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- Info file ../info/vip, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input
- file vip.texinfo.
- Distribution
- ************
- Copyright (C) 1987 Masahiko Sato.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the same conditions as for
- modified versions.
- File: vip, Node: Top, Next: Survey, Up: (DIR)
- VIP ***
- VIP is a Vi emulating package written in Emacs Lisp. VIP implements
- most Vi commands including Ex commands. It is therefore hoped that
- this package will enable you to do Vi style editing under the
- powerful GNU Emacs environment. This info file describes the usage
- of VIP assuming that you are fairly accustomed to Vi but not so much
- with Emacs. Also we will concentrate mainly on differences from Vi,
- especially features unique to VIP.
- It is recommended that you read nodes on survey and on customization
- before you start using VIP. Other nodes may be visited as needed.
- Comments and bug reports are welcome. Please send messages to
- `ms@Sail.Stanford.Edu' if you are outside of Japan and to
- `masahiko@sato.riec.tohoku.junet' if you are in Japan.
- * Menu:
- * Survey:: A survey of VIP.
- * Vi Commands:: Details of Vi commands.
- * Ex Commands:: Details of Ex commands.
- * Customization:: How to customize VIP.
- File: vip, Node: Survey, Next: Basic Concepts, Prev: Top, Up: Top
- A Survey of VIP
- ***************
- In this chapter we describe basics of VIP with emphasis on the
- features not found in Vi and on how to use VIP under GNU Emacs.
- * Menu:
- * Basic Concepts:: Basic concepts in Emacs.
- * Loading VIP:: How to load VIP automatically.
- * Modes in VIP:: VIP has three modes, which are orthogonal to modes
- in Emacs.
- * Differences from Vi:: Differences of VIP from Vi is explained.
- File: vip, Node: Basic Concepts, Next: Loading VIP, Prev: Survey, Up: Survey
- Basic Concepts
- ==============
- We begin by explaining some basic concepts of Emacs. These concepts
- are explained in more detail in the GNU Emacs Manual.
- Conceptually, a "buffer" is just a string of ASCII characters and two
- special characters PNT ("point") and MRK ("mark") such that the
- character PNT occurs exactly once and MRK occurs at most once. The
- "text" of a buffer is obtained by deleting the occurrences of PNT and
- MRK. If, in a buffer, there is a character following PNT then we say
- that point is "looking at" the character; otherwise we say that point
- is "at the end of buffer". PNT and MRK are used to indicate
- positions in a buffer and they are not part of the text of the
- buffer. If a buffer contains a MRK then the text between MRK and PNT
- is called the "region" of the buffer.
- Emacs provides (multiple) "windows" on the screen, and you can see
- the content of a buffer through the window associated with the
- buffer. The cursor of the screen is always positioned on the
- character after PNT.
- A "keymap" is a table that records the bindings between characters
- and command functions. There is the "global keymap" common to all
- the buffers. Each buffer has its "local keymap" that determines the
- "mode" of the buffer. Local keymap overrides global keymap, so that
- if a function is bound to some key in the local keymap then that
- function will be executed when you type the key. If no function is
- bound to a key in the local map, however, the function bound to the
- key in the global map becomes in effect.
- File: vip, Node: Loading VIP, Next: Modes in VIP, Prev: Basic Concepts, Up: Survey
- Loading VIP
- ===========
- The recommended way to load VIP automatically is to include the line:
- (load "vip")
- in your `.emacs' file. The `.emacs' file is placed in your home
- directory and it will be executed every time you invoke Emacs. If
- you wish to be in vi mode whenver Emacs starts up, you can include
- the following line in your `.emacs' file instead of the above line:
- (setq term-setup-hook 'vip-mode)
- (*Note Vi Mode::, for the explanation of vi mode.)
- Even if your `.emacs' file does not contain any of the above lines,
- you can load VIP and enter vi mode by typing the following from
- within Emacs.
- M-x vip-mode
- File: vip, Node: Modes in VIP, Next: Emacs Mode, Prev: Loading VIP, Up: Survey
- Modes in VIP
- ============
- Loading VIP has the effect of globally binding `C-z' (`Control-z') to
- the function `vip-change-mode-to-vi'. The default binding of `C-z' in
- GNU Emacs is `suspend-emacs', but, you can also call `suspend-emacs'
- by typing `C-x C-z'. Other than this, all the key bindings of Emacs
- remain the same after loading VIP.
- Now, if you hit `C-z', the function `vip-change-mode-to-vi' will be
- called and you will be in "vi mode". (Some major modes may locally
- bind `C-z' to some special functions. In such cases, you can call
- `vip-change-mode-to-vi' by `execute-extended-command' which is
- invoked by `M-x'. Here `M-x' means `Meta-x', and if your terminal
- does not have a META key you can enter it by typing `ESC x'. The
- same effect can also be achieve by typing `M-x vip-mode'.)
- You can observe the change of mode by looking at the "mode line".
- For instance, if the mode line is:
- -----Emacs: *scratch* (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
- then it will change to:
- -----Vi: *scratch* (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
- Thus the word `Emacs' in the mode line will change to `Vi'.
- You can go back to the original "emacs mode" by typing `C-z' in vi
- mode. Thus `C-z' toggles between these two modes.
- Note that modes in VIP exist orthogonally to modes in Emacs. This
- means that you can be in vi mode and at the same time, say, shell mode.
- Vi mode corresponds to Vi's command mode. From vi mode you can enter
- "insert mode" (which corresponds to Vi's insert mode) by usual Vi
- command keys like `i', `a', `o' ... etc.
- In insert mode, the mode line will look like this:
- -----Insert *scratch* (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
- You can exit from insert mode by hitting ESC key as you do in Vi.
- That VIP has three modes may seem very complicated, but in fact it is
- not so. VIP is implemented so that you can do most editing remaining
- only in the two modes for Vi (that is vi mode and insert mode).
- The figure below shows the transition of three modes in VIP.
- === C-z ==> == i,o ... ==>
- emacs mode vi mode insert mode
- <== X-z === <=== ESC ====
- * Menu:
- * Emacs Mode:: This is the mode you should know better.
- * Vi Mode:: Vi commands are executed in this mode.
- * Insert Mode:: You can enter text, and also can do editing if you
- know enough Emacs commands.
- File: vip, Node: Emacs Mode, Next: Vi Mode, Prev: Modes in VIP, Up: Modes in VIP
- Emacs Mode
- ----------
- You will be in this mode just after you loaded VIP. You can do all
- normal Emacs editing in this mode. Note that the key `C-z' is
- globally bound to `vip-change-mode-to-vi'. So, if you type `C-z' in
- this mode then you will be in vi mode.
- File: vip, Node: Vi Mode, Next: Insert Mode, Prev: Emacs Mode, Up: Modes in VIP
- Vi Mode
- -------
- This mode corresponds to Vi's command mode. Most Vi commands work as
- they do in Vi. You can go back to emacs mode by typing `C-z'. You
- can enter insert mode, just as in Vi, by typing `i', `a' etc.
- File: vip, Node: Insert Mode, Next: Differences from Vi, Prev: Vi Mode, Up: Modes in VIP
- Insert Mode
- -----------
- The key bindings in this mode is the same as in the emacs mode except
- for the following 4 keys. So, you can move around in the buffer and
- change its content while you are in insert mode.
- `ESC'
- This key will take you back to vi mode.
- `C-h'
- Delete previous character.
- `C-w'
- Delete previous word.
- `C-z'
- Typing this key has the same effect as typing ESC in emacs mode.
- Thus typing `C-z x' in insert mode will have the same effect as
- typing `ESC x' in emacs mode.
- File: vip, Node: Differences from Vi, Next: Undoing, Prev: Insert Mode, Up: Survey
- Differences from Vi
- ===================
- The major differences from Vi are explained below.
- * Menu:
- * Undoing:: You can undo more in VIP.
- * Changing:: Commands for changing the text.
- * Searching:: Search commands.
- * z Command:: You can now use zH, zM and zL as well as z- etc.
- * Counts:: Some Vi commands which do not accept a count now
- accept one.
- * Marking:: You can now mark the current point, beginning of
- the buffer etc.
- * Region Commands:: You can now give a region as an argument for delete
- commands etc.
- * New Commands:: Some new commands not available in Vi are added.
- * New Bindings:: Bindings of some keys are changed for the
- convenience of editing under Emacs.
- * Window Commands:: Commands for moving among windows etc.
- * Buffer Commands:: Commands for selecting buffers etc.
- * File Commands:: Commands for visiting files etc.
- * Misc Commands:: Other useful commands.
- File: vip, Node: Undoing, Next: Changing, Prev: Differences from Vi, Up: Differences from Vi
- Undoing
- -------
- You can repeat undoing by the `.' key. So, `u' will undo a single
- change, while `u . . .', for instance, will undo 4 previous changes.
- Undo is undoable as in Vi. So the content of the buffer will be the
- same before and after `u u'.
- File: vip, Node: Changing, Next: Searching, Prev: Undoing, Up: Differences from Vi
- Changing
- --------
- Some commands which change a small number of characters are executed
- slightly differently. Thus, if point is at the beginning of a word
- `foo' and you wished to change it to `bar' by typing `c w', then VIP
- will prompt you for a new word in the minibuffer by the prompt `foo
- => '. You can then enter `bar' followed by RET or ESC to complete
- the command. Before you enter RET or ESC you can abort the command
- by typing `C-g'. In general, you can abort a partially formed
- command by typing `C-g'.
- File: vip, Node: Searching, Next: z Command, Prev: Changing, Up: Differences from Vi
- Searching
- ---------
- As in Vi, searching is done by `/' and `?'. The string will be
- searched literally by default. To invoke a regular expression
- search, first execute the search command `/' (or `?') with empty
- search string. (I.e, type `/' followed by RET.) A search for empty
- string will toggle the search mode between vanilla search and regular
- expression search. You cannot give an offset to the search string.
- (It is a limitation.) By default, search will wrap around the buffer
- as in Vi. You can change this by rebinding the variable
- `vip-search-wrap-around'. *Note Customization::, for how to do this.
- File: vip, Node: z Command, Next: Counts, Prev: Searching, Up: Differences from Vi
- z Command
- ---------
- For those of you who cannot remember which of `z' followed by RET,
- `.' and `-' do what. You can also use `z' followed by `H', `M' and
- `L' to place the current line in the Home (Middle, and Last) line of
- the window.
- File: vip, Node: Counts, Next: Marking, Prev: z Command, Up: Differences from Vi
- Counts
- ------
- Some Vi commands which do not accept a count now accept one
- `p'
- `P'
- Given counts, text will be yanked (in Vi's sense) that many
- times. Thus `3 p' is the same as `p p p'.
- `o'
- `O'
- Given counts, that many copies of text will be inserted. Thus `o
- a b c ESC' will insert 3 lines of `abc' below the current line.
- `/'
- `?'
- Given a count N, N-th occurrence will be searched.
- File: vip, Node: Marking, Next: Region Commands, Prev: Counts, Up: Differences from Vi
- Marking
- -------
- Typing an `m' followed by a lower case character CH marks the point
- to the register named CH as in Vi. In addition to these, we have
- following key bindings for marking.
- `m <'
- Set mark at the beginning of buffer.
- `m >'
- Set mark at the end of buffer.
- `m .'
- Set mark at point (and push old mark on mark ring).
- `m ,'
- Jump to mark (and pop mark off the mark ring).
- File: vip, Node: Region Commands, Next: New Commands, Prev: Marking, Up: Differences from Vi
- Region Commands
- ---------------
- Vi operators like `d', `c' etc. are usually used in combination with
- motion commands. It is now possible to use current region as the
- argument to these operators. (A "region" is a part of buffer
- delimited by point and mark.) The key `r' is used for this purpose.
- Thus `d r' will delete the current region. If `R' is used instead of
- `r' the region will first be enlarged so that it will become the
- smallest region containing the original region and consisting of
- whole lines. Thus `m . d R' will have the same effect as `d d'.
- File: vip, Node: New Commands, Next: New Bindings, Prev: Region Commands, Up: Differences from Vi
- Some New Commands
- -----------------
- Note that the keys below (except for `R') are not used in Vi.
- `C-a'
- Move point to the beginning of line.
- `C-n'
- If you have two or more windows in the screen, this key will
- move point to the next window.
- `C-o'
- Insert a newline and leave point before it, and then enter
- insert mode.
- `C-r'
- Backward incremental search.
- `C-s'
- Forward incremental search.
- `C-c'
- `C-x'
- `ESC'
- These keys will exit from vi mode and return to emacs mode
- temporarily. If you hit one of these keys, Emacs will be in
- emacs mode and will believe that you hit that key in emacs mode.
- For example, if you hit `C-x' followed by `2', then the current
- window will be split into 2 and you will be in vi mode again.
- `\'
- Escape to emacs mode. Hitting `\' will take you to emacs mode,
- and you can execute a single Emacs command. After executing the
- Emacs command you will be in vi mode again. You can give a
- count before typing `\'. Thus `5 \ *', as well as `\ C-u 5 *',
- will insert `*****' before point. Similarly `1 0 \ C-p' will
- move the point 10 lines above the current line.
- `K'
- Kill current buffer if it is not modified. Useful when you
- selected a buffer which you did not want.
- `Q'
- `R'
- `Q' is for query replace and `R' is for replace. By default,
- string to be replaced are treated literally. If you wish to do
- a regular expression replace, first do replace with empty string
- as the string to be replaced. In this way, you can toggle
- between vanilla and regular expression replacement.
- `v'
- `V'
- These keys are used to Visit files. `v' will switch to a buffer
- visiting file whose name can be entered in the minibuffer. `V'
- is similar, but will use window different from the current window.
- `#'
- If followed by a certain character CH, it becomes an operator
- whose argument is the region determined by the motion command
- that follows. Currently, CH can be one of `c', `C', `g', `q'
- and `s'.
- `# c'
- Change upper case characters in the region to lower case
- (`downcase-region').
- `# C'
- Change lower case characters in the region to upper case. For
- instance, `# C 3 w' will capitalize 3 words from the current
- point (`upcase-region').
- `# g'
- Execute last keyboard macro for each line in the region
- (`vip-global-execute').
- `# q'
- Insert specified string at the beginning of each line in the
- region (`vip-quote-region').
- `# s'
- Check spelling of words in the region (`spell-region').
- `*'
- Call last keyboard macro.
- File: vip, Node: New Bindings, Next: Window Commands, Prev: New Commands, Up: Differences from Vi
- New Key Bindings
- ----------------
- In VIP the meanings of some keys are entirely different from Vi.
- These key bindings are done deliberately in the hope that editing
- under Emacs will become easier. It is however possible to rebind
- these keys to functions which behave similarly as in Vi. *Note
- Customizing Key Bindings::, for details.
- `C-g'
- `g'
- In Vi, `C-g' is used to get information about the file
- associated to the current buffer. Here, `g' will do that, and
- `C-g' is used to abort a command (this is for compatibility with
- emacs mode.)
- `SPC'
- `RET'
- Now these keys will scroll up and down the text of current window.
- Convenient for viewing the text.
- `s'
- `S'
- They are used to switch to a specified buffer. Useful for
- switching to already existing buffer since buffer name
- completion is provided. Also a default buffer will be given as
- part of the prompt, to which you can switch by just typing RET
- key. `s' is used to select buffer in the current window, while
- `S' selects buffer in another window.
- `C'
- `X'
- These keys will exit from vi mode and return to emacs mode
- temporarily. If you type `C' (`X'), Emacs will be in emacs mode
- and will believe that you have typed `C-c' (`C-x', resp.) in
- emacs mode. Moreover, if the following character you type is an
- upper case letter, then Emacs will believe that you have typed
- the corresponding control character. You will be in vi mode
- again after the command is executed. For example, typing `X S'
- in vi mode is the same as typing `C-x C-s' in emacs mode. You
- get the same effect by typing `C-x C-s' in vi mode, but the idea
- here is that you can execute useful Emacs commands without
- typing control characters. For example, if you hit `X' (or
- `C-x') followed by `2', then the current window will be split
- into 2 and you will be in vi mode again.
- In addition to these, `ctl-x-map' is slightly modified:
- `X 3'
- `C-x 3'
- This is equivalent to `C-x 1 C-x 2' (1 + 2 = 3).
- File: vip, Node: Window Commands, Next: Buffer Commands, Prev: New Bindings, Up: Differences from Vi
- Window Commands
- ---------------
- In this and following subsections, we give a summary of key bindings
- for basic functions related to windows, buffers and files.
- `C-n'
- Switch to next window.
- `X 1'
- `C-x 1'
- Delete other windows.
- `X 2'
- `C-x 2'
- Split current window into two windows.
- `X 3'
- `C-x 3'
- Show current buffer in two windows.
- File: vip, Node: Buffer Commands, Next: File Commands, Prev: Window Commands, Up: Differences from Vi
- Buffer Commands
- ---------------
- `s'
- Switch to the specified buffer in the current window
- (`vip-switch-to-buffer').
- `S'
- Switch to the specified buffer in another window
- (`vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window').
- `K'
- Kill the current buffer if it is not modified.
- `X S'
- `C-x C-s'
- Save the current buffer in the file associated to the buffer.
- File: vip, Node: File Commands, Next: Misc Commands, Prev: Buffer Commands, Up: Differences from Vi
- File Commands
- -------------
- `v'
- Visit specified file in the current window.
- `V'
- Visit specified file in another window.
- `X W'
- `C-x C-w'
- Write current buffer into the specified file.
- `X I'
- `C-x C-i'
- Insert specified file at point.
- File: vip, Node: Misc Commands, Next: Vi Commands, Prev: File Commands, Up: Differences from Vi
- Miscellaneous Commands
- ----------------------
- `X ('
- `C-x ('
- Start remembering keyboard macro.
- `X )'
- `C-x )'
- Finish remembering keyboard macro.
- `*'
- Call last remembered keyboard macro.
- `X Z'
- `C-x C-z'
- Suspend Emacs.
- `Z Z'
- Exit Emacs.
- `Q'
- Query replace.
- `R'
- Replace.
- File: vip, Node: Vi Commands, Next: Numeric Arguments, Prev: Misc Commands, Up: Top
- Vi Commands
- ***********
- This chapter describes Vi commands other than Ex commands implemented
- in VIP. Except for the last section which discusses insert mode, all
- the commands described in this chapter are to be used in vi mode.
- * Menu:
- * Numeric Arguments:: Many commands accept numeric arguments
- * Important Keys:: Some very important keys.
- * Buffers and Windows:: Commands for handling buffers and windows.
- * Files:: Commands for handling files.
- * Viewing the Buffer:: How you can view the current buffer.
- * Mark Commands:: Marking positions in a buffer.
- * Motion Commands:: Commands for moving point.
- * Modifying Commands:: Commands for modifying the buffer.
- File: vip, Node: Numeric Arguments, Next: Important Keys, Prev: Vi Commands, Up: Vi Commands
- Numeric Arguments
- =================
- Most Vi commands accept a "numeric argument" which can be supplied as
- a prefix to the commands. A numeric argument is also called a "count".
- In many cases, if a count is given, the command is executed that many
- times. For instance, `5 d d' deletes 5 lines while simple `d d'
- deletes a line. In this manual the metavariable N will denote a count.
- File: vip, Node: Important Keys, Next: Buffers and Windows, Prev: Numeric Arguments, Up: Vi Commands
- Important Keys
- ==============
- The keys `C-g' and `C-l' are unique in that their associated
- functions are the same in any of emacs, vi and insert mode.
- `C-g'
- Quit. Cancel running or partially typed command
- (`keyboard-quit').
- `C-l'
- Clear the screen and reprint everything (`recenter').
- In Emacs many commands are bound to the key strokes that start with
- `C-x', `C-c' and ESC. These commands can be accessed from vi mode as
- easily as from emacs mode.
- `C-x'
- `C-c'
- `ESC'
- Typing one of these keys have the same effect as typing it in
- emacs mode. Appropriate command will be executed according as
- the keys you type after it. You will be in vi mode again after
- the execution of the command. For instance, if you type `ESC <'
- (in vi mode) then the cursor will move to the beginning of the
- buffer and you will still be in vi mode.
- `C'
- `X'
- Typing one of these keys have the effect of typing the
- corresponding control character in emacs mode. Moreover, if you
- type an upper case character following it, that character will
- also be translated to the corresponding control character. Thus
- typing `X W' in vi mode is the same as typing `C-x C-w' in emacs
- mode. You will be in vi mode again after the execution of a
- command.
- `\'
- Escape to emacs mode. Hitting the `\' key will take you to
- emacs mode, and you can execute a single Emacs command. After
- executing the Emacs command you will be in vi mode again. You
- can give a count before typing `\'. Thus `5 \ +', as well as `\
- C-u 5 +', will insert `+++++' before point.
- File: vip, Node: Buffers and Windows, Next: Files, Prev: Important Keys, Up: Vi Commands
- Buffers and Windows
- ===================
- In Emacs the text you edit is stored in a "buffer". See GNU Emacs
- Manual, for details. There is always one "selected" buffer which is
- called the "current buffer".
- You can see the contents of buffers through "windows" created by Emacs.
- When you have multiple windows on the screen only one of them is
- selected. Each buffer has a unique name, and each window has a mode
- line which shows the name of the buffer associated with the window
- and other information about the status of the buffer. You can change
- the format of the mode line, but normally if you see `**' at the
- beginning of a mode line it means that the buffer is "modified". If
- you write out the content of the buffer to a file, then the buffer
- will become not modified. Also if you see `%%' at the beginning of
- the mode line, it means that the file associated with the buffer is
- write protected.
- We have the following commands related to windows and buffers.
- `C-n'
- Move cursor to the next-window (`vip-next-window').
- `X 1'
- Delete other windows and make the selected window fill the screen
- (`delete-other-windows').
- `X 2'
- Split current window into two windows (`split-window-vertically').
- `X 3'
- Show current buffer in two windows.
- Select or create a buffer named BUFFER (`vip-switch-to-buffer').
- Similar but select a buffer named BUFFER in another window
- (`vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window').
- `K'
- Kill the current buffer if it is not modified or if it is not
- associated with a file
- (`vip-kill-buffer').
- `X B'
- List the existing buffers (`list-buffers').
- As "buffer name completion" is provided, you have only to type in
- initial substring of the buffer name which is sufficient to identify
- it among names of existing buffers. After that, if you hit TAB the
- rest of the buffer name will be supplied by the system, and you can
- confirm it by RET. The default buffer name to switch to will also be
- prompted, and you can select it by giving a simple RET. See GNU
- Emacs Manual for details of completion.
- File: vip, Node: Files, Next: Viewing the Buffer, Prev: Buffers and Windows, Up: Vi Commands
- Files
- =====
- We have the following commands related to files. They are used to
- visit, save and insert files.
- `v FILE RET'
- Visit specified file in the current window (`vip-find-file').
- Visit specified file in another window
- (`vip-find-file-other-window').
- `X S'
- Save current buffer to the file associated with the buffer. If
- no file is associated with the buffer, the name of the file to
- write out the content of the buffer will be asked in the
- minibuffer.
- Write current buffer into a specified file.
- Insert a specified file at point.
- `g'
- Give information on the file associated with the current buffer.
- Tell you the name of the file associated with the buffer, the
- line number of the current point and total line numbers in the
- buffer. If no file is associated with the buffer, this fact
- will be indicated by the null file name `""'.
- In Emacs, you can edit a file by "visiting" it. If you wish to visit
- a file in the current window, you can just type `v'. Emacs maintains
- the "default directory" which is specific to each buffer. Suppose,
- for instance, that the default directory of the current buffer is
- `/usr/masahiko/lisp/'. Then you will get the following prompt in the
- minibuffer.
- visit file: /usr/masahiko/lisp/
- If you wish to visit, say, `vip.el' in this directory, then you can
- just type `vip.el' followed by RET. If the file `vip.el' already
- exists in the directory, Emacs will visit that file, and if not, the
- file will be created. Emacs will use the file name (`vip.el', in
- this case) as the name of the buffer visiting the file. In order to
- make the buffer name unique, Emacs may append `<2>', `<3>' etc., to
- the buffer name. As the "file name completion" is provided here, you
- can sometime save typing. For instance, suppose there is only one
- file in the default directory whose name starts with `v', that is
- `vip.el'. Then if you just type `v TAB' then it will be completed to
- `vip.el'. Thus, in this case, you just have to type `v v TAB RET' to
- visit `/usr/masahiko/lisp/vip.el'. Continuing the example, let us
- now suppose that you wished to visit the file
- `/usr/masahiko/man/vip.texinfo'. Then to the same prompt which you
- get after you typed `v', you can enter
- `/usr/masahiko/man/vip.texinfo' or `../man/vip.texinfo' followed by
- RET.
- Use `V' instead of `v', if you wish to visit a file in another window.
- You can verify which file you are editing by typing `g'. (You can
- also type `X B' to get nformation on other buffers too.) If you type
- `g' you will get an information like below in the echo area:
- "/usr/masahiko/man/vip.texinfo" line 921 of 1949
- After you edited the buffer (`vip.texinfo', in our example) for a
- while, you may wish to save it in a file. If you wish to save it in
- the file associated with the buffer (`/usr/masahiko/man/vip.texinfo',
- in this case), you can just say `X S'. If you wish to save it in
- another file, you can type `X W'. You will then get a similar prompt
- as you get for `v', to which you can enter the file name.
- File: vip, Node: Viewing the Buffer, Next: Mark Commands, Prev: Files, Up: Vi Commands
- Viewing the Buffer
- ==================
- In this and next section we discuss commands for moving around in the
- buffer. These command do not change the content of the buffer. The
- following commands are useful for viewing the content of the current
- buffer.
- `SPC'
- `C-f'
- Scroll text of current window upward almost full screen. You
- can go forward in the buffer by this command (`vip-scroll').
- `RET'
- `C-b'
- Scroll text of current window downward almost full screen. You
- can go backward in the buffer by this command (`vip-scroll-back').
- `C-d'
- Scroll text of current window upward half screen. You can go
- down in the buffer by this command (`vip-scroll-down').
- `C-u'
- Scroll text of current window downward half screen. You can go
- up in the buffer by this command (`vip-scroll-up').
- `C-y'
- Scroll text of current window upward by one line
- (`vip-scroll-down-one').
- `C-e'
- Scroll text of current window downward by one line
- (`vip-scroll-up-one').
- You can repeat these commands by giving a count. Thus, `2 SPC' has
- the same effect as `SPC SPC'.
- The following commands reposition point in the window.
- `z H'
- `z RET'
- Put point on the top (home) line in the window. So the current
- line becomes the top line in the window. Given a count N, point
- will be placed in the N-th line from top (`vip-line-to-top').
- `z M'
- `z .'
- Put point on the middle line in the window. Given a count N,
- point will be placed in the N-th line from the middle line
- (`vip-line-to-middle').
- `z L'
- `z -'
- Put point on the bottom line in the window. Given a count N,
- point will be placed in the N-th line from bottom
- (`vip-line-to-bottom').
- `C-l'
- Center point in window and redisplay screen (`recenter').
- File: vip, Node: Mark Commands, Next: Motion Commands, Prev: Viewing the Buffer, Up: Vi Commands
- Mark Commands
- =============
- The following commands are used to mark positions in the buffer.
- `m CH'
- Store current point in the register CH. CH must be a lower case
- character between `a' and `z'.
- `m <'
- Set mark at the beginning of current buffer.
- `m >'
- Set mark at the end of current buffer.
- `m .'
- Set mark at point.
- `m ,'
- Jump to mark (and pop mark off the mark ring).
- Emacs uses the "mark ring" to store marked positions. The commands
- `m <', `m >' and `m .' not only set mark but also add it as the
- latest element of the mark ring (replacing the oldest one). By
- repeating the command ``m ,'' you can visit older and older marked
- positions. You will eventually be in a loop as the mark ring is a
- ring.
- File: vip, Node: Motion Commands, Next: Searching and Replacing, Prev: Mark Commands, Up: Vi Commands
- Motion Commands
- ===============
- Commands for moving around in the current buffer are collected here.
- These commands are used as an `argument' for the delete, change and
- yank commands to be described in the next section.
- `h'
- Move point backward by one character. Signal error if point is
- at the beginning of buffer, but (unlike Vi) do not complain
- otherwise (`vip-backward-char').
- `l'
- Move point backward by one character. Signal error if point is
- at the end of buffer, but (unlike Vi) do not complain otherwise
- (`vip-forward-char').
- `j'
- Move point to the next line keeping the current column. If
- point is on the last line of the buffer, a new line will be
- created and point will move to that line (`vip-next-line').
- `k'
- Move point to the previous line keeping the current column
- (`vip-next-line').
- `+'
- Move point to the next line at the first non-white character.
- If point is on the last line of the buffer, a new line will be
- created and point will move to the beginning of that line
- (`vip-next-line-at-bol').
- `-'
- Move point to the previous line at the first non-white character
- (`vip-previous-line-at-bol').
- If a count is given to these commands, the commands will be repeated
- that many times.
- `0'
- Move point to the beginning of line (`vip-beginning-of-line').
- `^'
- Move point to the first non-white character on the line
- (`vip-bol-and-skip-white').
- `$'
- Move point to the end of line (`vip-goto-eol').
- `N |'
- Move point to the N-th column on the line (`vip-goto-col').
- Except for the `|' command, these commands neglect a count.
- `w'
- Move point forward to the beginning of the next word
- (`vip-forward-word').
- `W'
- Move point forward to the beginning of the next word, where a
- "word" is considered as a sequence of non-white characters
- (`vip-forward-Word').
- `b'
- Move point backward to the beginning of a word
- (`vip-backward-word').
- `B'
- Move point backward to the beginning of a word, where a word is
- considered as a sequence of non-white characters
- (`vip-forward-Word').
- `e'
- Move point forward to the end of a word (`vip-end-of-word').
- `E'
- Move point forward to the end of a word, where a word is
- considered as a sequence of non-white characters
- (`vip-end-of-Word').
- Here the meaning of the word `word' for the `w', `b' and `e' commands
- is determined by the "syntax table" effective in the current buffer.
- Each major mode has its syntax mode, and therefore the meaning of a
- word also changes as the major mode changes. See GNU Emacs Manual
- for details of syntax table.
- `H'
- Move point to the beginning of the home (top) line of the window.
- Given a count N, go to the N-th line from top (`vip-window-top').
- `M'
- Move point to the beginning of the middle line of the window.
- Given a count N, go to the N-th line from the middle line
- (`vip-window-middle').
- `L'
- Move point to the beginning of the lowest (bottom) line of the
- window. Given count, go to the N-th line from bottom
- (`vip-window-bottom').
- These commands can be used to go to the desired line visible on the
- screen.
- `('
- Move point backward to the beginning of the sentence
- (`vip-backward-sentence').
- `)'
- Move point forward to the end of the sentence
- (`vip-forward-sentence').
- `{'
- Move point backward to the beginning of the paragraph
- (`vip-backward-paragraph').
- `}'
- Move point forward to the end of the paragraph
- (`vip-forward-paragraph').
- A count repeats the effect for these commands.
- `G'
- Given a count N, move point to the N-th line in the buffer on
- the first non-white character. Without a count, go to the end
- of the buffer (`vip-goto-line').
- `` `'
- Exchange point and mark (`vip-goto-mark').
- `` CH'
- Move point to the position stored in the register CH. CH must
- be a lower case letter.
- `' ''
- Exchange point and mark, and then move point to the first
- non-white character on the line (`vip-goto-mark-and-skip-white').
- `' CH'
- Move point to the position stored in the register CH and skip to
- the first non-white character on the line. CH must be a lower
- case letter.
- `%'
- Move point to the matching parenthesis if point is looking at
- `(', `)', `{', `}', `[' or `]'
- (`vip-paren-match').
- The command `G' mark point before move, so that you can return to the
- original point by `` `'. The original point will also be stored in
- the mark ring.
- The following commands are useful for moving points on the line. A
- count will repeat the effect.
- `f CH'
- Move point forward to the character CH on the line. Signal
- error if CH could not be found (`vip-find-char-forward').
- `F CH'
- Move point backward to the character CH on the line. Signal
- error if CH could not be found (`vip-find-char-backward').
- `t CH'
- Move point forward upto the character CH on the line. Signal
- error if CH could not be found (`vip-goto-char-forward').
- `T CH'
- Move point backward upto the character CH on the line. Signal
- error if CH could not be found (`vip-goto-char-backward').
- `;'
- Repeat previous `f', `t', `F' or `T' command (`vip-repeat-find').
- `,'
- Repeat previous `f', `t', `F' or `T' command, in the opposite
- direction (`vip-repeat-find-opposite').
- File: vip, Node: Searching and Replacing, Next: Modifying Commands, Prev: Motion Commands, Up: Vi Commands
- Searching and Replacing
- =======================
- Following commands are available for searching and replacing.
- Search the first occurrence of the string STRING forward
- starting from point. Given a count N, the N-th occurrence of
- STRING will be searched. If the variable `vip-re-search' has
- value `t' then "regular expression" search is done and the
- string matching the regular expression STRING is found. If you
- give an empty string as STRING then the search mode will change
- from vanilla search to regular expression search and vice versa
- (`vip-search-forward').
- Same as `/', except that search is done backward
- (`vip-search-backward').
- `n'
- Search the previous search pattern in the same direction as
- before (`vip-search-next').
- `N'
- Search the previous search pattern in the opposite direction
- (`vip-search-Next').
- `C-s'
- Search forward incrementally. See GNU Emacs Manual for details
- (`isearch-forward').
- `C-r'
- Search backward incrementally (`isearch-backward').
- There are two modes of replacement, "vanilla" and "regular
- expression". If the mode is vanilla you will get a prompt
- `Replace string:', and if the mode is regular expression you
- will ge a prompt `Replace regexp:'. The mode is initially
- vanilla, but you can toggle these modes by giving a null string
- as STRING. If the mode is vanilla, this command replaces every
- occurrence of STRING with NEWSTRING. If the mode is regular
- expression, STRING is treated as a regular expression and every
- string matching the regular expression is replaced with
- NEWSTRING (`vip-replace-string').
- Same as `R' except that you will be asked form confirmation
- before each replacement
- (`vip-query-replace').
- `r CH'
- Replace the character point is looking at by the character CH.
- Give count, replace that many characters by CH
- (`vip-replace-char').
- The commands `/' and `?' mark point before move, so that you can
- return to the original point by `` `'.
- File: vip, Node: Modifying Commands, Next: Delete Commands, Prev: Searching and Replacing, Up: Vi Commands
- Modifying Commands
- ==================
- In this section, commands for modifying the content of a buffer are
- described. These commands affect the region determined by a motion
- command which is given to the commands as their argument.
- We classify motion commands into "point commands" and "line
- commands". The point commands are as follows:
- `h', `l', `0', `^', `$', `w', `W', `b', `B', `e', `E', `(', `)', `/', `?', ``', `f', `F', `t', `T', `%', `;', `,'
- The line commands are as follows:
- `j', `k', `+', `-', `H', `M', `L', `{', `}', `G', `''
- If a point command is given as an argument to a modifying command,
- the region determined by the point command will be affected by the
- modifying command. On the other hand, if a line command is given as
- an argument to a modifying command, the region determined by the line
- command will be enlarged so that it will become the smallest region
- properly containing the region and consisting of whole lines (we call
- this process "expanding the region"), and then the enlarged region
- will be affected by the modifying command.
- * Menu:
- * Delete Commands:: Commands for deleting text.
- * Yank Commands:: Commands for yanking text in Vi's sense.
- * Put Back Commands:: Commands for putting bake deleted/yanked text.
- * Change Commands:: Commands for changing text.
- File: vip, Node: Delete Commands, Next: Yank Commands, Prev: Modifying Commands, Up: Modifying Commands
- Delete Commands
- ---------------
- Delete the region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.
- For example, `d $' will delete the region between point and end of
- current line since `$' is a point command that moves point to end of
- line. `d G' will delete the region between the beginning of current
- line and end of the buffer, since `G' is a line command. A count
- given to the command above will become the count for the associated
- motion command. Thus, `3 d w' will delete three words.
- It is also possible to save the deleted text into a register you
- specify. For example, you can say `" t 3 d w' to delete three words
- and save it to register `t'. The name of a register is a lower case
- letter between `a' and `z'. If you give an upper case letter as an
- argument to a delete command, then the deleted text will be appended
- to the content of the register having the corresponding lower case
- letter as its name. So, `" T d w' will delete a word and append it
- to register `t'. Other modifying commands also accept a register
- name as their argument, and we will not repeat similar explanations.
- We have more delete commands as below.
- `d d'
- Delete a line. Given a count N, delete N lines.
- `d r'
- Delete current region.
- `d R'
- Expand current region and delete it.
- `D'
- Delete to the end of a line (`vip-kill-line').
- `x'
- Delete a character after point. Given N, delete N characters
- (`vip-delete-char').
- `DEL'
- Delete a character before point. Given N, delete N characters
- (`vip-delete-backward-char').
- File: vip, Node: Yank Commands, Next: Put Back Commands, Prev: Delete Commands, Up: Modifying Commands
- Yank Commands
- -------------
- Yank commands "yank" a text of buffer into a (usually anonymous)
- register. Here the word `yank' is used in Vi's sense. Thus yank
- commands do not alter the content of the buffer, and useful only in
- combination with commands that put back the yanked text into the
- buffer.
- Yank the region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.
- For example, `y $' will yank the text between point and the end of
- line into an anonymous register, while `"c y $' will yank the same
- text into register `c'.
- Use the following command to yank consecutive lines of text.
- `y y'
- `Y'
- Yank a line. Given N, yank N lines (`vip-yank-line').
- `y r'
- Yank current region.
- `y R'
- Expand current region and yank it.
- File: vip, Node: Put Back Commands, Next: Change Commands, Prev: Yank Commands, Up: Modifying Commands
- Put Back Commands
- -----------------
- Deleted or yanked texts can be put back into the buffer by the
- command below.
- `p'
- Insert, after the character point is looking at, most recently
- deleted/yanked text from anonymous register. Given a register
- name argument, the content of the named register will be put
- back. Given a count, the command will be repeated that many
- times. This command also checks if the text to put back ends
- with a new line character, and if so the text will be put below
- the current line (`vip-put-back').
- `P'
- Insert at point most recently deleted/yanked text from anonymous
- register. Given a register name argument, the content of the
- named register will be put back. Given a count, the command
- will be repeated that many times. This command also checks if
- the text to put back ends with a new line character, and if so
- the text will be put above the current line rather than at point
- (`vip-Put-back').
- Thus, `" c p' will put back the content of the register `c' into the
- buffer. It is also possible to specify "number register" which is a
- numeral between `1' and `9'. If the number register N is specified,
- N-th previously deleted/yanked text will be put back. It is an error
- to specify a number register for the delete/yank commands.
- File: vip, Node: Change Commands, Next: Repeating and Undoing Modifications, Prev: Put Back Commands, Up: Modifying Commands
- Change Commands
- ---------------
- Most commonly used change command takes the following form.
- Replace the content of the region determined by the motion
- command MOTION-COMMAND by the text you type. If the motion
- command is a point command then you will type the text into
- minibuffer, and if the motion command is a line command then the
- region will be deleted first and you can insert the text in
- For example, if point is at the beginning of a word `foo' and you
- wish to change it to `bar', you can type `c w'. Then, as `w' is a
- point command, you will get the prompt `foo =>' in the minibuffer,
- for which you can type `b a r RET' to complete the change command.
- `c c'
- Change a line. Given a count, that many lines are changed.
- `c r'
- Change current region.
- `c R'
- Expand current region and change it.
- File: vip, Node: Repeating and Undoing Modifications, Next: Other Vi Commands, Prev: Change Commands, Up: Modifying Commands
- Repeating and Undoing Modifications
- -----------------------------------
- VIP records the previous modifying command, so that it is easy to
- repeat it. It is also very easy to undo changes made by modifying
- commands.
- `u'
- Undo the last change. You can undo more by repeating undo by
- the repeat command `.'. For example, you can undo 5 previous
- changes by typing `u....'. If you type `uu', then the second
- `u' undoes the first undo command (`vip-undo').
- `.'
- Repeat the last modifying command. Given count N it becomes the
- new count for the repeated command. Otherwise, the count for
- the last modifying command is used again (`vip-repeat').
- File: vip, Node: Other Vi Commands, Next: Commands in Insert Mode, Prev: Repeating and Undoing Modifications, Up: Vi Commands
- Other Vi Commands
- =================
- Miscellaneous Vi commands are collected here.
- `Z Z'
- Exit Emacs. If modified buffers exist, you will be asked
- whether you wish to save them or not (`save-buffers-kill-emacs').
- The region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND will
- be given to the shell command FORMAT-COMMAND and the region will
- be replaced by its output. If a count is given, it will be
- passed to MOTION-COMMAND. For example, `3!Gsort' will sort the
- region between point and the 3rd line. If `!' is used instead
- of MOTION-COMMAND then N lines will be processed by
- FORMAT-COMMAND (`vip-command-argument').
- `J'
- Join two lines. Given count, join that many lines. A space
- will be inserted at each junction (`vip-join-lines').
- `N < <'
- Shift region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND to
- left by SHIFT-WIDTH (default is 8). If `<' is used instead of
- MOTION-COMMAND then shift N lines
- (`vip-command-argument').
- `N > >'
- Shift region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND to
- right by SHIFT-WIDTH (default is 8). If `<' is used instead of
- MOTION-COMMAND then shift N lines
- (`vip-command-argument').
- Indent region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.
- If `=' is used instead of MOTION-COMMAND then indent N lines
- (`vip-command-argument').
- `*'
- Call last remembered keyboard macro.
- `#'
- A new vi operator. *Note New Commands::, for more details.
- The following keys are reserved for future extensions, and currently
- assigned to a function that just beeps (`vip-nil').
- &, @, U, [, ], _, q, ~
- VIP uses a special local keymap to interpret key strokes you enter in
- vi mode. The following keys are bound to NIL in the keymap.
- Therefore, these keys are interpreted by the global keymap of Emacs.
- We give below a short description of the functions bound to these
- keys in the global keymap. See GNU Emacs Manual for details.
- `C-@'
- Set mark and push previous mark on mark ring (`set-mark-command').
- `TAB'
- Indent line for current major mode (`indent-for-tab-command').
- `LFD'
- Insert a newline, then indent according to mode
- (`newline-and-indent').
- `C-k'
- Kill the rest of the current line; before a newline, kill the
- newline. With prefix argument, kill that many lines from point.
- Negative arguments kill lines backward (`kill-line').
- `C-l'
- Clear the screen and reprint everything (`recenter').
- `N C-p'
- Move cursor vertically up N lines (`previous-line').
- `C-q'
- Read next input character and insert it. Useful for inserting
- control characters
- (`quoted-insert').
- `C-r'
- Search backward incrementally (`isearch-backward').
- `C-s'
- Search forward incrementally (`isearch-forward').
- `N C-t'
- Interchange charcters around point, moving forward one
- character. With count N, take character before point and drag
- it forward past N other characters. If no argument and at end
- of line, the previous two characters are exchanged
- (`transpose-chars').
- `N C-v'
- Scroll text upward N lines. If N is not given, scroll near full
- screen (`scroll-up').
- `C-w'
- Kill between point and mark. The text is save in the kill ring.
- The command `P' or `p' can retrieve it from kill ring
- (`kill-region').