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- (provide (quote shell))
- (defvar last-input-start nil "\
- In a shell-mode buffer, marker for start of last unit of input.")
- (defvar last-input-end nil "\
- In a shell-mode buffer, marker for end of last unit of input.")
- (defvar shell-mode-map nil)
- (defvar shell-directory-stack nil "\
- List of directories saved by pushd in this buffer's shell.")
- (defvar shell-popd-regexp "popd" "\
- *Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to popd.")
- (defvar shell-pushd-regexp "pushd" "\
- *Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to pushd.")
- (defvar shell-cd-regexp "cd" "\
- *Regexp to match subshell commands equivalent to cd.")
- (defvar explicit-shell-file-name nil "\
- *If non-nil, is file name to use for explicitly requested inferior shell.")
- (defun shell-mode nil "\
- Major mode for interacting with an inferior shell.
- Shell name is same as buffer name, sans the asterisks.
- Return at end of buffer sends line as input.
- Return not at end copies rest of line to end and sends it.
- The following commands imitate the usual Unix interrupt and
- editing control characters:
- \\{shell-mode-map}
- Entry to this mode calls the value of shell-mode-hook with no args,
- if that value is non-nil.
- cd, pushd and popd commands given to the shell are watched
- by Emacs to keep this buffer's default directory
- the same as the shell's working directory.
- Variables shell-cd-regexp, shell-pushd-regexp and shell-popd-regexp
- are used to match these command names.
- You can send text to the shell (or its subjobs) from other buffers
- using the commands process-send-region, process-send-string
- and lisp-send-defun." (interactive) (byte-code "ÅÈ ÉÊËÌ!ÍÄ!ÅÍÆ!Î ÍÇ!Î ÏÐ!" [major-mode mode-name mode-line-process shell-mode-map shell-directory-stack nil last-input-start last-input-end kill-all-local-variables shell-mode "Shell" (": %s") use-local-map make-local-variable make-marker run-hooks shell-mode-hook] 9))
- (if shell-mode-map nil (setq shell-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote shell-send-input)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote shell-send-eof)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote kill-shell-input)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote backward-kill-word)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote interrupt-shell-subjob)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote stop-shell-subjob)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote quit-shell-subjob)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote kill-output-from-shell)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote show-output-from-shell)) (define-key shell-mode-map "" (quote copy-last-shell-input)))
- (defvar explicit-csh-args (if (eq system-type (quote hpux)) (quote ("-i" "-T")) (quote ("-i"))) "\
- Args passed to inferior shell by M-x shell, if the shell is csh.
- Value is a list of strings, which may be nil.")
- (defun shell nil "\
- Run an inferior shell, with I/O through buffer *shell*.
- If buffer exists but shell process is not running, make new shell.
- Program used comes from variable explicit-shell-file-name,
- or (if that is nil) from the ESHELL environment variable,
- or else from SHELL if there is no ESHELL.
- If a file ~/.emacs_SHELLNAME exists, it is given as initial input
- (Note that this may lose due to a timing error if the shell
- discards input when it starts up.)
- The buffer is put in shell-mode, giving commands for sending input
- and controlling the subjobs of the shell. See shell-mode.
- See also variable shell-prompt-pattern.
- The shell file name (sans directories) is used to make a symbol name
- such as `explicit-csh-arguments'. If that symbol is a variable,
- its value is used as a list of arguments when invoking the shell.
- Otherwise, one argument `-i' is passed to the shell.
- Note that many people's .cshrc files unconditionally clear the prompt.
- If yours does, you will probably want to change it." (interactive) (byte-code "Ä ÅÆ! ÅÇ! ÈÉ!ÊËÌÍÎÏ
- P!
( Ï
- ÒQ!
6 Ó!>