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- /* `alloca' standard 4.2 subroutine for 68000's and 16000's and others.
- Also has _setjmp and _longjmp for pyramids.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU Emacs.
- GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
- GNU Emacs General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */
- /* Both 68000 systems I have run this on have had broken versions of alloca.
- Also, I am told that non-berkeley systems do not have it at all.
- So replace whatever system-provided alloca there may be
- on all 68000 systems. */
- #define NOT_C_CODE
- /* #include "config.h" */
- #ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA /* define this to use system's alloca */
- #ifndef hp9000s300
- #ifndef m68k
- #ifndef mc68k
- #ifndef m68000
- #ifndef WICAT
- #ifndef ns32000
- #ifndef ns16000
- #ifndef sequent
- #ifndef pyramid
- #ifndef ATT3B5
- #ifndef XENIX
- you
- lose!!
- #endif /* XENIX */
- #endif /* ATT3B5 */
- #endif /* pyramid */
- #endif /* sequent */
- #endif /* ns16000 */
- #endif /* ns32000 */
- #endif /* WICAT */
- #endif /* m68000 */
- #endif /* mc68k */
- #endif /* m68k */
- #endif /* hp9000s300 */
- #ifdef hp9000s300
- data
- text
- globl _alloca
- _alloca
- move.l (sp)+,a0 ; pop return addr from top of stack
- move.l (sp)+,d0 ; pop size in bytes from top of stack
- add.l #ROUND,d0 ; round size up to long word
- and.l #MASK,d0 ; mask out lower two bits of size
- sub.l d0,sp ; allocate by moving stack pointer
- tst.b PROBE(sp) ; stack probe to allocate pages
- move.l sp,d0 ; return pointer
- add.l #-4,sp ; new top of stack
- jmp (a0) ; not a normal return
- MASK equ -4 ; Longword alignment
- ROUND equ 3 ; ditto
- PROBE equ -128 ; safety buffer for C compiler scratch
- data
- #else /* new hp assembler syntax */
- /*
- The new compiler does "move.m <registers> (%sp)" to save registers,
- so we must copy the saved registers when we mung the sp.
- The old compiler did "move.m <register> <offset>(%a6)", which
- gave us no trouble
- */
- text
- set PROBE,-128 # safety for C frame temporaries
- set MAXREG,22 # d2-d7, a2-a5, fp2-fp7 may have been saved
- global _alloca
- _alloca:
- mov.l (%sp)+,%a0 # return addess
- mov.l (%sp)+,%d0 # number of bytes to allocate
- mov.l %sp,%a1 # save old sp for register copy
- mov.l %sp,%d1 # compute new sp
- sub.l %d0,%d1 # space requested
- and.l &-4,%d1 # round down to longword
- sub.l &MAXREG*4,%d1 # space for saving registers
- mov.l %d1,%sp # save new value of sp
- tst.b PROBE(%sp) # create pages (sigh)
- mov.l %a2,%d1 # save reg a2
- mov.l %sp,%a2
- move.w &MAXREG-1,%d0
- copy_regs_loop: /* save caller's saved registers */
- mov.l (%a1)+,(%a2)+
- dbra %d0,copy_regs_loop
- mov.l %a2,%d0 # return value
- mov.l %d1,%a2 # restore a2
- add.l &-4,%sp # adjust tos
- jmp (%a0) # rts
- #endif /* new hp assembler */
- #else
- #if defined(m68k) || defined(mc68k) /* SGS assembler totally different */
- file "alloca.s"
- global alloca
- alloca:
- /* slightly modified version of alloca to motorola sysV/68 pcc - based
- compiler.
- this compiler saves used regfisters relative to %sp instead of %fp.
- alright, just make new copy of saved register set whenever we allocate
- new space from stack..
- this is true at last until SVR3V5.1 . bug has reported to Motorola. */
- set MAXREG,10 # max no of registers to save (d2-d7, a2-a5)
- mov.l (%sp)+,%a1 # pop return addr from top of stack
- mov.l (%sp)+,%d0 # pop size in bytes from top of stack
- mov.l %sp,%a0 # save stack pointer for register copy
- addq.l &3,%d0 # round size up to long word
- andi.l &-4,%d0 # mask out lower two bits of size
- mov.l %sp,%d1 # compute new value of sp to d1
- sub.l %d0,%d1 # pseudo-allocate by moving stack pointer
- sub.l &MAXREG*4,%d1 # allocate more space for saved regs.
- mov.l %d1,%sp # actual alloaction.
- move.w &MAXREG-1,%d0 # d0 counts saved regs.
- mov.l %a2,%d1 # preserve a2.
- mov.l %sp,%a2 # make pointer to new reg save area.
- copy_regs_loop: # copy stuff from old save area.
- mov.l (%a0)+,(%a2)+ # save saved register
- dbra %d0,copy_regs_loop
- mov.l %a2,%a0 # now a2 is start of allocated space.
- mov.l %a2,%d0 # return it in both a0 and d0 to play safe.
- mov.l %d1,%a2 # restore a2.
- subq.l &4,%sp # new top of stack
- jmp (%a1) # far below normal return
- #else /* not MOTOROLA_DELTA */
- mov.l (%sp)+,%a1 # pop return addr from top of stack
- mov.l (%sp)+,%d0 # pop size in bytes from top of stack
- add.l &R%1,%d0 # round size up to long word
- and.l &-4,%d0 # mask out lower two bits of size
- sub.l %d0,%sp # allocate by moving stack pointer
- tst.b P%1(%sp) # stack probe to allocate pages
- mov.l %sp,%a0 # return pointer as pointer
- mov.l %sp,%d0 # return pointer as int to avoid disaster
- add.l &-4,%sp # new top of stack
- jmp (%a1) # not a normal return
- set S%1,64 # safety factor for C compiler scratch
- set R%1,3+S%1 # add to size for rounding
- set P%1,-132 # probe this far below current top of stack
- #endif /* not MOTOROLA_DELTA */
- #else /* not m68k && not mc68k */
- #ifdef m68000
- #ifdef WICAT
- /*
- * Registers are saved after the corresponding link so we have to explicitly
- * move them to the top of the stack where they are expected to be.
- * Since we do not know how many registers were saved in the calling function
- * we must assume the maximum possible (d2-d7,a2-a5). Hence, we end up
- * wasting some space on the stack.
- *
- * The large probe (tst.b) attempts to make up for the fact that we have
- * potentially used up the space that the caller probed for its own needs.
- */
- .procss m0
- .config "68000 1"
- .module _alloca
- MAXREG: .const 10
- .sect text
- .global _alloca
- _alloca:
- move.l (sp)+,a1 ; pop return address
- move.l (sp)+,d0 ; pop allocation size
- move.l sp,d1 ; get current SP value
- sub.l d0,d1 ; adjust to reflect required size...
- sub.l #MAXREG*4,d1 ; ...and space needed for registers
- and.l #-4,d1 ; backup to longword boundry
- move.l sp,a0 ; save old SP value for register copy
- move.l d1,sp ; set the new SP value
- tst.b -4096(sp) ; grab an extra page (to cover caller)
- move.l a2,d1 ; save callers register
- move.l sp,a2
- move.w #MAXREG-1,d0 ; # of longwords to copy
- loop: move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ; copy registers...
- dbra d0,loop ; ...til there are no more
- move.l a2,d0 ; end of register area is addr for new space
- move.l d1,a2 ; restore saved a2.
- addq.l #4,sp ; caller will increment sp by 4 after return.
- move.l d0,a0 ; return value in both a0 and d0.
- jmp (a1)
- .end _alloca
- #else
- /* Some systems want the _, some do not. Win with both kinds. */
- .globl _alloca
- _alloca:
- .globl alloca
- alloca:
- movl sp@+,a0
- movl a7,d0
- subl sp@,d0
- andl #~3,d0
- movl d0,sp
- tstb sp@(0) /* Make stack pages exist */
- /* Needed on certain systems
- that lack true demand paging */
- addql #4,d0
- jmp a0@
- #endif /* not WICAT */
- #endif /* m68000 */
- #endif /* not m68k */
- #endif /* not hp9000s300 */
- #if defined (ns16000) || defined (ns32000)
- .text
- .align 2
- /* Some systems want the _, some do not. Win with both kinds. */
- .globl _alloca
- _alloca:
- .globl alloca
- alloca:
- /* Two different assembler syntaxes are used for the same code
- on different systems. */
- #ifdef sequent
- #define IM
- #define REGISTER(x) x
- #else
- #ifdef NS5 /* ns SysV assembler */
- #define IM $
- #define REGISTER(x) x
- #else
- #define IM $
- #define REGISTER(x) 0(x)
- #endif
- #endif
- /*
- * The ns16000 is a little more difficult, need to copy regs.
- * Also the code assumes direct linkage call sequence (no mod table crap).
- * We have to copy registers, and therefore waste 32 bytes.
- *
- * Stack layout:
- * new sp -> junk
- * registers (copy)
- * r0 -> new data
- * | (orig retval)
- * | (orig arg)
- * old sp -> regs (orig)
- * local data
- * fp -> old fp
- */
- movd tos,r1 /* pop return addr */
- negd tos,r0 /* pop amount to allocate */
- sprd sp,r2
- addd r2,r0
- bicb IM/**/3,r0 /* 4-byte align */
- lprd sp,r0
- adjspb IM/**/36 /* space for regs, +4 for caller to pop */
- movmd 0(r2),4(sp),IM/**/4 /* copy regs */
- movmd 0x10(r2),0x14(sp),IM/**/4
- jump REGISTER(r1) /* funky return */
- #endif /* ns16000 or ns32000 */
- #ifdef pyramid
- .globl _alloca
- _alloca: addw $3,pr0 # add 3 (dec) to first argument
- bicw $3,pr0 # then clear its last 2 bits
- subw pr0,sp # subtract from SP the val in PR0
- andw $-32,sp # keep sp aligned on multiple of 32.
- movw sp,pr0 # ret. current SP
- ret
- #ifdef PYRAMID_OLD /* This isn't needed in system version 4. */
- .globl __longjmp
- .globl _longjmp
- .globl __setjmp
- .globl _setjmp
- __longjmp: jump _longjmp
- __setjmp: jump _setjmp
- #endif
- #endif /* pyramid */
- #ifdef ATT3B5
- .align 4
- .globl alloca
- alloca:
- movw %ap, %r8
- subw2 $9*4, %r8
- movw 0(%r8), %r1 /* pc */
- movw 4(%r8), %fp
- movw 8(%r8), %sp
- addw2 %r0, %sp /* make room */
- movw %sp, %r0 /* return value */
- jmp (%r1) /* continue... */
- #endif /* ATT3B5 */
- #ifdef XENIX
- .386
- _TEXT segment dword use32 public 'CODE'
- assume cs:_TEXT
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public _alloca
- _alloca proc near
- pop ecx ; return address
- pop eax ; amount to alloc
- add eax,3 ; round it to 32-bit boundary
- and al,11111100B ;
- mov edx,esp ; current sp in edx
- sub edx,eax ; lower the stack
- xchg esp,edx ; start of allocation in esp, old sp in edx
- mov eax,esp ; return ptr to base in eax
- push [edx+8] ; save poss. stored reg. values (esi,edi,ebx)
- push [edx+4] ; on lowered stack
- push [edx] ;
- sub esp,4 ; allow for 'add esp, 4'
- jmp ecx ; jump to return address
- _alloca endp
- _TEXT ends
- end
- #endif /* XENIX */
- #endif /* not HAVE_ALLOCA */