home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ttable.c -- Transposition table code to be included in search.c */
- /* #include "gnuchess.h" /* already included, see search.c */
- /* #include "ttable.h" /* dito */
- /* NOTE: The static evaluation cache "EETable" belongs to eval.c and cannot*/
- /* be moved to ttable.c */
- /* Privae types and data */
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- //#define TT_EXPIRATION 40000 // nominal exp node value
- #ifndef AMIGA
- struct hashentry
- {
- unsigned long hashbd;
- UCHAR flags, depth; /* CHAR saves some space */
- tshort score;
- utshort mv;
- #ifdef HASHTEST
- UCHAR bd[32];
- #endif /* HASHTEST */
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- utshort age; /* age of last use */
- #endif
- };
- unsigned long ttblsize;
- #endif // AMIGA
- extern struct hashentry huge __aligned *ttable[2];
- /* unsigned */ extern SHORT __aligned rehash; /* -1 is used as a flag --tpm */
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- utshort TTage; /* Current ttable age */
- UTSHORT TTageClock, /* Count till next age tick */
- TTageRate; /* new entry counts per age tick */
- UTSHORT TTdepthage[MAXDEPTH+1]; /* Depth bonus for aging*/
- UTSHORT newage = NEWAGE; /* Initialization tuning parameter */
- extern unsigned int __aligned TTadd;
- #else
- unsigned int ttbllimit;
- extern unsigned int TTadd;
- #endif
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- unsigned long ttdepthin[MAXDEPTH+1], ttdepthout[MAXDEPTH+1];
- unsigned long ttrehash[MAXrehash+1];
- unsigned long ttprobe[MAXDEPTH+1];
- unsigned long HashCnt, HashAdd, FHashCnt, FHashAdd, HashCol, THashCol;
- #endif
- /* hashtable flags */
- #define truescore 0x0001
- #define lowerbound 0x0002
- #define upperbound 0x0004
- #define kingcastle 0x0008
- #define queencastle 0x0010
- #define evalflag 0x0020
- void
- Initialize_ttable ()
- {
- char astr[32];
- int doit = true;
- if (rehash < 0) rehash = MAXrehash;
- while(doit && ttblsize >= (1<<13)){
- ttable[0] = (struct hashentry *)malloc(sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- ttable[1] = (struct hashentry *)malloc(sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- if(ttable[0] == NULL || ttable[1] == NULL){
- if(ttable[0] != NULL)free(ttable[0]);
- ttblsize = ttblsize>>1;
- } else doit = false;
- }
- if(ttable[0] == NULL || ttable[1] == NULL)
- {
- ShowMessage("Critical Mem Failure");
- Delay(100L);
- AmigaShutDown();
- exit(1);
- }
- else {
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- int j;
- unsigned long k;
- #endif
- sprintf(astr,"transposition tbl is %d\n",ttblsize);
- ShowMessage(astr);
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- /* WARNING: Bogus parameters ahead!
- * The numbers that follow are based on pure fiction
- * and are not contaminated with facts
- */
- TTageRate = ttblsize/3000 + 1; // try 3k, 1500 and 5000 and see
- // which gives lowest node cnts
- TTdepthage[0] = 32768;
- for (j=1, k = 50; j<=MAXDEPTH; j++, k *= (13-j))
- {
- /* Maximum k = 50 * 11! ~= 2^31 (this is a fact) */
- TTdepthage[j] = (TTdepthage[j-1] > k/TTageRate) ?
- TTdepthage[j-1] - k/TTageRate : 0;
- }
- #else
- ttbllimit = ttblsize<<1 - ttblsize>>2;
- #endif
- }
- }
- #define CB(i) (UCHAR) ((color[2 * (i)] ? 0x80 : 0)\
- | (board[2 * (i)] << 4)\
- | (color[2 * (i) + 1] ? 0x8 : 0)\
- | (board[2 * (i) + 1]))
- int __inline
- ProbeTTable (int side,
- int depth,
- int ply,
- SHORT *alpha,
- SHORT *beta,
- SHORT *score)
- /*
- * Look for the current board position in the transposition table.
- */
- {
- register struct hashentry *ptbl;
- register /*unsigned*/ SHORT i = 0; /*to match new type of rehash --tpm*/
- #ifndef NEWAGE
- ptbl = &ttable[side][hashkey % ttblsize];
- while (true)
- {
- if (ptbl->depth == 0) return false;
- if (ptbl->hashbd == hashbd) break;
- if (++i > rehash) return false;
- ptbl++;
- }
- #else
- for (i=rehash, ptbl = &ttable[side][hashkey % ttblsize];
- ptbl->hashbd != hashbd; ptbl++)
- if (--i == 0) return false;
- /* Update age of rediscovered node */
- ptbl->age = TTage - TTdepthage[ptbl->depth];
- #endif
- PV = SwagHt = ptbl->mv;
- if ((ptbl->depth >= (short) depth))
- {
- if (ptbl->flags & truescore)
- {
- *score = ptbl->score;
- /* adjust *score so moves to mate is from root */
- if (*score > 9000) *score -= ply;
- else if (*score < -9000) *score += ply;
- *beta = -20000;
- }
- else if (ptbl->flags & lowerbound)
- {
- if (ptbl->score > *alpha)
- *alpha = ptbl->score;
- }
- return (true);
- }
- return (false);
- }
- int __inline
- PutInTTable
- (int side,
- int score,
- int depth,
- int ply,
- //int alpha,
- int beta,
- unsigned int mv)
- /*
- * Store the current board position in the transposition table.
- */
- {
- register struct hashentry *ptbl,*oldest;
- unsigned short old;
- register /*unsigned*/ SHORT i = 0; /*to match new type of rehash --tpm*/
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- i=rehash;
- old = 0;
- ptbl = &ttable[side][hashkey % ttblsize];
- while (true)
- {
- if (ptbl->hashbd == hashbd)
- {
- if(ptbl->depth > (UCHAR)depth) return false;
- else break;
- }
- if (((TTage - ptbl->age) /*& 0xFFFF*/) > old)
- {
- old = (TTage - ptbl->age)/* & 0xFFFF*/;
- //if (old > TT_EXPIRATION) break; /* Use this expired entry */
- oldest = ptbl;
- }
- if (--i == 0)
- {
- ptbl = oldest;
- break;
- }
- ptbl++;
- }
- if (--TTageClock == 0)
- {
- TTageClock = TTageRate;
- TTage++; /* Everyone is now just a little older */
- }
- TTadd++;
- /* Update age of this node */
- ptbl->age = TTage - TTdepthage[ptbl->depth];
- #else
- TTadd++;
- #endif
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- HashAdd++;
- #endif
- if(ptbl->depth > (UCHAR)depth) return false;
- ptbl->hashbd = hashbd;
- ptbl->depth = (UCHAR) depth;
- ptbl->score = score;
- ptbl->mv = mv;
- if (score > beta)
- {
- ptbl->flags = lowerbound;
- ptbl->score = beta + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* adjust score so moves to mate is from this ply */
- if (score > 9000) score += ply;
- else if (score < -9000 && score != -9999) score -= ply;
- ptbl->score = score;
- ptbl->flags = truescore;
- }
- return true;
- }
- void
- ZeroTTable (int iop) /* iop: 0= clear any, 1= clear agged */
- {
- #ifdef NEWAGE
- if(iop==0)
- {
- TTageClock = TTageRate;
- TTage = TTdepthage[0]+1; /* used to be newage + 1Zero entries are pre-expired. */
- //TTage = TT_EXPIRATION + 1;
- //TTageRate = ttblsize/(newage/2); /* Average 1/2 of table will be expired */
- /* zero the age of all ttable entries */
- if (!TTadd)
- return;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- ClearMem(ttable[0],sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- ClearMem(ttable[1],sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- #else
- memset(ttable[white],0,sizeof(struct hashentry)*(unsigned)(ttblsize+rehash));
- memset(ttable[black],0,sizeof(struct hashentry)*(unsigned)(ttblsize+rehash));
- #endif
- TTadd = 0;
- }
- #ifdef ZERO_1_DOES
- else
- {
- /* Just add a major increment to TTage */
- TTage += (TTdepthage[0] - TTdepthage[MAXDEPTH-1]); /* Just a guess */
- }
- #endif
- #else /* not NEWAGE */
- if ((iop==0 && TTadd) || TTadd > ttbllimit)
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- ClearMem(ttable[0],sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- ClearMem(ttable[1],sizeof(struct hashentry)*(ttblsize+rehash));
- #else
- memset(ttable[white],0,sizeof(struct hashentry)*(unsigned)(ttblsize+rehash));
- memset(ttable[black],0,sizeof(struct hashentry)*(unsigned)(ttblsize+rehash));
- #endif
- TTadd = 0;
- }
- #endif /* NEWAGE */
- }
- /************************* Hash table statistics ****************************/
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- long EADD,EGET; /* Eval cache stats */
- void
- ClearHashStats() /* initialize the stats */
- {
- memset ((CHAR *) ttdepthin, 0, sizeof (ttdepthin));
- memset ((CHAR *) ttdepthout, 0, sizeof (ttdepthout));
- memset ((CHAR *) ttrehash, 0, sizeof (ttrehash));
- memset ((CHAR *) ttprobe, 0, sizeof (ttprobe));
- HashAdd = HashCnt = THashCol = HashCol = FHashCnt = FHashAdd = 0;
- EADD = EGET = 0;
- }
- void
- ShowHashStats() /* print the stats */
- {
- int ii;
- printf("Probe: ");
- for(ii=0;ii<MAXDEPTH;ii++)
- if (ttprobe[ii])
- printf(" %d:%ld", ii, ttprobe[ii]);
- printf("\nIn/Out: ");
- for(ii=0;ii<MAXDEPTH;ii++)
- if (ttdepthin[ii] || ttdepthout[ii])
- printf(" %d:%ld/%ld", ii, ttdepthin[ii], ttdepthout[ii]);
- printf("\nRehash: ");
- for(ii=0;ii<=MAXrehash;ii++)
- printf(" %ld", ttrehash[ii]);
- printf("\n");
- printf (CP[71],
- HashAdd, HashCnt, THashCol, HashCol,FHashCnt, FHashAdd);
- #ifdef CACHE
- printf ("cache in/out: %ld/%ld\n", EADD, EGET);
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- /************************* Hash File Stuf ****************************/
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- #define frehash 6
- struct fileentry
- {
- UCHAR bd[32];
- UCHAR f, t, flags, depth, sh, sl;
- };
- FILE *hashfile = NULL;
- unsigned long HFileSize; /* Nunber of fileentry records in hash file */
- void
- CreateHashFile(long sz)
- /* NOTE: If sz is Odd the black and white positions will be
- scrambled (Is this good or bad?) */
- {
- if (hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC)) /* old file */
- { /* chech size, warn if shrinking? */
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- HFileSize = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry);
- if (sz < HFileSize) sz = HFileSize;
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- }
- else if (sz)
- { /* create new file only if we have a size */
- hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, WA_ACC);
- }
- if (hashfile != NULL)
- {
- long j;
- struct fileentry n[64]; /* Write a bunch at a time */
- printf (CP[66]);
- memset ((CHAR *) n, 0, sizeof (n));
- /* n.f = n.t = 0; */
- /* n.flags = 0; */
- /* n.depth = 0; */
- /* n.sh = n.sl = 0; */
- for (j = 0; j < sz; j += 64)
- fwrite (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), sz-j<64 ? sz-j: 64, hashfile);
- fclose (hashfile);
- hashfile = NULL;
- }
- else
- printf (CP[50], HASHFILE);
- }
- void
- OpenHashFile() /* try to open hash file */
- {
- hashfile = fopen (HASHFILE, RWA_ACC);
- if (hashfile)
- {
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_END);
- HFileSize = ftell (hashfile) / sizeof (struct fileentry);
- }
- #if !defined CHESSTOOL && !defined XBOARD
- else
- ShowMessage (CP[98]);
- #endif
- }
- void
- CloseHashFile()
- {
- /* remember to write accumulated statistics if we keep such */
- if (hashfile)
- fclose (hashfile);
- hashfile = NULL;
- }
- void
- TestHashFile()
- {
- int iopendit = false;
- if (!hashfile)
- {
- OpenHashFile();
- iopendit = (hashfile != NULL);
- }
- if (hashfile)
- {
- int i;
- long j;
- long nr[MAXDEPTH+1];
- struct fileentry n;
- printf (CP[49]);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXDEPTH; i++)
- nr[i] = 0;
- fseek (hashfile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- for (j = 0; j < HFileSize; j++)
- {
- fread (&n, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile);
- if (n.depth > MAXDEPTH){printf("ERROR\n");exit(1);}
- if (n.depth)
- {
- nr[n.depth]++;
- nr[0]++;
- }
- }
- printf (CP[109], nr[0], HFileSize);
- for (i = 1; i <= MAXDEPTH; i++)
- if (nr[i])
- printf (" %d:%ld", i,nr[i]);
- printf ("\n");
- if (iopendit)
- CloseHashFile();
- }
- }
- int
- Fbdcmp(UCHAR *a,UCHAR *b)
- {
- register int i;
- for(i = 0;i<32;i++)
- if(a[i] != b[i])
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- int
- ProbeFTable (SHORT side,
- SHORT depth,
- SHORT ply,
- SHORT *alpha,
- SHORT *beta,
- SHORT *score)
- /*
- * Look for the current board position in the persistent transposition table.
- */
- {
- register SHORT i;
- register unsigned long hashix;
- struct fileentry new, t;
- hashix = ((side == white) ? (hashkey & 0xFFFFFFFE) : (hashkey | 1)) % HFileSize;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- new.bd[i] = CB (i);
- new.flags = 0;
- if (Mvboard[kingP[side]] == 0)
- {
- if (Mvboard[qrook[side]] == 0)
- new.flags |= queencastle;
- if (Mvboard[krook[side]] == 0)
- new.flags |= kingcastle;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < frehash; i++)
- {
- fseek (hashfile,
- sizeof (struct fileentry) * ((hashix + 2 * i) % (HFileSize)),
- fread (&t, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile);
- if (!t.depth) break;
- if(!Fbdcmp(t.bd, new.bd)) continue;
- if (((SHORT) t.depth >= depth)
- && (new.flags == (UTSHORT)(t.flags & (kingcastle | queencastle))))
- {
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- FHashCnt++;
- #endif
- PV = (t.f << 8) | t.t;
- *score = (t.sh << 8) | t.sl;
- /* adjust *score so moves to mate is from root */
- if (*score > 9000)
- *score -= ply;
- else if (*score < -9000)
- *score += ply;
- if (t.flags & truescore)
- {
- *beta = -20000;
- }
- else if (t.flags & lowerbound)
- {
- if (*score > *alpha)
- *alpha = *score - 1;
- }
- else if (t.flags & upperbound)
- {
- if (*score < *beta)
- *beta = *score + 1;
- }
- return (true);
- }
- }
- return (false);
- }
- void
- PutInFTable (SHORT side,
- SHORT score,
- SHORT depth,
- SHORT ply,
- SHORT alpha,
- SHORT beta,
- /*
- * Store the current board position in the persistent transposition table.
- */
- {
- register UTSHORT i;
- register unsigned long hashix;
- struct fileentry new, tmp;
- hashix = ((side == white) ? (hashkey & 0xFFFFFFFE) : (hashkey | 1)) % HFileSize;
- for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) new.bd[i] = CB (i);
- new.f = (UCHAR) f;
- new.t = (UCHAR) t;
- if (score < alpha)
- new.flags = upperbound;
- else
- new.flags = ((score > beta) ? lowerbound : truescore);
- if (Mvboard[kingP[side]] == 0)
- {
- if (Mvboard[qrook[side]] == 0)
- new.flags |= queencastle;
- if (Mvboard[krook[side]] == 0)
- new.flags |= kingcastle;
- }
- new.depth = (UCHAR) depth;
- /* adjust *score so moves to mate is from root */
- if (score > 9000)
- score += ply;
- else if (score < -9000)
- score -= ply;
- new.sh = (UCHAR) (score >> 8);
- new.sl = (UCHAR) (score & 0xFF);
- for (i = 0; i < frehash; i++)
- {
- fseek (hashfile,
- sizeof (struct fileentry) * ((hashix + 2 * i) % (HFileSize)),
- if(fread (&tmp, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile) == 0){perror("hashfile");exit(1);}
- if (tmp.depth && !Fbdcmp(tmp.bd,new.bd))continue;
- if ((SHORT) tmp.depth < new.depth)
- {
- fseek (hashfile,
- sizeof (struct fileentry) * ((hashix + 2 * i) % (HFileSize)),
- fwrite (&new, sizeof (struct fileentry), 1, hashfile);
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- FHashAdd++;
- #endif
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- /********************** Repitition cache ***********************/
- extern SHORT rpthash[2][256];
- extern SHORT ISZERO;
- void
- ZeroRPT (void)
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if(ISZERO){ClearMem(rpthash, sizeof (rpthash));ISZERO=0;}
- #else
- if(ISZERO){memset ((CHAR *) rpthash, 0, sizeof (rpthash));ISZERO=0;}
- #endif
- }
- /********************** Hash code stuff ***********************/
- /*
- * In a networked enviroment gnuchess might be compiled on different hosts
- * with different random number generators, that is not acceptable if they
- * are going to share the same transposition table.
- */
- extern unsigned long int next;
- #if defined NEWURAND
- /*
- This code copied from:
- G. Wiesenekker. ZZZZZZ a chess program.
- Copyright (C) 1993 G. Wiesenekker
- E-mail: wiesenecker@sara.nl
- A 32 bit random number generator. An implementation in C of the algorithm given by
- Knuth, the art of computer programming, vol. 2, pp. 26-27. We use e=32, so
- we have to evaluate y(n) = y(n - 24) + y(n - 55) mod 2^32, which is implicitly
- done by unsigned arithmetic.
- */
- unsigned int urand(void)
- {
- /*
- random numbers from Mathematica 2.0.
- SeedRandom = 1;
- Table[Random[Integer, {0, 2^32 - 1}]
- */
- static unsigned long x[55] =
- {
- 1410651636UL,
- 3012776752UL,
- 3497475623UL,
- 2892145026UL,
- 1571949714UL,
- 3253082284UL,
- 3489895018UL,
- 387949491UL,
- 2597396737UL,
- 1981903553UL,
- 3160251843UL,
- 129444464UL,
- 1851443344UL,
- 4156445905UL,
- 224604922UL,
- 1455067070UL,
- 3953493484UL,
- 1460937157UL,
- 2528362617UL,
- 317430674UL,
- 3229354360UL,
- 117491133UL,
- 832845075UL,
- 1961600170UL,
- 1321557429UL,
- 747750121UL,
- 545747446UL,
- 810476036UL,
- 503334515UL,
- 4088144633UL,
- 2824216555UL,
- 3738252341UL,
- 3493754131UL,
- 3672533954UL,
- 29494241UL,
- 1180928407UL,
- 4213624418UL,
- 33062851UL,
- 3221315737UL,
- 1145213552UL,
- 2957984897UL,
- 4078668503UL,
- 2262661702UL,
- 65478801UL,
- 2527208841UL,
- 1960622036UL,
- 315685891UL,
- 1196037864UL,
- 804614524UL,
- 1421733266UL,
- 2017105031UL,
- 3882325900UL,
- 810735053UL,
- 384606609UL,
- 2393861397UL
- };
- static int init = TRUE;
- static unsigned long y[55];
- static int j, k;
- unsigned long ul;
- if (init)
- {
- int i;
- init = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < 55; i++)
- y[i] = x[i];
- j = 24 - 1;
- k = 55 - 1;
- }
- ul = (y[k] += y[j]);
- if (--j < 0) j = 55 - 1;
- if (--k < 0) k = 55 - 1;
- return((unsigned int)ul);
- }
- #else
- unsigned int
- urand (void)
- {
- next *= 1103515245;
- next += 12345;
- return ((unsigned int) (next >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
- }
- #endif
- void
- gsrand (unsigned int seed)
- {
- next = seed;
- }
- extern unsigned long hashkey, hashbd;
- extern struct hashval hashcode[2][7][64];
- #if !defined NOXRAND
- unsigned int
- xrand (int a, unsigned int b[])
- {
- unsigned int i, r, loop;
- unsigned int j, c;
- unsigned int msk;
- if (!a)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 4000; i++)
- b[i] = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- loop = true;
- while (loop)
- {
- r = urand ();
- msk = 1;
- c = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
- {
- if (r & msk)
- c++;
- msk = msk << 1;
- }
- if (c < 8)
- continue;
- loop = false;
- for (i = 0; i < a; i++)
- if (r == b[i])
- {
- loop = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!loop)
- {
- b[a] = r;
- return r;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #else
- #define xrand(a,b) urand()
- #endif
- void
- InitHashCode(unsigned int seed)
- {
- SHORT l, c, p;
- // unsigned int t[4000];
- unsigned int *t;
- int cnt = 0;
- ShowMessage("Hashcode init");
- ShowMessage("Please wait..");
- t = AllocMem(sizeof(int)*4000,MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!t)
- {
- DisplayError("Cannot init hashtable");
- return;
- }
- xrand(cnt++,t);
- gsrand (seed); /* idealy we would preserve the old seed but... */
- for (c = white; c <= black; c++)
- for (p = pawn; p <= king; p++)
- for (l = 0; l < 64; l++)
- {
- hashcode[c][p][l].key = (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)));
- hashcode[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 16);
- hashcode[c][p][l].bd = (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)));
- hashcode[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 16);
- #ifdef LONG64
- hashcode[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 32);
- hashcode[c][p][l].key += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 48);
- hashcode[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 32);
- hashcode[c][p][l].bd += (((unsigned long) xrand (cnt++,t)) << 48);
- #endif
- }
- FreeMem(t,sizeof(int)*4000);
- }