home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef LINT
- /* derived from: zooadd2.c 2.14 88/01/27 10:40:32 */
- static char sccsid[]="$Id: zooadd2.c,v 1.5 91/07/04 13:33:55 dhesi Exp $";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #ifndef OK_STDIO
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define OK_STDIO
- #endif
- #include "various.h"
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "errors.i"
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "parse.h"
- /*
- Miscellaneous routines to support zooadd().
- */
- /****************
- This function is called with zoo_file positioned to the first
- directory entry in an archive. It skips past all existing files,
- counts the number of deleted files, saves the latest data and time
- encountered, and adds all filenames encountered to a global list. The
- long filename is added if available, else the MSDOS filename is
- added.
- */
- void skip_files (zoo_file, latest_date, latest_time, delcount,
- latest_name, latest_pos)
- ZOOFILE zoo_file;
- unsigned int *latest_date, *latest_time;
- int *delcount;
- char latest_name[];
- long *latest_pos;
- {
- long save_offset, next_ptr;
- struct direntry direntry;
- struct direntry *drp = &direntry;
- *latest_pos = 0L;
- do {
- /* read a directory entry */
- save_offset = zootell (zoo_file); /* save pos'n of this dir entry */
- readdir (&direntry, zoo_file, 1); /* read directory entry */
- if (drp->next == 0L) { /* END OF CHAIN */
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_offset, 0); /* back up */
- break; /* EXIT on end of chain */
- } else
- *latest_pos = save_offset;
- /* remember most recent date and time, for files not marked deleted */
- if (!drp->deleted)
- if (drp->date > *latest_date ||
- (drp->date == *latest_date && drp->time > *latest_time)) {
- *latest_date = drp->date;
- *latest_time = drp->time;
- }
- next_ptr = drp->next; /* ptr to next dir entry */
- if (drp->deleted)
- ++(*delcount); /* count deleted entries */
- /* add name of file and position of direntry into global list */
- /* but only if the entry is not deleted */
- if (!drp->deleted) {
- #ifdef FOLD
- str_lwr(drp->fname);
- #endif
- /* add full pathname to global list */
- strcpy (latest_name, fullpath (drp));
- addfname (latest_name, save_offset, drp->date, drp->time,
- drp->vflag, drp->version_no);
- }
- zooseek (zoo_file, next_ptr, 0); /* ..seek to next dir entry */
- } while (next_ptr != 0L); /* loop terminates on null ptr */
- }
- /*******************/
- /* kill_files() deletes all files in the supplied list of pointers to
- filenames */
- int kill_files (flist, pathlength)
- char *flist[]; /* list of ptrs to input fnames */
- int pathlength; /* length of longest pathname */
- {
- int status = 0;
- int fptr;
- prterror ('M', "-----\nErasing added files...\n");
- for (fptr = 0; flist[fptr] != NULL; fptr++) {
- #ifdef CHEKUDIR
- if (isuadir(flist[fptr]))
- continue;
- #else /* CHEKUDIR */
- # ifdef CHEKDIR
- if (isfdir(flist[fptr]))
- continue;
- # endif /* CHEKDIR */
- #endif /* CHEKUDIR */
- prterror ('m', "%-*s -- ", pathlength, flist[fptr]);
- if (unlink (flist[fptr]) == 0) {
- prterror ('M', "erased\n");
- } else {
- prterror ('w', "Could not erase %s.\n", flist[fptr]);
- status = 1;
- }
- }
- return (status);
- }
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /*******************/
- void copyfields (drp, thp)
- struct direntry *drp;
- struct tiny_header *thp;
- {
- drp->org_size = thp->org_size;
- drp->file_crc = thp->file_crc;
- drp->size_now = thp->size_now;
- drp->major_ver = thp->major_ver;
- drp->minor_ver = thp->minor_ver;
- }
- #endif
- /*******************/
- /* processes option switches for zooadd() */
- void opts_add (option, zootime, quiet, suppress, move, new, pack,
- update, add_comment, z_fmt, need_dir, inargs, genson,
- use_lzh, arch_cmnt)
- char *option;
- int *zootime, *quiet, *suppress, *move, *new, *pack,
- *update, *add_comment, *z_fmt, *need_dir, *inargs,
- *genson, *use_lzh, *arch_cmnt;
- {
- if (*option == 'T') {
- (*zootime)++;
- option++;
- while (*option) {
- switch (*option) {
- case 'q': (*quiet)++; break;
- default:
- prterror ('f', inv_option, *option);
- }
- option++;
- }
- }
- while (*option) {
- switch (*option) {
- case 'a': break;
- case 'f': (*suppress)++; /*fallthrough /* suppress compression */
- case 'H': *use_lzh = 0; break; /* don't use lzh compression OIS*/
- case 'h': *use_lzh = 1; break; /* use lzh compression OIS*/
- case 'M': (*move)++; break; /* delete files after adding them */
- case 'n': (*new)++; break; /* add only files not in archive */
- case 'P': (*pack)++; break; /* pack after adding */
- case 'u': (*update)++; break; /* add only files already in archive */
- case 'q': (*quiet)++; break; /* be quiet */
- case 'c': (*add_comment)++; break; /* add comment */
- case ':': *need_dir = 0; break; /* don't store directories */
- case 'I': (*inargs)++; break; /* get filenames from stdin */
- case 'C': (*arch_cmnt)++; break; /* do an archive comment */
- /* #ifdef FAST_EXT */ /* avoid Turbo C warning about unused param */
- case 'z': (*z_fmt)++; break; /* look for Z format files */
- /* #endif */
- case '+':
- *genson = 1; break;
- case '-':
- *genson = 0; break;
- default:
- prterror ('f', inv_option, *option);
- }
- option++;
- } /* end while */
- if (*suppress && *use_lzh)
- prterror ('f', "\"f\" and \"h\" can't both be used\n");
- }
- /*
- Stores long filename into direntry.lfname iff it is different from MSDOS
- filename. Also stores directory name if need_dir is true. Moved out of
- zooadd() so zooadd() doesn't get too big for optimization.
- */
- void storefname (direntry, this_path, need_dir)
- struct direntry *direntry;
- char *this_path;
- int need_dir;
- {
- struct path_st path_st;
- parse (&path_st, this_path);
- direntry->lfname[0] = '\0';
- direntry->namlen = 0;
- #ifdef SPECMOD
- specfname (path_st.lfname);
- specdir (path_st.dir);
- #endif
- if (strcmp(path_st.lfname,direntry->fname) != 0) {
- strcpy (direntry->lfname, path_st.lfname); /* full filename */
- direntry->namlen = strlen(direntry->lfname) + 1;
- }
- if (need_dir) {
- strcpy (direntry->dirname, path_st.dir); /* directory name */
- direntry->dirlen = strlen(direntry->dirname) + 1;
- if (direntry->dirlen == 1) /* don't store trailing null alone */
- direntry->dirlen = 0;
- } else {
- direntry->dirname[0] = '\0';
- direntry->dirlen = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- Function getsdtin() gets a pathname from standard input, cleans
- it if necessary by removing any following blanks/tabs and other
- junk, and returns it in a static area that is overwritten by each
- call.
- */
- char *getstdin()
- {
- char *chptr; /* temp pointer */
- static char tempname[PATHSIZE];
- do {
- if (fgets (tempname, PATHSIZE, stdin) == NULL)
- return (NULL);
- /* remove trailing blank, tab, newline */
- for (chptr = tempname; *chptr != '\0'; chptr++) {
- if (
- /* PURIFY means remove trailing blanks/tabs and all subsequent chars */
- #ifdef PURIFY
- *chptr == '\t' || *chptr == ' ' ||
- #endif
- *chptr == '\n' /* always remove trailing \n */
- )
- {
- *chptr = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- } while (*tempname == '\0'); /* get a nonempty line */
- #ifdef FOLD
- str_lwr (tempname);
- #endif
- return (tempname);
- }
- /*
- Function newdir() adds some default information to a directory entry.
- This will be a new directory entry added to an archive.
- */
- void newdir (direntry)
- register struct direntry *direntry;
- {
- #ifdef GETTZ
- long gettz();
- #endif
- direntry->zoo_tag = ZOO_TAG;
- direntry->type = 2; /* type is now 2 */
- #ifdef GETTZ
- direntry->tz = (uchar) (gettz() / (15 * 60)); /* seconds => 15-min units */
- #else
- direntry->tz = NO_TZ; /* timezone unknown */
- #endif
- direntry->struc = 0; /* unstructured file */
- direntry->system_id = SYSID_NIX; /* identify **IX filesystem */
- direntry->vflag = VFL_ON|VFL_LAST; /* latest version */
- direntry->version_no = 1; /* begin with version 1 */
- /* 1 for namlen, 1 for dirlen, 2 for system id, 3 for attributes,
- 1 for version flag and 2 for version number */
- direntry->var_dir_len = direntry->dirlen + direntry->namlen + 10;
- }