter | c/u compress/uncompress as filter\n");
- #endif /* FILTER */
- printf (" ----------------------------- O don't ask \"Overwrite?\"\n");
- printf (" q be quiet p pipe extracted data to standard output\n");
- printf (" : don't store dir names /,// extract full pathnames\n");
- printf (" . pack to current dir I add filenames read from stdin\n");
- printf (" C show file CRC value +/- enable/disable generations\n");
- printf (" S overwrite newer files g list generation limits\n");
- printf (" P pack after adding @n start extract/list at position n\n");
- #ifdef FATTR
- printf (" m list file modes OO overwrite read-only files\n");
- #endif /* FATTR */
- printf (" C change archive cmnt H DON'T use high-compression method\n");
- #endif /* end of not OOZ */
- /* NOTE: if allowed to fall through and return without an exit() statement,
- it was printing garbage--corrupted stack? Why--bug in Microsoft C? */
- zooexit (1);
- return 1; /* keep lint & compilers happy */
- }
- #ifdef MS_HELP
- /* multi-screen help facility thanks to Bill Davidsen */
- /* help screens */
- static char *scrn1[] = {
- "",
- "command line format:",
- " zoo {command}[options] archive files(s)",
- "",
- "Commands:",
- " a add files",
- " u - update, replace only if file is newer than saved version",
- " n - new, add if file is not in archive",
- " f - fast, don't compress at all",
- " h - high performance compressor, slower than default",
- " M - move files to archive, delete after saving",
- " c - add a comment to each file added",
- " C - add a comment to the archive as a whole",
- " : - strip directory names, save filenames only",
- " q - quiet (qq suppresses warnings, qqq suppresses nonfatal errors too)",
- " P - pack after adding, remove overwritten or deleted files",
- " (leaves a .bak file, use PP to overwrite it)",
- " I - read filenames from standard input",
- " + - enable generations",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- static char *scrn2[] = {
- "",
- " e extract files",
- " x extract files",
- " : - extract to current directory (ignore pathnames)",
- " . - make absolute pathnames relative to current directory",
- " (name /etc/hosts becomes ./etc/hosts)",
- " / - extract to subdirs, // create subdirs as needed - default",
- " (the sequence :/ may be used to use but not create subdirs)",
- " q - quiet",
- " d - extract deleted files, too. dd extract *only* deleted files",
- " N - extract to nowhere. Used to test the archive with xN or xNq",
- " p - extract for pipe to standard output. Use q to avoid header",
- "",
- #ifdef FATTR
- " O - overwrite without asking, OO overwrites readonly files",
- #else
- " O - overwrite without asking",
- #endif
- " S - overwrite superceded (newer) files",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- static char *scrn3[] = {
- "",
- " l list archive info",
- " L list info for multiple archives",
- " v list verbose file info and archive comment",
- " V list verbose file info, archive and file comments",
- " v - verbose (same as v command, used with L for multiple files",
- " V - verbose with file comments",
- " C - show CRC",
- " a - show archive name in file listing (useful with L)",
- #ifdef FATTR
- " m - mode, show file modes in octal",
- #endif
- " d - show deleted files",
- " q - quiet, shows only file info, no comments or headers",
- " f - fast, lists only filename, no pathname, multiple columns",
- " 1 - one column output (for the f option)",
- "",
- " c comment changes, change or add comments to listed files",
- " (changes all file comments if no files given)",
- " A - only change archive comment",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- static char *scrn4[] = {
- "",
- " P pack archive, remove deleted or overwritten files",
- " E - erase the .bak file when done",
- "",
- " D delete files by name",
- " P - pack after deletion, use PP if .bak file exists",
- " q - quiet",
- "",
- " T timestamp adjust, make archive age of newest file",
- "",
- " g generation commands",
- " l - set generation limit on files",
- " A - apply limit to archive rather than a file (with gl)",
- "",
- " f filter, copy stdin to stdout with [de]compression",
- " c - compress",
- " u - uncompress",
- " h - use the high compression method",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- static char *scrn5[] = {
- "",
- "Examples:",
- "",
- "# just add a few files",
- " zoo a arch file1 files",
- "# add C source files in subdirectories",
- " zoo a test part1/*.c part2/*.c",
- "# add documentation files with high compression",
- " zoo ah test *.doc",
- "",
- "# extract all files",
- " zoo x test",
- "# extract files into the current directory",
- " zoo x: test",
- "# extract a single file and sort before listing",
- " zoo xp test users.lst | sort",
- "",
- "# list the contents and archive comments",
- " zoo v arch",
- "# list all files in all archives",
- " zoo L xxx.zoo /doc/*.zoo ../*.zoo",
- (char *)NULL
- };
- static char **screens[] = {
- scrn1, /* intro and add */
- scrn2, /* extract */
- scrn3, /* list commands */
- scrn4, /* other commands */
- scrn5, /* add and extract examples */
- (char **)NULL
- };
- /* multi-screen help routine */
- static void ms_help(options)
- char *options;
- {
- #ifndef SZ_SCREEN /* screen size can be overridden in options.h */
- # define SZ_SCREEN 24
- #endif
- int scrnlen = SZ_SCREEN;
- char ***curscreen, **curline;
- int linecount;
- /* if "Hnn" output in nn line format */
- if (++options) sscanf(options, "%d", &scrnlen);
- if (scrnlen < 2)
- scrnlen = SZ_SCREEN;
- /* loop thru screens */
- for (curscreen = screens; *curscreen != NULL; ++curscreen) {
- printf("\n\n\n\n");
- linecount = scrnlen;
- curline = *curscreen;
- while (*curline != NULL) {
- printf("%s\n", *(curline++));
- --linecount;
- }
- /* slew page */
- while (--linecount != 0) putchar('\n');
- wait_return(); /* print msg & wait for RETURN */
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- #endif
- /* wait_return prints a message, then waits until user hits RETURN key,
- then returns. Special cases: (a) if not interactive (as tested with
- isatty() if available), it returns immediately; (b) while waiting for
- RETURN, if EOF occurs, it causes zooexit(0) */
- static void wait_return()
- {
- #ifdef HAVE_ISATTY
- if (!isatty(fileno(stdout)) || !isatty(fileno(stdin)))
- return;
- #endif
- (void) printf("Hit RETURN (or ENTER) key to continue...");
- for ( ; ;) {
- int key;
- key = getchar();
- if (key == EOF)
- zooexit(0);
- if (key == '\n' || key == '\r')
- return;
- }
- }