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- How is this Emacs different from all other Emacses? -*-Outline-*-
- (Actually, from Twenex Emacs)
- * Copyright (c) 1985 Richard M. Stallman
- Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies
- of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the
- copyright notice and permission notice are preserved,
- and that the distributor grants the recipient permission
- for further redistribution as permitted by this notice.
- Permission is granted to distribute modified versions
- of this document, or of portions of it,
- under the above conditions, provided also that they
- carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.
- * Fundamental concepts.
- ** There is no concept of "typeout" in GNU Emacs.
- Any time that a command wants to display some output,
- it creates a buffer (usually with a name surrounded by asterisks)
- and displays it in a window.
- This provides some advantages:
- you can edit some more while looking at the output;
- you can copy parts of the output into other buffers.
- It also has a disadvantage that you must type a command
- in order to make the output disappear.
- You can use C-x 1 to get rid of all windows except the
- selected one. To be more selective, you can switch to
- the window you want to get rid of and then type C-x 0
- (delete-window).
- You also need to type a command to scroll the other
- window if not all the output fits in it. Meta-Control-v
- will usually do the job.
- ** There is no concept of a "subsystem" in GNU Emacs.
- Where Twenex Emacs would use a subsystem, GNU Emacs
- instead creates a buffer and redefines commands in it.
- For example, when you send mail in GNU Emacs, you use
- a buffer named *mail* which is in Mail Mode. You can
- switch away from this buffer to any other buffer and
- resume normal editing; then switch back and resume
- composing mail. You do not have to "exit" from
- composing mail in order to do ordinary editing.
- This has many advantages, but it also has a disadvantage:
- Subsystems in Emacs tend to have "exit" commands that return you
- to whatever you were doing before entering the subsystem.
- In GNU Emacs the idea of what to return to is not well defined,
- so it is not clear what an "exit" command should do.
- The only way to "exit" in general is to type C-x b, C-x C-f, or
- some other suitable command to switch buffers. Some
- subsystem-like major modes, such as Info and Mail mode, provide
- commands to "exit" by switching to the previously selected
- buffer.
- ** Files are always visited in their own buffers.
- Beginning users of Twenex Emacs were told how to edit
- using a single buffer and reading one file after another
- into that buffer. Use of a new buffer for each file was
- regarded as a more advanced mode.
- In GNU Emacs, the idea of using a single buffer for various
- files, one by one, has been dropped, given that the address
- space is expected to be large enough for many buffers. C-x
- C-f (find-file), which behaves nearly the same as in Twenex
- Emacs, is in GNU Emacs the canonical way for all users to
- visit files.
- Various commands need to read files into Emacs in the course
- of their execution. In Twenex Emacs the user must tell them
- whether to reuse buffers or create new ones, using the variable
- Tags Find File. In GNU Emacs, these commands always use
- C-x C-f.
- The command C-x C-v does still exist; it kills the current
- buffer and reads the specified file into a new buffer.
- It is equivalent to kill-buffer followed by find-file.
- Since there is no reusing of buffers, there is no point in
- calling the initial buffer "main". So the initial buffer
- in GNU Emacs is called "*scratch*" and is intended for typing
- Lisp expressions to be evaluated.
- ** File name defaulting.
- GNU Emacs records a separate working directory for each buffer.
- Normally this is the directory on which the buffer's file
- resides; for buffers not visiting any file, it is copied from
- the buffer that was current when it was created. The current buffer's
- working directory can be printed with M-x pwd and set with M-x cd.
- GNU Emacs shows you the default directory by inserting it in
- the minibuffer when a file name is being read. You can type
- the filename you want at the end of the default as if the
- default were not there, or you can edit and alter the default.
- If you want file /lose/big when the default /foo/defaultdir/
- has been inserted for you, you need not kill the default; simply
- type at the end of it: /foo/defaultdir//lose/big. Such a file
- name is not ordinarily considered valid, but GNU Emacs
- considers it equivalent to /lose/big.
- Likewise, if you want file quux in your home directory, just add
- ~/quux to the end of the supplied text, to get
- /foo/defaultdir/~/quux. GNU Emacs sees "/~" and throws away
- everything before the "~".
- You can refer to environment variables also within file names.
- $ followed by the environment variable name is replaced by the
- variable's value. The variable name should either be followed
- by a nonalphanumeric character (which counts as part of the
- file name) or be surrounded by braces {...} (which do not count
- as part of the file name). Thus, if variable USER has value "rms",
- "x/$USER-foo" is expanded to "x/rms-foo", and "x${USER}foo"
- is expanded to "xrmsfoo". Note that this substitution is not
- performed by the primitive file operation functions of GNU Emacs,
- but rather by the interactive file name reader. It is also
- available as a separate primitive, in the function
- substitute-in-file-name.
- ** Exit commands C-z, C-x C-c and C-x C-z.
- There are two ways to exit GNU Emacs: killing and suspending.
- Killing is like what Control-c does to ordinary Unix programs.
- In GNU Emacs, you type C-x C-c to kill it. (This offers to
- save any modified file buffers before really killing Emacs.)
- Suspending is like what Control-z does to ordinary Unix programs.
- To suspend GNU Emacs, type C-x C-z, or type just C-z.
- Note that C-z suspends ordinary programs instantly, but
- Emacs does not suspend until it reads the C-z.
- Usually it is better to suspend: once a system is smart
- enough to have job control, why ever kill an editor?
- You'll just have to make a new one in a minute.
- This is why the convenient command C-z is provided for
- suspending.
- C-c is used as a prefix key for mode-specific commands and for users'
- own commands. We deliberately do not make C-c ever kill Emacs,
- because it should not be so easy to do something irreversible.
- ** Quitting with C-g.
- If you type C-g while GNU Emacs is waiting for input, it
- is an ordinary command (which is defined to beep). If you
- type C-g while Lisp code is executing, it sets a flag which
- causes a special signal, nearly the same as an error, to
- happen atthe next safe place in Lisp execution. This usually
- has the effect of aborting the current command in a safe way.
- Because at times there have been bugs causing GNU Emacs to loop
- without checking the quit flag, a special feature causes
- GNU Emacs to be suspended immediately if you type a second C-g
- while the flag is already set. So you can always get out
- of GNU Emacs. Normally GNU Emacs recognizes and clears the quit flag
- quickly enough to prevent this from happening.
- When you resume GNU Emacs after a suspension caused by multiple C-g, it
- asks two questions before resuming execution:
- Checkpoint?
- Dump core?
- Answer each one with `y' or `n' and a Return.
- `y' to Checkpoint? causes immediate auto-saving of all
- buffers in which auto-saving is enabled.
- `y' to Dump core? causes an illegal instruction to be executed.
- This is to enable a wizard to figure out why GNU Emacs was
- looping without checking for quits. Execution does not continue
- after a core dump. If you answer `n', execution continues.
- With luck, GNU Emacs will ultimately check the quit flag,
- and quit normally. If not, and you type another C-g, it
- is suspended again.
- If GNU Emacs is not really hung, just slow, you may invoke
- the double C-g feature without really meaning to. Then just
- resume and answer `n' to both questions, and you will
- arrive at your former state. Presumably the quit you
- wanted will finish happening soon.
- These questions are not asked if you suspend GNU Emacs with the C-z
- command. Continuing GNU Emacs after a C-z takes you straight back
- into editing.
- ** Undoing with C-x u or C-_
- You can undo many commands--up to 10,000 characters worth.
- Each time you type C-x u or C-_, another command or batch of change
- is undone. Undo information is stored per buffer, and the undo
- command always applies to the current buffer. A numeric argument
- serves as a repeat count.
- Consecutive self-inserting characters are undone in groups of twenty.
- ** Different character set.
- GNU Emacs does not expect anyone ever to have a keyboard in which
- the Control key sets an independent bit which may accompany any
- character. The only control characters that can exist are the
- ASCII control characters.
- There is, as a result, no "control prefix" character.
- ** Control-h is the Help character.
- I'm amazed it took me so long to get this idea. In Twenex Emacs, C-h
- and C-b are equivalent commands, making C-h redundant. C-h is not
- only easy to type, it is mnemonic for "Help". So in GNU Emacs the
- Help character is C-h.
- ** Completion is done by TAB, not ESC.
- ESC in the minibuffer is a Meta prefix, same as at top level.
- ** The string-argument reader is the minibuffer is an editor window.
- In GNU Emacs, the line at the bottom of the screen is the minibuffer.
- Commands that want string arguments always use this line to read them,
- and you can use the ordinary Emacs editing commands to edit the
- input. You can terminate input with Return because Return is defined
- as the exit-minibuffer command when in the minibuffer. If you
- are using a command that needs several arguments, terminate each
- one with Return. You cannot separate arguments with Escape
- the way you would in Twenex Emacs.
- The minibuffer window does not overlay other editor windows;
- it is a nearly ordinary editor window which lacks a mode line
- and is "turned off" when not in use. While it IS in use, you
- can switch windows to and from the minibuffer, kill text in other
- windows and yank in the minibuffer, etc.
- You can even issue a command that uses the minibuffer while in the
- minibuffer. This gets you temporarily into a recursive minibuffer.
- However, this is allowed only if you enable it, since it could be
- confusing for beginners.
- When you exit the minibuffer, the cursor immediately moves back to
- column zero of the minibuffer line, to show you that the exit
- command has been obeyed. The minibuffer contents remain on the screen
- until the end of the command, unless some other text is displayed there.
- A single Control-g exits the minibuffer.
- ** There are no &'s or ^R's or spaces in function names.
- For example, the function which is called ^R Forward Word
- in Twenex Emacs is called forward-word in GNU Emacs.
- ** The extension language is Lisp rather than TECO.
- Libraries must be written in Lisp. Meta-ESC reads a Lisp
- expression, evaluates it, and prints the result. Note that
- Meta-ESC is "disabled" by default, so that beginning users
- do not get into the minibuffer by accident in a confusing way.
- Data types available include integers (which double as characters),
- strings, symbols, lists, vectors, buffers, buffer pointers,
- windows, and process channels.
- For now, to learn about writing Lisp code for GNU Emacs, read some of
- the source code, which is in directory ../lisp. Also, all Lisp
- primitives have self-documentation you can read with C-h f.
- ** Enabling the error handler.
- GNU Emacs has a Lisp debugger/stepper/trace package, but normally
- errors do not enter the debugger because that is slow, and unlikely to
- be of interest to most users. Set the variable debug-on-error to t to
- cause errors to invoke the debugger. Set debug-on-quit to cause quit
- signals (caused by C-g) to invoke the debugger.
- * Other changes.
- ** More than two windows are allowed.
- C-x 2 splits the current window into two windows,
- one above the other. Initially they both display
- the same buffer.
- C-x 2 now accepts a numeric argument to specify the number of
- lines to give to the uppermost of the two windows it makes.
- C-x 0 kills the current window, making all others larger.
- C-x 1 kills all windows except the current one.
- C-x O switches to the next window down.
- It rotates from the bottom one to the top one.
- An argument serves as a repeat count; negative arguments
- circulate in the reverse order.
- If the same buffer is displayed in several windows,
- changes made in it are redisplayed in all of them.
- ** Side by side windows are supported.
- The command C-x 5 splits the current window into
- two side-by-side windows.
- C-x } makes the selected window ARG columns wider at the
- expense of the windows at its sides. C-x { makes the selected
- window ARG columns narrower. An argument to C-x 5 specifies
- how many columns to give to the leftmost of the two windows made.
- ** Horizontal scrolling of the lines in a window is implemented.
- C-x < (scroll-left) scrolls all displayed lines left,
- with the numeric argument (default 1) saying how far to scroll.
- When the window is scrolled left, some amount of the beginning
- of each nonempty line is replaced by an "$".
- C-x > scrolls right. If a window has no text hidden at the left
- margin, it cannot be scrolled any farther right than that.
- When nonzero leftwards scrolling is in effect in a window.
- lines are automatically truncated at the window's right margin
- regardless of the value of the variable truncate-lines in the
- buffer being displayed.
- ** Return key does not use up empty lines.
- In Twenex Emacs, the Return command advances over an existing
- empty line in some cases. In GNU Emacs, the Return command always
- makes inserts a newline. Twenex Emacs was designed at a time when
- most display terminals did not have the ability to scroll part
- of the screen, and using existing empty lines made redisplay faster.
- Nowadays, terminals that cannot scroll part of the screen are rare,
- so there is no need to make Return behave in a more complicated manner.
- ** Help m.
- Typing C-h m displays documentation of the current major mode.,
- telling you what special commands and features are available
- and how to use them or get more information on them.
- This is simply the documentation, as a function, of the
- symbol which is the value of major-mode. Each major mode
- function has been given documentation intended for C-h m.
- ** Display-hiding features.
- *** Hiding indented lines
- The command C-x $ with numeric argument N causes lines indented by N
- or more columns to become invisible. All you see is " ..." appended
- to the previous line, in place of any number of consecutive invisible
- lines.
- *** Outline Mode.
- Outline mode is designed for editing outline-structured
- files, such as this one.
- Headings should be lines starting with one or more asterisks.
- Major headings have one asterisk, subheadings two, etc.
- Lines not starting with asterisks are body text.
- You can make the body under a heading, or the subheadings
- under a heading, temporarily invisible, or visible again.
- Invisible lines are attached to the end of the previous line
- so they go with it if you kill it and yank it back.
- Commands:
- Meta-} next-visible-heading move by visible headings
- Meta-{ previous-visible-heading move by visible headings
- Meta-x hide-body make all body text invisible (not headings).
- Meta-x show-all make everything in buffer visible.
- The remaining commands are used when dot is on a heading line.
- They apply to some of the body or subheadings of that heading.
- C-c C-h hide-subtree make text and subheadings invisible.
- C-c C-s show-subtree make text and subheadings visible.
- C-c C-i show-children make direct subheadings visible.
- No effect on body, or subheadings 2 or more levels down.
- With arg N, affects subheadings N levels down.
- M-x hide-entry make immediately following body invisible.
- M-x show-entry make it visible.
- M-x hide-leaves make text under heading and under its subheadings invisible.
- The subheadings remain visible.
- M-x show-branches make all subheadings at all levels visible.
- ** C mode is fancy.
- C mode assumes that you put the initial open-brace of
- a function definition at the beginning of a line.
- If you use the popular indenting style that puts this
- open-brace at the end of a line containing a type declaration,
- YOU WILL LOSE: C mode does not know a function starts there.
- Open-brace at the beginning of a line makes it possible
- for C mode to find function boundaries with total reliability;
- something I consider vital and which cannot be done
- if the other style is used.
- The Tab command indents C code very cleverly.
- I know of only one cases in which Tab does not indent C code nicely:
- Expressions continued over several lines with few parentheses.
- Tab does not know the precedences of C operators, so it does
- not know which lines of the expression should go where.
- Using parentheses to indicate the nesting of operators
- except within a line makes this problem go away.
- The indenting algorithm is entirely written in Lisp.
- Tab with a numeric argument in Twenex Emacs indents
- that many lines. It is different in GNU Emacs: it means
- to shift all the lines of a bracketed expression by the
- same amount as the line being indented. For example, if you have
- if (foo)
- {
- hack ();
- /** Well? */
- }
- and type C-u Tab on the line with the open brace, you get
- if (foo)
- {
- hack ();
- /* Well? */
- }
- from indenting the brace line and then shifting the
- lines within the braces rigidly with the first one.
- Meta-Control-q works as in Lisp mode; it should be
- used with dot just before a bracketed grouping, and
- indents each line INSIDE that grouping using Tab.
- If used instead of C-u Tab in the previous example, it makes
- if (foo)
- {
- hack ();
- /* Well? */
- }
- Meta-Control-h puts mark at the end of the current C function
- and puts dot before it.
- Most other Meta-Control commands intended for Lisp expressions
- work usefully in C mode as well.
- ** Meta-g (fill-region) is different.
- In Twenex Emacs, Meta-g fills the region with no paragraph
- boundaries except for blank and indented lines. In GNU Emacs,
- it divides the region into paragraphs in the same manner as
- Meta-], and fills each paragraph separately. There is also
- the function fill-region-as-paragraph which fills the region
- regarding at as a single paragraph regardless even of blank
- or indented lines.
- ** Indented Text Mode instead of Edit Indented Text.
- Twenex Emacs has a command Edit Indented Text which temporarily
- alters some commands for editing indented paragraphs.
- GNU Emacs has instead a separate major mode, Indented Text Mode,
- which is different from ordinary Text Mode in just the same
- alterations. Specifically, in Indented Text Mode,
- Tab runs the function indent-relative, and auto filling indents
- the newly created lines.
- ** But rectangle commands are implemented.
- C-x r stores the rectangle described by dot and mark
- into a register; it reads the register name from the keyboard.
- C-x g, the command to insert the contents of a register,
- can be used to reinsert the rectangle elsewhere.
- Other rectangle commands include
- open-rectangle:
- insert a blank rectangle in the position and size
- described by dot and mark, at its corners;
- the existing text is pushed to the right.
- clear-rectangle:
- replace the rectangle described by dot ane mark
- with blanks. The previous text is deleted.
- delete-rectangle:
- delete the text of the specified rectangle,
- moving the text beyond it on each line leftward.
- kill-rectangle
- like delete-rectangle but also stores the text of
- the rectangle in the "rectangle kill buffer".
- More precisely, it stores the text as a list of strings
- (one string for each line) in the variable killed-rectangle.
- yank-rectangle
- inserts the text of the last killed rectangle.
- extract-rectangle and delete-extract-rectangle
- these functions return the text of a rectangle
- as a list of strings. They are for use in writing
- other functions that operate on rectangles.
- ** Keyboard Macros
- The C-x ( command for defining a keyboard macro can in GNU Emacs
- be given a numeric argument, which means that the new macro
- starts out not empty but rather as the same as the last
- keyboard macro entered. In addition, that last keyboard
- macro is replayed when the C-x ( is typed. C-x ( with an
- argument is thus equivalent to typing plain C-x ( and then
- retyping the last keyboard macro entered.
- The command write-kbd-macro and append-kbd-macro can be used to
- save a keyboard macro definition in a file. It is represented as
- a Lisp expression which, when evaluated, will define the keyboard
- macro. write-kbd-macro writes the specified file from scratch,
- whereas append-kbd-macro adds to any existing text in the file.
- Both expect the keyboard macro to be saved to be specified by
- name; this means you must use the command name-last-kbd-macro to
- give the macro a name before you can save it.
- ** The command to resume a terminated tags-search or tags-query-replace
- is Meta-comma in GNU Emacs.
- ** Auto Save is on by default.
- Auto Save mode is enabled by default in all buffers
- that are visiting files.
- The file name used for auto saving is made by prepending
- "#" to the file name visited.
- ** Backup files.
- Since Unix stupidly fails to have file version numbers,
- GNU Emacs compensates slightly in the customary fashion:
- when a file is modified and saved for the first time in
- a particular GNU Emacs run, the original file is renamed,
- appending "~" to its name. Thus, foo.c becomes foo.c~.
- Emacs can also put a version number into the name of the backup file,
- as in foo.c.~69~ for version number 69. This is an optional feature
- that the user has to enable.
- ** Mode Line differences.
- Each window in GNU Emacs has its own mode line, which always
- displays the status of that window's buffer and nothing else.
- The mode line appears at the bottom of the window. It is
- full of dashes, to emphasize the boundaries between windows,
- and is displayed in inverse video if the terminal supports it.
- The information usually available includes:
- ** Local Modes feature changed slightly.
- GNU Emacs supports local mode lists much like those in Twenex Emacs,
- but you can only set variables, not commands. You write
- Local variables:
- tab-width: 10
- end:
- in the last page of a file, if you want to make tab-width be ten in a
- file's buffer. The value you specify must be a Lisp object!
- It will be read, but not evaluated. So, to specify a string,
- you MUST use doublequotes. For "false", in variables whose
- meanings are true or false, you MUST write nil .
- Two variable names are special: "mode" and "eval".
- Mode is used for specifying the major mode (as in Twenex Emacs).
- mode: text
- specifies text mode. Eval is used for requesting the evaluation
- of a Lisp expression; its value is ignored. Thus,
- eval: (set-syntax-table lisp-mode-syntax-table)
- causes Lisp Mode syntax to be used.
- Note that GNU Emacs looks for the string "Local variables:"
- whereas Twenex Emacs looks for "Local modes:". This incompatibility
- id deliberate, so that neither one will see local settings
- intended for the other.
- ** Lisp code libraries.
- Libraries of commands, and init files, are written in Lisp.
- libraries conventionally have names ending in .el, while the
- init file is named .emacs and is in your home directory.
- Use Meta-x load-library to load a library. Most standard libraries
- load automatically if you try to use the commands in them.
- Meta-x byte-compile-file filename
- compiles the file into byte code which loads and runs faster
- than Lisp source code. The file of byte code is given a name
- made by appending "c" to the end of the input file name.
- Meta-x byte-recompile-directory directoryname
- compiles all files in the specified directory (globbing not allowed)
- which have been compiled before but have been changed since then.
- Meta-x load-library automatically checks for a compiled file
- before loading the source file.
- Libraries once loaded do not retain their identity within GNU
- Emacs. Therefore, you cannot tell just what was loaded from a
- library, and you cannot un-load a library. Normally, libraries
- are written so that loading one has no effect on the editing
- operations that you would have used if you had not loaded the
- library.
- ** Dired features.
- You can do dired on partial directories --- any pattern
- the shell can glob. Dired creates a buffer named after
- the directory or pattern, so you can dired several different
- directories. If you repeat dired on the same directory or
- pattern, it just reselects the same buffer. Use Meta-x Revert
- on that buffer to read in the current contents of the directory.
- ** Directory listing features.
- C-x C-d now uses the default output format of `ls',
- which gives just file names in multiple columns.
- C-u C-x C-d passes the -l switch to `ls'.
- Both read a directory spec from the minibuffer. It can
- be any pattern that the shell can glob.
- ** Compiling other programs.
- Meta-x compile allows you to run make, or any other compilation
- command, underneath GNU Emacs. Error messages go into a buffer whose
- name is *compilation*. If you get error messages, you can use the
- command C-x ` (that is a backquote) to find the text of the next
- error message.
- You must specify the command to be run as an argument to M-x compile.
- A default is placed in the minibuffer; you can kill it and start
- fresh, edit it, or just type Return if it is what you want.
- The default is the last compilation command you used; initially,
- it is "make -k".
- ** Searching multiple files.
- Meta-x grep searches many files for a regexp by invoking grep
- and reading the output of grep into a buffer. You can then
- move to the text lines that grep found, using the C-x ` command
- just as after M-x compile.
- ** Running inferior shells.
- Do Meta-x shell to make an inferior shell together with a buffer
- which serves to hold "terminal" input and output of the shell.
- The shell used is specified by the environment variable ESHELL,
- or by SHELL if ESHELL is not set.
- Use C-h m whilst in the *shell* buffer to get more detailed info.
- The inferior shell loads the file .emacs_csh or.emacs_sh
- (or similar using whatever name the shell has) when it starts up.
- M-! executes a shell command in an inferior shell
- and displays the output from it. With a prefix argument,
- it inserts the output in the current buffer after dot
- and sets the mark after the output. The shell command
- gets /dev/null as its standard input.
- M-| is like M-! but passes the contents of the region
- as input to the shell command. A prefix argument makes
- the output from the command replace the contents of the region.
- ** Sending mail.
- Once you enter Mail Mode using C-x m or C-x 4 m or M-x mail,
- C-c becomes a prefix character for mail-related editing commands.
- C-c C-s is vital; that's how you send the message. C-c C-c sends
- and then switches buffers or kills the current window.
- Use C-h m to get a list of the others.
- ** Regular expressions.
- GNU Emacs has regular expression facilities like those of most
- Unix editors, but more powerful:
- *** -- + --
- + specifies repetition of the preceding expression 1 or more
- times. It is in other respect like *, which specifies repetition
- 0 or more times.
- *** -- ? --
- ? is like * but matches at most one repetition of the preceding
- expression.
- *** -- \| --
- \| specifies an alternative. Two regular expressions A and B with \| in
- between form an expression that matches anything that either A or B will
- match. Thus, "foo\|bar" matches either "foo" or "bar" but no other
- string.
- \| applies to the larges possible surrounding expressions. Only a
- surrounding \( ... \) grouping can limit the grouping power of \|.
- Full backtracking capability exists when multiple \|'s are used.
- *** -- \( ... \) --
- \( ... \) are a grouping construct that serves three purposes:
- 1. To enclose a set of \| alternatives for other operations.
- Thus, "\(foo\|bar\)x" matches either "foox" or "barx".
- 2. To enclose a complicated expression for * to operate on.
- Thus, "ba\(na\)*" matches "bananana", etc., with any number
- of na's (zero or more).
- 3. To mark a matched substring for future reference.
- Application 3 is not a consequence of the idea of a parenthetical
- grouping; it is a separate feature which happens to be assigned as a
- second meaning to the same \( ... \) construct because there is no
- conflict in practice between the two meanings. Here is an explanation
- of this feature.
- -- \digit --
- After the end of a \( ... \) construct, the matcher remembers the
- beginning and end of the text matched by that construct. Then, later on
- in the regular expression, you can use \ followed by a digit to mean,
- ``match the same text matched this time by the \( ... \) construct.''
- The first nine \( ... \) constructs that appear in a regular expression
- are assigned numbers 1 through 9 in order of their beginnings. \1
- through \9 can be used to refer to the text matched by the corresponding
- \( ... \) construct.
- For example, "\(.*\)\1" matches any string that is composed of two
- identical halves. The "\(.*\)" matches the first half, which can be
- anything, but the \1 that follows must match the same exact text.
- *** -- \` --
- Matches the empty string, but only if it is at the beginning of the buffer.
- *** -- \' --
- Matches the empty string, but only if it is at the end of the buffer.
- *** -- \b --
- Matches the empty string, but only if it is at the beginning or end of
- a word. Thus, "\bfoo\b" matches any occurrence of "foo" as a separate word.
- "\bball\(s\|\)\b" matches "ball" or "balls" as a separate word.
- *** -- \B --
- Matches the empty string, provided it is NOT at the beginning or end of
- a word.
- *** -- \< --
- Matches the empty string, provided it is at the beginning of a word.
- *** -- \> --
- Matches the empty string, provided it is at the end of a word.
- *** -- \w --
- Matches any word-constituent character. The editor syntax table determines
- which characters these are.
- *** -- \W --
- Matches any character that is not a word-constituent.
- *** -- \s<code> --
- Matches any character whose syntax is <code>. <code> is a letter that
- represents a syntax code: thus, "w" for word constituent, "-" for
- whitespace, "(" for open-parenthesis, etc. Thus, "\s(" matches any
- character with open-parenthesis syntax.
- *** -- \S<code> --
- Matches any character whose syntax is not <code>.