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Text File | 1992-09-22 | 195.0 KB | 4,378 lines |
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Introduction
- [To find what has changed, see the "diff" posting.]
- [Joe Wells plans to quit soon as FAQ coordinator. Steven Byrnes says he can
- take over this portion of the FAQ responsibility. We still need more
- volunteers to help by taking charge of a section of the FAQ list. Send e-mail
- if you are interested.]
- This is the introduction to a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about
- GNU Emacs with answers. This article contains a listing of the questions;
- subsequent articles contain the questions and answers.
- The FAQ list is posted to reduce the noise level in the `gnu.emacs.help'
- newsgroup (which is also the `help-gnu-emacs' mailing list) which results from
- the repetition of frequently asked questions, wrong answers to these questions,
- corrections to the wrong answers, corrections to the corrections, debate, name
- calling, etc. Also, it serves as a repository of the canonical "best" answers
- to these questions. However, if you know a better answer or even a slight
- change that improves an answer, please tell us!
- If you know the answer of a question is in the FAQ list, please reply to the
- question by e-mail instead of posting. Help reduce noise!
- The FAQ list is crossposted to `comp.emacs' because some sites do not receive
- the `gnu.*' newsgroups. The FAQ list is also crossposted to `news.answers'.
- Please suggest new questions, answers, wording changes, deletions, etc. The
- most helpful form for suggestions is a context diff (ie., the output of `diff
- -c'). Include `FAQ' in the subject of messages sent to us about the FAQ list.
- Please do not send questions to us just because you do not want to disturb a
- lot of people and you think we would know the answer. We do not have time to
- answer questions individually. :-(
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- These ideas have already been suggested, but we have not had time to
- implement them:
- * A Texinfo version.
- * Marking questions in the table of contents that have been changed
- recently.
- --
- Joe Wells <jbw@cs.bu.edu> and Steven Byrnes <sbyrnes@rice.edu>
- E-mail jbw@cs.bu.edu for details about the League for Programming Freedom.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Table of Contents
- Notation Used in FAQ
- 1: What do these mean: C-h, M-C-a, RET, "ESC a", etc.?
- 2: What does "M-x command" mean?
- 3: How do I read topic XXX in the on-line manual?
- 4: What do these mean: etc/SERVICE, src/config.h, lisp/default.el?
- 5: What are FSF, LPF, OSF, GNU, RMS, FTP, and GPL?
- General Questions
- 6: What is the LPF and why should I join it?
- 7: What is the real legal meaning of the GNU copyleft?
- 8: What are appropriate messages for gnu.emacs.help, gnu.emacs.bug,
- comp.emacs, etc.?
- 9: Where can I get old postings to gnu.emacs.help and other GNU groups?
- 10: Where should I report bugs and other problems with GNU Emacs?
- 11: How do I unsubscribe to this mailing list?
- 12: What is the current address of the FSF?
- On-line Help, Printed Manuals, Other Sources of Help
- 13: I'm just starting GNU Emacs; how do I do basic editing?
- 14: How do I find out how to do something in GNU Emacs?
- 15: How do I get a printed copy of the GNU Emacs manual?
- 16: Where can I get documentation on GNU Emacs Lisp?
- 17: How do I install a piece of Texinfo documentation?
- 18: How do I print a Texinfo file?
- 19: Can I view Info files without using GNU Emacs?
- 20: What informational files are available for GNU Emacs?
- 21: Where can I get help in installing GNU Emacs?
- 22: Where can I get the latest version of this document (the FAQ list)?
- Status of Emacs
- 23: Where does the name "Emacs" come from?
- 24: What is the latest version of GNU Emacs?
- 25: When will GNU Emacs 19 be available?
- 26: What is different about GNU Emacs 19?
- 27: What variants of GNU Emacs exist?
- Common Things People Want To Do
- 28: How do I set up a .emacs file properly?
- 29: How do I debug a .emacs file?
- 30: How do I make Emacs display the current line (or column) number?
- 31: How do I turn on Abbrevs by default just in mode XXX?
- 32: How do I turn on Auto-Fill mode by default?
- 33: How do I make Emacs use a certain major mode for certain files?
- 34: How do I search for, delete, or replace unprintable (8-bit or control)
- characters?
- 35: How can I highlight a region of text in Emacs?
- 36: How do I control Emacs's case-sensitivity when searching/replacing?
- 37: How do I make Emacs wrap words for me?
- 38: Where can I get a better spelling checker for Emacs?
- 39: How can I spell-check TeX or *roff documents?
- 40: How do I change load-path?
- 41: How do I use an already running Emacs from another window?
- 42: How do I make Emacs recognize my compiler's funny error messages?
- 43: How do I indent switch statements like this?
- 44: How can I make Emacs automatically scroll horizontally?
- 45: How do I make Emacs "typeover" or "overwrite" instead of inserting?
- 46: How do I stop Emacs from beeping on a terminal?
- 47: How do I turn down the bell volume in Emacs running under X Windows?
- 48: How do I tell Emacs to automatically indent a new line to the
- indentation of the previous line?
- 49: How do I show which parenthesis matches the one I'm looking at?
- 50: In C mode, can I show just the lines that will be left after #ifdef
- commands are handled by the compiler?
- 51: Is there an equivalent to the `.' (dot) command of vi?
- 52: What are the valid X resource settings (ie., stuff in .Xdefaults)?
- 53: How do I execute a piece of Emacs Lisp code?
- 54: How do I change Emacs's idea of the tab character's length?
- 55: How do I insert `>' at the beginning of every line?
- 56: How do I insert `_^H' before each character in a paragraph to get an
- underlined paragraph?
- 57: How do I repeat a command as many times as possible?
- 58: How do I make Emacs behave like this: when I go up or down, the cursor
- should stay in the same column even if the line is too short?
- 59: How do I tell Emacs to iconify itself?
- 60: How do I use regexps (regular expressions) in Emacs?
- 61: How do I perform a replace operation across more than one file?
- 62: Where is the documentation for `etags'?
- Bugs/Problems
- 63: Does Emacs have problems with files larger than 8 megabytes?
- 64: Why can't Emacs find files in current directory on startup?
- 65: How do I get rid of the ^M junk in my Shell buffer?
- 66: Why do I get `Process shell exited abnormally with code 1'?
- 67: Why can't I cut from Emacs and paste in other X programs?
- 68: Where is the termcap/terminfo entry for terminal type `emacs'?
- 69: Why does Emacs spontaneously start displaying `I-search:' and beeping?
- 70: Why can't Emacs talk to certain hosts (or certain hostnames)?
- 71: Why does Emacs say `Error in init file'?
- 72: Why does Emacs ignore my X resources (my .Xdefaults file)?
- 73: Why does Emacs take 20 seconds to visit a file?
- 74: How do I edit a file with a `$' in its name?
- 75: Why does Shell mode lose track of the shell's current directory?
- 76: Why doesn't my change to load-path work?
- 77: Why does the cursor always go to the wrong column when I move up or
- down one line?
- 78: Why does Emacs hang with message `Unknown XMenu error' with X11R4?
- 79: Why doesn't display-time show the load average in the mode line
- anymore?
- 80: Why does ispell sometimes ignore the local dictionary?
- 81: Why does Ispell treat each line as a single word?
- 82: Are there any security risks in GNU Emacs?
- Difficulties Building/Installing/Porting Emacs
- 83: What should I do if I have trouble building Emacs?
- 84: How do I stop Emacs from failing when the executable is stripped?
- 85: Why does linking Emacs with -lX11 fail?
- 86: Why does Emacs 18.55 say `Fatal error (6).Abort' under SunOS 4.1?
- Finding/Getting Emacs and Related Packages
- 87: Where can I get GNU Emacs on the net (or by snail mail)?
- 88: How do I find a GNU Emacs Lisp package that does XXX?
- 89: Where can I get GNU Emacs Lisp packages that don't come with Emacs?
- 90: How do I submit code to the Emacs Lisp Archive?
- 91: Where can I get other up-to-date GNU stuff?
- 92: Where can I get an Emacs with better mouse and X window support?
- 93: What is the difference between GNU Emacs and Epoch?
- 94: What is the difference between GNU Emacs and Lucid GNU Emacs?
- 95: Where can I get the "unofficial HP GNU Emacs"?
- 96: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running MS-DOS?
- 97: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running Windows?
- 98: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running OS/2?
- 99: Where can I get Emacs for my Atari ST?
- 100: Where can I get Emacs for my Amiga?
- 101: Where can I get Emacs for my Apple computer?
- 102: Where can I get Emacs with NeWS support?
- 103: Where do I get Emacs that runs on VMS under DECwindows?
- 104: Where can I get modes for Lex, Yacc/Bison, Bourne Shell, Csh, C++,
- Objective C, Pascal, Awk?
- 105: What is the IP address of XXX.YYY.ZZZ?
- Major Emacs Lisp Packages, Emacs Extensions, and Related Programs
- 106: VM (View Mail) -- another mail reader within Emacs
- 107: Supercite -- mail and news citation package within Emacs
- 108: GNUS -- news reader within Emacs
- 109: Calc -- poor man's Mathematica within Emacs
- 110: Calendar/Diary -- calendar manager within Emacs
- 111: Ange-FTP -- transparent FTP access for Emacs's file access routines
- 112: VIP -- vi emulation for Emacs
- 113: Dired -- better directory editor for Emacs
- 114: AUC TeX -- enhanced LaTeX mode with debugging facilities
- 115: Hyperbole -- extensible hypertext management system within Emacs
- 116: Byte Compiler -- enhanced version of Emacs's byte compiler
- 117: comint -- hugely enhanced shell mode and other derived modes
- 118: BBDB -- personal info rolodex integrated with mail/news readers
- 119: Ispell -- spell checker in C with interface for Emacs
- 120: Epoch -- enhanced GNU Emacs with better X interface
- 121: Lucid GNU Emacs -- alternative Emacs 19 with better X interface
- 122: Demacs -- GNU Emacs altered to run on MS-DOS on 386/486 machines
- 123: Freemacs -- a small Emacs for MS-DOS
- 124: Patch -- program to apply "diffs" for updating files
- Changing Key Bindings and Handling Key Binding Problems
- 125: How do I bind keys (including function keys) to commands?
- 126: Why does Emacs say `Key sequence XXX uses invalid prefix characters'?
- 127: Why doesn't this [terminal or window-system setup] code work in my
- .emacs file, but it works just fine after Emacs starts up?
- 128: How do I use function keys under X Windows?
- 129: How do I tell what characters my function or arrow keys emit?
- 130: How do I set the X key "translations" for Emacs?
- 131: How do I handle C-s and C-q being used for flow control?
- 132: How do I use commands bound to C-s and C-q (or any key) if these keys
- are filtered out?
- 133: Why does the `BackSpace' key invoke help?
- 134: Why doesn't Emacs look at the stty settings for Backspace vs. Delete?
- 135: Why don't the arrow keys work?
- 136: How do I "swap" two keys?
- 137: How do I produce C-XXX with my keyboard?
- 138: What if I don't have a Meta key?
- 139: What if I don't have an Escape key?
- 140: How do I type DEL on PC terminal emulators?
- 141: Can I make my `Compose Character' key behave like a Meta key?
- 142: How do I bind a combination of modifier key and function key?
- 143: Why doesn't my Meta key work in an xterm window?
- 144: Why doesn't my ExtendChar key work as a Meta key under HP-UX 8.0?
- 145: Where can I get key bindings to make Emacs emulate WordStar?
- 146: Where can I get an XEDIT emulator for Emacs?
- Using Emacs with Alternate Character Sets
- 147: How do I make Emacs display 8-bit characters?
- 148: How do I input 8-bit characters?
- 149: Where can I get an Emacs that can handle kanji characters?
- 150: Where can I get an Emacs that can handle Chinese?
- 151: Where is an Emacs that can handle Semitic (right-to-left) alphabets?
- Mail and News
- 152: How do I change the included text prefix in mail/news followups?
- 153: How do I save a copy of outgoing mail?
- 154: Why doesn't Emacs expand my aliases when sending mail?
- 155: Why does RMAIL think all my saved messages are one big message?
- 156: How can I sort the messages in my RMAIL folder?
- 157: Why does RMAIL need to write to /usr/spool/mail?
- 158: How do I recover my mail files after RMAIL munges their format?
- 159: How do I make Emacs automatically start my mail/news reader?
- 160: How do I read news under Emacs?
- 161: Why does `rnews' say "No News is good news" when there is news?
- 162: Why doesn't GNUS work anymore via NNTP?
- 163: How do I view text with embedded underlining (eg., ClariNews)?
- 164: When I try to post a long article in GNUS (about 10K or longer), I get
- the error, "Writing to process: no more processes, nntpd"
- 165: How do I save all the items of a multi-part posting in GNUS?
- 166: Why does GNUS put the subjects in replies beyond the 80th column?
- 167: Why is GNUS so slow to start up?
- 168: How do I catch up all newsgroups in GNUS?
- 169: Why can't I kill in GNUS on the Newsgroups/Keywords/Control line?
- 170: How do I get rid of flashing messages in GNUS for slow connections?
- 171: Why is catch up slow in Gnews/GNUS?
- 172: Why does GNUS hang for a long time when posting?
- 173: Why don't my news postings in GNUS get past the local machine?
- 174: Why is the GNUS-generated `Date:' header invalid?
- 175: Why doesn't GNUS generate the `Lines:' header?
- 176: Why do I get "Cannot open load file" "nntp" when compiling GNUS?
- 177: How do I kill all articles in GNUS but those matching a pattern?
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Notation/General/Help/Status
- If you are viewing this text in a GNU Emacs Buffer, you can type "M-2 C-x $" to
- get an overview of just the questions. Then, when you want to look at the text
- of the answers, just type "C-x $".
- To search for a question numbered XXX, type "M-C-s ^XXX:", followed by a C-r if
- that doesn't work, then type ESC to end the search.
- A `+' in the 78th column means something was inserted on the line. A `-' means
- something was deleted and a `!' means some combination of insertions and
- deletions occurred.
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- Notation Used in FAQ
- Skip this section and then come back if you don't understand some of the
- later answers.
- 1: What do these mean: C-h, M-C-a, RET, "ESC a", etc.?
- C-x means press the `x' key while holding down the Control key. M-x means
- press the `x' key while holding down the Meta key. M-C-x means press the
- `x' key while holding down both the Control key and the Meta key. C-M-a
- is a synonym for M-C-a. RET, LFD, DEL, ESC, and TAB respectively refer to
- pressing the Return, Linefeed (aka Newline), Delete, Escape, and Tab keys
- and are equivalent to C-m, C-j, C-?, C-[, and C-i. SPC means press the
- Space bar.
- I put any key sequence that is longer than one key (and some single-key
- sequences) inside double quotes or on a line by itself. Any real spaces
- in such a key sequence should be ignored; only SPC really means press the
- space key.
- The ASCII code sent by C-x (except for C-?) is the value that would be
- sent by pressing just `x' minus 96 (or 64 for uppercase `X') and will be
- from 0 to 31. The ASCII code sent by M-x is the sum of 128 and the ASCII
- code that would be sent by pressing just the `x' key. Essentially, the
- Control key turns off bits 5 and 6 and the Meta key turns on bit 7.
- For further information, see `Characters' and `Keys' in the online manual.
- NOTE: C-? (aka DEL) is ASCII code 127. It is a misnomer to call C-? a
- "control" key, since 127 has both bits 5 and 6 turned ON. Also, on very
- few keyboards does Control-? generate ASCII code 127.
- 2: What does "M-x command" mean?
- "M-x command" means type M-x, then type the name of the command, then
- type RET.
- M-x (by default) invokes the command `execute-extended-command'. This
- command allows you to run any Emacs command if you can remember the
- command's name. If you can't remember the command's name, you can type
- TAB and SPC for completion, and "?" for a list of possibilities. An Emacs
- "command" is any "interactive" Emacs function.
- NOTE: Your system administrator may have bound other key sequences to
- invoke execute-extended-command. A function key labeled `Do' is a good
- candidate for this.
- To run non-interactive Emacs functions, see question 53.
- 3: How do I read topic XXX in the on-line manual?
- When I refer you to topic XXX in the on-line manual, you can read this
- manual node inside Emacs (assuming nothing is broken) by typing this:
- C-h i m emacs RET m XXX RET
- This invokes the Info facility. If you don't already know how to use
- Info, type "?" from within Info.
- If I refer you to topic XXX:YYY, you need to type this:
- C-h i m emacs RET m XXX RET m YYY RET
- WARNING: Your system administrator may not have installed the Info files,
- or may have installed them properly. In this case you should complain.
- 4: What do these mean: etc/SERVICE, src/config.h, lisp/default.el?
- These are files that come with GNU Emacs. The GNU Emacs distribution is
- divided into subdirectories; the important ones are `etc', `lisp', and
- `src'.
- If you use GNU Emacs, but don't know where it is kept on your system,
- start Emacs, then type "C-h v exec-directory RET". The directory name
- displayed by this will be the full pathname of the installed `etc'
- directory.
- Some of these files are available individually via FTP or e-mail, see
- question 20. All are available in the source distribution.
- 5: What are FSF, LPF, OSF, GNU, RMS, FTP, and GPL?
- FSF == Free Software Foundation
- LPF == League for Programming Freedom
- OSF == Open Software Foundation
- GNU == GNU's Not Unix
- RMS == Richard Matthew Stallman
- FTP == File Transfer Protocol
- GPL == GNU General Public Licence
- NOTE: Avoid confusing the FSF, the LPF, and the OSF. The LPF opposes
- look-and-feel copyrights and software patents. The FSF aims to make high
- quality free software available for everyone. The OSF is a commercial
- organization which wants to provide an alternative, standardized version
- of Unix not controlled by AT&T.
- NOTE: The word "free" in the title of the Free Software Foundation refers
- to "freedom", not "zero dollars". Anyone can charge any price for
- GPL-covered software that they want to. However, in practice, the freedom
- enforced by the GPL leads to low prices, because you can always get the
- software for less money from someone else, because everyone has the right
- to resell or give away GPL-covered software.
- General Questions
- 6: What is the LPF and why should I join it?
- The LPF opposes the expanding danger of software patents and look-and-feel
- copyrights. To get more information, feel free to contact the LPF via
- e-mail or otherwise. {You may also contact me, jbw@cs.bu.edu; I will be
- happy to talk with you about the LPF.} Here is the contact information: !
- E-mail address: league@prep.ai.mit.edu
- Phone number: (617) 243-4091 !
- Postal address:
- League for Programming Freedom
- 1 Kendall Square, Number 143
- Post Office Box 9171
- Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- Papers describing the LPF's views are available on the internet and also !
- from the LPF: !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/lpf/ +
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/lpf/ !
- Anonymous UUCP:
- osu-cis!~/lpf/* -
- 7: What is the real legal meaning of the GNU copyleft?
- The real legal meaning of the GNU General Public Licence (copyleft) is
- however it is interpreted by a judge. There has never been a copyright
- infringment case involving the GPL to set any precedents. Please take any
- discussion regarding this issue to the newsgroup gnu.misc.discuss, which
- was created to hold the extensive flame wars on the subject.
- RMS writes:
- The legal meaning of the GNU copyleft is less important than the spirit,
- which is that Emacs is a free software project and that work pertaining
- to Emacs should also be free software. "Free" means that all users have
- the freedom to study, share, change and improve Emacs. To make sure
- everyone has this freedom, pass along source code when you distribute
- any version of Emacs or a related program, and give the recipients the
- same freedom that you enjoyed.
- 8: What are appropriate messages for gnu.emacs.help, gnu.emacs.bug,
- comp.emacs, etc.?
- The file etc/MAILINGLISTS discusses the purpose of each GNU mailing-list.
- (See question 20 on how to get a copy.) For those which are gatewayed
- with newsgroups, it lists both the newsgroup name and the mailing list
- address.
- comp.emacs is for discussion of Emacs programs in general. This
- includes GNU Emacs along with various other implementations like JOVE,
- MicroEmacs, Freemacs, MG, Unipress, CCA, Epsilon, etc.
- Many people post GNU Emacs questions to comp.emacs because they don't
- receive any of the gnu.* newsgroups. Arguments have been made both for
- and against posting GNU-Emacs-specific material to comp.emacs. You have
- to decide for yourself.
- Messages advocating "non-free" software are considered unacceptable on any
- of the gnu.* newsgroups except for gnu.misc.discuss, which was created to
- hold the extensive flame-wars on the subject. "non-free" software
- includes any software for which the end user can't freely modify the
- source code and exchange enhancements. Be careful to remove the gnu.*
- groups from the `Newsgroups:' line when posting a followup that recommends
- such software.
- gnu.emacs.bug is a place where bug reports appear, but avoid posting bug
- reports to this newsgroup, instead see question 10.
- 9: Where can I get old postings to gnu.emacs.help and other GNU groups?
- The FSF has maintained archives of all of the GNU mailing lists for many
- years, although there may be some unintentional gaps in coverage. The
- archive is not particularly well organized or easy to retrieve individual
- postings from, but pretty much everything is there.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/emacs/MailingListArchives/ !
- {There was a WAIS database named `comp-emacs' on lambada.oit.unc.edu that
- makes available the last 10 days of articles in comp.emacs. It appears to
- have died. Anyone know if it moved?}
- 10: Where should I report bugs and other problems with GNU Emacs?
- The correct way to report GNU Emacs bugs is by e-mail to
- bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu. Anything sent here also appears in the
- newsgroup gnu.emacs.bug, but please use e-mail instead of news to submit
- the bug report. This way a reliable return address is available so you
- can be contacted for further details.
- RMS explains:
- Sending bug reports to help-gnu-emacs (which has the effect of posting
- on gnu.emacs.help) is undesirable because it takes the time of an
- unnecessarily large group of people, most of whom are just users and
- have no idea how to fix these problem. bug-gnu-emacs reaches a much
- smaller group of people who are more likely to know what to do and have
- expressed a wish to receive more messages about Emacs than the others.
- However, RMS says there are circumstances when it is okay to post to
- gnu.emacs.help:
- If you have reported a bug and you don't hear about a possible fix, then
- after a suitable delay (such as a week) it is okay to post on
- gnu.emacs.help asking if anyone can help you.
- If you are unsure whether you have a bug, RMS describes how to tell:
- ... if Emacs crashes, that is a bug. If Emacs gets compilation errors
- while building, that is a bug. If Emacs crashes while building, that is
- a bug. If Lisp code does not do what the documentation says it does,
- that is a bug.
- 11: How do I unsubscribe to this mailing list?
- If you are receiving a GNU mailing list named `XXX', you might be able
- to unsubscribe to it by sending a request to the address
- `XXX-request@prep.ai.mit.edu'. However, this will not work if you are
- not listed on the main mailing list, but instead recieve the mail from a
- distribution point. In that case, you will have to track down at which
- distribution point you are listed. Inspecting the `Received:' headers
- on the mail messages may help, along with liberal use of the `EXPN' or
- `VRFY' sendmail commands through `telnet <site-address> smtp'. Ask your
- postmaster for help.
- 12: What is the current address of the FSF?
- E-mail address: gnu@prep.ai.mit.edu +
- Phone number: (617) 876-3296 +
- Postal address:
- Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 675 Massachusetts Avenue
- Cambridge, MA 02139, USA -
- On-line Help, Printed Manuals, Other Sources of Help
- 13: I'm just starting GNU Emacs; how do I do basic editing?
- Type "C-h t" to invoke the self-paced tutorial. Typing just C-h is
- how to enter the help system.
- WARNING: Your system administrator may have changed C-h to act like DEL to
- deal local keyboards. You can use M-x help-for-help instead to invoke
- help. To discover what key (if any) invokes help on your system, type
- "M-x where-is RET help-for-help RET". This will print a comma-separated
- list of key sequences in the echo area. Ignore the last character in each
- key sequence listed. Each of the resulting key sequences invokes help.
- NOTE: Emacs's help facility works best if help is invoked by a single key
- whose value should be stored in the variable help-char. Andrew
- Arensburger <arensb@kong.gsfc.nasa.gov> wrote a patch that allows the help
- facility to work properly when invoked by multiple character sequences.
- 14: How do I find out how to do something in GNU Emacs?
- There are several methods for finding out how to do things in Emacs.
- * The complete text of the Emacs manual is available online via the Info
- hypertext reader. Type "C-h i" to invoke Info.
- * You can order a hardcopy of the manual from the FSF. See question 15.
- * You can get a printed reference card listing commands and keys to invoke
- them. You can order one from the FSF for $1 (or 10 for $5), or you can
- print your own from the etc/refcard.tex file in the Emacs distribution.
- {Are PostScript versions of this available for FTP?}
- * You can list all of the commands whose names contain a certain word
- (actually which match a regular expression) using "C-h a"
- (M-x command-apropos).
- * You can list all of the functions and variables whose names contain a
- certain word using M-x apropos.
- * There are many other commands in Emacs for getting help and information.
- To get a list of these commands, type "C-h C-h C-h".
- NOTE: You may find that command-apropos and apropos are extremely slow
- on your system. This will be fixed in Emacs 19. If you can't wait that
- long, there is a fast-apropos.el file available in the Emacs Lisp
- Archive (see question 89) that contains the fix.
- 15: How do I get a printed copy of the GNU Emacs manual?
- You can order a printed copy of the GNU Emacs manual from the FSF for
- $20. For 6 or more manuals the price is $13 each. The price may be -
- tax-deductible as a business expense. -
- The full TeX source for the manual also comes in the `man' directory of
- the Emacs distribution, if you're daring enough to try to print out this
- 300 page manual yourself (see question 18).
- If you absolutely have to print your own copy, and you don't have TeX, you
- can get a PostScript version via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /cs.ubc.ca:src/gnu/manuals_ps/emacs-18.57.ps.Z !
- which site requests that you please CONFINE ANY MAJOR FTPING TO LATE
- version is also available via FTP: !
- !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/emacs-manual-6.0.dvi.Z !
- If you don't have TeX you can convert the Texinfo sources into
- {t,n,ps}roff format with the `texi2roff' program, which is available via
- anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/texi2roff/texi2roff.shar.Z !
- See also question 14 for how to view the manual online.
- 16: Where can I get documentation on GNU Emacs Lisp?
- Within Emacs, you can type "C-h f" to get the documentation for a
- function, "C-h v" for a variable.
- For more information, obtain the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual for Emacs
- 18 under Unix. It is available from the FSF for $50 (or 5 for $200). The
- latest revision available for FTP is edition 1.03 dated 28 January 1991.
- For online use, a set of pregenerated Info files is available with the
- Texinfo source for the Emacs Lisp manual via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/ !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/elisp-manual-1.03.tar.Z !
- (You can also create the Info files from the Texinfo source.) See
- question 17 for details on how to install these files online.
- If you are daring enough to try to print this 550 page manual out
- yourself, for instructions see question 18.
- Also, as a popular USENET saying goes, "Use the Force, Read the Source".
- 17: How do I install a piece of Texinfo documentation?
- First create Info files from the Texinfo files with the `makeinfo'
- program. makeinfo is available as part of the latest Texinfo package: !
- !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/texinfo-2.14.tar.Z !
- For information about the Texinfo format, read the Texinfo manual which
- comes with Emacs. This manual also comes installed in Info format, so you
- can read it online.
- Neither texinfo-format-buffer nor the makeinfo program install the
- resulting Info files in Emacs's Info tree. To install Info files:
- 1. Move the files to the `info' directory in the installed Emacs
- distribution. See question 4 if you don't know where that
- is.
- 2. Edit the file info/dir in the installed Emacs distribution, and add a
- line for the top level node in the Info package that you are
- installing. Follow the examples are already in this file. The format
- is:
- * Topic: (relative-pathname). Short description of topic.
- If you want to install Info files and you don't have the necessary
- privileges, you have several options:
- * Info files don't actually need to be installed before being used. You
- can feed a file name to the Info-goto-node command (invoked by pressing
- "g" in Info mode) by typing the name of the file in parentheses. This
- goes to the node named `Top' in that file. For example, to view a Info
- file named `XXX' in your home directory, you can type this:
- C-h i g (~/XXX) RET
- * You can create your own Info directory. You can tell Emacs where the
- Info directory is by setting the value of the variable Info-directory
- to its pathname. For example, to use a private Info directory which
- is a subdirectory of your home directory named `Info', you could do
- this:
- (setq Info-directory (expand-file-name "~/Info"))
- You will need a top-level Info file named `dir' in this directory.
- You can include the system-wide Info directory in your private Info
- directory with symbolic links or by copying it.
- * You can use an enhanced version of lisp/info.el that handles multiple
- Info directories. Then you can more easily use a mix of private and
- shared Info files. Dave Gillespie <daveg@synaptics.com,
- daveg@csvax.cs.caltech.edu> has written one such enhancement and I
- believe there are others. Dave's info.el also handles compressed Info
- files.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:modes/info.el.Z !
- /cs.umn.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/info.el.Z +
- According to Jay Bourland <jayb@math.stanford.edu>, a version of Dave's
- info.el comes with `xinfo' (see question 19).
- 18: How do I print a Texinfo file?
- NOTE: You can't get nice printed output from Info files; you must still
- have the original Texinfo source file for the manual you want to print.
- 1. Make sure the first line of the Texinfo file looks like this:
- \input texinfo
- You may need to alter `texinfo' to the full pathname of the
- texinfo.tex file, which comes with Emacs as man/texinfo.tex (or copy
- or link it into the current directory).
- 2. tex XXX.texinfo
- 3. texindex XXX.??
- The `texindex' program comes with Emacs as man/texindex.c.
- 4. tex XXX.texinfo
- 5. Print the DVI file XXX.dvi in the normal way for printing DVI files
- at your site.
- To get more general instructions, retrieve the latest Texinfo package
- mentioned in question 17.
- 19: Can I view Info files without using GNU Emacs?
- Yes, the `info', `xinfo', and `ivinfo' programs do this. info uses
- curses, xinfo uses standard X11 libraries, and ivinfo uses InterViews.
- You can get info as part of the latest Texinfo package (see question
- 17). xinfo is available separately: !
- !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/xinfo-1.01.01.tar.Z !
- /export.lcs.mit.edu: !
- ivinfo is available in a comp.sources.misc archive or from Tom Horsley
- <tom@ssd.csd.harris.com>. For ivinfo, you need Stanford's InterViews C++
- X library, available via anonymous FTP (interviews.stanford.edu).
- 20: What informational files are available for GNU Emacs?
- This isn't a frequently asked question, but it should be! A variety of
- informational files about GNU Emacs and relevant aspects of the GNU
- project are available for you to read.
- The following files are available in the `etc' directory of the GNU
- Emacs distribution, and also the latest versions are available
- individually via anonymous FTP (prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/GNUinfo/):
- APPLE -- Why the FSF doen't support GNU Emacs on Apple computers
- DISTRIB -- GNU Emacs Availability Information,
- including the popular "Free Software Foundation Order Form"
- FTP -- How to get GNU Software by Internet FTP or by UUCP
- GNU -- The GNU Manifesto
- INTERVIEW -- Richard Stallman discusses his public-domain
- UNIX-compatible software system
- with BYTE editors
- MACHINES -- Status of GNU Emacs on Various Machines and Systems
- MAILINGLISTS -- GNU Project Electronic Mailing Lists
- SERVICE -- GNU Service Directory
- SUN-SUPPORT -- including "Using Emacstool with GNU Emacs"
- These files are available in the `etc' directory of the GNU Emacs
- distribution:
- DIFF -- Differences between GNU Emacs and Twenex Emacs
- CCADIFF -- Differences between GNU Emacs and CCA Emacs
- GOSDIFF -- Differences between GNU Emacs and Gosling (Unipress??) Emacs
- COPYING -- GNU Emacs General Public License
- NEWS -- GNU Emacs News, a history of user-visible changes
- LPF -- Why you should join the League for Programming Freedom
- FAQ -- GNU Emacs Frequently Asked Questions (You're reading it)
- OPTIONS -- a complete explanation of startup option handling
- These files are available via anonymous FTP (prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/):
- tasks -- GNU Task List
- standards.text -- GNU Coding Standards
- In addition, all of the above files are available directly from the FSF
- via e-mail. Of course, please try to get them from a local source
- first.
- These additional files are available from the FSF via e-mail:
- * GNU's Bulletin, June, 1991 -- this file includes:
- GNU'S Who
- What Is the Free Software Foundation?
- What Is Copyleft?
- A Small Way to Help Free Software
- GNUs Flashes (important recent developments for project GNU)
- Free Software Support (and how to get it!)
- Copyrighted Programming Languages
- AT&T Threatens Users of X Windows (and other software patent threats)
- Project Gutenberg
- GNU Project Status Report
- GNU in Japan
- GNU Wish List
- Help Keep Government Software Free
- GNU Software Available Now
- Contents of the Emacs Tape
- Contents of the Compiler Tape
- Contents of the X11 Tapes
- VMS Emacs and Compiler Tapes
- GNU Documentation
- How to Get GNU Software
- Free Software for Microcomputers
- GNU Software on Apple computers
- GNU Software on the Amiga
- GNU Software on the Atari
- GNUish MS-DOS project
- Freemacs, an Extensible Editor for MS-DOS
- GNU in Japan
- FSF Order Form
- Thank GNUs
- * Legal issues about contributing code to GNU
- * GNU Project Status Report
- A collection of past GNU's Bulletins is available via anonymous FTP: +
- +
- /ftp.funet.fi:pub/gnu/Bulletins/ +
- 21: Where can I get help in installing GNU Emacs?
- Look in etc/SERVICE for names of companies and individuals who will sell
- you this type of service. An up-to-date version of the SERVICE file is
- available on prep.ai.mit.edu (also see question 20).
- 22: Where can I get the latest version of this document (the FAQ list)?
- The GNU Emacs FAQ is available in several ways:
- * Via USENET. If you can read news, the FAQ should be available in your
- news spool, in both the gnu.emacs.help and comp.emacs newsgroups. Every
- news reader of which I know will allow you to read any news article that
- is still in the news spool, even if you have read the article before.
- You may need to read the instructions for your news reader to discover
- how to do this. In `rn', this command will do this for you at the
- article selection level:
- ?GNU Emacs FAQ?rc:m
- In GNUS, you should type "C-u G" from the *Subject* buffer or "C-u SPC"
- from the *Newsgroup* buffer to view all articles in a newsgroup.
- The FAQ articles' message IDs are:
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-0.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-1.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-2.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-3.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-4.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- <GNU-Emacs-FAQ-5.1992.09.22.011020@bigbird.bu.edu> !
- If you are viewing this in the GNUS *Article* buffer, you can move point
- within one of the above message IDs and type "r" to fetch the referenced
- article. Type "o" in the *Article* buffer to restore the previous
- contents. If this text is not in the GNUS *Article* buffer, use M-r
- from the *Subject* buffer instead.
- If the FAQ articles have expired and been deleted from your news spool,
- it might (or might not) do some good to complain to your news
- administrator, because the most recent FAQ should not expire before
- November 21, 1992. !
- * Via anonymous FTP. You can fetch the FAQ articles via anonymous FTP
- /rtfm.mit.edu:pub/usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/ part* !
- * Via e-mail. You can send the following magical incantation in the body
- of a message to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu:
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part0
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part1
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part2
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part3
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part4
- send usenet/news.answers/GNU-Emacs-FAQ/part5
- * Via WAIS. The GNU Emacs FAQ is available via WAIS indexed on a
- per-question basis from the `faq' database on bigbird.bu.edu on the
- non-standard IP port number of 2210. This is probably the best way to
- find out if there is something in the FAQ related to your question. I
- use this myself to answer questions I see posted on gnu.emacs.help.
- The articles of the GNU Emacs FAQ are also available from the `usenet'
- database on rtfm.mit.edu (on the standard IP port: 210), along with a
- lot of other FAQ articles. However, these are all indexed at the whole
- article level instead of at the question level. This is a better place
- to look if you want to fetch the entire FAQ.
- * In the GNU Emacs distribution. Since GNU Emacs 18.56, the latest
- available version of the FAQ at the time of release has been part of the
- GNU Emacs distribution as file etc/FAQ. 18.58 is the latest version,
- and it was released in February 1992.
- * There is an old version of the FAQ list available for FTP in the GNU +
- archives at MIT: +
- +
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/GNUinfo/FAQ.emacs +
- +
- * As the very last resort, you can e-mail a request to +
- gnu-emacs-faq-maintainers@bigbird.bu.edu. Don't do this unless you have
- made a serious effort to obtain the FAQ list via one of the methods
- listed above.
- Status of Emacs
- 23: Where does the name "Emacs" come from?
- Emacs originally was an acronym for Editor MACroS. RMS says he "picked
- the name `Emacs' because `E' was not in use as an abbreviation on ITS at
- the time.". The first Emacs was a set of macros written in 1976 at MIT by
- RMS for the editor TECO (Text Editor and COrrector (originally Tape Editor
- and COrrector)) under ITS on a PDP-10. RMS had already extended TECO with
- a "real-time" full screen mode with active keys. Emacs was started by Guy
- Steele <gls@think.com> as a project to unify the many divergent TECO
- command sets and keybindings at MIT.
- Many people have told me that TECO code looks a lot like line noise. See
- alt.lang.teco if you are interested. I think someone has written a TECO
- implementation in Emacs Lisp. It would be an interesting project to run
- the original TECO Emacs inside of GNU Emacs.
- 24: What is the latest version of GNU Emacs?
- GNU Emacs 18.58 is the current version. Fixes from 18.57 include better
- mail address parsing, an X visual bell speedup, a call-process
- enhancement, a regexp matching change, the ability to apply a numeric
- argument to a self-inserting digit, getting X resource values from the
- RESOURCE_MANAGER property, more reliable shell mode job control, and a
- change to copy-keymap. Also, support has been added for many new system
- types. Fixes from 18.55 include the removal of arbitrary limits on the
- undo facility.
- According to the January 1992 GNU's Bulletin, "Emacs 18 maintenance
- continues for simple bug fixes.".
- To visit a file with information about what has changed in recent
- versions, type "C-h n".
- 25: When will GNU Emacs 19 be available?
- There are strong indications that Emacs 19 will be available in 1992. The
- FSF has recently gone through a spate of copyright disclaimer checking,
- which is a good sign.
- Lucid has released Lucid GNU Emacs 19.2, which is based on an early
- unreleased version of GNU Emacs 19. This will be similar to Emacs 19 when
- it finally arrives, but they are not the same. See question 121.
- Work has begun on features for Emacs 20.
- 26: What is different about GNU Emacs 19?
- From the January 1992 GNU's Bulletin:
- Version 19 will enter beta test late this year. Among its new features
- are: before and after change hooks, source-level debugging of Emacs Lisp
- programs, X selection processing (including clipboard selections),
- scrollbars, support for European character sets, floating point numbers,
- per-buffer mouse commands, X resource manager interfacing,
- mouse-tracking, Lisp-level binding of function keys, multiple X windows
- (`screens' to Emacs), a new input system, and buffer allocation, which
- uses a new mechanism capable of returning storage to the system when a
- buffer is killed.
- The input stream is now a sequence of Lisp objects, instead of a
- sequence of characters. This allows a reasonable representation for
- mouse clicks, function keys, menu selections, etc.
- Thanks go to Alan Carroll and the people who worked on Epoch for
- generating initial feedback to a multi-windowed Emacs, and to Eric
- Raymond for help in polishing the Emacs 19 Lisp libraries.
- The June 1991 GNU's bulletin had this to say about future plans for Emacs:
- Features being considered for later releases of Emacs include:
- associating property lists with regions of text in a buffer; multiple
- fonts, color, and pixmaps defined by those properties; different
- visibility conditions for the regions, and for various windows showing
- one buffer; hooks to be run if point or mouse moves outside a certain
- range; incrementally saving undo history in a file; static menu bars;
- and better pop-up menus.
- Mention of this feature disappeared in the January 1992 GNU's bulletin:
- Emacs 19 supports two styles of multiple windows, one with a separate
- screen for the minibuffer, and another with a minibuffer attached to
- each screen.
- Mention of these two proposed features disappeared in the January 1991
- GNU's bulletin:
- * Incremental syntax analysis for various programming languages (Leif).
- * A more sophisticated emacsclient/server model, which would provide
- network transparent Emacs widget functionality.
- 27: What variants of GNU Emacs exist?
- * Nemacs (Nihongo Emacs), which can handle Japanese text, is derived from +
- GNU Emacs 18.55. See question 149.
- * Demacs, which can run under MS-DOS on 386 machines, is derived from
- Nemacs. See question 122.
- * Epoch, which has better X support, is derived from GNU Emacs 18.58.
- See question 120 and 92.
- * Nepoch (Nihongo Epoch), which can handle Japanese text, is derived from +
- Epoch. +
- +
- * Mule (the MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU Emacs) can handle many +
- character sets simultaneously. It is derived from Emacs 18.58. It is +
- available for FTP: +
- +
- /sh.wide.ad.jp:/JAPAN/mule/ +
- /etlport.etl.go.jp:/pub/mule/ +
- +
- * Lucid GNU Emacs is derived from an early unreleased version of GNU Emacs +
- 19. See question 121 and 92.
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Common Requests/Problems
- If you are viewing this text in a GNU Emacs Buffer, you can type "M-2 C-x $" to
- get an overview of just the questions. Then, when you want to look at the text
- of the answers, just type "C-x $".
- To search for a question numbered XXX, type "M-C-s ^XXX:", followed by a C-r if
- that doesn't work, then type ESC to end the search.
- A `+' in the 78th column means something was inserted on the line. A `-' means
- something was deleted and a `!' means some combination of insertions and
- deletions occurred.
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- Common Things People Want To Do
- 28: How do I set up a .emacs file properly?
- See `Init File' in the on-line manual.
- WARNING: In general, new Emacs users should not have .emacs files, because
- it causes confusing non-standard behavior. Then they send questions to
- help-gnu-emacs asking why Emacs isn't behaving as documented. :-)
- 29: How do I debug a .emacs file?
- First start Emacs with the `-q' command line option. Then, in the
- *scratch* buffer, type the following:
- (setq debug-on-error t) LFD
- (load-file "~/.emacs") LFD
- (Type LFD by pressing C-j.)
- If you have an error in your .emacs file, this will invoke the debugger
- when the error occurs. If you don't know how to use the debugger do
- (setq stack-trace-on-error t) instead.
- WARNING: this will not discover errors caused by trying to do something
- that requires the terminal/window-system initialization code to have
- been loaded. See question 127.
- 30: How do I make Emacs display the current line (or column) number?
- To find out what line of the buffer you are on right now, do "M-x
- what-line". Use "M-x goto-line" to go to a specific line. To find the
- current column number, type "M-ESC (current-column)".
- Typing "C-x l" will also tell you what line you are on, provided the
- buffer isn't separated into "pages" with C-l characters. In that case, it
- will only tell you what line of the current "page" you are on. WARNING:
- "C-x l" gives the wrong value when point is at the beginning of a line.
- There is no "correct" way to constantly display the current (or total)
- line (or column) number on the mode line in Emacs 18, or to display the
- line numbers next to the lines like vi can. Emacs is not a line-oriented
- editor, and really has no idea what "lines" of the buffer are displayed in
- the window. It would require a lot of work at the C code level to make
- Emacs keep track of this. It would not be that hard to get the column
- number, but it would still require changes at the C code level.
- None of the vi emulation modes provide the `set number' capability of vi
- (as far as I know).
- Emacs 19 will probably be able to show the line number on the mode-line,
- but probably very inefficiently.
- People have written various kludges to display line numbers. One is
- `display-line-numbers' by Wayne Mesard <wmesard@tofu.oracle.com,
- Mesard@bbn.com>. Look in the Lisp Code Directory. (See question
- 88.)
- 31: How do I turn on Abbrevs by default just in mode XXX?
- Put this in your .emacs file:
- (condition-case ()
- (read-abbrev-file nil t)
- (file-error nil))
- (setq XXX-mode-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (setq abbrev-mode t))))
- 32: How do I turn on Auto-Fill mode by default?
- To turn on Auto-Fill mode just once for one buffer, use "M-x
- auto-fill-mode". To turn it on for every buffer in, for example, Text
- mode, do this:
- (setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)
- If you want Auto-Fill mode on in all major modes, do this:
- (setq-default auto-fill-hook 'do-auto-fill)
- 33: How do I make Emacs use a certain major mode for certain files?
- If you want to use XXX mode for all files which end with the extension
- `.YYY', this will do it for you:
- (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.YYY\\'" . XXX-mode) auto-mode-alist))
- Otherwise put this somewhere in the first line of any file you want to
- edit in XXX mode:
- -*-XXX-*-
- 34: How do I search for, delete, or replace unprintable (8-bit or control)
- characters?
- To search for a single character that appears in the buffer as, for
- example, `\237', you can type "C-s C-q 2 3 7". (This assumes the value of
- search-quote-char is 17 (ie., C-q).) Searching for ALL unprintable
- characters is best done with a "regexp" search. The easiest regexp to use
- for the unprintable chars is the complement of the regexp for the
- printable chars.
- Regexp for the printable chars: [\t\n\r\f -~]
- Regexp for the unprintable chars: [^\t\n\r\f -~]
- To type some of these special characters in an interactive argument to
- isearch-forward-regexp or re-search-forward, you need to use C-q. (`\t',
- `\n', `\r', and `\f' stand respectively for TAB, LFD, RET, and C-l.) So,
- to search for unprintable characters using re-search-forward:
- M-x re-search-forward RET [^ TAB C-q LFD C-q RET C-q C-l SPC -~] RET
- Using isearch-forward-regexp:
- M-C-s [^ TAB RET C-q RET C-q C-l SPC -~]
- To delete all unprintable characters, simply use a replace-regexp:
- M-x replace-regexp RET [^ TAB C-q LFD C-q RET C-q C-l SPC -~] RET RET
- Replacing is similar to the above. {I need to write the text for this
- part of the answer!}
- Notes:
- * With isearch, you can type RET to get a quoted LFD (not a quoted RET).
- * You don't need to quote TAB with either isearch or typing something in
- the minibuffer.
- Here are the Emacs Lisp forms of the above regexps:
- ;; regexp matching all printable characters:
- "[\t\n\r\f -~]"
- ;; regexp matching all unprintable characters:
- "[^\t\n\r\f -~]"
- 35: How can I highlight a region of text in Emacs?
- There are ways to get highlighting (reverse video, inverse video) in GNU
- Emacs 18.58, but either they require patching the C code of Emacs and
- rebuilding, or they are slow and the highlighting disappears if you scroll
- or redraw the screen and it can not follow the point. Howard Gayle's
- patches for 8-bit output appear to allow highlighting (see question
- ^8-bit-output). Another patch for highlighting is by Kenichi Handa
- <handa@etl.go.jp>. There is a patch for use with X by Andy Norman
- <ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com> (and modified for 18.57 by Matthieu Herrb
- <matthieu@laas.fr>), which is available for FTP: !
- !
- /laas.laas.fr:pub/emacs/patch-X11-18.5{5,7} !
- You can highlight regions in a variety of ways in Epoch and Lucid Emacs.
- GNU Emacs 19 may not be able to just temporarily highlight a region. !
- Similar comments apply to displaying text in different fonts, except that
- it is even harder.
- 36: How do I control Emacs's case-sensitivity when searching/replacing?
- For searching, the value of the variable case-fold-search determines
- whether they are case sensitive:
- (setq case-fold-search nil) ; make searches case sensitive
- (setq case-fold-search t) ; make searches case insensitive
- Similarly, for replacing the variable case-replace determines whether
- replacements preserve case.
- To change the case sensitivity just for one major mode, use the major
- mode's hook. For example:
- (setq XXX-mode-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (setq case-fold-search nil))))
- 37: How do I make Emacs wrap words for me?
- M-x auto-fill-mode. The default maximum line width is 74, determined by
- the variable fill-column. To find how to turn this on automatically see
- question 32.
- 38: Where can I get a better spelling checker for Emacs?
- Use Ispell. See question 119.
- 39: How can I spell-check TeX or *roff documents?
- If you want to spell-check TeX or *roff documents with Ispell, you need to
- arrange for a filter program that understands how to strip TeX or *roff
- formatting commands to be run. In the TeX distribution, there are several
- different programs named `detex', all with incompatible options, and a
- very old pair of programs named `detex' and `delatex', which should
- probably be avoided. The most useful one for Ispell is `detex' by Daniel
- Trinkle. A more recent version is available via FTP: !
- !
- /arthur.cs.purdue.edu:pub/trinkle/detex-2.3.tar.Z !
- Raphael Cerf <cerf@clipper.ens.fr> recently released a program for this +
- named `xetal': !
- !
- /spi.ens.fr:pub/unix/tex/ !
- There is a program that comes with Unix named `deroff' for stripping
- formatting commands from *roff files.
- Here is an example of code you can put in a .emacs file to use these
- programs:
- ;; Based on suggestions by David G. Grubbs <dgg@ksr.com> and Paul Palmer
- ;; <palmerp@math.orst.edu>.
- ;; Assuming the use of detex 2.3 by Daniel Trinkle:
- ;; -w means one word per line.
- ;; -n means don't expand \input or \include commands.
- ;; -l means force LaTeX mode.
- (require 'ispell) ; for the make-variable-buffer-local statements
- (setq plain-TeX-mode-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (setq ispell-filter-hook "detex")
- (setq ispell-filter-hook-args '("-nw")))))
- (setq LaTeX-mode-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (setq ispell-filter-hook "detex")
- (setq ispell-filter-hook-args '("-lnw")))))
- (setq nroff-mode-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (setq ispell-filter-hook "deroff")
- (setq ispell-filter-hook-args '("-w")))))
- You will have to adjust the arguments for programs other than Trinkle's
- detex or for other versions of deroff. Experiment running the command
- from the shell to find the correct options. If you don't have a filter
- that knows how to output one word per line, you must pipe its output
- through another filter to break up the output.
- 40: How do I change load-path?
- In general, you should only *add* to the load-path. You can add
- directory /XXX/YYY to the load path like this:
- (setq load-path (append load-path '("/XXX/YYY/")))
- To do this relative to your home directory:
- (setq load-path (append load-path (list (expand-file-name "~/YYY/"))))
- 41: How do I use an already running Emacs from another window?
- The `emacsclient' program is for editing a file using an already running
- Emacs rather than starting up a new Emacs. It does this by sending a
- request to the already running Emacs, which must be expecting the request.
- * Setup
- Emacs must have executed the `server-start' function for emacsclient to
- work. This can be done either by a command line option:
- emacs -f server-start
- or by invoking server-start from the .emacs file:
- (if (some conditions are met) (server-start))
- When this is done, Emacs starts a subprocess running a program called
- `server'. `server' creates a Unix domain socket in the user's home
- directory named `.emacs_server'.
- To get your news reader, mail reader, etc., to invoke emacsclient, try
- setting the environment variable EDITOR (or sometimes VISUAL) to the
- value `emacsclient'. You may have to specify the full pathname of the
- emacsclient program instead. Examples:
- # csh commands:
- setenv EDITOR emacsclient
- setenv EDITOR /usr/local/emacs/etc/emacsclient # using full pathname
- # sh command:
- EDITOR=emacsclient export EDITOR
- * Normal use
- When emacsclient is run, it connects to the `.emacs_server' socket and
- passes its command line options to `server'. When `server' receives
- these requests, it sends this information on the the Emacs process,
- which at the next opportunity will visit the files specified. (Line
- numbers can be specified just like with Emacs.) The user will have to
- switch to the Emacs window by hand. When the user is done editing a
- file, the user can type "C-x #" to indicate this. This will switch to
- another buffer created at the request of emacsclient if there are any.
- When "C-x #" has been invoked on all of the files that the emacsclient
- requested to be edited, Emacs will send notification of this to `server'
- which will pass this on to the emacsclient, which will then exit.
- NOTE: `emacsclient' and `server' must be running on machines which share
- the same filesystem for this to work. The pathnames that emacsclient
- specifies should be correct for the filesystem that the Emacs process
- sees. The Emacs process should not be suspended at the time emacsclient
- is invoked. emacsclient should either be invoked from another X window or
- from a shell window inside Emacs itself.
- There is an enhanced version of emacsclient/server called `gnuserv' by
- Andy Norman <ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com> which is available in the Emacs Lisp
- Archive. gnuserv uses Internet domain sockets, so it can work across most
- network connections. It also supports the execution of arbitrary Emacs
- Lisp forms and also does not require the client program to wait for
- completion. It is available via anonymous FTP (Emacs Lisp Archive:
- packages/gnuserv.shar).
- 42: How do I make Emacs recognize my compiler's funny error messages?
- Write a program which runs the compiler as a child and filters its output,
- rearranging as necessary. Install with same name as compiler somewhere in
- path.
- Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu> wrote one such for a C compiler under AIX.
- Available via FTP: !
- !
- /cs.utk.edu:readonly/aixcc.lex !
- Jim Frost <jimf@saber.com> wrote another for the IBM xlc compiler on the
- RS/6000. (I don't know if these are both for the same compiler.)
- Johnathan Vail <vail@tegra.COM> wrote something for a High C compiler
- (`hc', which is one of the compilers on the RS/6000, although I think
- Johnathan wrote his program for hc on a different computer).
- 43: How do I indent switch statements like this?
- Many people want to indent their switch statements like this:
- f()
- {
- switch(x) {
- case A:
- x1;
- break;
- case B:
- x2;
- break;
- default:
- x3;
- }
- }
- I don't believe there is any way to do this exactly without modifying the
- Lisp code in c-mode.el. You can set c-indent-level to 4 and
- c-label-offset to -2, but this has bad effects elsewhere. {Anyone have a
- solution?}
- 44: How can I make Emacs automatically scroll horizontally?
- There is no completely correct way of doing this that does not involve !
- rewriting all commands or writing your own top-level command loop (not a !
- completely bad idea). Wayne Mesard <wmesard@pescadero.stanford.edu> has !
- written a particularly advanced kludge called `hscroll.el' that checks !
- once a second to make sure point is visible. !
- 45: How do I make Emacs "typeover" or "overwrite" instead of inserting?
- M-x overwrite-mode (a minor mode).
- 46: How do I stop Emacs from beeping on a terminal?
- Martin R. Frank <martin@cc.gatech.edu> writes:
- Tell Emacs to use the 'visible bell' instead of the audible bell, and
- set the visible bell to nothing.
- Put this in your TERMCAP environment variable:
- ... :vb=: ...
- And evaluate this:
- (setq visible-bell t)
- 47: How do I turn down the bell volume in Emacs running under X Windows?
- Under versions of Emacs before 18.58, the bell volume was annoying loud
- and difficult to turn off. So upgrading to 18.58 will reduce the volume.
- If you want to turn it off completely, use `xset'. There is no way to
- turn the bell off just for Emacs without affecting all other programs.
- Under Epoch you can do:
- (setq epoch::bell-volume 20)
- Stu Grossman <grossman@sunburn.stanford.edu> wrote a patch that allows the
- bell volume to be adjusted from inside Emacs just for Emacs.
- 48: How do I tell Emacs to automatically indent a new line to the
- indentation of the previous line?
- One solution is Indented Text Mode (M-x indented-text-mode).
- If you have Auto-Fill mode on (a minor mode, see question 32), you can
- tell Emacs to prefix every line with a certain character sequence, the
- "fill prefix". Type the prefix at the beginning of a line, position point
- after it, and then type "C-x ." (set-fill-prefix) to set the fill prefix.
- Thereafter, auto-filling will automatically put the fill prefix at the
- beginning of new lines, and M-q (fill-paragraph) will maintain any fill
- prefix when refilling the paragraph.
- NOTE: If you have paragraphs with different levels of indentation, you
- will have to set the fill prefix to the correct value each time you move
- to a new paragraph. To avoid this hassle, try one of the many packages
- available from the Emacs Lisp Archive. Look up `fill' and `indent' in the
- Lisp Code Directory for guidance.
- 49: How do I show which parenthesis matches the one I'm looking at?
- If you're looking at a right parenthesis (or brace or bracket) you can
- delete it and reinsert it. Emacs will blink the cursor on the matching
- parenthesis.
- M-C-f (forward-sexp) and M-C-b (backward-sexp) will skip over balanced
- parentheses, so you can see which parentheses match. (You can train it to
- skip over balanced brackets and braces at the same time by modifying the
- syntax table.)
- Here is some Emacs Lisp that will make the % key show the matching
- parenthesis, like in vi. In addition, if the cursor isn't over a
- parenthesis, it simply inserts a % like normal.
- ;; By an unknown contributor
- (global-set-key "%" 'match-paren)
- (defun match-paren (arg)
- "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis otherwise insert %."
- (interactive "p")
- (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
- ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
- (t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))
- 50: In C mode, can I show just the lines that will be left after #ifdef
- commands are handled by the compiler?
- M-x hide-ifdef-mode. (This is a minor mode.)
- You may have to (load "hideif") first. If you want to do this regularly,
- put this in your .emacs file:
- (autoload 'hide-ifdef-mode "hideif" nil t)
- {Yes, I know, this should be in lisp/loaddefs.el already.}
- 51: Is there an equivalent to the `.' (dot) command of vi?
- (`.' is the redo command in vi. It redoes the last insertion/deletion.)
- No, not really.
- You can type "C-x ESC" (repeat-complex-command) to reinvoke commands that
- used the minibuffer to get arguments. In repeat-complex-command you can
- type M-p and M-n to scan through all the different complex commands you've
- typed.
- To repeat something on each line I recommend using keyboard macros.
- 52: What are the valid X resource settings (ie., stuff in .Xdefaults)?
- See the Emacs man page, or the etc/OPTIONS file. Ignore the information
- in etc/XDOC which is way out of date.
- 53: How do I execute a piece of Emacs Lisp code?
- There are a number of ways to execute (called "evaluate") an Emacs Lisp
- "form":
- * If you want it evaluated every time you run Emacs, put it in a file
- named `.emacs' in your home directory.
- * You can type the form in the *scratch* buffer, and then type LFD (or
- C-j) after it. The result of evaluating the form will be inserted in
- the buffer.
- * In Emacs-Lisp mode, typing M-C-x evaluates a top-level form before or
- around point.
- * Typing "C-x C-e" in any buffer evaluates the Lisp form immediately
- before point and prints its value in the echo area.
- * Typing M-ESC or M-x eval-expression allows you to type a Lisp form in
- the minibuffer which will be evaluated.
- * You can use M-x load-file to have Emacs evaluate all the Lisp forms in
- a file. (To do this from Lisp use the function `load' instead.)
- These functions are also used for evaluating Lisp forms:
- load-library, eval-region, eval-current-buffer, require, autoload
- 54: How do I change Emacs's idea of the tab character's length?
- Example: (setq default-tab-width 10).
- 55: How do I insert `>' at the beginning of every line?
- Type "M-x replace-regexp RET ^ RET > RET".
- To do this only in the region, type "C-x n M-x replace-regexp RET ^ RET
- > RET C-x w".
- WARNING: The command narrow-to-region (C-x n) is disabled by default
- because it can be very confusing (ie., "Oh no! Where did my file go?").
- 56: How do I insert `_^H' before each character in a paragraph to get an
- underlined paragraph?
- M-x underline-region.
- 57: How do I repeat a command as many times as possible?
- Use "C-x (" and "C-x )" to make a keyboard macro that invokes the command
- and then type "M-0 C-x e".
- WARNING: any messages your command prints in the echo area will be
- suppressed.
- 58: How do I make Emacs behave like this: when I go up or down, the cursor
- should stay in the same column even if the line is too short?
- M-x picture-mode. (This is a minor mode, in theory anyway ...)
- 59: How do I tell Emacs to iconify itself?
- You need to modify C source and recompile. Either that or get Epoch or
- Lucid Emacs instead. Patches have been written by Robert Forsman
- <thoth@reef.cis.ufl.edu> and Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> to allow Emacs to
- iconify itself and by Matt Wette <mwette@mr-ed.jpl.nasa.gov> and
- Manavendra K. Thakur <thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu> (for 18.57, plus icon
- geometry) to allow Emacs to start up iconified. I don't know which of
- these patches work together.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /csi.jpl.nasa.gov:pub/emacs.patch1 (Matt Wette) +
- /ftp.eu.net:gnu/emacs/FP-Xfun.Z (Johan Vromans) +
- /ftp.urc.tue.nl:pub/tex/emacs/FP-Xfun (Johan Vromans) +
- 60: How do I use regexps (regular expressions) in Emacs?
- See `Regexps' in the online manual.
- WARNING: The "or" operator is `\|', not `|', and the grouping operators
- are `\(' and `\)'. Also, the string syntax for a backslash is "\\".
- Thus, the string syntax for a regular expression like xxx\(foo\|bar\) is
- "xxx\\(foo\\|bar\\)". Notice the duplicated backslashes!
- WARNING: Unlike in Unix grep, sed, etc., a complement character set
- ([^...]) can match a newline character (LFD aka C-j aka \n), unless
- newline is mentioned as one of the characters not to match.
- WARNING: The character syntax regexps (eg. `\sw') are not meaningful
- inside character set regexps (eg. `[aeiou]'). (This is actually typical
- for regexp syntax.)
- 61: How do I perform a replace operation across more than one file?
- The "tags" feature of Emacs includes the command tags-query-replace which
- performs a query-replace across all the files mentioned in the TAGS file.
- See `Tags:Tags Search' in the online manual.
- In addition, Martin Boyer has written a package named global-replace which
- will perform a query-replace across all the files mentioned in the
- *compilation* buffer (usually done after a `grep'), which is available via
- anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /ireq-robot.hydro.qc.ca:pub/emacs/lisp/compile.el.Z !
- /ireq-robot.hydro.qc.ca:pub/emacs/lisp/global-replace.el.Z !
- /ireq-robot.hydro.qc.ca:pub/emacs/lisp/query.el.Z !
- 62: Where is the documentation for `etags'?
- `etags' takes options just like a prior version of ctags, so your ctags
- manual (if any) may be useful. {Can someone send me the details on this?}
- Bugs/Problems
- 63: Does Emacs have problems with files larger than 8 megabytes?
- Most installed versions of GNU Emacs will use 24-bit signed integers (and
- 24-bit pointers) internally. This limits the file size that Emacs can
- handle to 8,388,607 bytes (2^23 - 1).
- Leonard N. Zubkoff <lnz@lucid.com> suggests putting the following two
- lines in src/config.h before compiling Emacs to allow for 26-bit integers
- and pointers (and thus filesizes of up to 33,554,431 bytes):
- #define VALBITS 26
- #define GCTYPEBITS 5
- WARNING: This method may result in `ILLEGAL DATATYPE' and other random
- errors on some machines.
- David Gillespie <daveg@csvax.cs.caltech.edu> gives an explanation of why
- Emacs uses 24 bit integers and pointers:
- Emacs is largely written in a dialect of Lisp; Lisp is a freely-typed
- language in the sense that you can put any value of any type into any
- variable, or return it from a function, and so on. So each value must
- carry a "tag" along with it identifying what kind of thing it is, eg.,
- integer, pointer to a list, pointer to an editing buffer, and so on.
- Emacs uses standard 32-bit integers for data objects, taking the top 8
- bits for the tag and the bottom 24 bits for the value. So integers (and
- pointers) are somewhat restricted compared to true C integers and
- pointers.
- Emacs uses 8-bit tags because that's a little faster on byte-oriented
- machines, but there are only really enough tags to require 6 bits.
- 64: Why can't Emacs find files in current directory on startup?
- Most likely, you have an environment variable named PWD that is set to a
- value other than the name of your current directory. This is most
- likely caused by using two different shell programs. `ksh' and (some
- versions of) `csh' set and maintain the value of the PWD environment
- variable, but `sh' doesn't. If you start sh from ksh, change your
- current directory inside sh, and then start Emacs from inside sh, PWD
- will have the wrong value but Emacs will use this value. See the
- etc/OPTIONS file for more details.
- Perhaps an easier solution is not to use two shells. The `chsh' program
- can often be used to change one's default login shell.
- You may have PWD set for other reasons. Another possibility is that you
- are setting default-directory from your .emacs file.
- Here is a fix by Jim Blandy <jimb@occs.cs.oberlin.edu>:
- >--- emacs/jjj/emacs-18.58/lisp/startup.el Tue Jan 15 23:19:04 1991
- >+++ startup.el Mon Apr 20 00:21:01 1992
- >@@ -81,5 +81,7 @@
- > ;; In presence of symlinks, switch to cleaner form of default directory.
- > (if (and (not (eq system-type 'vax-vms))
- >- (getenv "PWD"))
- >+ (getenv "PWD")
- >+ (equal (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes default-directory))
- >+ (nthcdr 10 (file-attributes (getenv "PWD")))))
- > (setq default-directory (file-name-as-directory (getenv "PWD"))))
- > (unwind-protect
- 65: How do I get rid of the ^M junk in my Shell buffer?
- For tcsh, put this in your `.cshrc' (or `.tcshrc') file:
- if ($?EMACS) then
- if ("$EMACS" == t) then
- if ($?tcsh) unset edit
- stty nl
- endif
- endif
- Or put this in your .emacs_tcsh file:
- unset edit
- stty nl
- Alternatively, use csh in your Shell buffers instead of tcsh. One way
- is:
- (setq explicit-shell-file-name "/bin/csh")
- and another is to do this in your .cshrc (or .tcshrc) file:
- setenv ESHELL /bin/csh
- (You must start Emacs over again with the environment variable properly
- set for this to take effect.)
- 66: Why do I get `Process shell exited abnormally with code 1'?
- The most likely reason for this message is that the `env' program is not
- properly installed. This program should be compiled (for the correct
- architecture!) and installed with execute permission for everyone in
- Emacs's program directory, which is normally /usr/local/emacs/etc. You
- can find what this directory is at your site by inspecting the value of
- the variable exec-directory by typing "C-h v exec-directory RET". `env'
- should also be for the correct architecture (check using `file' command).
- You should also check for other programs named `env' in your path (eg.,
- SunOS has a program named /usr/bin/env). I don't understand why this can
- cause a failure and I don't know a general solution for working around the
- problem in this case.
- The `make clean' command will remove `env' and other vital programs, so be
- careful when using it.
- It has been reported that this sometimes happened when Emacs was started
- as an X client from an xterm window (ie. had a controlling tty) but the
- xterm was later terminated.
- See also etc/PROBLEMS for other possible causes of this message.
- 67: Why can't I cut from Emacs and paste in other X programs?
- Emacs stores things you "cut" in the X "cut buffers". It also pastes from
- the cut buffer `CUT_BUFFER0'. This is obsolete. Most modern X programs
- now expect to work with "selections" instead of cut buffers, although some
- like `xterm' will try to use the cut buffers if the selection is null.
- Emacs 18.58 contains a "fix" that makes xterm work by default. This
- "fix" is that Emacs clears the `PRIMARY' selection when it stores
- something in the cut buffer. By making the selection null, xterm will
- then fetch from the cut buffer when you try to paste.
- For versions of Emacs prior to 18.58, you can make pasting from Emacs into
- xterm work with the following X resources:
- ! Solution by Thomas Narten, should work under X11R3 and later GNU
- ! Emacs only copies to CUT_BUFFER0. xterm by default wants to paste
- ! from the PRIMARY selection.
- XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override \
- ~Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(CUT_BUFFER0,PRIMARY)
- You may have problems copying between Emacs and programs other than xterm
- that won't store cut text in the cut buffers or look in the cut buffers
- for text to paste (for backwards compatibility with obsolete applications
- like Emacs :-). The best workaround is to use the `xcutsel' program as an
- intermediary. -
- This problem does not exist for Epoch or Lucid Emacs.
- 68: Where is the termcap/terminfo entry for terminal type `emacs'?
- The termcap entry for terminal type `emacs' is ordinarily put in the
- TERMCAP environment variable of subshells. It may help in certain
- situations (eg., using rlogin from shell buffer) to add an entry for
- `emacs' to the system-wide termcap file. Here is a correct termcap entry
- for `emacs':
- emacs:tc=unknown:
- To make a terminfo entry for `emacs', use `tic' or `captoinfo'. You need
- to generate /usr/lib/terminfo/e/emacs. It may work to simply copy
- /usr/lib/terminfo/d/dumb to /usr/lib/terminfo/e/emacs.
- Having a termcap/terminfo entry will not enable the use of full screen
- programs in shell buffers. Use M-x terminal-emulator for that instead.
- A workaround to the problem of missing termcap/terminfo entries is to
- change terminal type `emacs' to type `dumb' or `unknown' in your shell
- start up file. `csh' users could put this in their .cshrc files:
- if ("$term" == emacs) set term=dumb
- 69: Why does Emacs spontaneously start displaying `I-search:' and beeping?
- Your terminal (or something between your terminal and the computer) is
- sending C-s and C-q for flow control, and Emacs is receiving these
- characters and interpreting them as commands. (The C-s character normally
- invokes the isearch-forward command.) For possible solutions, see
- question 131.
- 70: Why can't Emacs talk to certain hosts (or certain hostnames)?
- The problem may be that Emacs is linked with a wimpier version of
- gethostbyname than the rest of the programs on the machine. This is often
- manifested as a message on startup of `X server not responding. Check
- your DISPLAY environment variable.' or a message of `Unknown host' from
- open-network-stream.
- On a Sun, this may be because Emacs had to be linked with the static C
- library. The version of gethostbyname in the static C library may only
- look in /etc/hosts and the NIS (YP) maps, while the version in the dynamic
- C library may be smart enough to check DNS in addition to or instead of
- NIS. On a Motorola Delta running System V R3.6, the version of
- gethosbyname in the standard library works, but the one that works with
- NIS doesn't (the one you get with -linet). Other operating systems have
- similar problems.
- Try these options:
- * Explicitly add the host you want to communicate with to /etc/hosts.
- * Relink Emacs with this line in src/config.h:
- #define LIBS_SYSTEM -lresolv
- * Replace gethostbyname and friends in libc.a with more useful versions
- such as the ones in libresolv.a. Then relink Emacs.
- * If you are actually running NIS, make sure that `ypbind' is properly
- told to do DNS lookups with the correct command line switch.
- * Use tcp.el and tcp.c from GNUS. This has the additional advantage that
- you can use numeric IP addresses instead of names. open-network-stream
- currently can't handle numeric addresses. Brian Thomson
- <thomson@hub.toronto.edu> has a enhancement to open-network-stream to
- allow it to handle numeric addresses.
- 71: Why does Emacs say `Error in init file'?
- An error occurred while loading either your .emacs file or the system-wide
- lisp/default.el file. For information on how to debug your .emacs file,
- see question 29.
- It may be the case that you may need to load some package first, or use a
- hook that will be evaluated after the package is loaded. A common case of
- this is explained in question 127.
- 72: Why does Emacs ignore my X resources (my .Xdefaults file)?
- * Try compiling Emacs with the XBACKWARDS macro defined. There is a bug
- in some implementations of XGetDefault, which do not correspond to the
- documentation or the header files.
- * Make sure you are either using the class name of `Emacs' (oops,
- apparently this is buggy in Emacs 18.58!) or the correct instance name.
- The instance name is normally the same as the name of the file Emacs is
- in (ie., the last part of argv[0]), but this can be overridden by -rn
- command line option or the WM_RES_NAME environment variable.
- WARNING: Reports say using the class name fails in Emacs 18.58.
- WARNING: The advice the man page gives to use `emacs' is often wrong.
- WARNING: Older versions of Emacs got the class name wrong.
- * Emacs currently ignores the -xrm command line argument.
- * Emacs does not yet handle X11R5 screen-specific resources.
- * Emacs has a bug where it ignores color specifications if running on a
- 1-bit display (ie. a non-color display).
- * I don't think Emacs will use either of the application-specific resource
- files. Thus these environment variables don't affect it: XAPPLRESDIR,
- 73: Why does Emacs take 20 seconds to visit a file?
- The usual cause is that the master lock file, `!!!SuperLock!!!' has been
- left in the lock directory somehow. Delete it.
- Mark Meuer <meuer@geom.umn.edu> says that NeXT NFS has a bug where an
- exclusive create succeeds but returns an error status. This can cause the
- same problem. Since Emacs's file locking doesn't work over NFS anyway,
- the best solution is to recompile Emacs with CLASH_DETECTION undefined.
- 74: How do I edit a file with a `$' in its name?
- When entering a filename in the minibuffer, Emacs will attempt to expand
- a `$' followed by a word as an environment variable. To suppress this
- behavior, type "$$" instead.
- 75: Why does Shell mode lose track of the shell's current directory?
- Emacs has no way of knowing when the shell actually changes its directory.
- This is an intrinsic limitation of Unix. So it tries to guess by
- recognizing `cd' commands. If you type `cd' followed by a directory name
- with a variable reference (`cd $HOME/bin') or with a shell metacharacter
- (`cd ../lib*'), Emacs will fail to correctly guess the shell's new current
- directory. A huge variety of fixes and enhancements to Shell mode for
- this problem have been written to handle this problem. Check the Lisp
- Code Directory (see question 88).
- 76: Why doesn't my change to load-path work?
- If you added a directory name containing a tilde (~) to your load-path,
- expecting the tilde to be interpreted as your home directory, then you
- need to do something like this:
- (setq load-path (mapcar 'expand-file-name load-path))
- 77: Why does the cursor always go to the wrong column when I move up or
- down one line?
- You have inadvertently typed "C-x C-n" (set-goal-column) which sets the
- "goal column" to the column where the cursor was. To undo this type
- "C-u C-x C-n".
- If you make this mistake frequently, you might want to unbind or disable
- this command by doing one of these two:
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-n" nil)
- (put 'set-goal-column 'disabled t)
- 78: Why does Emacs hang with message `Unknown XMenu error' with X11R4?
- Many different X errors can produce this message. Here is the solution
- to one problem:
- X11 Release 4 (and later, including OpenWindows) enforces some conditions
- in the X protocol that were previously allowed to pass unnoticed. You
- need to put the X11R4 server into X11R3 bug compatibility mode for Emacs's
- Xmenu code to work. You can do this with the command `xset bc'.
- 79: Why doesn't display-time show the load average in the mode line
- anymore?
- In GNU Emacs 18.56, a change was made in the display-time code.
- Formerly, in version 18.55, Emacs used a program named `loadst' to
- notify Emacs of the change in time every minute. loadst also sent Emacs
- the system load average if it was installed with sufficient privilege to
- get that information (or was on a system where no such privilege was
- needed). Emacs then displayed this information in the mode line.
- In version 18.56, this code was changed to use a program named `wakeup'.
- wakeup doesn't send Emacs any information, it's only purpose is to send
- Emacs *something* every minute, thus invoking the filter function in
- Emacs once a minute. The filter function in Emacs does all the work of
- finding the time, date, and load average. However, getting the load
- average requires the privilege to read kernel memory on most systems.
- Since giving Emacs this privilege would destroy any security a system
- might have, for almost everyone this is not an option. In addition,
- Emacs does not have the code built into it to get this information on
- the systems which have special system calls for this purpose, even
- though loadst had code for this.
- The solution I use is to get the files lisp/display-time.el and
- etc/loadst.c from version 18.55 and use those with 18.58. (I have heard
- a rumor that loadst disappeared because of the legal action Unipress
- threatened against IBM.)
- WARNING: Do not install Emacs setgid kmem unless you wish to destroy
- any security your system might have!!!!!!!!!!
- If you are using Emacs 18.55 or earlier, or already using the solution I
- describe above, read further:
- The most likely cause of the problem is that `loadst' can't read the
- special file /dev/kmem. To properly install loadst, it should be either
- setuid to the owner of /dev/kmem, or is should be setgid to the group to
- which /dev/kmem belongs. In either case, /dev/kmem should be readable by
- its owner or its group, respectively. Assuming the existence of a group
- named `kmem', here is an example of how to do this:
- chgrp kmem /dev/kmem
- chmod g+r /dev/kmem
- chgrp kmem /usr/local/emacs/etc/loadst
- chmod g+s /usr/local/emacs/etc/loadst
- Another possibility is that your version of Unix doesn't have the load
- average data available in /dev/kmem. Your version of Unix might have a
- special system call to retrieve this information (eg., inq_stats under
- UMAX), and loadst might not have been enhanced to cope with this.
- 80: Why does ispell sometimes ignore the local dictionary?
- You need to update the version of Ispell to 2.0.02. (Or you can switch to
- version 3.0 which is still in beta-testing.) A patch is available via
- anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/ispell/patch2.Z !
- You also need to change a line in ispell.el from:
- (defconst ispell-version "2.0.01") ; Check against output of "ispell -v".
- to:
- (defconst ispell-version "2.0.02") ; Check against output of "ispell -v".
- 81: Why does Ispell treat each line as a single word?
- Ispell expects to get its input one word per line. The ispell filter,
- which is specified by the variables ispell-filter-hook and
- ispell-filter-hook-args, should output at most one word per line.
- 82: Are there any security risks in GNU Emacs?
- * the `movemail' incident (No, this is not a risk.)
- Cliff Stoll in his book `The Cuckoo's Egg' describes this in chapter 4.
- The site at LBL had installed the `etc/movemail' program setuid root.
- Since `movemail' had not been designed for this situation, a security
- hole was created and users could get root priveleges.
- `movemail' has since been changed so that even if it is installed setuid
- root this security hole will not be a result.
- I have heard unverified reports that the Internet worm took advantage of
- this configuration problem.
- * the file-local-variable feature (Yes, a risk, but easy to change.)
- There is an Emacs feature that allows the setting of local values for
- variables when editing a file by including specially formatted text near
- the end of the file. This feature also includes the ability to have
- arbitrary Emacs Lisp code evaluated when the file is visited.
- Obviously, there is a potential for Trojan horses to exploit this
- feature.
- If you set the variable inhibit-local-variables to a non-nil value,
- Emacs will display the special local variable settings of a file that
- you visit and ask you if you really want them. This variable is not
- mentioned in the manual.
- It is wise to do this in lisp/site-init.el before building Emacs:
- (setq inhibit-local-variables t)
- If Emacs has already been built, the expression can be put in
- lisp/default.el instead, or an individual can put it in their own .emacs
- file.
- The ability to exploit this feature by sending e-mail to an RMAIL user
- was fixed sometime after Emacs 18.52. However, any new package that
- uses find-file or find-file-noselect has to be careful about this.
- For more information, see `File Variables' in the online manual (which,
- incidentally, does not describe how to disable the feature).
- There is a new variable in Emacs 18.58 named ignore-local-eval which
- turns out to be useless as currently implemented. Ignore it.
- * synthetic X events (Yes, a risk, use MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 or better.)
- Emacs accepts synthetic X events generated by the SendEvent request as
- though they were regular events. As a result, if you are using the
- trivial host-based authentication, other users who can open X
- connections to your X workstatation can make your Emacs process do
- anything, including run other processes with your priveleges.
- The only fix for this is to prevent other users from being able to open
- X connections. The standard way to prevent this is to use a real
- authentication mechanism, such as MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1. If using the
- `xauth' program has any effect, then you are probably using
- MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1. Your site may be using a superior authentication
- method; ask your system administrator.
- If real authentication is not a possibility, you may be satisfied by
- just allowing hosts access for brief intervals while you start your X
- programs, then removing the access. This reduces the risk somewhat by
- narrowing the time window when hostile users would have access, but DOES
- Lucid GNU Emacs does not accept synthetic X events unless you set a +
- variable. +
- * autosave file permissions (Yes, a risk, hard to work around.)
- The file permissions for autosave files are determined solely by the
- Emacs process's `umask' value. The permissions of the file being
- autosaved are not used. The easiest workaround is to keep sensitive
- files in protected directories. Sebastian Kremer has written an
- enhanced version of the autosave file name picking code that can avoid
- this problem by keeping autosave files in a protected directory. {FTP
- information please?} This problem will be fixed in Emacs 19.
- Difficulties Building/Installing/Porting Emacs
- 83: What should I do if I have trouble building Emacs?
- First look in the file etc/PROBLEMS to see if there is already a solution
- for your problem. Next check the FAQ (you're reading it). If you don't
- find a solution, then report your problem via e-mail to
- bug-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu. Please do not post it to gnu.emacs.help or
- e-mail it to help-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu. For further guidelines, see
- question 8.
- 84: How do I stop Emacs from failing when the executable is stripped?
- Don't do that.
- This problem has been reported on SGI Indigo machines running Irix 4.0.*
- and RS/6000 machines. Scott Henry <scotth@hoshi.corp.SGi.COM> posted a
- patch that fixes the problem for Irix.
- 85: Why does linking Emacs with -lX11 fail? !
- !
- Emacs needs to be linked with the static version of the X11 library, !
- libX11.a. This may be missing. !
- !
- Under OpenWindows, you may need to use `add_services' to add the !
- `OpenWindows Programmers' optional software category from the CD-ROM. -
- Under HP-UX 8.0, you may need to run `update' again to load the -
- X11-PRG `fileset'. This may be missing even if you specified `all
- filesets' the first time. If libcurses.a is missing, you may need to load
- the `Berkeley Development Option' {???}.
- If you are building the MIT X11 sources, you may need to modify your +
- `site.cf' file to get static versions of the libraries. (Info from David +
- Zuhn <zoo@cygnus.com>.) +
- +
- Other systems may have similar problems. You can always define +
- CANNOT_DUMP and link with the shared libraries instead.
- To get the Xmenu stuff to work, you need to find a copy of MIT's +
- liboldX.a. +
- 86: Why does Emacs 18.55 say `Fatal error (6).Abort' under SunOS 4.1?
- I had hoped this question would go away after Emacs 18.57 was released,
- but people continue to compile 18.55. Easiest solution: upgrade.
- This is a result of the SunOS localtime/tzsetwall malloc bug, which was
- (finally!) fixed in SunOS 4.1.2. If you actually need the full
- explanation, send me e-mail. If you absolutely must compile Emacs 18.55
- (eg., you are compiling Nemacs), the easiest workaround was to put
- `#define SYSTEM_MALLOC' in src/config.h. -
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Getting Emacs/Packages
- If you are viewing this text in a GNU Emacs Buffer, you can type "M-2 C-x $" to
- get an overview of just the questions. Then, when you want to look at the text
- of the answers, just type "C-x $".
- To search for a question numbered XXX, type "M-C-s ^XXX:", followed by a C-r if
- that doesn't work, then type ESC to end the search.
- A `+' in the 78th column means something was inserted on the line. A `-' means
- something was deleted and a `!' means some combination of insertions and
- deletions occurred.
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- Finding/Getting Emacs and Related Packages
- 87: Where can I get GNU Emacs on the net (or by snail mail)?
- Look in the files etc/DISTRIB and etc/FTP for information on nearby
- archive sites. If you don't already have GNU Emacs, see question 20
- for how to get these two files.
- The latest version is always available via anonymous FTP at MIT: !
- !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/emacs-18.58.tar.Z !
- See question 91.
- 88: How do I find a GNU Emacs Lisp package that does XXX?
- A listing of Emacs Lisp packages, called the Lisp Code Directory, is being
- maintained by Dave Brennan <brennan@hal.com> and Dave Sill <de5@ornl.gov>.
- You can search through this list to find if someone has written something
- that fits your needs.
- This list is file LCD-datafile.Z in the Emacs Lisp Archive. (See
- question 89 for methods for getting this file.) The files lispdir.el.Z
- and lispdir.doc.Z in the archive contain information to help you use the
- list. Once you have installed lispdir.el and LCD-datafile, then you can
- use the "M-x lisp-dir-apropos" command to look things up in the database.
- For example, the command "M-x lisp-dir-apropos RET ange-ftp RET" produces
- this (outdated) output:
- GNU Emacs Lisp Code Apropos -- "ange-ftp"
- ange-ftp (3.112) 91-08-12
- Andy Norman, <ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:
- /pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/as-is/ange-ftp.el.Z
- transparent FTP Support for GNU Emacs
- 89: Where can I get GNU Emacs Lisp packages that don't come with Emacs?
- First, check the Lisp Code Directory to find the name of the package you
- are looking for. (See question 88). Then check local archives and
- the Emacs Lisp Archive to find a copy of the relevant files. Then, if
- you still haven't found it, you can send e-mail to the author asking for
- a copy.
- You can access the Emacs Lisp Archive via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/ !
- Fetch the file README first.
- NOTE: The archive maintainers do not have time to answer individual
- requests for packages or the list of packages in the archive. If you
- cannot use FTP or UUCP to access the archive yourself, try to find a
- friend who can, but please don't ask the maintainers.
- NOTE: Any files with names ending in `.Z' are compressed, and you should
- use `binary' mode in FTP to retrieve them. You should also use binary
- mode whenever you retrieve any files with names ending in `.elc'.
- 90: How do I submit code to the Emacs Lisp Archive?
- Submissions should be mailed to elisp-archive@cis.ohio-state.edu. The
- lispdir.el package has a function named submit-lcd-entry which will help
- you with this. Mail messages (submissions) are automatically saved and
- periodically archived. Urgent mail may be sent directly to Dave Sill
- <de5@ornl.gov> or Dave Brennan <brennan@hal.com> or should contain the
- string `urgent' in the subject. The incoming ftp directory is no longer
- available at the request of Ohio State. {Is this still true?}
- However, if someone has a submission with multiple files (which would be
- archived as a tar file) or binary files, then FTP transfer is preferred
- and can be arranged via an anonymous FTP site. This is faster than
- uudecoding, unsharing, etc., and re-packaging files.
- Before submitting anything, please read the file guidelines.Z, which is
- available in the archive. Whenever possible, submissions should contain a
- complete LCD entry since this helps reduce administrative overhead for the
- maintainers. You can include an entry in this format:
- ;; LCD Archive Entry:
- ;; package name|author's name|email address
- ;; |description
- ;; |date|version|archive path
- For example:
- ;; LCD Archive Entry:
- ;; tex-complete|Sebastian Kremer|sk@thp.Uni-Koeln.DE
- ;; |Minibuffer name completion for editing [La]TeX.
- ;; |91-03-26|$Revision: 1.12 $|~/packages/tex-complete.el.Z
- Dave Brennan has software which automatically looks for data in this
- format. The format is fairly flexible. The entry ends when a line is
- reached with a different prefix or the seventh field terminator is
- seen.
- If you are submitting a multi-file submission you should include a file
- named "LCD-entry" which contains the archive entry, instead of placing
- it in one or more of the individual files.
- 91: Where can I get other up-to-date GNU stuff?
- The most up-to-date official GNU stuff is normally kept on prep.ai.mit.edu
- and is available for anonymous FTP in the pub/gnu directory. See the
- files etc/DISTRIB and etc/FTP for more information. (To get copies of
- these files, see question 20.)
- The following sites are all mirror images of the GNU distribution area:
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/ +
- /ftp.uu.net:packages/gnu/ +
- /src.doc.ic.ac.uk:gnu/ (available via FTP, NIFTP, FTAM) +
- /ftp.win.tue.nl:pub/gnu/ !
- /utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp:ftpsync/prep/ +
- /nic.funet.fi:pub/gnu/ +
- The directory at ftp.uu.net is a mirror of prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu,
- except that files larger than 1 megabyte {right?} are automatically
- split into multiple parts. If you have trouble transferring large
- files, you should try here. A file normally named `XXX' is split into
- files XXX-split/part[0-9][0-9], and there will be a file named
- XXX-split/README which contains the list of parts (especially helpful
- when FTP-ing by e-mail), their checksums, and reassembly instructions.
- Some of the other mirror sites may have the same property. {Can someone
- check this out? Thanks!}
- Information was provided by Lee McLoughlin <lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk>, Jonathan
- R. Ferro <jf41+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU>, Arjan de Vet <devet@win.tue.nl>, and -
- Simon Marshall <S.Marshall@sequent.cc.hull.ac.uk>.
- 92: Where can I get an Emacs with better mouse and X window support?
- Emacs 18 has some limited X Window System support, but there are
- problems. Emacs 19 will have amazing mouse and window support. Right
- now, there are Epoch which is derived from GNU Emacs 18.58 and Lucid GNU
- Emacs which is derived from an early unreleased version of GNU Emacs 19,
- both of which have greatly improved mouse and window support. See
- questions 120 and 121.
- The HP unofficial GNU Emacs also has nice mouse support. See question
- 95.
- There are numerous Emacs Lisp packages that have been written to extend
- Emacs 18's mouse handling capabilities. Some of these packages also have
- patches to the C code to provide enhanced capabilities. Look up `mouse'
- in the Lisp Code Directory (see question 88).
- There is a package called BAM (Born Again Menus) which provides menus for +
- GNU Emacs via an external C program. It does not provide mouse support in +
- the Emacs window such as scrollbars, cut-and-paste, etc. +
- NOTE: Epoch only works with the X Window System; it works on ordinary
- terminals by invoking regular GNU Emacs. Lucid Emacs does not currently
- work on ordinary terminals, although there are plans to fix this.
- 93: What is the difference between GNU Emacs and Epoch?
- Marc Andreessen <marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu> writes:
- Epoch is GNU Emacs on steroids: an adaptation of GNU Emacs with lots of
- additional support for features made possible by the X11 windowing
- system. These features include multiple editing windows, arbitrary
- colors and fonts (fixed-width and proportional), selectable zones per
- buffer with arbitrary display styles (font, color, underline, stipple,
- pixmap), an optional separate minibuffer window, improved keyboard and
- mouse handling, full 8-bit character set support, and more.
- 94: What is the difference between GNU Emacs and Lucid GNU Emacs?
- This information is condensed from the release notice:
- Lucid GNU Emacs is based on an early version of GNU Emacs version 19
- with many enhancements. It currently requires X Windows to run. For
- information on where to get Lucid GNU Emacs see 121. X Windows support
- is greatly enhanced over GNU Emacs version 18, including support for
- multiple X Windows (a.k.a. screens in Emacs), Zmacs/Lispm style region
- highlighting, a customizable, Motif-like menubar, more powerful keymap
- support (allowing different actions to be associated with Backspace,
- Control-h, etc.), flexible text attribute (e.g. font, color) support on
- regional and screen-local basis through X resources and/or lisp, and
- support for the X11 selection mechanism. Some other features include
- run-time computation of the load-path, support for floating point
- numbers, native timer support, and sound file support on Sun
- SPARCstations. To build Lucid GNU Emacs, an ANSI C compiler (e.g. gcc)
- is required.
- 95: Where can I get the "unofficial HP GNU Emacs"?
- The unofficial HP GNU Emacs is available via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /me10.lbl.gov:pub/interex/HUGE/ !
- and takes about 35 megabytes of disk space to build. It is useful for
- non-HP machines, but some of the added features will only work under
- HP-UX.
- You will need to get patches to work with HP-UX 8.0 or on 700 series
- machines via e-mail from Darryl Okahata <darrylo@sr.hp.com>.
- 96: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running MS-DOS?
- * Demacs
- For 386 or 486 PCs running MS-DOS, there is a version of GNU Emacs
- called Demacs. To get Demacs see question 122.
- From the announcement message:
- Demacs is almost a full set of GNU Emacs but does not support some
- features: asynchronous process, locking a file, etc.
- Demacs provides following DOS specific features:
- * File type: text or binary file translation.
- * "8-bit clean" display mode.
- * 8086 software interrupt call by int86 lisp function.
- * Machine specific features such as function key support.
- * File name completion with drive name.
- * Child process (suspend-emacs, call-process).
- * Enhanced dired mode which can work without 'ls.exe'.
- To our regret `shell-mode' does not work, but `compile' command works
- properly.
- Demacs was developed using an MS-DOS version of gcc called djgpp by
- D. J. Delorie <dj@ctron.com> which can compile and run large programs
- under MS-DOS, but not under MS Windows. Demacs was derived from Nemacs
- rather than straight from GNU Emacs.
- There are a variety of other Emacses for MS-DOS including among them the
- following.
- * Freemacs
- Russ Nelson <nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, the author, describes
- Freemacs:
- * Freemacs is free, and it was designed from the start to be
- programmable.
- * Freemacs is the only IBM-PC editor that tries to be like GNU Emacs.
- * Freemacs can only edit files less than 64K in length.
- * Freemacs doesn't have undo.
- Carl Witty <cwitty@cs.stanford.edu> reviews Freemacs:
- Better is Freemacs, which follows the tradition of ITS and GNU Emacs
- by having an full, turing-complete extension language which is
- incompatible with everything else. In fact, it's even closer to ITS
- Emacs than GNU Emacs is, because Mint (Freemacs' extension language)
- is absolutely illegible without weeks of study, much like TECO.
- To get Freemacs see question 123.
- * MicroEmacs
- MicroEmacs is a descendant of Microemacs {originally by Dave Conroy?}.
- It is programmable in a BASIC-like language. Many of the keybindings
- are different from GNU Emacs. It is rumored that MicroEmacs can not
- correctly edit files larger than memory. The author is Daniel Lawrence
- <dan@mdbs.uucp, dan@midas.mgmt.purdue.edu, nwd@j.cc.purdue.edu>. The
- latest version is 3.10 and it is available via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /midas.mgmt.purdue.edu: (non-working hours only) !
- /durer.cme.nist.gov: !
- /wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/memacs/ !
- Version 3.11 is in beta test.
- * JOVE
- Another Emacs for small machines is JOVE (Jonathan's Own Version of
- Emacs). The latest official version is 4.14. There appears to be a
- newer version. People rumored to be working on JOVE include Mark Moraes
- <moraes@cs.toronto.edu> and Bill Marsh <bmarsh@cod.nosc.mil>. It is
- available via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /cs.rochester.edu:/pub/jove.tar.4.14.Z !
- /cs.toronto.edu:/pub/moraes/jove4.14.3.tar.Z !
- /ftp.uu.net: !
- * MG
- MG is another descendant of Microemacs. MG used to stand for
- MicroGNUEmacs, but now just stands for MG. The look-and-feel of MG is
- intended to be close to that of GNU Emacs. It is rumored that MG can
- not correctly edit files larger than memory. The current version is
- rumored to be 2. There is a version 3 in beta which works on the Amiga.
- It is also available via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /ftp.white.toronto.edu:pub/mg/ !
- /wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/unix-c/editors/ !
- /procyon.cis.ksu.edu: (source and executable) !
- 97: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running Windows?
- I believe that no version of GNU Emacs runs under Windows. Pierre Perret
- <pap@myths.az05.bull.com> has ported MicroEMACS 3.11c to Windows.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /ftp.cica.indiana.edu:pub/pc/win3/util/mewin10.zip !
- /ftp.cica.indiana.edu:pub/pc/win3/util/mewin10s.zip !
- /ftp.cica.indiana.edu:pub/pc/win3/util/mewri.zip !
- 98: Where can I get Emacs for my PC running OS/2?
- From the OS/2 Programmer's FAQ: !
- !
- GNU Emacs 18.58 is available. It requires you to have EMX installed !
- on your machine, but it comes with all the EMX files you will need. !
- Emacs is available on ftp-os2 in /pub/os2/2.0/gnu/emacs. (If you want !
- to recompile emacs, you will need the full EMX distribution see !
- question 1.2.) !
- !
- The above quote may be out of date. See the latest OS/2 Programmer's FAQ !
- {perhaps in comp.os.os2.misc?} for the latest news. Anonymous FTP info: !
- !
- /ftp-os2.nmsu.edu:pub/os2/2.0/gnu/emacs/ !
- ("ftp-os2" was formerly named "hobbes") !
- !
- Thanks go to Stephen Simpson <simpson@symcom.math.uiuc.edu>, Jonathan !
- Miller <jem+@andrew.cmu.edu>, Terry Kane <terryk@cc.gatech.edu>, J. D. !
- Baldwin <baldwin@csservera.usna.navy.mil>, and Ken Bass !
- <kbass@gmuvax2.gmu.edu>. !
- 99: Where can I get Emacs for my Atari ST?
- Emacs 18.57 is the latest version for TOS. Stefan Mueller-Pfeiffer
- <iff327@zam001.zam.kfa-juelich.de> says:
- There is also a version for MiNT, the multitasking enhancement for
- ATARI's TOS, which behaves almost like EMACS on a "real computer". This
- port was done by Erling Henanger <erlingh@idt.unit.no>.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /atari.archive.umich.edu:atari/gnustuff/tos/ (TOS Emacs 18.57) +
- /atari.archive.umich.edu:atari/new/mntemacs.zoo (MiNT Emacs) +
- /cs.uni-sb.de:/pub/atari/emacs/ +
- 100: Where can I get Emacs for my Amiga?
- All of the files are lharc-ed.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /oes.orst.edu:/pub/almanac/comp/amiga/software/gnuemacs-1.10/ !
- Via e-mail:
- To: almanac@oes.orst.edu -
- body:
- mode uuencode
- send computer amiga software gnuemacs <file>
- <file> is replaced by one of the following:
- Required: d1.lzh d2.lzh
- Recommended: d3_info.lzh d3_infolisp.lzh
- Optional: d3_autoloaded.lzh d3_entertainmentetc.lzh
- d3_entertainmentlisp.lzh d4_src.lzh d5_languagelisp.lzh
- d5_viclone.lzh d6_gnulibsrc.lzh d6_mailpackage.lzh
- d6_mathpackage.lzh d6_misc.lzh d6_textformat.lzh
- The `d#' at the beginning of each file is its disk number, which is
- referred to by the documentation.
- 101: Where can I get Emacs for my Apple computer?
- The FSF is a participant in a boycott of Apple because of Apple's "look
- and feel" copyright suits. See the file etc/APPLE for more details.
- Because of this boycott, the FSF doesn't include support in GNU software
- for Apple computers such as the Macintosh.
- Please don't help people port or develop software for Apple computers.
- 102: Where can I get Emacs with NeWS support?
- Chris Maio's NeWS support package for GNU Emacs is available via anonymous
- FTP: !
- !
- /columbia.edu:pub/ps-emacs.tar.Z !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/ps-emacs.tar.Z !
- and via e-mail: !
- To: archive-server@columbia.edu
- body: send NeWS emacs-support !
- 103: Where do I get Emacs that runs on VMS under DECwindows?
- Hal R. Brand <BRAND@addvax.llnl.gov> is said to have a VMS save set with a
- ready-to-run VMS version of Emacs 18.55 for X Windows. It is available
- via anonymous FTP (addvax.llnl.gov). It is possible that the VMS versions
- of Emacs at other sites have X support compiled in. See etc/FTP for
- locations.
- Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> writes:
- Getting Emacs to run on VMS with DECwindows requires a number of changes
- to the sources. Fortunately this has been done already. Joshua Marantz
- <josh@viewlogic.com> did most of the work for Emacs 18.52, and the mods
- were ported to 18.55 by Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl>. Also included is the
- handling of DEC's LK201 keyboard. You need to apply the changes to a
- fresh Emacs 18.55 distribution on a Unix system, and then you can copy
- the sources to VMS to perform the compile/link/build.
- The set of changes have been posted a number of times three times the
- last 12 months, so they should be widely available.
- Richard Levitte <levitte@e.kth.se> tells us that there are patches for +
- Emacs 18.57 and 18.58 available via e-mail: +
- +
- To: fileserv@ttt.kth.se +
- body: SEND EMACS-1857-PATCHES +
- 104: Where can I get modes for Lex, Yacc/Bison, Bourne Shell, Csh, C++,
- Objective C, Pascal, Awk?
- As usual, look in the Lisp Code Directory (see question 88). For C++,
- if you use lisp-dir-apropos, you must specify the pattern like this:
- M-x lisp-dir-apropos RET c\+\+ RET
- 105: What is the IP address of XXX.YYY.ZZZ?
- If you are at a site with a deficient nameserver, you may need to know
- the IP address of a host to FTP files from it. You can get this
- information in two ways: -
- * By telnet:
- telnet nic.ddn.mil hostnames (or `telnet 101')
- hname XXX.YYY.ZZZ -
- * By e-mail:
- To: service@nic.ddn.mil
- Subject: host XXX.YYY.ZZZ
- or: whois XXX.YYY.ZZZ
- or: help
- or: +
- +
- To: resolve@cs.widener.edu +
- body: site XXX.YYY.ZZZ +
- +
- Information from Brendan Kehoe <brendan@cs.widener.edu>. +
- Major Emacs Lisp Packages, Emacs Extensions, and Related Programs
- This section lists version numbers, FTP sites, mailing lists, newsgroups,
- and other information for many important packages, extensions, and related
- programs. There is some overlap with the Lisp Code Directory, but these
- entries give more detailed information.
- If you know of any other packages that are so substantial that they
- deserve to be mentioned here, please tell me. Having its own mailing list
- or newsgroup or more than half a megabyte of source code are good signs.
- 106: VM (View Mail) -- another mail reader within Emacs
- Author: Kyle Jones <kyle@uunet.uu.net>
- Latest released version: 4.41
- Beta test version: 5.32
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/vm-4.41.tar.Z !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/as-is/timer.shar.Z !
- /ftp.uu.net:mail/vm-4.41.tar.Z !
- /ftp.uu.net:mail/vm-5.32beta.tar.Z +
- Newsgroups and mailing lists:
- Info-VM:
- gnu.emacs.vm.info
- info-vm-request@uunet.uu.net (for subscriptions)
- info-vm@uunet.uu.net (for submissions)
- Bug-VM:
- gnu.emacs.vm.bug
- bug-vm-request@uunet.uu.net (for subscriptions)
- bug-vm@uunet.uu.net (for submissions)
- 107: Supercite -- mail and news citation package within Emacs
- Author: Barry Warsaw <bwarsaw@cen.com>
- Mailing list: supercite-request@anthem.nlm.nih.gov (for subscriptions)
- supercite@anthem.nlm.nih.gov (for submissions)
- Latest version: 2.2
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/sc-2.2.tar.Z !
- /ftp.cme.nist.gov:pub/gnu/sc2.2.tar.Z +
- Via e-mail:
- To: library@cme.nist.gov
- Subject: help
- NOTE: Superyank is an old version of Supercite.
- 108: GNUS -- news reader within Emacs
- Author: Masanobu Umeda <umerin@mse.kyutech.ac.jp>
- Latest official version: 3.13
- Unofficial test version: 3.14.1
- Anonymous FTP:
- /cs.umn.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z. +
- /aun.uninett.no:pub/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /wnoc-fuk.wide.ad.jp:pub/GNU/etc/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /liasun3.epfl.ch:pub/gnu/emacs/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de:/pub/gnu/emacs/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /funet.fi:/networking/news/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /src.doc.ic.ac.uk:/gnu/EmacsBits/gnus/gnus-3.14.1.tar.Z +
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/gnus-3.13.tar.Z !
- Newsgroups and mailing lists:
- English-only:
- gnu.emacs.gnus
- info-gnus-english-request@cis.ohio-state.edu (for subscriptions)
- info-gnus-english@cis.ohio-state.edu (for submissions)
- Japanese (and some English):
- info-gnus-request@flab.fujitsu.co.jp (for subscriptions)
- info-gnus@flab.fujitsu.co.jp (for submissions)
- 109: Calc -- poor man's Mathematica within Emacs
- Author: Dave Gillespie <daveg@csvax.cs.caltech.edu>
- Latest released version: 2.02
- Anonymous FTP:
- /csvax.cs.caltech.edu:pub/calc-2.02.tar.Z +
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/calc-2.02.tar.Z +
- NOTE: Unlike Wolfram Research, Dave has never threatened to sue anyone
- for having a program with a similar command language to Calc. :-)
- 110: Calendar/Diary -- calendar manager within Emacs
- Author: Edward M. Reingold <reingold@cs.uiuc.edu>
- Latest version: 4.02
- Anonymous FTP:
- /emr.cs.uiuc.edu:pub/emacs/calendar {???} +
- Via e-mail:
- To: reingold@cs.uiuc.edu
- Subject: send-emacs-cal
- Put your best internet e-mail address in the body.
- 111: Ange-FTP -- transparent FTP access for Emacs's file access routines
- Author: Andy Norman <ange@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Latest official version: 4.20 !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /alpha.gnu.ai.mit.edu:ange-ftp/ange-ftp.tar.Z !
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/ange-ftp.tar.Z !
- ugle.unit.no:pub/gnu/emacs-lisp/ange-ftp.tar.Z -
- Mailing lists:
- ange-ftp-lovers-request@anorman.hpl.hp.com (for subscriptions)
- Ange-FTP Lovers:
- ange-ftp-lovers@anorman.hpl.hp.com (for submissions)
- /ftp.reed.edu:pub/mailing-lists/ange-ftp/ (archives) !
- Ange-FTP Announcements:
- ange-ftp-lovers-announce@anorman.hpl.hp.com
- NOTE: now with support for accessing VMS, CMS, and MTS systems
- 112: VIP -- vi emulation for Emacs
- Author: Aamod Sane <sane@cs.uiuc.edu>
- Latest released version: 4.3
- Anonymous FTP:
- /cs.uiuc.edu:pub/vip4.3.tar.Z +
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/modes/vip-mode.tar.Z !
- NOTE: This version much more closely emulates vi than the one
- distributed with Emacs.
- 113: Dired -- better directory editor for Emacs
- Author: Sebastian Kremer <sk@thp.uni-koeln.de>
- Latest released version: 5.239
- Anonymous FTP: /ftp.cs.buffalo.edu:pub/Emacs/diredall.tar.Z +
- /ftp.uni-koeln.de:pub/gnu/emacs/diredall.tar.Z +
- NOTE: This is a huge improvement over the Dired distributed with Emacs.
- This version will be in Emacs 19.
- 114: AUC TeX -- enhanced LaTeX mode with debugging facilities
- Author: Kresten Krab Thorup <krab@iesd.auc.dk>
- Latest released version: 6.1 {???} !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /iesd.auc.dk:pub/emacs-lisp/auctex_5_6e.tar.Z {wrong} !
- /iesd.auc.dk:pub/emacs-lisp/auc-tex.tar.Z !
- Mailing list:
- auc-tex-request@iesd.auc.dk (for subscriptions)
- auc-tex@iesd.auc.dk (for submissions)
- auc-tex_mgr@iesd.auc.dk (auc-tex development team)
- 115: Hyperbole -- extensible hypertext management system within Emacs
- Author: Bob Weiner <rsw@cs.brown.edu>
- Anonymous FTP:
- /wilma.cs.brown.edu:pub/hyperbole/ h*.tar.Z +
- Mailing lists:
- hyperbole-announce -- Hyperbole release announcements only.
- Subscriptions:
- To: hyperbole-request@cs.brown.edu
- Subject: Add <mailbox@domain.name> to hyperbole-announce
- hyperbole -- Hyperbole discussion.
- Subscriptions:
- To: hyperbole-request@cs.brown.edu
- Subject: Add <mailbox@domain.name> to hyperbole
- Submissions:
- hyperbole@cs.brown.edu
- NOTE: Any member of the hyperbole mailing list is automatically a
- member of the hyperbole-announce mailing list.
- NOTE: No .UUCP or ! addresses are allowed on these mailing lists.
- 116: Byte Compiler -- enhanced version of Emacs's byte compiler
- Author: Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com>,
- Hallvard B. Furuseth <hallvard@ifi.uio.no>
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/bytecomp.tar.Z !
- /ftp.uu.net:languages/elisp/packages/bytecomp.tar.Z +
- /src.doc.ic.ac.uk:gnu/EmacsBits/elisp-archive/packages/bytecomp.tar.Z +
- 117: comint -- hugely enhanced shell mode and other derived modes
- Author: Olin Shivers <Olin.Shivers@cs.cmu.edu>
- Anonymous FTP:
- /cs.cmu.edu:/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/shivers/lib/emacs/ +
- {comint,cmu{tex,shell,scheme,lisp},ml}.el
- (anonymous password must contain `@',
- cannot cd to intermediate directories)
- 118: BBDB -- personal info rolodex integrated with mail/news readers
- Author: Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com>
- Latest released version: 1.47 !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:pub/gnu/emacs/elisp-archive/packages/bbdb.tar.Z !
- Mailing list:
- info-bbdb-request@lucid.com (for subscriptions)
- info-bbdb@lucid.com -
- bbdb-announce-request@lucid.com (to be informed of new releases)
- Note: BBDB does not work with VM 4. It does work with VM 5, RMAIL, GNUS, !
- and MH-E. !
- 119: Ispell -- spell checker in C with interface for Emacs
- Author: Geoff Kuenning <geoff@itcorp.com>
- Latest released version: 2.0.02
- Beta test version: 3.0 (9 patches)
- Anonymous FTP:
- /archive.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/gnu/ispell/ (version 2.0.02) !
- /ftp.cs.ucla.edu:/pub/ispell/ (version 3.0, patches, dictionaries) !
- /argus.math.orst.edu:pub/ispell/ (version 3.0, patches, dictionaries) !
- /ftp.th-darmstadt.de:pub/dicts/ispell/ (mirror of argus) !
- NOTE: Do not send mail to Geoff asking him to send you the latest
- version of Ispell. He does not have free e-mail.
- 120: Epoch -- enhanced GNU Emacs with better X interface
- Latest released version: 4.2 !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /cs.uiuc.edu:pub/epoch-files/epoch/epoch-4.2.tar.Z !
- /cs.uiuc.edu:pub/epoch-files/epoch/epoch-diff-4.1-4.2.tar.Z +
- /src.doc.ic.ac.uk:gnu/epoch/ +
- /aix370.rrz.uni-koeln.de:gnu/emacs/epoch/ +
- Newsgroup and mailing lists:
- Epoch:
- gnu.emacs.epoch
- epoch-request@cs.uiuc.edu (for subscriptions)
- epoch@cs.uiuc.edu (for submissions)
- Epoch-Design:
- epoch-design-request@cs.uiuc.edu (for subscriptions)
- epoch-design@cs.uiuc.edu (for submissions)
- FAQ list:
- Maintainer: Marc Andreessen <marca@ncsa.uiuc.edu>
- Anonymous FTP:
- /rtfm.mit.edu:pub/usenet/news.answers/epoch-faq +
- /ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:outgoing/marca/epoch/Epoch.FAQ +
- 121: Lucid GNU Emacs -- alternative Emacs 19 with better X interface
- Primary Maintainer: Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com> +
- Other Developers: Eric Benson <eb@lucid.com> !
- Matthieu Devin <devin@lucid.com> !
- Harlan Sexton <hbs@lucid.com> !
- Latest released version: 19.3 !
- Anonymous FTP:
- /labrea.stanford.edu:pub/gnu/lucid/lemacs-19.3.tar.Z (source) !
- /labrea.stanford.edu:pub/gnu/lucid/lemacs-19.3-sun4.tar.Z (Sun4binaries) !
- Newsgroup and mailing lists:
- Bugs:
- bug-lucid-emacs-request@lucid.com (for subscriptions)
- bug-lucid-emacs@lucid.com (for submissions)
- Help:
- help-lucid-emacs-request@lucid.com (for subscriptions)
- help-lucid-emacs@lucid.com (for submissions)
- 122: Demacs -- GNU Emacs altered to run on MS-DOS on 386/486 machines
- Authors: Manabu Higashida <manabu@sigmath.osaka-u.ac.jp>
- HIRANO Satoshi <hirano@tkl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
- Latest released version: 1.2.0
- Anonymous FTP:
- /utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp:GNU/demacs/ (nearest to U.S.A.) !
- /ftp.sigmath.osaka-u.ac.jp:pub/Msdos/Demacs/ +
- /wnoc-fuk.wide.ad.jp:pub/msdos/Demacs/ !
- /ftp.3com.com:pub/gnu/msdos/demacs/ !
- /mindseye.berkeley.edu:pub/kanji/demacs/ !
- /ftp.hawaii.edu:pub/editors/demacs.tar.Z !
- /ftp.math.ksu.edu:pub/pc/demacs/ +
- /wsmr-simtel20.army.mil:pd1:<msdos.demacs> {ange-ftp syntax?} !
- /ftp.uni-koeln.de:msdos/gnuprogs/dem120e.zip (executables, lisp-code, doc) !
- /ftp.uni-koeln.de:msdos/gnuprogs/dem120s.zip (sources, diffs) +
- /ftp.lysator.liu.se:pub/msdos/gnu/emacs/ +
- /mizar.docs.uu.se:pub/gnu/demacs/ !
- /iamsun.unibe.ch:PC/demacs/ !
- /flop.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:outgoing/demacs.tar !
- /ftp.funet.fi:pub/gnu/emacs/demacs/ +
- /garbo.uwasa.fi:pc/editor/dem120e.zip !
- /garbo.uwasa.fi:pc/editor/dem120s.zip !
- /ftp.win.tue.nl:pub/gnu/demacs/ !
- /ugle.unit.no:pub/gnu/Demacs/ !
- {Does anyone know which sites have the Kanji version?}
- Via e-mail:
- From garbo.uwasa.fi:
- To: mailserv@garbo.uwasa.fi
- Subject: garbo-request
- Body: send pc/editor/dem120e.zip
- send pc/editor/dem120s.zip
- quit
- Downloading:
- EXEC-PC (Milwaukee, WI) 414-789-4210 (2400 bps)
- in the Mahoney MS-DOS file area in its Editors/wordprocessors
- library (F), named GNUEMACS.ZIP
- Channel 1 (Cambridge, MA) 617-345-8873 (9600 bps)
- in the New Uploads file area, named GNUEMACS.ZIP
- NOTE: Use the -d option of [pk]unzip for all .zip archives. Some sites
- have Demacs lharc'ed. If you need to find programs to unpack lharc and -
- zip format archives, Chris Dean <ctdean@talaris.com> points out that you
- should see the comp.compression FAQ, available for FTP: !
- /rtfm.mit.edu:pub/usenet/comp.compression/ !
- Mailing list:
- NOTE: There is no mailing list for Demacs. However, there is a list
- for DJGPP, which is the environment that Demacs runs in. Many
- Demacs problems are actually issues with DJGPP.
- Subscriptions:
- To: listserv@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- body: add <your-address> djgpp
- or put `help' in the body.
- If this fails, mail to djgpp-request@sun.soe.clarkson.edu.
- Submissions:
- djgpp@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- FAQ list:
- Maintainer: Dave Steibel <steibel@cs.umbc.edu>
- Anonymous FTP: algol.cs.umbc.edu:pub/demacs/demacs.faq
- 123: Freemacs -- a small Emacs for MS-DOS
- Author: Russ Nelson <nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>
- Latest released version: 1.6a
- Anonymous FTP:
- /simtel20.army.mil:PD:<MSDOS.FREEMACS> {ange-ftp syntax?} !
- /grape.ecs.clarkson.edu:pub/msdos/freemacs/ !
- Via e-mail:
- To: archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- body: help
- Via snail mail:
- address: Russell Nelson, 11 Grant St., Potsdam, NY 13676
- Send $15 copying fee, and specify preferred floppy disk format:
- 5.25", 360K, or 3.50", 720K
- Mailing lists:
- Subscriptions:
- To: listserv@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- body: add <your-address> <name-of-list>
- or put `help' in the body.
- List distribution addresses:
- freemacs-announce@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- freemacs-help@sun.soe.clarkson.edu
- freemacs-workers@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (send bug reports here)
- 124: Patch -- program to apply "diffs" for updating files
- Author: Larry Wall <lwall@netlabs.com>
- Latest version: 2.0 patchlevel 12u8 !
- (This is the version that supports the new unified diff format.)
- Anonymous FTP:
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/patch-2.0.12u8.tar.Z !
- /prep.ai.mit.edu:pub/gnu/patch-2.0.12g8.tar.Z (GNU version) +
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Keybindings/Output
- If you are viewing this text in a GNU Emacs Buffer, you can type "M-2 C-x $" to
- get an overview of just the questions. Then, when you want to look at the text
- of the answers, just type "C-x $".
- To search for a question numbered XXX, type "M-C-s ^XXX:", followed by a C-r if
- that doesn't work, then type ESC to end the search.
- A `+' in the 78th column means something was inserted on the line. A `-' means
- something was deleted and a `!' means some combination of insertions and
- deletions occurred.
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- Changing Key Bindings and Handling Key Binding Problems
- 125: How do I bind keys (including function keys) to commands?
- 1. Find out what character sequence is generated by the keystroke sequence
- you wish to bind to a command. See question 129 for how to do this.
- Keep in mind that the character sequences generated by a keystroke
- sequence varies from one terminal to another. You may also get
- different results depending on what type of machine you are running on
- (see question 128). For example, these keystrokes may generate these
- character sequences:
- F1 ---> ESC [ 2 2 4 z
- Shift-R10 ---> ESC O t
- L7 ---> ESC [ 3 1 ~
- Remove ---> C-@
- 2. Figure out what the Emacs Lisp syntax is for this character sequence.
- Inside an Emacs Lisp string, RET, LFD, DEL, ESC, SPC, and TAB are
- specified with `\r', `\n', `\C-?', `\e', ` ', and `\t'. C-x is
- specified by `\C-x'. M-x is specified the same was as "ESC x".
- (Control characters may also be specified as themselves, but I don't
- recommend it.) An Emacs Lisp string begins and ends with the double
- quote character, `"'. Here are some examples:
- ESC [ D ---> "\e[D"
- ESC [ 2 2 7 z ---> "\e[227z"
- ESC [ 1 8 ~ ---> "\e[18~"
- C-M-r ---> "\e\C-r"
- 3. If some prefix of the character sequence is already bound, you must
- unbind it by binding it to `nil'. For example:
- (global-set-key "\e[" nil)
- 4. Pick a command to bind your key sequence to. A command can be a
- "symbol" with a function definition, or a "lambda list", or a string
- (which is treated as a macro). For example:
- (global-set-key "\e[D" 'backward-char)
- (global-set-key "\e[227~" "\exgoto-line\r") ; macro
- See `Key Bindings' and `Rebinding' in the online manual.
- In Emacs 19 (including Lucid Emacs), you can bind function key F24 like +
- this: +
- +
- (global-set-key 'f24 'some-command) +
- 126: Why does Emacs say `Key sequence XXX uses invalid prefix characters'?
- A prefix of the character sequence you were trying to bind was already
- bound. Usually, the sequence is "ESC [", in which case you should
- evaluate this form first:
- (define-key esc-map "[" nil)
- NOTE: By default, "ESC [" is bound to backward-paragraph, and if you do
- this you will lose this key binding. For most people, this is not a
- problem.
- See question 125.
- 127: Why doesn't this [terminal or window-system setup] code work in my
- .emacs file, but it works just fine after Emacs starts up?
- This is because you're trying to do something in your .emacs file that
- needs to be postponed until after the terminal/window-system setup code
- is loaded. This is a result of the order in which things are done
- during the startup of Emacs. For more details see question 135.
- In order to postpone the execution of Emacs Lisp code until after the
- terminal/window-system setup, set the value of the variable
- term-setup-hook or window-setup-hook to be a function which does what
- you want.
- See etc/OPTIONS for a complete explanation of what Emacs does every time
- it is started.
- Here is a simple example of how to set term-setup-hook:
- (setq term-setup-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (cond ((string-match "\\`vt220" (or (getenv "TERM") ""))
- ;; Make vt220's "Do" key behave like M-x:
- (define-key CSI-map "29~" 'execute-extended-command))
- ))))
- 128: How do I use function keys under X Windows?
- This depends on whether you are running Emacs inside a terminal emulator
- window, or whether you are allowing Emacs to create its own X window.
- You can tell which you are doing by noticing whether Emacs creates a new
- window when you start it.
- If you are running Emacs inside a terminal emulator window, then it
- behaves exactly as it does on any other tty. In this case, for function
- keys to be useful, they must generate character sequences that are sent
- to the programs running inside the window as input. The `xterm' program
- has two different sets of character sequences that it generates when
- function keys are pressed, depending on the sunFunctionKeys X resource
- and the -sf and +sf command line options. (To find out what these key
- sequences are, see question 129.) In addition, with xterm,
- you can override what key sequence a specific function key (or any other
- key) will generate with the `translations' resource. This, for example:
- XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override \
- <KeyPress>F1: string(0x1b) string("[xyzzy")
- makes the function key F1 generate the character sequence "ESC [xyzzy".
- On the other hand, if Emacs is managing its own X window, the following
- description applies. Emacs receives `KeyPress' events from the X server
- when a key is pressed while the keyboard focus is in its window. The
- KeyPress event contains an X "keysym" code, which is simply an arbitrary
- number corresponding to the name of the keysym, and information on which
- "modifiers" such as `control' and `shift' are active. For example, the
- `Tab' keysym is 0xff09. (Generally, a key on the keyboard will generate a
- keysym whose name is the same as the label on the key, ie. the `Tab' key
- will normally generate the `Tab' keysym. This can be changed with the
- xmodmap program.) Emacs recognizes all the keysyms that correspond to
- standard ASCII characters and internally uses the ASCII character instead.
- (WARNING: I am about to describe a gross, disgusting hack to you, have
- your barf bag ready.)
- When Emacs receives the X keysym of one of the arrow keys, it behaves
- the same as if it had received a letter key with the control modifier
- down as follows (this is hard-coded):
- Up becomes C-p
- Down becomes C-n
- Right becomes C-f
- Left becomes C-b
- The way Emacs treats other keysyms depends on what kind of machine it was
- compiled on. The type of the display machine is irrelevant! Function
- keys are mapped internally to escape sequences, while other keys are
- completely ignored.
- 1. If compiled on a Sun, Emacs recognizes these X keysyms that
- are normally on a Sun keyboard:
- F1 through F9
- L1 through L10 (same as F11 through F20)
- R1 through R15 (same as F21 through F35)
- (The keys labelled R8, R10, R12, and R14 usually are mapped to the
- X keysyms Up, Left, Right, and Down.)
- Break (the `Alternate' key is given this keysym)
- These keys work like Sun function keys. When Emacs recieves the
- keysym, it will internally use character sequences that look like "ESC
- [ ### z", where ### is replaced by a number. The character sequences
- are identical to those generated by Sun's keyboard under SunView. Any
- function key not listed above generates "ESC [ - 1 z".
- In order to use these key sequences, they should be bound to commands
- using the standard key binding methods, just as if Emacs were running
- on a regular terminal.
- WARNING: F11 and L1 are the same keysym in X, as are F12 and L2, etc.
- {Yes, this is stupid. Complain to the X consortium.}
- 2. If not compiled on a Sun, the function keys will appear to Emacs in a
- way remarkably similar to the keys of a DEC LK201 keyboard (used on
- some VT series terminals). These X keysyms will be recognized:
- F1 through F20
- Help (treated same as F15)
- Menu (treated same as F16, is the LK201 `Do' key)
- Find
- Insert (LK201 `Insert Here' key)
- Select
- Prior (LK201 `Prev Screen' key *** ONLY IN 18.58 AND LATER ***)
- Next (LK201 `Next Screen' key *** ONLY IN 18.58 AND LATER ***)
- And finally, the LK201 key labelled `Remove' (or `Delete') is often
- mapped to the Delete keysym which generates the DEL character (C-?)
- instead of the key sequence given by the LK201 `Remove' key. It may
- also be mapped to some other keysym, such as `_Remove', in which case
- you can't use it from within Emacs at all.
- Each function key will be internally converted to a character sequence
- that looks like "ESC [ ## ~", where ## is replaced by a number. The
- character sequences are identical to those generated by a LK201
- keyboard. Any function key not listed above generates "ESC [ - 1 ~".
- For the complete list of the numbers which are generated by the function
- keys, look in the file src/x11term.c at the definitions of the function
- stringFuncVal.
- If you are running Emacs on a Sun machine, even if your X display is
- running on a non-Sun machine (eg., an X terminal), you get the setup
- described above for Suns. The determining factor is what type of
- machine Emacs is running (was compiled) on, not what type of machine
- your X display is on.
- If you have function keys not listed above on your keyboard, you can use
- `xmodmap' to change their keysym assignments to get keys that Emacs will
- recognize, but that may screw up other programs.
- X resources are not used by Emacs to affect the key sequences generated.
- In particular, there are no X key "translations" for Emacs.
- If you have function keys not listed above and you don't want to use
- xmodmap to change their names, you might want to make a modification to
- your Emacs. Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> has made available a patch for Emacs
- that adds the x-rebind-key function of Epoch to Emacs 18.58. This allows
- another layer of key rebinding before Emacs even sees the keys, and in
- this layer you can rebind all of the keys and modifier combinations as
- well.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /ftp.eu.net:gnu/emacs/FP-Xfun.Z +
- /ftp.urc.tue.nl:pub/tex/emacs/FP-Xfun +
- Johan Vromans explains what this buys for you:
- After implementing this, all keyboard keys can be configured to send
- user definable sequences, eg.,
- (x-rebind-key "KP_F1" 0 "\033OP")
- This will have the keypad key PF1 send the sequence "ESC O P", just like
- an ordinary VT series terminal.
- 129: How do I tell what characters my function or arrow keys emit?
- Use this function by Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@iwarp.intel.com>:
- (defun see-chars ()
- "Displays characters typed, terminated by a 3-second timeout."
- (interactive)
- (let ((chars "")
- (inhibit-quit t))
- (message "Enter characters, terminated by 3-second timeout.")
- (while (not (sit-for 3))
- (setq chars (concat chars (list (read-char)))
- quit-flag nil)) ; quit-flag maybe set by C-g
- (message "Characters entered: %s" (key-description chars))))
- Alternatively, use the "C-h l" view-lossage command, which will display
- the last 100 characters Emacs has seen in its input stream. Kevin
- Gallagher <kgallagh@digi.lonestar.org> suggests typing some unique string
- like "wxyz", typing the key in question, then typing "C-h l". The
- characters that appear between "wxyz" and "C-h l" were generated by the
- key.
- 130: How do I set the X key "translations" for Emacs?
- Sorry, you can't; there are no "translations" to be set. Emacs is not
- written using the Xt library. The only way to affect the behavior of keys
- within Emacs is through `xmodmap' (outside Emacs) or `define-key' (inside
- Emacs).
- 131: How do I handle C-s and C-q being used for flow control?
- C-s and C-q are used in the XON/XOFF flow control protocol. This screws
- up Emacs because it binds these characters to commands. Also, by default
- Emacs will not honor them as flow control characters and may overwhelm
- output buffers. Sometimes, intermediate software using XON/XOFF flow
- control will prevent Emacs from ever seeing C-s and C-q.
- Possible solutions:
- * Disable the use of C-s and C-q for flow control.
- You need to determine what is the cause of the flow control.
- * your terminal
- Your terminal may use XON/XOFF flow control to have time to display
- all the characters it receives. For example, VT series terminals do
- this. It may be possible to turn this off from a setup menu. For
- example, on a VT220 you may select `No XOFF' in the setup menu. This
- is also true for some terminal emulation programs on PCs.
- When you turn off flow control at the terminal, you will also need to
- turn it off at the other end, which might be at the computer you are
- logged in to or at some terminal server in between.
- If you turn off flow control, characters may be lost; using a printer
- connected to the terminal may fail. You may be able to get around
- this problem by modifying the `termcap' entry for your terminal to
- include extra NUL padding characters.
- * a modem
- If you are using a dialup connection, the modems may be using XON/XOFF
- flow control. I don't know how to get around this.
- * a router or terminal server
- Some network box between the terminal and your computer may be using
- XON/XOFF flow control. It may be possible to make it use some other
- kind of flow control. You will probably have to ask your local
- network experts for help with this.
- * tty and/or pty devices
- If your connection to Emacs goes through multiple tty and/or pty
- devices, they may be using XON/XOFF flow control even when it is not
- necessary.
- Eirik Fuller <eirik@theory.tn.cornell.edu> writes:
- Some versions of `rlogin' (and possibly telnet) do not pass flow
- control characters to the remote system to which they connect. On
- such systems, Emacs on the remote system cannot disable flow control
- on the local system. Sometimes `rlogin -8' will avoid this problem.
- One way to cure this is to disable flow control on the local host
- (the one running rlogin, not the one running rlogind) using the stty
- command, before starting the rlogin process. On many systems, `stty
- start u stop u' will do this.
- Some versions of `tcsh' will prevent even this from working. One
- way around this is to start another shell before starting rlogin,
- and issue the stty command to disable flow control from that shell.
- Use `stty -ixon' instead of `stty start u stop u' on some systems.
- * Make Emacs speak the XON/XOFF flow control protocol.
- You can make Emacs treat C-s and C-q as flow control characters by
- evaluating this form:
- (set-input-mode nil t)
- If you are fixing this for yourself, simply put the form in your .emacs
- file. If you are fixing this for your entire site, the best place to
- put it is unclear. I don't know if this has any effect when used in
- lisp/site-init.el when building Emacs; I've never tried that. {Can
- someone tell me whether it works?} Putting things in users' .emacs files
- has a number of problems.
- Putting this form in lisp/default.el has the problem that if the user's
- .emacs file has an error, this will prevent lisp/default.el from being
- loaded and Emacs may be unusable for the user, even for correcting their
- .emacs file (unless they're smart enough to move it to another name). A
- possible solution is to initially disable C-s and C-q by setting
- keyboard-translate-table in lisp/site-init.el, either with swap-keys
- (see question 136) or with the following form:
- ;; by Roger Crew <crew@cs.stanford.edu>:
- (setq keyboard-translate-table
- "\C-@\C-a\C-b\C-c\C-d\C-e\C-f\C-g\C-h\C-i\C-j\C-k\C-l\C-m\C-n\C-o\C-p\C-^\C-r\C-\\\C-t\C-u\C-v\C-w\C-x\C-y\C-z\C-[\C-s\C-]\C-q\C-_")
- This will at least prevent Emacs from being confused by the flow control
- characters, even if lisp/default.el cannot be loaded. Then, in
- lisp/default.el, enable XON/XOFF flow control with set-input-mode.
- For further discussion of this issue, read the file PROBLEMS in the
- Emacs distribution.
- 132: How do I use commands bound to C-s and C-q (or any key) if these keys
- are filtered out?
- I suggest swapping C-s with C-\ and C-q with C-^:
- (swap-keys ?\C-s ?\C-\\)
- (swap-keys ?\C-q ?\C-^)
- See question 136 for the implementation of swap-keys. This method
- has the advantage that it simultaneously swaps the characters everywhere
- throughout Emacs, while just switching the keybindings will miss important
- places where the character codes are stored (eg., the search-repeat-char
- variable, major mode keymaps, etc.).
- To do this for an entire site, you may want to swap the keys in
- lisp/default.el. If only some of your users are connecting through
- XON/XOFF flow-controlled connections, you will want to do this
- conditionally. I suggest pre-swapping them in lisp/site-init.el when
- Emacs is built, and then in lisp/default.el, if it is determined to be
- safe, they can be reenabled (being careful not to screw up any other key
- mappings users might have established using keyboard-translate-table).
- See question 131 for an easy way to pre-swap these keys.
- WARNING: If you do this for an entire site, the users will be confused by
- the disparity between what the documentation says and how Emacs actually
- behaves.
- 133: Why does the `BackSpace' key invoke help?
- The BackSpace key (on every keyboard I've used) generates ASCII code 8.
- C-h sends the same code. In Emacs by default C-h invokes help-command.
- This is intended to be easy to remember since the first letter of "help"
- is "h". The easiest solution to this problem is to use C-h (and
- BackSpace) for help and DEL (the Delete key) for deleting the previous
- character.
- For many people this solution may be problematic:
- * They normally use BackSpace outside of Emacs for deleting the previous
- character typed. This can be solved by making DEL be the command for
- deleting the previous character outside of Emacs. This command will do
- this on many Unix systems:
- stty erase '^?'
- * The person may prefer using the BackSpace key for deleting the previous
- character because it is more conveniently located on their keyboard or
- because they don't even have a separate Delete key. In this case, the
- BackSpace key should be made to behave like Delete. There are several
- methods.
- * Under X Windows, the easiest solution is to change the BackSpace key
- into a Delete key like this:
- xmodmap -e "keysym BackSpace = Delete"
- * Some terminals (eg., VT3## terminals) allow the character generated by
- the BackSpace key to be changed from a setup menu.
- * You may be able to get a keyboard that is completely programmable.
- * Under X or on a dumb terminal, it is possible to swap the BackSpace
- and Delete keys inside Emacs:
- (swap-keys ?\C-h ?\C-?)
- See question 136 for the implementation of swap-keys.
- * Another approach is to switch keybindings and put help on "C-x h"
- instead:
- (global-set-key "\C-h" 'delete-backward-char)
- (global-set-key "\C-xh" 'help-command) ; override mark-whole-buffer
- Other popular key bindings for help are M-? and "C-x ?".
- WARNING: Don't try to bind DEL to help-command, because there are many
- modes that have local bindings of DEL that will interfere. -
- 134: Why doesn't Emacs look at the stty settings for Backspace vs. Delete?
- Good question!
- 135: Why don't the arrow keys work?
- When Emacs starts up, it doesn't know anything about arrow keys at all
- (except when running under X, see question 128). During the process of
- starting up, Emacs will load a terminal-specific initialization file for
- your terminal type (as determined by the environment variable TERM), if
- one exists. This file has the responsibility for enabling the arrow keys.
- There are several things that can go wrong:
- 1. There is no initialization file for your terminal.
- You can determine this by looking in the lisp/term directory. If your
- terminal type (as determined by the TERM environment variable) is
- xxx-yy-z, then the first of these files in the lisp/term directory will
- be loaded as the terminal-specific initialization file: xxx-yy-z.el,
- xxx-yy.el, or xxx.el.
- There are two major cases of this problem:
- * Your terminal type is very similar to one that has an init file.
- In this case, there are several techniques suggested by Colin Jensen
- <cjensen@ampex.com>, Ben Liblit <Liblit@cs.psu.edu>, and Marc
- Auslander <marc@watson.ibm.com>:
- A. Add a symbolic link in lisp/term for your terminal type that
- points to the similar type. For example, you could make VT102
- terminals work with this command:
- ln -s vt100.el vt102.el
- This fixes things for everyone on the system who uses the terminal
- type.
- B. If you can't do the solution in part A, you can add code to your
- term-setup-hook that loads the correct file like this:
- (setq term-setup-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (cond ((equal "vt102" (or (getenv "TERM") ""))
- (load (concat term-file-prefix "vt100")))
- (;; Code for other terminal types goes here ...
- )))))
- C. If you use `tset' to set your TERM environment variable when you
- login, you can use the `-m' switch to tell tset to use a terminal
- type known by Emacs instead of another similar one. For example,
- specifying this:
- tset ... -m 'dec-vt220:vt220' ...
- will make tset say you are on a `vt220' instead of a `dec-vt220'.
- D. Interactively, you can type "M-x load-library RET term/vt100" to
- load the terminal-specific initialization files for VT100
- terminals.
- * Your terminal type is not similar to one that has an init file.
- One can be made for your terminal, or you can just add code to your
- own .emacs to handle this problem for yourself. For example, if your
- terminal's arrow keys send these character sequences:
- Up: ESC [ A
- Down: ESC [ B
- Right: ESC [ C
- Left: ESC [ D
- then you can bind these keys to the appropriate commands with code in
- your .emacs like this:
- (setq term-setup-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (cond ((string-match "\\`xyzzy" (or (getenv "TERM") ""))
- ;; First, must unmap the binding for left bracket
- (or (keymapp (lookup-key global-map "\e\["))
- (define-key global-map "\e\[" nil))
- ;; Enable terminal type xyzzy's arrow keys:
- (define-key global-map "\e\[A" 'previous-line)
- (define-key global-map "\e\[B" 'next-line)
- (define-key global-map "\e\[C" 'forward-char)
- (define-key global-map "\e\[D" 'backward-char))
- ((string-match "\\`abcde" (or (getenv "TERM") ""))
- ;; Do something different for terminal type abcde
- ;; .....
- )))))
- NOTE: You may have to restart Emacs to get changes to take effect.
- NOTE: Your arrow keys may send sequences beginning with "ESC O" when
- Emacs is running, even if they send sequences beginning with "ESC [" at
- all other times. This is because Emacs uses any command there may be
- in your terminal's termcap entry for putting the terminal into
- "Application Keypad Mode". Just map these sequences the same way as
- above.
- The next two cases are problems even if there is a initialization file for
- your terminal type.
- 2. The initialization file for your terminal doesn't bind arrow keys.
- If your terminal type is `xterm', you will have to bind the arrow keys
- as in part 1 above, since the xterm.el file doesn't do anything useful.
- There may be other terminal types with the same problem.
- 3. Your terminal's arrow keys send individual control characters.
- For example, the arrow keys on an ADM-3 send C-h, C-j, C-k, and C-l.
- There is not much Emacs can do in this situation, since all the control
- characters except for C-^ and C-\ are already used as Emacs commands.
- It may be possible to convince the terminal to send something else when
- you press the arrow keys; it is worth investigating.
- You have to make the hard choices of how to rebind keys to commands to
- make things work the way you want. Another alternative is to start
- learning the standard Emacs keybindings for moving point around: C-b,
- C-f, C-p, and C-n. Personally, I no longer use the arrow keys when
- editing because I have switched keyboards so many times.
- 4. Your terminal's arrow keys send sequences beginning with "ESC [".
- Due to an extremely poor design decision (ie., these sequences are ANSI
- standard), none of the the terminal-specific initialization files that
- are distributed with Emacs will bind these character sequences to the
- appropriate commands by default. (This also applies to any other
- function keys which generate character sequences starting with "ESC
- [".) This is because it was deemed far more important to preserve the
- binding of M-[ to the backward-paragraph command. It appears that this
- will change in Emacs 19.
- Some of the terminal-specific initialization files that come with Emacs
- provide a command enable-arrow-keys that will fix this problem. To get
- this automatically invoked, put this in your .emacs:
- (setq term-setup-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (if (fboundp 'enable-arrow-keys) (enable-arrow-keys)))))
- We put this in our lisp/default.el file, so users don't have to worry
- about it:
- ;; don't override a user's term-setup-hook
- (or term-setup-hook
- (setq term-setup-hook
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (and (fboundp 'enable-arrow-keys)
- ;; don't override a user key mapping
- (eq 'backward-paragraph (lookup-key esc-map "["))
- (enable-arrow-keys))))))
- If your terminal type is `sun', you should put this in your .emacs
- instead (or in addition to the above):
- (setq sun-esc-bracket t)
- It is possible that the terminal-specific initialization file for your
- terminal type was written locally and does not follow the rule
- mentioned above. In this case you may need to inspect it to find out
- how to enable the arrow keys. (Actually, if it was written locally, it
- probably enables the arrow keys by default.)
- 136: How do I "swap" two keys?
- When Emacs receives a character, you can make Emacs behave as though it
- received another character by setting the value of
- keyboard-translate-table. The following Emacs Lisp will do this for you,
- allowing you to "swap" keys. After arranging for this Lisp to be
- evaluated by Emacs, you can evaluate `(swap-keys ?A ?B)' to swap A and B.
- (defun swap-keys (key1 key2)
- "Swap keys KEY1 and KEY2 using map-key."
- (map-key key1 key2)
- (map-key key2 key1))
- (defun map-key (from to)
- "Make key FROM behave as though key TO was typed instead."
- (setq keyboard-translate-table
- (concat keyboard-translate-table
- (let* ((i (length keyboard-translate-table))
- (j from)
- (k i)
- (str (make-string (max 0 (- j (1- i))) ?X)))
- (while (<= k j)
- (aset str (- k i) k)
- (setq k (1+ k)))
- str)))
- (aset keyboard-translate-table from to)
- (let ((i (1- (length keyboard-translate-table))))
- (while (and (>= i 0) (eq (aref keyboard-translate-table i) i))
- (setq i (1- i)))
- (setq keyboard-translate-table
- (if (eq i -1)
- nil
- (substring keyboard-translate-table 0 (1+ i))))))
- NOTE: You must evaluate the definition of these functions before calling
- them! For example, list the function definitions before their use in your
- .emacs file.
- NOTE: These functions take two numbers as arguments. The example above,
- `(swap-keys ?A ?B)' is actually `(swap-keys 65 66)', because `?A' is
- merely notation for 65, the ASCII value of `A'.
- NOTE: These functions only work for single characters. You cannot swap
- two multi-character sequences.
- 137: How do I produce C-XXX with my keyboard?
- For C-@ and C-^, often you can just type Control-2 and Control-6. For
- C-_, you may have to hold down the shift key, typing Control-Shift-Hyphen.
- C-@ can often be generated by typing Control-Space. C-@ is often called
- the NUL character, and has ASCII value 0. C-_ can often be generated by
- typing Control-7 or Control-/. C-? (aka DEL) may be generated by typing
- Shift-BackSpace or Control-BackSpace or a key labelled Delete or Del.
- Try Control with all of the digits on your keyboard to see what gets
- generated.
- 138: What if I don't have a Meta key?
- Instead of typing M-a, you can type "ESC a" instead. In fact, Emacs
- converts M-a internally into "ESC a" anyway (depending on the value of
- meta-prefix-char).
- 139: What if I don't have an Escape key?
- Type C-[ instead. This should send ASCII code 27 just like an Escape
- key would. Try also C-;.
- 140: How do I type DEL on PC terminal emulators?
- Some IBM PC compatibles do not have a key labeled `Del' or `Delete' {is
- this true?}. Those that do generally have it in an inconvenient location.
- (Also, in some terminal emulators, the `Del' key does not transmit DEL.)
- The result is the standard "BackSpace invoking help" problem (see question
- 133).
- The usual solution, suggested by Michael Covington
- <mcovingt@aisun1.ai.uga.edu>, is to somehow tell the terminal emulator
- program that BackSpace should transmit DEL. Read the program's manual.
- Shift-BackSpace or Control-BackSpace may send DEL. The `Del' key may only
- send DEL if the NumLock key hasn't been pressed.
- 141: Can I make my `Compose Character' key behave like a Meta key?
- On a dumb terminal such as a VT220, no. It is rumored that certain VT220
- clones could have their Compose key configured this way. If you're using
- X, you might be able to do this with the `xmodmap' program (this is
- what I do).
- 142: How do I bind a combination of modifier key and function key?
- Unless you're using Emacs under emacstool (or xvetool?), have a working !
- version of x-rebind-key (see question 128), or are using Emacs 19 (Lucid +
- Emacs), you can't do this with Emacs alone. +
- If you are using emacstool, Emacs sees different character sequences for
- the combination of a modifier and a function key from what it sees for the
- function key alone. See etc/emacstool.1 for more information. Since
- Emacs sees different character sequences, you can bind these different
- sequences to different commands.
- If you are running Emacs inside a terminal emulator window like xterm, you
- can modify its translation tables to make it generate different character
- sequences for the combination of a modifier and a function key. For
- example, this X resource setting:
- XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override \
- Shift<KeyPress>F1: string(0x1b) string("[xyzzy")
- makes Shift-F1 generate the character sequence "ESC [ xyzzy". You can
- bind these character sequences in Emacs as normal. Nick Ruprecht
- <ruprecht@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> has written an extensive X
- translation mapping for xterm that does this. {Does this have an FTP
- site?}
- If you have x-rebind-key, you can have any arbitrary combination of +
- modifiers with a key replaced by any sequence of "normal" characters. For +
- example, this makes Shift-Return behave as though you had typed "C-x C-e" +
- (example from Jerry Graves): +
- +
- (x-rebind-key "Return" 'shift "\C-x\C-e") +
- +
- In Emacs 19 (Lucid Emacs), you can bind Meta-Left-Arrow like this (example +
- from Jamie Zawinski): +
- +
- (global-set-key '(meta left) 'backward-word) +
- +
- With the last two methods, use `xmodmap' and `xev' to discover the keysym +
- and modifier names. +
- 143: Why doesn't my Meta key work in an xterm window?
- Try all of these methods before asking for further help:
- * You may have big problems using `mwm' as your window manager. {Does
- anyone know a good generic solution to allow the use of the Meta key in
- Emacs with mwm?}
- * For X11R4: Make sure it really is a Meta key. Use `xev' to find out
- what keysym your Meta key generates. It should be either Meta_L or
- Meta_R. If it isn't, use xmodmap to fix the situation.
- * Make sure the pty the xterm is using is passing 8 bit characters.
- `stty -a' (or `stty everything') should show `cs8' somewhere. If it
- shows `cs7' instead, use `stty cs8 -istrip' (or `stty pass8') to fix
- it.
- * If there is an rlogin connection between the xterm and the Emacs, the
- `-8' argument may need to be given to rlogin to make it pass all 8
- bits of every character.
- * If the Emacs is running under Ultrix, it is reported that evaluating
- (set-input-mode t nil) helps.
- * If all else fails, you can make xterm generate "ESC W" when you type
- M-W, which is the same conversion Emacs would make if it got the M-W
- anyway. In X11R4, the following resource specification will do this:
- XTerm.VT100.EightBitInput: false
- (This changes the behavior of the insert-eight-bit action.)
- With older xterms, you can specify this behavior with a translation:
- XTerm.VT100.Translations: #override \
- Meta<KeyPress>: string(0x1b) insert()
- You might have to replace `Meta' with `Alt'.
- 144: Why doesn't my ExtendChar key work as a Meta key under HP-UX 8.0?
- This is a result of an internationalization extension in X11R4 and the
- fact that HP is now using this extension. Emacs assumes that
- XLookupString returns the same result regardless of the Meta key state
- which is no longer necessarily true. Until Emacs is fixed, the temporary
- kludge is to run this command after each time the X server is started but
- preferably before any xterm clients are:
- xmodmap -e 'remove mod1 = Mode_switch'
- NOTE: This will disable the use of the extra keysyms systemwide, which
- may be undesirable if you actually intend to use them.
- 145: Where can I get key bindings to make Emacs emulate WordStar?
- There is a package `wordstar' by Jim Frost <jimf@saber.com> and
- `ws-mode.el' by Juergen Nickelsen <nickel@cs.tu-berlin.de>. Check in the
- Emacs Lisp Archive (see question 89).
- 146: Where can I get an XEDIT emulator for Emacs?
- This question comes up once every couple of months. I have never seen a
- positive reply, so I presume no one has ever written one.
- Using Emacs with Alternate Character Sets
- 147: How do I make Emacs display 8-bit characters?
- There is a patch called the `8-bit ctl-arrow patch' that allows Emacs to
- display characters with codes from 128 to 255. {The original appears to
- have been by Kenneth Cline <cline@proof.ergo.cs.cmu.edu>.} Partially based
- on Johan Widen's earlier work, Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> has updated this
- patch for Emacs 18.58 along with some other 8-bit improvements.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /ftp.eu.net:gnu/emacs/FP-EightBit.Z +
- /ftp.urc.tue.nl:pub/tex/emacs/FP-EightBit +
- /cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/cemacs.tar.Z:cemacs/8bit-patch-18.57 +
- /sics.se:archive/emacs-18.55-8bit-diff +
- /laas.laas.fr:pub/emacs/patch-8bit-18.55 !
- /laas.laas.fr:pub/emacs/patch-8bit-18.57 !
- Via e-mail:
- To: mail-server@sics.se
- body: send emacs-18.55-8bit-diff
- Anders Edenbrandt <anderse@dna.lth.se> has produced a more comprehensive
- patch for Emacs 18.57 that allows for 8-bit input and output.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /sics.se:archive/emacs-8bit-diff-lth +
- /gatekeeper.dec.com:pub/GNU/DS-emacs-18.57-8bit-diff-lth +
- The most comprehensive patches for 8-bit output are by Howard Gayle
- (originally for Emacs 18.55. These patches allow displaying any arbitrary
- string for a given 8-bit character (except TAB and C-j). Also supported
- is defining the sorting order and the uppercase and lowercase
- translations. It is reported that the 8-bit character support in Emacs 19
- is largely based on these patches. Thomas Bellman
- <Bellman@lysator.liu.se> has updated these patches for Emacs 18.57.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /sics.se:archive/emacs-gayle.tar.Z (patches for 18.55) +
- /ftp.lysator.liu.se:pub/emacs/gayle-18.57.diff.tar.Z (patches) +
- /ftp.lysator.liu.se:pub/emacs/emacs-18.57-gayle.tar.Z (patched Emacs) +
- I am not sure if Epoch can display 8-bit characters as is. Lucid Emacs
- has the ctl-arrow patch installed. Nemacs displays 8-bit characters, and
- it may be useful for displaying the 8-bit ISO-8859 alphabet, but I don't
- know for sure (see question 149).
- 148: How do I input 8-bit characters?
- Minor modes for ISO Latin-1 that allow one to easily input this character
- set have been written by several people. Such modes have been written by
- Matthieu Herrb <matthieu@laas.fr> (laas.laas.fr:pub/emacs/iso-latin-1.el),
- Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> {FTP site??}, and Marc Shapiro
- <shapiro@sor.inria.fr> {FTP site??}.
- These approaches differ from the one taken by Anders Edenbrandt in that
- his method uses direct 8-bit input, while these methods use a compose
- sequence for 8-bit characters. {I have heard conflicting reports on
- whether this results in losing the Meta key. Perhaps this depends on
- whether Emacs is running under X. Can someone resolve this?}
- Karl Heuer <karl@haddock.ima.isc.com> is said to have a patch to allow
- 8-bit input. Georg-Wilhelm Koltermann <gwk@crmunich0.cray.com> also has a
- patch for either 18.57 or 18.58 that allows 8-bit input.
- Epoch comes with a patch that allows it to input 8-bit characters, but it
- is not enabled by default. {Is this right?}
- Jamie Zawinski says: +
- +
- Lucid GNU Emacs allows the input of any ISO-8859/1 keysyms that your +
- keyboard generates (see xmodmap), and contains a package that implements +
- a DEC/OpenWindows-like "Compose" key for systems which don't have one. +
- 149: Where can I get an Emacs that can handle kanji characters?
- Nemacs 3.3.2 (Nihongo GNU Emacs) is a modified version of GNU Emacs 18.55
- that handles kanji characters. It is available via anonymous FTP: !
- !
- /crl.nmsu.edu:pub/misc/nemacs-3.3.2.tar.Z !
- /uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu:editors/Nemacs-3.3.2/ !
- /miki.cs.titech.ac.jp:JAPAN/nemacs/nemacs-3.3.2.tar.Z !
- You might also need files for "wnn", a kanji input method
- (wnn-4.0.3{-README,.tar.Z} {on which machine?}). You need a terminal (or
- terminal emulator) that can display text encoded in JIS, Shift-JIS, or EUC
- (Extended Unix Code), or the ability to run Nemacs as a direct X Window
- client.
- 150: Where can I get an Emacs that can handle Chinese?
- `cemacs' by Stephen G. Simpson <simpson@math.psu.edu> is a patch to Emacs
- 18.57 (the ctl-arrow patch) and some Emacs Lisp code that combined with
- Cxterm allows using Chinese characters. It is available via anonymous
- FTP: !
- !
- /crl.nmsu.edu:pub/chinese/cemacs.tar.Z !
- /cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/cemacs.tar.Z !
- Cxterm is available from the same place: !
- !
- /cs.purdue.edu:pub/ygz/cxterm-11.5.1.tar.Z !
- 151: Where is an Emacs that can handle Semitic (right-to-left) alphabets?
- Joel M. Hoffman <joel@wam.umd.edu> writes:
- A couple of years ago a wrote a hebrew.el file that allows right-to-left
- editing of Hebrew. I relied on the hardware to display the Hebrew
- letters, given the right codes, but not for any right-to-left support;
- the hardware also doesn't have to send any specific char. codes. Emacs
- keeps track of when the user is typing Hebrew vs. English. (The VT-*
- terminals in Israel contain built-in support for Hebrew.)
- To get it to work I had to modify only a few lines of GNU Emacs's source
- code --- just enough to make it 8-bit clean.
- [and in a separate message:]
- It doesn't produce time-order ["sefer" format] (I wouldn't recommend
- trying that with emacs, because converting time-order to screen-order
- with arbitrarily long lines is a bit tricky), but I also concocted a
- quick filter to convert screen-order into time-order. I'll be happy to
- send you the requisite files if you want them. If you're using it for
- anything large, however, you'll want something that works better.
- Joel Hoffman has also written a "bi-directional bi-lingual Emacs-like"
- editor for MS-DOS named Ibelbe (Itty Bitty Emacs-Like Bidirectional
- Editor). Ibelbe is written in Turbo Pascal and comes with source code.
- Here is the description:
- Ibelbe looks like emacs (it even has a minibuffer and filename
- completion), and fully supports both right-to-left and left-to-right
- editing. Other than an EGA monitor or better, no special hardware is
- required. You will need an EGA Hebrew font to use Ibelbe with Hebrew.
- Anonymous FTP:
- /israel.nysernet.org:israel/msdos/ibelbe.zip !
- /israel.nysernet.org:israel/msdos/hebfont.zip !
- Joseph Friedman <yossi@deshaw.com, yossi@Neon.Stanford.EDU> has written
- patches for Emacs 18.55 and 18.58 that provide Semitic language support
- under X Windows.
- Warren Burstein <warren@itex.jct.ac.il> says he has mapped 7-bit keys by
- modifying self-insert-command "for Hebrew input on 7-bit keyboards".
- A good suggestion is to query archie for files named with `hebrew'.
- GNU Emacs FAQ: Mail and News
- This portion of the GNU Emacs FAQ list is cross-posted to `gnu.emacs.gnus'
- because many of the questions herein deal with GNUS. See `gnu.emacs.help' for
- the rest of the FAQ list.
- If you are viewing this text in a GNU Emacs Buffer, you can type "M-2 C-x $" to
- get an overview of just the questions. Then, when you want to look at the text
- of the answers, just type "C-x $".
- To search for a question numbered XXX, type "M-C-s ^XXX:", followed by a C-r if
- that doesn't work, then type ESC to end the search.
- A `+' in the 78th column means something was inserted on the line. A `-' means
- something was deleted and a `!' means some combination of insertions and
- deletions occurred.
- Full instructions for getting the latest FAQ are in question 22. Also see the
- `Introduction to news.answers' posting in the `news.answers' newsgroup, or send
- e-mail to `mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu' with `help' on a body line, or use FTP,
- WAIS, or Prospero to rtfm.mit.edu.
- Mail and News
- 152: How do I change the included text prefix in mail/news followups?
- Many people want Emacs to prefix included text with something like ` > '
- instead of with three spaces. One way is to change the code of the
- function `mail-yank-original' in lisp/sendmail.el that prefixes with
- spaces. A more flexible solution is to use Supercite, which provides wide
- configurability in how you format included text in replies. See question
- 107. Both of these solutions work for RMAIL and GNUS.
- A related problem is how to prevent Emacs from including various headers
- of the replied-to message. For this, you should set the value of
- mail-yank-ignored-headers, which takes a regexp value.
- 153: How do I save a copy of outgoing mail?
- Two methods:
- 1. (setq mail-self-blind t) will result in a `BCC:' header line with your
- address being added to mail composition buffers. This will cause the
- mail system to send a copy of the mail back to you.
- 2. (setq mail-archive-file-name (expand-file-name "~/outgoing")) will
- result in an `FCC:' header line with the pathname of ~/outgoing being
- added to mail composition buffers. When you send the mail, Emacs will
- save a copy of the mail in the file ~/outgoing and then strip off the
- `FCC:' line before actually sending.
- WARNING: There is a bug in Emacs 18.58 that prevents mail readers such
- as RMAIL from reading the saved mail messages individually. See
- question 155.
- WARNING: If you are visiting the file ~/outgoing at the time you send
- the mail, this can cause a variety of horrible problems. Jamie +
- Zawinski has written a solution for this. +
- It does not work to put `set record filename' in the .mailrc file.
- 154: Why doesn't Emacs expand my aliases when sending mail?
- * You must separate multiple addresses in the headers of the mail buffer
- with commas. This is because Emacs supports RFC822 standard addresses
- like this one:
- To: Willy Smith <wks@xpnsv.lwyrs.com>
- However, you do not need to separate addresses with commas in your
- .mailrc file.
- WARNING: Emacs breaks up aliases in the .mailrc file into multiple
- addresses both on commas and on whitespace, regardless of any use of
- quotes. This is probably a bug. You can get around this by directly
- setting the value of mail-aliases.
- * Emacs normally only reads the `.mailrc' file once per session, when you
- start to compose your first mail message. If you edit .mailrc, you can
- type "M-ESC (build-mail-aliases) RET" to make Emacs reread .mailrc.
- (You have to include the parentheses where they are shown!)
- * Emacs does not interpret vendor-specific additions to the format of the
- .mailrc file such as the `source' command. It also ignores any `set'
- commands. The only commands it looks at are `alias' and `group'
- commands.
- 155: Why does RMAIL think all my saved messages are one big message?
- There is a bug for FCC-ed messages in Emacs 18.58 where it adds a timezone
- on the "From " line after the year instead of before the year. (Before it
- didn't add the timezone at all.) This is incompatible with the standard
- format for the "From " line, and RMAIL in particular can no longer
- distinguish between the messages. Karl Berry <karl@cs.umb.edu>, Felix Lee
- <flee@cs.psu.edu>, Nick Gianniotis <nico@japan.sbi.com> and many
- others have all posted patches for this. Karl's is the simplest and just
- stops Emacs from adding the timezone:
- >*** ./ORIG/sendmail.el Tue Jan 28 16:22:56 1992
- >--- ./sendmail.el Thu May 14 18:23:48 1992
- >***************
- >*** 285,287 ****
- > (insert "\nFrom " (user-login-name) " "
- >! (current-time-string) " " timezone "\n")
- > (insert-buffer-substring rmailbuf)
- >--- 285,287 ----
- > (insert "\nFrom " (user-login-name) " "
- >! (current-time-string) "\n")
- > (insert-buffer-substring rmailbuf)
- 156: How can I sort the messages in my RMAIL folder?
- Use rmailsort.el by Masanobu Umeda.
- 157: Why does RMAIL need to write to /usr/spool/mail?
- This is the behavior of the `movemail' program which RMAIL uses. This
- indicates that movemail is configured to use lock files.
- RMS writes:
- Certain systems require lock files to interlock access to mail files.
- On these systems, movemail must write lock files, or you risk losing
- mail. You simply must arrange to let movemail write them.
- Other systems use the flock system call to interlock access. On these
- systems, you should configure movemail to use flock.
- 158: How do I recover my mail files after RMAIL munges their format?
- Users who just want to try RMAIL out to see how it works end up trapped
- using it because saved mail in their `mbox' file has been converted into
- an incompatible format (BABYL) that only RMAIL understands. RMAIL
- provides no obvious way to reverse this transformation. Kyle Jones has +
- aptly named this "the great Emacs Mail Eating Monster". To convert a mail +
- file back to standard Unix format, there are several methods:
- * Use the rmail-output ("C-o") command within RMAIL on each message in the
- file. First use M-x rmail or M-x rmail-input to visit the RMAIL file in
- Rmail mode. Type "1 j" to go to the first message. Use the C-o command
- to output the message to a Unix format file. Type "n" to go to the next
- message. Repeat.
- * If the file contains hundreds of messages, you may not want to repeat
- this for all of them. Instead of the above, after getting to the first
- message type this (where "mbox" is the file you want to put the messages
- in):
- C-x ( C-o mbox RET M-s ^From: RET M-0 C-x )
- (The rmail-search command ("M-s") is used instead of just "n" because it
- is the only command which will cause an error when it reaches the last
- message in the file, which is necessary to terminate the keyboard macro.
- This will fail if there are messages in the file that don't have a
- `From:' header. This assumes rmail-delete-after-output is nil.)
- It is wise to save a copy of the RMAIL file first, in case you make a
- mistake.
- * There are software packages available for converting files or even
- entire directories of BABYL files to standard Unix format. These are
- helpful in this situation, but are intended mainly for people who have
- used RMAIL for a long time and are converting to some other mail reader.
- Lookup `rmail', `vm', and `babyl' in the Emacs Lisp Archive (see
- question 89).
- You may wish to disable RMAIL to avoid accidentally destroying your mbox
- file (I have this in my .emacs):
- (put 'rmail 'disabled t) ; avoid mbox destruction
- 159: How do I make Emacs automatically start my mail/news reader?
- Example:
- emacs -f gnus
- Also:
- alias gnus 'emacs -f gnus'
- It is probably unwise to automatically start your mail or news reader from
- your .emacs file. This would cause problems if you needed to run two
- copies of Emacs at one time. Also, this would make it difficult for you
- to start Emacs quickly when you needed to.
- 160: How do I read news under Emacs?
- There are at least three news reading packages that operate inside Emacs.
- `rnews' comes with Emacs. GNUS and Gnews come separately. rnews will
- be replaced by GNUS in Emacs 19.
- rnews works only with a local news spool directory. Both GNUS and Gnews
- handle reading news remotely via NNTP in addition to reading from a local
- news spool. GNUS supports reading mail stored in MH folders or articles
- saved by GNUS.
- Gnews is styled after `rn' and seems to work like RMAIL. GNUS feels more
- like VM. People have complained that GNUS uses a lot of CPU time (it
- does). Some people have complained that Gnews is slower than GNUS.
- For more information about GNUS, see question 108.
- Gnews was written by Matthew P. Wiener <weemba@libra.wistar.upenn.edu>.
- The latest version seems to be 2.0, posted October 3, 1988. Matthew
- posted some fixes on October 26, 1988. Gnews does not appear to have been
- supported after this date. In particular, it has been reported that Gnews
- does not work with Emacs 18.57. There is a newsgroup for Gnews called
- gnu.emacs.gnews.
- 161: Why does `rnews' say "No News is good news" when there is news?
- rnews doesn't speak NNTP. You may need to use GNUS or Gnews.
- 162: Why doesn't GNUS work anymore via NNTP?
- There is a bug in NNTP version 1.5.10, such that when multiple requests
- are sent to the NNTP server, the server only handles the first one before
- blocking waiting for more input which never comes. NNTP version 1.5.11
- claims to fix this.
- You can work around the bug inside Emacs like this:
- (setq nntp-maximum-request 1)
- I also have a patch for NNTP 1.5.10 by Mike Pelletier
- <stealth@engin.umich.edu> that is based on the timeout code that was in
- 1.5.9. However, please try to upgrade to 1.5.11 first.
- You can find out what version of NNTP your news server is running by
- telnetting to the NNTP port (usually 119) on the news server machine (ie.,
- `telnet server-machine 119'). The server should give its version number
- in the welcome message. Type `quit' to get out.
- 163: How do I view text with embedded underlining (eg., ClariNews)?
- Underlining appears like this:
- _^Hu_^Hn_^Hd_^He_^Hr_^Hl_^Hi_^Hn_^Hi_^Hn_^Hg
- You can destructively remove underlining with M-x ununderline-region.
- For ClariNews articles, clari-clean.el by David N. Blank-Edelman
- <dnb@meshugge.media.mit.edu> will remove both underlining and overstriking
- automatically.
- 164: When I try to post a long article in GNUS (about 10K or longer), I get
- the error, "Writing to process: no more processes, nntpd"
- Upgrade to Emacs 18.58.
- 165: How do I save all the items of a multi-part posting in GNUS?
- Use gnus-mark.el by Jamie Zawinski <jwz@lucid.com>.
- 166: Why does GNUS put the subjects in replies beyond the 80th column?
- This is a feature. If you set gnus-thread-hide-subject to non-nil, GNUS
- will only display the subject of the first posting in a thread, even if
- some of the replies use different subjects. It hides the subjects by
- putting them past the edge of the window and setting truncate lines to t.
- If your screen looks messed up, then for some reason truncate-lines in
- your `*Subject*' buffer has been set to nil. It should be set to t.
- (I have an enhancement to GNUS 3.13 that will make it only hide the subject
- of a posting when it is unchanged from the followed-up-to posting. Thus,
- you can use the subject hiding feature and still know when someone changes
- the subject. (I have forgotten who originally gave me the idea for this.))
- 167: Why is GNUS so slow to start up?
- GNUS does several things that take quadratic time of the number of
- newsgroups that are listed in .newsrc. The quick fix for this is to
- remove all the newsgroups in which you have no interest from your .newrc
- file by using GNUS's C-k command in the `*Newsgroup*' buffer after
- displaying all newsgroups with the L command. If you were to directly
- edit your .newsrc to remove the newsgroups, GNUS would add them back.
- GNUS uses a quadratic algorithm to check for duplicates when the .newsrc
- file is newer than the .newsrc.el file (ie., you edited your .newsrc).
- GNUS uses a quadratic algorithm to check for new newsgroups every time it
- connects to the news server. {There may be other quadratic algorithms
- that I am not aware of.}
- You can speed up GNUS by using the C-k command in the *Newsgroup* buffer
- to remove newsgroups from your .newsrc file.
- Of course, GNUS will run faster if you make sure it is byte-compiled.
- Felix Lee wrote some enhancements called `gnus-speedups.el' that fix some +
- of the problems. See the Emacs Lisp Archive. +
- 168: How do I catch up all newsgroups in GNUS?
- In the `*Newsgroup*' buffer, type the following magical incantation:
- M-< C-x ( C-@ c y C-u C-@ C-e C-f C-f M-0 C-x )
- Leave off the "M-<" if you only want to catch up from point to the end of
- the `*Newsgroup' buffer.
- 169: Why can't I kill in GNUS on the Newsgroups/Keywords/Control line?
- GNUS 3.14.1 will complain that the `Newsgroups:', `Keywords:', and
- `Control:' headers are `Unknown header field's.
- For the `Newsgroups:' header, there is an easy workaround: kill on the
- `Xref' header instead, which will be present on any cross-posted article.
- If you really want to kill on one of these headers, you can do it like
- this:
- (gnus-kill nil "^Newsgroups: .*\\(bad\\.group\\|worse\\.group\\)")
- Various people (eg., Greg Holley <holley@acuson.com>) have posted
- solutions to allow more efficient killing on these headers than the
- preceding solution. Masanobu Umeda plans to fix this problem.
- 170: How do I get rid of flashing messages in GNUS for slow connections?
- GNUS outputs "NNTP: Reading..." message and then clears them, over and
- over. In version 3.14.1 there is a variable named nntp-debug-read that
- can help. Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> wrote a fix. Others have also written
- fixes.
- 171: Why is catch up slow in Gnews/GNUS?
- Because GNUS is marking crosspostings read. {I think it should do this at
- the time the article is read to spread out the load. Maybe someone will
- write the code to do this.}
- 172: Why does GNUS hang for a long time when posting?
- David Lawrence <tale@uunet.uu.net> explains: !
- !
- The problem is almost always interaction between NNTP and C News. NNTP !
- POST asks C News's inews to not background itself but rather hang around !
- and give its exit status so it knows whether the post was successful. !
- (That wait will on some systems not return the exit status of the !
- waited for job is a different sort of problem.) It ends up taking a !
- long time because inews is calling relaynews, which often waits for !
- another relaynews to free the lock on the news system so it can file the !
- article. !
- !
- My preferred solution is to change inews to not call relaynews, but !
- rather use newsspool. This loses some error-catching functionality, but !
- is for the most part safe as inews will detect a lot of the errors on !
- its own. The C News folks have sped up inews, too, so speed should look !
- better to most folks as that update propagates around. !
- 173: Why don't my news postings in GNUS get past the local machine?
- Three possible reasons: local distribution, C News date problem (see
- question 174, and the path problem. This piece of code may fix the path !
- problem for you: !
- !
- (setq gnus-use-generic-path t) !
- 174: Why is the GNUS-generated `Date:' header invalid?
- GNUS generates `Date:' headers without time zones. C-News's `inews'
- doesn't replace it with a valid header, but will generate it if not
- already there. If it is invalid, the article will not be forwarded
- properly. Quick fix:
- (defun gnus-inews-date () nil)
- I think this is fixed in GNUS 3.14.1 if you set gnus-news-system {?} to +
- Cnews. +
- 175: Why doesn't GNUS generate the `Lines:' header?
- GNUS was written for B news, which would generate the `Lines:' header. C
- news doesn't. There is a comment in C news's `inews' that you can
- uncomment to enable this functionality. Or you can have GNUS generate the
- header, for example:
- ;; idea by jbryans@beach.csulb.edu (Jack Bryans)
- (defun add-lines-header ()
- ;; Count the number of lines in the current posting and insert the
- ;; header line Lines into the message.
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (search-forward "\n\n") ;; ***** I suspect this is wrong *****
- (let ((lines (count-lines (point) (point-max))))
- (forward-line -1)
- (insert-string "Lines: " lines "\n")))))
- Mike Williams <mike-w@cs.aukuni.ac.nz> has written something similar.
- Ronald Florence <ron@mlfarm.com> has a patch for GNUS that makes it
- calculate the `Lines:' header for incoming articles when necessary that
- works for sites with local news spools.
- David Lawrence <tale@uunet.uu.net> says that GNUS 3.14.1 generates Lines +
- if gnus-news-system is Cnews. +
- 176: Why do I get "Cannot open load file" "nntp" when compiling GNUS?
- Specifically, the error message is this:
- Error occurred processing gnus.el: File error (("Cannot open load file" "nntp"))
- This means that nntp.el is not in Emacs's load-path, which is easy to
- happen when compiling using the Makefile.
- Easiest solution: set EMACSLOADPATH in Makefile (idea from Glenn Gribble
- <glenn@netcom.com>):
- EMACSLOADPATH=/usr/local/emacs/lisp:.
- ELC= env EMACSLOADPATH=$(EMACSLOADPATH) emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile
- Another solution, in hack.el put this:
- (defun gross-hack () (setq load-path (cons "/directory" load-path)))
- Then in Makefile:
- ELC= emacs -batch -l hack.el -f gross-hack -f batch-byte-compile
- 177: How do I kill all articles in GNUS but those matching a pattern?
- Example:
- ;; kill everything
- (gnus-kill "subject" "" nil nil)
- ;; then restore stuff by our favorite poster
- (gnus-kill "from" "good-guy"
- (function
- (lambda ()
- (if (eq ?X (char-after (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line 1)
- (point))))
- (gnus-Subject-clear-mark-forward 1))))
- t)