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- /* derived from: zoo.h 2.16 88/01/27 23:21:36 */
- /*
- The contents of this file are hereby released to the public domain.
- -- Rahul Dhesi 1986/11/14
- */
- /* Global data structures and also some information about archive structure.
- Among other things, the archive header contains:
- (a) A text message. In the MS-DOS version this message is terminated by
- control Z. This allows naive users to type the archive to the screen
- and see a brief but meaningful message instead of garbage. The contents of
- the text message are however not used by Zoo and they may be anything.
- In particular, the text message may identify the type or archive or the
- particular computer system it was created on. When an archive is packed
- by any version of Zoo, the text message is changed to the text message
- used by that version. For example, if Zoo 1.10 packs an archive created
- by Zoo 1.31, the text message changes to "Zoo 1.10 archive.". This
- was once considered a shortcoming, but it is now an essential feature,
- because packing will also update an old archiver header structure
- into a new one.
- (b) A four-byte tag that identifies all Zoo archives. This helps prevent
- arbitrary binary files from being treated as Zoo archives. The tag value is
- arbitrary, but seemed to be unlikely to occur in an executable file. The
- same tag value is used to identify each directory entry.
- (c) A long pointer to where in the file the archive starts. This pointer
- is stored along with its negation for consistency checking. It is hoped
- that if the archive is damaged, both the pointer and its negation won't
- be damaged and at least one would still be usable to tell us where the
- data begins.
- (d) A two-byte value giving the major and minor version number of the
- minimum version of Zoo that is needed to fully manipulate the archive.
- As the archive structure is modified, this version number may increase.
- Currently version 1.71 of Zoo creates archives that may be fully manipulated
- by version 1.40 onwards.
- (e) With zoo 2.00 addtional fields have been added in the archive
- header to store information about the archive comment and generation
- limit.
- Version numbering:
- The directory entry of each file will contain the minimum version number of
- Zoo needed to extract that file. As far as possible, version 1.00 of Zoo
- will be able to extract files from future version archives.
- */
- #define H_TYPE 1 /* archive header type */
- /* Define major and minor version numbers */
- #define MAJOR_VER 2 /* needed to manipulate archive */
- #define MINOR_VER 0
- /* version needed to extract packing method 1 */
- #define MAJOR_EXT_VER 1
- #define MINOR_EXT_VER 0
- /* version needed to extract packing method 2 */
- #define MAJOR_LZH_VER 2
- #define MINOR_LZH_VER 1
- #define CTRL_Z 26
- /* should be 0xFDC4A7DCUL but many c compilers don't recognize UL at end */
- #define ZOO_TAG ((unsigned long) 0xFDC4A7DCL) /* A random choice */
- #define TEXT "ZOO 2.10 Archive.\032" /* Header text for archive. */
- #define SIZ_TEXT 20 /* Size of header text */
- #define PATHSIZE 256 /* Max length of pathname */
- #define FNAMESIZE 13 /* Size of DOS filename */
- #define LFNAMESIZE 256 /* Size of long filename */
- #define ROOTSIZE 8 /* Size of fname without extension */
- #define EXTLEN 3 /* Size of extension */
- #define FILE_LEADER "@)#(" /* Allowing location of file data */
- #define SIZ_FLDR 5 /* 4 chars plus null */
- #define MAX_PACK 2 /* max packing method we can handle */
- #define BACKUP_EXT ".bak" /* extension of backup file */
- #ifdef OOZ
- #define FIRST_ARG 2
- #endif
- #ifdef ZOO
- #define FIRST_ARG 3 /* argument position of filename list */
- #endif
- typedef unsigned char uchar;
- /* WARNING: Static initialization in zooadd.c or zooext.c depends on the
- order of fields in struct zoo_header */
- struct zoo_header {
- char text[SIZ_TEXT]; /* archive header text */
- unsigned long zoo_tag; /* identifies archives */
- long zoo_start; /* where the archive's data starts */
- long zoo_minus; /* for consistency checking of zoo_start */
- uchar major_ver;
- uchar minor_ver; /* minimum version to extract all files */
- uchar type; /* type of archive header */
- long acmt_pos; /* position of archive comment */
- unsigned int acmt_len; /* length of archive comment */
- unsigned int vdata; /* byte in archive; data about versions */
- };
- struct direntry {
- unsigned long zoo_tag; /* tag -- redundancy check */
- uchar type; /* type of directory entry. always 1 for now */
- uchar packing_method; /* 0 = no packing, 1 = normal LZW */
- long next; /* pos'n of next directory entry */
- long offset; /* position of this file */
- unsigned int date; /* DOS format date */
- unsigned int time; /* DOS format time */
- unsigned int file_crc; /* CRC of this file */
- long org_size;
- long size_now;
- uchar major_ver;
- uchar minor_ver; /* minimum version needed to extract */
- uchar deleted; /* will be 1 if deleted, 0 if not */
- uchar struc; /* file structure if any */
- long comment; /* points to comment; zero if none */
- unsigned int cmt_size; /* length of comment, 0 if none */
- char fname[FNAMESIZE]; /* filename */
- int var_dir_len; /* length of variable part of dir entry */
- uchar tz; /* timezone where file was archived */
- unsigned int dir_crc; /* CRC of directory entry */
- /* fields for variable part of directory entry follow */
- uchar namlen; /* length of long filename */
- uchar dirlen; /* length of directory name */
- char lfname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* long filename */
- char dirname[PATHSIZE]; /* directory name */
- unsigned int system_id; /* Filesystem ID */
- unsigned long fattr; /* File attributes -- 24 bits */
- unsigned int vflag; /* version flag bits -- one byte in archive */
- unsigned int version_no; /* file version number if any */
- };
- /* Values for direntry.system_id */
- #define SYSID_NIX 0 /* UNIX and similar filesystems */
- #define SYSID_MS 1 /* MS-DOS filesystem */
- #define SYSID_PORTABLE 2 /* Portable syntax */
- /* Structure of header of small archive containing just one file */
- #define TINYTAG 0x07FE /* magic number */
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- struct tiny_header { /* one-file small archive */
- int tinytag; /* magic number */
- char type; /* always 1 for now */
- char packing_method;
- unsigned int date;
- unsigned int time;
- unsigned int file_crc;
- long org_size;
- long size_now;
- char major_ver;
- char minor_ver;
- unsigned int cmt_size; /* length of comment, 0 if none */
- char fname[FNAMESIZE]; /* filename */
- };
- #endif /* ifdef FAST_EXT */
- #define FIXED_OFFSET 34 /* zoo_start in old archives */
- #define MINZOOHSIZ 34 /* minimum size of archive header */
- #define SIZ_ZOOH 42 /* length of current archive header */
- /* offsets of items within the canonical zoo archive header */
- #define TEXT_I 0 /* text in header */
- #define ZTAG_I 20 /* zoo tag */
- #define ZST_I 24 /* start offset */
- #define ZSTM_I 28 /* negative of start offset */
- #define MAJV_I 32 /* major version */
- #define MINV_I 33 /* minor version */
- #define HTYPE_I 34 /* archive header type */
- #define ACMTPOS_I 35 /* position of archive comment */
- #define ACMTLEN_I 39 /* length of archive comment */
- #define HVDATA_I 41 /* version data */
- /* offsets of items within the canonical directory entry structure */
- #define SIZ_DIR 51 /* length of type 1 directory entry */
- #define SIZ_DIRL 56 /* length of type 2 directory entry */
- #define DTAG_I 0 /* tag within directory entry */
- #define DTYP_I 4 /* type of directory entry */
- #define PKM_I 5 /* packing method */
- #define NXT_I 6 /* pos'n of next directory entry */
- #define OFS_I 10 /* position (offset) of this file */
- #define DAT_I 14 /* DOS format date */
- #define TIM_I 16 /* DOS format time */
- #define CRC_I 18 /* CRC of this file */
- #define ORGS_I 20 /* original size */
- #define SIZNOW_I 24 /* size now */
- #define DMAJ_I 28 /* major version number */
- #define DMIN_I 29 /* minor version number */
- #define DEL_I 30 /* deleted or not */
- #define STRUC_I 31 /* file structure */
- #define CMT_I 32 /* comment [offset] */
- #define CMTSIZ_I 36 /* comment size */
- #define FNAME_I 38 /* filename */
- #define VARDIRLEN_I 51 /* length of var. direntry */
- #define TZ_I 53 /* timezone */
- #define DCRC_I 54 /* CRC of directory entry */
- #define FNM_SIZ 13 /* size of stored filename */
- /* Offsets within variable part of directory entry */
- #define NAMLEN_I (SIZ_DIRL + 0)
- #define DIRLEN_I (SIZ_DIRL + 1)
- #define LFNAME_I (SIZ_DIRL + 2)
- #define DIRNAME_I LFNAME_I /* plus length of filename */
- /*
- Total size of fixed plus variable directory recognized currently:
- One byte each for dirlen and namlen, 256 each for long filename and
- directory name, 2 for system id, 3 for file attributes, 1 for
- version flag, 2 for version number, plus a fudge factor of 5.
- */
- #define MAXDIRSIZE (SIZ_DIRL+1+1+256+256+2+3+1+2+5)
- /* Value used to stuff into timezone field if it is not known */
- #define NO_TZ 127
- /* Value for no file attributes */
- #define NO_FATTR 0L
- /* version flag bits */
- #define VFL_ON 0x80 /* enable version numbering */
- #define VFL_GEN 0x0f /* generation count */
- #define VFL_LAST 0x40 /* last generation of this file */
- /* default generation value for archive */
- #define GEN_DEFAULT 3
- /* max generation count, file or archive */
- #define MAXGEN 0x0f
- /* version mask to prune down to correct size on large-word machines */
- #define VER_MASK 0xffff