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- Info file ../info/vip, produced by Makeinfo, -*- Text -*- from input
- file vip.texinfo.
- Distribution
- ************
- Copyright (C) 1987 Masahiko Sato.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the same conditions as for
- modified versions.
- File: vip, Node: Commands in Insert Mode, Next: Ex Commands, Prev: Other Vi Commands, Up: Vi Commands
- Insert Mode
- ===========
- You can enter insert mode by one of the following commands. In
- addition to these, you will enter insert mode if you give a change
- command with a line command as the motion command. Insert commands
- are also modifying commands and you can repeat them by the repeat
- command `.' (`vip-repeat').
- `i'
- Enter insert mode at point (`vip-insert').
- `I'
- Enter insert mode at the first non white character on the line
- (`vip-Insert').
- `a'
- Move point forward by one character and then enter insert mode
- (`vip-append').
- `A'
- Enter insert mode at end of line (`vip-Append').
- `o'
- Open a new line below the current line and enter insert mode
- (`vip-open-line').
- `O'
- Open a new line above the current line and enter insert mode
- (`vip-Open-line').
- `C-o'
- Insert a newline and leave point before it, and then enter
- insert mode
- (`vip-open-line-at-point').
- Insert mode is almost like emacs mode. Only the following 4 keys
- behave differently from emacs mode.
- `ESC'
- This key will take you back to vi mode (`vip-change-mode-to-vi').
- `C-h'
- Delete previous character (`delete-backward-char').
- `C-w'
- Delete previous word (`vip-delete-backward-word').
- `C-z'
- This key simulates ESC key in emacs mode. For instance, typing
- `C-z x' in insert mode iw the same as typing `ESC x' in emacs
- mode (`vip-ESC').
- You can also bind `C-h' to `help-command' if you like. (*Note
- Customizing Key Bindings::, for details.) Binding `C-h' to
- `help-command' has the effect of making the meaning of `C-h' uniform
- among emacs, vi and insert modes.
- When you enter insert mode, VIP records point as the start point of
- insertion, and when you leave insert mode the region between point
- and start point is saved for later use by repeat command etc.
- Therefore, repeat command will not really repeat insertion if you
- move point by emacs commands while in insert mode.
- File: vip, Node: Ex Commands, Next: Ex Command Reference, Prev: Commands in Insert Mode, Up: Top
- Ex Commands
- ***********
- In vi mode, you can execute an Ex command EX-COMMAND by typing:
- Every Ex command follows the following pattern:
- where all parts are optional. For the syntax of "address", the
- reader is referred to the reference manual of Ex.
- In the current version of VIP, searching by Ex commands is always
- "magic". That is, search patterns are always treated as "regular
- expressions". For example, a typical forward search would be invoked
- by `:/PAT/'. If you wish to include `/' as part of PAT you must
- preceded it by `\'. VIP strips off these `\''s before `/' and the
- resulting PAT becomes the actual search pattern. Emacs provides a
- different and richer class or regular expressions than Vi/Ex, and VIP
- uses Emacs' regular expressions. See GNU Emacs Manual for details of
- regular expressions.
- Several Ex commands can be entered in a line by separating them by a
- pipe character `|'.
- * Menu:
- * Ex Command Reference:: Explain all the Ex commands available in VIP.
- File: vip, Node: Ex Command Reference, Next: Customization, Prev: Ex Commands, Up: Ex Commands
- Ex Command Reference
- ====================
- In this section we briefly explain all the Ex commands supported by
- VIP. Most Ex commands expect ADDRESS as their argument, and they use
- default addresses if they are not explicitly given. In the
- following, such default addresses will be shown in parentheses.
- Most command names can and preferably be given in abbreviated forms.
- In the following, optional parts of command names will be enclosed in
- brackets. For example, `co[py]' will mean that copy command can be
- give as `co' or `cop' or `copy'.
- If COMMAND is empty, point will move to the beginning of the line
- specified by the ADDRESS. If ADDRESS is also empty, point will move
- to the beginning of the current line.
- Some commands accept "flags" which are one of `p', `l' and `#'. If
- FLAGS are given, the text affected by the commands will be displayed
- on a temporary window, and you will be asked to hit return to
- continue. In this way, you can see the text affected by the commands
- before the commands will be executed. If you hit `C-g' instead of
- RET then the commands will be aborted. Note that the meaning of
- FLAGS is different in VIP from that in Vi/Ex.
- `(.,.) co[py] ADDR FLAGS'
- `(.,.) t ADDR FLAGS'
- Place a copy of specified lines after ADDR. If ADDR is `0', it
- will be placed before the first line.
- `(.,.) d[elete] REGISTER COUNT FLAGS'
- Delete specified lines. Text will be saved in a named REGISTER
- if a lower case letter is given, and appended to a register if a
- capital letter is given.
- `e[dit] ! +ADDR FILE'
- `e[x] ! +ADDR FILE'
- `vi[sual] ! +ADDR FILE'
- Edit a new file FILE in the current window. The command will
- abort if current buffer is modified, which you can override by
- giving `!'. If `+'ADDR is given, ADDR becomes the current line.
- `file'
- Give information about the current file.
- `(1,$) g[lobal] ! /PAT/ CMDS'
- `(1,$) v /PAT/ CMDS'
- Among specified lines first mark each line which matches the
- regular expression PAT, and then execute CMDS on each marked line.
- If `!' is given, CMDS will be executed on each line not matching
- PAT. `v' is same as `g!'.
- `(.,.+1) j[oin] ! COUNT FLAGS'
- Join specified lines into a line. Without `!', a space
- character will be inserted at each junction.
- `(.) k CH'
- `(.) mar[k] CH'
- Mark specified line by a lower case character CH. Then the
- addressing form `''CH will refer to this line. No white space
- is required between `k' and CH. A white space is necessary
- between `mark' and CH, however.
- `map CH RHS'
- Define a macro for vi mode. After this command, the character
- CH will be expanded to RHS in vi mode.
- `(.,.) m[ove] ADDR'
- Move specified lines after ADDR.
- `(.) pu[t] REGISTER'
- Put back previously deleted or yanked text. If REGISTER is
- given, the text saved in the register will be put back;
- otherwise, last deleted or yanked text will be put back.
- `q[uit] !'
- Quit from Emacs. If modified buffers with associated files
- exist, you will be asked whether you wish to save each of them.
- At this point, you may choose not to quit, by hitting `C-g'. If
- `!' is given, exit from Emacs without saving modified buffers.
- `(.) r[ead] FILE'
- Read in the content of the file FILE after the specified line.
- `(.) r[ead] ! COMMAND'
- Read in the output of the shell command COMMAND after the
- specified line.
- `se[t]'
- Set a variable's value. *Note Customizing Constants::, for the
- list of variables you can set.
- `sh[ell]'
- Run a subshell in a window.
- `(.,.) s[ubstitute] /PAT/REPL/ OPTIONS COUNT FLAGS'
- On each specified line, the first occurrence of string matching
- regular expression PAT is replaced by replacement pattern REPL.
- Option characters are `g' and `c'. If global option character
- `g' appears as part of OPTIONS, all occurrences are substituted.
- If confirm option character `c' appears, you will be asked to
- give confirmation before each substitution. If `/PAT/REPL/' is
- missing, the last substitution is repeated.
- `st[op]'
- Suspend Emacs.
- `ta[g] TAG'
- Find first definition of TAG. If no TAG is given, previously
- given TAG is used and next alternate definition is find. By
- default, the file `TAGS' in the current directory becomes the
- "selected tag table". You can select another tag table by `set'
- command. *Note Customizing Constants::, for details.
- `und[o]'
- Undo the last change.
- `unm[ap] CH'
- The macro expansion associated with CH is removed.
- `ve[rsion]'
- Tell the version number of VIP.
- `(1,$) w[rite] ! FILE'
- Write out specified lines into file FILE. If no FILE is given,
- text will be written to the file associated to the current
- buffer. Unless `!' is given, if FILE is different from the file
- associated to the current buffer and if the file FILE exists,
- the command will not be executed. Unlike Ex, FILE becomes the
- file associated to the current buffer.
- `(1,$) w[rite]>> FILE'
- Write out specified lines at the end of file FILE. FILE becomes
- the file associated to the current buffer.
- `(1,$) wq ! FILE'
- Same as `write' and then `quit'. If `!' is given, same as
- `write !' then `quit'.
- `(.,.) y[ank] REGISTER COUNT'
- Save specified lines into register REGISTER. If no register is
- specified, text will be saved in an anonymous register.
- Execute shell command COMMAND. The output will be shown in a
- new window. If ADDR is given, specified lines will be used as
- standard input to COMMAND.
- `($) ='
- Print the line number of the addressed line.
- `(.,.) > COUNT FLAGS'
- Shift specified lines to the right. The variable
- `vip-shift-width' (default value is 8) determines the amount of
- shift.
- `(.,.) < COUNT FLAGS'
- Shift specified lines to the left. The variable
- `vip-shift-width' (default value is 8) determines the amount of
- shift.
- Repeat the previous `substitute' command using previous search
- pattern as PAT for matching.
- The following Ex commands are available in Vi, but not implemented in
- VIP.
- `abbreviate', `list', `next', `print', `preserve', `recover', `rewind', `source',
- `unabbreviate', `xit', `z'
- File: vip, Node: Customization, Next: Customizing Constants, Prev: Ex Command Reference, Up: Top
- Customization
- *************
- If you have a file called `.vip' in your home directory, then it will
- also be loaded when VIP is loaded. This file is thus useful for
- customizing VIP.
- * Menu:
- * Customizing Constants:: How to change values of constants.
- * Customizing Key Bindings:: How to change key bindings.
- File: vip, Node: Customizing Constants, Next: Customizing Key Bindings, Prev: Customization, Up: Customization
- Customizing Constants
- =====================
- An easy way to customize VIP is to change the values of constants
- used in VIP. Here is the list of the constants used in VIP and their
- default values.
- `vip-shift-width 8'
- The number of columns shifted by `>' and `<' command.
- `vip-re-replace nil'
- If `t' then do regexp replace, if `nil' then do string replace.
- `vip-search-wrap-around t'
- If `t', search wraps around the buffer.
- `vip-re-search nil'
- If `t' then search is reg-exp search, if `nil' then vanilla
- search.
- `vip-case-fold-search nil'
- If `t' search ignores cases.
- `vip-re-query-replace nil'
- If `t' then do reg-exp replace in query replace.
- `vip-open-with-indent nil'
- If `t' then indent to the previous current line when open a new
- line by `o' or `O' command.
- `vip-tags-file-name "TAGS"'
- The name of the file used as the tag table.
- `vip-help-in-insert-mode nil'
- If `t' then C-h is bound to `help-command' in insert mode, if
- `nil' then it sis bound to `delete-backward-char'.
- You can reset these constants in VIP by the Ex command `set'. Or you
- can include a line like this in your `.vip' file:
- (setq vip-case-fold-search t)
- File: vip, Node: Customizing Key Bindings, Prev: Customizing Constants, Up: Customization
- Customizing Key Bindings
- ========================
- VIP uses `vip-command-mode-map' as the "local keymap" for vi mode.
- For example, in vi mode, SPC is bound to the function `vip-scroll'.
- But, if you wish to make SPC and some other keys behave like Vi, you
- can include the following lines in your `.vip' file.
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-g" 'vip-info-on-file)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-h" 'vip-backward-char)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "\C-m" 'vip-next-line-at-bol)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map " " 'vip-forward-char)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "g" 'vip-keyboard-quit)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "s" 'vip-substitute)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "C" 'vip-change-to-eol)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "R" 'vip-change-to-eol)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "S" 'vip-substitute-line)
- (define-key vip-command-mode-map "X" 'vip-delete-backward-char)
- Key Index
- *********
- * Menu:
- * 000 C-@ (set-mark-command): Other Vi Commands.
- * 001 C-a (vip-beginning-of-line): New Commands.
- * 002 C-b (vip-scroll-back): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 003 C-c (vip-ctl-c): New Commands.
- * 003 C-c (vip-ctl-c): Important Keys.
- * 004 C-d (vip-scroll-up): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 005 C-e (vip-scroll-up-one): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 006 C-f (vip-scroll-back): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit): New Bindings.
- * 007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit): Changing.
- * 007 C-g (vip-keyboard-quit): Important Keys.
- * 010 C-h (delete-backward-char) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 010 C-h (vip-delete-backward-char) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
- * 011 TAB (indent-for-tab-command): Other Vi Commands.
- * 012 LFD (newline-and-indent): Other Vi Commands.
- * 013 C-k (kill-line): Other Vi Commands.
- * 014 C-l (recenter): Important Keys.
- * 014 C-l (recenter): Other Vi Commands.
- * 015 RET (vip-scroll-back): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 015 RET (vip-scroll-back): New Bindings.
- * 016 C-n (vip-next-window): New Commands.
- * 016 C-n (vip-next-window): Buffers and Windows.
- * 016 C-n (vip-next-window): Window Commands.
- * 017 C-o (vip-open-line-at-point): New Commands.
- * 017 C-o (vip-open-line-at-point): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 020 C-p (previous-line): Other Vi Commands.
- * 021 C-q (quoted-insert): Other Vi Commands.
- * 022 C-r (isearch-backward): Other Vi Commands.
- * 022 C-r (isearch-backward): New Commands.
- * 022 C-r (isearch-backward): Searching and Replacing.
- * 023 C-s (isearch-forward): Other Vi Commands.
- * 023 C-s (isearch-forward): Searching and Replacing.
- * 023 C-s (isearch-forward): New Commands.
- * 024 C-t (transpose-chars): Other Vi Commands.
- * 025 C-u (vip-scroll-down): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 026 C-v (scroll-up): Other Vi Commands.
- * 027 C-w (kill-region): Other Vi Commands.
- * 027 C-w (vip-delete-backward-word) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
- * 027 C-w (vip-delete-backward-word) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 0300 C-x (vip-ctl-x): Important Keys.
- * 0300 C-x (vip-ctl-x): New Commands.
- * 0301 C-x C-z (suspend-emacs): Modes in VIP.
- * 031 C-y (vip-scroll-down-one): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 032 C-z (vip-ESC) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 032 C-z (vip-ESC) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
- * 032 C-z (vip-change-mode-to-vi): Modes in VIP.
- * 032 C-z (vip-change-mode-to-vi): Emacs Mode.
- * 033 ESC (vip-ESC): New Commands.
- * 033 ESC (vip-ESC): Important Keys.
- * 033 ESC (vip-change-mode-to-vi) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
- * 033 ESC (vip-change-mode-to-vi) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 040 SPC (vip-scroll): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 040 SPC (vip-scroll): New Bindings.
- * 041 ! (vip-command-argument): Other Vi Commands.
- * 042 " (vip-command-argument): Delete Commands.
- * 0430 # (vip-command-argument): New Commands.
- * 0431 # C (upcase-region): New Commands.
- * 0432 # c (downcase-region): New Commands.
- * 0432 # g (vip-global-execute): New Commands.
- * 0432 # q (vip-quote-region): New Commands.
- * 0432 # s (spell-region): New Commands.
- * 044 $ (vip-goto-eol): Motion Commands.
- * 045 % (vip-paren-match): Motion Commands.
- * 046 & (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 047 ' (vip-goto-mark-and-skip-white): Motion Commands.
- * 050 ( (vip-backward-sentence): Motion Commands.
- * 051 ) (vip-forward-sentence): Motion Commands.
- * 052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro): New Commands.
- * 052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro): Other Vi Commands.
- * 052 * (vip-call-last-kbd-macro): Misc Commands.
- * 053 + (vip-next-line-at-bol): Motion Commands.
- * 054 , (vip-repeat-find-opposite): Motion Commands.
- * 055 - (vip-previous-line-at-bol): Motion Commands.
- * 056 . (vip-repeat): Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
- * 056 . (vip-repeat): Undoing.
- * 057 / (vip-search-forward): Searching.
- * 057 / (vip-search-forward): Counts.
- * 057 / (vip-search-forward): Searching and Replacing.
- * 060 0 (vip-beginning-of-line): Motion Commands.
- * 061 1 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 062 2 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 063 3 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 064 4 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 065 5 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 066 6 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 067 7 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 068 8 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 069 9 (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
- * 072 : (vip-ex): Ex Commands.
- * 073 ; (vip-repeat-find): Motion Commands.
- * 074 < (vip-command-argument): Other Vi Commands.
- * 075 = (vip-command-argument): Other Vi Commands.
- * 076 > (vip-command-argument): Other Vi Commands.
- * 077 ? (vip-search-backward): Searching.
- * 077 ? (vip-search-backward): Counts.
- * 077 ? (vip-search-backward): Searching and Replacing.
- * 100 @ (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 101 A (vip-Append): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 102 B (vip-backward-Word): Motion Commands.
- * 103 C (vip-ctl-c-equivalent): Important Keys.
- * 103 C (vip-ctl-c-equivalent): New Bindings.
- * 104 D (vip-kill-line): Delete Commands.
- * 105 E (vip-end-of-Word): Motion Commands.
- * 106 F (vip-find-char-backward): Motion Commands.
- * 107 G (vip-goto-line): Motion Commands.
- * 110 H (vip-window-top): Motion Commands.
- * 111 I (vip-Insert): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 112 J (vip-join-lines): Other Vi Commands.
- * 113 K (vip-kill-buffer): Buffer Commands.
- * 113 K (vip-kill-buffer): New Commands.
- * 113 K (vip-kill-buffer): Buffers and Windows.
- * 114 L (vip-window-bottom): Motion Commands.
- * 115 M (vip-window-middle): Motion Commands.
- * 116 N (vip-search-Next): Searching and Replacing.
- * 117 O (vip-Open-line): Counts.
- * 117 O (vip-Open-line): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 120 P (vip-Put-back): Counts.
- * 120 P (vip-Put-back): Put Back Commands.
- * 121 Q (vip-query-replace): New Commands.
- * 121 Q (vip-query-replace): Searching and Replacing.
- * 122 R (vip-replace-string): New Commands.
- * 122 R (vip-replace-string): Searching and Replacing.
- * 123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window): New Bindings.
- * 123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window): Buffer Commands.
- * 123 S (vip-switch-to-buffer-other-window): Buffers and Windows.
- * 124 T (vip-goto-char-backward): Motion Commands.
- * 125 U (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 126 V (vip-find-file-other-window): Files.
- * 126 V (vip-find-file-other-window): File Commands.
- * 126 V (vip-find-file-other-window): New Commands.
- * 127 W (vip-forward-Word): Motion Commands.
- * 1300 X (vip-ctl-x-equivalent): Important Keys.
- * 1300 X (vip-ctl-x-equivalent): New Bindings.
- * 1301 X ( (start-kbd-macro): Misc Commands.
- * 1301 X ) (end-kbd-macro): Misc Commands.
- * 1301 X 1 (delete-other-windows): Window Commands.
- * 1301 X 1 (delete-other-windows): Buffers and Windows.
- * 1301 X 2 (split-window-vertically): Buffers and Windows.
- * 1301 X 2 (split-window-vertically): Window Commands.
- * 1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows): Buffers and Windows.
- * 1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows): Window Commands.
- * 1301 X 3 (vip-buffer-in-two-windows): New Bindings.
- * 1302 X B (list-buffers): Buffers and Windows.
- * 1302 X I (insert-file): Files.
- * 1302 X I (insert-file): File Commands.
- * 1302 X S (save-buffer): Files.
- * 1302 X S (save-buffer): Buffer Commands.
- * 1302 X W (write-file): Files.
- * 1302 X W (write-file): File Commands.
- * 1302 X Z (suspend-emacs): Misc Commands.
- * 131 Y (vip-yank-line): Yank Commands.
- * 132 Z Z (save-buffers-kill-emacs): Other Vi Commands.
- * 133 [ (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 134 \ (vip-escape-to-emacs): New Commands.
- * 134 \ (vip-escape-to-emacs): Important Keys.
- * 135 ] (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 136 ^ (vip-bol-and-skip-white): Motion Commands.
- * 137 _ (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 140 ` (vip-goto-mark): Motion Commands.
- * 141 a (vip-append): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 142 b (vip-backward-word): Motion Commands.
- * 1430 c (vip-command-argument): Change Commands.
- * 1431 c R: Change Commands.
- * 1432 c c: Change Commands.
- * 1432 c r: Change Commands.
- * 1440 d (vip-command-argument): Delete Commands.
- * 1441 d R: Delete Commands.
- * 1442 d d: Delete Commands.
- * 1442 d r: Delete Commands.
- * 145 e (vip-end-of-word): Motion Commands.
- * 146 f (vip-find-char-forward): Motion Commands.
- * 147 g (vip-info-on-file): New Bindings.
- * 147 g (vip-info-on-file): Files.
- * 150 h (vip-backward-char): Motion Commands.
- * 151 i (vip-insert): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 152 j (vip-next-line): Motion Commands.
- * 153 k (vip-previous-line): Motion Commands.
- * 154 l (vip-forward-char): Motion Commands.
- * 155 m (vip-mark-point): Mark Commands.
- * 155 m (vip-mark-point): Marking.
- * 156 n (vip-search-next): Searching and Replacing.
- * 157 o (vip-open-line): Commands in Insert Mode.
- * 157 o (vip-open-line): Counts.
- * 160 p (vip-put-back): Put Back Commands.
- * 160 p (vip-put-back): Counts.
- * 161 q (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 162 r (vip-replace-char): Searching and Replacing.
- * 163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer): Buffer Commands.
- * 163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer): Buffers and Windows.
- * 163 s (vip-switch-to-buffer): New Bindings.
- * 164 t (vip-goto-char-forward): Motion Commands.
- * 165 u (vip-undo): Undoing.
- * 165 u (vip-undo): Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
- * 166 v (vip-find-file): File Commands.
- * 166 v (vip-find-file): Files.
- * 166 v (vip-find-file): New Commands.
- * 167 w (vip-forward-word): Motion Commands.
- * 170 x (vip-delete-char): Delete Commands.
- * 1710 y (vip-command-argument): Yank Commands.
- * 1711 y R: Yank Commands.
- * 1712 y r: Yank Commands.
- * 1712 y y (vip-yank-line): Yank Commands.
- * 1721 z RET (vip-line-to-top): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 1721 z RET (vip-line-to-top): z Command.
- * 1722 z - (vip-line-to-bottom): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 1722 z - (vip-line-to-bottom): z Command.
- * 1722 z . (vip-line-to-middle): z Command.
- * 1722 z . (vip-line-to-middle): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 1723 z H (vip-line-to-top): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 1723 z H (vip-line-to-top): z Command.
- * 1723 z L (vip-line-to-bottom): z Command.
- * 1723 z L (vip-line-to-bottom): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 1723 z M (vip-line-to-middle): z Command.
- * 1723 z M (vip-line-to-middle): Viewing the Buffer.
- * 173 { (vip-backward-paragraph): Motion Commands.
- * 174 | (vip-goto-col): Motion Commands.
- * 175 } (vip-forward-paragraph): Motion Commands.
- * 176 ~ (vip-nil): Other Vi Commands.
- * 177 DEL (vip-delete-backward-char): Delete Commands.
- Concept Index
- **************
- * Menu:
- * address: Ex Commands.
- * buffer: Basic Concepts.
- * buffer: Buffers and Windows.
- * buffer name completion: Buffers and Windows.
- * count: Numeric Arguments.
- * current buffer: Buffers and Windows.
- * default directory: Files.
- * emacs mode: Modes in VIP.
- * end (of buffer): Basic Concepts.
- * expanding (region): Modifying Commands.
- * file name completion: Files.
- * flag: Ex Command Reference.
- * global keymap: Basic Concepts.
- * insert mode: Modes in VIP.
- * keymap: Basic Concepts.
- * line commands: Modifying Commands.
- * local keymap: Customizing Key Bindings.
- * local keymap: Basic Concepts.
- * looking at: Basic Concepts.
- * magic: Ex Commands.
- * mark: Basic Concepts.
- * mark ring: Mark Commands.
- * mode: Basic Concepts.
- * mode line: Modes in VIP.
- * modified (buffer): Buffers and Windows.
- * number register: Put Back Commands.
- * numeric arguments: Numeric Arguments.
- * point: Basic Concepts.
- * point commands: Modifying Commands.
- * region: Basic Concepts.
- * region: Region Commands.
- * regular expression: Ex Commands.
- * regular expression (replacement): Searching and Replacing.
- * regular expression (search): Searching and Replacing.
- * selected buffer: Buffers and Windows.
- * selected tag table: Ex Command Reference.
- * syntax table: Motion Commands.
- * tag: Ex Command Reference.
- * text: Basic Concepts.
- * vanilla (replacement): Searching and Replacing.
- * vi mode: Modes in VIP.
- * visiting (a file): Files.
- * window: Basic Concepts.
- * window: Buffers and Windows.
- * word: Motion Commands.
- * yank: Yank Commands.