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- /*
- * vms_fwrite.c - augmentation for the fwrite() function.
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1993 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the
- * AWK Progamming Language.
- *
- * GAWK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GAWK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include "awk.h" /* really "../awk.h" */
- #ifndef NO_TTY_FWRITE
- #include "vms.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #pragma builtins /* VAXC V3.0 & up */
- # define find_c(s,n,c) ((n) - _LOCC((c),(n),(s)))
- #else /*VAXC_BUILTINS*/
- static int find_c( const char *s, int n, char c ) {
- register const char *t = (const char *)memchr(s, c, n);
- return (t == 0 ? n : t - s); /* 0..n-1, or n if not found */
- }
- #endif /*VAXC_BUILTINS*/
- #define is_stdout(file_no) ((file_no) == 1) /* fileno(stdout) */
- #define is_stderr(file_no) ((file_no) == 2) /* fileno(stderr) */
- #define PREFIX_CR 0x008D0000 /* leading carriage return */
- #define POSTFIX_CR 0x8D000000 /* trailing carriage return (=> lf/cr) */
- static short channel[_NFILE] = {0};
- static FILE *prev_file = 0;
- static int prev_file_num;
- /*
- * VAXCRTL's fwrite() seems to flush after every character when
- * writing to a terminal. This routine is a limited functionality
- * substitute that is *much* faster. However, calls to fwrite()
- * should not be mixed with other stdio calls to the same file
- * unless fflush() is always called first. Also, this routine
- * will not detect that a freopen() call has finished with the
- * original terminal; tty_fclose() should be used to close a file.
- */
- #ifdef fwrite
- # undef fwrite
- #endif
- /* tty_fwrite() - performance hack for fwrite() to a terminal */
- size_t
- tty_fwrite( const void *buf, size_t size, size_t number, FILE *file )
- {
- static long evfn = -1;
- short chan;
- int file_num, result;
- if (!file || !*file)
- return 0 * (errno = EBADF); /* kludge alert! */
- else if (file == prev_file)
- file_num = prev_file_num;
- else /* note: VAXCRTL's fileno() is a function, not just a macro */
- prev_file_num = file_num = fileno(file), prev_file = file;
- chan = file_num < _NFILE ? channel[file_num] : -1;
- if (chan == 0) { /* if not initialized, need to assign a channel */
- if (isatty(file_num) > 0) { /* isatty: 1=yes, 0=no, -1=problem */
- Dsc device;
- char devnam[255+1];
- fgetname(file, devnam); /* get 'file's name */
- device.len = strlen(device.adr = devnam); /* create descriptor */
- if (vmswork(SYS$ASSIGN(&device, &chan, 0, (Dsc *)0))) {
- /* get an event flag; use #0 if problem */
- if (evfn == -1 && vmsfail(LIB$GET_EF(&evfn))) evfn = 0;
- } else chan = 0; /* $ASSIGN failed */
- }
- /* store channel for later use; -1 => don't repeat failed init attempt */
- channel[file_num] = (chan > 0 ? chan : -1);
- }
- if (chan > 0) { /* chan > 0 iff 'file' is a terminal */
- struct _iosbw { u_short status, count; u_long rt_kludge; } iosb;
- register u_long sts = 1;
- register char *pt = (char *)buf;
- register int offset, pos, count = size * number;
- u_long cc_fmt, io_func = IO$_WRITEVBLK;
- int extra = 0;
- result = 0;
- if (is_stderr(file_num)) /* if it's SYS$ERROR (stderr)... */
- io_func |= IO$M_CANCTRLO; /* cancel ^O (resume tty output) */
- while (count > 0) {
- /* special handling for line-feeds to make them be 'newlines' */
- offset = 0;
- if (*pt == '\n') { /* got at least one leading line-feed */
- cc_fmt = PREFIX_CR, extra++; /* precede 1st LF with a CR */
- do offset++;
- while (offset < count && *(pt + offset) == '\n');
- } else
- cc_fmt = 0;
- /* look for another line-feed; if found, break line there */
- pos = offset + find_c(pt + offset, count - offset, '\n');
- if (pos >= BUFSIZ) pos = BUFSIZ - 1; /* throttle quota usage */
- else if (pos < count) pos++, cc_fmt |= POSTFIX_CR, extra++;
- /* wait for previous write, if any, to complete */
- if (pt > (char *)buf) {
- sts = SYS$SYNCH(evfn, &iosb);
- if (vmswork(sts)) sts = iosb.status, result += iosb.count;
- if (vmsfail(sts)) break;
- }
- /* queue an asynchronous write */
- sts = SYS$QIO(evfn, chan, io_func, &iosb, (void (*)())0, 0L,
- pt, pos, 0, cc_fmt, 0, 0);
- if (vmsfail(sts)) break; /*(should never happen)*/
- pt += pos, count -= pos;
- }
- /* wait for last write to complete */
- if (pt > (char *)buf && vmswork(sts)) {
- sts = SYS$SYNCH(evfn, &iosb);
- if (vmswork(sts)) sts = iosb.status, result += iosb.count;
- }
- if (vmsfail(sts)) errno = EVMSERR, vaxc$errno = sts;
- else if (iosb.rt_kludge == 0) result = number + extra;
- result -= extra; /* subtract the additional carriage-returns */
- } else { /* use stdio */
- /* Note: we assume that we're writing text, not binary data.
- For stream format files, 'size' and 'number' are effectively
- interchangable, and fwrite works fine. However, for record
- format files, 'size' governs the maximum record length, so
- fwrite(string, size(char), strlen(string), file)
- will produce a sequence of 1-byte records, which is hardly
- what we want in this (assumed) situation. Line-feeds ('\n')
- are converted into newlines (ie, record separators) by the
- run-time library, but strings that don't end with a newline
- still become separate records. The simplest work around
- is just to use fputs() instead of fwrite(); unfortunately,
- we have to provide special treatment for NULs ('\0's).
- At present, only stdout might be in record format (via
- >$'filename' redirection on the command line).
- */
- if (size > 1) { /* not used by GAWK */
- result = fwrite((void *)buf, size, number, file);
- } else if (*((char *)buf + number - 1) == '\n' || !is_stdout(file_num)) {
- result = fwrite((void *)buf, number, size, file);
- result = result * number / size; /*(same as 'result = number')*/
- } else {
- #ifdef NO_ALLOCA
- # define alloca(n) ((n) <= abuf_siz ? abuf : \
- (abuf_siz > 0 ? (void *)free(abuf) : (void *)0), \
- (abuf = malloc(abuf_siz = (n)+20)))
- static void *abuf = 0;
- static size_t abuf_siz = 0;
- #endif /*NO_ALLOCA*/
- register char *pt = (char *)buf;
- register int pos, count = number;
- if (pt[count] != '\0') { /*(out of bounds, but relatively safe)*/
- pt = (char *)alloca(count + 1);
- memcpy(pt, buf, count), pt[count] = '\0';
- /* if exiting this block undoes the alloca(), we're hosed :-( */
- }
- result = 0;
- while (count > 0) {
- pos = find_c(pt, count, '\0');
- if (fputs(pt, file) < 0) break;
- if (pos < count) {
- if (fputc('\0', file) < 0) break;
- pos++; /* 0..n-1 -> 1..n */
- }
- result += pos, pt += pos, count -= pos;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- #define fwrite(b,s,n,f) tty_fwrite((b),(s),(n),(f))
- #ifdef fclose
- # undef fclose
- #endif
- /* tty_fclose() - keep tty_fwrite() up to date when closing a file */
- int
- tty_fclose( FILE *file )
- {
- if (file && *file) { /* note: VAXCRTL stdio has extra level of indirection */
- int file_num = fileno(file);
- short chan = file_num < _NFILE ? channel[file_num] : -1;
- if (chan > 0)
- (void)SYS$DASSGN(chan); /* deassign the channel (ie, close) */
- if (file_num < _NFILE)
- channel[file_num] = 0; /* clear stale info */
- }
- prev_file = 0; /* force tty_fwrite() to reset */
- return fclose(file);
- }
- #define fclose(f) tty_fclose(f)
- #endif /*!NO_TTY_FWRITE*/