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- #ifndef LINT
- /* @(#) zoodel.c 2.19 88/02/06 21:23:36 */
- /*$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zoodel.c,v $*/
- /*$Id: zoodel.c,v 1.4 91/07/09 01:54:11 dhesi Exp $*/
- static char sccsid[]="$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zoodel.c,v $\n\
- $Id: zoodel.c,v 1.4 91/07/09 01:54:11 dhesi Exp $";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- #include "options.h"
- /* Deletes or undeletes entries from an archive. choice=1 requests
- deletion and choice=0 requests undeletion. */
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "portable.h"
- #ifndef OK_STDIO
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define OK_STDIO
- #endif
- #include "various.h" /* may not be needed */
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #include "errors.i"
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- #include <signal.h>
- #endif
- int needed PARMS((char *, struct direntry *, struct zoo_header *));
- int ver_too_high PARMS((struct zoo_header *));
- extern int quiet;
- void zoodel (zoo_path, option, choice)
- char *zoo_path;
- char *option;
- int choice;
- {
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- T_SIGNAL (*oldsignal)(); /* to save previous SIGINT handler */
- #endif
- int delcount = 0; /* how many entries we [un]deleted */
- char matchname[PATHSIZE]; /* will hold full pathname */
- register ZOOFILE zoo_file;
- struct zoo_header zoo_header;
- struct direntry direntry;
- unsigned int latest_date = 0; /* so we can set time of archive later */
- unsigned int latest_time = 0;
- int pack = 0; /* pack after deletion? */
- int file_deleted = 0; /* any files deleted? */
- int one = 0; /* del/undel one file only */
- int done; /* loop control */
- int action; /* delete/undelete or adjust generation */
- int subopt; /* sub option to action */
- long gencount; /* generation count */
- int doarchive = 0; /* whether to adjust archive gen count */
- unsigned valtoshow; /* value to show in informative message */
- int dodel = 0; /* selection of deleted files */
- int selected; /* if current direntry selected */
- /* values for action */
- #define NO_ACTION 0 /* nothing */
- #define DEL_UNDEL 1 /* delete or undelete file */
- #define ADJ_LIM 2 /* adjust generation limit */
- #define ADJ_GCNT 3 /* adjust generation count */
- #define GEN_ON 4 /* turn on generations */
- #define GEN_OFF 5 /* turn off generations */
- /* values for subopt */
- #define SET 0
- #define INC 1
- action = NO_ACTION;
- if (*option == 'g') {
- while (*(++option)) {
- switch (*option) {
- case 'A': doarchive = 1; break;
- case 'q': quiet++; break;
- case 'l': action = ADJ_LIM; break;
- case 'c': action = ADJ_GCNT; break;
- case '=':
- subopt = SET; gencount = calc_ofs (++option);
- if (action == ADJ_GCNT && gencount == 0)
- prterror ('f', "Generation count must be nonzero.\n");
- goto opts_done;
- case '+':
- if (action == NO_ACTION) {
- if (option[1] =='\0') {
- action = GEN_ON;
- goto opts_done;
- } else
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- } else {
- subopt = INC; gencount = calc_ofs (++option);
- goto opts_done;
- }
- case '-':
- if (action == NO_ACTION) {
- if (option[1] =='\0') {
- action = GEN_OFF;
- goto opts_done;
- } else
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- } else {
- subopt = INC; gencount = - calc_ofs (++option);
- goto opts_done;
- }
- case 'd':
- dodel++; break;
- default:
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- } /* end switch */
- } /* end while */
- /* if normal exit from while loop, it means bad command string */
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- opts_done: /* jump here from exit in while loop above */
- if (action == NO_ACTION)
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- } else {
- action = DEL_UNDEL;
- while (*(++option)) {
- switch (*option) {
- case 'P': pack++; break; /* pack after adding */
- case 'q': quiet++; break; /* be quiet */
- case '1': one++; break; /* del or undel only one file */
- default:
- prterror ('f', inv_option, *option);
- }
- } /* end while */
- }
- /* Open archive for read/write/binary access. It must already exist */
- if ((zoo_file = zooopen (zoo_path, Z_RDWR)) == NOFILE) {
- prterror ('f', could_not_open, zoo_path);
- }
- /* read archive header */
- frd_zooh (&zoo_header, zoo_file);
- if ((zoo_header.zoo_start + zoo_header.zoo_minus) != 0L)
- prterror ('f', failed_consistency);
- if (ver_too_high (&zoo_header))
- prterror ('f', wrong_version, zoo_header.major_ver, zoo_header.minor_ver);
- if (doarchive) { /* manipulate archive gen val */
- unsigned zoo_date, zoo_time;
- #ifdef GETUTIME
- getutime (zoo_path, &zoo_date, &zoo_time); /* save archive timestamp */
- #else
- gettime (zoo_file, &zoo_date, &zoo_time);
- #endif
- if (zoo_header.type == 0)
- prterror ('f', packfirst);
- if (action == ADJ_LIM) {
- unsigned newgencount;
- if (subopt == SET)
- newgencount = (unsigned) gencount;
- else /* INC */
- newgencount = (zoo_header.vdata & VFL_GEN) + (unsigned) gencount;
- newgencount &= VFL_GEN; /* reduce to allowed bits */
- zoo_header.vdata &= (~VFL_GEN);
- zoo_header.vdata |= newgencount;
- prterror ('M', "Archive generation limit is now %u\n", newgencount);
- } else if (action == GEN_ON) {
- zoo_header.vdata |= VFL_ON;
- prterror ('M', "Archive generations on\n");
- } else if (action == GEN_OFF) {
- zoo_header.vdata &= (~VFL_ON);
- prterror ('M', "Archive generations off\n");
- } else
- prterror ('f', garbled);
- zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 0); /* back to begining of file */
- fwr_zooh (&zoo_header, zoo_file);
- #ifdef NIXTIME
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- setutime (zoo_path, zoo_date, zoo_time); /* restore archive timestamp */
- #else
- settime (zoo_file, zoo_date, zoo_time);
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- zooseek (zoo_file, zoo_header.zoo_start, 0); /* seek to where data begins */
- done = 0; /* loop not done yet */
- while (1) {
- long this_dir_offset;
- this_dir_offset = zootell (zoo_file); /* save pos'n of this dir entry */
- frd_dir (&direntry, zoo_file);
- if (direntry.zoo_tag != ZOO_TAG) {
- prterror ('f', bad_directory);
- }
- if (direntry.next == 0L) { /* END OF CHAIN */
- break; /* EXIT on end of chain */
- }
- /* select directory entry if it matches criteria */
- selected = (
- (action == DEL_UNDEL && direntry.deleted != choice)
- ||
- (action != DEL_UNDEL &&
- (dodel && direntry.deleted ||
- (dodel < 2 && !direntry.deleted))
- )
- );
- /* WARNING: convention of choice=1 for deleted entry must be same as
- in direntry definition in zoo.h */
- /* Test for "done" so if "one" option requested, [un]del only 1 file */
- /* But we go through the whole archive to adjust archive time */
- strcpy (matchname, fullpath (&direntry)); /* get full pathname */
- if (zoo_header.vdata & VFL_ON)
- add_version (matchname, &direntry); /* add version suffix */
- if (!done && selected && needed(matchname, &direntry, &zoo_header)) {
- prterror ('m', "%-14s -- ", matchname);
- delcount++;
- if (action == DEL_UNDEL) {
- direntry.deleted = choice;
- if (choice)
- file_deleted++; /* remember if any files actually deleted */
- } else { /* ADJ_LIM or ADJ_GENCNT */
- if (direntry.vflag & VFL_ON) { /* skip if no versions */
- if (action == ADJ_LIM) {
- unsigned newgencount;
- if (subopt == SET)
- newgencount = (unsigned) gencount;
- else /* INC */
- newgencount =
- (int) (direntry.vflag & VFL_GEN) + (int) gencount;
- newgencount &= VFL_GEN;
- direntry.vflag &= (~VFL_GEN);
- direntry.vflag |= newgencount;
- valtoshow = newgencount;
- } else { /* ADJ_GCNT */
- if (subopt == SET)
- direntry.version_no = (unsigned) gencount;
- else /* INC */
- direntry.version_no += (int) gencount;
- direntry.version_no &= VER_MASK; /* avoid extra bits */
- valtoshow = direntry.version_no;
- }
- }
- }
- zooseek (zoo_file, this_dir_offset, 0);
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- oldsignal = signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* disable ^C for write */
- #endif
- if (fwr_dir (&direntry, zoo_file) == -1)
- prterror ('f', "Could not write to archive\n");
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- signal (SIGINT, oldsignal);
- #endif
- if (action == DEL_UNDEL)
- prterror ('M', choice ? "deleted\n" : "undeleted\n");
- else {
- if (direntry.vflag & VFL_ON)
- prterror ('M', "adjusted to %u\n", valtoshow);
- else
- prterror ('M', "no generations\n");
- }
- if (one)
- done = 1; /* if 1 option, done after 1 file */
- }
- /* remember most recent date and time if entry is not deleted */
- if (!direntry.deleted)
- if (direntry.date > latest_date ||
- (direntry.date == latest_date && direntry.time > latest_time)) {
- latest_date = direntry.date;
- latest_time = direntry.time;
- }
- zooseek (zoo_file, direntry.next, 0); /* ..seek to next dir entry */
- } /* endwhile */
- if (!delcount)
- printf ("Zoo: No files matched.\n");
- else {
- #ifdef NIXTIME
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- setutime (zoo_path, latest_date, latest_time);
- #else
- #if 0
- fflush (zoo_file); /* superstition: might help time stamp */
- #endif
- settime (zoo_file, latest_date, latest_time);
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef NIXTIME
- zooclose (zoo_file);
- #endif
- if (file_deleted && pack) { /* pack if files were deleted and user asked */
- prterror ('M', "-----\nPacking...");
- zoopack (zoo_path, "PP");
- prterror ('M', "done\n");
- }
- }