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- /*
- * array.c - routines for associative arrays.
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the
- * AWK Progamming Language.
- *
- * GAWK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GAWK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- * Tree walks (``for (iggy in foo)'') and array deletions use expensive
- * linear searching. So what we do is start out with small arrays and
- * grow them as needed, so that our arrays are hopefully small enough,
- * most of the time, that they're pretty full and we're not looking at
- * wasted space.
- *
- * The decision is made to grow the array if the average chain length is
- * ``too big''. This is defined as the total number of entries in the table
- * divided by the size of the array being greater than some constant.
- */
- #define AVG_CHAIN_MAX 10 /* don't want to linear search more than this */
- #include "awk.h"
- static NODE *assoc_find P((NODE *symbol, NODE *subs, int hash1));
- static void grow_table P((NODE *symbol));
- NODE *
- concat_exp(tree)
- register NODE *tree;
- {
- register NODE *r;
- char *str;
- char *s;
- size_t len;
- int offset;
- size_t subseplen;
- char *subsep;
- if (tree->type != Node_expression_list)
- return force_string(tree_eval(tree));
- r = force_string(tree_eval(tree->lnode));
- if (tree->rnode == NULL)
- return r;
- subseplen = SUBSEP_node->lnode->stlen;
- subsep = SUBSEP_node->lnode->stptr;
- len = r->stlen + subseplen + 2;
- emalloc(str, char *, len, "concat_exp");
- memcpy(str, r->stptr, r->stlen+1);
- s = str + r->stlen;
- free_temp(r);
- tree = tree->rnode;
- while (tree) {
- if (subseplen == 1)
- *s++ = *subsep;
- else {
- memcpy(s, subsep, subseplen+1);
- s += subseplen;
- }
- r = force_string(tree_eval(tree->lnode));
- len += r->stlen + subseplen;
- offset = s - str;
- erealloc(str, char *, len, "concat_exp");
- s = str + offset;
- memcpy(s, r->stptr, r->stlen+1);
- s += r->stlen;
- free_temp(r);
- tree = tree->rnode;
- }
- r = make_str_node(str, s - str, ALREADY_MALLOCED);
- r->flags |= TEMP;
- return r;
- }
- /* Flush all the values in symbol[] before doing a split() */
- void
- assoc_clear(symbol)
- NODE *symbol;
- {
- int i;
- NODE *bucket, *next;
- if (symbol->var_array == 0)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < symbol->array_size; i++) {
- for (bucket = symbol->var_array[i]; bucket; bucket = next) {
- next = bucket->ahnext;
- unref(bucket->ahname);
- unref(bucket->ahvalue);
- freenode(bucket);
- }
- symbol->var_array[i] = 0;
- }
- free(symbol->var_array);
- symbol->var_array = NULL;
- symbol->array_size = symbol->table_size = 0;
- symbol->flags &= ~ARRAYMAXED;
- }
- /*
- * calculate the hash function of the string in subs
- */
- unsigned int
- hash(s, len, hsize)
- register const char *s;
- register size_t len;
- unsigned long hsize;
- {
- register unsigned long h = 0;
- #ifdef this_is_really_slow
- register unsigned long g;
- while (len--) {
- h = (h << 4) + *s++;
- g = (h & 0xf0000000);
- if (g) {
- h = h ^ (g >> 24);
- h = h ^ g;
- }
- }
- #else /* this_is_really_slow */
- /*
- * This is INCREDIBLY ugly, but fast. We break the string up into 8 byte
- * units. On the first time through the loop we get the "leftover bytes"
- * (strlen % 8). On every other iteration, we perform 8 HASHC's so we handle
- * all 8 bytes. Essentially, this saves us 7 cmp & branch instructions. If
- * this routine is heavily used enough, it's worth the ugly coding.
- *
- * OZ's original sdbm hash, copied from Margo Seltzers db package.
- *
- */
- /* Even more speed: */
- /* #define HASHC h = *s++ + 65599 * h */
- /* Because 65599 = pow(2,6) + pow(2,16) - 1 we multiply by shifts */
- #define HASHC htmp = (h << 6); \
- h = *s++ + htmp + (htmp << 10) - h
- unsigned long htmp;
- h = 0;
- #if defined(VAXC)
- /*
- * [This was an implementation of "Duff's Device", but it has been
- * redone, separating the switch for extra iterations from the loop.
- * This is necessary because the DEC VAX-C compiler is STOOPID.]
- */
- switch (len & (8 - 1)) {
- case 7: HASHC;
- case 6: HASHC;
- case 5: HASHC;
- case 4: HASHC;
- case 3: HASHC;
- case 2: HASHC;
- case 1: HASHC;
- default: break;
- }
- if (len > (8 - 1)) {
- register size_t loop = len >> 3;
- do {
- } while (--loop);
- }
- #else /* !VAXC */
- /* "Duff's Device" for those who can handle it */
- if (len > 0) {
- register size_t loop = (len + 8 - 1) >> 3;
- switch (len & (8 - 1)) {
- case 0:
- do { /* All fall throughs */
- case 7: HASHC;
- case 6: HASHC;
- case 5: HASHC;
- case 4: HASHC;
- case 3: HASHC;
- case 2: HASHC;
- case 1: HASHC;
- } while (--loop);
- }
- }
- #endif /* !VAXC */
- #endif /* this_is_really_slow - not */
- if (h >= hsize)
- h %= hsize;
- return h;
- }
- /*
- * locate symbol[subs]
- */
- static NODE * /* NULL if not found */
- assoc_find(symbol, subs, hash1)
- NODE *symbol;
- register NODE *subs;
- int hash1;
- {
- register NODE *bucket, *prev = 0;
- for (bucket = symbol->var_array[hash1]; bucket; bucket = bucket->ahnext) {
- if (cmp_nodes(bucket->ahname, subs) == 0) {
- #if 0
- /*
- * Disable this code for now. It screws things up if we have
- * a ``for (iggy in foo)'' in progress. Interestingly enough,
- * this was not a problem in 2.15.3, only in 2.15.4. I'm not
- * sure why it works in 2.15.3.
- */
- if (prev) { /* move found to front of chain */
- prev->ahnext = bucket->ahnext;
- bucket->ahnext = symbol->var_array[hash1];
- symbol->var_array[hash1] = bucket;
- }
- #endif
- return bucket;
- } else
- prev = bucket; /* save previous list entry */
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * test whether the array element symbol[subs] exists or not
- */
- int
- in_array(symbol, subs)
- NODE *symbol, *subs;
- {
- register int hash1;
- if (symbol->type == Node_param_list)
- symbol = stack_ptr[symbol->param_cnt];
- if (symbol->var_array == 0)
- return 0;
- subs = concat_exp(subs); /* concat_exp returns a string node */
- hash1 = hash(subs->stptr, subs->stlen, (unsigned long) symbol->array_size);
- if (assoc_find(symbol, subs, hash1) == NULL) {
- free_temp(subs);
- return 0;
- } else {
- free_temp(subs);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * SYMBOL is the address of the node (or other pointer) being dereferenced.
- * SUBS is a number or string used as the subscript.
- *
- * Find SYMBOL[SUBS] in the assoc array. Install it with value "" if it
- * isn't there. Returns a pointer ala get_lhs to where its value is stored
- */
- NODE **
- assoc_lookup(symbol, subs)
- NODE *symbol, *subs;
- {
- register int hash1;
- register NODE *bucket;
- (void) force_string(subs);
- if (symbol->var_array == 0) {
- symbol->type = Node_var_array;
- symbol->array_size = symbol->table_size = 0; /* sanity */
- symbol->flags &= ~ARRAYMAXED;
- grow_table(symbol);
- hash1 = hash(subs->stptr, subs->stlen,
- (unsigned long) symbol->array_size);
- } else {
- hash1 = hash(subs->stptr, subs->stlen,
- (unsigned long) symbol->array_size);
- bucket = assoc_find(symbol, subs, hash1);
- if (bucket != NULL) {
- free_temp(subs);
- return &(bucket->ahvalue);
- }
- }
- /* It's not there, install it. */
- if (do_lint && subs->stlen == 0)
- warning("subscript of array `%s' is null string",
- symbol->vname);
- /* first see if we would need to grow the array, before installing */
- symbol->table_size++;
- if ((symbol->flags & ARRAYMAXED) == 0
- && symbol->table_size/symbol->array_size > AVG_CHAIN_MAX) {
- grow_table(symbol);
- /* have to recompute hash value for new size */
- hash1 = hash(subs->stptr, subs->stlen,
- (unsigned long) symbol->array_size);
- }
- getnode(bucket);
- bucket->type = Node_ahash;
- if (subs->flags & TEMP)
- bucket->ahname = dupnode(subs);
- else {
- unsigned int saveflags = subs->flags;
- subs->flags &= ~MALLOC;
- bucket->ahname = dupnode(subs);
- subs->flags = saveflags;
- }
- free_temp(subs);
- /* array subscripts are strings */
- bucket->ahname->flags &= ~NUMBER;
- bucket->ahname->flags |= STRING;
- bucket->ahvalue = Nnull_string;
- bucket->ahnext = symbol->var_array[hash1];
- symbol->var_array[hash1] = bucket;
- return &(bucket->ahvalue);
- }
- void
- do_delete(symbol, tree)
- NODE *symbol, *tree;
- {
- register int hash1;
- register NODE *bucket, *last;
- NODE *subs;
- if (symbol->type == Node_param_list)
- symbol = stack_ptr[symbol->param_cnt];
- if (symbol->var_array == 0)
- return;
- subs = concat_exp(tree); /* concat_exp returns string node */
- hash1 = hash(subs->stptr, subs->stlen, (unsigned long) symbol->array_size);
- last = NULL;
- for (bucket = symbol->var_array[hash1]; bucket; last = bucket, bucket = bucket->ahnext)
- if (cmp_nodes(bucket->ahname, subs) == 0)
- break;
- free_temp(subs);
- if (bucket == NULL)
- return;
- if (last)
- last->ahnext = bucket->ahnext;
- else
- symbol->var_array[hash1] = bucket->ahnext;
- unref(bucket->ahname);
- unref(bucket->ahvalue);
- freenode(bucket);
- symbol->table_size--;
- if (symbol->table_size <= 0) {
- memset(symbol->var_array, '\0',
- sizeof(NODE *) * symbol->array_size);
- symbol->table_size = symbol->array_size = 0;
- symbol->flags &= ~ARRAYMAXED;
- free((char *) symbol->var_array);
- symbol->var_array = NULL;
- }
- }
- void
- assoc_scan(symbol, lookat)
- NODE *symbol;
- struct search *lookat;
- {
- lookat->sym = symbol;
- lookat->idx = 0;
- lookat->bucket = NULL;
- lookat->retval = NULL;
- if (symbol->var_array != NULL)
- assoc_next(lookat);
- }
- void
- assoc_next(lookat)
- struct search *lookat;
- {
- register NODE *symbol = lookat->sym;
- if (symbol == NULL)
- fatal("null symbol in assoc_next");
- if (symbol->var_array == NULL || lookat->idx > symbol->array_size) {
- lookat->retval = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /*
- * This is theoretically unsafe. The element bucket might have
- * been freed if the body of the scan did a delete on the next
- * element of the bucket. The only way to do that is by array
- * reference, which is unlikely. Basically, if the user is doing
- * anything other than an operation on the current element of an
- * assoc array while walking through it sequentially, all bets are
- * off. (The safe way is to register all search structs on an
- * array with the array, and update all of them on a delete or
- * insert)
- */
- if (lookat->bucket != NULL) {
- lookat->retval = lookat->bucket->ahname;
- lookat->bucket = lookat->bucket->ahnext;
- return;
- }
- for (; lookat->idx < symbol->array_size; lookat->idx++) {
- NODE *bucket;
- if ((bucket = symbol->var_array[lookat->idx]) != NULL) {
- lookat->retval = bucket->ahname;
- lookat->bucket = bucket->ahnext;
- lookat->idx++;
- return;
- }
- }
- lookat->retval = NULL;
- lookat->bucket = NULL;
- return;
- }
- /* grow_table --- grow a hash table */
- static void
- grow_table(symbol)
- NODE *symbol;
- {
- NODE **old, **new, *chain, *next;
- int i, j;
- unsigned long hash1;
- unsigned long oldsize, newsize;
- /*
- * This is an array of primes. We grow the table by an order of
- * magnitude each time (not just doubling) so that growing is a
- * rare operation. We expect, on average, that it won't happen
- * more than twice. The final size is also chosen to be small
- * enough so that MS-DOG mallocs can handle it. When things are
- * very large (> 8K), we just double more or less, instead of
- * just jumping from 8K to 64K.
- */
- static long sizes[] = { 13, 127, 1021, 8191, 16381, 32749, 65497 };
- /* find next biggest hash size */
- oldsize = symbol->array_size;
- newsize = 0;
- for (i = 0, j = sizeof(sizes)/sizeof(sizes[0]); i < j; i++) {
- if (oldsize < sizes[i]) {
- newsize = sizes[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (newsize == oldsize) { /* table already at max (!) */
- symbol->flags |= ARRAYMAXED;
- return;
- }
- /* allocate new table */
- emalloc(new, NODE **, newsize * sizeof(NODE *), "grow_table");
- memset(new, '\0', newsize * sizeof(NODE *));
- /* brand new hash table, set things up and return */
- if (symbol->var_array == NULL) {
- symbol->table_size = 0;
- goto done;
- }
- /* old hash table there, move stuff to new, free old */
- old = symbol->var_array;
- for (i = 0; i < oldsize; i++) {
- if (old[i] == NULL)
- continue;
- for (chain = old[i]; chain != NULL; chain = next) {
- next = chain->ahnext;
- hash1 = hash(chain->ahname->stptr,
- chain->ahname->stlen, newsize);
- /* remove from old list, add to new */
- chain->ahnext = new[hash1];
- new[hash1] = chain;
- }
- }
- free(old);
- done:
- /*
- * note that symbol->table_size does not change if an old array,
- * and is explicitly set to 0 if a new one.
- */
- symbol->var_array = new;
- symbol->array_size = newsize;
- }