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- #ifndef LINT
- /* derived from: zooadd.c 2.34 88/08/15 10:53:11 */
- static char sccsid[]="$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zooadd.c,v $\n\
- $Id: zooadd.c,v 1.10 91/07/08 23:48:39 dhesi Exp $";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #include "options.h"
- /* Adds files specified in parameter-list to archive zoo_path. */
- #define LONGEST 20 /* assumed length of longest filename */
- #include "zoomem.h" /* to define MAXADD */
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #include "parse.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "portable.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "errors.i"
- extern int break_hit;
- extern int quiet;
- void show_comment PARMS ((struct direntry *, ZOOFILE, int, char *));
- void dosname PARMS ((char *, char *));
- void modpath PARMS ((char *));
- void opts_add PARMS ((char *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *,
- int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *));
- int ver_too_high PARMS ((struct zoo_header *));
- void get_comment PARMS ((struct direntry *, ZOOFILE, char *));
- void copyfields PARMS ((struct direntry *, struct tiny_header *));
- void storefname PARMS ((struct direntry *, char *, int));
- char *choosefname PARMS ((struct direntry *));
- extern struct zoo_header zoo_header;
- extern char file_leader[];
- extern unsigned int crccode;
- void zooadd(zoo_path, argc, argv, option)
- char *zoo_path; /* pathname of zoo archive to add to */
- int argc; /* how many filespecs supplied */
- char **argv; /* array of pointers to filespecs */
- char *option; /* option string */
- {
- char *whichname; /* which name to show user */
- char **flist; /* list of ptrs to input fnames */
- int fptr; /* will point to within flist */
- ZOOFILE this_file; /* file to add */
- char zoo_fname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* basename of archive itself */
- char zoo_bak[LFNAMESIZE]; /* name of archive's backup */
- char this_fname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* just filename of file to add */
- char latest_name[LFNAMESIZE]; /* latest name in archive */
- long last_old = 0L; /* last direntry in old chain */
- ZOOFILE zoo_file; /* stream for open archive */
- char *this_path; /* pathname of file to add */
- #ifdef NOENUM
- #define NEW_ZOO 1
- #define OLD_ZOO 2
- int zoo_status;
- #else
- enum {NEW_ZOO, OLD_ZOO} zoo_status; /* newly created or not */
- #endif
- long this_dir_offset; /* pointers to within archive */
- long save_position; /* pointer to within archive */
- long prev_pos; /* posn of prev file of same name */
- struct direntry direntry; /* directory entry */
- struct direntry dir2entry; /* spare */
- int status; /* error status */
- int success; /* successful addition of file? */
- int addcount = 0; /* number added */
- int update=0; /* only files already in archive */
- int suppress=0; /* suppress compression */
- int new=0; /* add only files not in archive */
- int zootime = 0; /* just set archive time */
- int add_comment = 0; /* add comment */
- int add_global_comment = 0; /* archive comment */
- int pack = 0; /* pack after adding */
- int need_dir = 1; /* store directories too */
- int delcount = 0; /* count of deleted entries */
- int exit_status = 0; /* exit status to set */
- unsigned int latest_date = 0; /* to set time on archive itself */
- unsigned int latest_time = 0; /* .. same */
- int move = 0; /* delete after adding to archive */
- int longest; /* length of longest pathname added */
- int firstfile = 1; /* first file being added? */
- int z_fmt = 0; /* look for Z format files? */
- int inargs = 0; /* read filenames from stdin? */
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- struct tiny_header tiny_header; /* for Z format archives */
- #endif
- unsigned this_version_no; /* version no. of old file */
- unsigned high_vflag; /* version flag of old file */
- unsigned high_version_no; /* highest version no of this file */
- long high_pos; /* offset of file w/highest ver no */
- unsigned int fgens; /* gens. to preserve -- file */
- unsigned int zgens; /* gens. to preserve -- archive */
- long oldcmtpos; /* to save old comment */
- unsigned int oldcmtsiz; /* to save old comment */
- int genson = 0; /* whether to turn generations on */
- int use_lzh = 1; /* whether to use lzh compression OIS*/
- /* on entry option points to first letter */
- opts_add (option, &zootime, &quiet, &suppress, &move, &new, &pack,
- &update, &add_comment, &z_fmt, &need_dir, &inargs, &genson,
- &use_lzh, &add_global_comment);
- if (exists (zoo_path)) {
- zoo_file = zooopen (zoo_path, Z_RDWR);
- zoo_status = OLD_ZOO;
- } else {
- if (!zootime)
- zoo_file = zoocreate (zoo_path);
- else
- zoo_file = NOFILE; /* don't create if just setting time */
- zoo_status = NEW_ZOO;
- }
- if (zoo_file == NOFILE)
- prterror ('f', could_not_open, zoo_path);
- basename(zoo_path, zoo_fname); /* get basename of archive */
- rootname (zoo_path, zoo_bak); /* name without extension */
- strcat (zoo_bak, BACKUP_EXT); /* name of backup of this archive */
- /* Now we prepare the archive for adding one or more files. If the archive
- has just been created, we write the archive header */
- addfname ("",0L,0,0,0,0); /* initialize table of files already in archive */
- if (zoo_status == NEW_ZOO) { /* newly-created archive */
- if (genson) /* if no generations needed */
- zoo_header.vdata = (VFL_ON|GEN_DEFAULT); /* generations on */
- fwr_zooh (&zoo_header, zoo_file);
- zgens = GEN_DEFAULT;
- zooseek (zoo_file, zoo_header.zoo_start, 0); /* seek to where data begins */
- } else {
- /* read header and rewrite with updated version numbers, preserving
- header type */
- rwheader (&zoo_header, zoo_file, 1);
- zgens = zoo_header.vdata & VFL_GEN; /* get archive generations */
- /* initialize latest_name to null string */
- /* NOTE: latest_name is not currently used for anything, but
- may be used in the future for inserting files into the
- archive in alphabetic order. */
- *latest_name = '\0';
- /* Skip existing files but add them to a list. The variable last_old
- gets the tail of the old chain of directory entries */
- skip_files (zoo_file, &latest_date, &latest_time, &delcount,
- latest_name, &last_old);
- }
- /* The file pointer is now positioned correctly to add a file to archive,
- unless the null directory entry is too short. This will be fixed below. */
- /* If we are just setting time, do it and run. */
- if (zootime) {
- #ifdef NIXTIME
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- setutime (zoo_path, latest_date, latest_time);
- #else
- settime (zoo_file, latest_date, latest_time);
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- #endif
- prterror ('m', "Archive time adjusted.\n");
- zooexit (0);
- }
- /* make list of files, excluding archive and its backup */
- longest = LONGEST;
- flist = (char **) ealloc(MAXADD * sizeof(char *));
- if (!inargs) {
- makelist(argc, argv, flist, MAXADD-2, zoo_fname, zoo_bak, ".", &longest);
- /* ^^ ^^ ^^ exclude */
- }
- fptr = 0; /* ready to get filename (if makelist() was called) or to
- begin adding filenames (if reading them from stdin) */
- while (1) {
- unsigned int this_date, this_time;
- int INLIST; /* boolean */
- int RECENT; /* boolean */
- int danger; /* if update requested and disk copy is out of date */
- if (inargs) {
- again: /* loop back if filename was same as archive name or its backup */
- this_path = getstdin(); /* pathname from stdin, in static area */
- if (this_path != NULL) {
- if (samefile (nameptr(zoo_fname),nameptr(this_path)) ||
- samefile (nameptr(zoo_bak),nameptr(this_path)))
- goto again; /* don't add archive to itself */
- modpath (this_path);
- /* if moving files, add to list for later deletion; if list overflows,
- terminate addition loop and give warning message */
- if (move) {
- if (fptr >= MAXADD-2) {
- prterror ('w', too_many_files, MAXADD-2);
- this_path = NULL;
- } else
- flist[fptr++] = str_dup (this_path);
- }
- }
- } else {
- this_path = flist[fptr++];
- }
- /* exit the addition loop when no more pathnames are left */
- if (this_path == NULL) {
- /* in case stdin was being read, make sure flist is NULL-terminated */
- flist[fptr] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- basename (this_path, this_fname); /* get just filename for later */
- this_file = zooopen(this_path, Z_READ);
- if (this_file == NOFILE) {
- prterror ('e', could_not_open, this_path);
- exit_status++;
- continue;
- }
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /* Test to see if this is a Z format file. We assume the file is Z format
- if (a) tag is correct and (b) type is 1 and (c) embedded filename
- is not longer than FNAMESIZE.
- */
- if (z_fmt) {
- zooread (this_file, (char *) &tiny_header, sizeof(tiny_header));
- if (tiny_header.tinytag == TINYTAG && tiny_header.type == 1 &&
- strlen (tiny_header.fname) <= FNAMESIZE)
- /* ok */ ;
- else {
- zooclose (this_file);
- prterror ('e', "File %s does not have Z format.\n", this_fname);
- exit_status++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* get file time; also fix name */
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- if (z_fmt) {
- direntry.date = tiny_header.date;
- direntry.time = tiny_header.time;
- strcpy (direntry.fname, tiny_header.fname);
- direntry.dirlen = direntry.namlen = 0;
- } else {
- #endif
- /* Get timstamp of file being added */
- #ifdef GETUTIME
- getutime (this_path, &direntry.date, &direntry.time);
- #else
- gettime (this_file, &direntry.date, &direntry.time);
- #endif
- /* save file attributes */
- #ifdef FATTR
- /* we expect getfattr() to set all attr. bits; currently
- only the portable format is recognized */
- {
- # ifdef FATTR_FNAME
- unsigned long getfattr PARMS ((char *);
- direntry.fattr = getfattr (this_path);
- # else
- unsigned long getfattr PARMS ((ZOOFILE));
- direntry.fattr = getfattr (this_file);
- # endif /* FATTR_FNAME */
- }
- #else
- direntry.fattr = NO_FATTR; /* none */
- #endif /* FATTR */
- #ifdef FOLD
- str_lwr(this_fname);
- #endif
- dosname (this_fname, direntry.fname); /* MSDOS filename */
- /*
- Store long filename into direntry.lfname iff it is different from MSDOS
- filename. Also store directory name if need_dir is true. Moved out of
- zooadd() so zooadd() doesn't get too big for optimization.
- */
- storefname (&direntry, this_path, need_dir);
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf ("zooadd: direntry.lfname = [%s] direntry.dirname = [%s]\n",
- direntry.lfname, direntry.dirname);
- #endif
- /* if update option, then we add file if it is already in the archive
- AND the archived file is older */
- /* The following logic was derived from a Karnaugh map so it may
- be hard to understand. Essentially, if U=update requested,
- N=new files requested, I=file is already in archive, and
- R=file being archived is more recent than file already in
- archive, then the boolean equation is:
- add = U' (N' + I') + U (IR + I'N)
- */
- /* Get the filename to use for this addition. */
- whichname = choosefname(&direntry);
- /* Get position in archive of any old file of same name, ignoring
- any directory prefix if need_dir is not true. Also get its
- date, time, version flag, and version number. */
- prev_pos = inlist (fullpath (&direntry), &this_date, &this_time,
- &this_version_no, &high_vflag, &high_version_no,
- &high_pos, !need_dir);
- /* define DBG_INLIST for debugging by printing values returned by inlist() */
- #ifdef DBG_INLIST
- printf ("FROM inlist(): prev_pos=%ld, high_pos=%ld\n", prev_pos, high_pos);
- printf ("this_version_no=%u, high_vflag=%4x, high_version_no=%u\n",
- this_version_no, high_vflag, high_version_no);
- #endif
- INLIST = prev_pos > 0; /* already in archive if positive value */
- if (INLIST) {
- int result;
- result = cmpnum (direntry.date, direntry.time, this_date, this_time);
- RECENT = result > 0;
- danger = result < 0;
- } else
- danger = 0; /* And RECENT is undefined and should not be used */
- if (
- !update && (!new || !INLIST) ||
- update && (INLIST && RECENT || !INLIST && new)
- )
- ; /* then continue and add file */
- else {
- if (update && danger)
- prterror ('w', "Archived copy of %s is newer.\n", whichname);
- zooclose (this_file);
- continue; /* cycle back, skip this file */
- }
- #ifdef CHEKDIR
- /* Don't add if this is a directory */
- if (isadir (this_file)) {
- zooclose (this_file);
- continue;
- }
- #else
- # ifdef CHEKUDIR
- /* Don't add if this is a directory */
- if (isuadir (this_path)) {
- zooclose (this_file);
- continue;
- }
- # endif /* CHEKUDIR */
- #endif /* CHEKDIR */
- /* Create directory entry for new file (but don't add just yet) */
- /* NOTE: we already got file date and time above for update option */
- /* add tag, type, timezone, struc, system_id, and var_dir_len */
- newdir (&direntry);
- if (!genson && zoo_status == NEW_ZOO ||
- (zoo_header.vdata & VFL_ON) == 0) {
- direntry.vflag = 0;
- direntry.version_no = 0;
- }
- /*
- Write a null direntry entry. Thus, if an error occurs or the program
- is interrupted, the end of the archive will still be meaningful.
- Special check needed for first one written.
- */
- direntry.next = direntry.offset = 0L; /* trailing null entry */
- this_dir_offset = zootell (zoo_file);
- if (!firstfile) {
- writedir (&direntry, zoo_file);
- } else {
- /*
- Before adding the first file to the archive, we must make sure that
- the previous directory chain (if any) is properly terminated with a
- null entry of the right size. If this is a new archive, we simply
- write a new null entry of the right size. If this is an existing
- archive, we must check the size of the previous trailing null entry.
- If it is too small, we will back up to the most recent real directory
- entry and change its .next field to point to end of file.
- */
- if (zoo_status == NEW_ZOO) {
- writedir (&direntry, zoo_file); /* write null dir entry */
- } else {
- struct direntry tmpentry;
- long tmppos;
- int oldlen, newlen;
- tmppos = zootell (zoo_file);
- frd_dir (&tmpentry, zoo_file);
- #define DIRLEN(x) ((x.type<2) ? SIZ_DIR : (SIZ_DIRL+x.var_dir_len))
- oldlen = DIRLEN(tmpentry); /* get length of direntry */
- newlen = DIRLEN(direntry); /* ditto */
- if (newlen > oldlen) { /* trouble */
- #if 1 /* OIS*/
- long eofpos;
- zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 2); /* get EOF position */
- eofpos = zootell (zoo_file);
- if (tmppos + oldlen < eofpos) {
- /* direntry too short and not at eof: real trouble */
- zooseek (zoo_file, last_old, 0); /* back to previous entry */
- frd_dir (&tmpentry, zoo_file);
- tmpentry.next = eofpos; /* point to EOF */
- zooseek (zoo_file, last_old, 0); /* back to previous entry */
- writedir (&tmpentry, zoo_file); /* update it */
- this_dir_offset = eofpos;
- }
- /*
- * else: the short entry was at the end of the file,
- * so we just overwrite it to make it longer.
- */
- zooseek (zoo_file, this_dir_offset, 0); /* back to null entry */
- writedir (&direntry, zoo_file); /* ...write null dir entry */
- #else
- zooseek (zoo_file, last_old, 0); /* back to previous entry */
- frd_dir (&tmpentry, zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 2); /* get EOF position */
- tmpentry.next = zootell (zoo_file); /* point to EOF */
- zooseek (zoo_file, last_old, 0); /* back to previous entry */
- writedir (&tmpentry, zoo_file); /* update it */
- zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 2); /* to EOF ... */
- this_dir_offset = zootell (zoo_file);
- writedir (&direntry, zoo_file); /* ...write null dir entry */
- #endif
- } else
- zooseek (zoo_file, tmppos, 0); /* long enough -- let it be */
- } /* if (zoo_status == NEW_ZOO) ... */
- } /* if (!firstfile) ... */
- /* Now `this_dir_offset' is where the next directory entry will go */
- /* first file added goes at EOF to avoid overwriting comments */
- if (firstfile) {
- zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 2); /* EOF */
- direntry.offset = zootell (zoo_file) + SIZ_FLDR;
- } else {
- direntry.offset = this_dir_offset + SIZ_DIRL +
- direntry.var_dir_len + SIZ_FLDR;
- }
- if (use_lzh) {
- direntry.major_ver = MAJOR_LZH_VER; /* minimum version number needed */
- direntry.minor_ver = MINOR_LZH_VER; /* .. to extract */
- } else {
- direntry.major_ver = MAJOR_EXT_VER; /* minimum version number needed */
- direntry.minor_ver = MINOR_EXT_VER; /* .. to extract */
- }
- direntry.deleted = 0; /* not deleted, naturally */
- direntry.comment = 0L; /* no comment (yet) */
- direntry.cmt_size = 0; /* .. so no size either */
- save_position = direntry.offset; /* save position in case of error */
- (void) zooseek (zoo_file, direntry.offset - SIZ_FLDR, 0);
- (void) zoowrite (zoo_file, file_leader, SIZ_FLDR);
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- prterror ('m', "%-*s -- ", longest, this_path);
- #else
- if (z_fmt)
- prterror ('m', "%-12s <== %-*s -- ",
- direntry.fname, longest, this_path);
- else
- prterror ('m', "%-*s -- ", longest, this_path);
- #endif /* FAST_EXT */
- crccode = 0;
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- if (z_fmt)
- {
- direntry.packing_method = tiny_header.packing_method;
- zooseek (this_file, (long) (sizeof(tiny_header)+tiny_header.cmt_size), 0);
- status = getfile (this_file, zoo_file, tiny_header.size_now, 1);
- } else
- #endif
- if (suppress) { /* suppress compression */
- direntry.packing_method = 0; /* no compression */
- status = getfile (this_file, zoo_file, -1L, 1);
- } else {
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO /* unbuffered I/O */
- long lseek PARMS ((int, long, int));
- long tell PARMS ((int));
- int this_fd, zoo_fd;
- #endif
- if (use_lzh)
- direntry.packing_method = 2;
- else
- direntry.packing_method = 1;
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO
- #include "UNBUF_IO not currently supported"
- this_fd = fileno (this_file); /* get .. */
- zoo_fd = fileno (zoo_file); /* ... file descriptors */
- zooseek (zoo_file, zootell (zoo_file), 0); /* synch */
- zooseek (this_file, zootell (this_file), 0); /* synch */
- status = lzc(this_fd, zoo_fd); /* add with compression */
- zooseek (zoo_file, tell (zoo_fd), 0); /* resynch */
- zooseek (this_file, tell (this_fd), 0); /* resynch */
- #else
- if (use_lzh)
- status = lzh_encode(this_file, zoo_file);
- else
- status = lzc(this_file, zoo_file);
- #endif /* UNBUF_IO */
- }
- if (status != 0) { /* if I */
- ++exit_status; /* remember error */
- if (status == 1)
- prterror ('F', no_memory);
- else if (status == 2)
- prterror ('F', disk_full);
- else if (status == 3)
- prterror ('F', "Read error.\n");
- else
- prterror ('F', internal_error);
- success = 0;
- } else {
- direntry.next = zootell (zoo_file);
- direntry.size_now = direntry.next - direntry.offset;
- /* find and store original size of file just compressed */
- /*DEBUG VMS*/ zooseek (this_file, 0L, 2); /* seek to EOF */
- direntry.org_size = zootell (this_file); /* should be EOF already */
- /* If the compressed one is bigger, just copy */
- if (direntry.size_now >= direntry.org_size && /* if II */
- direntry.packing_method != 0) {
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_position, 0); /* ..restore file pointer */
- zootrunc (zoo_file); /* ..truncate file */
- direntry.packing_method = 0; /* ..and just copy */
- zooseek (this_file, 0L, 0); /* (but rewind first!) */
- crccode = 0; /* re-start crc from 0 */
- status = getfile (this_file, zoo_file, -1L, 1);
- if (status != 0) { /* if III */
- success = 0;
- printf (disk_full);
- exit_status++;
- } else {
- success = 1;
- direntry.next = zootell (zoo_file);
- direntry.size_now = direntry.next - direntry.offset;
- } /* end if III */
- } else {
- success = 1;
- } /* end if II */
- } /* end if I */
- if (success) { /* file successfully added */
- addcount++; /* how many added */
- direntry.file_crc = crccode;
- /* remember most recent date and time */
- if (cmpnum (direntry.date,direntry.time,latest_date,latest_time) > 0) {
- latest_date = direntry.date;
- latest_time = direntry.time;
- }
- #if 0
- /* mark any previous version of this file in archive as deleted */
- dir2entry.comment = 0L; /* for later use assigning to direntry */
- dir2entry.cmt_size = 0;
- #endif
- if (!z_fmt)
- prterror ('M', " (%2d%%) ", cfactor (direntry.org_size, direntry.size_now));
- oldcmtsiz = 0; /* assume no old comment */
- oldcmtpos = 0L;
- if (prev_pos > 0) { /* in archive */
- int delold = 0; /* delete old? */
- /* if versions active both archive-wide and for file */
- if ((zoo_header.vdata & VFL_ON) && (high_vflag & VFL_ON)) {
- /* next test is optimization, to avoid redundant I/O */
- if (high_pos != prev_pos || this_version_no == 1) {
- /* prev highest is no longer highest so adjust vflag */
- long save_pos = zootell (zoo_file); /*DEBUG*/
- zooseek (zoo_file, high_pos, 0);
- readdir (&dir2entry, zoo_file, 1);
- oldcmtpos = dir2entry.comment;
- oldcmtsiz = dir2entry.cmt_size;
- dir2entry.vflag &= (~VFL_LAST); /* no longer highest */
- zooseek (zoo_file, high_pos, 0);
- writedir (&dir2entry, zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_pos, 0); /*DEBUG*/
- }
- direntry.version_no = high_version_no + 1; /* ..one higher */
- direntry.vflag = high_vflag;
- /* now see if we need to delete older version */
- fgens = high_vflag & VFL_GEN;
- if (fgens == 0)
- fgens = zgens;
- if (zgens != 0 && zgens < fgens)
- fgens = zgens;
- if (fgens != 0 && direntry.version_no - this_version_no >= fgens) {
- delold = 1;
- prterror ('M', "replaced+\n");
- } else
- prterror ('M', "added+\n");
- } else {
- prterror ('M', "replaced\n");
- delold = 1;
- }
- if (delold) { /* deleting old file */
- long save_pos = zootell (zoo_file); /*DEBUG*/
- ++delcount; /* remember to pack */
- zooseek (zoo_file, prev_pos, 0);
- readdir (&dir2entry, zoo_file, 1);
- if (dir2entry.cmt_size != 0) { /* propagate latest comment */
- oldcmtpos = dir2entry.comment;
- oldcmtsiz = dir2entry.cmt_size;
- }
- dir2entry.deleted = 1; /* mark as deleted */
- /* following line is optimization if only 1 generation */
- dir2entry.vflag &= (~VFL_LAST); /* no longer highest */
- zooseek (zoo_file, prev_pos, 0);
- writedir (&dir2entry, zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_pos, 0); /*DEBUG*/
- }
- } else /* not in archive */
- prterror ('M', "added\n");
- /* Preserve any old comment if we replaced or superseded the file */
- direntry.comment = oldcmtpos;
- direntry.cmt_size = oldcmtsiz;
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /* Copy comment if any from Z format file */
- if (z_fmt && tiny_header.cmt_size != 0) {
- zooseek (this_file, (long) sizeof(tiny_header), 0); /* to comment */
- direntry.comment = zootell (zoo_file);
- direntry.cmt_size = tiny_header.cmt_size;
- /* 4th param is 0 for no CRC */
- getfile (this_file, zoo_file, (long) tiny_header.cmt_size, 0);
- direntry.next = zootell (zoo_file);
- }
- #endif
- /* if user requested comments, any previous comment in a Z format
- file may now be manually overwritten */
- if (add_comment && !feof (stdin)) {
- show_comment (&direntry, zoo_file, 1, whichname);
- get_comment (&direntry, zoo_file, this_path);
- direntry.next = zootell (zoo_file); /* update .next ptr */
- } /* end if */
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /* if adding Z format archive, copy relevant fields from its header */
- if (z_fmt) { /* moved out to shorten code & allow optimizer to work */
- copyfields (&direntry, &tiny_header);
- }
- #endif
- debug((printf ("zooadd: our new .next = [%lx].\n", direntry.next)))
- {
- long savepos = zootell (zoo_file); /* save position */
- zooseek (zoo_file, this_dir_offset, 0);
- writedir (&direntry, zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, savepos, 0); /* restore position */
- }
- } else { /* file was not properly added */
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_position, 0); /* ..restore file pointer */
- zootrunc (zoo_file); /* ..truncate file */
- } /* end if */
- zooclose (this_file);
- if (!success)
- break;
- firstfile = 0;
- } /* end for */
- save_position = zootell (zoo_file);
- /* Write a null direntry entry */
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_position, 0);
- writenull (zoo_file, 0);
- zootrunc (zoo_file); /* truncate */
- #ifdef NIXTIME
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- setutime (zoo_path, latest_date, latest_time);
- #else
- settime (zoo_file, latest_date, latest_time);
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- #endif
- if (!addcount) { /* no files added */
- prterror ('m', "No files added.\n");
- if (zoo_status == NEW_ZOO)
- unlink (zoo_path);
- } else {
- if (delcount && pack) { /* pack if user asked and found deleted entries */
- prterror ('M', "-----\nPacking...");
- zoopack (zoo_path, "PP");
- prterror ('M', "done\n");
- }
- /* If files to move & we added some and no error so far, delete originals */
- if (move && !exit_status)
- if (kill_files (flist, longest) != 0)
- exit_status++;
- }
- /* right here we handle archive comment */
- if (add_global_comment) {
- comment(zoo_path, "_A");
- add_global_comment = 0;
- }
- if (exit_status)
- zooexit (1);
- } /* end zoo_add */