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- /*
- * vms_gawk.c -- parse GAWK command line using DCL syntax ]
- */
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1993 the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the
- * AWK Progamming Language.
- *
- * GAWK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * GAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GAWK; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- * vms_gawk.c - routines to parse the command line as a native DCL command
- * rather than as a foreign command string.
- * Pat Rankin, Nov'89
- * [ revised for 2.12, May'91 ]
- */
- #include "awk.h"
- #include "vms.h"
- #define COMMAND_NAME "GAWK" /* verb name & for 'usage' message(s) */
- #define USAGE_PROG_RQRD 1
- #define USAGE_FILE_RQRD 2
- #define USAGE_BAD_COMBO 3
- #define USAGE_RUN_CMD 4
- #define STS$M_INHIB_MSG 0x10000000
- #define Present(arg) vmswork(Cli_Present(arg))
- #define Get_Value(arg,buf,siz) vmswork(Cli_Get_Value(arg,buf,siz))
- extern void gawk_cmd(); /* created with $ SET COMMAND/OBJECT */
- #define GAWK_CMD ((const void *)gawk_cmd)
- extern void _exit(int);
- static int vms_usage(int);
- #define ARG_SIZ 250
- union arg_w_prefix { /* structure used to simplify prepending of "-" */
- char value[2+ARG_SIZ+1];
- struct {
- char prefix[2]; /* for "-?" */
- char buf[ARG_SIZ];
- char suffix[1]; /* room for '\0' */
- } arg;
- };
- #define chk_option(qualifier,optname) \
- if (Present(qualifier)) \
- strcat(strcat(buf.arg.buf, W_cnt++ ? "," : ""), optname)
- /* vms_gawk() - parse GAWK command line using DCL and convert it into the */
- /* appropriate "-arg" values for compatability with GNU code */
- int
- vms_gawk()
- {
- u_long sts;
- union arg_w_prefix buf;
- char misc_args[10], *misc_argp;
- int argc, W_cnt;
- /* check "GAWK_P1"--it's required; its presence will tip us off */
- sts = Cli_Present("GAWK_P1");
- if (CondVal(sts) == CondVal(CLI$_SYNTAX)) {
- /* syntax error indicates that we weren't invoked as a native DCL
- command, so we'll now attempt to generate a command from the
- foreign command string and parse that.
- */
- sts = Cli_Parse_Command(GAWK_CMD, COMMAND_NAME);
- if (vmswork(sts))
- sts = Cli_Present("GAWK_P1");
- }
- if (vmswork(sts)) /* command parsed successfully */
- v_add_arg(argc = 0, COMMAND_NAME); /* save "GAWK" as argv[0] */
- else if (CondVal(sts) == CondVal(CLI$_INSFPRM))
- return vms_usage(USAGE_FILE_RQRD); /* insufficient parameters */
- else if (CondVal(sts) == CondVal(CLI$_CONFLICT))
- return vms_usage(USAGE_BAD_COMBO); /* conflicting qualifiers (/input+/command) */
- else if (CondVal(sts) == CondVal(CLI$_RUNUSED))
- return vms_usage(USAGE_RUN_CMD); /* RUN GAWK won't work (no command line) */
- else
- return 0; /* forced to rely on original parsing */
- if (Present("USAGE")) /* give usage message and quit */
- return vms_usage(0);
- else if (! (Present("PROGRAM") || Present("PROGFILE")) )
- return vms_usage(USAGE_PROG_RQRD); /* missing required option */
- misc_argp = misc_args;
- *misc_argp++ = '-'; /* now points at &misc_args[1] */
- #if 0 /* as of 2.12, -a and -e are obsolete */
- if (Present("REG_EXPR")) {
- if (Present("REG_EXPR.AWK")) /* /reg_exp=awk -> -a */
- *misc_argp++ = 'a';
- else if (Present("REG_EXPR.EGREP") /* /reg_exp=egrep -> -e */
- || Present("REG_EXPR.POSIX")) /* /reg_exp=posix -> -e */
- *misc_argp++ = 'e';
- }
- #endif /* 0 */
- #if 0 /* gawk 2.11.1 */
- if (Present("STRICT")) /* /strict -> -c */
- *misc_argp++ = 'c';
- if (Present("COPYRIGHT")) /* /copyright -> -C */
- *misc_argp++ = 'C';
- if (Present("VERSION")) /* /version -> -V */
- *misc_argp++ = 'V';
- #else /* gawk 2.12 and later */
- W_cnt = 0, buf.arg.buf[0] = '\0';
- strncpy(buf.arg.prefix, "-W", 2);
- chk_option("LINT","lint");
- chk_option("POSIX","posix");
- chk_option("STRICT","compat");
- chk_option("COPYRIGHT","copyright");
- chk_option("VERSION","version");
- if (W_cnt > 0) /* got something */
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- #endif /*0*/
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (Present("DEBUG")) {
- #if 0
- int both = Present("DEBUG.ALL");
- if (both || Present("DEBUG.EXECUTION"))
- *misc_argp++ = 'd';
- if (both || Present("DEBUG.PARSE"))
- #endif
- *misc_argp++ = 'D';
- }
- #endif
- *misc_argp = '\0'; /* terminate misc_args[] */
- if (misc_argp > &misc_args[1]) /* got something */
- v_add_arg(++argc, misc_args); /* store it/them */
- if (Present("FIELD_SEP")) { /* field separator */
- strncpy(buf.arg.prefix, "-F", 2);
- if (Get_Value("FIELD_SEP", buf.arg.buf, sizeof buf.arg.buf))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- }
- if (Present("VARIABLES")) { /* variables to init prior to BEGIN */
- strncpy(buf.arg.prefix, "-v", 2);
- while (Get_Value("VARIABLES", buf.arg.buf, sizeof buf.arg.buf))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- }
- if (Present("PROGFILE")) { /* program files, /input=file -> -f file */
- strncpy(buf.arg.prefix, "-f", 2);
- while (Get_Value("PROGFILE", buf.arg.buf, sizeof buf.arg.buf))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- v_add_arg(++argc, "--");
- } else if (Present("PROGRAM")) { /* program text, /program -> 'text' */
- v_add_arg(++argc, "--");
- if (Get_Value("PROGRAM", buf.value, sizeof buf.value))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- }
- /* we know that "GAWK_P1" is present [data files and/or 'var=value'] */
- while (Get_Value("GAWK_P1", buf.value, sizeof buf.value))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- if (Present("OUTPUT")) { /* let other parser treat this as 'stdout' */
- strncpy(buf.arg.prefix, ">$", 2);
- if (Get_Value("OUTPUT", buf.arg.buf, sizeof buf.arg.buf))
- v_add_arg(++argc, strdup(buf.value));
- }
- return ++argc; /*(increment to account for arg[0])*/
- }
- /* vms_usage() - display one or more messages and then terminate */
- static int /* note: doesn't return anything; allows 'return vms_usage()' */
- vms_usage( int complaint )
- {
- static const char
- *usage_txt = "\n\
- usage: %s /COMMANDS=\"awk program text\" data_file[,data_file,...] \n\
- or %s /INPUT=awk_file data_file[,\"Var=value\",data_file,...] \n\
- or %s /INPUT=(awk_file1,awk_file2,...) data_file[,...] \n\
- ",
- *options_txt = "\n\
- options: /FIELD_SEPARATOR=\"FS_value\" \n\
- - /VARIABLES=(\"Var1=value1\",\"Var2=value2\",...) \n\
- - /OUTPUT=out_file \n\
- ",
- *no_prog = "missing required element: /COMMANDS or /INPUT",
- *no_file = "missing required element: data_file \n\
- (use \"SYS$INPUT:\" to read data lines from the terminal)",
- *bad_combo = "invalid combination of qualifiers \n\
- (/INPUT=awk_file and /COMMANDS=\"awk program\" are mutually exclusive)",
- *run_used = "\"RUN\" was used; required command components missing";
- int status, argc;
- fflush(stdout);
- switch (complaint) {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%%%s-W-%s, %s \n", COMMAND_NAME, "PROG_RQRD", no_prog);
- break;
- if (Present("USAGE")) {
- status = 1; /* clean exit */
- } else if (Present("COPYRIGHT") || Present("VERSION")) {
- v_add_arg(argc=0, COMMAND_NAME); /* save "GAWK" as argv[0] */
- #if 0
- v_add_arg(++argc, Present("COPYRIGHT") ? "-C" : "-V");
- #else
- v_add_arg(++argc, "-W");
- v_add_arg(++argc, Present("COPYRIGHT") ? "copyright" : "version");
- #endif
- v_add_arg(++argc, "{}"); /* kludge to suppress 'usage' */
- v_add_arg(++argc, "NL:"); /* dummy input for kludge */
- return ++argc; /* count argv[0] too */
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%%%s-W-%s, %s \n", COMMAND_NAME, "FILE_RQRD", no_file);
- }
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%%%s-W-%s, %s \n", COMMAND_NAME, "BAD_COMBO", bad_combo);
- break;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%%%s-W-%s, %s \n", COMMAND_NAME, "RUN_CMD", run_used);
- break;
- default:
- status = 1;
- break;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, usage_txt, COMMAND_NAME, COMMAND_NAME, COMMAND_NAME);
- fprintf(stderr, options_txt);
- fflush(stderr);
- errno = EVMSERR;
- vaxc$errno = status;
- _exit(status);
- return 0;
- }