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- ;; Losing unix doesn't know about the -real- control bit
- ;; there should be some way to conditionalize this on the basis
- ;; of %TOFCI -- except that the existing supdup server loses this information!
- ;; It isn't clear-cut what to do in the server, as %tofci means that the user
- ;; can generate full 9-bit MIT characters, which isn't what the `km' termcap
- ;; flag means. On the other hand, being able to generate 8-bit characters
- ;; (which is sort of what `km' is) isn't the same as %tofci.
- ;; I think the problem is fundamental and cultural and irresolvable.
- ;; unix supdup server uses 0237 as a control escape.
- ;; c-a 001
- ;; m-a 341
- ;; c-m-a 201
- ;; c-1 237 061
- ;; m-1 261
- ;; c-m-1 237 261
- ;; c-m-_ 237 237
- (defvar supdup-control-map (make-keymap))
- (fillarray supdup-control-map 'ascii-loses)
- (defvar supdup-control-meta-map (make-keymap))
- (fillarray supdup-control-meta-map 'ascii-loses)
- (define-key supdup-control-meta-map "\C-_" nil) ; this is c-m-_
- (define-key supdup-control-map "\e" supdup-control-meta-map)
- (define-key global-map "\e\C-_" supdup-control-map)
- (let ((n ?0))
- (while (<= n ?9)
- (define-key supdup-control-map (char-to-string n) 'supdup-digit-argument)
- (define-key supdup-control-meta-map (char-to-string n) 'supdup-digit-argument)
- (setq n (1+ n)))
- (define-key supdup-control-map "-" 'supdup-digit-argument)
- (define-key supdup-control-meta-map "-" 'supdup-digit-argument))
- (defun ascii-loses ()
- (interactive)
- (if (= (aref (this-command-keys) 0) meta-prefix-char)
- ;; loser typed <esc> c-_ <char>
- (error "Undefined command: %s"
- (mapconcat 'text-char-description (this-command-keys) " "))
- ;; Get here from m-c-_ <char> for c-<char> or m-c-_ m-<char>
- (error "Ascii loses: c-%s%c"
- (if (> last-input-char ?\200) "m-" "")
- (logand last-input-char ?\177))))
- (defun supdup-digit-argument (p)
- (interactive "P")
- (let ((n last-input-char))
- (if (and (<= (+ ?\200 ?0) n) (<= n (+ ?\200 ?9)))
- (setq n (- n ?\200)))
- (cond ((or (= n ?-) (= n ?\M--))
- (message "Arg: %s" (setq prefix-arg '-)))
- ((or (< n ?0) (> n ?9))
- (error "Lossage: %s" (this-command-keys)))
- (t
- (setq n (- n ?0))
- (message "Arg: %d"
- (setq prefix-arg
- (cond ((listp p)
- n)
- ((eq p '-)
- (- n))
- ((>= p 0)
- (+ (* p 10) n))
- (t
- (- (* p 10) n)))))))))
- ;; Attempt to detect slimebollix machine serving as terminal.
- (if (let ((termcap (getenv "TERMCAP")))
- (and termcap
- (string-match ":co#131:li#52:\\|:co#135:li#50:" termcap)))
- (message "In doing business with Symbolics, you are rewarding a wrong."))
- ;; Mouse support works with Lambdas.
- ;(autoload 'sup-mouse-report "sup-mouse"
- ; "This command is sent by a special version of Supdup on the LMI Lambda
- ;when the mouse is clicked." t)
- ;(global-set-key "\C-x\C-@" 'sup-mouse-report)