home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #ifndef LINT
- /* derived from: zooext.c 2.21 88/08/24 02:39:04 */
- /*$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zooext.c,v $*/
- /*$Id: zooext.c,v 1.9 91/07/09 01:54:13 dhesi Exp $*/
- static char sccsid[]="$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zooext.c,v $\n\
- $Id: zooext.c,v 1.9 91/07/09 01:54:13 dhesi Exp $";
- #endif /* LINT */
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- (C) Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi -- All rights reserved
- */
- /* Extract file from archive. Extracts files specified in parameter-list
- from archive zoo_path. If none specified, extracts all files from
- archive. */
- #include "options.h"
- #include "zoo.h"
- #include "parse.h" /* defines struct for parse() */
- #include "portable.h" /* portable I/O definitions */
- #include "machine.h" /* machine-specific declarations */
- #include "zooio.h"
- #include "various.h"
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- #include <signal.h>
- #endif
- #include "zoofns.h"
- #ifdef MODE_BIN /* will need fileno() from stdio.h */
- # include <stdio.h>
- #endif
- void makepath PARMS((char *));
- int needed PARMS((char *, struct direntry *, struct zoo_header *));
- void putstr PARMS((char *));
- #ifdef FATTR
- int setfattr PARMS ((char *, unsigned long));
- #endif /* FATTR */
- extern int quiet;
- #include "errors.i"
- /* Following two are used by ctrl_c() also, hence declared here */
- char extfname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* filename of extracted file */
- char prtfname[LFNAMESIZE]; /* name of extracted file on screen */
- static ZOOFILE this_file; /* file to extract */
- static int tofile; /* true if not pipe or null device */
- extern unsigned int crccode;
- extern char *out_buf_adr; /* address of output buffer */
- void zooext(zoo_path, option)
- char *zoo_path, *option;
- {
- char *whichname; /* which name to extract */
- char matchname[PATHSIZE]; /* for pattern matching only */
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- T_SIGNAL (*oldsignal) PARMS((int)); /* to save previous SIGINT handler */
- #endif
- ZOOFILE zoo_file; /* open archive */
- long next_ptr; /* pointer to within archive */
- struct zoo_header zoo_header; /* header for archive */
- int status; /* error status */
- int exit_status = 0; /* exit status */
- int error_message; /* Whether to give error message */
- unsigned long disk_space; /* disk space left */
- int matched = 0; /* Any files matched? */
- int overwrite = 0; /* force overwrite of files? */
- int supersede = 0; /* supersede newer files? */
- int needdel = 0; /* extract deleted files too */
- int usepath = 2; /* use path for extraction */
- int todot = 0; /* extract relative to . */
- int badcrc_count = 0; /* how many files with bad CRC */
- int bad_header = 0; /* to avoid spurious messages later */
- long fiz_ofs = 0; /* offset where to start */
- long dat_ofs = 0; /* .. and offset of file data */
- int pipe = 0; /* are we piping output? */
- int null_device = 0; /* are we sending to null device? */
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- int fast_ext = 0; /* fast extract as *.?Z? */
- #endif
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- int alloc_size; /* disk allocation unit size */
- #endif
- struct direntry direntry; /* directory entry */
- int first_dir = 1; /* first dir entry seen? */
- static char extract_ver[] = "Zoo %d.%d is needed to extract %s.\n";
- static char no_space[] = "Insufficient disk space to extract %s.\n";
- while (*option) {
- switch (*option) {
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- case 'z': fast_ext++; break;
- #endif
- case 'x':
- case 'e': break;
- case 'N': null_device++; break;
- case 'O': overwrite += 2; break;
- case 'o': overwrite++; break;
- case 'p': pipe++; break;
- case 'S': supersede++; break;
- case 'd': needdel++; break;
- case 'q': quiet++; break;
- case ':': usepath = 0; break;
- case '/': usepath++; break;
- case '.': todot++; break;
- case '@': /* if @m,n specified, fiz_ofs = m, dat_ofs = n */
- {
- char *comma_pos;
- ++option;
- comma_pos = strchr(option, ',');
- if (comma_pos != NULL) {
- dat_ofs = calc_ofs (comma_pos + 1);
- *comma_pos = '\0';
- }
- fiz_ofs = calc_ofs(option);
- goto no_more;
- }
- default:
- prterror ('f', inv_option, *option);
- /* break; */
- }
- option++;
- }
- no_more: /* come from exit in while loop above */
- if (overwrite == 1) /* must be at least 2 to begin with */
- overwrite--;
- if (null_device && pipe) {
- prterror ('f', inv_option, 'p');
- pipe = 0;
- }
- if (overwrite && pipe)
- prterror ('w', option_ignored, 'O');
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- if (null_device && fast_ext) {
- prterror ('w', inv_option, 'N');
- null_device = 0;
- }
- #endif
- tofile = !pipe && !null_device; /* sending to actual file */
- zoo_file = zooopen(zoo_path, Z_READ);
- if (zoo_file == NOFILE)
- prterror ('f', could_not_open, zoo_path);
- if (fiz_ofs != 0L) { /* if offset specified, start there */
- prterror ('m', start_ofs, fiz_ofs, dat_ofs);
- zooseek (zoo_file, fiz_ofs, 0);
- } else {
- /* read header */
- frd_zooh (&zoo_header, zoo_file);
- if ((zoo_header.zoo_start + zoo_header.zoo_minus) != 0L) {
- prterror ('w', failed_consistency);
- bad_header++;
- exit_status = 1;
- }
- zooseek (zoo_file, zoo_header.zoo_start, 0); /* seek to where data begins */
- }
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- disk_space = space (0, &alloc_size); /* remember disk space left */
- #else
- disk_space = MAXLONG; /* infinite disk space */
- #endif
- /* if piping output we open the output device just once */
- if (null_device) {
- this_file = NULLFILE;
- } else if (pipe)
- this_file = STDOUT; /* standard output */
- while (1) {
- frd_dir (&direntry, zoo_file);
- if (direntry.zoo_tag != ZOO_TAG) {
- long currpos, zoolength;
- prterror ('F', invalid_header);
- /* Note: if header was bad, there's no point trying to find
- how many more bytes aren't processed -- our seek position is
- likely very wrong */
- if (!bad_header)
- if ((currpos = zootell (zoo_file)) != -1L)
- if (zooseek (zoo_file, 0L, 2) != -1)
- if ((zoolength = zootell (zoo_file)) != -1L)
- printf (cant_process, zoolength - currpos);
- zooexit (1);
- }
- if (direntry.next == 0L) { /* END OF CHAIN */
- break; /* EXIT on end of chain */
- }
- /* when first direntry read, change dat_ofs from abs. pos. to rel. offset */
- if (first_dir && dat_ofs != 0) {
- dat_ofs -= direntry.offset;
- first_dir = 0;
- }
- next_ptr = direntry.next + dat_ofs; /* ptr to next dir entry */
- whichname = choosefname(&direntry); /* which filename */
- whichname = str_dup(whichname); /* bug fix */
- fixfname(whichname); /* fix syntax */
- strcpy (matchname, fullpath (&direntry)); /* get full pathname */
- if (zoo_header.vdata & VFL_ON)
- add_version (matchname, &direntry); /* add version suffix */
- /* if extraction to subtree rooted at curr dir, modify pathname */
- #if 0
- #ifdef DIR_LBRACK
- if (todot && direntry.dirname[0] == *DIR_LBRACK &&
- direntry.dirname[1] != *CUR_DIR) {
- char tmpstr[PATHSIZE];
- strcpy (tmpstr, DIR_LBRACK);
- strcat (tmpstr, CUR_DIR);
- strcat (tmpstr, &direntry.dirname[1]);
- strcpy (direntry.dirname, tmpstr);
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- /* hard-coded '/' should be eventually removed */
- if (todot && *direntry.dirname == '/') {
- char tmpstr[PATHSIZE];
- strcpy(tmpstr, direntry.dirname);
- strcpy(direntry.dirname,CUR_DIR);
- strcat(direntry.dirname, tmpstr);
- }
- /* matchname now holds the full pathname for pattern matching */
- if ( ( (needdel && direntry.deleted) ||
- (needdel < 2 && !direntry.deleted)
- ) && needed(matchname, &direntry, &zoo_header)) {
- matched++; /* update count of files extracted */
- if (direntry.major_ver > MAJOR_LZH_VER ||
- (direntry.major_ver == MAJOR_LZH_VER &&
- direntry.minor_ver > MINOR_LZH_VER)) {
- prterror ('e', extract_ver, direntry.major_ver,
- direntry.minor_ver, whichname);
- exit_status = 1;
- goto loop_again;
- }
- /*
- If extracting to null device, or if user requested extraction
- of entire path, include any directory name in filename.
- If extraction to current directory requested, and if extfname
- begins with path separator, fix it */
- strcpy (extfname, whichname);
- if ((usepath || null_device) && direntry.dirlen != 0) {
- combine(extfname, direntry.dirname, whichname);
- if (usepath > 1 && !null_device)
- makepath(direntry.dirname); /* make dir prefix */
- }
- strcpy(prtfname, extfname);
- if (zoo_header.vdata & VFL_ON)
- add_version (prtfname, &direntry);
- if (tofile) {
- int present = 0;
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /*
- if Z format (fast) extraction, extension is created as
- follows: for no current extension, new extension is "zzz";
- for current extension "a", new extension is "azz"; for
- current extension "ab", new extension is "azb"; and for
- current extension "abc", new extension is "azc".
- */
- if (fast_ext) {
- int length;
- struct path_st path_st;
- parse (&path_st, extfname); /* split filename */
- strcpy (extfname, path_st.fname); /* just root filename */
- length = strlen (path_st.ext);
- strcat (extfname, ".");
- if (length == 0)
- strcat (extfname, "zzz"); /* no ext -> .zzz */
- else if (length == 1) {
- strcat (extfname, path_st.ext);
- strcat (extfname, "zz"); /* *.? -> *.?zz */
- } else { /* length is 2 or 3 */
- if (length == 2) /* allow .aa, .ab, etc. */
- path_st.ext[2] = path_st.ext[1];
- path_st.ext[1] = 'z';
- strcat (extfname, path_st.ext); /* *.?? -> *.?z? */
- }
- strcpy(prtfname, direntry.fname);
- add_version (prtfname, &direntry);
- }
- #endif /* ifdef FAST_EXT */
- /* don't extract if archived file is older than disk copy */
- if (!supersede && exists(extfname)) {
- unsigned int ddate, dtime;
- #ifdef GETUTIME
- getutime (extfname, &ddate, &dtime);
- #else
- ZOOFILE tfile;
- ddate = dtime = 0xffff; /* assume maximum */
- tfile = zooopen(extfname, Z_READ);
- if (tfile == NOFILE)
- goto loop_again;
- gettime (tfile, &ddate, &dtime);
- zooclose (tfile);
- #endif
- if (cmpnum (direntry.date, direntry.time, ddate, dtime) <= 0) {
- prterror ('m', "%-14s -- skipped\n", prtfname);
- goto loop_again;
- }
- }
- if (overwrite) {
- this_file = zoocreate (extfname);
- #ifdef FATTR
- /* if can't open file, and OO option, make it writable first */
- if (this_file == NOFILE && overwrite >= 4 &&
- (direntry.fattr >> 22) == 1 && exists(extfname)) {
- setfattr (extfname, (unsigned long) (1L << 7) | direntry.fattr);
- this_file = zoocreate (extfname);
- }
- #endif /* FATTR */
- } else {
- if (exists (extfname)) {
- present = 1;
- this_file = NOFILE;
- } else
- this_file = zoocreate (extfname);
- }
- error_message = 1;
- if (this_file == NOFILE) {
- if (present == 1) { /* if file exists already */
- char ans[20]; /* answer to "Overwrite?" */
- do {
- #ifdef EXT_ANYWAY
- printf ("%s exists; extract anyway? [Yes/No/All] ",
- extfname);
- #else
- printf ("Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? ", extfname);
- #endif
- fflush (stdin);
- fgets (ans, sizeof(ans), stdin);
- str_lwr (ans);
- } while (*ans != 'y' && *ans != 'n' && *ans != 'a');
- if (*ans == 'a')
- overwrite++;
- if (*ans == 'y' || *ans == 'a') {
- this_file = zoocreate(extfname);
- error_message = 1; /* give error message if open fails */
- } else {
- error_message = 0; /* user said 'n', so no error message */
- }
- } else {
- error_message = 1; /* Real error -- give error message */
- }
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if */
- if (this_file == NOFILE) { /* file couldn't be opened */
- if (error_message == 1) {
- prterror ('e', "Can't open %s for output.\n", extfname);
- exit_status = 1;
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- /* if error was due to full disk, abort */
- if (space(0, &alloc_size) < alloc_size)
- prterror ('f', disk_full);
- #endif
- }
- } else if (zooseek (zoo_file, (direntry.offset + dat_ofs), 0) == -1L) {
- prterror ('e', "Could not seek to file data.\n");
- exit_status = 1;
- close_file (this_file);
- } else {
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- /* check msdos's free disk space if we seem to be running low
- (within 1 cluster of being full) */
- if (tofile && disk_space < direntry.org_size + alloc_size) {
- disk_space = space (0, &alloc_size);
- if (disk_space < alloc_size) {
- close_file (this_file);
- unlink (extfname);
- prterror ('f', disk_full);
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (tofile && disk_space < direntry.org_size) {
- #ifdef PORTABLE
- ;
- #else
- prterror ('e', no_space, prtfname);
- unlink (extfname); /* delete any created file */
- #endif /* portable */
- } else {
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- if (fast_ext) { /* fast ext -> create header */
- void make_tnh PARMS((struct tiny_header *, struct direntry *));
- struct tiny_header tiny_header;
- make_tnh(&tiny_header, &direntry);
- zoowrite (this_file, (char *) &tiny_header, sizeof(tiny_header));
- if (direntry.cmt_size != 0) { /* copy comment */
- long save_pos;
- save_pos = zootell (zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, direntry.comment, 0);
- getfile (zoo_file, this_file,
- (long) direntry.cmt_size, 0);
- zooseek (zoo_file, save_pos, 0);
- }
- }
- #endif /* ifdef FAST_EXT */
- crccode = 0; /* Initialize CRC before extraction */
- if (!pipe) {
- #ifndef FAST_EXT
- prterror ('m', "%-14s -- ", prtfname);
- #else
- if (fast_ext)
- prterror ('m', "%-12s ==> %-12s -- ",
- prtfname, extfname);
- else
- prterror ('m', "%-12s -- ", prtfname);
- #endif /* FAST_EXT */
- } else { /* must be pipe */
- prterror ('M',"\n\n********\n%s\n********\n",prtfname);
- #ifdef SETMODE
- MODE_BIN(this_file); /* make std output binary so
- ^Z won't cause error */
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- if (tofile)
- {
- oldsignal = signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- if (oldsignal != SIG_IGN)
- signal (SIGINT, ctrl_c); /* Trap ^C & erase partial file */
- }
- #endif /* not NOSIGNAL */
- if (direntry.packing_method == 0)
- /* 4th param 1 means CRC update */
- status = getfile (zoo_file, this_file, direntry.size_now, 1);
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- else if (fast_ext)
- /* 4th param 0 means no CRC update */
- status = getfile (zoo_file, this_file, direntry.size_now, 0);
- #endif
- else if (direntry.packing_method == 1) {
- #ifdef UNBUF_IO
- #include "ERROR"
- long lseek PARMS ((int, long, int));
- long tell PARMS ((int));
- int this_fd, zoo_fd;
- /* get file descriptors */
- this_fd = null_device ? -2 : fileno (this_file);
- zoo_fd = fileno (zoo_file);
- zooseek (zoo_file, zootell (zoo_file), 0); /* synch */
- lseek (zoo_fd, zootell (zoo_file), 0); /* ..again */
- if (!null_device) {
- zooseek (this_file, zootell (this_file), 0); /* synch */
- lseek (this_fd, zootell (this_file), 0); /* ..again */
- }
- status = lzd(zoo_fd, this_fd); /* uncompress */
- zooseek (zoo_file, tell (zoo_fd), 0); /* resynch */
- if (!null_device)
- zooseek (this_file, tell (this_fd), 0);/* resynch */
- #else
- status = lzd (zoo_file, this_file); /* uncompress */
- #endif
- } else if (direntry.packing_method == 2) {
- status = lzh_decode (zoo_file, this_file);
- } else {
- prterror ('e', "File %s: impossible packing method.\n",
- whichname);
- unlink(extfname);
- goto loop_again;
- }
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- if (tofile)
- signal (SIGINT, oldsignal);
- #endif /* not NOSIGNAL */
- #ifdef SETMODE
- if (pipe)
- MODE_TEXT(this_file); /* restore text mode */
- #endif
- if (tofile) {
- /* set date/time of file being extracted */
- #ifdef GETTZ
- void tzadj();
- /* adjust for original timezone */
- tzadj (&direntry);
- #endif
- #ifdef NIXTIME
- close_file (this_file);
- setutime (extfname, direntry.date, direntry.time);
- #else
- settime (this_file, direntry.date, direntry.time);
- close_file (this_file);
- #endif
- #ifdef FATTR
- /* Restore file attributes. Bit 23==1 means system-specific; we currently
- don't recognize this. Bit 23==0 means use portable format, in which case
- bit 22==0 means ignore attributes. Thus attributes are ignored if both
- bits 23 and 22 are zero, which is the effect of a zero-filled file
- attribute field. Currently we restore file attributes if and only if
- bit 23==0 and bit 22==1. */
- if ((direntry.fattr >> 22) == 1) {
- setfattr (extfname, direntry.fattr);
- }
- #endif /* FATTR */
- } /* end of if (tofile) ... */
- if (status != 0) {
- exit_status = 1;
- if (tofile)
- unlink (extfname);
- if (status == 2) { /* was 1 (wrong) */
- memerr(0);
- /* To avoid spurious errors due to ^Z being sent to screen,
- we don't check for I/O error if output was piped */
- } else if (!pipe && (status == 2 || status == 3)) {
- prterror ('e', no_space, prtfname);
- }
- } else {
- /* file extracted, so update disk space. */
- /* we subtract the original size of the file, rounded
- UP to the nearest multiple of the disk allocation
- size. */
- #ifndef PORTABLE
- {
- unsigned long temp;
- temp = (direntry.org_size + alloc_size) / alloc_size;
- disk_space -= temp * alloc_size;
- }
- #endif
- if (
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- !fast_ext &&
- #endif
- direntry.file_crc != crccode
- ) {
- badcrc_count++;
- exit_status = 1;
- if (!pipe) {
- if (!null_device)
- prterror ('M', "extracted ");
- prterror ('w', bad_crc, prtfname);
- }
- else { /* duplicate to standard error */
- static char stars[] = "\n******\n";
- putstr (stars);
- prterror ('w', bad_crc, prtfname);
- putstr (stars);
- fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: ");
- fprintf (stderr, bad_crc, prtfname);
- }
- } else
- if (!pipe)
- prterror ('M', null_device ? "OK\n" : "extracted\n");
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if */
- } /* end if */
- loop_again:
- zooseek (zoo_file, next_ptr, 0); /* ..seek to next dir entry */
- } /* end while */
- close_file (zoo_file);
- if (!matched)
- putstr (no_match);
- if (badcrc_count) {
- prterror ('w', "%d File(s) with bad CRC.\n", badcrc_count);
- } else if (null_device)
- prterror ('m', "Archive seems OK.\n");
- zooexit (exit_status);
- } /* end zooext */
- /* close_file() */
- /* closes a file if and only if we aren't sending output to
- a pipe or to the null device */
- void close_file (file)
- ZOOFILE file;
- {
- if (tofile)
- zooclose (file);
- }
- /* Ctrl_c() is called if ^C is hit while a file is being extracted.
- It closes the files, deletes it, and exits. */
- T_SIGNAL ctrl_c()
- {
- #ifndef NOSIGNAL
- signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore any more */
- #endif
- zooclose (this_file);
- unlink (extfname);
- zooexit (1);
- }
- #ifdef FAST_EXT
- /* make_tnh copies creates a tiny_header */
- void make_tnh (tiny_header, direntry)
- struct tiny_header *tiny_header;
- struct direntry *direntry;
- {
- tiny_header->tinytag = TINYTAG;
- tiny_header->type = 1;
- tiny_header->packing_method = direntry->packing_method;
- tiny_header->date = direntry->date;
- tiny_header->time = direntry->time;
- tiny_header->file_crc = direntry->file_crc;
- tiny_header->org_size = direntry->org_size;
- tiny_header->size_now = direntry->size_now;
- tiny_header->major_ver = direntry->major_ver;
- tiny_header->minor_ver = direntry->minor_ver;
- tiny_header->cmt_size = direntry->cmt_size;
- strcpy (tiny_header->fname, direntry->fname);
- }
- #endif /* ifdef FAST_EXT */