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- /* sendmail-like interface to /bin/mail for system V,
- Copyright (C) 1985 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "../src/config.h"
- #if defined (BSD) && !defined (BSD4_1)
- /* This program isnot used in BSD, so just avoid loader complaints. */
- main ()
- {
- }
- #else /* not BSD 4.2 (or newer) */
- /* This conditional contains all the rest of the file. */
- /* These are defined in config in some versions. */
- #ifdef static
- #undef static
- #endif
- #ifdef read
- #undef read
- #undef write
- #undef open
- #undef close
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <pwd.h>
- /* Type definitions */
- #define boolean int
- #define true 1
- #define false 0
- /* Various lists */
- struct line_record
- {
- char *string;
- struct line_record *continuation;
- };
- typedef struct line_record *line_list;
- struct header_record
- {
- line_list text;
- struct header_record *next;
- struct header_record *previous;
- };
- typedef struct header_record *header;
- struct stream_record
- {
- FILE *handle;
- int (*action)();
- struct stream_record *rest_streams;
- };
- typedef struct stream_record *stream_list;
- /* A `struct linebuffer' is a structure which holds a line of text.
- * `readline' reads a line from a stream into a linebuffer
- * and works regardless of the length of the line.
- */
- struct linebuffer
- {
- long size;
- char *buffer;
- };
- struct linebuffer lb;
- #define new_list() \
- ((line_list) xmalloc (sizeof (struct line_record)))
- #define new_header() \
- ((header) xmalloc (sizeof (struct header_record)))
- #define new_stream() \
- ((stream_list) xmalloc (sizeof (struct stream_record)))
- #define alloc_string(nchars) \
- ((char *) xmalloc ((nchars) + 1))
- /* Global declarations */
- #define BUFLEN 1024
- #define KEYWORD_SIZE 256
- #define FROM_PREFIX "From"
- #define MY_NAME "fakemail"
- #define NIL ((line_list) NULL)
- #define INITIAL_LINE_SIZE 200
- #define MAIL_PROGRAM_NAME "/bin/mail"
- #endif
- static char *my_name;
- static char *the_date;
- static char *the_user;
- static line_list file_preface;
- static stream_list the_streams;
- static boolean no_problems = true;
- extern FILE *popen ();
- extern int fclose (), pclose ();
- extern char *malloc (), *realloc ();
- extern struct passwd *getpwuid ();
- extern unsigned short geteuid ();
- static struct passwd *my_entry;
- #define cuserid(s) \
- (my_entry = getpwuid (((int) geteuid ())), \
- my_entry->pw_name)
- #endif
- /* Utilities */
- /* Print error message. `s1' is printf control string, `s2' is arg for it. */
- static void
- error (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- {
- printf ("%s: ", my_name);
- printf (s1, s2);
- printf ("\n");
- no_problems = false;
- }
- /* Print error message and exit. */
- static void
- fatal (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- {
- error (s1, s2);
- exit (1);
- }
- /* Like malloc but get fatal error if memory is exhausted. */
- static char *
- xmalloc (size)
- int size;
- {
- char *result = malloc (((unsigned) size));
- if (result == ((char *) NULL))
- fatal ("virtual memory exhausted", 0);
- return result;
- }
- static char *
- xrealloc (ptr, size)
- char *ptr;
- int size;
- {
- char *result = realloc (ptr, ((unsigned) size));
- if (result == ((char *) NULL))
- fatal ("virtual memory exhausted");
- return result;
- }
- /* Initialize a linebuffer for use */
- void
- init_linebuffer (linebuffer)
- struct linebuffer *linebuffer;
- {
- linebuffer->size = INITIAL_LINE_SIZE;
- linebuffer->buffer = ((char *) xmalloc (INITIAL_LINE_SIZE));
- }
- /* Read a line of text from `stream' into `linebuffer'.
- * Return the length of the line.
- */
- long
- readline (linebuffer, stream)
- struct linebuffer *linebuffer;
- FILE *stream;
- {
- char *buffer = linebuffer->buffer;
- char *p = linebuffer->buffer;
- char *end = p + linebuffer->size;
- while (true)
- {
- int c = getc (stream);
- if (p == end)
- {
- linebuffer->size *= 2;
- buffer = ((char *) xrealloc (buffer, linebuffer->size));
- p += buffer - linebuffer->buffer;
- end += buffer - linebuffer->buffer;
- linebuffer->buffer = buffer;
- }
- if (c < 0 || c == '\n')
- {
- *p = 0;
- break;
- }
- *p++ = c;
- }
- return p - buffer;
- }
- char *
- get_keyword (field, rest)
- register char *field;
- char **rest;
- {
- static char keyword[KEYWORD_SIZE];
- register char *ptr;
- register char c;
- ptr = &keyword[0];
- c = *field++;
- if ((isspace (c)) || (c == ':'))
- return ((char *) NULL);
- *ptr++ = ((islower (c)) ? (toupper (c)) : c);
- while (((c = *field++) != ':') && (!(isspace (c))))
- *ptr++ = ((islower (c)) ? (toupper (c)) : c);
- *ptr++ = '\0';
- while (isspace (c)) c = *field++;
- if (c != ':') return ((char *) NULL);
- *rest = field;
- return &keyword[0];
- }
- boolean
- has_keyword (field)
- char *field;
- {
- char *ignored;
- return (get_keyword (field, &ignored) != ((char *) NULL));
- }
- char *
- add_field (the_list, field, where)
- line_list the_list;
- register char *field, *where;
- {
- register char c;
- while (true)
- {
- *where++ = ' ';
- while ((c = *field++) != '\0')
- *where++ = ((c == ',') ? ' ' : c);
- if (the_list == NIL) break;
- field = the_list->string;
- the_list = the_list->continuation;
- }
- return where;
- }
- line_list
- make_file_preface ()
- {
- char *the_string, *temp;
- long idiotic_interface;
- long prefix_length;
- long user_length;
- long date_length;
- line_list result;
- prefix_length = strlen (FROM_PREFIX);
- time (&idiotic_interface);
- the_date = ctime (&idiotic_interface);
- /* the_date has an unwanted newline at the end */
- date_length = strlen (the_date) - 1;
- the_date[date_length] = '\0';
- temp = cuserid ((char *) NULL);
- user_length = strlen (temp);
- the_user = alloc_string (user_length + 1);
- strcpy (the_user, temp);
- the_string = alloc_string (3 + prefix_length +
- user_length +
- date_length);
- temp = the_string;
- strcpy (temp, FROM_PREFIX);
- temp = &temp[prefix_length];
- *temp++ = ' ';
- strcpy (temp, the_user);
- temp = &temp[user_length];
- *temp++ = ' ';
- strcpy (temp, the_date);
- result = new_list ();
- result->string = the_string;
- result->continuation = ((line_list) NULL);
- return result;
- }
- void
- write_line_list (the_list, the_stream)
- register line_list the_list;
- FILE *the_stream;
- {
- for ( ;
- the_list != ((line_list) NULL) ;
- the_list = the_list->continuation)
- {
- fputs (the_list->string, the_stream);
- putc ('\n', the_stream);
- }
- return;
- }
- int
- close_the_streams ()
- {
- register stream_list rem;
- for (rem = the_streams;
- rem != ((stream_list) NULL);
- rem = rem->rest_streams)
- no_problems = (no_problems &&
- ((*rem->action) (rem->handle) == 0));
- the_streams = ((stream_list) NULL);
- return (no_problems ? 0 : 1);
- }
- void
- add_a_stream (the_stream, closing_action)
- FILE *the_stream;
- int (*closing_action)();
- {
- stream_list old = the_streams;
- the_streams = new_stream ();
- the_streams->handle = the_stream;
- the_streams->action = closing_action;
- the_streams->rest_streams = old;
- return;
- }
- int
- my_fclose (the_file)
- FILE *the_file;
- {
- putc ('\n', the_file);
- fflush (the_file);
- return fclose (the_file);
- }
- boolean
- open_a_file (name)
- char *name;
- {
- FILE *the_stream = fopen (name, "a");
- if (the_stream != ((FILE *) NULL))
- {
- add_a_stream (the_stream, my_fclose);
- if (the_user == ((char *) NULL))
- file_preface = make_file_preface ();
- write_line_list (file_preface, the_stream);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void
- put_string (s)
- char *s;
- {
- register stream_list rem;
- for (rem = the_streams;
- rem != ((stream_list) NULL);
- rem = rem->rest_streams)
- fputs (s, rem->handle);
- return;
- }
- void
- put_line (s)
- char *s;
- {
- register stream_list rem;
- for (rem = the_streams;
- rem != ((stream_list) NULL);
- rem = rem->rest_streams)
- {
- fputs (s, rem->handle);
- putc ('\n', rem->handle);
- }
- return;
- }
- #define mail_error error
- void
- setup_files (the_list, field)
- register line_list the_list;
- register char *field;
- {
- register char *start;
- register char c;
- while (true)
- {
- while (((c = *field) != '\0') &&
- ((c == ' ') ||
- (c == '\t') ||
- (c == ',')))
- field += 1;
- if (c != '\0')
- {
- start = field;
- while (((c = *field) != '\0') &&
- (c != ' ') &&
- (c != '\t') &&
- (c != ','))
- field += 1;
- *field = '\0';
- if (!open_a_file (start))
- mail_error ("Could not open file %s", start);
- *field = c;
- if (c != '\0') continue;
- }
- if (the_list == ((line_list) NULL)) return;
- field = the_list->string;
- the_list = the_list->continuation;
- }
- }
- int
- args_size (the_header)
- header the_header;
- {
- register header old = the_header;
- register line_list rem;
- register int size = 0;
- do
- {
- char *field;
- register char *keyword = get_keyword (the_header->text->string, &field);
- if ((strcmp (keyword, "TO") == 0) ||
- (strcmp (keyword, "CC") == 0) ||
- (strcmp (keyword, "BCC") == 0))
- {
- size += 1 + strlen (field);
- for (rem = the_header->text->continuation;
- rem != NIL;
- rem = rem->continuation)
- size += 1 + strlen (rem->string);
- }
- the_header = the_header->next;
- } while (the_header != old);
- return size;
- }
- parse_header (the_header, where)
- header the_header;
- register char *where;
- {
- register header old = the_header;
- do
- {
- char *field;
- register char *keyword = get_keyword (the_header->text->string, &field);
- if (strcmp (keyword, "TO") == 0)
- where = add_field (the_header->text->continuation, field, where);
- else if (strcmp (keyword, "CC") == 0)
- where = add_field (the_header->text->continuation, field, where);
- else if (strcmp (keyword, "BCC") == 0)
- {
- where = add_field (the_header->text->continuation, field, where);
- the_header->previous->next = the_header->next;
- the_header->next->previous = the_header->previous;
- }
- else if (strcmp (keyword, "FCC") == 0)
- setup_files (the_header->text->continuation, field);
- the_header = the_header->next;
- } while (the_header != old);
- *where = '\0';
- return;
- }
- header
- read_header ()
- {
- register header the_header = ((header) NULL);
- register line_list *next_line = ((line_list *) NULL);
- init_linebuffer (&lb);
- do
- {
- long length;
- register char *line;
- readline (&lb, stdin);
- line = lb.buffer;
- length = strlen (line);
- if (length == 0) break;
- if (has_keyword (line))
- {
- register header old = the_header;
- the_header = new_header ();
- if (old == ((header) NULL))
- {
- the_header->next = the_header;
- the_header->previous = the_header;
- }
- else
- {
- the_header->previous = old;
- the_header->next = old->next;
- old->next = the_header;
- }
- next_line = &(the_header->text);
- }
- if (next_line == ((line_list *) NULL))
- {
- /* Not a valid header */
- exit (1);
- }
- *next_line = new_list ();
- (*next_line)->string = alloc_string (length);
- strcpy (((*next_line)->string), line);
- next_line = &((*next_line)->continuation);
- *next_line = NIL;
- } while (true);
- return the_header->next;
- }
- void
- write_header (the_header)
- header the_header;
- {
- register header old = the_header;
- do
- {
- register line_list the_list;
- for (the_list = the_header->text;
- the_list != NIL;
- the_list = the_list->continuation)
- put_line (the_list->string);
- the_header = the_header->next;
- } while (the_header != old);
- put_line ("");
- return;
- }
- void
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char *command_line;
- header the_header;
- long name_length = strlen (MAIL_PROGRAM_NAME);
- char buf[BUFLEN + 1];
- register int size;
- FILE *the_pipe;
- my_name = MY_NAME;
- the_streams = ((stream_list) NULL);
- the_date = ((char *) NULL);
- the_user = ((char *) NULL);
- the_header = read_header ();
- command_line = alloc_string (name_length + args_size (the_header));
- strcpy (command_line, MAIL_PROGRAM_NAME);
- parse_header (the_header, &command_line[name_length]);
- the_pipe = popen (command_line, "w");
- if (the_pipe == ((FILE *) NULL))
- fatal ("cannot open pipe to real mailer");
- add_a_stream (the_pipe, pclose);
- write_header (the_header);
- /* Dump the message itself */
- while (!feof (stdin))
- {
- size = fread (buf, 1, BUFLEN, stdin);
- buf[size] = '\0';
- put_string (buf);
- }
- exit (close_the_streams ());
- }
- #endif /* not BSD 4.2 (or newer) */