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- /************************* Tuning parameters ****************************/
- /*
- * ttblsz can be a any size. Setting ttblsz 0 removes the transposition
- * tables.
- */
- //#ifdef MSDOS
- //#define ttblsz 8001
- //#else
- //#define ttblsz 150001
- //#endif /* MSDOS */
- #define MINTTABLE (8000) /* min ttable size -1 */
- //#define MAXrehash (7)
- #if defined MORESTATS
- #if !defined HASHSTATS
- #define HASHSTATS /* Enable hash statistics */
- #endif
- #endif
- #if defined AGING
- #define NEWAGE (8)
- #endif
- #ifdef BAREBONES /* Remove all stats for RAW speed */
- #undef HASHSTATS
- #endif /* BAREBONES */
- /************************* Hash table stuf ****************************/
- extern /*unsigned*/ SHORT rehash; /* main.c */ /* -1 is used as a flag --tpm */
- //extern unsigned long ttblsize; /* main.c */
- extern UTSHORT newage;
- #if ttblsz
- extern void Initialize_ttable (void);
- extern void ZeroTTable (int iop); /* iop: 0= clear any, 1= clear agged */
- extern int
- ProbeTTable (int side,
- int depth,
- int ply,
- SHORT *alpha,
- SHORT *beta,
- SHORT *score);
- extern int
- PutInTTable (int side,
- int score,
- int depth,
- int ply,
- //int alpha,
- int beta,
- unsigned int mv);
- #else
- #define Initialize_ttable(void)
- #define ZeroTTable(iop)
- #define ProbeTTable(side,depth,ply,alpha,beta,score) (false)
- #define PutInTTable(side,score,depth,ply,alpha,beta,mv) (false)
- #endif /* ttblsz */
- /************************* Hash File Stuf ****************************/
- #ifdef HASHFILE
- extern FILE *hashfile; /* search.c: test if hashfile is opened */
- extern int
- ProbeFTable (SHORT side,
- SHORT depth,
- SHORT ply,
- SHORT *alpha,
- SHORT *beta,
- SHORT *score);
- extern void
- PutInFTable (SHORT side,
- SHORT score,
- SHORT depth,
- SHORT ply,
- SHORT alpha,
- SHORT beta,
- extern void TestHashFile();
- extern void CreateHashFile(long sz);
- extern void OpenHashFile();
- extern void CloseHashFile();
- #else /* Define null ops so we dont need ifdefs */
- //#define hashfile (NULL)
- //#define OpenHashFile()
- //#define CloseHashFile()
- //#define ProbeFTable(side,depth,ply,alpha,beta,score) (0)
- //#define PutInFTable(side,score,depth,ply,alpha,beta,f,t)
- #endif /* HASHFILE */
- /************************hash code stuff **************************/
- //struct hashval
- // {
- // unsigned long key, bd;
- // };
- extern struct hashval hashcode[2][7][64];
- extern void InitHashCode(unsigned int seed);
- /*
- * hashbd contains a 32 bit "signature" of the board position. hashkey
- * contains a 16 bit code used to address the hash table. When a move is
- * made, XOR'ing the hashcode of moved piece on the from and to squares with
- * the hashbd and hashkey values keeps things current.
- */
- extern unsigned long hashkey, hashbd;
- #define UpdateHashbd(side, piece, f, t) \
- {\
- if ((f) >= 0)\
- {\
- hashbd ^= hashcode[side][piece][f].bd;\
- hashkey ^= hashcode[side][piece][f].key;\
- }\
- if ((t) >= 0)\
- {\
- hashbd ^= hashcode[side][piece][t].bd;\
- hashkey ^= hashcode[side][piece][t].key;\
- }\
- }
- extern void gsrand (unsigned int);
- extern unsigned int urand (void);
- /************************* Repitition hash table ****************************/
- extern SHORT ISZERO;
- extern SHORT rpthash[2][256];
- extern void ZeroRPT (void);
- #define ProbeRPThash(side,hashkey) (rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF] > 0)
- #define IncrementRPThash(side,hashkey) {rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF]++;ISZERO++;}
- #define DecrementRPThash(side,hashkey) {rpthash[side][hashkey & 0xFF]--;ISZERO--;}
- /************************* Evaluation cache ********************************/
- #ifndef AMIGA
- #ifdef CACHE
- struct etable
- { unsigned long ehashbd;
- tshort escore[2];
- tshort sscore[64];
- tshort score;
- tshort hung[2];
- } ;
- extern struct etable *etab[2];
- #endif
- #endif //amiga
- /************************* Hash table statistice ****************************/
- #ifdef HASHSTATS
- void ClearHashStats(); /* initialize the stats */
- void ShowHashStats(); /* print the stats */
- extern long EADD, EGET; /* Evaluation cache stats counters */
- extern unsigned long HashCnt, HashAdd, FHashCnt, FHashAdd, HashCol, THashCol;
- #else
- #define ClearHashStats() /* stats calls ignored */
- #define ShowHashStats()
- #endif