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- ;; keybinding for standard default sunterm keys
- ;; Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- ;; any later version.
- ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ;; Jeff Peck, Sun Microsystems Inc <peck@sun.com>
- ;; Mar, 91 better integration with X windows
- (defun ignore-key ()
- "interactive version of ignore"
- (interactive)
- (ignore))
- (defun unbound-key ()
- "filler for compound keymaps"
- (interactive)
- (error "unbound-key"))
- (defun on-window-line-p (n)
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line 1)
- (let ((p (point)))
- (move-to-window-line n)
- (equal (point) p))))
- (defun scroll-down-in-place (n)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (on-window-line-p 0)
- (progn (scroll-down n) (previous-line n))
- (previous-line n) (scroll-down n)))
- (defun scroll-up-in-place (n)
- (interactive "p")
- (if (on-window-line-p -1)
- (progn (scroll-up n) (next-line n))
- (next-line n) (scroll-up n)))
- (defun kill-region-and-unmark (beg end)
- "Like kill-region, but pops the mark [which equals point, anyway.]"
- (interactive "r")
- (kill-region beg end)
- (setq this-command 'kill-region-and-unmark)
- (set-mark-command t))
- (defun rerun-prev-command ()
- "Repeat Previous-complex-command."
- (interactive)
- (eval (nth 0 command-history)))
- (defvar grep-arg nil "Default arg for RE-search")
- ;; not sure this all works... or works at all...
- (defun search-command-arg ()
- ;; if previous minibuf command specified a search string, return it.
- ;; this way, a call to M-x re-search-forward can pass its arg.
- (let* ((command (car command-history))
- (command-name (symbol-name (car command)))
- (search-arg (car (cdr command)))
- (search-command
- (and command-name (string-match "search" command-name))))
- (and search-command (stringp search-arg) search-arg)))
- (defun grep-arg (&optional prompt)
- "helper function used by research-{backward,forward}"
- (if (memq last-command '(research-forward research-backward)) grep-arg
- (let ((this-command this-command) ; save this binding from read-string
- (default (or (search-command-arg)
- search-last-regexp
- grep-arg)))
- (read-string (or prompt "Regexp arg: ") default))))
- (defun research-forward ()
- "Repeat regexp search forward, using previous search arg if available."
- (interactive) ;
- (if (re-search-forward (grep-arg "Regexp search: "))
- (setq search-last-regexp grep-arg)))
- (defun research-backward ()
- "Repeat regexp search backward, using previous search arg if available."
- (interactive) ;
- (if (re-search-backward (grep-arg "Regexp search backward: "))
- (setq search-last-regexp grep-arg)))
- (defun help-for-dummies ()
- (interactive)
- (let ((char ?\C-h))
- (if (or (= char ?\C-h) (= char ??))
- (save-window-excursion
- (switch-to-buffer "*Help*")
- (erase-buffer)
- (insert (documentation 'help-for-help))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (memq char '(?\C-h ?? ?\C-v ?\ ?\177 ?\M-v))
- (if (memq char '(?\C-v ?\ ))
- (scroll-up))
- (if (memq char '(?\177 ?\M-v))
- (scroll-down))
- (message "A B C F I K L M N S T V W C-c C-d C-n C-w%s: "
- (if (pos-visible-in-window-p (point-max))
- "" " or Space to scroll"))
- (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t))
- (setq char (read-char))))))
- (let ((defn (cdr (assq (downcase char) (cdr help-map)))))
- (if defn (call-interactively defn) (ding)))))
- ;;;
- ;;; handle sun's extra function keys
- ;;; this version for those who run with standard .ttyswrc and no emacstool
- ;;;
- ;;; sunview picks up expose and open on the way UP,
- ;;; so we ignore them on the way down
- ;;;
- ;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
- ;;; for you to put your own bindings in. Example:
- ;(setq sun-esc-bracket t)
- ;(setq sun-raw-map-hooks '( ; not your usual hook list
- ; (define-key sun-raw-map "211z" 'goto-line) ; R4
- ; (define-key sun-raw-map "212z" 'other-window) ; R5
- ; (define-key sun-raw-map "213z" 'scroll-other-window) ; R6
- ; ))
- (defvar sun-esc-bracket nil
- "*If non-nil, rebind ESC [ as prefix for Sun function keys.")
- (defvar sun-raw-map (make-sparse-keymap) "*Keymap for ESC-[ encoded keyboard")
- (define-key sun-raw-map "208z" 'unbound-key) ; R1
- (define-key sun-raw-map "209z" 'unbound-key) ; R2
- (define-key sun-raw-map "210z" 'backward-page) ; R3
- (define-key sun-raw-map "213z" 'forward-page) ; R6
- (define-key sun-raw-map "214z" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; R7
- (define-key sun-raw-map "216z" 'scroll-down) ; R9
- (define-key sun-raw-map "215z" 'previous-line) ; R8 (up-arrow)
- (define-key sun-raw-map "217z" 'backward-char) ; R10 (rt-arrow)
- (define-key sun-raw-map "219z" 'forward-char) ; R12 (dn-arrow)
- (define-key sun-raw-map "221z" 'next-line) ; R14 (lf-arrow)
- (define-key sun-raw-map "218z" 'recenter) ; R11
- (define-key sun-raw-map "220z" 'end-of-buffer) ; R13
- (define-key sun-raw-map "222z" 'scroll-up) ; R15
- (define-key sun-raw-map "193z" 'redraw-display) ; Again L1
- (define-key sun-raw-map "194z" 'list-buffers) ; Props L2
- (define-key sun-raw-map "195z" 'undo) ; Undo L3
- (define-key sun-raw-map "196z" 'ignore-key) ; Expose-down L4
- (define-key sun-raw-map "197z" 'sun-select-region) ; Put L5
- (define-key sun-raw-map "198z" 'ignore-key) ; Open-down L6
- (define-key sun-raw-map "199z" 'sun-yank-selection) ; Get L7
- (define-key sun-raw-map "200z" 'exchange-point-and-mark); Find L8
- (define-key sun-raw-map "201z" 'kill-region-and-unmark) ; Delete L9
- (define-key sun-raw-map "207z" 'help-for-help) ; Help Key on Type-4 KBD
- (define-key sun-raw-map "225z" 'toggle-selective-display); T2
- (define-key sun-raw-map "226z" 'scroll-down-in-place) ; T3
- (define-key sun-raw-map "227z" 'scroll-up-in-place) ; T4
- (define-key sun-raw-map "228z" 'shell) ; T5
- (define-key sun-raw-map "229z" 'shrink-window) ; T6
- (define-key sun-raw-map "230z" 'enlarge-window) ; T7
- (if sun-esc-bracket
- (progn
- (define-key esc-map "[" sun-raw-map) ; Install sun-raw-map
- (define-key esc-map "[A" 'previous-line ) ; R8
- (define-key esc-map "[B" 'next-line) ; R14
- (define-key esc-map "[C" 'forward-char) ; R12
- (define-key esc-map "[D" 'backward-char) ; R10
- (define-key esc-map "[[" 'backward-paragraph) ; the original esc-[
- ))
- ;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
- ;;; for you to put your own bindings in.
- (defvar sun-raw-map-hooks nil
- "List of forms to evaluate after setting sun-raw-map.
- This list is processed by: (mapcar 'eval sun-raw-map-hooks)")
- (mapcar 'eval sun-raw-map-hooks)
- ;;; This section adds defintions for the emacstool users
- ;;; emacstool event filter converts function keys to C-x*{c}{lrt}
- ;;;
- ;;; for example the Open key (L7) would be encoded as "\C-x*gl"
- ;;; the control, meta, and shift keys modify the character {lrt}
- ;;; note that (unshifted) C-l is ",", C-r is "2", and C-t is "4"
- ;;;
- ;;; {c} is [a-j] for LEFT, [a-i] for TOP, [a-o] for RIGHT.
- ;;; A higher level insists on encoding {h,j,l,n}{r} (the arrow keys)
- ;;; as ANSI escape sequences. Use the shell command
- ;;; % setkeys noarrows
- ;;; if you want these to come through for emacstool.
- ;;;
- ;;; If you are not using EmacsTool,
- ;;; you can also use this by creating a .ttyswrc file to do the conversion.
- ;;; but it won't include the CONTROL, META, or SHIFT keys!
- ;;;
- ;;; Note: al (STOP), el (EXPOSE) and gl (OPEN) are trapped by EmacsTool,
- ;;; so they never make it here.
- (defvar meta-flag t)
- (defvar suntool-map (make-sparse-keymap)
- "*Keymap for Emacstool bindings.")
- (define-key suntool-map "ar" 'unbound-key) ; R1
- (define-key suntool-map "br" 'unbound-key) ; R2
- (define-key suntool-map "hr" 'previous-line) ; R8 (up-arrow)
- (define-key suntool-map "jr" 'backward-char) ; R10 (rt-arrow)
- (define-key suntool-map "lr" 'forward-char) ; R12 (dn-arrow)
- (define-key suntool-map "nr" 'next-line) ; R14 (lf-arrow)
- (define-key suntool-map "gr" 'beginning-of-buffer) ; r7
- (define-key suntool-map "iR" 'backward-page) ; R9
- (define-key suntool-map "ir" 'scroll-down) ; r9
- (define-key suntool-map "kr" 'recenter) ; r11
- (define-key suntool-map "mr" 'end-of-buffer) ; r13
- (define-key suntool-map "oR" 'forward-page) ; R15
- (define-key suntool-map "or" 'scroll-up) ; r15
- (define-key suntool-map "b\M-L" 'rerun-prev-command) ; M-AGAIN
- (define-key suntool-map "b\M-l" 'repeat-complex-command); M-Again
- (define-key repeat-complex-command-map "\C-x*b\M-l" 'previous-complex-command)
- (define-key suntool-map "bl" 'redraw-display) ; Again L1
- (define-key suntool-map "cl" 'list-buffers) ; Props L2
- (define-key suntool-map "dl" 'undo) ; Undo L3
- (define-key suntool-map "el" 'ignore-key) ; Expose-Top L4
- (define-key suntool-map "fl" 'sun-select-region) ; Put L5
- (define-key suntool-map "f," 'copy-region-as-kill) ; C-Put L5
- (define-key suntool-map "gl" 'ignore-key) ; Open-Open L6
- (define-key suntool-map "hl" 'sun-yank-selection) ; Get L7
- (define-key suntool-map "h\M-l" 'sunview-yank-any-selection) ; M-Get L7
- (define-key suntool-map "h," 'yank) ; C-Get
- ;; interactive regexp search ; Find L8
- (define-key suntool-map "iL" 're-isearch-forward) ; FIND (shift-Find)
- (define-key suntool-map "i\M-L" 're-isearch-backward) ; M-FIND (M-shift-Find)
- ;; non-interactive versions:
- ;; search again, using previous search arg as regexp.
- (define-key suntool-map "il" 'research-forward) ; Find
- (define-key suntool-map "i\M-l" 'research-backward) ; M-Find
- ;; supply new arg
- (define-key suntool-map "i," 're-search-forward) ; C-Find
- (define-key suntool-map "i\M-," 're-search-backward) ; C-M-Find
- (define-key suntool-map "jL" 'yank) ; DELETE L9
- (define-key suntool-map "jl" 'kill-region-and-unmark) ; Delete
- (define-key suntool-map "j\M-l" 'exchange-point-and-mark); M-Delete
- (define-key suntool-map "j,"
- '(lambda () (interactive) (pop-mark 1))) ; C-Delete
- (define-key suntool-map "pl" 'describe-mode) ; Help
- (define-key suntool-map "p\M-l" 'command-apropos) ; M-Help
- (define-key suntool-map "pL" 'describe-bindings) ; HELP
- ;; Oops, Help is preempted by Xview, may need to modify xvetool
- (define-key suntool-map "p," 'help-for-help) ; C-Help
- (define-key suntool-map "p," 'help-for-dummies) ; C-Help
- (define-key suntool-map "bt" 'toggle-selective-display) ; t2
- (define-key suntool-map "cT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-down n)))
- (define-key suntool-map "dT" '(lambda(n) (interactive "p") (scroll-up n)))
- (define-key suntool-map "ct" 'scroll-down-in-place) ; t3
- (define-key suntool-map "dt" 'scroll-up-in-place) ; t4
- (define-key suntool-map "et" 'shell) ; t5
- (define-key suntool-map "fT" 'shrink-window-horizontally) ; T6
- (define-key suntool-map "gT" 'enlarge-window-horizontally) ; T7
- (define-key suntool-map "ft" 'shrink-window) ; t6
- (define-key suntool-map "gt" 'enlarge-window) ; t7
- (define-key ctl-x-map "*" suntool-map)
- ;;; Since .emacs gets loaded before this file, a hook is supplied
- ;;; for you to put your own bindings in.
- ;;; Example:
- ;(setq suntool-map-hooks '( ; not your usual hook list
- ; (define-key suntool-map "c\M-l" 'browse) ; Meta-Props
- ; (define-key suntool-map "dr" 'goto-line) ; R4
- ; (define-key suntool-map "d2" 'what-line) ; Control-R4
- ; ))
- (defvar suntool-map-hooks nil
- "List of forms to evaluate after setting suntool-map.
- This variable is processed by: (mapcar 'eval suntool-map-hooks)")
- (mapcar 'eval suntool-map-hooks)
- ;;;
- ;;; If running under emacstool, arrange to call suspend-emacstool
- ;;; instead of suspend-emacs.
- ;;;
- ;;; First mouse blip is a clue that we are in emacstool.
- ;;;
- ;;; C-x C-@ is the mouse command prefix.
- (autoload 'sun-mouse-handler "sun-mouse"
- "Sun Emacstool handler for mouse blips (not loaded)." t)
- (defun sun-mouse-once ()
- "Converts to emacstool and sun-mouse-handler on first mouse hit."
- (interactive)
- (emacstool-init)
- (sun-mouse-handler) ; Now, execute this mouse blip.
- )
- (if (not window-system) ; don't do this for X!
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-@" 'sun-mouse-once))
- (defun emacstool-init ()
- "Set up Emacstool window, if you know you are in an emacstool."
- ;; Make sure sun-mouse and sun-fns are loaded.
- (require 'sun-fns)
- (define-key ctl-x-map "\C-@" 'sun-mouse-handler)
- (if (fboundp 'sun-window-init) ()
- (error "SunWindows support not compiled in: #define HAVE_SUN_WINDOWS in config.h"))
- (if (and (not (getenv "DISPLAY")) (< (sun-window-init) 0))
- (message "Not a SunView Window"))
- (progn
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool global-map)
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool esc-map)
- (substitute-key-definition 'suspend-emacs 'suspend-emacstool ctl-x-map)
- (send-string-to-terminal
- (concat "\033]lEmacstool - GNU Emacs " emacs-version "\033\\")))
- )
- ;;; If Emacstool is being nice, and informs us of its presence:
- (if (getenv "IN_EMACSTOOL") (emacstool-init))